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Whitby Chronicle, 30 Dec 1857, p. 1

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4ý, dia, WMTRY CEROM CLE < 1THURSDAY MORNING, eyBY & con xert Doer to tbe Ilegi" Oisce. tir TERMI; Op TO TIIE li*habv *i1l be $2 pet matait, J 10 %Wictly in advance. -?A"b 1 ', r, 7 RITES Or tl)VlCRTIý4TNG $Il :wl, aitil 111%fler, ý ................. Cs. With '0011111211 Primed words great thon- ts and unfiring Industry, , u4eqnotlt ilaillertioli, t( Per line) ..()*. id. h we advocIttc Peace, ' ed elle 6 liberid di"4mttlit alloeed to Merebaiits and Othett advertisitu; by the year. 1 V O L . lrhh peper ail W111TBY.ý Ce W., WEDNESDAY, DECFAi 1 Le cýnIu11r. 141silles1einir rQ.qtl by tver Int y bn- T ILLS, sinci" ali 111 Whiti')y alici itf, vicinitv, a bvrer PberlEit 'CA'R,11C'HAEL, To the rAect ,dvntlÎlng incillillin eAuld l'nt tir, seruýéd in thiâ On Of the Centre Ward. UC.rIONF-Elý &e., wicic, TOWXSlnp tory, her ILunt Stmightway retailed it. c Ail wl-inadvertî". tir tlelnkwell ofdcý Of Brock. COLInt Sllammerri and his wife Ude iterial.ot' re leu lvill Illonse loile ii» tinte in tý)rwwUiW -t-zedfor be Cm 1ý the niost amiable, the moàit -i ";Il fi e litullavi s,ýojr noticeý4. ding the GýeneraI Mections enviable of y )u plei lieultli 1 to every sO lmfwr -will. bedilleolitiloied illitil ali arxeur- A. PRINGLE9, couples Their union re!ýulted (rom natu- am &t presont eýngrOminq your attention, the Right. ral.inC]Înation Of acffetiOn aiter several pur av larily âge# are lxiid i111. F.RCHANT TAILOR, BROCK STRM ? stÎll YOuT 10=1 interests should not be lost Preedonà and olberate il,- 8 years' acquainta 1,ottere if ricitielcrel.l. will be et i lit of. Pëê- Tbey loved ertch that a im struani of fql,ý w4n addrestIed On, on, brave lienriq, Ye will ýot 4, there'il, Otlier with entlluàÏaslu. f-'kcll appeared to 4"-qet-l 11.0 and tâtt'il, THOMAS n Yiew therelare of the appronching Glorvtobe won, have been created jor the otherhan n, ýsI 11AYIAMOFFIril en. DEVEUELL, 2VunîcipàI Electiong, I beg ta state that it lu, p with Our Il (:0qý 'l d. hujud@ UILDER, & l xnd wliere'tqtlieflageaii somel r., the wjjiliby, C. W Whitbv 0. - &c., %REENN STREET, i- -y intention ta seek your support as a i beuer falle the grni 1 kind, and regardftil - of perfect : "If t-t: B Re.Py"entative of your Ward. 1 Ye go to figlit the noble 4lil4 to teach the creed C. W. ftgrèetnëlht in gmees, sentillients, and Illetis, à ûMeé f l of Ruth, 1 reffillember well the 9tene.,4 that nccurred, 4111 ýtn! (300K AND 40B INTERNATIONAL XIOTEL, A,ýtrong intemt in the prosperity of: For hottest laws anil liutimn for Liberty when they were fillIt formally betrettied, "uld ( 101RINTING EàT.AlàL . LSHMENT. AST MAIZRFT SQUARF. TtjRoNi-TO.- the TOWD Of which 1 have been sqe long a and Truth. nnd their PAmiltà;, haPPeniiii; ta dbgagree, for. Yc 'rail% E JODelt Maithewlt, Propriotar. 42 citizen. and being a resident and proprio. i là deQired the union to be annuilled. The such be [if PRý-)PrtIET,(Ilzg- oÈ TrUF %VrIITBV tor in the Ward, wijý 1 hoPeý be guamn- BTit6i; vaIG IleIP 'l wotild file HOTIEL, tees that the trusts vi-hich njaV bc con)nlit- and tiefý-. - 14 wrongld tel eonquer c-tnte-z-; fell dangeTOtL';Iy ill, fini] the en. ihaktm proût% red eonIý n 1 lL- . Strike* the fIlow. lot tvrants kil,, Unit thusiaistic lover threntened to tertnirinte .1IDMT Publie t1ilit týl%(IV lim-ti ýf the tllfxt d-1-ORNFP, 017 FllýL)NýT AND GEORGF ted ta my bands, % ill be f itýfil, Strike juodtr 1 Mtý lvý, (if TVPM frvi il Neiv Yorl, in addi- 'r execu- Streettk. Torniitri. lied. that kingi itin%- rçtïý-h toý higli. hi$ life like (ioetlleg Tfýe.rthf To àfave, iny hust P li. fi, tiieir olliS, aàa am 1 pareil to exicente k-IIIvý ivoilld tain enslave hv foi" hOwcveri the life of the yonng il and beauti. have no ri 11ANELLA HOTE Shntild vol] place nie at the Conneil d rrii-lkiiijz MiLht, fui cOunttýb;,4. and ta prevent the coutil coin- nizid." SNK AND JOB PEINTING h - Let ý:iizlitid rui-,&, tira battie cri of' -- F. ecll-,ni 101vrt , V-- - ail endeavor to advocate 1 change mitting r ARIP( sA, l LATE colz - - litidttie Ilizlit. so raqh Fin act, the parentà; wcjýe -Nor 1 in the mantier in whîch the i ei,ý ni rerýý' #nd';ý1IAMlnteQ finit work -TJL tiers. Joliit Martin, Proprietor. fî fý) kii for' obi iged, laolmii 0014ni, ta beex-me, At least, sliown y Wi;i Ili. dIv in a siiiieri r style nt tire lom 0ýt ! ___ ___ _ lit' iniprovernents have bec 0AKWOOD 116T conducted, believilig U 1 do. tll.,It The iý r\vr and f«Iiralld 11pparentiv reconciled. The reenticilliation haps toi, T1ýtl llave pireoueil enfl or EL 1 'Un'y sys- , tý, 'er prevented the tintimely end of the betroth. vour cal tent ailier than letting the saine by puýjiP %ý'e itiý lIr kil %vorth. and will not let ed pair. s'carcejy, ilo' 7GGLES4 CARD PRESSES t Gond AIr trn\-ellf.,rs. tender and contrart, tends to, a it-,tsteful wever, %vas the cotiji- are soit] te.es ont of danger, vvll(,il the parents igain ridieuloi expenditure of vour money and leads to Tlit: fitrLt, %N 4l) lia-s its ricil fl Il ai ach other. and eiffleavoiirod ta iiioli eiàubleie il hetii In font ont clit-Il tind Cir- 1 ulid fruit, t e 04NTARIO HOTEL, nianv abuses which otherilv-lie would not poli-tpone the marriage for a territ of Ve el;lLlrp 1 1 Will iffiloi and the blade piepared to _ar.% tion, of, oril lia1l 1 il filrii tif lliiiii nn-l Fanev i'ards, ari w4arli il-- But this did not fillit our yotjnzcioti staliwýlwn% &-v., 101îlli bý,llir1it nt ýPrv Iow j PROPRIETOR. to revision of the By-laws nnw in force, ý1e; go titis nie] r:qtc-. Plý;iitîtic IýIi% bé fitrit4lipel nt the lý-.v"t one Une niglit they eloped, pas' 1 lîled the fron- PToof. a _ and Fr-,ri tire Nuit Free .t' charet.. shail engage niy atten-tion, and 1 shall, if on, lni, im% e 411,1. 1,v son and land, aligi -'llow t-ie.rý got rnarried, and forthivith et3tâtili.bzll- indUlgei possible, cause copies thereof to be placed tii,- Inaiaii ii.ist. ed for hemseiv" a para(I, HUROIN 1101*4F, in the hands of every ratepayer, in order That Briliýýli ewirajge ix(ý%et vields, m-lien flun- se on earth. have stil Polir WlItTl4y, flint our ordinances niay have sillet, publi- or cive. Froni this moment the union of thât cou- and pari PPOI Pinorance of their provisions can- UlI witli l'tir stand-aril ; wide and itv flint i ple was looked upon liq one of the hap. theini ta E Goo«I ;i-i.ý il] Ille tiLflit, Piest, and as R n'Odet pattern of harnionv rather f nui Ille plended in excuse foi- non-ronipli- ti-ar oiir ery of Freedoin 0111 illorning ÛN luid the Piizi]L" and pence Fil t'O fli-lit thev 1 -but 1111,KEV"*i IIOTEL seemed to think- abotlt ILotllirt- el,,e b'ut tience- cari assure vou tItat iny earnest en. shail be 'gi'veu in, Rirtherance of hoir in encli other. They -witi j. ýn jopi iài tý. lit i i I.t 6 Pd poenis the aile if) file other, and the ir the ri the GEN RAL promperit.v of the Town, other t-) the Gno. the inoFt amiable, the ga?-ies il (il. ýrlI 4'. it- NTY lý ýV Itlit Il. ý%U n-ir illiall 1 fait toi remeinher that the PAIt- C.ý1lr1sý t Itlile ut Ille i "Ilrt j 1 1.11RONARDIS 110TEL. illost affuctionate iinagiIjnkjeý TICULAR interests of this Ward wili lie NV inter &S and 1-ou IN G 'ýSTIZ F lý 1 Ut it li. c. iv. (ýo 1 b Weil &,; suinitwr end, enibelliblied tbe endtired NFLSON G. REYNOLDS. K itilitted tà tuv charge. other's roý)nis wiLli the luost b(ý.,Ititiftil flo 1 ý:iprak E. ýV1' TJIF 1 have flic illoillor to 1-ýe, vers. FA('11 seP,4tatt' Piere of fùrnir.u vý bi- na ni 1. 11011 1 :ýt IA -, Gentlemen, 41ail certainiv lie very happy to- becanie ende&re4l in Iheo, bv ý"mû sweet Aedien 1JIZOCK lTUEFý WHITEY, Your Obedîent seyrAnt, getiter.', $-.\rlailgxed %fiss Lý1jî.-aw'her renlifil.-icence or ûthen Ille second yeùr tell you alint, the prt,%-iou.; il. lier marri. Of sentifflentality I)ce.tine "if 1 'zT.. Dec. il, 4 19 l'ç'(,, awl lier ('11 , 1 a littlv relaxed, and Illev wijnt abroad. luind, 1 Illi hi1llýN RAILKUAI) 11OTEA., -je. eeks ýlow-A and lier eves Ittit at all partiqL-ý. liloWK S, T. i - -trklegi %vith inivard delicht. Everv one awl jj1ac(ýs ofaititi,ýze. votir tif- Ta the Ellectoril of t4outh Ontario. r, T*Nvllitllý. G-t'l im", IlUmitive 0- illýivei,,ilv inèaý_,ine, m*lteil a bride sll-vq,- 'Dent ti1eý blit theniseives, 1(joked but 'with Wb idsoili in the vrorid' she for encli "Iller, câred offly eacli otlivr. It any tas The third vear speaks t ON'17ARIO 1110TIKI. lit couiplîance with the reijiielît of iiiany "I ilii!,'( f1,jolýt it, (Tel tlicy ;,.,ive rip tlicir ainiable liatiglitiiie.,..; in l; . > tièh ta A N, .1 r_ PLI IPR 1 ETI dl. lîlt(>dK iniikàorttial Ellecturs of %ýotir 1 bug "Onl%- tuk-0 c Publie At home, liowever, - 9*1)tý.\,rl, %Nil the aillit are Nou i-imairi hap- rernaineA 9 (Illiee :il est'fýl". S,11iii-1;ng, ilid attý-il ta lifter inysell as IL cal;di(týLt(- for -our sut- py toe(-ther." the sanie, The f,)iirfh vear t1ivy ing so il I1rýwý' Stl'e0ý roxv.ç4m of clic V cver (mn our reinainitig sý-emed in reenver froin thiq pa Tt i, in addresses le( thi,-natitre to happy ' 1 knoiv invstit, unit if 1 au, not love, and, bu far as the.y wure able tý, to fleav pl rnil;e publie expeotatiort, Il%- priiiiii,,qr, and quite perfect, Vit iii%,.14)ve tollini will sur r.111,21V Fltt'll,,%NT TA11.01i' 'INI) tel TFITTFR le- . - . ; lie, here -khe, ther, Passed ai, i perft ctl i La Kirl: Slrvet Eft-t. lb-bliult, f. froni 44-41 a as Iv lII.Iýe lile and «Li lonu as we love evening, and m-hole day in 1 Llie MoI liaving heen engiged in puGlir life for rc- r»'.teh nt il vr -c ca r ot ; Litions veralyrarsand well ktitiývti tri nisiiyof love shall-never grow n]41," nil - twelve that 111, ili il i vroxi i r., time w(lit on, eleh silerceding Vou, 1 leave with yourseIves the cons«ide Ine:- %igheil file atitit %,Otl mont-he; reducc-d the e9otisin of theiraffec. long am xi* riIi«ý col 1. nation of iiiv or tinfiLixe.ý,s fur tlàç lio- talk ju.-t like a girl of ilinetecil %% ill talh on tion ; lintil, in the tenth vear,- they w,_.re frienils, Yý .1 EW E-7117. 1'liq)I'IZ 1 ET4 I F. Ci I \1 FI, I I? nor of bting votir thu vvv of livr wedling, ii) a paroyysti of lik-e or rathur l'ike ail good and in pence Be 140,;ù týa Tr;jV!lerý. 1 have. vou are avare, strit-,rletl for i-hirniing and expelýt,& i - IV excellent people whi-, have been niarried Il. J. Il CD ON C . 1, Il, ý> I." t of S. _N Yli tlF 'Fil E. ( 1, 1,ý- ý veirs in eiiçlt-.-ivoriti- in olotain a F-tttltnietit rieir .'irl, ri-i-lit-inber vril t 1 "'IV. V, - ten vear'.. Novr il)(, '(11 NTY 1 -.1 ývüII fhù Y had beconle ten clulli-zj- jjý,, jý,>jjl-t 1 ý ý)f the -reat questiettis which heretofort- hcart grow.: tild, Tlivre are lfays in wilicil yrars aider, si) hall their itive, and filAg! i; fif)t c ATE distracted tille piiiiiic ininil, and -.elj-tr.itefi thv cirarrit ilf fil,. rieuses ilitist- dit- am'av their irirttiûý, al-sci. Their menticientality parties ; Ily the rA ol)i--r.Lt.iitii of iiiotIrratc bwi that #î1v!uýitn once ý, le, il,( -' i li-id malle them the proverb of the whu Willialil Propritor. P _.n cll)l\ je i tioli yo -il' TUF Good aovonil ail, lali-11 f,,r 1 re. able inen, I)ttlbl) il, town, arill everli- hady lik-ed them fo anc ason 1 - for the cotiti- bue(litie.ý; .11ýattife.,t mlie(her ive are trulv i gTeater tif Fxevlleiit stabliiigg and iiii il i N q trv 't and sympathise;l wîtll*tlir Pir these questions Iiave been sût nt rest. ninial-le or rif)t. WheiI habit makes %vivi for tue t tif ail Parties cuit lillit, Vear. e o for the is illost caistivâtinz an every-da% affitir, 'l'lie elit-ce DURLEI SA iiiiprovement tif our laws, fil,- dovvlopenient ili-heri N outhfui vi'pr fadtý.,,'wl;en " occurit-il, and noth' - Dai il i- Il JN t IV oFFICF illore atill -a.s ea-sier than Al' the re,,zources, &ni] the i-,-iiýivritig availa- illor cromdafn0IIg,ýt Ille ple"urc.ýý; to Makie olle ýu-sPect the cxpre.,i,ýiuns of th, lioard il( The Lost Djamonds. Med some vultiatyle 'dlwùtffidg which had been unset, and, as 1 was ôn-S Vîsit ta Pariq, 1 thouglit 1 would -lhevê r thein re-set. A friend-an old, dear,ýýânîd valued fýiendaccompanieà me to a jew- eller's ta make inquiries as ta what -,would ibethecost. 'rlietradesman,.ifterexam'itf- in- thein carefully, pronoutieed theni'td be of great value, aM said the cheaMW f" of setting would came to nt)eutttiirty_ pounds. We did not, M the moment, dé-. cide aboiit it, and as, shortly aftýrwàrd9. !jusiness compelied nie ta leave Pariq,ýl deferred the an-angement of my till my return. Just before 1 came awav, "0.50. 1 1 changed ni * y niaid-an m"c2m2-'- - i for a Frencliftmalée 110, rhilndkre. tho for 1 mer having matrimonial (le.,;ignëi ý tnd, ,and practicecsi consequeptly not beîn- quite willini-to they unfortu- trust the stranger, 1 unillertof)k to park- mY - ýJcwelc;, &c., myself. For this piirpoý;e, 1 sedý.,heeatmt i had my jewel case and desk brought t6the aqný 1 easilv 1 drawing-room, and began arrang-in- IÜY wherèrev this ornanients and papers. %Vhilst-I was"thuïi ot, " ý; ifie ceuped, two gentlemen called sticcessive- asý«tranger--z, I'r, the I.ttýr býing Dr. S -' , th' e friend m ' after their %ýha bail accompanied me to. the jewel1ée,ý- her-wisetJiere i Duiing the time 1 chatted with hirn, 1 tô0k now, my dear out tlie diamonds, wrappeil thein in white est me-zins ta paper, tied them with narrow ribbon, and sealed the tinny package with wax. You knov, 1 then placed ît in a smail box, and plit'it r hat a hand- into my jewel case. At thn t very moment cd times more my maid asked if she could speak v-illi lie verv fnuch me, nfid excusing. my.ý;elf,-to Dr. S- -, however, we f left him ; never, 'of course, dreauninr, of ïn us, is not locking tip my half paceedjewelÉ. &-c., as i w.as absent a fen, mments, and hid t t 1 ie prime i found everything, -apparèntly, as 1 hâd lëft leart, and the it. 1 finished my packir,)g, and thep,"Iýq ing, gives si, reniained in their tildiri--place MI TIM every look, regche4l, and been some dn-ýiv-.q in LondoÎt. n, 1o; earnest- 'rhen the wish tu have tl;e diamoil(IsIm- d'en adoTé us set rettirned, and 1 w-ent ta seck themi, lui .Le possessed order ta take theni to Roundell & BrilriM. nors promise, 1 opepett the eue, lifted up ýtIie lid of -the ,malicious man smill7box, and found -the diamonds gdn"é ne and polite 1 searched every other box ih thé tan, therefbre, hoping T had tnistakenthLýir wherciýbëýt, buauty,ýintist but, nu-the diamonds weié Ins.t. r-Tieýd Me mind, the net say hoiv grieved and puzzled 1 îwù_ý, 1e heart arxi and hov inexplicable the loss appeareki. she atvacted No suspicion, however, of the offly pùrson 'nev by m2ans 1,present at their packing distrc-s.se&tne 'l should as soon linve sug-pected my nrariýt ýre= and deaTest relative. 'p Soijae time elàpsed 1 1 - 1 innocent anfi ere 1 a n fonn4 myself in Paris ; and Lutly ta God, 4hen, f92% MI Rides. 1 heard the ià-uieof t'lut bmuf y of' Alexis, the -subjecf' whose tràneu-power--, -h thv l" ý approached 'the tuiraculotig. A s+run-ý de- a no Pharisee, gire and curînsity aweze in my Ürffifi lo ,Ut aunt of se- àqk- kiià if lie could in hià fond of danc- j' state, &ive me any 01 My ll"tjew. mv--ýelf. and 1 take it amiss 1 mu« mention herc, thât shortiv aftër Be, ind conti- my return ta Paris, 1 h-id -.e_ýceived týy.f6r- ere Christian. iner waitin-wonian back agafil, and illat f Il vill be still now made her.accompany nie to Alexis,' lill han&-ouie bouse. - We were received %vith Freat civility by ýr hsppy fur(,, the tneýiiierist, Nviio, having tbro,,ýn hïM r. " 1 thank " si] bieet" into a slëep, desired me ta plu-te (leur, angelie my hand in bis, and awL him any question 1 obeved, saying, sinipir why do 1 ýGME- tc) yolle" Majame a perdue -quelque Whnt is -it F' Calm Ali, je vois! A little p-.1cý;Cýt, it is --or distuy- ýrhite paper, tied willi rilel4on, And wîth a more gently was qtnrtled. d tu niar my What (Io" it enntain aýsk-ed,, Inng and ten- Il contient dt piurrLs 4laiicheý4. Eh 1 bilki, where Je» dîeiehTný P' u jnvoqs by- You are right ; n-Nr tQil me-Wh garland for have 1 put it ? 1 liuve It),st it.ý' kifal, Viac to - Non,- madame ne In Dai; perdu. rever secined a ete bien voie." ange mixture Vale maiq_ . cari vou Sm 1116 j0ý__ - - 1 --- compi 'trcet, -Sian- full with iliy rol- -ire, yougýIing?' 1"eaceftildays returned, ýt rip., roui, 31-ardoueil Dartuell, wbitby. Jali. Il-, lb.ý7. al ta the Elec "15zo Much the better, Louise; it im iveil aitd hartuuny p:-evailt,-d. If une objoqted ffl. kle .%TTOW,\ýFYS AT LANV. 0 In, IX tors )f Canada. 1 do not doubt as to'our, you should be wakeiàed to such reflectinri, tu the OtIleýt- lirý)ceediti,-ç happily, J. W. (IALDWELL DU rý- 1 une or two coin. Mèt nié oil iit V oilliet >ý-01UQe -et 311 tu ri-lits iguin. Stlteell.;, und favored vrith yotir confidence on the e7ffl Of YOUr Marriage. Yeti knoiv 1 Pliliieut-S itt tl,, *îng. bourg N t1,41ts P. t 1 shall continue te advoeute those princi- love voti sincerelv, and therefore 1 tell vou (Jiieevening iltiring the nineteentb veur, lutteli tc dýwýr Nýbrt11 Of A. 1). WcOzs, ptes of popular progress which 1 have ai- iny thoughts. 1 ain not yct an old atiiii.- after rettirnitj,, front the thicatre, they'sup- shi i Drtig "tort. 1 lirays supported te the best of iny humble At the age of thirty-seven one stili hopes lied togr.,ther, and aftt-rvantý; sut chatting Il uibàn a _11*11JAA11 POWSON, abilît,.y. and ]OOks jOýVft£IIY towards--die future- before the fire. l'hey %vere yet full of etuo- turc stai 1MAXlAIL,,ý Nor ain 1 a bigot. 1 linve an excellent hus- RUTIIERIPORD SAUNDERS, With refèrence te the ýýocal affairs Qfý tion produred by cite or Ifitan(rs splendîd IrJ I) t;: C / (;,.%TF J. -ýTtbV£i,) South Ontario, 1 shall net bc influenced in il . and-1 uni happy; and therefbre 1 have a dranifiq. l'lie happitiffl of conjugal and %Vlll Jilý'.NJA.MllN Vý,ILRNOLI), T A 1 L 0 R 8 e favor of any one locality or particular pro- nglit to 'zPeak- te you thtiq, and to draw dometie life, the dre-scription of which d rfýî)ý\'N AND ; y0lir attention te a secret of which prettv liglited theui so inueli un the stage" se'. y0une 1 0F. , W, AN 1 4. KUNG STREET WMT TO- ject, but shall bc guided solcly by the ci m M. Yitlp Ê'-i4 oi j i voting girls k-now littie ornotliingï an;i ed to be vivified and advanced 1 ty, th- AliIý 4'n King Street West, ILMil- preRsed and Weil understood wishes of the" to açtUal baw, 6 el toi). majoriîy ci the people of your Riding ;-J veung gentlemen trouble but littie. nbout; now they were ut borne. 46 Ï011 A. B. t but nevarthele-Q& it is tif the greattsi, im Dear nie"' raid the coijntess. Il Its 8111111 ut ail iines do my uttuest te protect GEORGE MOTT, yotif ehtg and intereit.,, and no elfort of! 1"'t"" in everv household, and ran alone ail very vreil, if one could but remait é lo nv1ýýilpir(1 1)v Jus. litwig- ri 1 ANI) lIARNý MAKM &c., I)ro(l;ite etiffitring love and indestructive yoý%ng." wotild b spared in aiding and promet. 43 mine will be am sure yoa have 110 roasen . toý difficrent S Br,)çiklin tuid Epmom- 1 -lim'Ve ing in conjuriction NOth vourselves, ail lÀolii.-;e tooli lier a*t's hand in lier own. coniplain. Where is there a woman loo Dwti Dr. H. W.- CLARK, gin e.4t,ýt--k ýnhaud. audearryou the bt'eÎnësA MeMIW, thAt M&Y be deemed of bencfit or' coliONER, t. branches. ti - Wdvxntage te ySr section of the country. 1.11 i le "uie mi ut my establith "Dartiný, aunt," slie said, -yoli kriow 1 1 intil ýô well as, yeti do ? 1 catinot See thé one «,tb go 1 believe lever thin- t 1 1 -Hffldmlj ment ai Brooklin. 1 ýqrret thaLtime will net allbw tue the 1 Y P)u MY. You mean o 1 e"t rence between my wife of plensure of weilng personally'on ait the 1 tell ute that couinant h.tr)pillé.4ýS and ever- and my wife of turenty yeam ago. A, ew lasting Io-ve art net ensured e muet sul: bitl My, Dr. ÇXIECKLEY9 1 qMIL lowever, avail tnyàelf of tu us by niere j whims, perhape-, but these uni K >T it > c; N- OýýP T 11 E Ty ep" ni- ý_tk giving etp4anations, casualtie-ý, bY Pa&%ing charnis, but by the 1 mit to. Our 1 ilion is, Devart.,ele$g, one Qý it, and r ýET, TOWN OF 911 el WATCH4" - 1 eille lJF WATC11F.8 JÉWELERY, gnll virtucs of our souls, which we brin.- Wèrel & sîn-_ whilst qofl IMi f at4dainWd with vour , each the most fflviable oit e;irth. ictiiria Buildiuge, Kiiig ' ;tret'y 110WEhau- Ulym other as the best dowry, and whieh never gle man, and halbpeiied te *fflý. you. upon ffleiiffl wv V lwants wishm .S. JONEM, ville. groir 0 rny-- wi)z» te nonc, otlier would 1 offer my COMpA 1ý:1 Ný , andJewelm promrtly 1 have the henor te bc, -That devends, Louise - virtues aise hand and tic-4riL" atia 0 grow nid, and ivîtb old age Very polite, 1 m saï e becotne like the uqt'wnLýse," d>'t» Your obedient Servant charnisof the body, unattractive." 4--onntfflS, WÎ4 e -,àieilig. 114 Bntý my dear fticitd,- j. c. STERLING,# "Dear aunt, yeu dont say se Pr--,t Snsider. Aiready twenty jvhat, ý,LMiw A DUPLICATr BOOK 49 Toronto, Die- 23, 1857. tell me a virtue thut Cali k-now. mios W. cnSi, A of Mr. St-erlîng'ie Atiction We»O tl)t U grow uýy wItýj am .1 now, and iv.hatwa& L thenr, Old age.', "Novr a pretty little wîîfe---Uýellta pretty E*,\(.I.N,ýr.FR, A-ND Bat, pu -U 1 -When once, thev have become se, we littiè girl. twoula net exch YOU aý** will bc aUtittic-d ange the'one ty. Daý,t§ of W69 êsia ni, litre no longer call theui virtues, tile pAme as forthe other!" And he, M ber te hiq ThM pregud .9. FROWId-D' ËAV_ B- N strtlet, Dear. the Court 1101ille y- 21id DL--, â67- %Yilh a pretty girt'who is lie more spolien ýremt.»»dkiâsedhgrfondly.,,,-,. CJ 11 Tjý't 'T and plffl-for holdinq ilhe nie has turned lier into a tiliriv. ý£,ND CIVIL EN(îlNEER, of wben ti -be happyquite h4"y, but ATE s(ýjtipTLFRVS, WHIT]3y. & B E -Aà»àl Ekction of by the elled old ýw=an." fororte tb;ng..ýnj- dwr, dear ftieul One, .4roý - of the Port In ithy and, "But, dear autit, çirtues arc the happiness, of Nijrll, Fest sud West tl net tempo- bl 1fný_ Ilitby, llotej. Everv ivfQlwýtion LjkMý Offléq Boad ral or perishable." îg-deiniéd à » en to PuIsst-lugeN. carertil oâtfwë alwt"ý'i lu -That deýends." gi, oii&iibM yýûW! 7you mean an hèir, PLIMAINDER M. CLARK, ait '3tidance. "Ilow can good nature become Ugly FI -ýourcc Ure, cet ta 9>"(ýUN'ri' ONTARI., 1). P. WY.&Tr, Éroptietor. lffirgR&U, THE DME M-IL13 -OF TIIE er te inherit thy graS- lit "The very -moment it chan 1.1iiiid 1iiýj-R-ctor4 Lieetlges in the Ilittnieîp fioïidoo y, didiiotp"a*»Yýiâw Prv- ges îuto effp- eu andN-irtue-bat " added the count'- iiý jt'ttiiù To\% tif the mînate laxneqs.1 k îng bis -wifes lian.dt you ()§tTit AXBWCAN MOTEL- 0 4he Widýconièany Oit the -, ',And manly courager' lie m',' of thd 8 thîrty-e.ig,-hý aiid 1'1ý few mSnd)Londarlu DeSmber. "Becomes rqugh insolence." ROBINSOMP -.ô"? : whë k_ IIE.ý,Dl PXOPR MOI vilâ "And modesty FI TAKM _And whçmmtb4;Duwtors of the m*d.Cum- Oh 1, how happy 1 s hiD uld bel Altho" PrM Eè le be Mthod of Wfý.rmi= bit friends, - ànà the autberised nua ompo">Cred by the 16ý l'changes into Servility.11 rf-AMILY &-c., BIWCK ST1LY.LTý public geuùTxlý, thiât ho hall, 0OÏýlý buài- 100 Byl* fi one e4ild, gives not lesa., -^re; thffl joy,- î _Vw t'il De" in the jlbove premiseâ; ho trusts thât Id* îléthe a :And noble pride,?," P. , *uvýtîMe The least wishap Miy take it from us." Mede of doing 'busifflit and attentien to, bis moeh Ai* the secoe xortdiq iu ý 1 zN n-îüùn one 'I'Therefoie-tiýPchildtei:I. YouarerighL gues "And ýoIjtçness F A* IJANX th And'ndt only t",- bicit-thýec, because, with a 7ý"Aeting the-par"te-" Be 'two ou IZI'G(;IST. DRUGS AND CHEMICA udd em y thst the neit Autîuâl,-Xoaung« if o0,ý Oh' Id,-dl'é, -ybti, àré-s6lI1nîheý 'In 1LAIRWS XOTEL9 "No, dear utint no. You make nie ai- same dilemma. 1 am swrçý.'He&,r*ù -ý*ilI 6tufbý, Colom &c., ai, tjé Stoi*ro,'I'L f tbe id CMpoav 4mU-ýlib T)YO TIIF- 199 - 'y uwl 'enym oit liaiiçt,« Duitdas Street, Wh4by. No, STRIM P ri VQby,-"iii most angry.. Thus ray fÙtüyt humband WM t xié -Çvmp",Y,ý eee, 0 wîll r quarr _êýi'w4k boin the iWeey.ý,popgt cm never àejeneratie, . lie bu ono'virtue, r Sat4rday,, Me 9M d&Y of ra*warY,, 1M. which wil jý0ep hi ai, »Onq, 'UpoàNîty ýUANNAIKI- 'ý1 Ur ni frôta Mie begt lApý&pg, bu been mûtto4 *WIý wrongTaths fri(*Id _ý1iJ9d th )AINTER. GLAVXRý PAPffl BANýGffl, iùtnté; 1 (1arýtea and -PàIntid*- ý ýr çëe ng W, *,aoeè4 nôon,,, -th- ýPPx>_qc Qi julieim -m-4IIe hassýoond.mirtl and an indelible linit ý't'9îj la ýçaûcjý" ;UÏbiýrba î" - gwraior the and tt-at the &e., whit1w. 1 hpilrtuicmtm-are large Ilii Vêt »ýj -thôse pas for au ibÀt' 18,7 g,-m4 'n- on kimd on thit amvai or, -th#' ýbýkêü'by Woý ' &nà, that, sien _d and( 'pe beautiful. Ànd Senti cm And-st»Inbosteý *e h"ë pro for ail tbat ià'noble, livex lu me GEORGE' BRABA»1'99 THOMAS LÀIEB# 1PrAT9GN;ý_ ýW in hîm. Thug -theré- W wfthin us ',boW-- COMMISSIONEB FOU WCWC4ý W aMý,; "jwmd rçason Itaking Affidavits In the Qtieun'a BML &G. ot.,happàù' athit; -.,ex>ndvâ eoawmbe-w* thQ P i4k, Biý6ek, (% IV. Jýý ýýj3 "And ohéuldlit7g "Wimn iýYUU M-11 Tii6ik Âsh', koÉlÉsolq9ja âd, v Itim oui rith 1îM4iýE y0a, 4t, wGuld becorie uitpl WILPIAN THOXPBO]Nrtý > OPOLE RMR £UTTMG b is thè arch déatiýiitt 6Âbhnm ,with tmst* now,; audgiven me-a severe frighL f affýdion.- - fliftuWed dmlly pale; there vm no i*eWînjýý ý3 biii mistàking.his change of couzitenanee. S nplver been ý ý 4tidiir diamondâ, Mm--; 1 dan't knoir' uélýL,ïýy -bus- W-hat Vou- intanil""I -ing sa on my ' ý,%V hy, yott ýkncw yôu, took thern tho, uà: prAyqîý te n1ght 1 wu pàc-kin-- iîpýfoc a jeà4 et ,q-zthtngnevr edftrse-but to end It nowi Ïýbli" Lknow U wae voti,- h--did it.ý' i-ûsbând, my -- ý1-1Fr«m a mestnerist, fsumffle," said het 'but 'ithoutexprtýsuint,, the lSst indignaï tiow-at the ých«rgeî) lkltelûllv some 01ay Y« Ui.-A novel will go mad about mesffierisixi ài lett 'io the I ýcnnfmqcdýihat-1 had been to Alexir. lîaý-4 cpqrý Said lie' CRIMIV) III Shall got* Itan&. Ma j1414, - hîm atio." SnItarr, a-id i A few days afterwards ho called on me; >f4he preeàt pràdncingýawritten paper from. Alexis, dé- long -&go re- claring that he'did not mean Dr S- byý &II , t ho peri bis description. ý 1 beýame indignant' diéÉ.- It You bave bribed: bitn to give it yeu ,t the i[1StTw,ý lox"me& 'IIýa1ga-have &gain visited, manufacture, Alexis, and w&ýs repronched by him, and tlw a to Messm mèxmérîstýîbr.exposing' themto-ajudi*W. A vn.ibès" yotv have -the ifiam" 1 ý irt!ý*Lst Of yýàw-, or4 which is returning-zhemý1 îrýd, Stý . n,7ed, -- A--ain he gréw dendly pal-, and -repeit_ý he had:rç»entedý Dr finiýh,%vitb, meh an"=tLgation; ifle hadýbecn VjohWàj_ý Pfýl!etF,, ý,4,Ayk -doit IMIS troubled racé, diost cXfiËý Owdr uë ---Aùd - ttliming.- n t-npbono.Lq met no inore. I->Yý'éA% ýMlèd-ofaý T týliôtigh h-- 1ý 4#îî i'One gnd'- m-y,,,@ïuàohe ÎÈ ü6" ,-et" Ù01 i -bât « lui *eýéf ýca oui- ïï m they 1yeý , à~ -it'plim. it In- >

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