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Whitby Chronicle, 30 Dec 1857, p. 2

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-I Plw o a fîs O - O unr ansa ar* sucesful ed te thse Meeting,commonced his 1.Every maie perseo.n iavingal thetime l -tlery ireuon or lfveY ommaorOundeur lath Woe- ireon- et-norCommandeor fehetion speech, (the sane alneady .cf teusterng bis vote,&steeutrgste-e<thr«e lr.athed, dots bilsmot-k toimarvet ;cvery fty lies repeated, dirng bis con. oeaendmrmostis, cf emi propenty IteRi .I- ditiuWon ofttroopu aro-oes ih an 4.-9itY vas). Ho val atufi athi. flrstiy--rt, den, the ctui wuo f ifty pomds and andl decision 'vieis ould tic admirable upmards, or o et b.yemly vaine of five ove e~nhome service; and tisougis lb, P euaiuypophat<Um-when onepeunda mand upwards. bcepe et action io Hhludostan, where il used of tise impatient olectors requesteil la be thougisitinht Edropeaus mere crilS- lnt mn h-ui.'u -te 2. EVer"0 nimpesn hgbavn een for pied by thét exigenclea of tise climsat%,our i ots rpae m ds& I BSIIor ise ptevioits te, muid beig soliausss seomn te mot-e 'itisout even tise pae ,hnnm eyidâlet and lb.helime of-tendernug hb vote, te 1ga crdlnry inipedinientas cf mmi. W hear oven-forward friend of Mr. àMowat, tubd boum&11<1. omner or frisholder cf nem d ocomiiam cifficui o, ne Ilrequl- ehoveil a disposition tonuephiysical lPropi-ntin te Riluý othe mtUai Valu. ~ain,u nose enbarrasmnatsoet yatemno no<tpooudanud upmardu,orofett yoen. coeplloatbons of routine, suelb as eut- Cri- force agaïnat thse internupter. A go- lyV value of flve pun et- upmmrda. muns experlence ruade us se sadly famlar neni mle. enmucd, duing visicis Mn. willa Thse 'ork is incemsnt, and the Movat disappeared from the8& Evenv maIlereon haviug been for suabers are smail, but everything la donc nf'r' six mnntis or More proIes ta, mand beiug pra>maptl>-5dexterously mid lnlurnpiautiy. andfledi with làbi Siend John Rolland at-ttie of e fLndsighite5 ltbeal - te Brookln. and bonsailde tenant cf nmi ptrtul n the Rldlu& ef ive po"uud u pwmfle, pro- Uamps ina rv pT*BsaoLaaT.-Â mansa ,,Tk, sheeting once excited, tise videçi tbessmsts, rtu 'veral 4kflwg iiundiWua. Home, et Haqilbcon, autbosiy of the Citai-mia v-Ia ie- by minit b. holdasaisiý prope@ty mas oei. [lniWat, Atuan (ed tobrcakinto tegnlyflbb emo à*y«o me ilt,- frgte Ocofettihe New york -gmt-ed. ]Mn. Agnevhidil h. couid gulyfrh uoe eno oe D"wal i i . dlntit. viape'or, lénki. b. unsintaha o,'der, but al bis offerts .4. Evey maie person lbeen for .q~u n 'mmbt. Il. bh e r.fmls si suaprevIorsaIlb hsq1-l.i'in lte trZttae adssxtt, aadbiga h àMin Lbcoe ud aicodY, nn j- Jb inyhvlg1eecfed til»O 'cf tandering hbe vote, tise îept mn theo1Bej an wulokedinqfm 1t Jon erË hain ben cll boni lidëo occupant ofreslproer n l ho ib.forcedl bit may lt. bise o foi* r, aseeded the. platforrni, mi iit, fts Iaalnd et l theud the Preighst Agent. lHe wvasily e-. grooted< -th jod6fuI a «"r nd a andâl oroflthe ye@Ay vaie cf ive gageda tthe mnouy <ramer msen tMr. liA f- od$'itid f lWP n« punJMu<tupmsnstProvistpathe shaIloc- rer, thisecket Agent, vent to openitis Aelev vords trou» titis populan D sen of lb. gggs fortis. 026train. H.mrnugimtm l teman suMýed -to huastish~e , d(. coin.or oethes, 5vîaenoffauc pnopety, roWl4 lin. 11. gave tise mImas, aud niin -Cp~~E.,tie Myoiseus ift ise-jgtentleun, on tho 6f ~ain4~h pi*nmi~i ~*u»~oertaauin, tione e-ot lte titi. t, *«gW4iner acArin t' ad becosmg thse owner tsar.o ~~~~Toms p440fIia5tIquwtoi;wu5. Ybss5, tes e ,ay ..ý 111ON4 wit. him ithe mnt penitetof, Tthe êese meh net-Wben )m a M van y i n;tha'w-fi 1 JlJJ N teIet of -that meeting ait quiet » W ut gie B ener tnIg fSOUtheFOR 1011mère than half an hour waJttngfor PWÀ SbSusd m. nr tn 1to bisdayMr. U7owuavs Wetrn te addrms ti iq nby what tnnaccouâtstble ins S U H ONTARIO ao * oaifind a cie A"wua able te teil al m boflt My loi, ate M4r MOW that wiens 'W hae Miliytlo 1. 60 ietotiîly fat off'the trutb.th iu M0ta 1 at d,"t1wntt a ée bu New Advrtuments tiLtS We1k. he saw the well-lcnown Intelgent fac *r MuM on Dr1S-- but old frmendship Out Voters--llonorable J. C. M(orriaon. Of the citizens by whom he wuas ur psqi td me from, expong hlm in sny To the Electora of 'the centre ward-p., rounded, he tholight it very ungracS 'wq uilw r.joiced I wu that 1 had not Keller. fui indeed, and' very uncalled for on _64,0, To1t. Eeoe . tb ete adW be pint of Mr. Draper, to -so insti! toammetta otlie Indiau Newse To the Electors of the Centre Ward--John the Town of Whitby by zpoaking aq Shaw. edd tw moeta narou Prom Ili. ondnweier. whltby %qa ,and C(iindle ManufiLctory-h ld tvsmr hnucuto I semasau if w. may now almost dia.- kieph tr.mlîuaon & Co. -coSmlg firom the quartenit did. Hi MW froni Our considenation thut mai n In" Ro 1>îPll-A. J. hite& Co soo threas <Cf Magistrate and body ef insurgent. which but Peeent!y 're- ilot~' in- tm dgett. 88 prepared te ensure a safe hearin, P"MW ite e1w trongtb of the rebethion. M________ __________te every man that wished te speah q' h Im 4o f Delhi, as an crganized tmi- ' 'k*I but while doing 50, hc wou]d Rot a. fltmy lin'ce, appears pi-etty wdell aceounted ,QJIfll kloth Ton fwhhh wsti fie. Ovcr and above the losses sustaîned . representatii-e, te hc inuîîted. H1 dung the siege and the. six daysi confiictcle pn3rMoaa ind l wbich atteridod the stonming and capture Wlittby, Wednesav, Decemb'r 30,1857 ch alld 1iI)on t.eMoats ford. d1fe l.cty, they ha*te since heen three W- -ulii-th----u-- da i - te a ~tîgt on o soucitoccasîia with grt-t-t slaughter. They vance of our usual publication day on >àfn.nieet MNornison at his meeting at thf Wert rat overtaken by General Greatbed, accourt et the presof election ma-1Town hall" on to-mon-cm (Tuesdav) IK flolutidsuhtir; then again by the sanie Cfcrefae Vhmntcenn. Utmtrtc commander at Allygîxun; and fi- ter. fcet fce tuVhet-n adjo rie.)it nallý, they we r uprised at Seorajpore lnu The meeting ttnajundwt the iturnediate vicinity of Bi(hoor, beiug WT H IJCÇIl ? tire. cheers fer Nlor-i,4on. It was all 8,000 on J,000 s trong, by a ornaitpar- MOWA T c GogeB tw rulv hurnifiâting to behold the de tyfom Cawnpore, and -ntterly routed.__ - couteanesof1he. eà lhtpates cf the Ut-i force may stiUb Jctd conWacts fth Ce Itoupigthe -ield is probablu enougi, and HO RS Y AGiminR-(rit8 whlo wendin~ their steps home- W I.arn, inàdeed, iat lIrigadier Showers îORS NA Caaha C ward di&-tlipointed and discenmltted. ton thle heels of sone of thein î *but it is frm rand an. ntdllige Pro- bot in resson to suppose Ilsat they can esatrlero- atredag Wui muclx apirit or coliesion after éluch ne- lsat poatetI disasters. A seccond and by no MO W-4 T- Geo rge Brout,?'8' A s Ilcjurait eahutt meatMIn rje idenable bxiy of revolters, Amiornliey Gener-al.dmi th Uz ythe- mutinous <Contingent f trq Geca right of any cf our readors to except Soindzah, at Gwalîor, aud of Hoikea 111- JIOJRISON- 7he Honorable te o)ur stateruents. lie is at 10U and tm Âording to thse accounts of the Wpmail, the Indore troops had taken post Receiver Grenral-Th7efriend fi-e. liberty to differ with us, Sud tc &L Ditolpore, while the Gwsiior mon had of the taleiited Pi-emie;-, John dispi-ove our arguments how and. loup 'dispes-sed" by the active and er- A. MfcDonald. when ho pieases, provided the time WSe inla Ivention ef Scindiat. ,We are ISmd however, ttut the, trops which coin- ad place chosen b. proper for his ,pou,.Itht la tter force are stilunthefielTeCOaliiat !-DiRnePutablO Pract*ceups;ad htfi-la eaSd md tht they'ase nxatihing $Won Cawu- oftah. e m àrGrits pros1ad tfarplyb acr noabywra etJhansi. Ai Jisanaîisline- cd un. W. deem it however, neither fjue &Go;i f Omalior, and Cawnpore' If a laxish cjýpcnditure of inxoey, nxanly uer honorable te take adiau. abarly <due coo, thia would reprisent a unliniited lying, andi the- most unprin. tage cf or absence, and te make in- Wry >ifuitous course, but it la possible- ldmserenai othscoljuose thât te isutineers had been driven tesome ciledmsersct-o f h ctci uin taterueuts concerniug us, be- distance <notn Gwilor by Sciudiah's more masters' Prcss-hired for thse purpome hind Our backs. The vcry lsst place wc tittol levies,' and we observed last week -cani carry an election, then thse Gec. sboubd hav-e tisugit which wonld ho titaI lse7 wereby no means uniikeiy, even Beumsthaproei ieSho afiar their neported dispersion, te preserve Brw- an-Oliver Mowat desea-'s eilected for sc upsï h bo organisation stuffilewt to bring tiens on; te go te Parliatuent. The gýro"a falme- Room: tihexerv ILaist pensons, Clerg - lb. scene agains. It is added that a Ma-1 hooda prlnted in ts nai iemueee h-uaSiolTutc harNh-with -as tite not nt present attain--fteOtrolns e-oe ffii celTute able -,ha&i beets murdered by ils own peo-cencerning Mn. Mornison, exeeed even IVe arc inforîned that at te Conus ple, which nsay possibly point tosonie u-- the Cbear Git vilianv cf the Glob!e, Gramnu- Sch4e examination on expeoted succos of these double traitons in tisese repects. TisatMn. Moi-tison Tisursdav Ihast, smne revermrd gentie- tote supresue fovernument of India and is in favor cf 'Nunnieres--thât -Mn. mei re-et inadrsnghepi teir otvn lauediate Prince. Sindiaba rsetminadrasn ts ppi postio, hwevr, y te pevius c-Mornison is ini favor of having 1Sepa- tcok occa sion te animadvent upon Lie ably hope no stci flîte lusa attendcd lus rt costa r M onIenis course psusued hi' Liis journal inra e- uzuspiany I1At>, wlxile me are nuL miti- opposed te Repreçent-ation hy Popu- fenence to Mn. MeCabe, thse teachen. out-bellot tat thse rebebr lu question have lation-and u- eda sc >ace, frm ufready reeecived signa ciastisenset.Tiedint MnTMhien'aexe titS-i oacuralGrathd'svitores-h1 thing odious that u be thougit «f, ny source, was Iigh im rproper-in 4t Agra- 'as obtaîaed over a body of mu- !arm onlx a sampfle cf thc v-lie enîninnie% iclergymen it is unjustiflable, an-1 by tIleers obviousIy distinct froin. thlie pro- circstlaied. We 41id net ecuid(er Mi-. 'te public it anisait bc regarded as ne- 'vieusly nouîed at Boludahubun and sti;en Mllygliur, ad t iL lmeat probable tisat hev 1Mewatt capable o endiug hunself Le pnchiensiisle ihi. tie Isigliat degree. It represented eitiser tise main force, or 'a vile elap4tr- îl> bis kind. An honeit appeurs almcst. incredible that gentle- consid rable divisîi of th~e Maratta Con- man meuldY 'uo hesrnt f e loId ) ulvofs rua tinfent. d< upntiesxegh-fmes'hnd a iali-o s i-a ia series cf vittories wouid tins have bis cwn good cause, if ho liad eue, piece cf impropx-letx-, atu me fan mi-- d1ispcoed of ile principal rebel forces, with without nesortiug te tic basenes of conccive their onn Ixitieni, and thse lhe exoî-ption cf tie inssangents il udnde aigIsopnn.paete eeis iéw hï tu thsaI province h la cvide.nt tisat the irce mngbsopnet-lc îsvmr i, a«o le hi mossgit they appL te hp t-otain»in -office ne Isteboperotailn ofic-uder jfespaper parti7anaulp at a scisool ex- of er perations, adt av utdisregard cvery pninci1sie ef ho-, fruits we anxiciaxeu num-tua,-eaen Výtogether ln tIhe vicinity ofcf ý non and n»Iainess in onder- b gain laiseIiving a newspaper, sud titroig i i »w. ntil te e icent sut-cescf fluxe- aedtI lit a fat that ne George, being a poTtico-re-ligious partisan. 18; Yb& and Outrana, every step of thse 501 *Ioe betweenCawnpore and tise ist-men- BSOwn-man eau corne fonwaa-d apon itt'is rigit? tioneç capital, was conttcsted by masses or i~o-n nierits vitiiout rauuing a ne- 1WeCisave ne objection to MeCabe smutineens, but we uo'v 041tiarn ttie om Popeny-hcwl, ani evokiusg the demon as a Tetcl&e-we a-l go as fan as munieatiou froin Cawnpore la open up to a plaeof misici tise orthognapisy in not yet of bigotry and intoiena nce te is aid ? amy one ina allowing hlm UaLtetmertl vqar' distinct, mithin four miles eft Luck- Bad and frsiemutbth u wc shsdeasuhut e.oni now, and at ibis spot Sir James Outram o1knma .ts cn.wihlsbsde sscbtwecn has ueconsnended thse establishment end wmiicihbas teo b. proplo-d up by such tend tisatit k s flot pt-ojer tht te o gnization cf-sa stroug fonce. OfI the ruaus.K Eleotor of :eutls Ontario Scitool Teacher susould be tIkewï-se a iu- Landa-. itou-att isoltkgscoa-lienomlntwaf. .. ,.bu a' .ât - thieiitisey fr 1p it. niembmrssuppostet goverumemîs mbslch Election Retenus, j56,77an410apren I nd i ntin frth u n gîmaauper neuttery cuteis ç nsis u-tS No-bmd3 passed lioe.meaunres, Mr. Mariban 'as -j , ars emc e ,eg pbmnttd~hwcamie IWntrd-S, w m t-oenble.to atet, 4r.r ubitbeai- representaitico lbypopmuiions. tie geYinetu ferfï,Peter I;oughineetiusg oftheP apae, f o u n d v o t i a g a g a i u a t L I . l e e t e n t i an l i m e s a a s - r a i .t c da . i i p e nu dse t m g aN M *t h eri o i-t - u M a s t e r , m e h a v e i e u -w i n W,.% Yebc u c a l .8 f t he.o u- se misen ho mas a supporter ao! the pt-tsent 0"' --a-- -- 1biin Wurlltty not kuosi', for AdminIstraiSlon. (-cld Mn. limt-tt do Froasttu -i. Su iZaMrloîe.Oipullei cx. 551 I n Tl'Ae ie m e a eiugietfris pu poeOlbs. m o r e l i a t i s ? W i l h e d o s o m u c l s1 S t . I i a tu t is e . . 1 - V . a i S e i - s te . aS. s o l s L T- , l i a s l a - i S o u L irae t m b e .Nrt ttasurbrunnIae i and--Lte- îe i - -- 58i'AfATE acnooai.NttS t ts osol w eshiertuerisathetate1co C, ess-sai Fi-cm tic commencement Mi-. harrison TKinnso-- ... iluitass.ma. "s erctbilsc qssiy i bti sat-ne - t 034 &hais-tu'-IaaI& sts.Tise 1rotntt,!o f ý!'ft t -O ",,and, IM S 'b' OheatO stood opposeaiteta 15cm introduction. H Me amiSmn ..... aiau. ---i' Iî lrI~e s ; tt ,Ire'iti. brum; fUllt-iti thil, c J. Canling .... 1Cnaafls -e uW Sp rat e-o atili continues opposei te tiens, and t iisOtt&swa.t. ... atesa-i- tst- , snc o'-orw cst et emp f î iLake and vsihenTise orb mr Moi3t, m, Brooka ile-.... hb*ode..11toupaailt4tS.h o - Tt moreconaisencp--consiaietîng bis posîion fex u--hm be-aa.-.atpeit tisem le' sen lioldron teUegv.suy Maser he dra -tbîutgietliiRiim -tien any ouiser poliician on tho flaci- o!f si tS.Suithl..... 1 ,Itâ Sohools misero doÏë" -4on'raquit tiseirnocptin se ' .li tise Hloua. of tic Canaduan Pariamest-'South s Weaug I sot nr a OcuPton, u h.intende. fuifsy açussd, - - ao -DStrtoa ....t- y te their fihsare.,ngi; o aaetitething men. Kotu-' -n a Wlisn the Ac-t wu.intro,,seA andl on the -N ortih Ws-,t- Ic»meen 1altCatheLusipi te of' iLàhtiut ~ s ts iugemu, at Bwm or larI;ït ad or ver tiv frendandvirualrt"ôf he werCanada revenue for tisai geanco mas futile; be cazne eut fa-an hiai Bcw.r orClar ~I Tfuaiy Ipresentaittive there - andi mietiter ho mas lua fonci ps-ov-Lsao sicnld ucit nttltWitlseut tise hast injury O à d tr out of officepuqsosea otmisiat ~ Ol LY'lni oot-.jiai c-oporator in, mlviMsi n ... oti -- ntofthoeConqoidatcd Farrd of the cnuld n acif~ictie mthirofeis-se hmatrblnce lateheeati sintr~~ ueraint or 14l 1; Bat.e~is! iupcs-ingevop masd eacu1t~Ite ovait TO. xOiRoI. Provincie, and à soineqisal to surit lasnd of Patmoq, misere be i-ete thse onîy mo eeve dd to tise efficientcy o! our Scitoolbaac ë-obse ratototh rptilbokfteNwTegmt d emt ee 7 b terLlltit0" systen, aud teb inaiilu lasiutegrity.- T tiRftrirxo ieR-h bao naro i le efo snet-loalpu ui te rph elic ookf tise jhem t ceinn IlCslusaRYO As tise colîeague,-and f<onmmy iuti- tIl ,aîr*ta nnh ihmfOsai. udfm o om ota d-<- n icTtseoia !J-iaiCili <lrsmn ~ SulSOuttli Ski i A. FremiHmate intercout-se with àMn. Mornlson, on a&H naaiu,-WexReformners se- Pua o9esin Uppes- Canada. the-tate of the Chaurchinluil 57-to çSlpu semail malters turing Lbhe'liaI cheveu j ured tint gi-eut blemsng, Responsible Tise abov-o sre tic great -iuai-gcs t0ethe congumumatiou of Lisemoi-Id vRsCruis va .oanl!! eis,1 as atisfled h.e mould na more be Goves-finîrtnt, theymn ntd btuoaha ieGxennnwici h î- Wei-e nnt ail- Masenie Intstitai;ns o i a consentin-'- parL'tise nmyscif, te amy now m, asorrt ec, ee are divid- -Ewat panLy are se îoudîy makine,merr htwuhtbvr u'cho o temt.0Poe ite ad tfr rsils LiAre yu obno n Ab ni Farew-ell iasba-gaaned for systeni, or impée euspi-ogi-cs. ,) ied. 'nie Clean Giliahave been sowv- but, do ntaep epo~î~.tut- l yite smoracl!Are yaloetailomin. t Sentis Mord 'vitiS George lBrowna. Ileie Ouir Schooi Systeni bas never icen Idem- ing tise seeds cf idisîsuion among 'ns -ery easly te rake acscusation.%, Ibut klut], hut capecially pour irethren 1 Dit ta to receive the nrepiesentauaon of Lhat con- 'tifiet mitis any poliiral party; iLithsu Ifor some tuni pat, andti îey are nom unoîher nituer te pruve ilsemé Afk voi mot ccl yoiir.qclves cnlern uar SQ gtsituerscy for bis assstance in retts-nimggrovnup under Lite auspices of, suants- fh eaning fi-uiit. jMany of you are for- a Mowat-uan Us prova Ie lsi rsise ëlty altos-ct, lattter, imosIalmen, and Clans- Geore ]roun's omutiefor etui o- aidministrations of Got-einment, and i15salin orprtçples cf' .truc rcfo rm, make-s and yen sîmt Ilain, up ut once. tiauriindced. If thîcre hc anyamongsl tisefiCiLo!fLise cc-cperaton of aj i partiesq. in goîng ngiýainIsq tisai truc andI lomoe AntI mi l31 r. Mowat ? île i-4,a<Toit, wio are lvigwitioutCrit dt tadole1ITiis me have front auiemtic tesi-As I have endearonruîis to j*ilpna'-tdRfrmr n .C ersn eieis îr arded siIv Ms-sien te d ony. ef. -- treritdtpoeform er, eetM r.m J.tiC .ly lori-<son, jLaNyypenfroin, To i-nte and uppr) ted in trespaxmeaiandi unps r a e iu.utio'- g9 leS-sare trnsiug eut as aticipatet. sa 1 have ît iffi t dta dol - muidtadaeing ail vois eaui te securoe hi- yToronto La -yen nntMs-ha ta pvoisatut fi-cm tise f;-- -pi m an m mn rt mitI 'Psat-,r sa ~aiteti election cf au ousîsqider and aa Rtmrnger Noprruirsrt nutn fiutiiq C(outty sup-raer'elny'. Murvcsch of ivatakle holdoet Thet tao Canidâiiaeb. jto proimote oua- Nationat Schoul Systens. -a perecis who, Inp tetic at two pri . 1-ia f-lnrtibo e a SWnth&hope of imiuoa-tauity set before u,, sud Ail tise otîser - ~Mr. Issi-n h avimg devotcd more lime menths, bas been oscet'f tise mon vie- canvassqirg fer iim su-eAbisnFa- peenetrug dvneg-t,îî .AlteehrChampions for leetion lia- tiss amy otior politicasl man in Canada, te lent Tories ; bult aitten repeateti at- mcli, ChotrDaeniotrA-tise cngof}e-thtspiulne ke eousrhDrapernomndftotheo Anebd e tise aidchangethof great'worktStspouitube un- le nom have ow left theField to th aid metim tis teegeLwtic ipi-Osentc un--tu-nm tontenethtienienttsovrnde(leurxGi-iLs.s '-Fieearmari-it4r-teo4utrehion ine ho;ic thqd; ii-Re marswsina- if lonnusîl Mi. Ms-iso ani n. amatgrateful lu maiet otte scnawhedgc the iin- Le ta lmfii by tIse hiansd geL uins lssanti charcter of tîsose itaiýe. u lie fomintairs of Calvary, mithout wmiicl -tht Cbancenp Law-ycs. Tise elecîlubstiorilî ha efiinh togl tcnstiecv mithost suscecas, liast-i tieér for bilan abouilaimake usticilat î mai sîsalicer sec tise Lord. u o e nomtiindîesi dow te a comttbetwecn un--son teser guds uani ie msay mttntn netîntiruniuq u fis urpoie.lebsi ntitrmikfe is av husr mitny,,pi-coloris trie? trucme sformeri, w t-e ieon oP- lie i wthM . oris inanîy Can- tht-cm hinssaclf into tic aiimusni George maya î)en an utta-Tory, nai 1a-lien lchelt~*Cili ouemts litical questions are idcntified is thome ry. hlacra i-ui Mit-aile-to thse rtspot.Bmi.-ai i ha ri up rr. jfcind he coulti net geL te nîaiîut mur t-ct-caant Gol, ersjoying Use good el of iseMoerao ani o tioiu-ecu <lsp sud gratitude cf ct-ciy fniendl tont urNa- Ye bhai-e been led wntatuy bv lise lies,îlsrcusgls tihesianeof the presIùti'cf Iîm, mIta miii conduot sus ounu-t by tionai Scisol Spatein. anti clapr-trap Turaises s-lus th icis tise j nqrcace ispinilswt-hqfo rc, o h ado vrri and a fulh-tiedgt-d Clean Git Radit-ul-au i1 re-isili, mtnp rît-ar i. CorG-tpatala- laeeits iusuv hnugt sap-ie1esml- hii-ei-ec t. ate hao!er, 0 lasi h maltaa Geore Bhlou-man.Tise Ionor-aale Yors ver- afla-t onrn tise1.-s-hsate aimontisdanhe in atshea milîtcoisniiast Slaatison atissa, O G1 *Josephs C. Mosrison is anc of tIse aid Ue.- R.RYEIISON. 14 meuntit heyhavi re ie Gox-pesnâ- (lettre iGi- W a h aveuce>îi---ti s,-vaers-oî pos tt formeras, faithfish b bis -- i, ment mini iat-iP. ubenihaverepreseustas- doue ann msa aliPcr"ai -î $IvlIse tnriivicdhempli ae of ua i- eada.utf priespes nd as- S- huveiv' a--i- Ma. Miraaso1Ilion hy poprulatioua w itîs cituallasingatintga lais miotsr nipjles fosr the-ns t a h be- a urafrioalu nest liLiseur ad-otacy-o prasfrta R. t sinsre mes-hv a fori-iht, anti i write ibis IS-a rinSholi iîspvn tPr> aii afeîis hr Pmr. c tu lmife ocie vie supreunCris -fa-ei-aoofr tafiilesuic-louter mitlaimat the siightest indication ort ro 1 LC'a tteiti ocpyte uwen fomr h n-qfrpatet egie-iknowîedge on lais part. E. R. LestAnt nîcncy te Rilmi 'a i l tttlt-urcuiirçil1rxlt suell a1mrni.- uhaca-in Ori intis, miailo uWCprofuasa anc miss.clevation Le office la net depon- j vm-at is Mr-. Nma'-i untibal mas-Lb.Coin- mîtisakinaz Vppc-r Cassnada usiti-vy fi: ii lavo tNtim tîiug to '0 -tic'i f 'i-ii et mci imalloned t empe-aar dant upan tise success a ta ynarorbe et-y prdwt h rte fer nfvrjpa'#ing îlieSctigusitsiiid ciîtisii i Lor-t- l t<eiri s OA ltati-i eîru Il -r linaticns. unti appetiles have aaerac tan suhos maime ia long before tie prîhla-.of Nfr. blairi-on upain uhi-s qa-sftisanWhit-h but th-se sire flte piit-ilîsialtlaaîs-t i-it-.. i'fI-II sMr. auî-li-îrtt-'I'uri-er'al Sit- 0! tiiiChriSt sticîf ibc emtisrau'ed It-r n1the oit-ttorscof 9.uith iiîîoprois e t.ir «èu r li'i n iîlslss.iag' naIilt 'î--usm a'.rsul ie h'allane i irtletito neigis at-ercOur ear(s. em'ad 'vicae actsaraie spon tise record, upen 'fl inmtheainramaistil aie upnnos ai chu-n 1RelbrsaŽmîî,-sicn hi'yrîî îi.ui îlaîi-mij1 *h;IîPY, Int-, lasaiî'uriia, atrai at Iho las- fn ly wIvhbc-isahed lunrîaîfeigaIra sinsneniîy lt e the approval an disapprovai cf et-ci-pmin pi'lî-aiIvston.1o ra an-aatirupe rszs- t Tnuiiraai-,, ri --hso.îJaWtî-i. itheîi raîanar t tn lsusnl.ast is atgeîsr otd lui tise Prou-irsccIlis opponent, %Ir. Mou-- te iieaiy 31r. Mr-s-rsounfime-a,, aitho' te ii 1,111 ihtq-euti , li1.11, r-> )JIL t stYt Is atOur la * tisa <Jisiefeat mcu buti-dui-ilh;ut a u'ba-sit ittirti Iulît-Imi- usI gi laii ne" asimpublicifohoaypaAndal ci- attis a('hut-cp lmper mihaiut pibhi- Lci-haaiersa- t-dîin ppoeuntlste tise ai.-is a las'aiîifial tluetitrY, lit staiait tlira ini. h-igils, taii usa il pugi-i-aft ns hiigelit mron thiair- isgage: n"Ieerint et-es- rha-actes-of ann kinri. outshle bis Chance- teanîti. Tiai' -at (ise r-fuaainst rediire.1'la raV ar-ioe-I-,l 55,- it i sit i (ur-ir ru ti-'ut Ioi tt '-id lIn- AIl- îîa;7but t- rai-forhie excellent-y-af tis i-v pr2rtimr-<nnleýss, indred, his being aMs-. Moi---snase, n im(4m caas\i ii iî5t\i.iiilit lit-r J'vua-uslstra it rf.ala îî '-r l ir- e aur-knoweedge raf Chrigt -Jeauis sOur Suivions-." Councîlnîain for tis Citpyrof Tors-nto, ma> ~nî-gi--iaa-a a--uaoiûlrmen-t. Tî'rbtss-y- titisi lai, n'hrts.iur.j iit ali*uf -irriliti<ss l ti lt i lai i,-Lt lisa ha- s-shearrnsotb (iiltitiri subjecis, bie considei-ed as sncisî-and lîbsa omis- ne- ated ,r-~sooi eb ~ci al~ cias Mdel ai.-,iîulationui.Itlra- si ,îm-jin dtlt iii tae h- ir-i-t(atclsrie u-tcrin;a A -ul --n- a talar .,r qVü-reig-n Lady tie Queen, anti -commeutation ta tise elet-to-at teing ot'n-pnaaita ht.sejili-e& al ti r-itin- -< alt i lii %lt's taus --itn ratînk ahimifutiiiuatoa.Tu-n a rsir( lulsatsn le- 5asmli le - e Iffiiiatnv -r-thne r. t-ithe i-,ýbo ailgs in- ist>sl(a,'-wheehrt- e mvItat qlt nt - m~~Geu lii aai asiri,, ist bilsasuiiliiuli. voirt uit -iii hi Ilio vt i wharill<-.-tr gl1-1 )s-i h- ha- wdom uluat rôureti fa-an - mr-lilia- ofSisas rhara-cufreianaiMrissu - t-a-rrow-np-the-alS- li-c'a0snaIlgodbieandammiitheniy -tiio Candidates:-.bethaisre non-i-esideteusa thse îirlig, Mr-. Mer-rii defiet Isi"' ol-a-lîirî. *s-The t- o' j->î1 -1, tIils-iail'y,, aît ar - a--ui ah-s anail ts Iai ~tt-arai Ge-î--aauiemt.If t - -ietiai- 4ac-haine in Lise <ayva of praspe- -Mi-. Mars-isou s lain office, mut Mn. Morat ponentg tearome fs-ar-i-tanti pt-tae oeeof Siar-e t illiau. ti-laastuit- t liane-e n '%%' iiiait eueçt ta eil r(ias1 -i tssibot r-tt-.uhînerai flaeurssof ativtruaity, turne in' -s taitying i gel inte afflte. 0f tiese turot-ai oes-tati-ants' Net astin,1e nai prens - inenristi-s illt, aru.'rsnig ua aat -let-ri-t lîr usi a-lut> ireu tportethétise ocf rîquts; biitl i tise aoriug cf gentlemen ilt us for tis e detassto e aise fimiama tuiing t, uaud(eataksa the tisai. B-asssrt-airs - Laamsiai ahliaill ilis- a.I-rfta au--c-sniil ?îriart.the t. itarrrrecon. Liin astise tas of i. jchoice.. ( le-erai staterieuîtaagairsatitihe goec-ment i-alitesetit-il up stil y is: lli~ iaid s-t iéy trmevho is-, s il 1, raient, 'i ur' tine for ciilstenve Amen. <oh ide*, aur- tise saple &me auseatau-uit foi-t ti ulaisi- r-t î-- iii Iuiaisoi tal tu-lhr o Ts;ussalautu i rfieisatr tuari. - i uraasopulân atju'îiec lasSOUght rnaun W4, -1i:s1th-i utIaru 't ith ta) isnS-lirl ilnttena na- iiicir-thiurý Ig, wiirtorS ib-tee at tIse Luie Recas, Ou the Ieadiug questions of thse day lar. u-il ni -sas'ree ith-sthe intelligent lraklI sbl ,ii 'il 'tira irita> blui. r). ti-te ltIc <ta-i verl-.Jaua-i 'aV:îlIa-,V. «X. - ITotrition saia, tiser. i-smnostiranges- adi'-- eoitttas cf «,>tàiaiai ntario. Ift tiere mer-e bîugs rsLOm -t1ti It tmR-001at)sv:îsi 'usaral rma tis-' ten tsih(. suasGsos es îarln ente than binîsoIf for ilhe ps-mu-i1les of R*-,aisu>- truts irsthe çuattemmcaauaaiLic ilst, mv -iutt ah' ti')aJ. 'rm-l-trnu'-lrm- Irt'lIr-iriu', i- N.Ialiialas, îr.Iarc- - matît a-l2t.000 -; c.lis -a-rîîag a tret-ion Tir. ,.. Ms-Isar.C.jJLr-uea 'rnate- ps-er-ntânlaun baseai iprbinPopulation.Ilie 'ne't m'aietheon a nd -ausi oate-boai-.in;i-sieTiosenîîss si i-iaYiu sius't a--vsi, -- P .r,%vasr . tirer. *osbk--;upolu il as one oi the triacaut cf coin- s-hre Žtiser-e n--asl.i tea c hant-e to refuie tiio, anti Maiutaeail sils i.tiî)o, sei-&lsA. i>IcsaiitiNau ircsrtî- -.Il( i-et -amasslSertnrî. stituticuui piinciplot. Baut NIT. Mrrisou îsein. Ws-aiai t Stit hy Britlishfait--plat- thi-e. NIili Leiaidontm i ,* 1t., f, ----V î. V. 1.P.-a>enlsoffa.r, haplain, aise points ottittatise people, "tissadiicial-ro tic ;o ?Sta-h as courr t- -od h ot taSî -gai, Brotariille, cob1olus eliieviIIe, LlaTIt"na "sq-Alt.Pisge ei. Xaen tieai in tise suav cf earving it itît. leUp tse i-ls Vtcir--P)lioaibr ieYd >-css--i,(ioasîsu xl 'uriaiai lsirît s-t per ('anaiua s onlte (onstiîsaeacics moult lac ga)a5e- ss!aan r-as tpp-înent's bat-k laisir-reul le- ouste ri ui i--litgsaaad -Thomlas l'lqae. w/ J.. .lahrisîb, nirri)t-o . biobtoat outi asiogetiet- ironstuait- represei- ausi tiser-c us no chL5a~c r-f nusulina- tieir ssinsilte le l fnO s Iaaaei If mot- J rj.~s. ~aasfol' J, A. Clttarkw h ltutr. ier Gîteai-. talion, if tie pilutipjlei-eeant nure atopt- fssf-eloods. tisets, i rp-uI stain iii pauaionbes Seaklng Lawqu'r. J .Cak udI.E-i ,Se-rs -A gooaîlli' nimbc,- cf the- brelli-n cd.la In it-et-Camiailslte e ti-iiltilinl -- . - - alcur-, umaurat etu luinrcrease ciii-repre- en**~ tlie utav marre inntsuaierahuie ,aini iait-lashntsetaPs-iraal ralci i ts-astCa mtt luerl -e'e ga i Case, lba-rsaInrs-rd br aIfoIlur-iet-ilecfoh-tlunaî tiel vote caiotf Wio snusna Festivataarsl'oui-Ciles* is-nteFe>Ivii.')atv*hn'iCent- tretreTlca-. mter riaime Msseai tise Tegi-sIatit-e Issenibly ira altos- the ri- wnSi lac heikeiyte labenefit the idimg tise lreariiectslsatn ii ias The- hi-t-rlui-u cfCompiite Lode ti iob raî ti-usias ri n -Igneisurprenne, Muîr-laur cel lie rni-mos ? ic I<macrriib Mi. Mri-sca.. s ainteresbia moulti ecmple.teî-' ps-csentaîiou.ln. M. orsnfexter-ms lTeIooil I.%or-t saoerilie nia-Icanrml the AgribciiTtur i,' i-r-e nsl Aasceiled a ocf tîlenot-ictisandisg tie fpoitica-l breisof' ponsibility atahîscise hotsien'thosas-s aunai aaetaharoscf tue Admuainisrationa, or Mi-. -anti ofier irtîcrents. Wlaee mTvis- Tua-n of' Witbu, ctleiarateu tise Frl--'the tiant-r.- wiii mot ashbon- hlmtsniblahoets-aspot muaiMcathai-a a Georgic Briom-man. Tisesc gdupa a nîl (ionis re goi-t-t-and itIls-ahfe'iSt. Jc0liti tIse iVausgrlist on thae-- '- niakna-uaaya utsubahut taesexrsostfri- / quet-ionsaaare cv eus--lv asai-erv-c. Any-attit-il,- ivi atti-sI gît-a tit-uts rt-prcra-n 2a i- ., t. 'T'iuc rttiruproceeda 1'0' ltt, fBrifi FrcPi-eck)-M jMs-. Mcant 's-s,1Ians lnfat-ai-of litps-c- miai folasting out tise tail o! tise (Ileair tatisar, nsilacrris llthilasaniaihaveirlacebusf-mitsi-L o'Roas w lt/'JInn-lI s ~~ ~ nînon Population, andi I (.rit Chiet. Sa suiflit-It te- tc in .a position se La u-ge a lsltasa- ieotCuu (/fr be sisanit have tise print-iple cais-eu muk. -i--.5 - i»- aisr te intercaLai of Iibis île ,At thSe tmun<ion of îer anrit1 0tashue M--aauîa'hal hiere at- C 1OIOM aoea medhate effet- .itaim coubl Mi-. Mou-att axaaîstitusaii. Ilastlise lbiistry ais-sut ai-t il boa-i-er Cnnula hin ,411. Lester Caisint-ase e eulieti-realyth ie îles-e- /ligots wilt Vote forJ10JV) IT have ai cars-sedito i tmedate effect ? la tise epaeseutaîicuî of ampconistituenc-y a scoutaiuîcal 690,432, tlpper Catiada, i-raiV., 1. Mayis-aloffen, hpanid wmiulasbcereo-arp x)teasiu a tu--ti-t sutb a main as tise Ionouraba r'Mi-. s--463,35 ;giviasg a aiifference te Loestci jiev-cicust J. Lows--cy. Jois aîiîatuie-s- Municipal Eleclioma. vote of thiemeubeosaf thseFlieuse ot Asa- risaouî otsn u ati4 osub Cue arnaiiair Q-5ai,475, iar Canacia cri ivrne apuken t-us thtue chIgaitian sebl!Woul minet NMi- Mouratand MNf- tncotiser tisangoot resusa i. Mn.Mrri- te ~~sumnblv! - usembera as Ltusvca-Canada, antI uîj enhluguiisd ii a a-as-ni- sîh'ltofO-sr.- s tIse Bs-omn, atnt et-si-potise man misa joins sous ignein i l g& antei iseif tisait tise l-aa tut but nom Unpliet-Canada nuosaiy .ehvepeç ( -Igesi-leletan-'ai4,urrtuc- as . nedsace ù1',ý .LrP.1 l>, sr thein in thia ci-y, bave tb enceuniter lie trsi-ms af bis eorsttuents moult net lie centains a few thLicusaindaimos-e tis teu "- . 3-------le-s, ailch., mileseal'Otnadetinup sans. dîfficultiesmihich Mn. Morrison poinîts ou'criooked.lInMar s-oiaas's paist pohilleai Lotiet- Cunaal, and tise Cleai- Gil ta 'lo-a Naai-isiyo nAsusuis erasie n yotIaen- cd- oustpi asyig otyh niuster ?îoBut aeeis e et a ssune t fo tah mate . iitii be re aitrtîsnaasts bfe.tsnfr nlat ii o-sa eh ltfDtI adJr.SLst. W aae motion fur tise thItrd -readîn ut:theiaBill, Mr. Mannison's mas oeftetl our ,' me ns.sed agalut tise memure-the cther- memabersmise voteil mti bita b.luig Me- Kenii Wilson a" MeTitlt. Wisere Lieu. mas tichea <tu Oilt pastyï misano mm-ise 'senseu esaiou-bX Mnthaiiisotem,- tain luCanada, lte',pmesen ShauiSyetènî - cures iLs suceesatl0 tisc Honorable li-. Me- nison. liter Dr. Ryen, CiîdStie pbai- tendent cf Zdlaseablou upon thlisbe act:a- Toronsto, Dec..u1, 1857. To J. IL AuutravoEn q,, lVItity. MIyDer Sir. - In rofes-e. toe tise*emusfmodà fI d0 Poim btn.~ ~,~~i* W o r.hA.D o r l o t a.W . Joronto. l *olasn, Tonosto-J . Brum..... sIWton--------. white'....1 Nartil Oxfoard. ..Brow»w. uSL-..... t!.Âikis--., Sout ai Sim.. -.W. iX. crguiýAl Vereheros-...a ar- Luanud Ad-; dunttg.ou u6lain.... carlétoa- ...W.-EPu-F.-. - Esst- N4orthwa- benianti..ILClark -i. lVsutDuiÉ;b .. - J ustui.t JmuquS cii-tien. Dr. Tàa,-.... ... Two MuuwS B D I -' th tg ilt WC 1---~ 1. 1- - -i -I -- umý'iev Mr. Movat te roter.to àddress the, meeting, and to son"u him ofsa oasdely -hearing, but Mr. mowiu .flumaitO lu m 'etrns »,I;ýd. Len- 'nfa 1 ýn -Vote agaZni -blestlu tadu weliler atha; BOuraounl -Oyxtaar Trist Ths tSait-g rs t" 7htere ar-e at if-st2,- 1,580000 amines._4fy ibiin tichere'c; i tving ara elgisli aidaa eilet tisa ltL. - -e repratuciai ait.a pi -e f the fsiniy pi-clan tllýn tiens itis qmet to gît-o ilstai ti &- bout tlui- ep-ruf -: ug te obtamian il Par-t of lie -p-, - nii md devoenus-uthy i tors aI Lie irniwai;, g tse numbes- ait pais g- w =elipmy es-c S Thse cnaft ofai Il<n-n heesmMd4 F11f-at coilectimgi-a rni ar-si tii.- (Wenesriti- easse. -tise at-Ise teiii(tt icwinig on uan 2:atii-iug ý.o a onand mt ta-o ur quaubily of a tnr-Sl mtsnualîp wrutias"- -ets, Woth 'at tise e:m 'rbnsiseL gor 4A . , - t ear-aad sv- taken. Of)I iîtait 1iw, about a fifth pi- -anr, anti Týhet st las The Gcverns-ps-a nsugiy paiatealt Nerh e on f-thue sigl e4cft 'saler -of, *.;i-giili. M fit-st quaica--t- -tim -os-.leie hr1 -rimmel or bi'sai.iil i ianlie isu!in(-s cx-nl fo etbma an v rats-i lent, acces-ding taits sottise quai aii kri ecdi.butiahclI. Ta vui " isdutp, tise (Gaver for-ce o!faon t-ta-es mile lii'a. . --i siuiess, moulipra-oc'a 00<>.e iar zstic Gý go Ftili fus-tiaca- saa tes-S ute plact-tas augr lx bhîr are 4be- ýna -- beloîtgba.the State. iu Nem Js--rsos-. ati iut The 4",Prma Tise Maits blite Î tit-day night, and w'ei FnaatU Dàyl fI.. ,es uafl-omId

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