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Whitby Chronicle, 16 Sep 1858, p. 4

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GRAVIËL OADBY'-LAW. A BY7A-W. rôraiew qt& f mt4e um f l'ir- tyT/é01/«and Ipound a,Ld ,nest., pay- al ofatfflinty ysàrs, for the ir- ~pr&rementof the R#ad,, 14iefer men.- îtined intheCounty of Ontario. w HERBAS iL à expediont te rmise by wsy of loin tbe surn otThirty Tbouitapd p,,ulds, fr tbe purpmo of iinproving certain rodwithiti the County ofOnrlsdI will reqîitire te soin of three thonsand aud three hutndreîd pounda to b. ralsed aeuially, accord- hWg to teonuehundred aud. saventy-xeventh ocêtltU 'of 'lte Upper CsuudiÀ 7duntlpal Cor- portlont Aet" of une tlîoiand eglit hundred and torty-ine, osetp; eîlrate for Lite pityrent of such lomn, andthb n trest thiereol, Mwitlîin twent>y ers froui the daty owicb titis bv law î%hall coine linto fi;roe for the payment and 1 demption of the Debentureît, to b. iâ&od under Stihe onthority of titis by-low, and tie. interesi tberou: t~aud wbermeas .whole rateable pro- perty of tLb, County of Ontario, accordito Mh iesmcnient returno for tie. ear of our Lrd 21%aiuouitea to £2,468,883 16 8, aud it wili 470z reqtire an annueol rote of f4 lunLbhepound or a litile more thon 2K 8d ou the lîundred pîoutids, upon socb ritetible property as a 1pcltirate tor the pàvîneiît of jiterest on Lb. ])bîtrst, bclie k cunder titis by-law, antd for the ereatîce o a inking fund to pay and re- d coin gueli dcbcuturc-s lu twet uLyîrs troiiî the fiie Lliiîîby-law shall cube 1luto force,asne be. Lafer previdedl. 2nd. Be- itenaeted, and It le hcreby enateLd by the Municipal CouîiiciofthtieCoonty ut Ontario, under the authority of'teMunicipal Corpora- tion Acts abat il shall aud May blalwfuîl or thie Wt'de ootte taiidMunicipai Conncil lu ram,q by ivny of loan, at a rate of intercest lot exeoed- ing t4ix per cent per annuon from n i person or peoos, bodX corporae.-or poulie, iiho nntv b. whl lng to adv-wte mii ame npon tiie credlit of thtr«Dbentixros lereinatter rnentioîicd, w soin oft unîîy not cXL-Cttling lu the. wlole the sîlîn of Tliîty Thimuind l'ounds, snd to eau." ttie saine tolie pald into thielbands of the Tr.esurer ofthte conuty of Ontiro. 8rs1, Bc iLt trtliar emced, an t in s cacted by tii. autitoniîy atorasaid, titat te Wnnlemt ut tae sai iCounty la ltreliy amttorizot) snd nc- qîtlred Le issue'ami> iutitl;in utDebeitlires fus- sncht suni or soutn, ut'momîey nuleceeitig li te whlul te stuit otTîiirtv Titeus.îtti l'oîutde, - as suy pOnsîn, or persnsm,*ibody corporate,, ar politic shah ugre Luadvanteeu i te cradit et Illch Iýeitemtueiî s-itliitshahi bc imsued under thb (301o111011tonuai o eimasddMunicipal Coneill aud $igmed by te Wartleîîad omî) uty Trua- muirranti ina/te out ini sîîct aîutsuîere.îd tonti andi payatbhcet ut li peiods otet cîeditg twcnty vears, as tiîe sînt. Wardeu sîltaîl deeîmî ,î1oieit, ;îrovîded steitys, neN-ertuitetes;, tat ltae it)Debeiture, siaii aulnt beutade ipayable any tootao'tlitoti tis bv-Iam providt.î for ras- --ing noney for teoir redeîuptiot, aud -titt ait) 1>abentieuî ua>, bepatyable t inte tCarrent tôiey oet tiis 1',-vîce, o n iiSterling IMonev ot Gret Britain, anttthe ii timît ansd liloce lt<a'eima expresse/t wîiti itarcot freint teir ne- c peotivodates, payable liîsht yci-y t te rate eftdsixper cent pet anninîtamd' ne mr,, ud that lie Jeitnture suai! bc issuedt tnder titis bItainforaalese eimi titîtîTweîtty-fiî-c pounds ofliawvitiih noucy et Catnadat. 4tit. And it LfirtiiOena ucted, anul lb lk iêreby etîactud b y te suîliirity afureuit), tt an anual special rate u e in te juud upoVn thIwîo le raieilel property efthIle County eft »ittn, accaîruing tote iosessîîîeît eturue foas-tite year et ou,- Lord 18j'7, litail ite levied uimd rtalsed anuiuaiiy fur te perle/t of twetity yeamofoite purposeet psyiitg te inténo sépon tue ,uid 1), ontures, on/t cruattng s aink b4 lu bittat r pa> ing sud redueuomug tite Deben- lunes te j i iseîedmm/ton titis it>-law, vi t im tweuty yeu front ite ime this by-iaw lial couicobitetotrce., nas tciuumfter ientiuned wicllih tiilrate lialI hbcet'er înd abeve, suif irnespeetivo et eh otiter rates ralseet)on. evied, or to bc tiset) or te ho lcvied, for te pttrliesess ofet Litsd Municipal Corporation, sud ir- ?cupective et suy futitre mneuse oethLie rateabie proprly oethLie saîiulCîîmntY, sud irrespective et aty itcomuo to bc dcrived frumthelt enporarýy Iiv.tîneut u of bu itkittlg fumd, onratty part &4h. Ancit )f'l urtiier eaete/t, sud it it era- b> iniLdlv thte autltority atoreaidtl, it ahis b>-aMtlif UmetuimifUoý rc td latke ettct oit jireui, sud sther thte uct>s.v.n day ol' ]Noveubr, lu te year of! dm Lord, hs58. &h.itd; Mit uenacte j.,andllit 4lteraity enst- s/bthliie anthittrty afoii»t]ithtitheii,»ait)sn et Tlirty Titouîsaid Pîsif ilai d umt on the fellowiitg rnot, and iii ît",folhi>ming smnnonts, th:--u ie Betck road.roin thLb.tlortit cou- ecasitin t fWbitby, noar 1>baril's iili-pouil, te ttxniîg."ihaesix Liotîsand 1iuanîds, te lia /tlvlded as tollomý-n:ue Llituid p6uatds ont te ru..îulfriite Village et Uxbnt/tge, te te Village of Epsini, tire. tloneaud pounds frei-n tIi, ViiofutEpsomi, tete rear oethLie Town- i)lp cf Wiitb' and te reueaining siliiutof two tbousattd penilfront LiterrnofLit, omnsilip et W hittb, tuhie sait) ontit concession, ucar 1 "rlsillsuiipond. Tîte mm ofqcte tioueant pouds(laountae rond iaadiiîg trom Lthe Viliuc ut ' bridge hrougli Victoria Cornersansd Valen- Lt-, otiet Itrteett concession ot Bocek, ah. un ofet Lielve toussuil pounda on te Cintre read fretaMantchester te Atlierîy, Lu lbe /iviule/ os f0lloirs :-Tte sum et thrae totsau/t poun/to outite rond eonmneniug nt Manchtester, btwean Lots tielve anîd thIteen, thence Northt on te £re"ntL brellel rond teea.curtaimi point itetireen I&tmelve sud titn-on titiTomnlije et Bnook, san/thLe sura oetfour teousanil pounnis on te rouadt otweu Lots;Lirelvo sud thirteeu trougithlite tirt an/t seconîdconcessions et Break, teénce timougli toetiird, fonth sud ItLl concessions of Break ounLIe roîd etablisit- eti b ,By-lam efthLie solu'lýomnsiip, teone st- word eboog te rosd allomance l inte- front et tse alîti concession te te aide rond lieLmeen Luots amben Livlvo sud tiirteen, andt/ttieuce slongte sai/t sidt osa ite TuwnlineofetThto- rab, arsI teet Lito tre.itosanil poundo ieng te sel/tTowulneofetTitoroit, te te rond allemanea ittmn Lots number ton sud eleven a!fte àild Townshlilp, tience louLte said road allowsuce te teTaliet River, sud te reiualniiîg saunio! tire teousaod pouds long te Centre - vo, ,lroms lbe TatbotRiAtioe i.Village et On te County' liie, from. Moon's Tavarn te .,ue lftcnneof et'irhoit, eigittbundret) poundst sud Lie hîudred. pouda ou Jite tweiftb onoccetun linaetfBrcek, fton te aidtCeunty liseoLeote Centre roi/. Oua Scestreet, euuumencing at te-CoanLy ino, Seetiamard to-Lte Town -lne et Witby, - irthoausand pona/e, oet inicthLie aum Ue Liro t usand sud fia. iîndned pounds te lie napen/todINOrtit et Pince Alietnsd te ru- matmitig five Iîundre/ peunn/t ou thiusi/t Sim- coetreot, froua Prince Abert te te Townu ne er Wiltby,. On lireckroad batmieta Lots noaiter elgiteen an/t i teeu, aunnoo t th,3 Kitigoton rond,1 liten om oftpetPickaning, te te Town ine e Ubl/ge,lire tonsau lpeunda,au/t roni tLitante along Ilie sai/t Toms line, te ite aler-i suce for roal. itlweethLie titird sud fourtit con- seesiou efthLie Townshîip ef Uibridge, sud I-honte.alone toe soi-I rond allemauce te t.e Towa inu f eSoltiatres hensau/t pounns. M te rend aloîranotaJîeLeen ttir na/ fourt concessions efthLe Townsitip et Scott, te lte Town irofetGeorgius, eue tosand sud fv. tun/tn o/tpnun, trec bun/tred euuds frein teroal allowance hotmeen the tLird on/t fotrtitcommesooa of Soott, anute ideline b. tweôn, anmhera five au/t six, te te lino of nos/t I,.t weeonth fitan/t sixtit ettcessiens, sud lte yeminit'wo hnndre/t peau/t.on ta noa/t on tablIiheaVly By-am ofte Tomnsip Conue)1 o s, tat befono te fliolpansage xe1be subjeet te Lb. epproval Of lte Couuty, to e b ai byea bol/t fer Liaitpurposen osai o/t ta If te mîtjLy o!fte ecord titefrvoles oer Againât iyMunicý Ips'hLy siUcin , ufa- ,saueia MnteiLy abali be ForOf aobBy-aw.An/t lita te Ratepayors m*he record Ibe!r ut lte By.Ies, b. againat Lb. <ncpaity, aeticlpalnîi î re/t against te By-4em=n m Deputy %eve Wha 1I mil a yeofe!onr Lordcmouman IltteiglaL, as eng«qVe or deer le _____ I ________________________ I I ---'a Provincial Assurance Comnpany. CAPITAL £125,000. INSUIONAÇR effeceod on Buildings sud teir contents. Xvery Infeornation supplied on saplication L b heuudersigued., f . KELLER, GoseîaZTrîwdà»ag AgeM2for the £b. of OsCeri. office - VitaBuildings, Breek 'Street, wlithy. under Lb. Chronlele office.. la ]British Auserica Assurance ComipaaY i NWJRPORATED under an Act of Lb. Third Session oethLie Eleventlt Provincial Porlil nient of-Upper Canadat.I CAPITAL £100,00. Inserancoefeeted on Buildings sud their contents. Every inftornmation supplied en ap- plicatIon o tit.underslgned. Marine Bsk@ for tbe Seasen er for Pirts. JOHN AGNEW, Travelling Agent, Byvron treet, Wbitby Protection againet Les. andi Damnage by Fire. WESTERN ASSURANCE COMPANY, CAPITAL £100,000. INSURANCE efeted on Buildings sud uier contents. Evcry informiation sutpplicd en application tote itettdersigned. JOHN AGNEW, Travelling Agent, Byron Street, Witby. Times andi Beacon Assurance Connp'y. I NSURANCE él utéd, on Buildings sud their centents. E crniîtrnîstion- stilplied on apîîictou e hodeigned. blicaion e t Je cr Il1N AGNZ W TrasdUingýA<ciît sud Strvdyor of BiAks, Byron Ste h Viititv. LIFE AND IIEALTRI ASSURANCE. The British Anierican FnletuUy Society of Canada, E STABLISIIED FIRTHE ASSURANCE OF Lite sndîIeultb. lnoo-:.-aed by Speclal Act utflîrliaîoent, 18 ie., (£p. 64. CAPITAL STOCK, £100,000.' - lesd Office at, Montreal. GE'îERAL AGENTv vos C. W%., Jats. Buox=.m. LocàaL AGmiT, JAtxEs Heeses, Whitby. R. W. Clark M. D., Medical Ref~em, 'WHITBV. :!Policiex effeeted eitoer upon Healtit or Lite (or bot sud cvery information eferded hy lie L)sntl AireoL at.la b is ce.. March 2ý. 1837. 1 Provinciqal Insurance Comp'n"' 0F TORONTO, C. W. SUBSC1IDED CAPITAL, $1,987,780. MAID UP ICAPITA, $420,256. Jr#ide-4. 1S. Ileirard, FEeq. ie-PresideMî lion J. 1IL ('-aueroit. - Ien. W. B.Rlobiitsoi, EF.Wliitteutnore, Esq. Gco. Duiztii, Jr., Leu. George Crawtord, Es. j. s. fuant), Esq. JCuieo1ie... W. 1- Perriii, Eq. i.M.Clank. Eeq., M.D. Ilon, J. Il. Camuron,. Duncinae/tOoncii,Ei8q Caùptaîn P. Wallace. 1 .ifimeerae .trtzg-Iion. J. Leander Stan,-. J. J. Woeulitotîe, Ksti., -iiî.ît 'rtuy Bfjn.Lrs.-Tunni Citv CbyBaniket' Motreal- New York-liaikfik tte ktubiie. SoUitr.-Meeer& Duggitn & tienne. Head Office, ToronLo Street, Toronto. Fine sud Marine liurauce business trauaet) liy titis Comîpany t iLs aarions AgZencie, nu elI ase alte lia fi1e, Lias loir rates a n iiauy re. <)ectable Office, an/t &I losese premuptiy set- Brokermni "t thie"s iIome/t s esmlosio, of tan par c noual newrbusiness brooglîl te Lit Hon/t Offic e re te ocesany tortue ofteppli catin ma hý ad. F. KELLER. 16 ~ AW Agoua sty Oa&tre. L FE ASSOCIATION OF SCOTLAND- NINETEENTU REPORT. Tite l9th Annal Meeting efthLie Association mos behd within te Hua/tOffice, Ediuiturgit, oni tite 8an/tiguot cornent, in tarinsetfte Chtarter su/t Act of Paniîtanet-St JAMEs Fola- saiT, Baxr., et Cunusten, in the Chair. Titera jvere aulinitted tteteMe.tinîg teAn- natal 1iop9nl. by the Directon on Lbe Progneàs et t.e Busin s~Lte Report etfte Auditer Mr W.WID), ' ~utnt; andLthe Balance gheei et bie Acunuth certifie/t in terma et Lbe Act et Parism UL illaother itatoments et Lb. Af- fuir@,a saItith SiAprillutL, te date et bel- suce.. NoLwithaLaang te gonorsi depresieon ef commercaltiaffira, te Pregresofaet i.Associa- tion /tunug te pooL yeutr bas beau graetr f" eut ouyfoa.r M e r, mit oly one exception.. Tite Application fer Newr Lifo Assurances/turing te year more......1247 for 5£"6,4W8 sg. Of miab te Dirocteni accepte/t............ 1006 for 5550,244 :stg. Tite Annunil Premious ab.ing... £8,811 st«. Annuties on 24 lives mare pur- citae/t for.................. £875 19P. sbg. per Ssuie, aI pnices eft....£9487 7m. st«. The Policies that bocaine dlaims on te Asso- ciation hy deaths duing Lie years sunouinte t t 8& for £48,065 stg. Thte Total Assurances mince.lte conmence- ment efthLie besineos anieunt te nearîy PFve Millibons Poudz Sterling. The AnauslI ncome ih nom Ont. Hundreil su/ Th irty-BiitL Tiousind Pound& Sterlin. T îtely- loIetrs entittil ed pardiipte lu lte Profits, mite conpieted iteiir ft year ho-. foraete date etfibalance, wmli b. enlitled te a Ra/tuctien out35 per cent. (7à pun £1) ftnimntheir uaxt Aitnuaul Preminims. Fromu te ineneang wealtb su/t importance et Britisht Norlt Ame ç-, se melaste ex- aumplete titer Agurnc 1ffies Lb. Dira<ètors htave ton soisne-time enterteiued U tsi/tes oeno- tahlisiting BrancethmLiteePTitey bave booont- utiled mince.ltmeeting t) scooplisit Iis,, A deputtation frouate Direetera viwte/thLie Clie! temus, an/t seceune/te c-eperatien oe! minou- iai gentlemen ilu ecbProvince. ,AltitongiýthLb -branches itave been lu eperatien'only 11w a tom niontits te transactions bave ulroidy iteen con- siterabÏe, sni moU ni of a inosat aifatory de- seripbiomi.Spoa hnaradettegnl- men * sr, mcDirecors, KMaical OMfficenud Agouts e,ite ha ve ar4a/yitoroated thoelvos muehith ie À.itiali taoffirs, su/,therougit miose oxetiens ter. la ,every prospectojomnuaees Tite Report by te Board ef Dirocors vou- wù»jy*- pryéve tThe Vacauclea lui, votas eft tIinka te te Dh»ctors sLbte'ga/ Sr êui rncesutLteAete, Modical Ofileer, Manaer, c ,e meting sepaniteil. DIRECTORS AT MONTREAL: 9 GREAT £T. JAMF.3 S'R£LT, J. . itsisi, .q iG. MoatrÂTJiL Egq., .....JAMESGRAXT. Wiimy-Mr,.Ham Fe" Bovîao D.xuit-Mn.0D ntanlo Bank., IL K UB»p9itulke!orOul THE PES F iipiOR EVERYÊODYI1 I WI miesuBacatuaxe vOitTUE NEW YORK WEElKLY PRES89 T HE NEW YORK, WEEKLY PRESS le oue JLof te Iago sud best Iiterary p poni ftlie da.À large quarte containimig TiWFNTY PAGES, on sixty columnno ut entertaining mat- tan, sud ELEG AN~TLY ILLUSTRATED every A GIFT wortlfroin 50c, to $1000 00 wil bc ent te bentA ,bcrier on receipt of te esbeription mostey. TE1IMS: On6copy for one yvsr, snd 1 gift.$...2 00 rhrcecopiesoeite yer, aud a eiftm .....50 Five copie une year, and 5 gîfts.... 8 0 Ton copies eue year, sud 10 glfts .... 150 TwýenLy-one copies une yoar, sud 21 gafr,, 0 001 Canada Subserihers muet, seuud 26 cent escb lu addition te t1ieabove ratesl, to puy Lhe A mer- iean petatge, vbicb must lie pre-paid. The erticles te b. distriituted ara coinprised n te foiowing lt: 1 United States Treastiry Note' $1000 ot) 2 do île do 500 00eîtci 5 do -do <le 200 00 eai 10 do do dbo 100 00eacb 10 Patenit lever iinnting cased Watchcet,............. .. 100 010 catit 20 Gald W tchue.........:....75 (10 ellc ôo do .....:.. 60 00a.eh ice do .......... ) acIl 800 Laies g old watee,.... 35 00)cacit 200 Silver ltmntutneased walele, 800(0 eci 600eSil ver Watelies ... $lu 00) te 201 uù) acb 1000 )Guhd gourd vent aitu fol i, out............1P)0Mt au3000 aicii 1000 Gîld penmieandtîl leii-) 0 000 wO .ch (4old biiekets, llr.cclete, Bronchest, Far Drupe, 18,cnet Pins, Clîtf in s, Sicleve Bittots, Rille., Silirt Studs, Wateii Kî.ye, titild and SiRe,- 'rhuiiitle.., and s vîîriety ut ittîter article.- wrtl front SA et$. te $1.1 0Oitcd. On receipl et the tberilhtiot mncy t tsuit soriber's naine will lie entered npon ,,mir bookre opposlite àn nmber, aud Lie gitt coru'-pondiutg witb thal number will he forwîîrded wiîlîiî onc wcek Le hlm, 1cymailore.paes js)Pa'u» There i. ut ierbnhg o tttry uboi te steve ns evcry sub#eniber is sure of à prizetfva;ue. 'tVaprefer te nke titis liberal dlistriution i anoig Liment instead etfgving a large 'iiisionl te agents, p lin t e su b- ocbr te amiount that woufdo tthe agent sud lu msny cases a unudrud j.,l more. AIl communiations souid ho addtreased Le DANIEL ADEE, Pui3massms, 2 11 Ce n treStrmet, Ne'ao Yod, cÂRIGS c NOTICES. NOTICE 0F PARTNERSUIP. 'T IIE Undeniigued iîeruity ive notice IbaL Lthey bave titis6 day eiterediu oltan. ereiip as Oniimisrioa &Lamrat5a.ercâanMt, Geumd A9ed, &c., under te style et the Firut of A h1lire VindhLn JOHN F. ALBLO. Setenier12 187E. S. ViIN IN REFERENCE TO THE ABOVE, We beg te infaîrm umr trieudisud Ilie public ge- nerelly, that mc lhave opeued au Office lien, for te transaction ot al businesqs euîrnstcd teous ne Commusion, Shipping, Furwardixig sud Gencra Agents.. Aise a Lfumien Yard fer te recept aud r-sue ot Luniter for Liîudkît'r otiter purpoiïeg sud ira trîtst by prompt attention te ail uatters placed in ou,- bauds, te ment sund ubitili ctonidence sud suipport. ALBRO & VINDIN. Port Ihope, Dec. 22, 1857. 49 NOTICE. Si To eerchasits andi Farinem Ra.I "a H Sbsiber begs Le acquaint hie frieuds and Lt ulcgeuerally, tai bltastaken te Git Miii, k»own naslte JIET MILLaÇ, aud formerly ocupied by Mn. F, Houc, neur Breoklil, sud froua-bis long sud veli kuovu experieuce. iu th.business iu Whitby, bupes by strict ateuion sud punnctnaity, to merit sabare et pblic patronage. Particuhar attention peid tu MIISTLNG. ffl- Mercbatuta, Former ansd others wighing to geL teir WieaL Floured, viiibc deait mitit liberally. A cal il li oh!ff. N. NEVILLFS. Whitby, Nevember 9th, 1837. 43 T2AVING puorite .eCire stock of IL LIDaniel@ & Co., wtli su addition et ffl ANew Stock, M we flatter ouuselvço that ire cengive en" ati-: f-iâion te ail ite may favon ns miita emil. JOSEPH HUCKINS & (3e. Brooklin, November lotit, 1857. 43 NOTICE TO CREDITORS. B 'Y vrtue et a Dced et Assigumeut beaig date Mareix Lb. rd> 1888 Lbe uUdensgu, iras dnly aippointeil Assine. kor tb. otate ef JOHN MAGEE, Of te Tovuabip ef Wiitby, lu tb. County ef Ontario, Veotan,, for Lb. benefit of sueit erod- tor as jngybecome parties thereto under'te conditions terein seti'ertb,, hefore ale firaL day e! June, 1888. Said Deed oet summntnov lies AtLthe ffieee!N. G.Halm, l inte TËof e Whitby, for siguatumrof et mcli ailpargtislui- teestimare euiroil te take notice. J. S. SPROWLE, N.G. HAMAsgn. Whitby1 Maroi t 2L, 1858. A&SSIGNEBeS NOTICE. ALL perons indebtei te teFestate of John JMîaee, either oit note, reut, bond or Mort- gage, mut is ttleth e.anie forthamith And 1s11 pensons bav iug clanus sgumt sshd iLta. viii plense baud inu occountsby thme irmtday of Jane naît. Brooklil, ALLi Lbe-Asge'cOi.- 12' GOV] *MM iLawm2rue UCV Toronto, lOua Auges; 1858. NOTICE 'Is bby glven Lthstt. Unden- nîenlloned lots luntae TevuM etofILke, in the <onutv cf IHastigU 1. (b, b. epen for Sale tipen applcation te tieldentA gen, m. P.iIisEeiraMal <tsd tb. TWENTA-SrCOOf e4IXT M=NU et Four shillings pier acr, one f811h te b. al dowu, end Lb. reninder lu four equal sunual lus;taltueuts, vîtit interest - tbe purcbasers te reside on b, landiandl telear te place under crep at lesot two aces" annluàllY or msaabe bnndred acres durIng te flrs.flî-e year. No Thiller te b.c nt or reinoved, unions un- der Licese, exeept for suieltural purpoes. lot Cen. W X 1, 9, 10, 12, 18,14, E 3417, 1E3 181 , E319, g82(180.) 2nd Con. >7, ES9, 10, il, 18, 14, E 3 15, E,4 16, 17, L 3<18,1le, E X 26, E 28, Brd jýn.l, 1E X 6, E X 7, 9, 1, 11,14,1017, 15 (l801) 21 (1621) 22 (1$19)U20, 24 * , 26, W %27, W 34 08, wj 9 o 4titCo.1, E142, 7, 8,V, 10, Il 18 14 Id 16 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 28', E'3< ie,k 28, E X 29, E 3<;o, E3 14 iE 8<2(80.) 5th (Con.]1 (158,) E ý1<, 5, 6, 7 1, 9,3410,E3 2-5,116,2772S, 29, dO. 3'2(l 5. *Lt 'on. 1 '387,7. 8 I 11, 18, 14, 15, 14(190,) 17 (114,)î 1. 19, 20, 21, 22ý, 23,24, 25, 26, 2'q 29 , .a.at(l160.) 7tb ëon' * E ',,' , , 1.-16, 17 (114,) 18 (105,) 19, 2), 2 1. 22,,S3,.,4, -.,17 1 0i,) 28(7, 29 (190,) 8Lb èon. W li 5, W lî 7, 17, 1 q(190,) 14,21, 22, 23,24 ( , ) 1 &-,' fl7 2A (150,')29 (141.) qtIt ëioî. 1, FV,14 ît.W V1412, w 13 W 14, lotit Conî. 1, 2,;3, 15, 18, Il', 21, 22 (96)28, 24, 2z,,)2c, 32 (18-J.) lit),1 O> . 1, 3. 4, 5,4, 7 (12t6ccb. ElPEl 10 1 aei>12, la, 14, 16, 17 ýl1 nt,-) .Shso, the tînderi'ncitioiîed lote in te Tuwuhip of Tud..r. C'on. A, N-e. 1, 2,1a, 4, 5,.7, Q. 9, 10,11, 12, 11, 14, 17,. 14. 1 -. 1 ". 11è. 20, 21, 22,-2e, 24, 25, V), 27, 2s, 2t',841 (.'f acres sCi>.l) GJon. 11, Not,. 5, >7,1 O(3) ,> ,a',7 m (41,) 9 (46,),10ý, 11, 13 l. 1IL', 1 1 17, 18 19 20. 21, 2:., ,24 z, 27, 2!- 2, ADREW RUSSELL, SHRIFFLAND SAES. SIIERIFF'S SALE 0F LANDS. COcsrv O O-rAnmo, 1 Y VIRTUE OF A To WiL: fi.B -rit oet Flan Fadas isslueil eut ot lier lMaj!sty's &eunty court) of te Cottîtv ut Ontario, at Wbitity, and te me diretted, igaiust te ittîdm sud Lnements et Titemits SttLi..bnry, <etemdant at te soit ot Lavittiat Tiroo1., 'piaintiif. 1 Juve seized sud Leken mtuenctiomi, al lte cstateand'litereeoLt the said Theunite Ssllabury, lu a tbnec story Brick Building, couuuiiug ýtbirty apatinents, aitatd n ltuoti s)eut Fni itrelknown Sallaburv's Brick Iloîsea, ivît Xthe ef an 're et Lad atutetîeii. Tlters li-a a oodhlant saud suitable ou-ituildiutgs on Lie premisec.- Also haIt ocre Lot ou soiithiaide etflFirsitStreet witut a splendid Garden, Simulbe1y, &c. Ai ivhicit lands amid enemeutat, or the said de- fcndait's estate or inte.restltiteruin. Isioiloffer for sale aI mv Office. imi lte Court lions., et te Trownt et Wli'tty, ii inte tiutty out arie, on Momday tiie Tw(mttv-scveulbt day ot Septeuiber neit, at Lwohve o'elî ek, neout. NELSON G. REYNOLDS, Sheriff's Office, WIitby, June 2-1, 13 Sherifi's Sale et Landss. Corvnvor Or0na, Dy ViRfhE OF A Toe it: >Writ of Flexi Facias lasued out of lier Mujesty's Court ef Quee's Benett, at Torouto, sud te me dureted ogiuit lte lande% sud tenctemte uf Bnci Goode'itewlt. talter, defendaut, at the suit et Titomas 1Paxton, plîîlîtitt. h have .t-ized sud Lalas in texeention nil te astatta or iuterutet lte said Buel Good- oit Wbittoken lin that certain part on piece ou -land, being couipoed ef Village Lots number sixty-eue sud ixty-t-vo on te Sentit side of queen saroa sud Lots number sevQnty-oue sud seveuty-two on te Northt side ef Mary srecL, in. te Villagem of Port l'errv un the Township et Itenct, lunte Coututy ut Ontarie. Ai ihicit landesud kteetutê, unrai,.said ditfeîîdan's estaMeauîd inteuresttliteruimu. Iâ ito fer fersale at mv Ofice, lunte Court lieuse, ai Lite Town et Whftby, lunlte Conuty ef Ontario. On, Saturdy the Eighteenth day of &ePL, next, iLt tweive e'eieck, noon. NELSON G. REYNOLDS, ShenifiOfice btiy Jane 17, 1888. - IVERY BTABLE8 RutL EMATE. BEAVERTONU FOIR SALE CHEA?. A MILL PRIVILEGE AND TOWN LOI £'.conLlgions te thîe Beaverton WhsrL A large sud profitable Millng busines ca b. don. bere. Favorable ternnis mayb. made wiib the Proprietor by a PractMi M er. JMARMSTR.ON(G, 'N. B.There la a firèt-rate oceln ut Boa- vorion for the.Establiubhment ofa&Fonndr. Beaveton, Jaly28, 1857. - 28 LIVERPOO L. Blaeksmiths & Waggonmakers Shops, 'For sale or te Let a% Liverpool, rVWENY'MI ES T OF TORONTO (A X Soadtation etthe Grnd TrnkRail- Wiy.Eacbhot, lia C<ottage and a quarter e7Ca Acreeofentattueled. ,Those preniîses have been Iaoly.grocted wlth- la short diÉtane efthLie Kingston Led, snd the %way epotA goodtbusines lu bot trades caJb do by eteady sud geod wonk- mten. For furtber patiloulars opply Le mi-, S. PURDY, Liverpool. Juiy 28, 1857. 2 FOR SÂLE, A Comfortable Fainily ilesîdeuce -situated ln tbe Village of Liverpool, Townaiip et Pick- erin:, sdjoining the Frenebrnan's Bay Station ef Lb, Grand Tronk Railwey, 18 miles ftron To- route, conâistiuof a liCettage centtabîlng Nia. Roos, witb evcr convenience roquiile; a largeBoi and Stable attatclied ; a neyer faîllng we.il f wa * planted witb Shado Trec@; aise, a Large Garden woll stocked wlth Fruit Trees; tb. wliole coeren two acres ef Ground and cannot lie siirptuqsod in the Township of - l1ikereng for its convent- eue. and readT mceste the 1ýalway. Terni. inadûeuesy. IFor fnrther parltmlra1ply luth. subscriber, Yorkvllle; or to Mr. Willlani Purdy OF-. GORGE BOSTWICK. YorkvÙhle, May, 1868. 17 Farm for Sale. 20ACRS 0F SPLENDID LAND. LOT 2010, lunlilth Coneession et Thorai; 1.5 Acres lenred. This Fani l sitnated witlîin four miles et Beaverton, on tbe truvel ru.ad Lu MraLteland ilaf et b sct quality, sud le lu Liecntee a goûd settlememît, wiLb s Seltool, sud a Satwunill convenicut. Ais3e Northi hait of Lot 4, in te1lotit Conce- sien et1 Thoral, coneflating ut Uý acre.- 120 witicb are clc-arud, sud trouliîtg ounte L>euag 11usd, nemir ('aneron's Mill. Apply te D CAMERON. Benverton, lOtu ,ioIy, 1837 26 FOR SALE CHEAP. LOT No. 27, lu the. Snd Conession et Whitby lite Wîu.aussFmss) adjoining te Town et WVbiity. Apply te te lien. RL C. Waus Carring Place, etua. Wtsaxss3, &tq., Bellevliley or te, 1July 15, 1857. 25 FOR SALE IN THE TOWN 0F WU ITBY. L OTS NOS. , sud"'2. TIIEY ARE SITU ated on Dudas Street, betirect Mr. S Cochrau's sud Lynde's Creek. Application te h.utale Le 11RS. ANGELINE WEST,, LoL 3s3, stit concession Daàringon. IlCitristisu Offeing" pieuse eopy util fur id. FOR 8SA LE , A TAVEIC; STAND, with Dnhving flouse aud tire large SîtodL;. Tuer, là aisoeat- achedl an acre et Land, plamtaed wt eluice' Fruit Troe%. 'Tuer. is a gcod Well et Wnter,1 iriit P'umo,&c-., un tlitprenuises. la lesituat-- cd on Lot '.. I lat Coun bttr'Ipuson lte ieid- . .-ua to, le tme of etWhîtby, Lindsay sud Iverton, wiui proerty viii b. sold ou lii,.- rai terme. For terri nud ntilar anniy te te ovuer qt Neil McDougl',nctsnc Lino) near CarmlaiPn' Carpent>er. Brock, December 16, 18 87. 48 100 Acres et Landi fer Sale. BEING euat hait etLoet No 2M, il, Lb. 4t jaCon., Scott, 30 ocras oet vihîcore eared sud lu a geoil state ef cuitivation, Lb, seond erop 0e- baviug been taken o&fTitoir lsaa nover ngpin t atr n te promises. Au uàU#puaie tilef guiven. Fer perticuhars if by iotterpostit S l, on te Promises. sSoL, juIy 5, 1886.28-t' J&AnDSFOit SALE *6th 0ou=t -of Victoria T EUNDE1RSI4NF.D OFFRS FOR SALE J advazttagee atennis te foilow*gValu- ahi. handas itate in theTovuship et Elden l County of Victoria. The lande llý dare of b. lanitqnshty sud ceaitaimu s vauaI]. growth ot'thoboat pliinsd bardwroixL.Tity are si- ateil vithin about ire mu» fle tBOavertoQ On Like !Sim.oê-eaelotriing vlaehavlng£ stesu- sud Rilvay ounmunîèatioiu snd in tb. courueoftevet1te loung destl e Lbe the sepitaloft aspendid northerà tract tof Sntry. o.l Lut No.1-t...........0- diU18 .8......... 20 49L 19.......... 20 49 Went34 22 .......... 100 .d West 34 23 .......... 100 dé No 28 .......... 20"> 44429 .......... 20' 44 6680 ..........200 44 2 'Wet 329 ..........100 "7 But ~19 .......... 100 ZP RtogRsdd N.0 ......... 14 44 6 .... .... 100 id £44 .....:.....117 t474....4......... 12 Al» Aia tbeTOWMUhp Esia, COatY 01otatari4 8, NOM '10, o red. 1ugymea ý4... oÇUgé-jcoaOnnOdl h A)l«o bS- ti 0d ROUIE a"s LOT FOR SALE. -vi ORALEI1x TUTE ViLZAGE 07 BROOK- jelin, a Roua.ead Lot scond t* none lu Lb. Çýponty. ' The'libove placels boautifuly situ sted, kuownste reido'euof et blati Win. - gleu, se»e., ywith a ood 1veli et voter, stable, lui dsdWeodhoue, &o., therec. For farther partiuiars aPPlyýto JOHN BOD(iSON, WhiLbye C. W. Whltby, Apn là7t, 18.57. 12-tf. 'PARVETO LEASE 17< PIECKï~itlG, (IONTÂINING l12iC Acres more or lut % nuder goed cultivatien, wlL' Dwelling andà eut-bouses, s o rmierl, oeupied by Mr.' John McKayý anluov bnlder lese ao A. Dun.- lop Eeq aunvil b. loased for a term asniay bo agree upon. 'Possession eau b. given on th, lot- October nait. TenisMay b. kuowu by applying on Lb. c mines te A. Duulop, Esq.; or at Lue Foot ifo, Whtby, to A nUPRIq Jnly 80, 108. A. mrkiir- U.N ma291 FAUE FOR SALE. tbý%he t 180 aorea ef Lot No. 1, lua F on,8 Cn.et Beach, et wliieit 100 are ls w lwatered. There are Twe Saw Mille within a nUl. sud a bal! efthLie premises, aud a gecod Sebeel ut the -cerner et Lb. lot. Thoeoare nom acese Summner fsîiiow. The Lntd inex- collent sud for quality of soul cannot be exceed- ed withth Ie tLuo bikes, aud is witlîiî 4 muiles et Uxbirdge [Village. For fortiter pariulars GEORGE MERRICK, on thte prtmisea, Or te W. il. IIIGGINS, ('krmick qfOt)Ze, IPîit7q,. Rencb, Jîîy 21, 183$. 28-2m. FOR SALE. TrOWN LOTS in Wilaity1 ucar te Bey.- JLAtoVillage Lot«at tDuilhu'à Creek, French- man'*sBy, ani Port Perry. - Apelý tu --y - Jue1e, 1887. - H A3 2 E 2 ,0 100 Acres or Land fon Sale. W EST hlaItof Lot No 7, lu Lb. 2nd Con. et Uxbridqe, witb a good eaw mnul iu god working order. 3(1ocnres oethlahnd are clearoil. Titere is a good bouse sud itaru. Aise Park Lot Ne 78 on Dundas streel, ln the Town et Wiitby, equtaiuing five sces, witit enod ioose containingsevemi'spirtrenls; stable, bu, out offices. Apply te C. M. KELLIR, Thte Owoer UmiomrilaP. o. Mmrkltam. or F. KELLER, 22 wbiity. 100 Acres o! Land tor Sale. W EST haît Lot 17, Lat Con. Uxitnidge, go acres cieared sud umder go uîdclivation, with a bouse, liranud stables. Tihe land is et tb. veryhast qnality. The wooded land is muxed vlLb Lthe veny laet of pin. sud tardwood. Situale 23 miles trom te Town oft Wbitiy, anud within 8 miles, eft3ttoutivil.e, it a good s"ttled country, sud ounvenient te milîs, iminmîtctures and mairketa. For ternis sud porteumlars, Apply te Imite owmier, JAMES KELLER, Unionville P. O. F.1 22 AN EXCELLENT FM FOR A LhMITED NIJMBE being t.eNrhWm afo concessioun, an/-t.e Sentit Wes 120 mce eetèultivnteel--a tain te fummasbeen pitealIn Imms. Poessession given in Octo Apply te Wimtiy, Jus. 19, 185. THMg PROPEETY ISPLEAi Tatedin luhLb.flouriating Toi on Break street, directlY OPPS bas's resideneo1 contamung ti acr etlandi, witb about 1001f vieictlaerected (JoMFPORTABLE BRICK vithealt.bleont Buildings, an ef Water, sud e Cist«%rt, oe culars apply tLe W.: SH..W, on t Wbithy, Feit. 10, 1887. w JLL ho hap emeIdaold friend ansd NEW DRUG STORE, Corner Dundan sud Brook Streetit near bis old place or business Intel y dehtreyed bî fire. Whitby, Aug. 25, 1858. 82 MEDICAIL HALL, UXIBRIDGE. T IlIE Sobseriber bops te eaulite attention of Alte Publie te lits uew and select stock et, l)riîgs,Chernielg,Patent biedicines, Combsuand Brniîes, Toilet Soap8 Mair <ils, Perfnmci7, l)ye Stoifs urning Ipinid, Potis, luk Letton, Paper, Scou B)Ooks;, Pearl, Sage, Lhreila Rilee, aged eleetion et Roui l îpers, &o. ItREnneeL Te.rn >ears' expertence inu some of te fint hloîties liSen ad Il. D. IIETHIERINGTON, Citentist andI>ruggiatt. Uxbridge, Joly 7, 18.58. 26 IlE Sumitciber retrne hie sincere titanka te bis costomere sud patrons; aud in aolicitiatg Touttiauce oft he iberol pulronsFe vith wbicb ib ite but favoned, since opoamng bosit- niess on the promaises tormerly ocecnpi iy Mn. J. Il. Gerie-wonid Ësy tat hi Sto.elesup piied with Lb. hargest antd moot ecompllote STOCK 0F 'PURE DRUGS, 0f every description, yet ottéeai for suliteLb Tovu ef Whiît'. Citemicale, Il.atent Medicine, Perfgimcry, Brusbes PainLts, Oils, Dye Stuffe, &ce., &c. .Physicianesud Famiiy Prescriptions careflly pnepared. Horse and Cattie Nodicines of ithi kimtdà, sccurmttely couapounded occordiug te te hatet i inlîvemeul.,,ilu Plnnmnacy. Surgeonis instruments, G. A. BANNISTER, - DandmaStreet, Vhitby Wbitity, April 14, 1858. 13-ly A LAROEStock et Varqishes, consitingef A No. i Copal, Suipenior Fîtîiue lc sud Brwn Japan, Coacht, Wbite Domur, &o. B.r.tiug Yiuid, Lamnp Oi, Campiteue, Alo bol, &o. Apr il 18, 187-8. Don/tas Strecl, Wbitby. - , 1-iy Mankitaiu. N OLD INDIAN DOCTOR W110 HAS A made his fortune atm/tretirat)frtombusiness KELLER, mili spendth ie nenain/tar et bis tax's in ecug Wbitby. titat dlremdfiii dioeae-CO)NSUMP'I ION-Fars or Cuxater.; lus eanueel desire beimmg te commun- itele te icorît) bis rueieis titubave p e- LM TO LET.P, d suecesetul in moe n t reethLonud ce ses. 11e reqoires cacit opplicaut te sand Mma :R (3F TEARS mnunte desceription ut thie symutemus, miti t to 1, ~Stsîmp, (6cîo.) le pay t etraeletter,.in Lot No 24, ar/t mucitliecwilnrouttiratein libsadvice presanp- st 50 acres o! Lot tien, mitit directions lion pro paing hue nial- ip ef W1litby- mues, &o. rp rtion et The ('id Docton hepes tat titfe eaffficte/t te anyeasa ili net, on nouunt eof ia~crefrain fromn ober. con-snltiug hlm becanse lite uakes No Charge.- Ilis sole ebjeet in advertlutng it u doaulte IN DOW, goodlto eau~ befor lite dies.Ile teals tbat ha Whiîliv. i àtcelebnated tfnrLihe cure et Conuuuption, 29AsthmuallrosnhiL, Nervcus Affeetiône,Cougha, Col/te, &o. A/t/raise DOCTOR TITNCAS BRANT, 'yFOR SALE 2 Box 0 ,P.ONew Y4rk. SANTLY SITU - . - ~--- --- mwn ef Wbitby, qite Judge Born- Ï. A meo fiftims etf an reet frentsge, on C0OrrAGE, _____________ bislîe i- mvefitbaving zteEuo, AsisandAflc% we asNorthit eiaýh n/tien Root P er. fdaLtieeoveed.Dr. orme as tetiret manti t ite tact S. baL~ aIl diuso anise !nonaiupunity eoftebl6od -LtitOunreug th, ies ot u/i!.epend - ~~upon tMisVit-el lui/t - Wben Lb. enonsuà sgi .omocaét en/t do sot set-lu prfaet brmuy-vithi4-" terent tunetiens oethte body, te bleodllenea li sqtion, hecomnes Shick5 corrupted an/t diaeusedt Sl)ua cansiug ail parts siekuesis sud distresi a, eyory nsiet; 0ur-strengtit la eoxhinstodi Our l*talte are dplvedoi4fadifnature la not resiste/t lu tbrowing off téatalnnt itimro, Lb. bleod i mIlcmne-ebokesiad e ss e t ansu/tutausor Iîgittlfle wmiiroyer b. blowiu -te varons :psosfe te body frea *ad open. A u/te p. îuto us ltaI v i.t in oer irer le pet aimiadiclninl yoai rench, namzely, - oa'Jtim -Root Pilla,, MaunfeL»edroiu iu/ts nia-nd Bwie gnewaronud te mona-- riiYTUE ELOêD. x999kg'm Lie PilleAn peu»in boss M, eg ta s-urne icioner a si~ T lm GAT »PInil Men mStsin s1 thee or a iialwi tre roe t L r to tr eflatsyI II in5 I d iseseéAdEulývBira orW*IIep vIgËbe or t su me1boü. O- ý= h ln ue.tsrf àla, UMle Li 1 o h hki, muon 5of rusuevhlu donlus la truessteleung4fi tovm day. eveY vsioo h lesOsob adi moa-%, by teir p=ntIgafcao iebos Foyer sud .geAp i, ,iis n lu short,- moa t àaua . 801 b ila.i curatve properties. ç fanifly ibould b ih ont thow, mi li %boir Um.lY 19 usemcasb r sud olenae may b. ssvod Propovsiby W=ux lMouvst, ILD-, 14 York, and for Sala by A ]KEDICAIL 1RY01L I'OI< TE WOELD UNAMOUs 1- 1%e Great coanter irritaut f T RE VIRUS O? DISEASE OEM makes ils wmeutote .internaI Ilirougi theioes itekin. Tispou= in ntnuLmeltUi gunder th. hand en it in rubbed lu, iw aheor hedLrongb the sanie chan- noie, ànd, roaciting teeatMo! inflaatio<n, l romnpgyandl invariablj1snbde il, *vitetr ocatil n th kiney, th lie Lte lungo, er suy-other important 'organ. IL penotrates time surface ote biltarlon, titugit te oeuutlesa tubes tait conimunicata miiththLie skiu as aum nier nain passesimto te fevereil eatit,difi ite cool sud regeueraling influence. Skia Disease an& Clansinlar Swellings Evrspc es txtenor irritation la qnickly M.duedythe ,u"=tzuntory action eft tii Oinument Angry Exu leua, soda as Sait on4t eretorsnnemnie,unuder iLs application Hestpital expeiuemuiipra WtL ord provecs ts iufal biity in disesses el Lite skiix, IIW muscea, lime joints sud te glands. Uicmrs, Sores andi Tumors. The effeet eofttis xniva1led'exterual remody upon Scrofuia, sud otiter violent nicers sud soes, la almoet miraculous. IL lirai dischirges the poison micit produce sýperuan d prend flesfi, sud tus tite cures wirbci its boallngjro perdies aflermard complota are sale es we u permanentl. -Wounds, Bruis, Dura%, arw& Siads Iu cases ofthe fricture et Lb. boues, nme caused .bystemtu eplotsioue, Brnises;Boruij eudheunmati Stiffes of tite Jelutsi,an contrautien eoftthosinoms, itLie- employed. sud anuyrecemunonded by -te tas..lty. ,Titi mareleuts nemedy hua becs lntroduced hbits inventor lu perses mb it ueheadilies,»pîtal et Europe, sud ne pniate iteuaebog dhieid b miitenutiL. Unadeniable !1 estineay. Thte Medical Staff etfte Prenait sud eUslia Anniio tn lte Crsmobaveotlclallyoi ndÜboir ap,?royal of Hollowaye Oiulmant, as the nient steot souds. l;is*lsousedbyt bs4t-. oso te Auied Naies. yb ugeae BoT1uauOxsvxxr AiLc nu Pi L c v ni s» i usTt OLLoirma Cas.a Bunions, Sealde, Buanna, Swollcd Glandî., Hants ds, srelegg, Fuiai, 'Soe Ileail s, Gout, Soe Titronts, Lnuago, - Soes ef ail kaLda. - ~~iteum,, SR_ Jintaas~,, C 'Sold at te Manufactin e >of eaor Bo ]WA, 0 adeta -a4N ew Yerk,, sud 244 SHnd, Làondeu1by alli epectable Drng- te sud Dealers in Medicine LhTenugnL t t rta Btatea audtae civilise/t vo iduMP0tâý M cents, 423< cents, sud $1 ead1. ~ hr sa cendorb e ssring by taking N. B.-Dinetioni for.te dance of patients Io*eny disonder fi oe sobbox. W~C~MTIONS1iom genxn.unleas, Lime mods " HoLWA,&r, Niv Youx s& lotwosr, ire discernale s i seo4e..u.e* in 0.ervTlear o tae'bSokedlre s airound a tobx Lim e saienay b. plaltly ..eniy ôtàrsin * s -M i J' 't t - ---- -- 1 -- 1 - - - - -- - 1 1 - A - --ý A&ýmvqm 1 qpbqmqfslvu 4 imimpiv-,l 1 1 Joli 1

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