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Whitby Chronicle, 24 Dec 1857, p. 4

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004,au nahlhihcon- 4b; ý 4, "IcJn, ppyt 4uhIf C onels UEO. WLLÂO41 atusim ahelTown et Portfnopm, vlthhFurni. ote, eau. 1h le sogreeély neIl sryte l=lggo ed pdSâuu, a more deWOirble JOHN HEAD pmt Ilope, Nov. 10, 1837. 4 B1OUSE FOR SALEI A oodtwo @ory Bick ouse at r4t-t-Win(lc vî_ ihiitthe -I~-MaeIpalîyoÊîli Town Of wi- by.Il cnains 8 aprments with a good CUlrdantiintery. There 4~sg~d andat*xc$eit pump.- 'Ias--Oe Ilth sh down, lth. balance to suit th covenluace of pîîrnhfflîs. 1P« We or toLut TH~E WilTarfSTZEAJI MILLI CHTWO XtUN OF STORM, AËL emltland ntiettbe gearlngtfor th ,l.pft b , wîlh*;àspower )Misb8wam n oMt. r Wtour P!ýh Ofau n O C iththeMWI. Apply WlILAm wtierr. Oon thePromias. VoeuLZ bove Io hbsstNUy itu- Mod, as te id* sOf tb. laté Wm. so NudWood;-bos 06ho.theeon. J e lP T 8~ B8LAVKMMU JIWANTEU. A?'DELL'R 4XIRNEÉRS, &gondt tcsdy wcrk- 4 .aqBokaeitili-.ne vio cen do horfe afingud suitti voi-kIlu genet-al, voulît de a Uurv ln e sn lthe lecsiiy. TO RENT9 TBKLL'8 COINERs , a tek»niit'viSite Afntpjf;hed yll b. LottliOte Blacksmît o amuwrleng the Ibregolug requirencnts. Apply b . O.BOWIS, Nosa Clou. Plekenln% tTO'LeT. -t eNbbot businespartofethue i Ttîvn cfWiltbj, thte NEW BRICK STORE, lately arected 1bY J. ArnnalI, oiug at pisent lu tie oecupatiouu o! Mi-. BIelI. ThîetShost la are antirooiy, »d as lin. hanutsonaeat ta-ocf sny ether un 1ILT.wa.nTeres MdoubleCooterut. Thie tiper <putho! tise building eau ho lat vi" the 4LSO, FOR SUI, 1. TWO &RES ()y L&N», ahe limeogbbonhoeti ofM)r. AIutroug'aprcperuy, osf Dundas Street, ou wasnsusors.JOIN ARNALL. Whialby, ochober 2,1837. 41 HOTEL TO LET. A 4T Lbe Vllage of Greenwood,lbst vellknovn 1Iu, the -i exSflbotaeuwuuotiat, gooe t& bllng ithi* saisVllIa«o, hla 9goLd ul*qaownuty vili o be l uh the fore- ,qGre~,Apply te JAMES GEDDES, -Ovuer, A udley 'P.,Pcielg t Or; W. XA èijAOLUGH, - ecwodjNv. brd, 1857. 42 TO LWT. Tw- - la t trons'vel- adeptdfor offies, tAfitvoatSvslldlnp14,Brook Street, soutit sud.1 BRnimoderato. tJ.i.DN LON &Cc. 1WOY, P 7e. - »AZAAR I-J 1 BO FE t4woth o tin Ciuure nre. '»th 4t&ut whe theYimillý ,fr front, j htqoamleu Bartb, a,%c, ûje h tten- y.The doogayUl b. W mu , iiDm Wnm"t uifVEJ$T. mmL Isn tnebted tg John sProdtoot, wýiripla" t'O udW itlhbeqr accountî lothDm,,hi o po ln uitfor eolleetlon.« i.. h »JOHN PROUDFOOT. Port Whuhby, Nov. 28, 1857. 46 NOTICER TO CREDITOItS. Ylrtue of a doed of Aigmmnt, boarlng "Ioyemb.r i1tbi, 1857, the.iudm4ugtu- Od«*cy sppont.d Anugaeus On the. s- tâté of PRINULE, DANDELS& Co. Zc¶>.num busin.PssM lb.Vilage of Uxbridge, prtie tito uner h . 85 M&mitruly boeoro Pàrd thwto, ndertheooridit1ona hherein utI fiuehh bMbS he &MO ldsy ci FParM, Ai.. 18MBélid &1ud of Auigunt now lieu mit the W1tky, for signature, of which .il putes te mrqué«d ho take nogSo. NATI PRINOLE, - NOHHUCKINS, CÀàxzào,, Mcxugu. & Dàrix, Novenber 14, 1857. 44 MOTIE TO vRI>rr MR. B y virtlue or a deed ci aMniri eut bering 1>dAte (Jctober 3met, 1.57, the . indcrmigued were duly alpoifited tsigileem fur the Ettre <joui aud î'ersonal) cf HRenry Daniels, -Of tuie Village of liueklin, nirclaijt, for the henefit of RMICII penen>ll. w plai bttcoinu jnrtie4% therete, under the oondition,. theennet forth bbethe îlot daV et* Detemi-4-ýr, ls.i',7aid ded t m nliift loW liem ut the Mle f c:Meon vdnel& Dartneill.,oIics Witby, for signature, of>rhIiclïiiail partiio. in- tarestod mart rquexted te take notiee. J. S. M. WILLCOX, CALVIN VCAMPIIELI, Ausanema C AMiuaNt, MACffismnA. t&t'DiAR-cia, Soliciters, Whithy. November Itth, 1857. NOICJE. 48-lutti Y~ o M81'hubtanad Pannerx. .~ T lE wberiber bege te ai-iclut bis flendu T anEd Ite -u ble generaliy, Ibal h. hma alen &he .rà M, kuovu as*lte RENZ' MIL LS, andi Shr ly oceuploît ly Mr. F, loare, flue Brookia, sud froinhis long and voii kuovu espuerln b buerm noo uWhitby, hope.by sbaçUelspuic ntid pîiuetality, toeret a Pham. O<~1II~.1es.<O.larticuler ataetion palt W- Kerchants, Fanmersansd elboi s ahf ho gel tbeir Whest Flonreutin ISb. dwulu i% llberaliy. A cul] sM ioblige H. 'N. NEVILLK. Whîtby, I'u'.ember tfth, 18-5'7. 4 14 0T i vEB HA'VING puee lt e tlré stock ct Il Dni"elu &CO7., vith an addiion of ffl ANew Stook, 49- vo flatter ourcels-es thut vo osn;gl-e entine ctis tueto oaul Who umr a%'tai- i mlii cati. 3OSEPilII UCItLIS & ceo. Bro>klun, nveutab.n 101h, ta-S7. 48 IEXECUTORS9 NOTICE. taLL prsone bnsing claitate agauc luithe 4-- A Ltae luit t -JAMES TWEEDIE, arc e rquesle t teproeont ttemtgte)lte uideuuiun- eti fr selîlemnent - anutil pegnsn tdebe tut thie estat o e lte i i utcTw«itn, amr,-m uetodt t uuake îcutuacthte pacvuoeutte te ui- ,er*ugied. lly ondin eithIe Extentons. - R. J. GUNN. Whllby, Nov. 14th, 1847. 44-6w. r uiat paytet îti-ec eoi lulam gebeflelti, Ag uu nt jeat he Store Itely occupît ly 1,il JOHN BONVLES, Octoee 201h, 1857. 40-tf. NOTICE. .CALL AT ONCE AND SAVE COSU! il T IlE -3:sgnS ofR. . Iâvderhave Imxenct- au Attoney fr ll oail deltsanan scouut* due the Liste, ubas set-ied imme»distely. - THIOMAS KOODY, Wliby, May 27t1î, 1857. - 1 TAXE NOTICE. A Lt ucenuts due te 1h. underaignedyand nupatît betore the 10th if DenÏnder nixt., vHIii l haded over ho au Atorney ihn colion. lion. TUOMAS C LACE. Whllby, NOV. lbu, 1857. 48 CIRCULAIS. rj RE Subàettben, on retit-bng fron thte Mer- i- cotl.usins, begua te rotin thanko te bas numeoos customens sud Irieuida for the lii,- oral support gis-en te o uviel h % I uuinees.A' lie hasteluforni all liante ndebted to iniîy Book Acc<,uais Not*o or Mortgafe., Nov dvo sud pat due, that ho iirè largo psy- moentsa1ta meu t aerhy dut-eu auid thate ing te tb. rur e i Mon.y malterg, Ilt 6nocessery for finite mSeet hetoMme - andttenabie hinito do se, ho le oliged te Insit ou immediate pav- mient o! &U miaatae-duaote laitau5otîtle fe viIt bc oblg*4t o band lb.eraue te- le ALlen- bey for collection Without Piirther - Notce, vitieb iti&e nI bhis vlsit te do, and diffoet frei t» b l i therto tient; but froun lie pre"tl sppe.ruîc a pymueutn,, hoe muetasay, Ihal m0 for bcame, noothor courgnsleftbunt te purasue. lHatrusteIliat ail Ili s. lthe ne- oeslty eofallPdlug te ttis sud su-e"a Rie. - WILLIAM LAING. Whilby,ýOctOber 27, lSfl?- 41 NO0 T 1i C IE ~( MIElnotlb.enclosure of lhe Bob- sniiber, on lnla oti eCo». ot Bnmck %tn the-Itht cf Qctber laet, a LIGJIT GREY MAR aient 5 yeuurolti antais Ie,- Tii.owaèr eaubave ner ly protlug properly anti peylng echarges. GEORGE HADDEX. BrookNoa-'0 1:l 0. cOOOLS. PJ999001UPUC CLAMS. r ELCK E 'He ubuerW.-bjfl- anoanctimtea Tnogrc tefliol et bit usêWiil~aI. iia W$aiq o Îw ,Bo he X ousyeuh laiiuary. 1S,cW b*m*-éd asuhe se. o at lId3rtloii untudop *ta'* It tw pod l t rlmhea ù& unbstyla o1 iioit. -W U apl4vatae anuuihtrme tO te tw. ""*-nom_____ - ~~; VÂLVABLB PEOPEiITY FOR SALE ITLL BE 5_PlD By PEWATE 5ALY, Thre- tory Brick Buflilng, 001W1A1N1W0TfitST APAiknifls, altuated on the, North, Side of Firut Sht, lm kown an S"llbury's Brick Bloua., with thr.o-efghtha oftan Aue. of I" Ud ttced. TIi.,.ina agocd B=r And snitalle Out-bulidingu on 'the Prnil- au. Alio haif Acre Lot on SOnth Blde of FIrst Strt, il pedid Gardon, Shrnbberl, &c., oni.Al il ibl d togtlir, or to sunit pur- chenssr, on resemonble terme. For pautknulars Apply tb the nndeoeWnod., THOMAS SAILSBURY, On the Premisea. Port Whuîhy, July 27, 1857. 28 '~Weekly Globe copy tli forbid. FOR SALE CREAP, A MILL PRIVILEGE AND TOWN LTTI l.contlgiona totthe Bearerton Whiarf. A large aMd profitable Mflhing business ecau b. done litre. Favonablp tennisMurayob. matie wth the Propietor bya Practical Mi111cr. M.I J,%NMARMSTRtON6G, N. 1.-Tliere in a first-ratc openiîîg ai 3ke- vcrten for thu Estahlqlirmcut cf a Fuun-tIn Be Ytiotllyt,8S57. i Blacksmtths -&-W'aggonmkers Shops FOY St or tu Let ait Liverpool, 'P W'ENTY MILES-- EAST OF TORIINTfl (A .L Depoi and Staî ion of thefirend Tnink Itoul U»Uý). EIjShli ,hc li.as eCottage â a-qit cf un Acre of Landi attacheti. i Theme Jîrcîni-ei have lanelateIy orected mrih- iii a shtr dicicuîce of ihf Kingaton Rondi. atI' te lZailway Ilpu Agond bti4ineis iti bth traîtes cati ho doue by -wteudy anti gool work- Tîlen. Fer ftîrthTr îarticilars Y1i I*RlY Jaly 21., 2sv iicl Parni for Sale. 2 0ACRES OIl-ST>LENDtiI. A NI). LOT I 20 10, in loth Coî,iceaicn of Thoral . 1-' Acres cîeared. This Fan-m je ,itattel withji four iles et Beaverten, on the travel rond ici Mmar; the land iis of the biol quallîr, ant i .in tbe centre of à good setilement, mtiâ a&Shiol, and a savuill nonvenient. AI"so oth bal! of ItL4, ln the 10th Connes- RIen 0? 'horah, coisefnget95acres-, 12 or wbieh are, cicuroîl andi fronting on Lie 'ortage ilea, near Ctron'a MiIl Dl. CAmEO-N. fleavenhen, ltiJniy, 18-57-au Dr£ EST INVENTUENT YET IN TRE FLOL'RISIIING TOWN 0OF WITIT- BT, le te b. found lu 1he punehuisecf Ihuat vatusle prity ounlte Rase Lune vmcli ktuitt- AsutheE&ratertte late ('APTAIS' (GEORGE ¶11KW ant ir f o r c ile - bis Execo- Fifty.wo Acres cf Land, hleantiftill Sei-uatecAlInmsing a Frontage -"qte ilutii rge it-Buse Unie of igbi-r Rod, ~amti oui the Wi-st aEant ut ,,eth Ope Iluu-red anti Fouwrîlot!, on tuae Suuthu lut i.4 m ici 1 ' hi- t Wate fcN ~rt Whitlu. Tii wate? froitage tutisoo» becomne htitesey vialît. usfront t he grealy iut-reaing Irde oet lit liet, thé WVttarfage nov i se twill t-ery eon om bcuite in- si-ecomte t-lihe requtitemeuts cf the bu,%!n.,cit, aut Ibis frostege vil ver-mte=b.quite iitt,-- unanto lte nerluiretnts elth ie buxiuti-cc, antid fneotntte wfll very cee» le vaniti f'orvnrd- inir, ahip.btilcl]g, uantiliattuinug anîtotîter p upn eeîitm the whoeapuopers-vln on. lot, anudtprcpsi-cil u) do ce on AD'VA1TAGE0US TERMS, at les tuait baillte anmnut wnldt-ltilt otutl houicîtuitifi laid euhtan auna Itota. For luite andfitthon ..a....., apptly to ItOJlBKRT H. LAWDE1I, JAM SMitALLAN, >UEctuttot>. WILLIAM THEW, Whitby, Jan.19, 1857. 1 TOT No. -07, lu the idCensso fWît, (.é tht Wn*ucNs Fmax> atjcuning itue Toswn W laihy. Appyto tle llion. R. C. Iit-t, Cart-ing Placet Cao.àmtiîo, Eaîp, IeltIe eor te ,Ynly 5, 1857. j 1r LIA?,!, lierre-uer, W hhhis-. FOR BAL Eý-I5 TOWN LOTS. I N THE TOWN 0F WIIITBY, V; TIIEl «L ;nitvofthtie.Market. A a-ÇRàE WATER LOTS. For fnrther pariienlar suandterutoappl y to F. KELLER. Whitby, July 8, 1857. 251 WILD LANDS9 1000lf AemsWlld laund for aie on hlberal ww*' JIY , le. F. KELLER. TWO GOOD LOTS FOR SAIE. F OR Saie, Tmo excellent Lots in lie Town of LWltitly, ou Dudas SismleasRt. Thte abeve Lots armYened in, aud bcautifudly situai- t-id. For fut-thon poricutiam s pply te K ILFARQUJHARSON, Or te Port Hope., - J. WOLFEN>EIN. VALUABLE PItOPERTY FORISALE T ITS PROPERTY ISPLEASANTLY SITU'- sl atd l inc flourisiig Town of Wbitity, on Brook atreel, tilreotly opposite Jutge Buru- bau'u eeiioue1contitsllugtwivO flht fou sore o! LMnth, t about 00 feet tltpnt»g@, ou uthiclit laenocteda COMIafmTAIJLE BRICK COýrTAGE, vilb suitale ouI Btiidig, an exS-licul Well o! Water, sudsa Clutenn, telter wtb a nuni- h.rel vulablie Fruit Tréee. Fer fui-len parti- 'W. SHAW, on the premise. Wut-iltby, Feh. 10, 1857,4 Voit SALE JR ýTU TOWN 0F MOad U8,THMr u siîii, Application te b% toeheigatu 1-t,88 S ueesulýiou Derlinglori.- deoxati chrwm ofernie Piw opy nutil terbîît. ail liaI FOR ISALÉ, o!ftIntai Tom05W b, oa'Wfuly ,iiuate suu APPIY to - cal J INSRW been plie 1 lfiiby, Febateryr18,183. ea o POI »A"*. Aba min. ELI2 ~0amm-the Éuth. d2 - lui % àn-&t i LAND> FOR SALe IN mÂRPSA. FRAME BARN, 8M 1M.andS8ed 20 ><N~, a LogJlrn 30 X. wlth Greai, attaohed, à gecît Lcfr Houe, andi a never &U lngWell ofe o'ut tr. There in jloyouugroîurd of 60 bearlng trees, and a uattoPlum and Cherrtrmo. hefarmn ee ntt bidhw fhn>s whcn reqird. The tarn Icone and a a lai tiles froîn Taylors Steam Mills, andi six miles frro Lindsay where liter a e d- po f lte Port Ilope, Lindâay andi Beuverton Içaway. TITLh' I.NDISPUTABLE. TvoS -Matie kuovu upon application, If by latter, poot polît te HENRY ROGERS, Proprictor, Oaloeood P. 0. Maripoua, Oct. tOth, ]1857. 40 SAW MIJLL AND LAND* Tf-)--- - Ol . O-R & x- 1T15j/ Towshi oflict-rnL, frnt fl& t- .il che, *eccitîi. Tlitrnre rt>lot)o--t, cf GOOI) BA.RD W00t) AND) CIDAR, anti abolîit t--rn-i i1f PIN F. 'Tho.M b--e l 1,.- itt l tr lcitc!, tttrtit r t-r tel,.ttraît. !yiti) ,iiit pîiltt-i i b,-rîtii,- t tpla-i14 Oiitii<-r2h. si?.41 FARXti FOR SALE. VAtI~TLE FAR!tî îtoNTAI'JN<; ioëi Acres, t.nâori--r le,3)ini-iietiri-ti-rg Tiien- it a gond LOG IIOU7SE, G.IRDEN &(PîI îl TIi,- jr imu-- i rt, c )L4l4û ot e rit, .. I~_i <tut liititlti -c or if lit ltlu-r, l>pi- iciW P.I--i Brui-k, No'.eîhhract, )4.tu; CHANCERLY LAND SALE. T 4 1 blexsclîl b-e Prîil!ie Atitioit ai the- Aittiti iic,.- ocf Mîegsr. Wu kelfelît, 4t otite & t oit Kintg itreci, iii 1h. Clîs- otiTîrîttt, , Wednesday, the 131h ddy Ianuary nt, At thtiur (,1«12 rnio%ý,in. l .rmuane -f.4 -ttt oirder<t c-f lte diirittof Ctuaery for ULî l is ila, bi-u.triitg dati, lte Gthîday tif a nd-t ctilite 2utli titi-(cf it-tbrlie-t. patit, rac-i-l utaîte ini e certainît tiue iin-Itit-hionet, iintte- Iti,-ucr ias plinil, cîtîl t ittrlg,-u lilke liatIc- bt-st andi Mar'y <itctîttr.tteori'e lidout anît Thomaim- G(hls Ililutit. wcetif1rnf-ulmit, suid m i li tesîîlinr,îltuîrî ef'ti- tinter it ordi- neri- cf the gait ('-iurt, al lte Righlt Titit- antId lutereAt ut tii- iîid Deft!ilttis tt 1 -ricli tif te"t lu the,!olilowlng îîcr%-elmtif Lid ia-%tm t: (Wrin,inlethe -Ctttt'.- tf Yi fPareliIl. 1Imp Noig.* 1-t andlu1, itu itlittit t Pf;trt-el 1?. litNo. 21.i LUt '; til.-. ttntirîin *Ie iliittt i '11--aî~r- i t-tlit-s, !,l .-t t-t Io to IQliii iaiti tinsmut. lit-asycnfdti-I o-it ati litetint.- of Rule to tite- Sclititt.r if the Vo!lot, titi t0,e onlat t h Ie lih l îleof 1Fi-brittîrs- tîex'tli ulotu oi-eh puvnuett1m ii-ltrtitaai.ro tir ic tii-trit, ciisiailhi- entîtled b tiittatit -vOr ttitn t-es. Tlte IitreheoiLer ai the 1-mute -i-f s-ut-h Shie tip dgt PUan agrtetnettt Ion the-t iotiitiuiiuît titi- pur-buse. Cenîtiingcf Sale (ext-e ilstailtil ;bteitheIlii mailte lmt tie Standuig CoutiîtutEtiw. f tt tthe rmt-f (lian--ri lturtic;ulrm an-(](Conditions CfI-tlo iti- îtt 4t liaut ail, te itlium tf ltGe u iniiuti rut OcguoQdc Hltl and tItih- Litr-tâili-Cai-rfaita i;llet-tilc)l itd W. Il. liiîi Etîh'1Wbhitb'. AANmitCtiooKm, 1 ?lidor'm -/-o- Tuwroî, lic. ft, 1il 74q-id FO0R 8SA LE, A 'tAV-ERi- STA NI), aitih Divingîîîîs t-t- uti tu-o fb-go Shedls. Tii-nei- ls aot- ta ltiti ci-ni- cvf'Luttl , Iti i-il m liii - c-t I-iuit True. Titre îbu c gicit!Weil tufWit-r, witb utllj on tti -titiae. Il :s ;itist- eu on Lit , . 1 I Cn.Marpoa, outt.uItutI coti Tw f Wuttl,- iv'liidamstint! Bcvno htILii Fttvi i-îll fe unlt- rai elii. For heu-itqanut îtrti-itlti-e îppIrtsi t-lie r nt-c t Ni-il Me Douhalt't., Ili-tu,.; fiJarut Lineî ni-ar Curtuichtuels Tut-i-ii. JOIIN McDOUGALL, Caitpeu fer. Broîtk, Decetoher lis, 1857. 48 la! cf L t ~iihe4th Loti., inthe Cen forria at t bwefl tirnbered wiîi Hadwu d m tîtPio , du t itua ed twihin F, ftrilles of Lindaay, lie County Town, aund terîni- u ef the Port Hoe and i LntlsAv Ralrad.- Thie utiderègned wtil l] on fil eral termnS, or excliinge for ianproved proî.crtv in thie Ta-wu of Whiuby. lFor tenis et se, &c, apjely at tili Office, or te the owucr, if by letter to ho posl- pail IIUGIl ELtTZ, 1Thilby. Whitby, 14th Dec., 18-5î. SPLtENID INVEST3ENT. ONTARIO Hi-OTEL, I3ROCK SThEIr, WIITRY, r htpoua T H 0TEL n Fe P.X 66 leet. ROBER T IL LA WDER. SHPIFS SALES. SIIERWIVVS SALE 0F LA(N». Connity o!fOnuiro. 1 N BATJuRDAT IIE v70 iv t 10 Ti.eltitlttfi d 1a, ot Juatry next, at le heur e! TwtIe o'cloek nlu vii M bsolt aI lthe 'Couîsuein the6 T of etWhllby, tteutiprinentlnttl land» mli li the oimnmttboreoü, séluoti l v vtue.,o! vrita et lIen laMas: taisuaul ont-o? [bar Malaisursu-',. C~onrtand<lneen'a Beneli, lat~7ol]~v- I uix n Joint Haut Ferry, Plaintif, w. f + Ut.,b a-ia-aa..sii...it. Aiam...,. to la- PUNiRE c C IN T w AxR É '4 0U S E T IE Suhacribor hA s lne the tate lire, re bnout his promi;ses, Corner of Birook anti cul txrne Streeta.,where lit tUIt continues te mnauufacture aliliscriptions cf Cluirs, 7Tabla, Bediteado,% Bureau,, Sofa, &con a still larzer gSle thaît er, sud hope. liv %irictaticutiou te businesste merit a mhmn o11ýubIIc patronage. e Ws well knouv by the tithabitante of %isi section <Wtb. e ntry tàYAll Ordurs attended icut Wlîîtbs., Joly 8, 1857.2.5 "T IIE Sttbacri4tr 4hect-o itifiiro thîe inhabi- I ants of '.hiîhr -nd cegmitît ii oiîtrt- c lit lil i ai eittitî-n t-- ii stit t i II (I ;l>1 muti-I. i-e-vîw-e -f BRiOCK lé- COLPOJNE STLETS', 1i-t iciirt-a-- .t î,s, -r tirwhate.e-r kinti îflic stta-eri-r a(ti(tFitrci pi-taon WM .TILL. First Class Hoarse!! - , I-ti l. ilt iv i t 'lt-rt-a* i t tti-, - SALONS, &c - -'- L>t.L Anuir .itttii I~.,itiî\, SVi t't - u îît>-'q di litre tubjýe treinedy in th,, MIEDICA.I ATI, i 'r1bt iiitluti ltht!.eutît: Us W. Clark X. D., ýMedlc.nI Rcferee, Comm UIYT LSLO$WHITBs. p Cmercial Bildiagg, flrock Street, Nalutii tiltti lunieltniu, touant C~RIYSA.I.I ALOON,-r begA to cttiti-eiattention or!ita1 0T. 135e Wallace IBuilding., l'onc nle ! imnoî Th bCisoleatecill th ctle eiutiiin tc't tîî11t-* -,ii inllitai leat lite I--r l h n i-t-ny itte tatîin utir l Ili,Stuc k of th itS-ttiitir. -Sre, 1pr"i. (1liuLqirp vtelocal Aircîttut làais tilt-i-q---tîr-uîeu-i Tsriîreet 1.it,rntthi. tîtit,-t(lattrs <lita-a, hvÇitt e1857.s DI i t tilL-.-, ifIi-iirt tiI tittci-"1I1.1 1 i. f its', Verifer titA'- NATJON& là JIOTEL, -- ttitittlitIefuuili lv~Soe i r-t-uiet p:tt .'e i- fctt. w - C-i. 1 îx S 1 lb o n0 , Illiîrtlivud if ttittîritii i itl ituilîltj-z sto m14cýc(dbt2 . li ii iri1.1t..ifritindiLm A G R E EN , Atiiti-otvpe Arti.st, .1101114E & CATTI IE MEI)ICI.NES nN -îu ,M-l- ltiiIî,tteiniu tiuiwhihi h ý' À S pu{lj-iii i ttsant-toilc citilirm d onil, in pois, ai u- i-en;otW BtckSîntteur-li lIrii-ti-î'- i .îAî.c,,t1nt/i clîîg Ai .t-1.tu-i,-, utlisf2$1 «Cuh.hlt $ sci il T vuau- -rt ipui, ot iti liîrituttiiuni - 1Ij on t luujPtStreet, att-ei. t rlie I .'l: .;titi l ujijtu lii ft-ri-ttuinnioe. iit-i uPhotographie Lienosseî . , Iw n DE areLae. aîe akhF EOWA D 1 e, unte t-crs- luteci cstle tuf th ttrt. tîcî luttlit- 1-t i. Iirehionxieftr thelaimaneco0gpatientw c suue (ent. irnjpuî<iuît tIittmtit i-t i n uit t - rolr lre n t i-t b" 'ESTE R N IJO17s4n. , b hct 1euui ,idit-RISI4 ti ' le 1% t e i T iti.E c Tr W I uttrire iltI Ilrite!itm t- it.hI i ifi -iih t fi ti'I, trt i tiit -ii -h-eîw v Nuw cu< & J- ta. - j us q rTi- i i tei uuutetvtct 1 c lt--i n-t n!!t ili, t il- -- - i- trée, ruu t-.i-- t Or &t>t u- tuu-T1,4:utiteuiuutdîtut LUUIUuIli, BRO-ICIIE$ 11.i.k 1 - , v"t -.4?eqte1 ittc irttuutarutuiciici t her iD i nte t he ii ntstt itaniier. T~4.te)a iitît. A lat-t-t tiaii i] tcg - 1 ut.turtule t i,, a ci-i tt: iithe tiit Ilfti-f urcitg nnii1<at. ii - lit 1. l. î)>. ti 'uti ettl-rng <ttilt- nfruui n bu putlu utid titan and ht4. Tit-he rrut i. uL. iîthout regardl ft )the fi eer t IIa-- tIlt thel di iti ?fttrt> liit orFir, latrge, tuit ~uruanti itelI cthpîtie-¶ mii Catiiant seC îctttîrctîîettitiitoirt circti--. -ttitttuTtfttus ~î uem-uu nteili-u. tue lu-t V iii!ijttic andIttigars. Ilanît- pleutres On ulot, bh i siIii cl titîeu ie. ltttpîts- t-t i JUST REO-IVED amie, utieîiuu- tliito e lu io ioneuu. --- ;lit. ilt t.itilitg tit-iit-m forr lvte pur- -« iherîu.-- iii WtityNoettb. tuut 117 Fiwebug xtries.Juneeirt!, l~.20 17 >O>j. R M ~ ~ T 8.0! 1un trawherrt-, t UFALO 11M9BDICAL ISPENSA&RY CAItDo..uCENT'RE lIOTEL. /% traie, -~ - li-eiif-I '1cTl s T HIIE icîtl*sri4tr itt-gcte infon iiLte ohiahi- no.,,IIi, -. I> -î---- (titc w~ e-~-ct/j- A, PFl~ tihLEAVE Tu) IN tnteocf W UIT]Y u tirrotunt- îîtiLCritt-îitt iaida itute i.f.ti21P/r-,U-ciJcîr iJv feufttil ti niln uil titi-trsvo-lliîtg Coitn- lrv, tatlaite ti akit tit 4c -ii î Bvik-t, '(>L>ài~ t tt i at tu I.it t-- esei thici4liumct - il- frcunerîv ot-vutuletI by .1. Il. tlitiittit, as I .Il ý. -- of d e wpcs uzi i cge il-c.? eaclaidIltîtel, wierat hi-c ilI i-titiy ou DAG UEIIAN A RTISf " - S i it1 - A t iiti i- uaa- hfttu.elicsmciiti 'r HDR.-AMO>S& SON, l- i ai t uali-ru îet tinçîtîtît- hy liiun, to1ervb ie lueias-bcfuttit irml o a t t tttu,- ru er '_ air Oîls, &es utuudr ht ituî~s nttiuiaht-cn ttwectbe. J t -o LvrhIun i mslà cicIfi. u ! i tuef! oe y (u r mkmCF A " MDQi-AT Fms mr-a-IL, 8. T. Il'. tiItitîî ltetilui, kelinlc giýt-rut o thefoioY<tCaxis-n . 1i-rtî,u-Li-i 01)01114. E.XTR.%C Îi'. ~RF TIE OXLYHSCLN I -~~ - -A STA'VE wlîo at-e T1ember-î orl. tle. liii tâ outet i-t t.i îheloft Sita-es ati Liquenîtbnrpus, Lttcrgrapl di'Atgtfli. hiit7tWnh, tttenc theiîa, tti. f~ L oaRcÈEa .robI Y Cii foilo ett-k in the> uîoruuig, oi n itefn ale c.Mb ui-iaeltlu9nt nuyou itbcr, (ui un> ec.Bas leu, iPteioovi t e-n>- liea-ut! sYnâptqore fsae JAMII?3 A. CLARTC, Muiu.kRouse ai t lisk, T!t-ti-tatt tuttti-y Iiî cuteicul0 RAILROAD 11 lVIt Witby. Jock Ch (tb, lce ut oîet, lCt* tt u i-rt - (>IINER <iFOctoeon281857. 41 UILS, &ci Soi-iL t rtr, ' -entiu1net uttu BR)K NI iNDAS Sic., Fleufrs(lth, Vtntiont,Ilrti îlîiTemiiistrcee ~Wbithy. (Latc Wlo'aiis)The SuIt- ~Fti i, Sel .lr, ii -e-. er14 11iitl Iili ti-rdsti(p t!o ici-bet- Iege te enciounce tu cteinliabitanlasof TJÇITBS Kît wroti, Spnung Fîownrm, t Lt ttttit if) rdat-', iut luitierate Wititby, and the travellingoiatuîuztiiy, thai c hoýo T bas talkonthtitibias-cfinit i-lui blctt ttl-i --------- -...-u. lAir G1i>-st, Une 0f 1/outo. ii' tt-tOîtFtld<tttucele bas fltied-up in suc'.'.-andl cinveîîîenti ruminer. Arrah Mbstresa jusi stop r11ERFtJ3ILs. i iitYntitfi-n tt tmt Allstratinhoieer-ottthitl0i- lr- Look ie omy shop ? EandtcCeýlopv, Oui- Raî tt' aorite, tors, Ltuetheoits, &..eau lic hcd utta unernents At aIl the nÎce uhinga tauni a bîiîck ? or ]tetiu1uutt d'Orient 1 £hclrc it4attn Oilh habi 4,)Inctinicýs tîdulz notice. AitIliuort. kel)ttouthlIe prniuitt-ttare If theue you dont likee LircuiLe Witiur, jt,îtit icioien, b I-iy , lui dlitile.ofttt)wi- warate th géulie tride»Ch nS C -A bargain yon'll slri'ke WBi'qttle I Vert - tii bi tciui Us lieI;fn0t arnltLb ectTH< Ari'DWecNif you but take a peep uit tÏe Tinkun. Ttiit-vittof Ftii-, Witer Blosiot, tii diteO iltIe, 10clOt $~t eboombtr Thty MrhIOA1S97 8scetsi. (it (il ,x sinelîiigBuI hl tuut,îtit hauîuusbt gîvea ri"etop a WluIty, Madi 1t, 13-7. 8NEWV TIN 11101. -- Ruiblern auui-Tttrt4),î tiet ial Cunthuote M crIncntre'l;lostuloasDgI G8LOBE IJOTEL, ( e 13 01Bnaci-O-., wuf-r. caca, Rucitictes, &c. Itevr cf those vite -tie y to tiiaposa DUOKLIItc. . (u Bninuin Bnyan's oidlti ure cia-l Titi- W. II. DOW~. itructie are avare efthlie Co iounoume, mIE tuidoralguotbau leaaed th. es- vel- n lto.) -Wiitby, JuIy 1, l1357. 2 Iu4-fî tetetvO,,tyionWt.rd I known Ileelacutinlforttnalgla pbi t JOHN %;BRYAN\-Puîopuni -<,. --------tcrn--eanti onaccetultabilo n and v bite fa-the iouildi imot tlaiiltit m-i b.kept I-iE SUBSCRIBER WOU1LD ANNOUNI3E IISIMUNG TACKLE. le.itutin. te il wes bv Itis profect4sror lit tbe very béat A te the inhabitamls ortbuîs Town sud Couly- t 10 scittIwb'Fte lNYrMNir stle, anti lîtitlteview of atl.onting #Il the con- ltaI ue bu as opened the uhove pnil.eti.Ai l )KRTrout, Iltci ait ollt- enr ao; Lin, At iitrunul for itef-cure 0gai véoieut-e, eoutf.rt a c-ntitnt the travelling lande ofl1in-vuretmatie sud repaireti. Batizer ,Reolz, Ctuite atîJolstleti Rodip, &c. or'it tit-Erutuceaî noep"ci -ilitînY at eautbco civet. work oftevery desceription doute on Itue rùireme. -W D. iii Ietinti Wctdrnesa e es'i b. W. H. riklIntMut-erniiiial -csWkilbesJud&c. 18 7 S.J B e uD. T lukn w ett ok Ii --ir licuti la r--ti1,i ,i. 24-ff.. .euîneel in front fliteen fit*:entYýy â be casatet ItLt Ait ontiersfor vot-k èeeuteil - l- tf lt-beital Waters-ht WaIITBY - BOWLING SALOON@ in a traîsna-like muiten anti witb dtipaîci ieriWtr uttlitt Evtury dmwitien of work iiide unît ielatEcREW A"qie u K!-"E E S T IIAN.NOUNCE TO and giuaamtt gootand momud. heu 1J8T Pto iveil, a »tppîjy of c le PL ntageùeî R ttau U A l- tj E cr i in lnsti.e ie by ey- tn iun b dol a iniy ther T'inkor n i t1ev lbavelw3nL, lm i no iuig l Saoafso~ r, unit itopes by strict tut- tv. ti[tvritit rcu, Lthe iu 1. ~ W! Illiuîw vbuc, &e. Obtetnfi-ont 8 a. »i-, i, l t hlupnt L JORN BRYAN - - 4LSY'S;tt h t J-4bjci-adtealî,<tl>,,T p..yKLNNEY, Propu-iclor W i n a n d ii - curÏof S tubu ve r et " FO TTfE ~PRL&!NET i~cuuut OF.b.lave ft liilb-r, n. 1 le ,15. - ~Sotgettauileigans, cuul byte -.mtt IIOBSON 'S IJOTEL. -y -wnV..it1 - -me!8 ott ~ INSIJEANCE. British America Assurance Company, INCORPOEATED under an Adt of the. Third besition of the Plaveulli Provincial Parus- mont of Upper canada. CAPITAL £100,00. Inanrano. effected on Buildings and thair contenta. Every Inforînatjen aupplled on ap - plication te die nndcraigned. Marino Riaka for the Scason or frru. joIIN AGNEW, Travelling Agent, livrn Street, Wh!tbhy Protection agajaut Lom anad Damage by Fir. WESTERNASSURItNCE COMPANY, ?4SIIANCEefetetineitnrai.ing tîte principle Of disemse sd îttt TBkICEefe on Boîllîitînandt hler raîIically cmiring t he ma1ady, vwhethen 'Jecaicî rn .contents. Every information milppîied ou DRUGS A»]I E ICINES. Ithfe ri-rVî.î. the sl,mnl the liver, the bowilm. application te tlia undersigned. dG~ ---i iiiitWl-A, the skiu, t(te brain, or suaîii,- Tmeln Aet yrnSret hty. D USAND IMEDI(CINES. 1t~it.ctia Traelin Aen, yrînStretWhtly.-:GI 0-- Used Throngiîout the ?World-1 Times and Beacon Assulrance Comp'y. IlErtwrbr rettirus hi8mcineeire tliimnkIc li PLStieeu yolnaiî T i; utIile adpltrits uý ndin tcli-tn, 1101) I PLS r ul TN-SUR,'NCi efted o~Y0n Biii.î;ng4 andti ttiir Ofîi ttaîd f ltc libl i ;tr.î-It- wiî ii.ttîptît c coh)ut-)tithe- wbuifcct in rate contentso. Et-crN- iîiforrnieît i sp)iîieii o ' w hi - bat. i t--rî fît-o--J.iite ttiiii ii îii- uandllîdiàordcrc îiet--îîîir lu c-trtaiti clintutes au< applIcaion to ite uiderîi<eiî-iIn utt-e irî-i-i-ti formitrIv ocetipçied by Mr. ijcalities. Applic tanî l e vtl v uri n l li ik J .rti IL errît- - w îîiiîd s5ii h ibiolu i St- ie 1,4<top- Â la rm in g D i o rd e rs. Travelling pIb-I wîand t-h lerurcil cuti iitîct coniplet Street, Whilhy. - STOCK OF PURE DRTJGS, Dsctit ii lerangetit ftei . lvr, 4Ilîî if eery- descripîtion, yet oifreed for sule iut-tht «tItl fit l ility sutvmid enicriiîgandthe ctiti, . Provincial Assurance Company. Town-iC;f wlciifv. --f cïrîcul lcts il utic<ecrativri - . lieîtiidc, f'latt n me. P-ritt-t i Rtii- ,b .vraggravtd, acting usnte CAPITAL £12,00Q, ltpi-eaito im Ui iif,&. &- î i trîlîe, utrutccdtitltt Uyrý , unieeit n s n(] P'cuil;- iei.b1t~ eitrefli Ily il-t t ct i-i ,tîrift heIzi,, n Lfîýte4cte-t11 îa l Le -ît titîII ut tîte éf emtnq vr no-iaim o Horseo'and Cattlo Mcdicines flieltlcin!u'tg(, .1011N Amp V. lîtiiiît i îttimiiit ltitt Ien îii.tiîîîiiiittc1h11A I, tu1e renovatimg cnd rtiStre, - i j.li iitiît-.c IxIl t- I- tinc.t t *' 1 t 1 IýNfS-w tiiî. inv--e- 14t1 ren eh t-di.lticles j tÀi AtB.i h iii-ti i ý-[1raI i iiv MEAI)1EiTT iML-LNE.i - %itnSn," iiltiIcicî enls iThe Briish American Fri"nudly Socliy ! htub', lîly 1,14k.57. 2 of nnajiMi rrezirititei, und it îinent» li-cidI» ent tt-'. T~~SABLulIu FI<Iii* XSllSî-FtF ÂRNIIIE. iilcteitc-itîI -itatIv- irgux1ui cf theuai, hut ini M ille rind lIitiltl.i ttpi-i. bl, s51t-tli-tttlt ,,r i--. N.îîîttr lire rd h-- Ac-t tif tarîiamntt, I18 Vi., tCap. ";4. tof o e-cillrn iiI~cîiît li tiltt CAPITA STOC'K, e10,000. andt-rt Ic n .Ilctî, (-at-l. W'liite liTe-tîtr, &e.ceitcEnesmuu lice-I flî-i-iiNIoitre-a. un, e. 1fI tt -itiitt, u ,îtliî'l ett GcitAi, AoE-iT FruaC.'V.,JAS. Bu îîînc. ii. 1- iî~ Street, ~~~idl i:.Fttî-.tl. brniylaî ATLAS IEON WORtS, I ronat treot, Tosouto. -d CHARLES VALE & Co., B -E'to nfor lbth public that they bâve r- wotut tho#c extensive prenilaec on Front Street, (formery acpied seth. Ontario Brevery, nte oul complote style fer carry- ing on lb, bumnséa.of Ion Foudig&Smitlawork ln ail ha branches. They IniteInspection oftieir nîjnerns J't- teoms otf(rnoînental lron Fenmm ,Bitnories. Vendaho 'Iault Dc..ro, Plain and Orrnnwît Cent Iron (ëolumnà4 Wiudow Capà, $1.4iand 4RCJLTTCTUAL VOIWt- ot every deAcripton; Cooking, Parlor and Box Stores; (taes, Cveo motho, Canidreng, 6uwar KettIesl, Plain CLiathîg8 tad Forginge, ail of which they oftIr te tlie Trede andI othera ou ad- vantageoùs terîns. Ig Country orders t- HEALTB AND S!OKKES* ý CIIfOo OB EW TvýHEJ2 HOLLOWAY'S.PILLS. itrgiiil ; Who emwur ii eecaiypou,, O -N TILE LEAi)ING STAGE tOÀDL)IALY- tram bets-ecti Wîîyatdxnng.Tala. Hoe i ttobein ofititeti undt filtînilîd , Ieneý-. t-tIletut stylo liii- heeu ri-n ettnaol.- Ici-. ,Ev% * atention peu t tut-e anssd theo i-st cctt-u>ariu rvid& for mun andm honte. ~. tcyOtim t1eolu tattend- OtîttO.8 to 4ootinodate Visitera anti Toto-itot. It j3k-I ùiteM1 ivIlhl-&few roda cf teFaminsiluthte Ing ion théla-ake lanurpauoe. YigaMng TùUtta-iBoas Mwota.i - goi e .: - I I 4E>X (2Wei ri a-et o INT NL M PË[tttMayer] 0-retDor gthe1 JUS anud nci-r. "Vi ie jcnta~t IlithL~eIVist2li InhhConte- Z- rriers. ,-, ](6 paptr wil. l4e ds4. ou" are e id, u'. iedMéyi, .Lié-.eri ice. 5iujlis, and Osuîp/t i fn ute,14 M DURING THIEW'lîo (ýà&hOuly, Wbtby, )&y zoo, ý ý f ýI :,= 101IXTING ES-iAD c LF- PR (FTr-rrQp, î ethe ir f . vr il. i1J. M St I J.1 ' ITILi.l'- i i X.LONG. BA . ýNJe A. T - di1 s4-r 1 , i ý9jý, W's

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