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Whitby Chronicle, 14 Jan 1858, p. 1

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TBWITIY 0fRO«b;I THURSDAY > MRNING, 9aerhofrer &4,ô BRUI< l(BTnF*1\ WTIITBm, car Xit 1*. or t, Ii. Rqlry otice. ,TZT NIS Or tilSiipTlîos TO TRE P', Ie Msanuîit, R IrTÈS 01.tIWTISINO < :a'hines sud uiid0ei................ $0 LT êibrldlteit4lloe te) uiMouchante andt o&l~lýIttitg by the ycar, ,,iIe.mîtî ia auu it 'ati iuiese ireiilatiouu » tte ýt tnty, lbestdes behia read b'every bu- aasit lý WItbî-andti@ vu icinIty, ami;fettevr m474!t* lfhuitîilain ecould nuL ho sectimedi li Lis ip«411 l vrs-buatlvertitte or Lliîk ivelI of do- pleaoc luuîmie nesç time jenflrwau-tiig Rp auepem*111 ha d*lsimtilliuue( uîhlil Iarrear-. 1i<m~ n1ud4nkCsIm, 1fr um-lttemd, nl be aI 11l10t4NS, NMAYEIHoFFER &- Vo. BOOK AND JOB fèRlNqTNGuuESTA B I!SRM E-NT. t - I-mRt>'lTtilts 0OF TuIE WIIlTIY Pl," ,, tat Imuîhve Iîfliuiiretl stuie outihe umîtîm lmiodoiiuitlm-o tiitcf N 'u Lu tîei cu 'rtiîare pe trd oexct EvoOK AN D JOB PRINTING n i » urv iia k ýe r it anutte - s Themu tl>-ira liit' i iuîruiutseml oume îtf wiilchotttule ti- hmuuu Luituirm itîîît l au-ilnut ir- ete* î a t5r la vyl m>~~ , it ii4t 'tu tmmmmmr. Tlim liai e Itus lija i lrge sttwmk if 'laIttti dFtisi.- imrtît, - tmti4tuerî, &e.. vh w iuicît b o'ic1tittzlii mm l o w itt rattes, îriiitim i ti fl ttumisuiî'dl tthLeii- lîîîîtt pZ ý,4 andtit l tiv ii lt rtist tutlii'. Chrati e ffkr5 .W ZACII1UN lll'RNIIIA31, lei IoulIs.0 'Iti E 4t lie .-iNt 1 & sUI Iti;r- Nr.LS*(et4 <h REVniol1I)%, g IEICIFF. :~-uFtFXI' '1 11E OT 'tIh' JOh1rN 11A11 'ERRV, R EU'I'STIC àIL.OFFIC E tON111i ' T H. JtMAI'DONELi,. « CLEitK (F rTiE iIA .ttil ~ JOhIN 1'.hiA3l, 't tegistr.% tI eli me uak Sirmir. J4 H. TI1'S.1ýON,. W .N~IMEN. l.II E \-uzAN NINt TI mN W. PAXTON, Jr., ~1~cE'u'LiElt tFFiIE*AT 'î1,E tî tVhf Il. J. XACD)ON , .uL, 0 1i.luI II. & e* . 1.IuK (tLF111 k. i 0U NTY JOlhN siluEult, >1 YN Y IEIL OIC ITa IE "'LEICK l'IRS',T I VISIO N OiFFU. ICl E A.IL L S'EO.<FFICE -I N ARN t LI s~ w îîi-î~u~ uîî ik4it~.ti.utnttl I-lt, -r. - J. 1'. JIAM, a' '~ ~ ~ia'a.xau- suerai 'r.' iiuAi.'L' <iio u t h Ie Sit-v tof.1.I l*î-ilî-î' - NE.aRl4. WILSON & 1MAAu.NGS, 01ALIILTOILSýr.S&~- -v-. XII.1V I.--. .IVEMISTEIZS AT& ý-A'ThtHl "Lx ItV. W'1141,I.li NI<\h Ni<>1 )N Y L A>U I, -'M N-. ,\qt1î'">t-1 W. 0. EASTWOtII, .A. If. & M. 1). _Dr.-. ~W'. C(LAIli, J. M . JoNES 4Slcmt1ui' ..iigeita's S-ire, ttoi opposite- ti4le -tl it- 11v..11il tttiotn warrmuauttd. AmOe WI. CRON, R' IiEt, i-VlEIdiiNEIZ, AND> J. FRUWD 1111A LN, lunimSt remt, Whiitbv. E.sijities maud toýIIluludM<fitt-turini otrk careAfmliy alLen- PUI '~hLANDEIa R CLAIIK9 - x 8 >... ROBJINSON, - (VAiR ISilLL, tuuittîsu,) G. A, JANISTER, - - IT ,rDntUS AND) CIIEMItXLL, catiteL>' 1)7 Pe Buff, ('-tlurm ca - Deui ahatL aliimstreet., wm l1IWtItBANNAM!, àa the Queu'a fliuài, &é. à*,-COLLAIt t&iTRUNK ~p iJ<pju0h oiIsrj NATINALHOT'L, tieu-<,e L tuur s-r purutis; uit~ ýgpsey N-bonnet, s-ith a uiaje tUhe 0li~- )tiî:'vir 'tIiTBvEi)WARD LICAYt. 1lL-it)-te iintoiv uf this particultir cot """»ý a tripplin.' steti, Alix begmiu s'alk; ok 'm i iItr-,i chàiiai mtt-'iiîmv-u lt i inmntauthi ntaslirtiuni liait been traînedI tti in- uîirellke une Out(lite Routlantmati-uns-. j ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ad i-tIl- i.hli'ittInîciar-ît-hh andi otr"a; front wountradition tlls fiat hçr raicec -utt. t tiIt-.utttrimblt i~tia-ers. ne ttrogiilylt, osantihoraefies'-"vas tiescentird thunai pti<t easâtint girl. - oms utu outîi, uus' nti lien cath a Xi she reactet tht uir fronît the Iigt-1 -giuupse outa pair ut lutrous eyeas. * tron 0 oLu %I rm)d lsie quickelleti lier utepsat, ) AI NTEIL. îLA7.IEI. A NXI) PAPEL- l'le suitarier cltaulti as ut tiis littie ani rl ui "'Lu tî fiet a i *. se-luuriu-fiae. 'utI tuwamliuug aîti o-C- fsmiiy, se éthe s-ork ofr»epair-ot whidte t jn,( t rv ole 1 rtu!i ihit. ktreetu. XV hilît>- belonging tri a young girl named Alix îI- tîîat. abe aas nuL airaiti, site ever and asuonà 'uVijti~ - 10. l"t7. ume, n'tosoimmustr n's Lie sppor e avpie forth a sutatchutfstig, in a voice as j.rinag9tîte branches ovcnuîed, tojoin (..,EP ' No, Aix w.s prety," wel a a lic ecouuiumnnhytui ut praise îrith-lich1t t t i . Il ILittl, llDit i it-I Noir, Alix -j -n'a rty s 'i sajthe denizcais ut candi ant i ky saluto tîter t ui tc ti -r 'Nrtht ut A. lu. 'uLcck" -'haamt-îorkiu- girl, yet iL iras neither t nLu r dy 1 hDruet suri- UctraltC, W. 25 - iter benuttî'r to ulier intiustry that î j enou ii. - -- -- 'u-asintiebtuti for becouiig the heroine ut Tlhe tîuratiug n-as unutsualli' stltt'y anti1 RU'l'I EIIORD &SAlI NDERS, ouer tale, sitîtougit lier succeas in ffiting Ivupresîi.,Atlioiigh Liestaet ra bt e wth- t - miE J. 5rtt'-£[,) 'uork, iruion othiers coulm fut abonie, hadfti_ wb icu.Au elt rseîfoeueiil T A L ( R 4 , c . mmii leca oit miîmosgsip aboutliter. faige sIaVeaueyhalf s'ay Lhmougli -'- N~ iINtt STIIEET'r N'EST. Ti)- - ilIagut scindai is î'ery like tus-n scandaI' ; fores-t St e sa s ît owatigu tuatstà n-ut..Aiu, ' Kmuz ~ri-tt'uV..., l as m l- uts Idca sîlken iusijurade cotume t ois t LitcsayL atdnn;bij a sliai t eetetîsi seat liaque - - --- - - ---the Saite, Ltme extutre alune as different; j ook n'lihptroinis-eltoLubua ilcasante (IRORGE MOTT, j malduit the n'ell of Beauregard, fi-uni viuicli resti ng-place, sitesliscorered that it abuteelt i ,I Cm ehlLhA lIALEu AEImt. uie a eciu nishm h aa loseir onituheopening Lu une of thie grot-o , -~lt-i -NlIt ) muleXou.S t haeRthe&o., fuittppc- as 'uredandtemi the salatua Uatli traditiont iac mai-ket eut as te8 mu iî rt>mt-I ui tiîesi u l îuittît, ilirmI Kem" o s pie asw sh d t a ' msperesi mu 1 ifra- -)ula tIttl. tutul'rtttlime îia-iuiuuî titflat Alax s-as ;a coquette, anti that thei-e- furmner habitation uofliemits or saintsr lua11 ti li irummiia'.-, te millme uts et aîay e.thii litoute cause ut lier Imoseperity s'as the in- s-beI prit -01ti!beet ulan ummeît u Baikiit astiueuc s-idihav- bigb eya iatiebtin.ther otdselling--places. She nu soer ie l mon nt--- - - ccl over flich lirnung hr t tî batil ti ufbocaune as-mme of the grotto's ricinity t han s-. KLEINER, eauoethad e r> une wici fbte tiat f ofsite rose !uttiy ; anti, snitching up 'bers y tN i lit 'Ill .uL 'AI It, nigittcorne ut itbut- tbarst, Oto des-ng une t e acy utrI ýilt'uIZTEIC ()F 'uATI'IIMS &.ELI BII luht iiim e mens'iie, gooti titicome out therfe st, soi takiugLie o cnditr-, Vil î-uti itttilttiugtiiçstruet, Dlkiam- IL; tor, thanks Le the lar-ge biaek oyes thiat shm h -aglt;shnfreiL vitlm-. mt, ie-ën N l ViaLlma,ti.ama.eecyîruîmî ookadaso fraikly into hia, andt Lte mer- pause to recover licr fi-thsw onu j repti-u ci e>-suil tth ilaebetay RMnieur ierumoîtin a spot site hat nover been be.-,o t - -- - - - - R~~~leloul umati co ne Lu Lthe knowledge of toielu n eivI htéu okt j J C SERLNG -Aiix ls cîteeî'tuî atcaty activit>'; anti a feei. around witb surpîrise anti admuirmtion. i ini ofregee lid mngid.wît Mueary- IL s-as a ittle 'glatie, in lmostan AL( F-l.A utl'IIW<ATE î]«u,) imaKut rspectitatimintged s'th hacrlytmf as a IX, MrSîau-lîui'aAtutitmi al.4, 1-4 kep t ltltadmiiition s'ien lie discovered eLit, swhiteaptete aptd rtuLifa tf Lusiîa.Alil trihtrs lefl et thue Uhiide Oficesnnu une s'asmore particulhar i en .pyant hsi s 'te;is r-Lgen - iill bu- tteidettino iviluthe Strlotesî uttmmtt-it. mont ut las-fuidues titanLtme liard-s-ci-k- lledwith flies-,s anti on-'eac elr., ty.L f st, crles t'îuen. Hotie hutb lt. inîg girl, uîo une- resistet mure strenîouaîy tg ai, ci tin>' blatie ut grass, dew-iimjst 4trec-t- - can i lie COuxactions. At lengha Lite sere sparkling like ears uflha «ia-e's' a weIcomÏe toô-Lb. unns i'eLtumngvmaaïF. t~~~~~~~ l OEL f--i, t'-le-y sa o- Aroundt tiis -ittu.e fle, mlghty aid reî, b T lII1TURIE'S, WIIITBV. TTle I$a AIix'aage-testifled Lb. sinoertyu id tlmgutîî)tsitiug North,ît, es aud Wéit thre lis *feelIngs Lus-ai-ta leus ýta akinug lier gtildat ugei IefUe- tti W tub, atoutmit t lis Ilutet. Evory i'uttueatiotbrother Jean inte Lteeitensehlukat te < î toret, -r s eusai age sem~- i gia onto paRseuigera. (a-m sIraawisi ie niee firt ehv Ihlicr e b.work et art raLlier thato A s..... ___WYTfPuupnetr. dîitttimmongLit prseaittedaog atid titis imnpresion ls-es strngtonW'b D._P._WYATT, ____ tieoev admittlil among theaL mnal ad tro et L on ofL tnheo. ~ RTL young ladies of Beaurogard:th ieu-leiM htRrâdfont itaIaLl> ben elert itos-athi e oi&. Ilui dlaar .44 -e P OuTtIIOPi- with great maigi mcence jf in ,st fLtIi ouou T()JIN IIEAh1), PROPRIETORI TAKM TIIS tBut A1îx shok hit.prou beâdand wtLieSZI itne g olet) - vmnar9&Qin li mthod ou t imtuminbis friendâ nt hosit, 'tmNo, asit ianketi hi . th ie 8%1t% ts'oekh, ry led spui g on, e'. j ptbimegeunul ditha lmabaseunmenSod b<usa- aith a s mile Liat shbvto&ur ~ék dsba oai'ad pin tth h ê naâs in the aboerms esaieat;htruata Lîat is n b nnin lv ný* «ý moôde oetdtinbnhs&i-tes», sud attention Lu hlisn,, bt-anltIvo'-hog hiuf*",'M s'lme ~t ,mel zodr the f«ie gmuestms ii muent a ubliare ufpubiiep.tronsge. 11 0ounii osnt a deniai e weWtyao<uý s &-ii 8L= u t-iefjr nieti P- ~[qnieurP -ita. est of earth'p ~s. Iu'se4hxu pY.- -LJWSH TEfer a moment &4 a u assiiaA ixs~'ati s re<aud ixvvdb soi-usf lm -ta. ___nsellie K abv imit'ita le efaitute one s- w dier igeeali> hae a .é, # f*lWlug4e, ,at, ad suipw-s1kIb d; go h l ehilothe ttpwl*ha i fi r.«w)l4 w kf - - - - ititure, Cîirpeýtéd ànd Pitted. The lefi an e nU, tr * n AisU-tneimus ire largo tdWU venUil*teL ;a M- niboame,,ai-.Vson hanstontLiet rrivaI eoftthe suspicion MM atAfix b gd-»y prquiWi tesns Itnsti.tons for ber dhm t bw bi e 4n O à JiI ~~ j. 7 AM3~Pjroptiptor. that the. dail> l.ubait Wl*ù"ooI th lax l i iur.ttyîoarma 1 Torounto,3Mard,1857. sà~tm« s-aswu matLrofrmaiuorem ,lf S te lier thtan thu-aiaiLti* muma*..t 1 > THiAW JIUBU18<XtN'5 wAIE tanTI fi» imon 8, h 'dtheywl eaaJ~b"tI agrooableand plie. -coucaidi-te Ilit-rj igeuse -relief Liaît thd-objeetof -lierera vrntbing more thatn au eartlsi vcie Tarf ooumnd irn, in Uic toi-uto ut unie of1 thé uus-icldly coachesut the day, tiras-n by'aï teani f utrm)ug landers herses ; and LisaL- the, sLmange iniefie ti nti s-lieh mie-' comupanied ti i, re soIcly frein theLclastï.- rity Qt thtLi-rf over îvlieh it moiheti bav- mhtg dcadeiieth ie noise outhLIe n-hueiîanti thie-horse-s' biots. 'The relief fr-mn super- natiat terrors. imonever, reîidcred A !x oniy Lime More exposes! <o eaitîily fts ;ý anti, irluen a second gauice at the carnag-, sîioîes lier thiat thîe giistiing objecta ibichliIat i cuglit lber cro at a, distance arere Lhe padilitthancia r- ythenI)onq*ue-- toaor lkeavy curainies, etîrmiemi by two iun 'o occupie ti'Ise<liv.iii seat, she sdipMetifront lhem lîiig-ljubie bellindtheLt lareok truc, andtl curetnihly ensconceti bsr~ei anonatthe thiký buisîea that os'er- siadoare tlie rucs $crare-iy h iatbe dune Ltia, beolme eej of tijiarmed mon got duwn fi- the, box, muid -,Walkcd a"ud ia uwdicuuÏwgiade,, &camdnng it swkià euiiiom and penetrmting- gac.For a montent le pamased befose the ohd oak, as'if attaacteel by soane 11fow.- or li iad dropped ; but another-qui" ue4rchitig look eelaiing te oatiAfy hiih, reLiames! Lutheo omurriA04 1 ,l tô64,iby the- due;, a8 if in çonfen,uee with suio eone: ITbank Itearcu !" thoughVit I, "lie, W"ep thte carnage esmot Paa fluthur in ~ihis 4roLln;I aiai 4b hcrçereý dtiiane orer lier tearssie again peer.. ,cd t»gerly boLiveun the braiwhes gu LlOMuI goL out oft te-otulige. a nti xa-. inetilittIa glati ei4l a i'Q sO Wha a juLý;me an1",thotuglitUix-, "1Vbat, & gmaptl drefflhi Ae sp ail liIiS 1 veorL! Sh fli tlr daiinjlane oùthe, tall, iplie-iooking figure- Ltat tSotfor'a meout ,Siiea4 and gill, in t fl e 0£ th~dar<;nho aaid:ttleugt,ý lsle u rid on i Sstops; bogin -yur do"i-- firît qiî1eiiith vIâgce, thaL -et the t-e "l$»ine,-conlt once; Luee' sl bave kiil 1', r! sie exelaimti. v"Per W ig-ltheb nieLr iy poulr girl F" he au~'es han ot, spus-big back h is spetacieIk, Wr.îised bis itoad, trorni is -Oh conte sur!f I vili tell youu as s-e go. v'lîcre is Fr.ancois! I le 'uouiti uîeîp anc i O3h, %urlat shal i 'do, n-bat sîali 1 Iomu coUsie, <luoume !" TIrere s-as uto mimtah-ing te look ut agi- tation in lier face ;te cure ýyicltiet te ber onrateiandi fouited lier. Ax tlacy jqelitedth ie bouse te> met scime labeu. j i-ors ivithit pates int leir bauds, g oingt jtheur tiailv n'urk. tt1Iake these mren corne %Tiith us-," AUX saii, t"and brbng Lueur Fpades,!" 'Thba cue did ' o, aünti n an inc+edululy sliotL mpace eoft iùth Le luttue party remlï- cdL theu cý-4gr -'ýhae spot 'as, vaeant maot; as <mur,-arae-hunses, sor- di.x a s if by xuatic; andil tîte quiétàyli EQUu4en(W tacesave tho- 'Lredy.td tcreýapl4woy., Dut 4m to thedWpotglanéa eir.;,guîng np 1ot~tia spot, a810 ggpM eut, tDig, digiui - - - 'I No enawkuew au>' lie os- wu ;Laagiven,- nor wiat they -s ecee;-u lier eagernes a idt extendeti ità t >0Lt whiolU i y,.and'ffi.y afiùee -SLe s'on - s-hile sahoeref-rob±sltaroit trip4dtêah Ithbeni byLteumm&ap- te,"d - with herhndý A týlih heurf was ber s-icdiciert yber tUcle lMarit,' jealoulis pulitan, anti thie aLoriwnas re4ti> te break.- "He- comes!" s-hispered . the olti niant b luis coutpattiuui, Noirare yuucou-- Il Buut tn tttaihyv l" As the ativenttrous îusband desecnded' train tQ s-it of thle mansiuit-fui- ho, and bis brother s-ci-a lotigeti in a pavîllion iti te garteti--botlituncle anti iepiies ut.; Lacketi iînt.Thce>- s'oulml listenithl îeir blindtifur>' Lu nuexplarnstion, andtihie yeurîg mntmîst liave talion beneatit their' umited. effort% hlat net te- elam o f-' he- it sworia brouglit.liisbi'otberRIiçbardti Le i assistance. lin a fus- minte Lte tables ivere fatal>' Lurud-Ets' 3aïM ston wsas No tucontor- titithe yuung ma n 1perceive the comndition:iOutIluiefrionti tiia7a hic knelt be'lina<i liuaid atteinpted, tg 'maise itu (tra tiegrominti t tFahso tfriindl" groanodthe dying nian. Net, ,!Edwrd-I 4,am niLue;,te tiee. (irwe" ýho e i tcd izwirej", Aglance et fsat'tsflîction uvoi'sproad tho countenance or theo purtan, ns iae feU n p- on te ts-ont a eorpse.- But ýnoe expuan&tion couit appease thé wf&tb.bof Mattun. Ovorjia. body eto bis nepbew ho uvos-cred p rovoege 1 - Tinte s-lU show hos- hir>filied'it, As gardian' et oft niee ho ntunicà i-n i aIlh e usmautt,- thoitim he brnded au lier bro'. thors mu u'pnc, andi afiýeted todis-beimeve ber inqrr'ae fi-.~: . - min J Wft lh mPinfte* d à $"' heugIita and i- - - - -- --fdvt§at eaé VOL**. leWIIITBY, C. W., TIITRSDAY ILUAR 4, 18iS _______N___ 4UrONE, cWICK, T0WNSII> UISQnur ani noeo iisertepdtosiio fJntevgl( S.Jh;u ewn Thé îgM lit ts fariitr'fýoe dissi2,ftcd pidd~Yjt Ilthe fw«t i'htéli lay betweoJleuregard mUd t cveyfgtiPi frl eVDeto ftpe. b ant M.îîot. laitcii~e ti len abueofBargrd. She t.hu -p1as fe~axkd )îerseîf t.ht instcm of grave T u ile alr a nvreerelu.Mn patth by, which hite distance was abottened the terrors of Lied tradition réourred W asee cogdfi by at leuat a'tiîird. This discovcry lie lier memory, and Wihcd sewr lt sî d'aljdç,te ee i-serRbu asnyrae gim gin for songéo h ocae rasrsAxhds a erbatdcuaeta MERCIIANT TAILOIZ, BRUCh9 STRF.T, 1117tatry. confidedte tMAix; andi ever aînce, ulider adont in the antt f s 018ule eky reée net of Weri co briedi thue she neyer daft errds aed touk as ----- Mv countri- crowlaed witl, glory, has guidance and escort, shilad availtid a daY. Manly and strange we the aquPOr- foroat .Monnieur Reboul hAe often bold hier tary waik; cspeciaiiy neer the faalgre THOMÂ4110WIIELIlly" hart îeapft at igts nline; herseif of it Lo reach Maillot eariier andi stitiong,141e baier eadn t ~&nata i a or ftc~fit i rn.rn nh oei ehp Lsa hadet VAS. l EI e.&VE.(;IEEN A iLssrarlim <leidir t vauerwitli1085 thanantie alb"ýft lNTERNA R( EE N. - iTRF»Fl, At itA t desvilleWithIenJaftigue taber conipanions. ivlin» teoservances of whicb atîr otwsnauaeogiusoldu en lno est "rbapa the myseio wîittî~ t' . liLy î'nâ ttvelîu flloe. coShe hati found the valk Véry pleasant siihe bilbeen the terriicti wit 1;bt h1ber111o ekten. i touw shlould of aPerinceo oserItbul h - - Y-t nu' pou but feebîr s-~~~~~wen Jan as ivititlier to carry lber bas- iliil ic ati flways atifectl.t iber iirnighintion iienhlwthtescîfthstuglyiîT .O<latradLuoiwte NTMAI ALl(>OTEL, WVlile umv h lellrt iâ t ledwith geruiîr, ket, and witb hi.«, boyish sallues ta preveut Lue 'as thaLe ancient bolief thigtany ikéquii-ed 1 adrtlc tIf liei '~1Wro;ant bene h .U'T M\t T iUU.Ti}îONTi.-- Anid iitîxidu untittered su'als: bler fronit iwelliing aouthe* ftttîCrstitidtua ti- 0mie,-ho has corage ta o a looiy vi- Froin lOer nerry speculations ahe s'as wife Of Francuis9, the stone coer:T h E .I îî-q Iilcwa. rqbpri-tor. 42 oswitli wbich tradlition liati investeti the gitfl là xqlirch aou St. John's Eve, Uciioltis rouseda-t lenghbtereaprncofnrraessahpyOnndaLe QIILeeîmlly ginrdiftu offlthe huier4 ibrest ï but nos' that shle înust trend il' s4iifl Iîlii CSso iltisewî aete a nacryngiheis amis snceofe- carre vshe hapeyrOme, anîe ha aa RoAClII'ç 1IOTEL Wl»-» tbméetile iles tethee; tangled patbs alonge, site lîesitatei, and wsas fated toa<ie within the year. Tt sa -t hn -apdiia îreuuscwk u v tSt onia eaît oea o nN Biem)I44~ (Ni <IECil, lr y fee tn liserhaIt tempted to relinquish h aig Prll- Lis s4uperstitiion that the l Mguti th eau- follos ed n aoter at-i uuner fi-e, i-îie leent)"Lu waLulretlier ile C ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ To artml,'ltîî. ITTTLk fLme snoin thliais, jet.Stili she fuît unu-illiilg to vidîlthe regard s-as SlsOcaiatcdl;*for, twm i htbaigiéînslalUcotadagi m egad )chlientlia earfî MANLHAIT ELFor the liberai right ut ufilan; honouir of being first, iithout iastruggle. i u ie erii ieu h aluily jolelnigtoUchgietdsautenu-daaisbc h a esi ae Iit m C.I XEîUril ARDS li- A nTI i.flrst ,iii r et-îrse4an., Besities, lier coipalioins liat] ais-cys givon lîmi, for relisons ur lier owu-bad rca.uîîim Iiility, thougli on his featureS Was staiupart. 0 Nmtièt-trin, feeuus anlier a réputationtiorcourage, ad illoudm t fcoirse-ieltil quelsa vgihatisec 1cilier an expression of crîuity and i iarslîuess$. lu the î-evolitlotiaty strîiuicwi1 )Ce Atd ýli cilre far nddaiiilex, sue had st secret conviction that site a'ow n - s pirit among tîee doonretl, and hk in Going te bury al treasure, rathar than tullnved, licthe rnauîuîits Of tu ierdret 0.%iîiVOOI> IIOTEI., tiimitoi îîee tîeir pow-er Uaî ,»u iLaolelv to bier yuuing brotlier's reflecteil decil (lied tiiat yeîr. 1Tradition fumrter 1see1- one," Lbooglit Alix, IVeiTweil, Iton- girl -el-e, wîtîu fumer remctlé oflt e ie .~Kw-Iti1 W-.w lNS. -ii' m'PîEuîlî Aîtlirime il% lbased onm liert, braverv, It is a reputation l vicb votîng avèrred, flint sin& tilen, ietejwunt-hird tsieurRlol aeyî tl "ls rrtmvtioitelti ilg forndele-ythy ibtemîlle aaycIÇtn. .girls prixsaligbly, tOiat, a -b-namasmore or ]iessfatal 11 Thie Lall mau~nieanwlàiie, liati placedlbig citîrcb, -et the stury ingers theei ii iNAI ITL 'nrsl î~îi~m feit it, they will rush rrl.I into reaI to tihe ferniales ot lier bîouse; and R. ait AiL burden on thLlîc .Pçoigtead. ieiayante tag rNTARIO cslyLgrouenÜl. Rn thevinlinicdaanrs., tous whiîauif ahi tî4ter stliangeremtoi-yed itis Andgives laie lu ard th Itillîîîle,,t, dnesfens-icifî1yesae I0 %veeleedtîs tlesas; content in bu îc1uu)k tlîat côvereti it, hke isplayod ta a truie one uiti.iidiTlîS, <-Whicel no utlier iîmrouemurmamit liy tlir gtati fortune, andI îot by their uul. Iix lArtmnx, s-li, thongli io5~sc lx~ut3lae yca a utuîgandivery - * Je $SN IiEIZ, PIRI RIET0Hu. t'arriajzes flu bosted ct'age-o4. neither of chateaux Ilrfoetanti foreeti l ad.Framoet" ai ri heBtae ad Frît n lIme 1IouiFree îtf (IiF.Aliti le w-ar, ni- pence, tîîîveuuuîtry, Àlik <!ôîitidM ik tuetiîmal los' tootilers to vomk baril aud attend weekly markets, turc stood înotiouke-s s-erc siue w-as pi;venges luRN lOSE Frîuî It ie eiuea utwite, tWeil tîi îuteliles ut i i kouosm; that asie 'as afrii. Nu, nu, site nmtitnôtiL lit)ancestral dooulilian-igoe ir ea ftuzciWtestte at-L lenunih mgujs rvou T i i T itv , ~.. - T the emvr biirning Z7xte!uîrY permit tlîut ta l>e saiti. norm uust aee x- but rcmlloiok foî-wurd to a b.riglit future, it aras for a momeont only, andiLinsî utemsu-îto fCuuis1. on pIVe reftj.m adlu~tr h os sti blvm itreMS 1)utnacertain atone- j luing herself on the groutid at-Lhe feet sof f et aniyappearanc vsuuk 'j~lIiitT Sl1 iW E. llttl'il Ei tî- WVthl a trveutlie ri t miîInîinho sotil deliglit îa lien- rthat ;lhe s-s er tters coiiifortable'honte; uof iiaoe h cme rebsehighmt aeii titi.~tluîim. ~ AuttiproclhO ths queu et nied-uuî, nut flrst ut markêut.îe uvit go 1,)vLime cutters existence Monsieur Rieloul s-as merey apon lber, to rejuenîber tlhat a ash ~ raidilytitrILevllguthrî And thme fîtiend (if alutirkîii is tireuts tiun<>teîl thut lit w-as oftc ese Il K IK)1 OTEL, - sood-patli, andl nîus4tgo ealy. nd uti itu imuncos yoting, that lite, any life, *as dear to lier! of 11uritatis. If iras Elu-arîl tart , ~r uN'sThI-:E-. ~î~îti~iî ~î w. m;umtîîmso tlinkirig, site laidi lier îloîvuîto resL Ur LMoultsl Fmcier youing Tihe-muan tttdetitnt 'a muscle, iittttmed iidoîer with one chilti, ivh. iue Il1 I11-la iil:, i-t i t i\îL! 1»1î,-eî l. .t rTe part of France sriîî-liclî Mix n-as wnrîîm-lmartcd luverf of fhcts-u strouig arus not a word save these, -I have sworn it. îîiia ute ieircit tbss~ LEN lt)5 IOELborti andi brouglit u is fullof listorical reatiy at a wrilI runî lier tLu(Ilu unhearmi of The girl-for shelooketithitdirecoionthon .FNMVSIO'1MFYreutains, andi theretore abount& it -Itra- nirîlee, tiimPled lber chîecks with amiles ixteen-presseti lier bandseou lier bosoiniInce.Iaiîrceiî o on uei u t i-~j.~w 4;4)gttelii .he ........th..---ditions, tUeic uore ruysticul andhterrible anl etitireiy iishedtheUic tncoînfui-tabie as if f0 stilI the suIflocatînc beaing of ber slitenri- s-alk heu i ras iul u Ring n.......Rng. rom h a4 fpnganisumu is- hici cogitations..ivîicli hallIut îrcmîrtIgin:îak- hat nisa ien. slneSc i soadr. lIwen i - d -Theey are Ringtlnad tet a toret, ruin,.Iing UP hbot basket, she arase; anti, lool<iuangusiIAxteilt si Iehesi î usuîce 'trelam îeii SIILR A LOOI,>tN, orgoti ihttsri itrsu e rtn i-,began Lu consiier s-hili payis-o uuierte etence ut that coîti cruel wsUne gcle Mh earin. tmtbri ît t ~ît~irî. ~- l'liVA Te stomy 1 have Lo telli, ociirrcdt-iglt rg-.u -tom on itrsusl-aoniwhuailoeLne ucoethaL Mle" i eair. w ~s- lJr-~r .1 t,-r. E VA a iitte<aau oîi ip- etd,s-:i::li flc y::uglisten to fmuei the aetéotglit tetuîlow to'find te mo±'t direct mana. But, noir tle grave s-as nisedi; vouhere aL suich an hIu mît um Ili orhevt4,nfti«Itdtc-dieelgit;fodtN' frglivi oendIbnonetantics.u uukbm' btuvt RALOADU) 'L, beau]\ ileft greeni coats lineil s-itili -0r estutiî'iuegni,îîin gruîîerlmmbeau-ur uatcendaheiuls-i le tuii iIt-jtiulceser. b-tl îuîlad i budrcalei 'ià'lsStîartL te lroîeu 'F.~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~~clr attend:ed At1~V:t:~ ;~;;~~~ ~ sitjebellsuaîlu.t ties ;and cd ivood iniithieProiviumce, ruse s-ith disa- itos'ardli em, undlbroke tîrcibiy iirouigb pli llnlieramui anti dreai erfrcby ute Ims tleCru's:' ur t s-lmum -!irestiuoum-îetia~ sahet-a-grucuble tumrtiîr Lulier iecunory ontimis tîI- tbick tuvert lîoyond. as if driveuîfr-etige outhégapiunu.milavli-Iasnuîî.îgae s gaII n totilut tables auion" patcheit anti particular ai1i. lî euiene-u ueiriilbyimttns tli.iunia sirpinbceitisuidnftentr hewluis.l oi îuplc fr s Vtiuîan, t it tirrue.1'ilivI arkate,-sandI gln of mthLIe îlm trees. time tige msîîuln appiaritiona, for a mtonmenuit, cou- bi-self front lais gMusp ;smiiiaaiiî alirsta utgsu uayrn' as ON Tl)1<iE. iug. ghryeam alagît,,s-len the faim ut nssoffle ruastshods, de sidttîi ounvinceti lier t. ruslietl lur n, wthe -. an ldEiitn arL. jdsamonis ~teu.,tyora îî~ ~ ~ .r. 'h111 ril iîi t Ktiiee Of lFraséme andi ler ladies of îhonni-r th1k- hi-I antislaîîddsh- îmat theua lîstimtni-llin" slîmek ""'"' î"irelatt--- cil as sime tlmotght outL1w o pcibilitv oet terriflieil ieli eai-lît terrify leralsu, anîtdeu uhikaeilsIuuih~ uL btlkiau.BLti oî itierv îîmmmlî ni tati e s-iiLut'îhe lîerd t rtitîe-rIm 'iced >'hola-I beoi dri1n 1rasLîmîta ir,, rioSs es bLudsis f, utul hetii. B-m i uLmt telarlei itu o nstu nt ptîhulefoie wit, ivitttsuIch an mgumy utafl'eeinns y 4~ EOR<; iioî>ii'lt, teir tams. EiglLv yeur agu. ilien Llc cifides Lime secret reting- l.er utîitj' (n lcrils, Lu mt-acb Maillot. 1imni as a ticer terrur iuîlber li4rose4î-okeum vuice, timent tî l atî1 raeihi tîlc vt l.-t iî\N'ur.ili. h iz t1, iî rt liMaqi i 1i-bai ra -iigtreasurca Lu the ivanderi gtavlerluîvIm-abatuhitstluigi !m"srint uu vrreu'sîuîefltrîe loo-usbiagansatls umuug ainns.l b i iilÉ w iî u Iis lrotlier te C -mninfuuir de MleLtali-.ljnî tilm trarillerclmoy utie-e ufluet ireto-lsion steLineyliet crmmklvau.lm'latuiyicnc-[u'di ntî rv tii i-t- tjIîî ir m12 --r -- LItoe tearfuil letters, uwhereisttumaeru htrv ii tiheut tLmailriler- mntofîrtmeîlscouli .St htn nsylC lsmeiIeri as ns 'Vtt ,,ult3sstr"allt II lt nn - lIme lîreseuiL<liv auîa>- trac, as in a tuaji anivaalciiihtsIe lid tetimoti I~. tt lm ;irii o~iteI ly t-a La a hlaiuu - l ie i sa i po tuiei n i a ni te ltt " %ilIathyLai ,t er Vo lt" th -. î :w K I' t h T t i i t u V t 1 l ith e u ' se n - ca % ii a s o r c e s i r n a n t s gi ( r a l ( f t g e e s p r a t r l c e t r e d - i ' a i- en a lu ' h sie r r rl i h 'r a d o d n , i e k n % - ; i r lth e h il uftia y m u e n nh o i r i m Littheih\' hs.f cllttt e rsut l rncc ov eerieir ythein*e 1eascîl nlier %it flic silenmce and l -ani it ras it Iancv, or waras ierseuise ha:i tend nn allos-etji'in tne ut¼ iîhioei! de NIinibemo 'Little diii b1,g1reckoiî s- mu-n i d Lu tIare i t tat blismautis ings coutild l tLtfiniti beard. mt artit Onsee d'stat-le the 1iman Lti-neti airs7iiti a look suterrible hmC-à Ilbet,mipt' uviaim.'Iou I*ARER'Ss-roe Lîîms leters bccnsigî- ex ber, ratdmer than eneouifer ite 1 suntidot-intited rlicels anml outil rsit at Alix ncî'or mlcaid itl, nîcrrspoke hîrehi isl etp lsudLhm [ittl li innu îulîuELui, att Mic tricksanmui teiptatiuusof Liiose uuiurtlîly ut horses' fet? -Sl& s-rtumg lier auis in of itaflers-ardiilon i nocto u otls he L.e ikcasern im c pr tu i\-rTl-Erit iî Il LIe t sot in the s'as lu ino i.tead < boisei, t su hn-vriserl alet LWagittlî ps trogî.hotutedf- aiinefit,"sbi nvotcporailtiiuonhv puo tthi. oursage to leni uh i îi lîxr e rrs;tfr.matisscuti flyupsstiitalerxctinriagdlereod int1'hîuu sîaîL ia serpenrthlie,"siiI L0i t t. iliaintu tuiti-itie -- amdIe tminaL ilipo-e'ai sou dto éi- LttIa al u-i e etrainsat rii oîcll pratu n cat erilescas- imue L htlviggae Ntmrdm msttiyat. ucaiitciu IR EN J- A OO , Lit rom tlscîlyo ta t(aîttar mitgst mtinah ite , nutleruiiialihLde-t a bout e Lu bei a it sigl sthei, as i fac- nLaie I nyfteut lv ' dso no tLtvllo *-m-~t tu. a-elias-ar tcr wt-v cined oter.iltjtue aigiras c ci-turutemhe lîo'girlc1 sustehaneut nu voîof'-hi- rxel-11eli loi litttllti% - k!Il- - (Li eland dls n anti auxe pose tbenastlîru Xstudcoier draIl, Irolitrwumcniee Thou y ce wîtih itt' llme tinfon'asticuite<otat ithea patr t- Lame ; sdna vler piesucaions ot the n-o- 'pcrt Ltuerh natrv niterrbe ahs jthirvctin t then'grave- huit ab-div. li n'iud ut"Ginds lîbu in pro, tîmlie tooi ,a iii loiig. mutai gl' onu tepovneheluktintsîPisnl, huucbtitaoeet y oiofe tm 'it aeyalesta lr- rc Mrtoanasa tvl aucair 1~<>i'N~ CANAA SALOO, pictresque 'iliag et uneof Lit sou e ri Lhoghîlevar efor thrgl ytyl t tite(ifr id ftriichi it drefctiotiofthe as liat -ihtemri-et mt ulo'sertîcut .at XVIITIVliM.A. pt -easîfur -an<I'mvud notage. iess in-.'110aiLt-<i -leuettiiitg ctmuiglmtIiiig ladi' upua ni î K~-rEi--I'Ci.îî- i -. fi - tittiimty anîl utuinvii 'g than thmoce tîy wiin~rin-s unhici.-Nt a eiratiletter e h l. I-rmt hem coneabMu iticitebar tteyun oai t;r--tttî,-,I. F-e îdticat l.e brihit lagileit 1isiietl d th-ot-gtihee tues ii'1 5butu i-uîjî-mliteockteutevmaag.i1hnlin, se ruîtes irb n-a lie brtiies treatianala guest 21 lîti ii Ltiumt-. .i-it-r-st -hi,4muof. iinimO-sairassartot don-a ir ii, butb so i in t o i te ruha lai. e mr m s incit f4S i iîîm d4 n Ài iwtéitrut (eval rnswirc by ieu-.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~tr ; an(] at. S--m lt ilie-ti ee-indu--mapLgiî vrfieeritnefthe w-Ibcetrouigh hes-inte cuming branchestheitirui-'lmitnuiu, ,i a b ut ni, antvligtrîaslctii '- ii iI nc c1 Ae.4 und er e s t , lng tî;-iig. itoiI. heS grave, Witotof - tereglItn of the rovince sitetîmeremn kot at rt al tighpeeed sano mohrtqre.y-oneitdtoaseror,.'imr c y ettcoa; lîir s iri"llip hel! Iîlp!î îuos-ng Lte wonigt hv e euayofthe youws- - li g th8 otMb idua thaut neaa.ut _* "P .i. .. - - W16- i nait>but iuîy cigual," 't. t "Give iL, proud man V' exclaimied Lb.th fcmnaie, bitt balinthat ite toile>' shici 1cons*gn my.iitble nephoew Lth e grave, carr!es s-it it the Citte ot-" ut rîî hear ne: unore11' »'îed te ari ilui- patientiy rsu.allvivn-Lis .fiantker- chiief vt--d "Andmne cxihndtte rona,' ti-aiticaîly, 'a Lie-report eciteodthrosigh- flic caStle, - miW'iiIiamI w-s-bave ;ar - il,-My na$ e1 eWho Art titotu r Mbso-~y taised i her veil. y o u th s 1 'Y , -- it! Que ws- iiuyauurdred ti4wnsd's-bçy- 4 Speait 1'" exclaimeil tesri ncadi. - mifýj is' sspct-e lk-e word avili kilune 1"- --- ~~the lest- itefr of Lhe racée o tn ureplie ' d Grame The bereaveultIter-er~aemvd b>' imi_ os-n acL-hciird noÇworil; ant fait, brokoln» teartt, àt thie-et'of the p uritan sist*-m iBlani-tu-ltis ncigihbor j. ý! "Sl wax51te repiy, 11 stet Wal - fr m. lIanAj 'Iyou an ea ihappy Âhrtim afte31r. Pinuk, li &dfts. it~dsrubgh.ua capital, tho grief ivlieha pmeyetilop ' ttE'. ueart. >Néati LY, wenty yeanrsioled <ai ivithout lte. east pLeliiente ofLise lodt hueir, s-bon thi k;;'Éýtt1 hais brother arere appointedti Luatteniià "duk o-f),uItuciit aguinat the corenant lIn Solan, IVil,> amccs bledat ui rst emubarrsWi-ae w lm o- erniîicumet.; lki-ftuite eroyal ariuu ivere everywhIere tIeteate(i; front EZiaî berti-gtîy ivere pursuedto Lu 1ubnaanj, andt uliiven fronuthat stroaigli ld 4tUres.ei difficîjult fccess un tlîc oppos>ite bnni 41d te Clyde. 111 huave ma ,uLgongp UueuitItient, Wl Ibtuni"le*chi4ied li rte.a ie niddnted'thtiir lltàies, Lu Joadi the i-i-y sent Lu lisuotige the eneuny froun theit- lmsL tieteuce; :Ilin tiI! our ' ccuntu-s - 1 b4m. been sifigleti ulît by un oid utian andti ti sons-tjt leust troun their beimig aI*ays4tu gîttlier -anud figlîtiug in concert f caLem- thîcan as-suri j; somafctlmhng tlul.,; me .tlaat tôt- day t1we iviPt bc succeIsftel -!îî- anti placet iiusîlatLue llLtotbi The royal foi-ces woi-eagairi îi'îcuîes4fàItn the cuvenanters conîpletel, iy. 1npJrd. Thme - eaa-I, after the cugagemieut, , rodeé shoert distance troîn the fieldti Loubserve thie dlirec' tion Lbe fugitives huti Laken, s-hi - Iç once more encnîtereuî theuolti mari anti the Wio younu- unes, îa'lmose- esicac in ti.kitlmîuuit ho hati -befoue obssrvieel ii$~î çclamedthe old juan, iiiru iuliar mut at last! The Lord baathb glrea thc Lu me!" rlimecari recugnizeti in the saptiaker lus olti eiteiliv, Martint ; anxa arrofthi..;de- terunueu liaracter, prepiirc1-tur lais qct tence.Tiuue, wliiclihai spared itue sti-enugtltoutNlni-'tn, iati unuer-red i hd drn ut lus aitigoui4t. Ile ras nu Iun-cr LIme light, active sulmlier wiro once brouight Iiiîmî tu luis tuet. A te-a- blunîs tgcliedflite cou- test - Ltme aw&otthe eu'i b'te*! ltrt ho IS lumnuorseul, anti stood, unarmititlii. umerm'v. tIvance, boîys!" cilothle olti mai, "and stike 1" Doe you pause 1'Editard, -Reuben- toi- titis you have hccn i-earcti-s-ill yois spare- the inurderer ofy)Our fatluer " iVe csiuut"-exe,]aineul ftiheuum'tgmen botm ut ruice-" wî ie eannot beconie estts siuîs ! (iive him'inaireapon, anuu singly ive - itchullious ttîls V, slîriekc-d thé omd ti, îassionail t lip. ? the bbooti-liotumuds Ire:tîpon ulNy hn my own us-nt truil un-tty lmuiir is éoeol ; une- mrmyer tuar imiercy is allus-et thcî<- - "Sae"ansseréd Lhe ca, ilttno in-g Mitn : "I offer nu sîupplication itjiliîm-li -thmec ! ITumuiprtac. The peiritrn grmpmil- lus w-capon, and pusedtivi ceLhrcugh thLie body ut lus euueuuîy s-bu tel bravely-, witboilt une sigi. Nu stioner iý as the tleeti aÉmtiniuptide<i titan the moyalists, uteameti by 1Williauu, reathl' Jliar tiient nuL !"'lie exclaiîned.Lu Ltme exaseric&sîdîrs. "Tukethitn alin- t u Xammiîule stuml by'îýpsde - 'ritei'lmn uia;uehtiut tSoiu ant1 -rasmîg Lte b.:dy (if tueur bute conimaideie Ipruecemicti îithiol(!uiiistdiis once murfe Ld. irarîls Lthe castle o ut mîba-Lon. j Ntiit isa. in Lîu vitîuemutawsounti- cml utiicer it-immad wtituess.etithe fate -ut .ttme carl, thte yurg muen, tiuuigl inunocent oîf anty par-ticiptation iunluis crime, ivere cuîideuuîîed Lu dis' wit l ain: Theguari s-eu<aîready tm*Iras-n uinhithe Meaatleysrd >' -aiting tfor Lhimu'commaandier Lu giva thâ jsignl froua the. arindo-, n-heu a s-oinanu,- ideepîy veilei ruuslucîl iutc the apartiuent. i ilJit s-ou:1 3ou'?" exclaiutd. the neV Eari ut Claytun. 1 - Mercy !'- roplioti Lte toniie, lnkin-w jupot her kîteex-, numerey tra' the tio %Vte Lu d hon oitiý sho watt but yuur word ample W< neessary; antidF have suiffereul jtoo severely frein, tbeir m .ice Le feel dise ipuse t Lumore>.' t mThey tuust ho aved um pur soutalld Mine atiharo Lu atis-er: AIIs u *4s-tI wý M VIF* Fr

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