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Whitby Chronicle, 28 Oct 1858, p. 1

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'N "'4 - ., 4 , - .4..,~ 4 4 -, ,-'~, z' ~ - INRSDAY 1MORNIýG, BROOK STUEETWUITBy, lbiuLt tW ?4exs, I>oor to the Reglatry Jffico. HETrF F OSUBSORIPTON- Tq'TIME mj'hies andtrodr ... WtLclPrinted words, reat. thonghts andu:irllg indugtty, wo silvocat. bac,. Piogwe9 Iu,1 hbovc teOilinos~, i nsertion _______ --_3__- i-tnt ller t,erlue.. andT I3E ___te______OL*__ WIIITBY, C. W., THU1ISDAYOCT. t1he tOIintyoid e em rend e ovcryx bu- ALBERT SPUINlG, RAIL.ROAD nIous£$ Piano-Forte!' made Ttenéd acnd re- UIueettsa lulIlWitbv and lts vicehuty, a bititter UCTlONEER &c.,&0. EPSOM, TOWN- tRE FBtC AI UDSs. ard lOasy _ - eribeh, begm to announce to the, iuhabituntn of IF BG O NER (V c 1 qSwil1' whle o serltiui it W itnîg A. PflINGLE, %%h (i.,al a etraelln W iin it y ) Tjh le rth- ih b ,,Lof Whhty ndthe iciait-~ wii b i 'f ROUANT TAILOR, I3RUCK STREE, lias talken the aboye fir*a: chotislouise, which lie titîd the publie geaeraily titat thve op ye "'0 Piaper wllli dscoiitiuedntîl ail aqcar- .111 Whitby. 1 b8s titted up ini a new andoconveniont manner. anew brnch of biîis~ilit ftic Town of W hitby, IWuIii heeY a s irepad up. '__ - --- 1rt-aeTbehi rea ii l i D - whicl tii nwietsthe ïtnnqfseturiîg,Lunitîg and t eiiI chif reglistered, willi eut THOMAS DIEVERELL, uerit, Lun hcous., &e., eau ho bcad ut a mnoments re irIn. tme i utuut.Wii ae o i ncinTm -- ho riték of th(, i'ubisliers lwbien, cldrc-hed l'il. ) ERI, &c. &c., GREEN STREET, fnotice,. AHi-l 'uorc skept c'Ja thiprermecarc P*û4ortet, ,anuutiittured tai uier. Atito, At uichla imie ain tlij 1 I1OlS&MAYERHOFFE , NB îilrC.W. wari'anil th ia en f, rwatcle. ChoI5eý crteuigam 31l' deeii,,and all kinds of string > Look oP and, Suile, good brother mine, Whitby,"CO'.W 'TIMA TIV I(. it attenitint. 'r i ite Townc 4 parti- Al vlti LLA IIOTEL, lWhitby, Marebl li, itJ.8 eîirl eîtîh.L hch~eieîfeiî iw Vaottkp -ai e BOO K A ND J OB JIN A, Marti roritArD'S CoR- - iitilirretel,D-f Ilîavilet~heir iiu, c- FrI-mlit iter Loi- PIR NT 111 E TAeIS MEr.d e'îît rp roiperly tuued anid CotRafi*. oilenr lrmiul Pft.~NTIr<G ESÂ0 ÂJSII1UE T.- cFî,frý ie t ler nu-ti ruvie rte' anud withont Cregtt,~tobeoiyîruid furOO M Trael, s " C Y T L A O N,(ffultic- V ite,ir ieive III. 'filie sjet. IYonrulif wro ou ~ rt~~ev'~i1y -- UiiMrcccîîirnislcti'afrtr ORY TÂL SÂLOON, te, dori i ui] t-hieirou Vou r sig l s tvrnie volre inilove- IIIleta.tIki Thav le>eirx ne'"IIR N IO L N'rtt, iîae fttdniY ng EIZ IiN IThat fiet 1 cannot da* t - 'fon NIYf ala e \ u - TrI N N.D l-'iîi-an Lid n &v R AeIuN R, veian i, bînvî'e r o -nider' n-- pet UT Wr n-r~er Ve(iN Il Tk-ytet u -- - -iuonikrmai lni-TacesIow' rcîîuiniitr tvtul 'i 'r ', r , l'l' i'iE" it, Tiu 5 INAT ON Liv IlOtE , --- - ' Tks eut, ti> '- owv IIIII 'r nain ýI;-allerLiqîri., i-rit ii i .- sîîî,IfrN id ,hc,-- Sti.lnd izrt' I E TRN U E' - Par in t , I'rperr1fjtirhrr ' GJziurq,&c. lii -raid if i-re xni. un ir - --Mii - _______- , rtriti, u"'eiirne tire tviiii.N- ' jIi'nt i-t i 'Gla i rr, D K - e Lew-l irv r -i l -r. - I l LUIT ' 'c ' T IO TE*I . - .Bî\E I'pN1ril' h VE B B -.11t i.k-' i t tri i , , liii t f,'ri i'us Aw , ,1-wli id tolflalid FiiII. -1 Wr etCtFait f thtrrliiult tlith( liulc itlitxv 1 >WGa.- Xt i l \ lii uflf S trvi . i ii, re e -aîtît i i ,itlit-avli i Li rivIu le 'tiitI( it le wel % ii-I g alil inlitir iiExcl ntti'l. . Nitr I It v -f iare*,"l kit1)tii utu r-i j.ItV. iiG jin Frrrt tE ett , ~ -.~ (' r Ifiriztq iIi-d ! I itiitj i liii l i ii, '1iti% .I.'V o ItII 'ttý l o ew tiy I.-r--rat,- ' W -Ili*iit --iia l v li-e s j- - -.-'il and --r--i,&v.î1--t ZA tlEW.OIJ R i .iA , E U ÂL O . tt tt -titittllîiîî trt. '(i tnrrrt.-5 i f 1iictulpier Il A S T 4; --t. T,*W il1 T n 'ît-i-h-- A 'il tl'lT i ir W i, T,,ît. I'rilSlllr îd t i'-ftt,'IK-rî i t'tliii -f . viiit ____A_________,Il ___________________in ___us 111 11 i r ii t- it Ailu-ti-,t ti' , w it Tit)%t, fNr'îîNî.XN'sfin ~~iiv it. liIi,4, i t 4irn*i4t i. 'i, -h tiitt luiil rri rk ,i.fileil IlTRNI 4 nittitti44art4il OIIERU IHS (AL l"N. 9' .Mt'"". Ad i f--vrlri-cii r>lrI,,- :~îritut. eîict N BirlR S., î--î- -r-ir T E lîî Fiii.i rî' t I. Ad R<>BsU e' l .;àMiipiIIbliîî.\RD el 0t;I ethis îiuit iStl iN, us.nrrîît rîre , 1 s57. 42 t>-Le ik in N EWIr L SO N IG . R E Y N O L D S,4îîluiit-ilran14 A ilt l 'Tt T.N 1- I iAfi lIa r-Ii' IA T l m t Tu .v I us a ci a II I .-JtI (D NE L C U GIO DE , t ; Ihbrtln. ri.& OT.OR SA r~lK tFF Tii E I'EACE. UFf'l' - îFllUKlilir 'K T . , I>R U-k jS 0 1N IS e i )e ii*i OTT ELt e , , i2f- 11j ) T ;10Cri - i n d hrv e etfrSni - '-vh roÎ r!, ot g o , G o g ' 'G 'TAGE iRuOtniii, n..lii42 A- -IvTalcccn lu Tahî, ub ns J. 3iE 'ETT.iiRt.ii1li T FI CO 1F ONR- TE RUSIN (11015hE. __- -Fanil 1). Ct-. IIEIVETT, Ii.îîîtr -' iii uiiitiiî:itroîi tor 'inaa'llv\-iI.'1l E L OTS' FOR L E'N -a- ~~~~~~~I Si- lit Ea, - - - A aC.W.siz e t r - :î x, N/r l'Ut fET r a\ 0Ti 5dviliî, ii Oanr g ig oît'wa te !t RAlRAIeITE ,r. * boel stlî- a ii thtIl# rvc-r ,C. andi urt l -2, 1aî;îi fforlar - lsi reon e v n g i:-lG og JOHNîC.p 1'.Ili i'U friil : theriî î'- i-- i ,- ii. 'c t iiefr -4 i r-aiai- j Cat-C rir ,Is heIi oimals e i ' 't dl l ~ k F~ honte.i A'1tt'ti-lttiic ennItirîtalwaye (in a tted GrileEL). r n ahlfhz i, oi raietu rni-d ler hsnad ii ir sa bi COlI('ç1'uI&IEIIR hjCTuE 'IUENfI)tw FRTEATKRLIN. t WI rulir, and tni and tnte. -- il i J. w. ALD, .W . L HiO I-m, (IIiE.l'h-r'IiIiETsici aîFeTItiI w rose fr- - the teoaimi blwife nd'suituted, uad i W LU)bý. FR AN K, A IE IE - \Ilt, a 15.bi lie.iolsl.Tt iuto - 'N vtIfi .Ilnp m1 li- lKIic t vI l Ev ri 'ru clîtc- spek pli ly u otit, a s bet h elt r LEIIK l~i'.I' DI lslcN toL T (>1f luiI t N B. -lat tiu'eil "s t'lrie tultorgti" vire the, dI'n'uiy nu i'ti-,îu .dici, divzîi titari ufi - PAXTONiJr. RruL e tDutTEthe1lButthehci?,i.sed had lain a11a1 I'runiitttd t e r, oieti e anlsi- ld fotJt)h 2:r AUÉ OFFICE AT yTIORG MeILL C0 inuN INEE 'l'i GI'E n t .i luENSEIitiCrvAicC-OrtIio EI NIIB.~ îp itîfy pis e ur i u f rl.î.1.îrn1Ci-ni t WTELLIN TON TIOTE. Iir-nr-il'inindtulsiiutjci fhe frt but her Iit'.era-id. s 0mTll-ri.o-tl'.e, min. theAit c ou bîtuslmi- 1 1i1'LeB'IO%%' kiî41 J.511W.$ ItCCtLL) %'E ) OlTE II~TE lthýIrtiIETtl - tuI-tLISWE Inlheint. jf hstae-i i cd cud ctindad t'i Re'sdaaaarettIeliityotxw'ba odIlitIlke J U IIE ,Ci rErACI,î'îa- X i quîct1ur- rdîr uut lhi noîevi. pi-NX'u .rer'tutace.- Sîhe I ) N . E N I . T R X H A V N E A - e t a leAl in rdu t î îeat î t t îi i , iis , t c 1 î A i u i n < i n i i v - n u r d c a uoc o d u e dm c ' s te$T . r Ni u i u b t t r i u C Cour-~ t ou l f ii,,it. lu' r ii'.iîi I'ra eIî 'xl"în-t~,I,nuiîuî)îf îa îîd ettïmt 'fsaîreemed. ritn hc ¶lercduiicebokl ilt C tiiît l iahere adoe Ili ouid t MESR %. W LSON & IILLî 4~s, ~ îtriuî,th Bruie tnd il ki de î' wtl fiud ire'i-n b,~t taci'ninirudîiiii ai ciL un rtt n ierIIrtiii.- -fsals cpiunaed, i i îîerayd U/R~TIi ..-ATnlNE S T .A ,~~istnng nnriin~t.u 1- -rpcadî' titte ir i i, t' i t ,1N uule. vei irn e lirae, sleak pLt fee lb i a kn e tw ilii - ilolierie, 1 ' G ocyi.i.ud S e o Ae u tb igatt-ivaitt dil itînt iltti-iitunu &Iv iumn -".iel.Loue but th e E. anser fo lit-,- Court IIk totiii,-ivae îctliareronsesitetd l - a-nd hatmor enteurk? h'3IS F.. A , SI/NE A (]BR A L AGENT iiijWiiI)AUVt vitl N EI Z %%elIe rITBY cf Lue pas-I rqird nef B }Âi~~ Ks aett onipinn tht t îuntyof(l4,11 . tee >.t lv fr it eetiiiioirtuc tinibutcattaaIth foa Tcc1wa nt eog. no ntin aot o _ ._ -.T - 1 ,tEI. M A 1 , Il' -u-l li Biriiipropieto tf ucr,î,jý i fias-uuetndn ite r.. leid- r ira gro-îîd i e ,,you e a w ina.' b ttr i t T lizih tlbLI.t,,ii ik A li ji- Ailin (111-ofrouit i t n ordit aniiy i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Î . Nlie PBItI.A . IS ouTh*eminvw prbu ieii v pSt'i iealiin , l1011ii5ts.Tt toc eutices n - Poh 'I I Wuld t hav e 4or - - --- -- --- ~ - p NTE < n-Ai U A DP1E- be- obne.Evr ttnioAai ritîvc- wk 'u ierl tluaI las' o itftile, itr- odte ta nntcpbeo ai ur T 1 'iiiit, Frte Ilrtiun v ta.t4-;"e 1ineiiuiduaun t r.i t conItcis lap t ne un J-OSIt BIL N L S laatirIciueIlis <hni'l'hy. 1't' ~hir ot ien oii.dtiurde d oridK-a ibfn-liean tn e 14 hiuiePrn e IhrI - IIi'lg st)n r i I.it S tret nîit ty. i re a Au telt On mn ibt c te annt ndion cairc d on1 uî of ae 1it~ A.,1 -- S&. z%1 rcie a A. AoUN.1t-b0d, ut hnîd An uulirIjuIrfn,-v, &c, und frutti ton Cam. DdsELGeor eOLLET.iweri- A 11 411 NoYdAThedsiWd SLIClTQR,1N 11 aCAentiLe, Ist i lenue.wysaxius w er ts darge rn - 6IVl1) liti.tt 'tulttu(lexL doo-- 9 T.---- 8, 5Â LT-CiAL OT 5TtButtT, A1î1ihv to tqpelo c~ V.ety HAMo , I RTILE M ORD & S A EN IlleentCLiofuebc wli ud upeiorce-ii igre I'NSaro t Vaenet'oiljt Agtdlieil Ira file I, tTEJ oE.,) eommmioci*tion-AtLMoAera teeLargeinar tht aboiet. lil iîs tae' nt 1dyou ahi any o men1l t ; 'u w e, 1?>dRT TE $ i TT UN YS AT LX. AI l O R o, & e* btel. Tiihote leVer>'AN >ILihnaLE. . e lîhizng iý1).8 y uaea s ntt~e ln e e ig, JJ tcto st tn ituh , W a tel ~~' il e(> CI iAlD 4, in U TREET W'ST TE)- ucrthtt But',theauTbwn.whari'en, tîidaj-clu W . O.EA$iTIOOD, A. Il. & M1. D. ARMERS' IIUTEL,î in i WICNSI>N BÂr irSOtiau O1USE Â5NI-JUIiNZSTt'ýVWÂRT ere aiming at,' said eorge,- ,witb e"" SYIIEt N, c~ ixun itPt'tEnttet. IRuneriguci hiias agauu msnj'nuej pesfs- C .tryL L, ttitil1îetîy înfl saà f to- ed o OJOLI 'II i'îi'iitIANi.ritvL'i j f tlîe aboVe ivell i kîînîî otel. iwiieui w-zl --Pr-- - tJ lLedenuv-c eupied by Jits. Udg- uN te titue leaiiii., fruit> Bccoklinî ta Green- bc eoniductud as fonnneriy witlî Lie stricet pro- INTERNATIONAL O , would have me 7-liere ery ee>n 4.3 î0 oo-i Gudsukiiui>aannîotto.priety âad regard for tee uaafort anti couccuzi- %(Ue n.u Iiuie 'JttiiN SINE,--Pnopcietor. onîce of the publieî.STt%4 K ýQLA 4 Ql.N O e- m y u, rr Dr I.W.____Th______ M4tre4hi lliv reld ta TesusribeTrjèwoýHiateaoeo ___________ _______ W' h h& owl M- ur elIEma 1ue ý.8 A A( O jj U "&_OO ER _________eerti Shmmaer dvt vrielý eeue- ederilecm o UALIof fu heC)ui. IF UN__________W NTR D- ______u teGob ltwondclerh il a',îets B tedýt-hpp hn o .om d.i-ped'ýu - bc__________ t______ ii schart- 'tnilt't, i.sle« adýà -.daTQi/ONTO.t- .N ,_.D______ ___riý: a UCINE XS udr_ uita W iswli li______W________ re o pb eenn wthm bfoeW- wÉ- , 1ýLLAXTE P te d-_______-ii ; Eteîsci ad eT JIL. No A IEN ', u D. Alitrerlmar ttniheitngOan Ain.1%Uar('Tabesup]etilt.rnrl Cr lu sueh innunur aie e. Le mesatiEssil'M-berppyhi youb- seiety io-*.I - ' i J. GNE , liiD. Il rdrs viictLit ("u. 'le ~ritiigOhie, icit 'Ibe a a2itabe u1858. l aif 1inet> T ien LU"C4114W HOUSE Ie ii4. -- - -____ TIIOMA-S ROBINSON'S BrokiMy 1, 08liaT riusan topubi4 à 'thw ere ra J. 1. JOE>49ASTIONABLE IIAIR CETTING A;KD JAMES R. O LBORN HT &'i'fLpi tbnSor- 'OCAL DE FCTT.-OFFI'E IN BROCK FSla>îtiRuxonsn'uBrk 'stroea, %Wlitb,.- KILORN C LN GB v À 4_14. wy nt i,.so-t»4, L Sirtuat, b\--r J. Bigv-tow's Stou-aeind rippôita A firet rate Eusglishr larbeand cm ir ki-Dresser, of in th stand 8t*l ý 0,-t&% J>IJNLOF'ST.,- t - - - L"'! Regittry lee. Ail opratio wwrrated. lonîg slîudïîin îluc istes ,wjî l-csh -- T L ttedlYe.e ~e y Wu .Kieall ubn-?Iasriw iud fhtroi, îer trial. fonîinreus atîu. ed 1 f titigi.uten. EGlI o uan hi$ frieuuansd thepublic ýa teu-sm5îutho whas-e 1bdb f Pud-1îo l cirgettî% f~"uti ~~' Sl foiaiugitn r oes oaheonic geîtimumifo B teL o in rprdhud~I id ?Is te hakte orders fe'r 1Cîetiu- I,- 'st lie-olteneifT ta1wI r. mu ng fPâAfirs nutÎ4kshOniiutù6oi.e 'ùebe',fUr p-,Wu t6iki AMOS W. CRON, ' ood resonus, area nueliaviterse ,but inuidrr och- trer's i n&.BiýuClyer'e wor=-Ielatbiue, &a., ilordàrà,paetuafl4ttionded tannda ~ .- A RCIITEî3T, CIVIL ENGI ,'EEII, AND înîuon't-, band hhaywihi Sund the operation batt lug'i dwrnt-icmua.-AlkBk0 nuîn et. oGoud fi - aii=tî- Jtijlstate Agenit, Whittby.-I ag reeibictinud pleasant. r2 -Qi'tauwell w4rk in Brigk teni Jlaotucr Ukowi-ze I h o±i~aî~srgîaryeévd-'drV~h PIIILANDER M. CLARK, AlldIs lft at hlidneDunj M.OtDLSGL. -rllUCONSTABLE, COUNTYONTAEIO, CENTRE IIw.OTE!, e ce. oa4w4 prIn,îsss - - WhitbYBONy, ET WI B, . lIanI ipeeho)r of 'icenses la the Municipal- EYYIM. NSRE EBOTRNa m a .unee.vjjiv.iiRI1oBRN. bU& JESSE VAN SYLKE, FROItRIETOR. The wîikby-. Mxyrî lm88. 8 1b7 thve'awrdth'ifsQebt ty nI'the Towni of WiithY bcie is eundteposft.no P. M. C anis theicbtve wlt kntwn liote, and takas laveo C. F. »ONýovN TESu rbç t,i -oiin natpaers tha tuAD]d it 15our - -usudGe 'g-rn -h'smpatro nretand tube t otiga&'. at-oms 1 ANTTMLO, o.74 KiG Tcicu.lftunen hboseosm.; oEul"is?.z tsgE bepeno p-ci ta î ' h'r;'pnsud ERHA T AIO, No 7,,KNG thi uiahcin ndcotrt. lMarie SIseehi, N. RAT'. o s tfa qnhilty equal if not mipeHr tho tii.n W ,Toronto. 10 hs ciions clittraceer before the, publiaas golctr-a it Toronto g4kefet ow ries ovtssini G. A. ANNISTen IRote Keeper niyho ta'soute extent a recore- , sINFORM THE >jui, eh 1e pricosr <-% ~ DUG ANbOlMIÂTsfmndeon. atte-~ ntion c"aumPro-vine b a Palaonh f ouit'SrehWI . i 'tt ESEVAN rs lKE- 1 rataI efll lRnof liand O lume.anti otheafour Taubouw anti Lard. i t1 HENRY 1HAMNAX9ACTO< oany'in h yiiu4. TTENDED ho r Xihia 49tpke ti& n i L;àt. C »tuLeI~ -lil-l,' ~GLAZ1EP, PAPEI 1NGER, -A.c'ie.er ap!, yJ(IîeuahneSi ~ iLIfUW j ~ ~ ~ P~O.IWI ___MI_______ relahumg i'on, - r'-'JyPAtt1ï coi~I ~FîeNtm are duly autlhoru4 ta oappoint int y T'auasY ( m v is a ho Qtieeai's Bedol, &o. iattê té'tiÉh4tO-é Pin h1 iWe0 nhoùneh thfj - 'O <~w ~ ~ ,rsgeunarelatlng ht-nMy Aue JfJasnu W- th, onsider projier atiiùà MF .~spPlttitct - - --- - - â- 5dî'~ .nowicdge, flrottierhood. _____ -. - -___ ~____eaafind w-hile 'e are both liere to en- diiing-iýhcR long evenings2. 'Thciy are thought woutd corne. 'lltw pleasant joy kt.' the vcry seuons wlien I arn at lesure it wotil bc if site Miro, bore!' The Emniui-was to happy too ex*ýptes lier toejyyotîr comipatîiouslîip, anti dock finally struck finei and lie began joy- h 'words; buît shoexpesdi m-heu you M'onid bc at Jei3ure to enjoy -to istett for tho step of liii wife. lf neverthefes, and in a inanner, toue, Bot mine, if it is wortlî enjoying. They an hour more slipped by, and hoe be- to be miétaken. are the' seaLsous whoa the ltappiest came nertrou4tand uneasy. "fhw. neit evening ivas spent, ah honurs of hiome lite mighti bv passd.- 'I declare'lho nuttnireil to hituiséif homeë hy both lhusband anidtwife,- and Cone-.-wili, nut-tflt pend a few of affer *he ai liitenei for someStie in it w.a a séiason of luncht enioyaient.- yoîîr evenitig w'itli me?', Vain>; titis is tdo bai.Site onglut 'flot lu -a short titre Geéorge began Wo real- Y t ec enougli of me sit 1.4,1 saidJ stay d'ut solate! Btîithappenedlto ize hàuw mueit comfort was to be fbundl thîe lîtbaîîd, liglitly. to ret-neudier that he,.often remaiued in ft i nmof und peaceftil homie; nd- the-- Alloîx'nie to 4o 'fice beet judge 01 ! away mtitéà ator titau thuit, se ie cou' longer be enjoye t iis comfor, h that, Georgr. - -Yo6iW*'btld bc tory, cludoîe(l that lie must inake the' best of more plainhy did lue sec andi- ulder-, loncs)otnie hIere, ahi alone., i. stand the gimple truth,-tnaî it takee'- SNot if it w-as îny ihe of bnusinîess, j At a qutarter to ton Emuma èamo 1w-o f0 make a bhappy home, andi thatiý as iLte sof youî's, rettirmett the' yonng home. i if tht' wifc us' on e par-y, the husbam4" mnu. '1ITouttnre used tb stayiuito hre. -1'A hîtthe' Jute, atîîI flot ?l site uiaiu1, jmusttho tthe otiier. - tAhh w'ives heh(-oîug-to homne.'Jokng up -uit théelchgek. 1lPuî I1kIt c J i isu rý'meinber, my hmnchaime, that, iiý-'itm ceinc '01h1lfnjcnè. 1. ow have iretTitoy Jprevtitus twîoui' hiihia'ge, I lid pipeu- ,you eîmjr'eti youttsclf?' n io- r lte fO s-tut seich'îi' rlt, ilme. Of 'course- 1I tFiuiet rgatt" retu-im ettGorge;h)rave- icc'vsfnnî lcriminal lawyer, of Philadel.' r'umain.ath hboiintt mtuhuof îîîvtileiv ,. tiiik iîorîiois a capituihl -Atia, savntt 3tr-erandl -lte Pet buta r tui1 ti Xt lit-r uniuiia invi'i-'thierti, tltc' -.cunian' t. -letw-it hlicnlî iie usîully Sucr. aîndi I but-I brotai-cizani rtl'tiier- t ' c>icith w-ht1rta 'ai ]ltave it cee(ln in eliciting ltme trttfromna wit. amui ~ ~ ~ j- t-ti -'iilnvlo b~~~ al .11to hmc'f'ailded t-he i. 4re, iith hile, oct t r,1.1i)ttans.H neiii hàwue,-ioweytmr,- Finaliy 1 gave atlt up f*or, vott. 1 le i' t eghtta~u act ehucb1attd. Bntinîcoîs with a quter cuitomier, with ilihhnu'lCuill ulut, ail couglît a home wiîh 1 11' mai r' w'Jiii liec cui do îîotbiug 'yý,hatevcr. - 114V htîsliaud. At'th il ,hure 1 net a On u»eîti uizxt ve f ii Tta-,re leï ~Surha crne turned uup lx'fore- a I'iglih Iiii.'exuuhSî,mmr'OaI'vot ir t'îinpan- "elto (rhogi s boit', Il Lme jngutrutt a IQW daîs sixîco. A3Mr. ionsviip? low - w'oIIlcl Vomn ike ih f0 hiki.sseilier hlmaurl erc sit e ritî 'i c was cm -i;e ffr1,eig, iiiig, ? cimGeorteciskof inran eping a]iumv ~ <-'~~'l' akZn hfl ~'L- u' I attetnd to Lis case andi put 31r. Doyle Wiv- hînîtîll h-0ito i weit Imay drop iii tOsec Ut-ole Tobn,'l flngia oretf pouc ie frst emiotughi.'relhieti IEmma. 1 Hqvvr, 3'Onfl ttt w'îtns - cxamimne(] w-as Coneliua 'Ahi-liti yon wotîi uifot ho willing bhe uncas .Yout 'lkniow l'in sufe' ~cuWe give 3-sêxa nîationby to tir-,'i0.'1-11Oh, ertiîily,' sii-lier hushani> -Mr. 1it.- VoI w-ould; ,' r:eit orge, a nhuit w'hetî k'ît to hile ow-n refiocîlous lie 'Do you. know the defeudant, Mr. venîtuire. Iiec'gpn to ponder seî'iousîy upîon tite Doyl<e ?' - Wihh yomî r -main iebre ovex'y even- suibject Itus îîrosentfer conroderation. 1'Niver a nabotter.' itkg uIext nî'eek, anti let uic'-spu'nd iiY lHe cîîmd 'iot read-he coîuld flot play c lhat lcui a --bouse dotes W fIllte atnong my felte f'riends?' -uer osjcy bitself in iiny w-ny, w-hile keé? -~ l Certainiy, I w-il,' hie rephicil; landh4iaI- chair m'as empty. la short, he c A brick . honso.' Iasscure 7,-rnu 1 shah neot be 50 loeesoine 1 eotihd" that borne lbai no real coirfort 11 d6fn'ttuî at- w-bat r, -'ita upon bllr mpt~hfle ehf li dpo is ar m n,", /~.hW1,arnd' a very good 1euOMfla Youur presence here l JUt1 the burstl ine forthý of the sfun aftcr a storm; an, if y'ou to#e me a$ I ove, yoii--whitli, of'cýurse, I cannot doubt-ny prei gente nîa raffrd, so ne sumi$ht fi* you. At ail event, our -nexhi èxperi. Ment tihaht be to that effcct. I -wlll trf tsi yolî îîthogîîît1102 Wîh this. the hu!ýbauil weat otît, ali w'as sooti aîîîong itis frie'tds. fle w'aq a stoilv, ihndu.ýtriotn ima, uni lo- med bis wife lruily; bti, ike thotasanils nf othîer brbai coitracèteilà, habit 0t speiitinà bis evenings abroad, àni tliouglit it uo barîn. Ilis onhy practi- cal ihea of borne sceeuci 10 h, that it w'as a place w-hichhls M'ifo took care of,- and whiere -ho couli cant, tlritik anti eleep, M Ibon- as -ho corjhi puy for it. Jo short, he treatied il as a sort of pri- vate Iboariiu-bhoise, of wlticit lis wife w-aslandaîl', .iud i hopaidallthfli tils îl oîild U dtdu.Ii h-it liaifi'equ'euthy askîhd luinte stay at itoume with lier, but sîtoi bai nover ventured upon any argument befin, amd heituji r0 conception ofhow îuc sitemisse hin. Site alw-ays seemed, italpy when -bée camne- home, 'and ho supposeil sho couhi ahways ho so.- Mlonday e-rcning-, came, anà George Wilson remainoil ti'to f0bis pr'omise. lus5 wife put-on ber botnnet and shawl anil lie said ho 1w-ou dromain and keep honnie. 'What . wil you do *hile fam goae,?'- 'Oh~-4ahhLr~ad n hg; and eu". je>' ay-sehf' generalt>'. r, é'~ w1 weonteoûtind tbehusbânil ,M'/s-kfaiof e lalàn interestn roi i t ù 'd oi«kaàthen le be- -gRl t yiwi,,an4 1oèk - &qfteet1y tz theo cock. Tite book nid 'flot iuteimet corne t&e Sipn.aga #l4oh,-bai -lwewv: wotldmiphease bis wifey,,andingtluetivýe- 'hy ho tnrtmed ns thougbhi o uidiïea- luaouil; but there-was ne w'ife f0 -bear :i& Mgat hafie të bi e,uo.e. Meor, and whisttc. Thon ho M'ont and'ý èhc"-l rd,n4,plaveIa #iv1ith an umagnuir>' rtî ThonCiIi'w~ naliy, the dc struck nine, and, hisw 'Welh, Geore, I amu back--iù geodý Ou tîeC:pA rèlb « telip id %vitltout luhs m ife. 'llme One t-bing need. ed to makeis hîomne eerfàl w-as fot 'I dectare,' -lie said to bimsehf, I dii not îhin~k it, wou (beso lonesomne.* AIU can iii be that sho feels as 1I do, w-hen ste l18,liero aIl afoyio? It--inut ho so,I lho piirsueil, thîouglîtfîmlhy. 1h is jniie1uqs sie savr. Before M'Owwere m-parrii'hë w-ns tory happ-y inflber chiidhnot}s homýe, 1ler paIrents toyed ber, andl lier bretherm andi sisters lovci her, _and they diahi tht-y couttd to mako bier eoimfortable.' SAfrer this hoe walked up and douiv tte reoin severuil.times,,ani tbeîî stop- ped again, su ad communeti - wîîh hinu- 'I cn't staod. this!,' sai ho. 1'I O'Ni shouIJ uci in a w-eek. if Eînma w-ere kand Ionly here, thluk I ýoutl amuse my. i self very eIL. low lomusomne.and teast drear>'i is-.Ad xl>'eIýghtîocloe,théeri I ioct 'are-l'ýve a mii te, walk down 1- jas far as lYnche Johnis,-a, i-se if she they îs: there. It would hoýbe a relief- if 1. 'iF only s&- ber. I wou't go iui. She coulî shan't 't kno** yct thuit 1 ldetse ' llîiatly. - - eorgeWilson took anofluer'tu ra ie. perëiosstie toom,etanee4 onçiemore at ce weple aod.hdoutm ther llhloLtMen ijeTtbis 4teps tw-ardsr ' 'lYnce J:ohn. -,It was~bealutifutinmoomi- Brial h'is e;e bn thpu ~e jiVement- '1 Jng- ii1Hl~eooked' up, aud-4',e -'S - -h , 4 feM, J4 she hai recoguized hilm. - -helh -YFtl -. 'eo~~'-iteàai iiisur~îi~, is"ing i titis yeu ?' 'ti is-the reêponuge. "- ' eAnd se yen do not pasîYoni lrevell?- ngatebmof lj àt *uýt, Emshs<nqiuu»ry word ad, ivexte nôwI144vt nost- béen-abentt1beom t'à, mn. -bouse ton minute8. I merely -ùain> ' ' ont tfS.î tfkh IIi4BétIei - dr*e yen goiog ?l '. r 5s Sh~-~xî~ ~arm4 nd-s4h bsa'& _'h that i.' Mi courl istral~ bail hey, siere E rîvo Qtories,,%vith a brick 1, eh "nM points oit t1o 3ic>Ga.,rrysfene-' Y7ou stilt ltmndierstand nhtc;i à,to k-noi thie- repuftation ouf-the- se., is if gooot or bai? Ba intirehy.' Ir. li. caheil the attention of -the rt t6 this answeî', and ilesireil the ristrate Lu takie a ntote. nT in'ag.- ite dii Mo. 'hat <le you mean' when -you the îePutation of' the Itotîse is Tint it hein the devll'o-nbl- ,and a roof that Ieaks like a 'e Co ihi nderstndi- ie, 3Mr.- te.l Lot' us tryo again. Whist 1 f peoplé bu there iu the lholise ? Ien ani -womeo,prcitlyah Ithat' the only kini I ever mot" VelI, what' kind -of wouien 4 - Famale ýwonien, ns nearly as, 1 Idjudge.?j 'weii,-wbM.it.lheir character ?l~ )nly -ono -of, them bas the altie"1- Tbe Court WM-'please iéè- àt - : 'f h -'-i-lýh aâ,- - t--- i onneoft e em shtha . .yenig laybyà eilna Jget. xcsiane ?l' '. She, yen. tilk. bza achsraw rlhpk! ,-1 kow it -gawit eçé- Élà; hautàcter.'-It vas v-r'ten"b' > hérDaloy w:ithl a pei0 - -yi cufl pesiah -Mor u 'A Z

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