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Whitby Chronicle, 4 Mar 1858, p. 2

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were quhre- Vabrîdge Temperance Soiree- were in the %tork of reformâtion. It w" a still takin in the tempera ce innirement, lla the charters whieh bu g.4ve, grent and Important wo'ék,ý bitt*ldàwhat He found fowever that il: moral suaginn, al- iquently ainffltud a Illegil. Thât -these Seporteil for the Vlilttly Chroillele bY J- W- ho onw afound him tri night, ho féit WiÏ]K- thongh a powerfül origine for gond, wu mulla did not sfg!et the prosent monopo- Caldwell BrowrL dent in siýting,, that the ".Onod T rà" liait allequate in the matter. of Ulbri ge wfnild do " the tn securi lit hod faileil ly et an eur1ler poriod, depended7O1îý rortui- their prie r g what the chritelan philanthro- Purnuatit ta publie noticil the GuOd matter. (Obeer-.) He Raid, we have met tous cireuin.çtnnces; Plat hart ton long ta enter upon tjicir Soirec in chIs evenîng for the piirpoxe of discSilsing, desired and expected. Nnthing IV et Tomplars of Uxhil held but a prohil)itnry liquolîirý law wntild do àý pMent, but rendering tlieir eliirâ n thoir new b ]in this village, on ai Fr;day the-te-npernnce qtiestion. Inteinperanc% SWAY il driiilkenne.qg4-This ià- what lx ne Une iota the stronger. As the importance ý i4cethingscathing and Wfulting in- requirefi. with its Ti) qecure t1ais the penple ni m 4 Eý of the stake in grest, no we trust, the vigi- evening, the 26th il and it vrits ail tha fliienre, is qtalking in our midqt,, commit- bc properiv tniight theirduty. -Thev ni s' Fl iti mont sanguine friends could desire.- slip- je! z 0 LI :y Èf U4 lance or Our Ministers, will be mi-respond- ting dailv its féarful and deadly ravages: retiirn su -,h men ta parliàtn;nt as w1ill tii -3 istra The day was ushered in with a brîghtly il thereÉcre behoveq the frîenils of the tern- port such a meastire. This gentleman ont te its value. The promised reg ay toi nce Cause te have their lampa trimmed tnOk a fling at the prosent Goverhment, sil lk he Rhining suri ; which continued all d pers tien of Voter's Bill, in aise a moye in t rays al", burniti , and ready ta meet the foc in and sa id à -triai returned ta poweli or& a right direction, and was joudly called for diffuse its glorious and invigorating him ollwrg intirch. Here the speaker inighty mrtre of di-unkennexs. [This. is î nf -eýO' by the dinclosures of fraud in the recent over a happy group -of-Gond Templars, qhowed, haw intemperanee %trengthened sayingfartnnrethanth Speakerk-nè te w >4 ci à who were preparing and making rendy the itelf by entwining itself roi nd the bearts be trile]--(Iieporter.) lie apeaker con- lts j o- .8 elections., Perfection we may net attain, p ï, ce it - " W - on by tho- o 0 and mýrhid atfectidnng of the tinwary yniith r IP C 'z CP 0 W:,2 but improvçment we-can asquredly achieve gond things ta bc feasted 'q Wh tintied a ling time L-ilkin" allant etvery dr of our fair, and otherwi-e happy province. Âmagillable siihject-15tjeh M enrriip 1 rgo- fir z ý4 Q4 z r- should patronize the Soiree in the evening. With bit E and whatever may counter balance or leg- The aleighingvras excellent. Early in the regard tn a PrObibitory £iquor Lriw, vernment bal lot-boz-mora1asýqtinq ion -pro- i yc c M son this serinas and growin- inconvenience lie woiild riait nmw say anything. Bill bc hihitory liquor law- golden rule-liquor ci %a 0 j will redound ta the credit of the Ministry. artern,,,,elcîgbs and cutters fraighted wiVi çotild say that the " Good Templarlil stiagion -tire perpetiiity of driinkennf-,.q th te the beauty and intelligence of the stirrotind- were a band of brothers and sisters, unîted ad completely exhati.qt(ýfi hic tna- ry r- The other points in the speech, es ta the i until ho h, 1.2 := ing country, came pouring a II livin for the piirpo-.qf- of aiding, lits 1 fh -W - 9 k toi, slippress gaziiie of vituperation. Altog assimilation of laites between- the Provînces driinkenness. lie would lis c nid the ,ther stream" of merry souls into thiq, otlerwiRe re speerh iieither showed' an acirlunifitance in, are eluRlly worthy or approval. Let the be anilthitirl, more honotirable ta otIr vollt 11, with . the subject ho professert - 1 -c There were the sturdy til- to Ministry allant this motta, and act up ta quiet village. il youtii, men and yonng womeii, Our old nnr lilirlicated a well-stored Min H i n î 'ID! * it that Il 7ý-m, Tyriuirre mihi nullo dig- lers or the Roil, and thèir contented spouses men, and Our old wnitieti. tiyin slIch a gestures are awkward aitil tingaitily-his 0.a ýp ô tk ci union ? The " olil stagers- in the Tem- prontinriation linentith and disatrreeable. sa ;_ crimine agetur." They need thon be un- and happy Ettle ones ; there were the men = M ý- = ýs- 1 iiise, periiipq. E -g - of biisinesx, and thoir jôyouq famil ies ; and peranre r, rn3y be considared flis speerh pnssessed'n in' der no apprèhension, as te the gencral ver- Ot Sifflicierit nierit gi5 C., '22 g ton Filn%ç, and ta take the natter tan qiliet- ta report iL We hope be wili pardon the- dict of the country. Already have the there ton was the devotee ait the shrine of Iv ; but thiq ctinntbt bc snid Of the Volin, -o. va empty bSints of the vaunting Opposition beauty, and his "lady .4 41 m-n in the cause, for thev are geylet*all,. The bnd played a rnniirnftil stritin. ne a a ani sireming the very sein; of enjoyment, and pertinent in their renintilis. i Yhe Chairman introduced the Rev. lir. lit i, melted into thin air, and an overwhelming bodiment of dolight. rieir zeal. Tri fact, their are reg] 1 Frie.; f Claremont. ààl - b_ý -the em 0 X majority bas al once annihiliated the hoprs Pa Capering ateeds, jingling bells, and the hnt from the anvil of I!n«týziii-ition, an,, 1 Air. Frics rommenrefl hv tellitig a story ýé and scattered disinay, amid the rank and wherever thpalight, their etfuct ig ft-itatiol al)t)ljt & 1. a 1 m 'id in Enzl nd W'11() werit da fileof thattactitousand dittcomfitedparty. Joyous and loud ringing langh of the accu- that ton, to no sm-ill degrec. l'o niglit, New Advert1sements filis 13 iota a coal ininevi(h his father, who tai, wn t' If there is one eminent criterion, which parts of the difficrent vehicicq of convo.r- me h-%ve here a diver,ý,-it.%. of talent; and lie 1 hiin how to give vent to iliq fe(.1iiIgg ght th, Retnoval-inw*q & Powell. -&bave ail the rest, distinguishos a wise anre, added mlich ta the excîtement of th, fe't q1iite sure wlien . lie look(-ft ar-itiffil usinfr the "1)ii-k." l'ho bol' lqni(l. "Father ex him and saw the irr«%.% of speakers sertir. yoili 1) the work, ait(] 1 wýjj Col 4'lovêrninený from an Administration, outside beholdem 64.All went merry as à ed .'th i Mive vent t. marriage bell"'. Everywhere orr Qion, tti"tt thcv woo](J ilifleed tý 'ri] % n ft-,elillg." A Position at an% Teméerance Panorama. weak and improvident, it is this i " wll t, lifé f;eemed soniewh. Situation Wanted in DrýY Gonds Store. know the best time and manner of yield. ta be inf&ised irito the qiîct looker- have a - féa« of re.a.gon, arlil a flow of logoliq tri tliis he ocrupied. in tire tempe. 131 (in. and raiil." The speaker was freqiietitir :lp- rative vanse lie took-, delight, lit- calieil il TgContractnrs-Jt)hn Mitchell andýothers. ing " This, the leader-of the Clear Grits the constant bustie Of the btisy multitude, plaivied durin, the delivery of lits Fh Te Clerks of Division Courts, Mugistrates, intro the "-ýilvor and the il;ospel the eleantly calls II suckin- the brains" of gave an air of Jnllity and il feeling tn d,,(,torv address, of whit-il tile above iýs J)JIt ý"ni 4c.-W. IL '17reni.tyiie. c a 1 , 'len Solliellirneq bc ble, th,, s" 1 a faint i),itline. one, and somt-tiiiif,, the Opposition. The Country will know everywitne." _; rite arlier, lie Nf No ice ta (re(litors-NVin. 3[cl"horâon, t of the affitir. Nrature itçelf, Éý The trinfi r)lnvptl a cheerfiii nir. al saille l0rigth on dwelt issignce of S. Fuller. hoiv to estimate that boaizt, tire Ministry %ppeared te rejoice over lire seenc ; for not The Chairni-til then introdured the nov. rance. rite- eVils of itit(,inl)e,. jai Xoncy ta Europe -Aiex. JluPlierson. flow tý scorn it-first, on the gronnd Or à eloud darkened thé hnriznn, or dimmed 1 Air. A ridrews, of Stoifflville, been tzirn(-ýl against thoir pareil ! Cure-Dr. Tumliletv. the extreniely naticenting process stigm t- for a moment the efftilt, nce of the bright lir. Andrews c,,niin,ý ts. li*-l vf-ý, i Cash Store-.IL mes De n(-t»,] bv R-1011Z. lie nn'i husbands havc l'et.fil [br,)til of here to 'ad l'reqý' tiii,; li where %ve will, we can sec monuments of ..Town Debontures for Sale -1. Il. Perry, cil ; secondly, on the futility of the experi- luminary of da.y. výl1t :iý-enibiv. inet for the piirpriýze of çl,)- niiii tottering ali7ng the tre ts ; and ta Mil -Mayor of NVIiitbv. tuent ; and sa we hcartly stibf;cribe our Happy heartq thrnbhed within Marly a inc lvinor to'the cil e, in driirikentirgs thev a P! ind-A)teff for their 1'ý lie] Property for aille Or to Lease -J. IL Perry. gond wislies for their *coRtîntied succer,% manly bren.9t, which was apparentir nt- sel. CO!, - be-1111417til ettifiý,c- errrted bv ti e "(If)o(l pr(ý,ý;i-nt condition. w e mav ne %%-pli Hotel-S. Ilin-leigh. throughout a sesNion, sa happily inaugura. t4gious, for the mrýrrv lnii0i or the fair 'F lars"" of Vils village, and il -glig-Rtel ta tellipt to cillit t1le riging tcMpç1ý;t, berore, Hanse and Let oit Bvron Street for Sale- qn glsiri,);iq anfl nilýl(- a rivýe, a vaiiiiz,- of ils energy is haif 0 e cas « tell. vex indicated what thev ton felt. r ta ft-tv th J. Il. Perry. 444 - affertio-1, a thit hait frir itz end the ttitindç,,rý-olý etc ils ff)ere j.; Minutes o _ _ g Towaghip Parents rejniced te have their sans and 1wttorment of the 'Meial - rit lip f the Pirkerin l-ý tr> expect to stav the -ing and (le- 1 De: daii-hters enrolled with @o noble an armv, p,ýrtion of our fellow men, %%,hc) tire allilift- coulicil. vouring Hante of intelilperatire liv moral liai eii in the lnehriating riqi. a t'ittt of- son'zio, alotie. ()riiinoiýs bave béen, and 1 is J in sa gnod a cause. t,,ti c-irrie,; jov and ;, At the request of a member of the Pick- '1«If1n.-sý; intri liviny a olilitioliq still are. rite r1olvic: of ititempe- Lovirg wives were made glati te find brime wherè hithertn nnthing huit vii4zérv rqi-tri, Ouit h-,iný, over iiý. ery in-in ering Township Cotincil, we reproduce tire thir hii-bandii' enlisted in the catise, ariel iiiiii %qrknt, sorrow and degregation. fiinfi no ri-ht to d') ail that lie folluiving col- No man Whilby, Tharsday, lllarà 4, IKIS. rected from the 7Ïina, having tah-ing an'ftt.tive part in the day's proccod. a r(-qt.inz plare, -il calige th:tt stirýz 111) the lia-; a riglit tri btirri voiir balise or vour eh il been incorrectlv piil)liàhed in that Juurn- in--. Tt vras indeed cheerin- to See Sn keeneçt fectin,-, -lit(] live11i:ýt cilý,tiilis of harn - inil il,-) lýitillori hai, a ri-lit to ;10 IL, 1 liai everv I)Iiilatitlirriii,<t, a tli-tt, lik-p a lie Pie.is many smîlin filrex. The country aroiind zi.Q, '111 the evil ý1%7d11r ýi8oýý1rrraýre1. 9 bright stiar froin Ilenven, g,.ittey-s its l frorn his btisiiness is solelv corifilled ta hi', cal ling Ajffent, an(l is awh-orized to re- miles paid their devotionq at the h-ill ail, aitil diffiiizes itç 0ariotis and revi- i owti fàmilVý Mondar, Fch. 2ýth, 1S5.1l' for * over lt is said t1îat prevention il, Cal The Council met according ta adjourn. on thiq nemeilin. Ditanre wis no draw vifving light into minv a dari, and hes . and ment. Il - botter than rtire Apply this tri the teui- back. Never did Uxl)riiige village hefore teý inîf1(L fillin- and graitit for iii,)iieyýq dýie Ait the Catinrillom, present. 1 the of th-it mind perance inovenient in regard ta a I)rnhil)i. Minutes of last meeting read and ap- present so livetil, an appearance. The ar- "vith new thoti-litý,, and viry liquor lawan lyou will beliolil iLsa ppo titis o»Yee. 1ý and leadinz thédevoted -il flacchu%' shrii'e siteness. Th provO. rival of the Prince Albert Brnsiz Band wal )ere a 1, 1 o rev. speaker concluded a sboOnr _ *4 wt 11 i,; d:irk- and foui, froin the lilast- 1 pithy and cleveraddress amid leud cheer- Nfr. Chapman moved for ]cave ta intro- à seasnn of enjoyment to the little (pliý)%Vq 1 fng and destructive paths of drunk-pnn el;Q 1 lrig. The Speech and the Speakerahip. duce a By-law ta repeal By-law Nos. 73 who delight in listening ta the stirring 1 to tý - oge of sobriety, uprightnegç infi coin-' The Band strucli: up a cheerful bine. wof and 108, and ta aniend By:law No. 55.- tr6duced the Rev. Mr. Ifni lire Con-ratulate the c.-)tintry, and ap- strains of their excellent music. Verv 1 fort, a ratise in whirh ail Uliristians are The chairmnn in enn-t-4 and o er %vhich ariv do, no doubt Dix of U pland the on the sclection re- The Bv er -law re-til the first time, and much of the sucSsq of the dav, or r-ath frai j rejoire. Who then mneild nat he enlisted 1 %Ir lÏix îe' cently nvide, ta the very honorable, ûnrI on motion for the -qecond reading. it waç afternoon, was attributable to this band. . 1 . -uid that those wlin go into the LOr S ""l' a (nliqe ? Sir, the vvils that 1 harvest () h, S tield first had an advant-t"- o.ver moved in arnendinent by Mr. Spears, That The members of it' play weil. Thev very imprirtant position ofSpeaker, in Our -law ho net now "-ad a ç . rer flow froni àrtinkenne.,,s are tao big for lit- thoqe who corne affer the grain was eut Zie, inewly elocted [lause of A,ý;sem!)Iy ! Tlie the By ri- econd time, tainiv deserre much credit for tire sk-ill teranre. L-%ný-tiage is ton harren ta ciefine and gRtherf-;I. Sn il was with hink in this but referred ta a committec of the wlicle. or expresq, or Ibatirtrav them. Viey Milet re.gpect. The izentlemitn who had preced- ri-o Hon. Mr. Sinith pomesses ail the qualifi- Carried. they displavei in selecting. as well as in be s(-c-n to lie iindvrýt - dý nitit Ibo cations wliîclà exporience, well matured l'lie Cntincil resolved itself into -a coin- performing the ditTerent pieces of Musi cil Iiiiii hall loft hirri little ta sity. . Par, C bc realized. lie -'tid, il ýaTneti1neQ had an i é R l'or mittee of the viilio.le on the By-law. 1 much gn, tifieil howev ýr nt heinýg pre. ent by a long apprenticesliip il) Parliamentary playeti on the occiçion. i exriting influence on liirii ta speak on lent- on this oerigion. lie 111elieved that speak- Pri( insage, c4n ale. C,)h- The comi iltee rose and ropnrted the i heRr il-,%, except those who are alrenfiv 0 ers, on OC(-Iqions lik-C th -%o impart. N ty, we 1 bfr. Richardson in the Chair, Among the Coofi Templars. al] w«Lq lifé perarirv, for we ran srnrec ever get men t i scg, and anim-ition, in mak-in- re-vir for their ý bolild stildy fun to-an apparent wenk-ne-u in acknow- By-law wit amendmentr., which' viras en- contiensing-and althnclg ile was no elle- ýSic( rolied on our ý,;ide, and arrayed- Ag-linst the l ho p 1ý>h lodiling, that the trivial advantage of per- adopted, andýn motion of Mr. Chapman, gii*ýts ta partake of nome of the Il gond *ould try and be- as brief as pos- ney tide of drunk-onneqq. Our onporientq sel- 1 Sible. Ile spoke of the of the St-%' sonal- appearance, weiglis somewliat with the By-law was read the second lime. things" provided for thoir corptral sti.qte" il m attend slicti g-itheringç'ag thi&-,, but enmm'initv in nfbt plitting forth theirener- Teti us., These, the prescrit Spenker Mr. Chapman moved that the By-law be tationpL At the -appninted hnur, (font- thev are anxiotiq to dý--,trny- nitr influence, i gy in be4dr of ri prnhibitory liquor kw. We read the third -time and passed; that the nd ail sorts of moins are A ýn thst degrce, which wîll make the (lirir 1, Reeve do sign the saine and attnch the O"ClOCkrp- m.) the hall was filled ta the lit- and ta that e re- fle dvelt at coni;zider%ýle lénf,-tli on the externally resýýctable, as his other' ail- 'Seal of the Corporation titereto. Carri ternost, with tlinse who were mwet anxi_ s'Irted ta, but this is not su eisilv done, , 1, m in lire, w en me are ileterminefi ta pqiqh f,)rward strong iérms. This speaker wiL% very hu- ýaàtageg wili render it morally efficient. ed- ous ta II strcngthcn the înner m.%n." The h C the ad or our noble project. Let tininimity prevail morons, and related tivio or three very cil We cannot explaîn ourselvés-better than TX, Mr. Spears moved fur leavc L) iritroduce tables lîterally grnned beneath the 10 amon- t-rn rance inen, ierre.-4pG'-tive of wittV and lati-hable anmlotes, Ile sat Dy tiontrasting the difforence which wnuld ried. Dy-law to ainend Dy-law No. 74. Car- dainties they h-vi ta sililitain. The prnvi- nuit appla"Ilse. party prnrlîvite.-, or pnlitic-il predilections dow amidst 1 beir exist, were the II quick-sil ver-ish- Mack-en- The 11vi-law waç rend the finit time. siens iiiiere excellent, and in stlitind.incq.- and Our Most !zangiiiiie desires niay be con- Band plaveil a lively air. repi sic placied in a similar position. bir. 4eirs moved that the By-law be The armnc nittee Q pments mafle hy tire Cam, . ii.mrn-4te(i. The 4;Ood Templari of L7,x-- J. J. Brown, Esil., or Oie Ontario Tinieil brid-e, he féIt prnqi(l ta rav. hitd done a was next introdil-eeli, Air. Brown $nid ho upý Carried. kt, reflected great mdit ,pari tout The - r,,,)ecch itself is an excellent exem- read a second time. of manaetner nolde wirk in the erectinn rind complatinn had been axtraddle of the fonce in refý- On motion f)r the third reading, lfr. that body, and show clenrly that no piins of this fine and -tately plar of the practk4l ý; sud, if carried out, Chapm-tn moved in amenfiment that the . hall. Thev have rence ta the temperanee question. Thrit as y ais ve fully anticipate it vrill be, earnestly B,.Igvr be not now read the third time, or erpense were spared to m.ilze- all, the %et an example worthy of imitition,'and bc "q he had been a.teetqtaller in principle, 0 ftitlitully, cairinot.fail ta ensure re. but that the C-auneil do go inte a Cam- guest'i Of the eyenin«p as coýnfortable and m the' hoped it would be followed by other lodges. but not ýý praciice'. and \ ý 25 The Rev. gentleman enntinued at soine Band. 1 . sults highly bonoficiiit ta the corumunity mittee of the whole thereon. Carriedl. happy as cirentristances would allow Most eng-th to p , int out the evilg reqiiltirig frnrh Mr. Chirleç NichoW of Eng ai Prince Albert ait large. The Couneil went into Committee of the unquestion-cbly their Most sanguin whole on the Hv-law- e wishes the u,,e of intnric-Atincr drinkç fbnd ri% ciiS- n-vf had Il knocked the Th.e expediency ofassimilftting the COM. )ncern," al George mercial L%.w of Upper and Loisr Calj&di nothi thi la* of ltnp-ti-monwent for debt, u would do. Ilogan and the law of Iiisolvancy in Upper Cstisad.. The Wh xhibition of himi;elf, law regarding rmudident iwsigni,,,t, Ald ê' id brogue displayed ýreferenres, and that relating to the irite_ inqu ind iîelf-sisth(-,iency. rest of money In Commercial Gran addres4in- the of uvery kind. aid w It apijears tÀ) nie also that the Jury IRW,, residing, Il Oy froid, requit-e revisinn, and that -the ,l did. Le., &c. and during law ôf Upper Canada, may b,, with adall. on, the sarne offen- Lige arnerided and mi)-eoliàated. the 0 ,as repeated at Icast . T liere Wre no Statinory distu provi-,ions more important to the country, thati thojý, Rail Ilogan is evident- e %vilich regulate thé franchise, and the trial Of his own egtimation. Controverted Election. inué in the flouse- lic.ing of opidion that the prêgent Aet, nome cely, asi his election require amenduient, 1 trust that you will, bis ac- do all in yotir power to improve and siln_ he ha wili be one of its plify the existing --;ystXým. 1 lielie of a Ve ton- thai itwolild be expedient ta secure the th, uftesne, and Ferres proper . regristration and protection of 11 and ital style, de- qualified voters. 1 calu À measure will bi 1-tiil 1)efore youý for for asserting that amendi g and siiiipiifyiiig ille wilule en, the first nained tein of rtýianaLeineiit of Our Piilý)lir Lan4â but t' and facilitittiný,-tlicii- cectipoti#)n by ill;lu hat the regular C geil t ý iserably tliraehefl. i'trioux ýeLtJers. a few- ýnald-who hall re- 1 . am glad to state that the. nuinber of ornif.pririt.4 in tire coùr.,4e of the year ju.f4t ilination by the Op- 1 h ri con.,;i-(Ieraiely In exsc-sâ Of 1 ent cd, was bearing of the previntis ve-ir. and while and p er qualifications of A large extpýt of territory in diffelient the agreement by parts of the Proijince lias been-siirreved and Lower Canada for the purpose of iinmediate occullation. Experience lia-s proved that the Opelling of pron iish Speaker-, would ronds througli the forest lias inticil facirl.,, coun îominee of tlie Min- tated tire settlement of Our wild latiù. minority in Vpper Bv n-lak-ing thesse lloarls nu a sý,s#ew et Nfessieurs Cauchon, oncé uniforiti an(] eouiprelieiisive, there la ýbe1l also spoke a everv relisort to expeet tire bLqt resulta from the aifi aranted by the Legisiature. d-ed itending for a-dou- Tite subject of the Fisheries in Loth sec. 1 far a Speaker who tinits of the irrovinre ilit orle which descrvtýà proi). 1 and speak French your attention, as 1 bel;eve that thty ýj3Y étron )een informed %Ir. bc sO de-alt with, as hereinafter to becljWe a "lirce of Revenue. unrig id the third claini- In Lenrer Canada. tire legýîe1%tive chaný sent ges 4 ipposegl, aeeement Malle in the judicial sv.stelli have bten courtesieq, anil to 1)rouglit into operation. 1 truý;t lit.ýtt more )Ose the be.st mai) ready icce". to Justice an(lýtlte spetdv tel,. Ferri quination of Civil SuÃŽts will bc thé result of tiieý.;e I)rovisinfi,,;. Tem ken when the 1 congratulate vou on the e tinueilstie- Icavin- a majority cers (if ttie Calindian Line of Steainers. Thev have aire-:)Aiv jAaved our întercourse came if. The re-%iilt-w,, diý-- itil Eiirope.on a new footing, and 'I look infl Mr. l'-,mith was 'v 8.» ve 0, ebrward %vith plensure to the esta;-,Iîý;lirnërit r his proposer and of a- %V-ýekly Linc to the Saint Lawrence lant dairifig the ticot suirmier. veral cyn, AreliRtnliatilt, . 1 rccoininenll to vour i)Qlice the increas. nzhain, Bmjamin, ing vaille of tire [Ake Commerce of Cana- f;tl. d %. t)ijr trafic with C --a-o and the î,V,ýr.tern States proiniseili to be iytjl)iirtallt44 ment 11, Carling, Caron. m, Cauchon, Cha- alike to the Vpper and the Lower élections In ve utl.ceý j)!1jvý 1), inc ù oust of the f1rovince. Dufint, the rece.cLs a corre spondence has M Ilowes, Fergu.ý4on, taken place with th ' e luiperiil Governinetit Gauvreau,, (rili, and W'th t'le ý;;ter'17#Aonies of Nova Seo- Labelle. Laherze. tia and New Brunswick, in whîch the im. ii toor )rte, 1, . enlieux, Lu- portance to [,tiperial intetests of an Inter- rnev (jetieral %fftc- colonial Railway and Military 1"d to fia. ýLeod, lifax has been pressed on .the attention of the on, Ouimet, llanct, the Horne Goverriment. Thi.,i correspon- i P. Powell, Price, dence 1 will cause to, be submitted for yourî geste consideration. .neral Rose, Roxs,ý Iliam Scott, Sher- As thi.q Province h.Lq alre!idy gone ta the eX, r- impsori, Sinçennes, utmost liinit of peciinia ' ry airl tQ the Grand 1 Trunk Ritilway Comparly,'it affords me tion le, Starneq, j,. 1 ibebeau, Turcotte, p enstire to statu my confident ex-pectatioà thnt such a;d will j rove suiticient to seï- »Qxd kins, Allan. Be cure the advantages proinised -by thecoul. jertio wn, Bureau, litir- PlutiOn Of its %Vorks ; and 1 dOubt notthat will- Connor, (look, Do. the con-imunity at large are fülly Nenà;ibler, < sent 001ild, of the henefits derived from this great and Then wl. jobili, important undortaking. nald, John S. 19ac Gentlemen of the Legijlaýiee Amembly.- ttfice, MeGee, Me- The Commercial difficultîes to which. 1 Notin, apineau, have already alluded, ývMI bc found to have tînn ýr Powell, Rvilbal, attected our' Revenue. This was to be or- rton, Walbrirlge, pected, but the diminution îs inich- as tu with inspire. ris wilh no fears for the credit or -ned thank.q in En- the friture praitlierity of the Country. 1 beliefe thât you '_ will fiiidý that: due, speech Was brief ec(Kù)in-,t h*ý4 beffl used in'the ex p_éàdààýe indu of- - it Was giveil of the furitis entrugted t'o the Executive but jater ý,when lie Govertiment. and that.etfoýctual é;ýjpervision ilé befor :mrnme ver the pislilie am)tjnts. has been main- lie spoke 1) tained hy the B"rd of AudiL - 1 have- to-1 copy- and ýMpriety--5o beý t wZk. ofyon. in the preselit SeRsîon, such supplies as' May be required for the public tirem tnsolf andjserVice_ý he C rt- to the Lronorable Gentlemen an4l Ãœentiem'M.* d -congral (nrre.ýzpnndence ïn mlatîon, -to - the Hud- thai hnping the son's flay Compnn'y and. its lerritory, winds he laid before vou ; as welf as an angwer leader of the to vour addres r)resented a Iler Mr#4t ýtu"u!yu a cumpgny, T,ýiere was not the ' 1 __ __ -1 ...... veclof theskill, exertions and future sue. Township. least accident, or slight"t mis' CO'lld'bO sectIred were men not two-face indebted to no o"në'ou't,ý'of the Order for, , year coù'*hlch miglit have re-adjusted (fker the Mr- Richard.çon moved that the Reeve Understand- But-nn, M. l"., l"s. mugt have their glaqs, one shilling towards thý, erection and coin- genf 1 g th mqtt- the har,,wyny qf entertajament. electnrq must have theirs, while' nt the pletio - ri of this hall. *bat we owe we the 1 benefit of all) the temporarily disarranged cave the Chair for ten. minutos. Carri- 4 - ed. Tea over, the tableswere remnvedý and the same time, they make the loudest protes- owe td ourselves. The debt we;oweý is Spes balance of a party perhapg no otherwise -The Couricil restimed. 'tatson-1q, in favour, and desirability of therefore a national one.1 1 will now. here hall made ready fur the speakino to be. such , C, thig !ediflea in a very', nad& guilty, than in boinS unfarttinate. Tbe The Chairmitn of the Special Committee gin a mensure. But when th3 " tua, plainly gtate that »Snd, and equally miserablo error, was hrOuglit report. come,;," this important mmsure iç forgoî. inaï-k-ed mariner, is indeýted te, Bros. John, in y£ that that whieh ouglit to have been a cîtil Mr. Rieriallrdgon moved that Vie Couneil Wa few minutes this spacious' hall was ten, or ham in miicenmb to nue of minor im- P. Ilitbom, B K. Joneqý John Kelly, ýqnd phye go into committec of the whole on the re- cri InTned from one end to tbe other. Th portancez If me- were only truc to thern- ýK 1,avîn, fer its prescrit > stafe of cornple- and judgment, bocame etian,,Od into a criminal port of the Standing Coinrnittee in refer- was net a van nt spo' ere selvem, and to the principle they avow, a4 tion.-[the Repoýfer' *îll' hèr;& confidenti- t left. Every availa. Sion: «ê; and misfortune, or nt most indiscre- ence to tha division of the Townsliip-- ble space was would be rfight in this re--ýpecL ally say that Mr. Smith liasAone as., mu Spiri tioN wru visifed with a punîshment that Carried. occupied by anxious listen. No gatherin,",,., but one-s like -the preý if not.iýoke, foi thw Satie, boa There could not have been feyrer qent, couk] be made, Witholit' - the social other mari éi ge.] have been reserved for ýrajd The Conneil resolved itzelf iDto a Com- en* dier in cr o ýýt of the Lod brav OrgetkddriM#. A priva te and interested mittee of the whole. than five hundeed persong prescrit durlng glus being jS-ned round; and oftin the Band.- will reight in the Chair. the delivery Of the speeehes. 'For ov 1 er sýbec&me, thrniigh its influence, A vote of thanks WILS 'ven ta thé Lady, -tem Party, becarne a judge; deus subverting The committec rose and reported the estranged for & time ; and eniffity prevail-e Committee.' Mr. A. D. eçkS, in "' elq-> four hourathis mighty mas of men, wo- h, - -hi, elicited mu - For 9veryprinciple ofjudicial lirocodure. report with amendments. ed where ali wu good feeling and frjendý- 4uent littleft -eee irhich mon, and childrên, (mRnY of therri standire lonip crédit, wc admit, should bc maintained, Report adf)pted. ship beforé- Intejjaperance if; a negâtivé applauseretumed than'ks bat tliat %vas no reason wby equîty should Mr. Speirs moved that the Clerk bc in all the finie) maintiiiiied the utmosi deco-' prineîple. Let *%i kertlohê, and ît- will Bati& P didz structed to get printed 25 cnpiffl of the rilm and giod order, and paid the strictest letyoualone;butiný,l geinitandattAS4 on motion of J. W.; c., Brown, Reconded unim be thrust asile; nor do we a-roc with By-l' t r aý%p, and bite ý like sa ýby J. J. Brew-in'4, Fis aw appoin ing Township officers fu attention te what fell from the lips of the it ivill stin- like w w of-thank ýthcaewhntltinktbat ne,ýessary to coin- adder. When we are iranslate4toà-better given the comnil - an e," morce, which is inconsistent with justice. . Mr- Richardson moved thât the lerk be, different speakerg. - Very many hqd.to go clinie, no doubt we shall be able' Ù)Irej*olc-e' Mr. Joseph .I;a Ïs in a cOul' instructed to f«ward acop of the min- -àwayfot' the wantof accommodjiion. The, at the *0'nwaîd',Progresýq, aýd lobd'éifetii 4icy and ýYitt "Cài- wasral)- part If crodit was given, i t was bocause ca 'it Utes of this Couneil from thisq tiLqç orw&rd meeting Iwita organized Cgni ýpjjaj y by Abr*ihàm-,Fsre- of Ahe temperanremo.vem", - Qà'eveli-ý -turmuly ap,,l M ' àt bdý employod, -' and men generally to the Ed*1tor or t1je 'Ont4zrio' 7" intes for w'el4,9>qi,, of Oshawa, béîngicý4lIed to theý side 91 Ss we see,,,striking-e.,"mples of thoý liote of tbanks to !1the, spealSrs. eticulate the chances of insolvency, ý by publication, provided. lie dm it free-ôf'ëi the rï cA an, nee gi @vil of inteneperance- 'P 'ýtùl indeed 1 x- çhair, on the motion of Mr. Joseph IA" t ken, making the debtor pay for the risk in the Penlle. carried- vages of the féli moýn,,,Éter, jirunken'ý havinw lWt tbe seconded by Mr. Anthony'T«hompson. Mr. Spears moyed that the Couneil ý do nesm; fordMolatmn, inîury,'tiîd crime- -ni t 'A- Wý Îý now adjourn and Mand adjourned ffll the Mit FueweU, im takinglhe chair, said: fGllow in its wake-nay, are its concomit, - of thanks wà itière given. Mn Fare- eote lffo,&pW thank the Ilinistry, in the xecond Tuesdiy inSfa wh the douricil Ile- rie ted, not ýWing pre»nt sttho mm_ tant results-j boq W "and> toi p companiom ell. ý Bc returned thar&ÃŽ in a -long and vrill form itself into a & ','of rcylsion.- men lie gtrongly cor ràameoflàe comneunity, for thus disiever -drt , ý ý -, i(fïmnéýd the 'liçenýe lâw, truly cloquent ýaddr late- Ceuï«d,,',but'bis laWarrivaj _çgg, lut froi»'t1ýë Ingthecôuntinghouse from thejail. Carried. 'the'gëât 'and tlrÏtàttýe neu of the 3vening, and'the, un&vý6iýablp PPidi not to, any laékof Wingjfbrâpýinterest in or intemperierice ,, A,, mpied by, the Pép,6rfeý hereof; Thià With, ".ition nec We attglid te g0à tient the 1judson'w ERILATA.-In lut it of the the cause thcY bbd, tPÇ4, to celebrate, but frqýq-thaStW ok.; jrjsýf barrein di4 weeks -rçýo té hp li wu nert 1P 4p reas; tî Bay Que3tion -leu 'not'-béein cushioned.- Town Courecil to le nçý, being appnmd ýof theý graçe 1 > ihtii licensing poop wu an argutaen- àivisiôn nu _letôrùin thoir port of W -it iStî made, jn,,$be hour of m fello*i (forihis tbo ftéqtièntJy is the're-ý in favor,ýgi; a, pr6hibitory, --e Weféel évery éonfidence týat Canada's capý 'Rowés amendinent, Clairke ]le tuppoq- gÙlty is soinéthing waà Adn e& &10t yin W' 'be Assessorwýere, jéÏ at»n, k V Belf,41eat the hurnan nilodý can scarcèly eH spd en and Mremsfully securéd, Tromayne, and IféBriW- aý 0 910 h4ur, butwhat wu hi» 'Umantf«it.- But go it-AK, ý1Ti«-d&n 7-instead of ,on ge- weil. d'm'appom',tr",nt_,ý when lie Jearý -aner his rous to tamper'with inteizicating drinks. angWare mad Rowe a pojiw., Thi Sa e -nd .'Watson, as, re eue our é'élock had bec yýhRv8 a fààýfà1ly infatüatinï influýnce The.uw tip&w w di4mýsséd. - ta 'put "'P House in ordeît' 1h'éý' l' Amendmert w»S ont loitý ýy the cuting arrival, thaf f 0 the hwr The of y 'Ã"f me0tinÇr. 310, hped that th over the htýýxn W'iil, ânà bu-Man ýffeétionk rderll Y, pettyrnen-h" ne ri' 0 f >tbÉ; ý; ý the best o t4 Paltr ar y reaçhçd y 4.9 thë.Mayér. Many *hô'bave troddén 4n, bettir iwpectableaudiih", 0 ' -wbich bc hâed iniffl" 9-Wu UMUWhe This Whigh1-ý_ rWhAt on. Tiacir riil ver ito 'té' 1 béire to 9 U wn calw', btSme vieuras'w -sedizetive 14iq,>, wxdculul ed t« ttio,7» to je idé would maintain, and ilbe- T .4 hel "4 lY Cr 'table s(ýýs T"tn, 1i; utterly U .1 r" cination îý, when we corisider fa. Iree liîtn to maintain 'ignominiously. The ri vo, that order nceefkàtý ýwoiejà b, th Ntj,ý "eàày, plead. long possession, but a bi - --,ç ý .8, tioh =üy of, téoteî ce, Wodo«&Y and lbun*,Y.evxm- èt%üre Ah'ittèntiveý héýg' ali' fhëý 'as we rend the awful calendar oféiïï »- R'.Or'- not to e jeored by inp gt ý4,X@p4a»k&, 4&U ci 's rietir are, b xh U14 se te auch paltry qlibblm Theirtitie, ve re. unlmtbere!lm*ËoM«der keK-it ýr by wgbjv" be litteri Th6ý Ar*' %poken et We hop@ to sS crowda th be out-w!oowt»n :,every OMM; )1Y Thé Promý-vul-, ta qWW MtW, o1ý (M'Éliment ofýçon«;Zll - -iieit _j,1t«Lý.a ication ýwith.--Ilio ' the AWkerot' the Cooncil thon- ret-ý thý by might find it sumedthe Chair, and the Hon. 3ir. RO&N Exèellency- cordi- Gýénemf moved for pro fýý ceun e -His Excéllency* legve ' te introduce a Bill relating to Oaïn, their g speech, first'in mon School& As you will recollect the ,formality, of intrgduçing, an itera ef legids ýthe Ldeît74àitle always , precedes- the conaid- the th4 érationýo1 th - et speech as a proof 1 suPP'n" that- that the Ilouses are actually 9ngaged. about rie Ple ýQ t a -à unmt. wu agreed that His ExýéEencfs, ipeech' their as the ?1epý;- t4eir, leetimate vocation.-, Afteï".tbù iý à tion ît Sepsiýôri în the should comefup as th» Orxtorder on Mon- )àed that England day, when I expect we shah have ananiiî he world, butat mated debate. The Statidîùgý committeO& iutiny was raprýg ori C-Ontin-ent e 1 xpenses, the Revision ci ýn'Kînpfrc'-u mu- -it iç . éeiùed to peril the Journals,,Priniing &ÃŽtdýPri*ilegu, W«O e a the HOUÈé aýb*G èji 1ndi&ý ýFhitit by hen stýu, k. -P(l UM, in. itï courge, ir In - the -As-wnbly the same -routine:iM«> ,the *holé civilw: gone through and with sifnuar rîàU1ùý , sa 1 os theybave sym- thm Mond , sywiLl'ý ectý, -Wilt-"tinýlike Tuesday- X.ùmbý 1M - rigor , whieh -, has tb*ý ton béhwbfalf*nd fiiend -tbàtibe .Perseverance *aà ôt pie' '0 'è, L Our coantrymen th imofeede to lmuts théy, propose& _tD =ve to thea& P 'hame ofý Le- Moi. 3W Miedonald Canada -hop dits a ."I-n'üme to aRow of-îhiàï"b-e-in" dnlir-COVSI- ?ýmay due& i. '!1ý -ý1 2 tio- es hum tof ýY-'hx" tâeýà in xi 'b- U P 0 f w-ýAm i e 1tý« 9ký the G 5- ci a a mu th* d-oing

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