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Whitby Chronicle, 4 Mar 1858, p. 3

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nothing, thon that it wus cleveriy drawn U"-utel tboge from, whotn It emrinated, In whote ho hwd îîo confidlence. Ile thon Inqtiired If by the annotitemnent tirat the Grand, 'rrîk wotit requnire no furthor aid Ww aimtended to iiride the Victoria fliririgq,, to which fIon. bir. Itoua replied it r d 'rontiflBfis nwer you will see that dlsturbing the cointry on Grand Trirnk S rilay, ýccount, The fatnlt-finding gen- tleman thiin *pitehed, what he considered morne Very- hoavyihot.<, into Mr. Rost4for hie acceptance ut ofilce, tsaerting that if hibhad ibeen obliged to get the ratification cf a coutittneucy ho wotilrl bnve been sent te the rrght abolit like Cayley, Spence, Sand NMorrimon. Mr, Rrr<a replied that Mr. Cayley was eected for Renfrew by a large i najorrty; blut this suelieri onlv to incense Ille heavy gentleman so miuch thierrre, andi he rrdded a few other nauighty things, to which no,, answer %viLS vouchsafedl. lion. Coi. Prince thon took up the speech andi îrronotinceri it-An excellent one, asxerte- ing tirat if the 0('overnnienît only succeed. Adln passing hIrfaif the ineasrîres they-, prornised they woulni deserve weilior the couuntry. Tire war in inilia to which ai- hIrsion is made ili tht mîrecbh arolised iris xiitary irspir it andi ithé eerrue powerfriiyv exciteti agamngt thu atrocious Spv. In- tedt thir; subject h1ra 4lled forth the elo. qîrent indignation of Mr. Pattn, ami was probtibly tir e ubject whieh createti the strongest feelitng,_aiwayq cxeetpctig tire - îîgrihteous; retention of uIlice 1)y the pre- sent mriristers, whir-h as 1 have before saiti [Ao gi r'alyexerriseri thie virtîrotvrs Nr. Pr.r guarru). Isitrîrlr have saîd aiso that Mir. Ferrier Favo aveýrs' proper hiit to tire G> verrurrent ru regardl to biigim ~p t nacasuircs in gotid tirir, wlrieh hirt, as t caine fronu a friei, wil n niut have its <ie weight. It is iilm1ns'le farrIrle U) guve y'ou anytiring like a sketv-i of thtv gitl-1 INlnt Colonurivls oration, which enbrrreI se veral topres ire.îIves thuse in tihe Gover- rior'.s sjreeeh ;bt ire apîroîvedi nf ail t1iat wru rai, admii uotithe Se-nt of Gos-cru- * ,irent iqtistion totik occ asionr tO derroîrîrce i-n vers' stroirg ternus ailtitteriplt :11t irtur ti> Irg tire QnIIe1u'.t recîsînn. " l Iion. Mr. lorrix (opipositionr r irght thre word-. '¶the iitsirsBay C<riraîn mni ittr ter- ritorv" caleffated to urake the iuiirrcssionu tirâatuia rcgus the lîririrs of tiraI Association totire îroîrriî-Lrrshp nof tire tihe terriiory iu their possessioni. aid strg- rsteýil tirat ti~e lordir-arnd its" fire tr et. b1réit this was overrîrîlt%, rand tire lion. __Mr.n. tirglrt asstr'ei tire linlutr the Governnent irantl nt tire reirîrtest iiten- tiou of corrveyiiig sticb arr dca. As to ther wnrds if ttirev'hlr eerr poirtedi tnit as oh- jer'tioriabie bneore, lire wnridi h ve ireeri wiiing to chrange therri, irnrt corutni r-onr1- sent to do so nnw forn obvionis reasotis. - lien the exprression vas conimni iisei in resprert o ni' nafiesirobing lards unidrr 1 ________ -~ ,-- - - .~-Y-~ - I________ petition, andi ho took iensve taso i t that of Ca'ptxij Rowe, ho beiug ex-Warden of thre Coufity, andi knawing tirat genÏtleman'. ex- tensive acqîiailiîîsnîo with Muiricipal mati- tora genera iy., Captain liow esuggostet tire addition cf I tire nioverq naine. The Matyor stateti that a rule ofthtie Councii pros-iidenltirt iin alcSqes the uic- ver oi a resotlitth s for a Specrai Comrit',o s;hoîiti ire a rueurbur et that Connitme- Motion carrieti. FrE ANDtuWATttrt Mr. Treniasne bronîgirt tnp tire finat re- port of tins eonrrnrittee, anti ou motion thrè Cnnrnrcil worrtit e orrittea etftise 'rhcle tirnon. lrn. han iithe Chair. Tl'iq nelirro corrrrennerl the prayer ni' the imeltion of thre Fine Brigade scokIrig te appoint tireir offilcers srnijeet te tire airpro- val ci' the ('orncil. TiraItire Cluiof Enîgi- rîen r e attlirize-witii tire appiroval of t ho MNayor-to irave anrlà-lrerrairs donc 10 tire à cuginme, hose, &c., whieni the saine, et auy one lime dd noîct exceed in anîcruntt *5. ing in wiirtire engine wrts ke1rt, in entier -o lu ner trlie cîrgine frt for use. , 'hat ap- plicatlion be maietu the diufeenlluîrance 'orrmaniea iroinig jmmicies on prolrerty in tire Ton-n for contribriinr towards the irirciî;se of a new Fine Englue. Tbnrt s cliirrrney Iuspectoriatnd a erin'svee be apîninten, anid tiat tire lis--a that subjec et opni>isbed and put Irn force. jCnîptitin Roie lelieved il impîtortant ta. knorr wimo was Lo bu' tire wocd and iigliîî1orties. fle stove. j fmt1la I'ot Rae, 100 yards. $40, %fn. i rtlýntie -lte h-li-kccpnn. 1 Belsreenî Mn. Shrpa liigli.s;irrrati, anti Ti'ie Mrtvor staleul tirt tire Fine Eigine ~M.lant a Canadian. Sharp Look ir-el )-a ini'-itiv telueat Fpeetlt, leiniz fro- race, a lHarribs the .tiro ucxt, trircu Sharp) ,Il 'rn ili-tinat a st-cîriimrlsovon' ouii l e gave uîm, aird' anris deciaredth ie wirnrrr. hiinlit rent;, mnd hit aStire wrvnannloiy - * iut retýiîtm-eil fona vrshu r t uir-I ii as CovAn.t rv W ufrred mitiî1 - Mr-. I-on.-. nitil tr-icilil tireî-ner of tire minclerî'«sîrralasit ms-c oi-hoth ~stisfacLto- îirnri-csrrîrr coennseut to havea sstore r-'îîuiuîetfW.i.ire.ym, q.I lit. as Cnrîtity A ttrne> for titis Couirmîr. NW'ej j Mr-. "enm rôiiotlîliot see lite-r-tfintrt 's"11mois-Ltake louvee te n>' tiraI a Mot coîli Le altt7"nkf'cintt, the 'Irrmrri ldtire mrimer etapomrtuent, ou ncrabott-nernîacti- j ilm-re reieri. leil te gin-e generd - public sritisi'tîtionj 'l'ie Mr--thre lreitise t1îeiiiee were 'nnl*ni nlo nrnla'le i itis iccail. 111 ftmrrn-r' tise.i as a ImInien>, anti ni' ourte. p.iyitg a jiast trihute te Mn.- ' Trutay [le, ire *cunmnamri eut-o-seu. and frurîr tuiat isliomi ie Wso ail tirermîorere -anins-becinti.so<te fttii tmrk -eecoilir e rio gretnI eijectinn toolu srrtcauntmiaua parly nse;ilinîg tut;tI ,eut lit-tianiin thr.-dani-, antI sevkntt igti'.ekg - jttnlîirgtri asiti:li tIte. Iis n-lnractcn ina )rme of tire goner-umueut de-- Curjttîlu Rorre au4en1Mn. 'MePhenn -uantnents, sshorr Ire beliovei te be thre ownen-, svhctino - r Iruttinie i a store rrculd intiirfére with Mn. Moratt, M. 1)u P., iras errir trarrks lime insînrance. forun is attnrtionrin forsvardinrg us tnniy ipar'liantrreiary i)tiPr- Mn. %IcPhrer,,on di i not sec lie necessity14* for a stre. hI' the hose wcre pth mbLite (GrnErns-ton rFÀmnt-Tmis qnrarteniv tuir -cnîlian it l i t tiris'oeint anti cotnîni hokept hei n ouWretires lay haet,, ias ireli nt- suift. 'l'iis i rs'iat wais dnen i'n rronto i tetîdeil, tire rshowr e'fat caille gondi, and a nnil i onrinigave tire Cotineil trouble and tire hravirrg pretty ennant, beef *:ii le $4. expn-mse.i List of izes fan secti &c., ucxt sre-r. 'lire N'y-tm-engine cannot Ibo put- ______- mt a cllin; il ik in inu rnnssonkileititte; r aînd ileire cunititeeini srigestiing a're i~-On Februar>' 28th, et tir esrenec î. . .. r. c't1 , 1 , iis fatiaer, Towrn et W'iith-, %Mn. W. S. off lImeimrami %n shmiîdi-rs. If a fire hrîkt- ri i rme Wn-est- ti thne tnlsIlle rrnr ex,- ait linr NOTI(.U TO CREUITORS. ýpARýE notice huia t Etpheri Fiiier, lately car- Àrying on lIhe ruriieoscf Marchant, a; mli ira Ihat o nanrîrufi4tsr rf anti dealer in Frril tu uri d lr tin rt-r, lte Town of Whitby, iias hhisdavurIanl u rsndguiiniîtri me <tire rndenigielWiil rrit 1 crersou, a Marchant iu tht Town of WhItya fnrceaid) frtt huee- fitlo ni Iicredrionswhd i«'8 rpqotaed tacornme lu anrd execirle tire 8ald lustglicîî,it, h i l ,tiow in iny office for traI îrrrumosr w n sixar mnnths fr-inn tire date tlitrrel' rnÏisrrrie tIre> wyul ho exeludeti frrrni al berreit of, or àr- trrge utidor tire sairre. tIateti tsi-s icI day tof Mardli. 1958. Wl!. MePHIERSON;, Property on Brock Street-For Sale or to0 Lease. T 'IWN LOT No. 8,Eoat aide et Rrocir Street, biLr e irs cIvactarntlot nir tntitR.rzSn hi y Otfie, 49 fect froint anud 198 fouetJeep te a LaCie. A L SQ0, Lnt 'No. A, fnîintl viyoccnpjivd I inAllmtn'e ivery Stiiae, itrnrck dr-et , i re a. N,.. 3. For ltrraiire.na ittirunthieIAi Lta are er-:t au,,%' iii Tr-n ii miii i le uoldu mmcmlrcaenrinle terras to panrtines witnf 'riii tract gnod Stonre or Brick Buildiuirgoncmtirrîi. To Lease. Osit Illcrr nFisFritrtnizreou Brook Streot, nircily niui.r.ýitî e f<ialîi o.r t-rutirif 14. mr 21Nrucrra, tein areelri of20 feel frinitrige A ppy te J. ITAM PERRY. Wiiti, Inn Manoir, Is5i. 7 aSECOiN A.Ce-YOUR NT uI*iS. Provîna'ial Puirs. of S&ventji-fteb Dolhurx Oua mile, hest 3 ins 5, free for ail ii~otZ terit and Pacers D. Keot'. b. h., bk Tom, I iI Mn-. lotaingor'a b. h., Redi bird, 2 2 8 ChaAS Gate's b. b., Bob Irwin, a 8 3 G. E#erots b. h., Sputi, 4 4 4 Time-2.87, 2,35, 2,38. ThIs was an exciting race. Bob lrwin anti RediBird hati beers muroirtaikoti &bout hoavY otits being, offeroti on tire former.- After tire finst horit tire betting wus oven, but wiîeu Black Tom took the second beat the bettirîg against him ceamret. The flnst heaI the homses gel a gocti acutiofflRed Bird l cading ho the finit turrs, where Tom guI up, ocilaret iitm, andt gave him the go- iay. Bôb ant iltcd Bied irroko, andti-an ton treanlir quarter ot a moile. Sputi ran the wiîobe way b> tire aide of Toin, anti came coi tire ip of hinu oser the score, the thit or twe fan' beisinti. Sputi wag rueti off, but Iras afterwsàrds alluwed taenun b>' con- sentt. The two a hieat,. were won by Timu b>'from severilutû enorgths. lTiis was a greaten sieuor> than tirat won b>' 'roui aven Sîccîr>' UI, Irro years ago, upon tire saine track. SECOND DAY. Iaaur-eper'. Purse of $20. -Mile heats< boist 3 in 5. Four onitrios. WVonî a> Matthews' s'l h. tram Picîkering. U.'inuty Pnanse qnf$75. Ontermile, bubt 3 hii 5, fruc for aIl homses iiitlireCotnuty. 'rire porse siaswineasiiy Ihy Illack Tenu in tire hîrce heats. 'lThrce i'etitle, ntged 20 veau-s -mmi11 moiitir. Tino1 Tirnrstlny Evennwt, Mnrch 4îir, 1858. irody' iras taken sia G. T'. R. te Seston for 'rira vitriions Sntti-a are a.Iiinuîflly exceuLcul, ruteriruont. plrinlnîniie tt it . ifclke remi t.tl )tijet ui-lu. dr.lieirtcmL tunnîr tlit nînialexn-itinng tuatti de., -- -. 7 eu-ii~~niir tirn A ciii I... txiiitît i--io <inn V1TIIBX MARK ETS. ipinu Fluui. ft iNiagaca. W*t it U:rm (Cr- - ~~~stirea. Tire h)rDivi iifteMernnîlers of nrfla '1RNIuurn'1s r t-n, ,.îeut onu the illtfin Toîuîi- iritniiititin, a meorie NiJelueeiha', fmmn-h ~rî. 958 nrrven rr.ii e r-iul it.1 ii i tîfttuid imi udnitIs 4s. 10d. t iti d, Is iî 40. l î lr a sii tigl.tii nrtii iiiand T rii ntît Clitr fla>' perin)nn$11) @ffi $16. Butrîid 0 j Sinue < *.c. TItr- tîîi'bc id uiieatrly Pii. B"per-1î10.r liuts, $4,C0 4f. liritatries, iîîtînîclluan.Ncnom ctnd iteuianîr-n "s <i, ler hîrsirel.i -itctraiaitlmiiimnamli-Iri, -- -- ___________ to t ;iMn.. litutu tn.h ln-Çlîý"1tUn- <ttIcou- NEW AD'VERTISEMENTS. D-nrs or-eiri 6-. uutaetnrt,nelit tirol- intceu 7I tti4,iii,25 oits, Chit- oS IE noverai Cuenks o! tire Divi.-uan ýors :5 d T iliintlietiuttty iii Olitnric, ami hp Cterk of , c'the Conmty Cronrt, artr requeron lreafler te N teitineas thvave ntfieremr en.bitud 9 nliv-d ut îeiuireasc ireroftl ai Couu irt ai ai Ini i r- teritr- it tu rr te rua cli imrnrmtue ail zep ets cimnruettd triltià tirrml iue b, treuneto j~~t~' fl ~ ~ u fmmeru r iîovi l ('vr cfLIn eraie, 20 ie-u ..W Z2 ii' atiîl tratt oithe. W'. l. TREAY ea] Q or co nejed ith cruiiittiy cittorn e .O.' 1ALWEIVS FOR1 MARCIH, 6 YANKEE NOTION STORE. ODQEY'S FOIRMARCH, 6 YANKEE NOTION SrOIlE. g ifESSI.IE'S GAZETT F RAIION for J ~Mntncia. A t CIO YANKEE NOTION STORE. SBALLO1'S AGAZINE FOR MARCHI,' ( ~ç ~ s 6 YANKEE NOTION STORE,. J a ~ 1>HF AND $EEK, A NOVEL BY IL U9 ~ , ILkit, Cons. mcat tha DIEJIENTURÎ eS >0USALE. T ITE tollin-i Tbetittrec 'of tire Tow cf Whitirv, tuteneat au nd niple pay'eble at îlie Bracreri' ttBarir r toteîl 4ntv Ne. 7. die lot J*u. 1863, 983 68,. d.- té. 460< 8649' 83 6«.'8Rd. 66 ', 186R , 83 6a. lMd. "61. 4 .o " "1 866, 83Gos. id. -Aiplv lu Wiitby, âr-t Manlir, 1 S'i J. HlAM!PERRY 5C'qns. Money Rernltted tgigand, Ireland, Setiaird id Wales, I uspYabl'o. etSiglit, for mrne cof fOue ponistg. sud upwrard%., iy Burchanans, Wobtc deCeQuebet. Tiis rrgncy bas boee erstblitmhod urner the sanction of. Govers<nenh it conurettion witiste Emigretiors ])parttrseut, anrd affordni the fnllowing Liilitteo te parties ne- sîdinig in Men4rmrn Canada, deairous <il bririg onît tiroir flients fn-orrtEurope. Moneys re(leciv- cd On deOpsit, anti a centifleat grrînsld for tire l'arties renilting this cortifloate will' o rsse- ned turatýthprir rcre - cAnnot hoe pplioti 10 ami> Tre prties narnei n tfire Certificate bVil ire tlirir choie, cf Porto f De' ù'tre, a aiso selea- tieni cf ahip, at uaand g fr tirerata of pas.. Titis Ceantlilato wilire rcocivad lu payoront of ~aa~ eo~in auyport f t. Unitedtiurng S'rimunm%1u to ,O1 bate rr ot an> ara ht ]eanlmrnîfthe'nJ. Pauro f heli frie 4'aftef irrivalaIQibc te an ~ l nt crutrle 14e* f teaiboat or IlU roati travel lerertt lcec Iorfnldes- ti nation. Whoe necsssycriiso;tabotien evroêe nfcmitis gien an appliemattermi, A. &ePHEBSON, Pott FUtb~ Aîy, ÂAse' «, T.ra 41i.. fe -' 6 YANKEE NOTION STORE. ATTRACTIVE-SLE Farming Lands, Town Lots, AND) MILL PIIIVILEGE. T I sinc-fth ht fB .Penn>' ELtate, a tanîcmî picLashinit will proveosmtiaiurctxrr tu îuurchamserns. 100 Acrea, RAcI 3X Lot 15, 4th -Ooaectmjio 100 Acres, South X1 Lot 8, lit, Concessions of 200 Acres, Lot 10, 2LndContesion Emnbrîoirnrs ThnseThres Lots, l ire -Coaut>of? Groe, avere perarinaiiv inspettotanti salielti crsnrie- coudt of finie Agicritorahboeil, anti uais'acess 10 Markt.,t 200 Acres No i1, 9tir Cor u, rt, couù Ittl 20 Acre.-,, o. 1, 131h Coun. Semmierville. 107 Aorei, No. P, ront range do ' Gooti Iardaveot ntisome cf theretatinir thd*é Tewnshlp, 20 Acres, Part 18, 101h Concession Mirl i Acre part 15, M11hCoacesaioù.ura. - %Wo eus acre, partli, ist CoheessicaCltr.. -1 Acre, pari 2, jstCorracesio Osuil.- - That iroti knewn -MMiiPriviiege sitrrs*eA Iu lire village qfdIapto ne-TwJrsh£, Dr1i»e nuotgoret;.y ch 'Lawcê sienyof aient vtork, comnp led. ýThoa."*- fr11,m anti cor!sà hinrsan u;;i TOWN LOT 1TWXIr0.àmU., PERRYS suit ESTATE£ COLU M N. PORT PERRY. COUNTY OP 0NTARi[0t F iOR Saie, Townu Lot No. 1, corner cf Qucen andtiWner SCice-tsg. 1ciionly tire niiert vrlrabuo Lot in the wlîole Town. - QUEXN STIMET Lot Nu. 7. 64 <cfl'îurrît Lot No. 8, torner ni' qrreerrri i'irlrry Str-set; l-it No. 9, dor;' Litnt 'No- 10, 11, 12, 15 16, undi 17, idt tt fr~oitecr trtiig ereont ,irii o' lac reueeirh. Lot No corrner of Q)tecr.I l lLis y'ýtrgrretgreiriy onue lrrlfnrfr an re. Ai! of thé fegniitg Lots front ont tire Mamniarized itoid, aird are vaitrairlo bit- sirrees Locntirsrns. LIri.?STEEuaT. Lnots 19 anti 56, corner of Liiuy anti Norths Street NOniT1l STREET. Lots 21. 28, 24. 27, ao , 31, .12, 1.1aund 84, multh in of- i Nnntii itineit, cnn mirgeejir rîrt fi ofli cnira. Amant0, Nois. 51, 5., 54, 56, niorîli aida of tire erîrtretrect. X&Hil? TtRRT. Lots No. 7n, 8sa, 85, ombary Street, ona fonirtir ni'arr acre each. te SELLJNG 'OFF! SELLING ýOFF AT COST PRICE ! 1)EG To RETURN TItANXES To TIIR NUMEROUS CUSTOMNEjrS AND TUIE PUBiIC 1)Geueraurv fur rt<qlt frmn, arrd wuuld stry, tisaI wieg lu lire tigirtuoca b ireuMette>'Maritl tire> have a tirge stock of F ALE AND 8WINER DRY GOOU5f Still on irandn, anrd wliieli hrey tire d-'termined tesall i ciat a grant eorirrit fer Cash. TIre Stock colsn f iiýt r e lesl andi ntrwotmc style of Dress Goode, Shawlg, bManties, Furs, Flannels, Blankets, Fatt-v%, Tiekings, Shirtiugsi, Carpetit, Dams, Fer Caps andtIlats, BR0ÂD CL0THS, CASSIMERES, PULL CLOTHB, BATINETTS. We avouiti onu ap)ecii attention te or Stock 0f <3ct.g meitr mlnuthne prcmniies,) wii l verv bottvy, anti mutt bociti. te' ('.117 lncÈfrrrt irchritîn elmewltrne, ms niecided Barga.itr wil ha givon for Cash. N. i.-tie' e ca irr;irrg'tirclr tinn<snverdire, are roqtreâted to eal aird msetie irrmediaîely, TO SAV E rrt . Whitby,'ndJrrr, 1858. 5 WAT1'R STRET. Lot No. 89, corner of W'ater and Ciuitirnfllft Streetm.1 ClutIiERELLA STREE.. LtrI 30. 9it. f#4, r1i7 arnd209, finr-t>' ituatonlfeor l'irite lte,i-ni-u. FORTY ACREq, Being part nfI' Lut Nu. 19, lin thtetît cotnesin nof Reteir, &nuilingt limesur-er 'mi' the T,ý il of Poîri lPerr- tithtint-N,tht Thie 1'nronty ine li ri tmnten for tn iîlinnfg lit' TOWN ANDi PARK rOTS, And will ir- aolil at -nrf-h ii'e ap<l t-nir as t4. unilke il arri t.,n lIit iittîsr. tor u R. E. & J. Il. PERIM. WViiîli, Fn-lt 2:,, i u-;..s DEsIRABLE îNVÊ*NT.MrENT. $600, $500, $400, $300, $200, Iîî~N ILI, n-D PARK LOTS, LOTS FOR PRIVu-ATE RESII)ENCEN Yt-uit mAtV.ITUE~r Town of Whilby, Coiinty cf Ortîrie. EIeT Or- nirocre arrIMT. I n'r- N"'. tind a.M.-1. t' liiel.' i t-éel liniliînt n î li;g fr-tîntBri k ne l'enrQ S Nt- r -NitIn f t'ui lardt i i-el.u'ti- nan ri -!!iirî til r-nîii n-r-i iri inthe Tiwn il <'ilii--' itse mrn-ii tit-d. Ltta to3 ia.ul 2.i , a r-i 'ne-blick oui Maurir- mni Jt 1.2. -é , ',, 7 ', ant1 id 7s. Tîtene t 'ir-iiietaint],AmîtStrerr L.t :3-, Weut if 1cm Sineut, mnd irertlv op- potettt' S-ui.lit 11nu Mili. l.., n64t, ;-.,1i. 5.5'.q4,nul S5, Errol o! i'crr rn--. uiai.jorn9 igtireSteatrr Itillinro- i.-l ..t; l, rEtof Perny Streeit. Titis Lui ta iitfeitiiand i>lierwse In iurvdu WRST OP- anrogO Mtrarne. Lil.3 104. 1 U t, iaind t11it.boiiinnerl iii (n- ttc. w'.kt:lt n rtl Enit t irer-i.t Tint-t litts are iliititiTsil nîicî'l, imnd i iitiirEtIercettin luron dt', re mur-l adautîtlu buirih. ur- 1l.tn 12-i and 125, corner cf Kenitaud, Johin ýSîrena. Liot Nn t-iat'., Fnrnt ofi'Ko-mitStreet, arnd but a fnt rodei N-lth iii'I titîdirit nni Tire finecee'iniilii'tI..ttwrncs(-Ielitetl frnt a large ittiier, imitin 0li i ti-sm'f irtutthiîrg litent ae' atirl iriri'ntirn-tbo ttiennrr' ffn-ned for Saie tut tilril>' siid î11)il lirgn, ttrta-tun t'entre giroct---------------....2 14m. Ki-rcli-4it ..... ............ ...--Lts. la t-r iret------------------...5 Lois. IfirrirStret .......................4 lotst. Wiiîhv Febrinn i, 1851k. Lanirr iestern Canada for Salie. TItE Sirbîtrih)en r aiinç delennied 10 dlmpoite Suieittasjroth~n ietCoulntrys nff s h e COLNTS' Or W5LtIANtTOIX N0c. 111, lis Con. Tcmrustip ofLiiîher,.203!Atne4 '-26, 2'tIlt Corut'TY 0F G<Ir. cor-NTYri-0FKENT. - ar ,15th cou.tsrwuchipcfChct b îo)aies No. 42', Wcttaide cf Etrlticn Street, Tomj'îni)p cf Dot-en, 20û acres. No. 43, ISest aide cf Badou Street, Teoînhip Ne. 18; .5th Cou. Townshrip et Muarr, 200 Ieres. S. 34 9, 61i Il Il 'tIl. t II VOUttTY or VICTORtIA. No. 11, 1lit Cton. rownislrip of Ineo,24aortes WV. % 12, 2rrd Cou. <r- 00srt§ COU-iTY'O1 flAýT1N1& Eaat3423, 7tiCo-n. Towniriip ofM oc, li acres W-->t x<ziri 6Qui Cen.'u wnsi f ionU_ mford, ItoO acres. m- - j1 Fer Prices tand Ternis cf p&ymerrt ripisly t$ 'J. 1H..PER]L. Whitay, Feir 23, 188.& Vairiabie Busires, Lot for alle. - rpilR iraI vacant Lot Nortr cf tira R4aisîi'y 1 -ffl0ve, Eirati aide of Brook Street, being Lt No8 Prrya"Bloit1Twe orWlit Y, 10i Btrldrr coit Lttie pre-.ent-eur. Po P1Iie Wlsithy, Feiurrry, 1858, I 6 19-To Merchâifltaund-,ar hond: M KENT iMIL , ý7-F Appicion te Paii,laimrent. TOT[CE lu hercir>'gin-en, lirai t 4 inten deti tui lappi>' aI thire rxt %tinsion of tIre tuegne- htn,le iothe tira tcand ti tIiSection Of'San ,ltv' a4el nt Eigh e er oflIfer Majeq- tvIs, entited IlAnoAteIcrpnnelteh 'eau-n cf WiViily>,, atrti tri deome lire 1irnit4,tir«re- if," bu>'alterinq anrd l-n"lnciing lire limita or-bauyx- itaricriof titiTownu, anti fur olluen ppoee 1401eommrt ienewiîir. w liilby, Auîguel5, 857« 2 ATTAC111[ENT. COUNTY 0Fý ONTARIO, DYVIRTUE 0F . To a. : iÇB>ta wr-il cf At- Iacliment iruaneti cut et lier m- tjaaysCon- Court, drtiltIe'Ni neteersQr dat' aiAngoxt, orse tirouisaud aigr liritiretiantid fvevntie dlireoltiagainal lImehe wtate,-r-al 'go'Wou -'u, Pr~ erinfloliô g tie, anà>ribuieedurgorcos cueata rai s ml a "prsonai, cf lire sain iugir Llv¶ngsonnan tenlo., lme*Wrdi iglrvrgton. relurent uit iintheju lnstiolio0cft ngwa..tir4 aurpttoanbil bi, atin, r-auss théiil nrtcesa'.ary, avil holeti iab1afortire beuefiti a nnutýtersragsfpeln: f ttisaai ciaimni ,or lire si-aitisofanc0 i oher.P1aitifer plaini45, as »hall aff.ecta of tlia ani [ngirLivingshonnr-l±41, morshi ~ ofti i smirrnme tS bwvI us-ri. -F. r- - NE-SiN- 0. REYC. 0. OffarttOf . , . 1 C1 - , E : t -VIVE Oo. ffx itnhi sBooe menti rdmay bh a enrri. Aiplv te -AOO È<&E<!RAWFORD, Whitby, <)etoherlot, IttrYf Il. S.- Nrrro but pnïrauni cf mtri4tly moral fabita ztâcdrr.i... flOUSE & LOTSiôlFOR SÂblff JOTI-Ko-.andi 2r, fê4or Sal.- zfn Fiime oàxhe gf oiôtv arnd a alf hi#l, nrs- tInjngq teprtrnerrtp". 1t' il n Stod rP r, a well -nnel Tirere trgil1 scn 8hirged, but not encltad. Tho itra« à £ elgtilone. Fur ternis aud furtber particularni, apply to ALEX. CAMERONI Chier Corratabiet Or 10 GEO. WALLAOE, Wllthy. Ootober 28, 1857. 41, HOTEL TO LË'i: 1 ificto Qg 41cns retirirrKieurt et Iri te ire l tièttlr it pseoil~we "North American Hoet" oituate in tire Town cf Port Hop, with Frrr- tiure, fixtures, d&c. It ut caroeiy necurnairy tu Any for locatinand business, auiiro desmrbi me an rînot be fornrd. Fur lnrrticulars appiy to JlxHA .Pot Proprietor, North American 1104i, ePrtIope, Nov. 10, 1857. 4 HIdUSB FOR SALE. îýce ttgrwry BtitIe Jtitri qe, hl ric.repai!ty tif til Tôi-Fih rf W hit- SIS by. It cortrriurr 9 rr;rartnrenta with S- k a rod lColrrarnd Rîrîrer-r. There is Kiro a gond Gardon andi an exc-e lentpump- The Lot r-oîrtairrs îîaf arr acre. Tvra- refifth crrrth drrwn, the balane te isuit tihe corrvenienen ni' frirehasera. Appiv to la Proprrirrtor on the Premises For Sale er to U~t$ TUF. WJITBY. STJEAX MttÀ~-ý coplte nd unlof thr'linring fer thé tirird rru..&s prorrietidhv a tirty hrele ioer' EntZine. Tire -Miii hri4 doua a goor ilrineelf am'e il wrasrinojrtratiiiu iar<t Sptcinber. The Niti is rew. irrndiin irooniornier. Thrne lx fouor ffftlrs oniaracre «'f mmidwith lise Miii. Appif by ietter, prost prrid, 1cr WILLIA11 ROSS Port P"rya Or on thé Pr6ïi".. Port Port.1rFubruary 25,1i957; a' IIOVMË lRud LOT FOR S-ALE.: F, OSJLE I'N TuIE VtLLAG EOF BR<Y)É.- F ili, a floursre mîrd lot ,emeonol e cIn Vire n. rrrutv. Tire rrhnve Inae Le irrsntîtniv a-.itir- tted, ùuowrr atire- residience oftIhe hrt Wra !t<idzoon, Men., with a go. Weil cf waterf -Itable, Sire'i ni Wni-lirouqe, &34 lherimmf For fuirthor pritlr RFYt WhiÎîby ýC. V Wbilby, April 7th, 1857. lî-tf. -WANrTED TO RENT. 9 d~ ire Wirîter, a Ieue, cf rj';Fd<Jr ER gnonra, in or uui'tlie- -~ ~ ~ ~~4i Il I Iieai ivrgprticulara nsed k zâsze, relit, &er., Il &X 10.3, Polit Office Aiurgnrrt lQth, 1857. MI. BLACXSMUTII WAlNTEflr, AT BELL'S CORNERS, a 100a sterrdy-wok.: Ilrg Biriehaurilh-une wiro tan do bros 4hsIrrreituitiinth wrîrk lu grnorranl wcld de 0 tlrrivirrg burnint#» I thlb, IÀÏrijty - TO BENT, A T IMLLS COR INEIS, a blau-,'snithl&'aObo ZLfuiiseid ill ho Let Irthe, BiaIzt& ssawerrugtîre Irgn reqnrioeùss.- eupjiy lu JOHJN BE~L14 J. 0. BOWES. Lot No. 29, ts Cou. lriaun ~ O JEIT. mwo lamroreop rsaeU adcrpted fts T l aboya ilie slerrirer bflid*ïaFEe eini CJaldwell'%n re* Iïtllr1irga, Brook, Street, S#tilà eirt. Relit, litmnrrat1 tl -Apply o li!JPft)h M'aCW. YAXtlEY"'d BEIT, LACK 1N«# X 7ERY boit aàrilai< lu tue. whr<>iepI"dap V Itetnil-by BOS OJ STN Wirrthy, 1)... S, 1857.. Wbîtbv, Ms>' i ur-~uî~ t-s mn- I lu t - t - i'oauro sud crtrîl bardii ear- tti' cim.turu -oint mmniitire eigine -omtilnt me mnde i,"e lin Pitt ipoui tiieuin. y is lion. frittini. Of, lime comnitie rti ntot lie rAnrei 'l'reu asrn r rrt tenitnland cttrricd siîh theireIrnn-tltev iran dnu iseu itur. withorit a (snlien-t r-tii-o. i j nMr.Naclnlli îantci to lear'e then or-- lins. Mn. Tachetl leggeni linfui-etireami- u-ring fin remînirs , eritnrutulri btlie j.mrnmne'nt lu sta *te lime nr8nisos htî ai Engincer nrtogcriîen. at lte iice'tiou ofj i ired ti b Io etiren fron ttie \finiçlirv, teN - r ihtiît Iiiiiîinîg tue itu u-l andtias thtetnsare - 1 ms'tsnityofrni' irîugIttî Mm'lrernaiaie matIno ohir-itiutm. !hefnmn thie pîrllit', Inîucnrnrnu-îmm vonito In (apt. Uir-e hd au tijection tri ancir a top>' thoniniiiext(tiîsi. Yomîîi ii rcmmun- e-nîrse t auppe-ing tise %Matsor toho oabsentt in'tîrat tire Gril organs constnrert. lis,;n-e-tîiint %a n-m e tc<mine ?Tire ciacse n'asfanr ienthan mmggstive of disreinsinssinm lieran mormre %vrn-aide as il stroni - tire Cainet ; indeo'i tirey romndiy assi-nt-mi 'The I 'orinrttte thnen rase anid te rp.-. Ihat strcl %vass tire case, butt tire gîulit %vi ans adoptmne(]. Colonel bain acatte-reulthe- ttit'iul Ithie j r-î'.'llA'ccr Dn AtIFraMpÇIT, wiîît an id tfte ipeotple siiortiri knîr vt. Mn.'q Hdonlur u mgirt upa tine sonn re- 1itltrîlnoir'close. WCe shall hafve A <pontfth' Ie ('uuunitt-ee on Finaince anti As -great hume iitire Agsetîimi>' 10 niglit.aanti aeszmemu. mni ou motiounthie Connuitîe il wili ho mn>'bunainegs o ugin-e voir th, mtirenmituufît irieleeu MnMco- sasient poit-r of lire drltilae fmt otir iarn-at air it' iti. ierjir oo1nuc Issue liit t4n- tnirost liht. l tire chairn.n T hef iaesorrconrnit a' 1 0 Tanins, if " fur irtnîier g Gibsn&Y'rnoml $1 10e ('> l lawi'-ry pritiug il ioxes round puinmps 15s Town Cont-il. 1 9,1 .; juinue. cieaniug Fine Englue £1- 1is; 'Fionuas Dusrrin ufrnishinriugr-h.- TuresdivE veuiug, Mfari-m 2, 1S.5 vut;. b ir-mon at fine in Apnil. '5ï, £2-_ Tire Colinili as iieni b unit'r b ll ie 5q'id : n J. Bhigelrrut ecacount fon- îroMiig Mttyrsr et 7 o'n-inxk. Ahli te nemers pre. ;ails ait fire, 6ïti 4d. sent, In reiercnrce cr lte accoît t fP. M. Clark n'airoNs ris1Tr cerîlîiemi i thte Corouer, tire committhe 0fA . rtccwo-d, sionai-keoper.- ý troutopinicît il shouil Ietipretentedti t itapîulu Bon-e, tire M agisîratos at Qîrarten- Sesiensfo 0f Josepir Clarke, raainkeelrer, Mnf. pammrnt. Tiae Comuittec likewise refrîseti Tremnryne. i le -rerteuinneuît pa>'îeut ai' P. M. Cirrk's Tire Mayer laid îrciore the Corineil a re-(- cunI for rtteudance as Constable at tire -py cf a etition ariopteni b>'tue Touti'utimi- Northa Iarul eleclion, inasmuciî aslthen-e ciieofllrocks-ilil tirte Legisiatnrre-, srttiug trasnuo necessit>' for lis serices. Amas forth tluaI Toivus wcre matie ho ptiy a Ian- j (itik's accoîrrlit or btuiding sidewalks ah, ger amotinu haintieir jrst proporion ef tire (raminir-schiooi wms li-arise tiîsai- tise assessuienit for Counat> :rnpeses, ant i loavetlou tire groundthairt tiere vnk aas pn-sying lirmt Tonrs mua>'bc separatetifn-cm net propeni>' doue, anti an ovenciarge Counties for bMutlciluai purposes-pa>'iug ucade. thir' proportion efthtie proscrit existing The~ commitîtee rose anti repen-teti tisern- debts, anti bein- atili hiable to tiroir pro- port. portion oftiqgaci expouses, &c., orn W-case On motion for adoption, Mn. Mactieneli tire prayer efthtie petitiorin'as ual grauteti movet inl amendnment tiret tiret part et thet Townu Municipalities sirouit have lte I owtiugs aeoul for 'liujuor ire &truck * rigit ta appoal fremrthe rinnitai etînaliza. ent. ion of tire sssetsmnent roll asI adoptit by Dr. ham tîrougînt tlrat whien e eaeding their Cenuts' Councilir. Tennporauce.rn recounedth ie pi>'- Captain Rosie moveti, secondeti h>'Mn. mnct, anti if tire charge aven-e a reasouairle McBniou, tiret tire petiicus; of Cuirke antioeie hounii br paid. 3 (reeuwood lue rei'erreni la Comtittceofethé ~uMn. Hodgseu was uaL à jutige cf liquor, wh-iole Councii. Motion canricti. Mn. llodg- but jutigir-g fnoui tire rmoîut of tire ac- mon irn tira hair. count paîi Mn. Bnyau, lie cousidcned Mn. Criptain Rave tiltise sitlr the abject o! Dowuinigs charge ver>' reasonable. expiannfining iJ isiws. It was nat tiret Mr. Mmcdouell witirdrew iris saienduient ho tlrought tireCouncil avouit go undo, - andthie unotioni for adoptitqr carried. whit îhey had a aready> doue in rlation ta Ou motion of Mn-ritactioneîl, smcoudeti Waons ; but man>' citizeng with ss-iomlire b>' Mn. MePhenson it was nesolved tisatal E~~nl~ow> iriticouesd, 1isitiored accounte augnsl lire Town ho rendered in (CaptainRw)hdnescn future lu dollar-sand cents. -tire cçprii-ttire Council lu relation to se- QUALIFICATION Or VOTERS. Ibone ver> v' ore, andire tirougirl imsit Dr. Ram munoveti a resolutionors tire suir-- '/i thst a longer tirnu abouti ho given tire Sa. jPet for tire appoin tuint or a speciai com- lonkee",'st elôse up thiîer business ibe- mittea to report rpen suncir amsendainta 0 Ouf suad alterritions lutire Iaw.atirey eonsider- - ~ ç~tvil pppn-ssed tiroir houescd necesser>'tela ire m idu, roretsuis ,o alt.ýgether- If.tire Council -a.ti re 5Cous mit tira sainie te tho Leeilatuite. Dn.lIan, - y4iar, listead of incressiiig tire lices oate eing a speecwtde u oe i£M# pau .eda proi ibitoiryLiquor Lawthen lutioli, tireCounoil showing'no di91pos ition i he gÙ>OOn-ukecPis, wouîti have notice andti loakethérnater,trp. ~w1t.Ci be ropred bu asitwas thay expanded cil thon adjotmnne ti li Tnesdriy nert he r; e~n-n thuir-premises, laid lunýa stock o! 16 thi t moi the expelatian eoitairiog a lo n8s1 h? thouÉgit' tbcy had been Lmclaxnt-Dr. Agnew 'wiii deliver a lec- ràhÏrudly tieltwitiý HP(CsptROwe) Iierttr l'cais 1 hty n joidvcatle for Saloons i>\1rethn JondaY evening. Subject-India. no d-tn-9 ha so m d«Ieumber rt thre Couru ilIBoard, - rtWibTçtngRcs but l ,1 t1taiui~ uaicn wiîh ýaloou Li- - - FRTDY mô.ero, alolilhed by tise dounill. '1On Thtirsday ire firatd. sor9 om wbè(the lKtyor thre conrauitfuuç mencud. "Tiie tack wua a~elmto- dur snd te icewaa liter,1ly overed wiir ~4.XWI~-9 rhidai ofo~ vy descn'fit a- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r -- -5..u ip. ion... ..tiu.t. izln - an cfr Wsnru il, (1 was IJURLEI!1'S TIOTEL, LtErscFN"-rmr miE., aRN -ans mrl, 1wrrrrav. 1p I E l ririi-i-r ne. ti tinte- i il i. -rirlbise mintlner- Intl mrrniri anîi nicnîl. humunie lia- rnu-ri. ut- 1i tirs air.- île-i-t. inini e lii. fiuir-dip tr intleverv hr-urtrila inn -r io ac,ir t ýinte tlnn trtilin-. Tir-ui. - e itg leiii tpi irio r tn ini of-tii ' j~aîr. tuu i i i ns he,!nîI inn vae lui lin-nu ly p.pm-ni-< andl rn- n\iiu'-l - Inn une i1tinnlîir iii f lite et-n-iliirntd in , t til lte) it te-ni nitfl le tiiiwicd on tlit iirefur., li ii nnim-TtIu npro Frieti -lit iiica o ilv unu.itt Il isi Wtel i uti te fi-ti tin l ii ,ec"l-ret -nt0tu terni-il) t'il-iPruo\ne SAAiVETBRL l;I NOTiSE, TO CONTRA rTOf%-s. TnLn T f. ieni fn 1h- ti Btik l r-,IuIîi nnil 1 -mi 't i - î, - i t ' f.ux ý,ilu ' frt .i ý-,t- -ri inî i b- r f r t lie t s i r--i'tm-1c-.î r, - -d Wýir-ut21rort. 1elMilli "Eti cit g-t' t rrint. Ai-tri-s1'.1-l il x e i rino, ,'-tIF ii ayd f lt 1t Grcat Attracton. -A Precnmary Denu. ilIle oal ('lasses. PEMPERANCE PANORAMA. f~ai. 5rimre <-nl- lire, -oralcrtod te adrqîe-e Iliecarte.ronf Teuamerancc. The pubiic iarer.- f't i'niifninliin-'i litlina ne».m i d u i nigatîrit' urînn i t r-itedinn iii i-.ur-. i-f-- t f lit' iiisrtin, n.na-4thir î~î'nîe tract o "flt i'tcztîttg Dintln, ruii lut exIiliite'nl At the Mochanio's Hall, 1 1 ITAILION & JIOELITS,- -BROCK STREET., VlIITBY, I N iNING TII XSKS TO"IHRIICUSTOMLM IN TOWN AND COI'N;CPY,.FOR TRE rrpa>rai filed uarr le mirtrrrrrrag riie tlreylrrrse reetirâ Irrrrrintert-nr irsirsen., bug lu infornu thertt tte y have rontedand ilntlrow br. fenîrd carr>îrrg orn therr exrtenive bu-irie, ti DRY GOODS, CLOTING, GROCERIES, s'EEIYS, lu the aboya Stores inteiy erectedi by Mr. liam Till, FIRSI BRICK BLOCK SOUIR 0F TIIEIR OLD STAND. i OFFER TnE REMAINDJER 0F THEIR WI-NT-R VLOt-K OF DRY fOOB-3 preparAtry lu reecivitrg tiroir Sprinrg liport<tiorim, No. i 2,,Tillas Block, Brock Strtel, Witrtby,.kob. 10, 1858. 4 SAVE tOUR AS UES &GREASE? Wiritbv Soap and Cutndi&IiùnanictorT. T IlF.Sub,:cnibers 1 !nirg leaseti tl4bovo m-rnunntory tnieylenmîn tai liforini tînctru- habitants of t4o ý;wu cf WVinitimy andrtillierity, t that thev -ilii touîrrnce bruairees tirrei nekt week. bealers eau prltnna - aI. Whlroisaie Pricoî. Asiien aîrd-Groeaetalion ln exebirieet . -' . , .I ..- N. B-Thirrîb8cribensg ilsenti cul Teame for the pnrl>eno of collectinrg GrèesanA lue-tr forthWitla, WIrers "Uagerrsentl Wili ire madt,ý wil parties rspplyirsg iae aaue.- Encourage Whitby Manufactures. f JOSEPI TOMLINSON A Co. (' Whitby, 1Dec. 29, t857. - - FAWt UALL ciUXS r 19Stl4SCÉTBFR.S hAVE ON -ITAN)A A JLt lrâpe stok of FatreY BdlPailEtrreilrd, Goiti chier delsrimptiun.ù cartJ, Alsoa nîtr Note an& linvitaîroïn 1rIýpce. Parttîe-.4 -rè4tilhg Bail - Curda or Circula Printeticeau make a sclectico.t aI teé cillet , anti aeheVrtlstiialg done ét on "é-a iii tira nealttstylo ef the tri,, a nt ie Wet i grate%,--l ifiINs &de MAVEPi~ioBF'ER,-- TO BUtLDE*S. là- rp«,O BE -LETý, mn e- v-Paway Station -aI aud 1eei rtioure!mrsbe mtao n ou a t er lte - . c-î- mdiÇ aud CI Ie jr Jaurrar' 17, 1f Ç. 112 I) ATIFa ramr11~ tre'erdcars ie srsp- piietiiii 11I r e q(pailirris by leav- irg eors et lalratli an id, JlôberttStorè, ad,- dressed'Iêt inn/ JOHN GODMAN. t4 Jan D, P~1858,. - hIrtf 1

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