dy, B z. 8 CID Cr cn 'a.l e:â 1 2b 0. CL a A elpsed mail for Halifax ineluding mat- ter for 1Newf:tundland, wil bc dispatched byayil Mail Steamer froro Britain. Rates of-postage ýjd and Is respectively per * oà . Pre.paynsent optional. Letters for despatdli by this route,1n st be spccially di reêted. N w ,AdvertLsemnt this week. S.eet schol-Miss (C. ow*rd. The good ime is coning-Lowes & Powell Important Notice-George Ytile. Auetionecr's Card-Thomas Myers. Taxes 1,Taxes I-George McGili. Iadies' Preas Goods-Lowes & Powell. Lam psa!Lamps !-Géorge Yulc. &oie Gosts-J. S. Donaldscon. Card-Dr. C. C. Jerome. Violins and Accordeons-George Yule. - Groeeries, Crockecry, Wines and Liquors- LoWCS & Powell. Special Notice-Sous W. Powle. The Poker-George Yole. 'Wanted-Nelson G. Reynolds, Sehoo Books-Yankee Notion Store. * MICTION SALE. Importan t-ýSale of Freehold Property, Fumniture, &c.-Dr. R. W. Clark. Whltby, Tursday, October 28, 1858. M'lr. Ilancis JCdter je our Trave!. Zig 4g> tad La aueleori'zed to re- coive sbs criptioe&8 anîd advertîsern et and. grant receipt., for inoneya dite tAI's qofié Sisfle Copiks of tte CHRONsCLEfOr sale * at A.tlt, '*Stationary Store, neat!door te ths P4gs Offi. c Pôlitical Flittlng. There is at present but little news stir- ring in the political world-if we cxcept the Ilgrent Clear-Grit dlemonstrations of thse Globe," and the opinions of the Eng- lish preïssuposi the late crisis. But eten these intcresting topics appear to have Ildried up"- and the public mouthi stands wide agape to swallow the newest political P Mion to be presdusted. In our own imniediato nei-ghborhood wo have or epfesentative, bMr. IMowat-t/,, Honorablo Ar.owat-fllitting about from post te pillar, ln Company with those dis-. tinguished individuals, J. Il. Greenwood, Esquire, ('?) 'Johne Johnston Brown, Esq. ' (?) and the vulgar vegetable gentleman of the Oshawa Penny Whistle. One day we firad Mr. Mowat at a fair at Oshawa, coin- plinsenting the farmners wives and daugh. ters upon their good looks, and Lhe quality of their butter and cheese, the next day we 2 ftnd hlmu rusticating at a fl'mperaaee pic nie at BroQkîli, and anon, ho tumos up at thse Plckering fair, holding forth upon thse breeding of hegs and heifers. What Mr. -n Mowat's feelings must suifer in luis pore- grinations, we leave tliose who know hir teojudge. A man of hiî tasto and refine- G ment, must feel more than disgusted with lis position, te ho censpelled te play hai) re feshow with the exquisites we have named. Mir. Mowat goes through Lhe painful ordealM ofcourse, te trengthen his position in the RDisag. - l !-feitl t .ecotet -îM.- f 'ietiosr. Tn a héttw we publishis aJoe veis, Çnpwan Rowe declgres lis posi- f tive d.tkrminatjon'-not te, enter tlç. do. Couancil this ycùAv4,_ u lis Es srer, usp o Y4~'inire2nd termusaUiou me tiouos'buispart, se8 that Mr. Porry, tho present Mayor, la. ai al probabflity be elected by rà sIslai'ion. 'Ti a iss s& it should le. f %tp, fhturenstead of our menof M ufsu eco, wles - land Position -Pickering Paut Show. The Pickering FaU Slow wus a gret succesa this Yeus-, and fat exceded ail former faits LIST Or PRIMI ÂWAEDED. Draugît. Horse-2 year oldP]lly, Wa. Millar, 2ndt do. ; 8rd, George Hlgglabot-. tonm. One yriam old Filly, Jamses Itsinnd, John Slee; lird, iB. Majors. Spring Colt, Oco. *Mlne;2nd, Wm. Waddel; Brd, 'Wm Covins. Saddle or Carrnage, 2 year old Filly, R. Bell; 2nd, do.; Srd, ~Peter Nesbit. On. yeat old do., Thomna Lawson; 2nd George Hliggnbottom; 8rd, J. J. David- son. *Spring Foal, John Millar; 2nd, Ge< Matlews; Srd, John Palmer. Importeel or tlorough bred Cattle yeat old elfler, John M. Bell ;2nd, M Embroideryre Miss Duna i Lad, Ma-s bwitt; Stel, à Mis S. Sadler. Fancy Netting, Miss Sunmrillo; Lnd >; 8 d, Il., Frass-. Raiseel Wdated- Wotk, M3iss A.Mathewr, il, Miss & Maeire,; ,Brjý iuIL-R Barrie; Fiat do., Mims-An 2n dLç,do d, Mien Jord au Peut Ornaanental Neework, Min Wood. Lf; 2nd, do. ArtificillFlowerM iss Botafrd; Sud,' as C Bre-si;StdMimaE. lgie. Fancy Basket , -sSI.; aid, lMssBoWs Crayo Drawing i Lliss.3S;, 8a-d,Jam i-vine. Water'C41oioMUaa'OWshn;2a4, Pickled Tomatoca i m ma M ir. Piqetd Ouewnbrs, iss Anne Ma- guire Picled Ouiong, do. Luather VWork-Prame, Misail. Fraer. Pin. Burr.Frm s;Mima Aý Mapufre -Velet Painting, mm . O.W. Mathowm, -Fancy Slippers, Mrîl Matheis; 2nd, Miss Millar. Bead Mat,)MassE. Brown. Knit Fringe, Miss I. Wilson. Architectur-al Drawing, F. A. Kingsley. Penmauship, W. S. BlacL. Winter Cap, Ma-a. E. Wilson. Bag cf -white Potatoes, L. Knowles. .....u.5 mies, muU.i5, I1UaWI & t >a-P Ox Yole, Rcbt J. Barnums. e2 Judges cf the articles on ni in Hall-M-s Burke and tise Misses Buz l'm. Wm. MleNab, 'W. -L McCulicugh and 2nP. Whit, Esquimes. a, Slseep, 'Hcgs, and Poultry John Ci 2nWm. Wikie, and Urial Young, Esqs. 1.l Herses-Jas. Shanel, J. Crawford, j ronS. Widdifieild, Esquix-ev. >1» Catile and Roets-Wns. Armstrong, 01-Arkland andl Thomnas Dunn, Esquires. Est Whitby Fait. the ýke; dT. &de, and The' fiast annual exhibition efthtie East Wishitby Aga-cultural Society, wusa leld ut Oshsawa this yeaa-, andl wù."praonounced very successfüL TIe followng is a list cf tise preminans taleen: Sheep-Aged Ham, Jas. Kitohsen; 2nd R. Harper; Sa-e James Kilchen. Shearling Rua, Jas. Deul; 2nd sud Sa-e Thos. Guy'. Ram Lambs, James XKit,-ken, 2ad Thos. One - yeaa- olel do., Jolhs M. Bell; S Wm. Milîsa-; Srd, Geo. lne. - -Houer Colt of '58, W'a. Mllar; e Gecorge Uigginbottom; 8a-e, J. M. Bell. Bull C1tf 58, 'Wi. Millar; 2nd, Ji Mullar. Canadisn Grade!~ Cattle-9 yeaa- Hoifer,-J. J. Davielson; 2nd, John M. BI 1Sa-e, do. iOne year oh,) do., Thomnas Annon; 2j John Bell; 8rd, Thotnas Walleey. Ileifer Colt cf '58, J. J. Llavidson; 21 Gco. Milue; 8rd,'Thos. Walleey. 0'Bull Caîf.cf '58, Geo.-Brown ; 2nd, W Wsddcl; Srd, Davidl Lawson. Fat Cow or Heifer, John Millar ; 2j do.; -3rd, Heury' Goulel. Fat Ùx or Sîcca-, Ilenry Goulel; 2nd, J. Davidson ; 3rd, do. Sheep-Aged Ram, Wsn. Millar; 21 John Millar ; Srd, do., Sheurling do., Jchn ilum; 27nd, di: 3a-e, Adam Spears. Tu-o ageel Ewes, Wm. Millar; 2nd. Jol Maillar; 3a-e, John M. Bell. Ram Latub, John Millar 2nd, J. Davielson; 3rd, do. Two En-e Laxabs, John Milar; 2nd; Bell; 8ad, do. Two Fat Sheep, George lIs; 2nd, Jol HMila-. Souath Down aged Ram, Joseph Wixoi 2nd, do; Srd, Casper Wilson. Two En-es do., Jos. Wixon; 2n d, do. RZam Lamb, Adoam Spears. Two Ewe Lamîs, Jos. Wixon ; 2nd, dl Swine-Aged Boar, F. Grecn; 2nd, 1 Brown. Agod Son-, Wrn. MeNais; 2nd, Casp Wilson ; Sa-el Joseph Wixou. Boar of '58, Charles Pilkie; 2nd, Ge Frazer; Sa-el Moses Linton. Soir cf '58, George Frazer; 2nd, I.L Wilson; 3rd, sper Wilson. Poulty-Pair bara yard Fowls, Wr Farrier; 2nd, R. Bell ;3rd, John Gould Pair Turleeys, Jas. Bell; Suid, A. Fielel Srd, IL-Beid. Pair Cîcee, Rob~r Bell; 2nd, do.; Sri~ C. Reynolds. Ir Pair Dueks, Rol? t Bell; 2nd, do; Smn do. Dairy Produce--Bcst 10 Is. Butte: Mlrs. D. Shaughan; 2ud, lira. R. Fuller- Sa-e, Ma-a. C. Wilson. Bost 20- Ibs. Cbeege, Ma-s. B. Dickson 2nd, R. Foller; Srd, lMm.Waddcll. Best ¶10 Ibs. Houe>', H. Weodrufi; 2n do.; 3rd, S. Ssimmca-Vill Fruit-Best 12 Table Apples, Disavi Barclay; 2ud, Thomas B. Parden; Sa-( Davidl Barclay. Bcst 12 Wiuter do., S. Breown ;2nd, 1 Baraciay'; Srd, do. Best 6 Peurs, Joseph Wixon; 2nd do. Bcst lunch of Grapos, H. Woodruff.; 2n, R. C. Wilson.1 Roots-36 Tumnips, -Isaac Mieldleton 2nd, Joîn'IM. BeIllSa-el, John hMila-. Mangel Wua-tzel, Jos. Jones; 2nd, D) Haley'; Sa-e, H. Majors. Carrote, Win. Saddler, 2nd, Elijais Joncs Ird, Jus. Joues, jr. Bag cf Potatoca, J. Middeton ;2nd, W Vaddell; 3rd, Geo. Mieldîcion. Six Heads cf Cabbage, Jos. Wixon 2nd, Wns. Bentie>'; Sa-e, William Sadeller Boahel cf Onions, Win. Cochaae; 2nd lVn. Bentie>'; Srd, John Midelleton. Domestic Manufactures-lO yards homq mado Full Cloth, lirs. R. Fuller; 2nd [os. Joncs, jr. ; Sa-e, D. Thoraton. Ton yards colored plaid Flannel, Johi Gould; 2ncl, D. Thomuton; Srd, ýMiss Bir cel. Pair Blankets, Miss Birroîl; 2nd, Ma-s 9. Pua-demi; Sa-el, do. Ton yards home-mnade Wecl Carpt, Gemi Shirts, lis. Fairbanks;- Lnd Miss Gardon; Srd Ms-s J W Smiths; ti Miss Aldoit. Raisot Boalin Woel, Misn Elle Bo-les. Flat Berlin Wool, lira.Wcodman ; Lad Miss Eilen Dulica. Gea-man Raisd etWrk, Ma-s. Isaa How.- ad; Lad andl Si-e Miss Mor-ga». . Wax Fruit, Miss Stricliland; Lad Mi«s Coois. i Wax Flownr, lira.Frieýbass; Lad Misa Louisa Allia. Eaabioidery ini Bruldbag,"lir. Ê ArC. lanel; Lad Ma-s.Kea. Embroidet>' in-SlliMiss Striclilassd. Emba-eider>' in Liaep, lira.Kaam ; Lad Miss PedIar. Embroider>' ln Muslila, MiaslcCul lougl; Lnd Misa Gosrdon. Bnroidery in Lace, Misa Parquass; -Patch Work Qusî,lira.J. C.- uowsit 2mdMIs.IL Ha4l; 8rd J.- O.,Guiy. Quifiel.Quit, Mima Hausuisis triekiand l Lad im T. enry.; flrd, Mima en->. Quiltiag, Mm a-s. afr.uks, - -Croch.t-werk smhltm, Mmrs J. C. Hon-ilL -Knitted "at, Mms..G. Bcrm; 2o iss Gos-d&tt plains Kusttuusg LIi Ms-s. J. 4AmIs.j«' Tatting Mima Striekland. Hait Wteatb, Miss Robinson. Basket cf Wood Masses, Ma-s. obeas, Ttansferted Collar, Mima S. A Uoardi. Fane,,y Basket, Miss arqularson. - Embroidety iu Gold Bead,'iss H I.' Leonard. "Vase cf Bics Foyers, Miss Aa-kland.L Basket cf Mulin doý Ifrs. Fairbanks. Vase cf Paper do. 'do do ConeFramte, Miss'olton. Thread Lace,,Mima Q Howard. Cone Basket. Misa lieGregor. Linon Thtead, lits.J.i, Sn Emnbtoidoti on card ýbýard, Mi"s Spm.Id. tng. One pair of Hand so?'ees1s, Shsllwrork, lirs. W. J. Stuton. Hooked Rug, Ma-s. & -Goodman. Wax Figures, Misa F. Allen. Basket Cheneille Emabroider>', Mr&. J. Carmlichaci. Enabaoidery cf Silver, lirs. Hou. One Basket et Sea Weed, lira. Willoi. Sioper. Case of Insects, Ma-. P. H. Gi bîs. StufTed Eagle and Case cf fia-ds, do. North Ontarîo Agrlculturol Societi-'. Ploughlng Match. Rendh, 25t1 Oct. 1858. flui&RSii,-Oui- Plonghing Match came off on Wednesduy last, on Mr-. Braba7ois's farm, in Ba-ock, 'aheu 20 imen ploughs starteel, 9 frein Reacî, 1 fa-en Uxha-lege, 5 fs-ens Scott and :; froi Brock. Thc Juelges bcd great difficuit>' ln detensnining thc prizc.s, mot *luhshing uintil next day ut 'nec». Tise flowiasg is tliseir decision: lIs, Jeu Taylor, Scott,...$12 00 2nd, Jocel Taylor, Scott...10 00) Srd, Andrew Smith, Scott .... 8 40 4L1,, Andrcw Tur-ner, Scot.. . 7 oa 5th, hoanas Ceates, I-endh.. 6 00 Oti, ear>' Ceates, Recl ..5 0 7th, chasSnmith, ScottL....... .4 00 8thi onalel Caranicisacl, Ba-ock, 2 00) PLIs, m. Fergusen, Brode 1 Iý50 T hospitality oci'Mmr.3aabazusn e-nun t ho spokeas tee iighly of.Ilie 1 ente ied both Pioughmen, Juelges, andl isiters, inas nanuer which calleel fort thc plaudits ef eves->'oee, ansd ceuld tIse sext yearly meeting ho le- ca~ y a voe of thosetsi or tses-e, ihey i would give a unanimeus one for George. Brabazoss's farni. CHAS. PAZyYE, Sec'>' N. 0. E. D. A. S. ...... . ...- Prise Fig5tlg. Befrseeu Squire Iodgdaughter a soi disant Jtaqistrate, and Alis tino pet [as a-; id hn a-t su. i. t ti r. tr a t y o r ( e s s d m f e e a ns d c o n - sable business go to tihe dgs. 1 . Thse-Centre Ward, Wcislipful Squire-.Te Caldwells are in duty bound to'go fer you. -IL is snid tist you are going to take tiseir bouse fbr a taverni A fiend as furisld us a buis>' mxanuscript, part of whieh vo publisl in the foregcoing. The claracters are nt badl>' dawn. We requcat attention to tIe adver- tisemnent of Miss Caroline Hloward, 'vise as opned a Select Shool t Gemie's Ilel, lately ecupicd b>' Miss Carroll. lu addition té the EnglisI branches, Musie, Dmawing, Emnîroide- r>', and ail kinds -of fancy Needicwomk and KniLting, are taugîL 1>' Miss hlomard, od ei isnse, shreofoce in the letter of Mr. John Shaw, publisL. presentntives cf tIhe1'owni In ont differ with us, and for other tlan just aud.lonestt motive, forget our duty ns good eitize4 n uscnding unsuitable teprentatives to tise Towa- Council. T4ere i. nothing more udious or con- temptibl tisai toe en-c at the Coun- cii-board of a del,,ibe-ative body, una- ble te mise up and effer one free intelli- gent manly opinsion of tiseir own. Wc have seea mon take seaLs ut tihe Coun cil-board, wbao lad not the capaeity te nnderstand the simplest question un- dem digeussion,-Who romain as mutes at the Coundil table the whole ycar round, ashamed te open their mouths, feeling that an>' aovo they make iii sure te le a blunder. Sudh men nover vote of thoir own fi-ce 'vil!, nay tlcey seamcely ienow even wben te vote, and oul>' act at the beck [and bidding of eue of their more crafty colîciagues. To retumi men of such groiss ignorance and stupidit>' ig a dep insuit te Lthe intelligensce of thc Town of Whithy. We trust 'vo me>' ho saved fmom saiel a spectacle in future, and that hlever excellent nia>'be tihe privateclssracter of an individual, lie must have other qualificationis and fitucass befomo lie is selected Lo disehas-ge public duties of tise nature of wmiehlie mn>' bo entire- ]y ignornts. We -want io laughiug stocks in tise ceaTioration, and as 'vo have alrcady obsera-ed we onl>' lower the standard of otir omis intelligence b>' sending LIeni Lucre. The other portios of Mr. Shaw's letter, dcmai the special attention of Lthe nechanies' of tise Town. At ail events 'vo ndvise our frieuds toecleet rucu who can give i froc iuntelligenat vote 'vîthotat requir- ng to ae winleed at, and v.4io cata rise sy> in their p)laces and sayýyea or nay' of their own accord, withoîst mequiring to be taken b>' thc shoulde- ariel. di- cected 1»' a mentor hem tô, a&t. ,r it Go>'. Pen 3 En-es, Jos. :Piersen ; Lad Thora ~uy ; 3rd James Kitchen. Pen 3 Sheurlirag vWes, S. Beali; Lad, Maciris Pen 3 En-e Lamba, J. Pierson ; Lue Ju Kitchen. Tn-o Fut Shoep, James Maclele; Lad Pierson. Catile-Milsh Con-, J. Pierson ; 2ndl Arklaud. Bull Cal.', John Ritson; Quel H. Hlarpor Sa-e, W. Bairîlcit. Twe y caa-cild lcife-, Jos. Pica-son; 2n, John Ritson. One yca a ad liier, John itsac ; La Jos. Pics-son. liier Cuit, Jos. Pica-sen ; no0 othair et trios. Fat l¶cast, Jos. Pies-sou. Hlorses-1lorse Coldaagt, Rober Oramisîcu; Quel T. Pea-rynsan; lia-e Job Raicliff. FuIll, draught, Silas Inch; Ciel prix.. F111>', for gonea-al pus-poses, Dennis Da] les; gad Thomas Vapors; Sa-a Jamnes NeE bi. Sine-Ageel Boum, Peter Taylor ; 2- Jos. Pierson.1 AelSon-, B. Rowland; Luel Silas Inch Boar Pig, under 1 >-ear, lat assid Lnd W~ F'adgett. Reets-Bushol of Potatees, Jas. Shand luel, J. Gros. Haif-busbel Onians, E Cooper; 2ndT T'sig. (Ireatest 'vaaiety of Vegetable, T. Trig. iIslf-ac-ý of Tua-olp; James Shanel; 2Q Rober-t Os-mistoa. Hl-acre cf Carnets, John Heplur- 2-ad IL Harper. HaIt-acre of Mangel Wu-Lzel, E. Ami lad. Faut-Table Appies, James Muekie; 2na tHarper. Winter Apples, J. Terril; 2nd Jas à lucie. - CloLli-Home-made Fuilee l(Iotis, J. Nesbit. Fueta-> Cloîli, Suamuel Hall. Dair>' Paoduce-Ten Ils Butter, Petsr raylor; 2od, J. Corbitt. Fiftec Iba Chocs, James Mmclii.; Lnd, Peier Taylor. Disca-etionary> - Premiumsj n-cae aise Lwat-dcd to James Nesbit for Cos-es-hes tid te île Oshuawa Manufucturing Comn an>', fors lot of Foi-limef aupemior n-cak. nanship.1 IlCumbelandl" Colts-M-. David Boum- a-y, proprietor cf ih. lor-se l'Cumsberland" !oa-ed fine prises for colt cf 1858, got by s herse, ibidicwre airardeel as follow: lat, Jess Trul, Daliagton, $8i; Lad, )ennas Dcli.., Ohaa, $5; Sa-e, R. Beatb, )arlingtou, $4 ; 4tt4 M)alcolm Cameron, )arliagtea, $3; lSth, John BatcIif F Bast Vhis>', $2. IlPcnomeos" Colts--M-. Bobt. Rasas. ale, propieitor of the lierasl"Penome. o," aime gave 8 prises for colts fa-ens is stailion. id il s, -f 1l 11.DIU -t3"clZ F 5 .-jL tuah recont StateFiaat Sy-acuise, un ingenins Yankee exisibitee ai patent double acing walking bean chuaru, ihicl n-as inteudeel te eperate iu ceuIveatiug èci-onlto butter at onse endl, andi ser-c as a- miungliug niu- chine, or - pcusding. ba-ael" -for dia-t>' clothe-s ai tisecuises-; hut in lis cand o( de- ses-itiu lis luagungo becamn o ecloqucnt LIaI ilacil'san an-ay i>' -lusis ide.kq, mnd1 pa-oduceel îe feilowiug, i*hicl n-as copicai s-erblim b>' a frienel <Wbé lu o; es-a- tien cyca> portion cf clothes asselcreaun is breuglu lu contact trits île, plunger and dasisor sud b>' Lb. cembinutiers boula oper- ations cuin le iperfea-uneel by case set cf gerioig anel ooperson at ile saine time."- Thc grenu match lu chcassbetiecîs lier- ýph>' amai urnuitz las boen decide iniifa- ver cf île formesr.'The games stocI 2 for Hasrwitz, 5' for Mca-pI>'.and omis dran. - The -fIftbý gane waas mwon b>' Moi-ph>' in tiroir., mores, n-Ion Harnwitz renouncei' an>' u -LIrpurssit. -Anderssen anid -Ieykle-baanelilave as-rived ilus-Paris te play Mca-ph>'. Ks-. D. . Wyatt las again commrenced,..'- thhuot dbusiness la ihis Town-- ' -ils bouse lits occopied b>' Mr- DarwliýKenst. 'wc Weakfor Mî.,1 Vtta she of pub- lie pata-oaage mbiels e n-e iwcbis attesa. iýon to, business. uyillbe,,oure to deses-ve. -Lions.-TIe clous-est anel cleaneut ligii ssaaid to be fomthlas sod byMessma [. . Douattison & o., if tlei- machine, oil b. useel. Their ahop la cerntly th ie <est litinaWhitby.. - - ù-e s-eceiving-dà rcet froua the untsal fiold, Neav -dispute b os-Uer the un condit gus ande msade uh decree P, cigmi con nneww Madame, ai St. -CIO Theain Th, la, ticis of tl m-ch ai sacre of Two à -The B anis-dad -Thet s,. i s s t Tine rnorniisg.-l ldgdali tera- n pa-onchiuig office, is met Ib Ca-snger. Jrunsger.-Mo-uis .S47îae. JFodgId.wcaiihtir.-Anyiing lu cia-ci lation this anto-meridiaiu? svculd voi undertake a cash transaction ku Cru.nges-? C. L)ou't k1mb-vof aaytluing. Il. Ma-.Daplier, I pa-egbesticntc i2 geing to proînuigate preceeding a gainsi tailons Casoe--rcng e, o a-cnt. The fcllow troubles me fer ceu stables focs, ete.cteroe. Etecterct, h musi teli yen Master Ca-snge- ue-sos,'an< the re8t-and perips b>' emplo>-inc m> nsisjostes-ial digauty, I might exone, aae accouis s issa.i C. I shsoulai ssc like Squire te serve a lumid-as warrant upen a bs-ciScs Constable. -Il. You musi do you- dut> Sia-,I wiii liave tle posee comitatu te assisi yen if usecossarysthsat, Cam-e-wongr is tee obedient te îlhe Mayor- toe s- es-vo ns> faces-. I milliiisist Ma-. Ca-in- ger upon the per-formance ef yeur dut>' aiccoa-ding Le LIe laie -andi île staitito. C. Well, if yena>'I musti, a st. I11. Wlat coniaineth tihe ensma ,yende- on Seotî's pîatfea-m? Ca» you ouligisten me Ma-. Crunger? Ai-e tîey net ini appea-suxe like aIe casks ? C. Tise>' are, Luger casks. HI. Investigate the contents Sir-, ancl -the Pwmedcts of Lhe promises-- leep yeuf eptica lu aeiscumbendibus aid me shall have a oas iob. Magis trates cabring up offenders onu iem, assa as I eau finai ne individuai to lodgo, an informnation, tIe Liases go lard 'vits ne, I shall do the work myseif. C. Scott keeps a ver>' edn> bouse, assai clis nothing stronger tîsu lager becs-. IL Tise publie mica-est.Mr. Cran- ger-my ciection Ma-. Cranger. GoÃ" cee Draper, lis lsacýash job. [.Eei Ca-usager.] I. Solus.-I en coastme by-iuw, 46,-maL-e a 'itseuas-efts e ater ef Lh Clronide.-'Tw*ill give me. a -sasiee cf isssutingtIse-,latter--bea iLt for -tise ,.rimei- sd .My self . uecapitalont of blaexami- iationu; 'ad, il, nSei.Yes . - May salie sossetbing f tbsmoire. laut idiscesant n-itli the Tempernco po- le,,as weilas wituaUlothers. Ahi1 soi-s'a the Post Muasteras$ son 1,11 get ùlaup too, Ps-e an accouni to' settle, 'ih tii. aid fellosr, sind twlI t1sià ~ laselaig te brng Uf the lad. A4pproach S$tikemam. V. Anoiler eft tlse disgs-aceful gladi- atonial exhibitions teck place ai Long 1 ; Peint ai 'a'eek heIn-cen 3Mornisése> ainai Ieenan alias the " Beisecia bey." '*BeLl ciaubatuints reeeived a severe pummneliing, tic fighi 1-steai Lwcaiy- id LIa-oc minutes, dursiiig 'a-ieia fourteen rounds n-cae foughst,Mors-lssey came off thîe -vietoa-, ieenan the lasi roundi not cemmng tp Le ime. Dciiithe puglists k- ht lastgateai arc Irishs Ame-oams.IL is ime soething iwere'doeiete pre- id vent theso disgraoefasl uffrays tnliing place lu Canada, as fa-quiîle folloming Sin tlé Nen- York 23-ilun a remai et tise combat mn>' ho expected' mc n-ouid put tise autlos-ities on iSola- guard. a- "Heenan's frienels are indignant at tie partial reporL t îlte late gludisierlul c ons- 4bat wiid appea-elin tIse comua csf the Herald,nom are LIe>' spariug un their asser- 0tuons LIai the geanteman n-ho clronicleel - 4 LIe fa-a>' ad wcight>' a-asons fer tIse man- 1«nom for lun-wih e ocoloreel bis nossien cf thel fighit. Ail the othser reportesrs pre- sent, as inecea ail thc spectators, agies -in atatlng Llat Heenami gotLhe flrst kmiock- don-n lon- ai tle ceiclusion- cf the il round. The Herald alomie'attributea ibis achies-caent te Mornisse>,'- Ma-. Aaron Jones la diagaisteel -h the wn-leisAmeni- can PAR anel -îb Lthe unanml>'anid san- guinar>' diposition displayed b>'thLIl fais- s tc>" upon thse occasion. Hie cannot un- t deratanel loiLb.es-otaries of thse flisticas-ta -sbcul go te assiat ai a paixe-fight, armeel wilh an>' otîca- ieapons thun tbese ih hîicb nature ilas pros-udeelthons. lim e ieChances of irar hbon umpaopiticus te, Mornissey, LIe allis- cul e ur Li-i nasteelinlu a sngusinur> ala-a>', in wibid I Heenan andl bis bucelças vwôuid lare becu LIe firat nictima. - The Moroe>' faction n-e eles-rmineel net te lisse théir asone>', andl weuid, attse manie tisas, have paiel off sonse ld ga-siges. Tout H>cr."IL n-as rensaikeel, staiel ut home, for ihicih h doubtics lad goce resens. 4( Ses-es-aIpaominent cisaracters, amoug il othera Ma-. Cicemo Stanle>', île proceedeelOc as far as Boffisi-not liking LIs aspect cf h affisratIere, Lurriel bacli wiihout aeeingtD tIe figît. Hemian limabeonis bout ion to-day, and, wn-h Lis.exeeptieus cfa aliglit. disSoaation umides tIese o absowsn ne signs of punisîmont. He is confidenta and.doterminedLIai le wiljet lick lia .Pl lie ppoaent,ýand hla"friendsan-ereà ýdy. etI t Isolehlm forun'a un.h-- i] w) j Oirucial ppOiBtMsotm. - a fia Raeclieiuey tiseGoveainos- (eperai las býeiuplased tm S th foaaaks-ap potment iz:Y effected b>' tus remedy> are trul> as- tenishing. The conlirmeel Dyspeptic regain lis, pristiuie viger, tise Astisma- tic "brenthes freer," indigestion dis. npl)eaa-s. 'Iglese bitters prodîîce woii- peai ue Ql4t pndev-an gMi ag 1bspefa rad) oradmit the- fication, and in rny deelining yenrs faet of the manshain-gt he li,, amfongat th.emn,-I beg rnMy feflow Citi- Ifow 'this happencd 'vi explain... zens toelieve that rny efforts will ho the man 'vas -a stranjger, wsas periýcq - ýdirected to deserve their continued re- sober, had the appearance of lnii gard and Meen. travelled a distance, and complaiQi To' the çlectors of the South Ward of iilness, sreeeived, at. bis earnest en. more partielary-I would say, gen-! treaty, a single gjass of liquor. Mà i temen, I thank you inost .beartily for ias al l b goti and be tleu almost i. the support and confidence you so-1 mediately left my house. For thîs I kindly extended to me drfing the four was find ! If I were the only offenl. yeara I have had the hotior of' repre- der I would have --no reagon to find' senting you in the Town Coun cil.- ýfauiltwfth 31r. IHodgson's decision...- Acep m raeflackx4owledge- Bu Sir, is it not strangth at when ments. [on the same day thrcee men are taken And in conclusion 1 willi say to my up and brought before the Ilecye for felow townsrniu one and al, that ai- being 'intoxicated, there is nether though retiring from? the Couneil corrplairrt nor enquiry made cf the board, I sihidi fot rerain nrrindful of) parties who- sod thern the liquor?.. the interests of tihe Towi-and that 1 Wisy nn am (M ittn ted-)t 'iii alays 'ho foiind a siflere adv o only perrsn singled out ? M r,. Iodg. cate of eyery rneasuréî calctîlated o son must hav 7C ucertained from _tse, promote is growth and progresn, and1 drunken men brouglit before hum to advance their prosperity. where they gt, the liquor,-ait east 1 arn Dear Sir, lie coul haVe donce so, asw'eli as ise Yours faitlfully, did ini sy - cSe. I il conclude, Si, JAMES IIOW E, witih a4king9 one que.stion. If r ..------- erines-aud Lthe judgc agaisst mc, diel - ----- -- - -- Sus: lie net wiîh open îs sgle-lsaîdcd jus. Yens- Journal lias Lhe reptitaticice? '~ uof bT e ein g aimnys at Lise side o etin s- I innsrrnt jureà , andl is caluffiss o liee ite the Y u b. s r a t [ T u ti s E i t o c t u W i t b C r o ;cl j u s C o m î a i t s f t I e c i t i z e i s f W l i t -J A C O B 3R Y A N e. [Tu he Eito of he Witb Chrulcl.t>ntario Iio, whiittsy, i b>' ;-to)r tii reasoîs I ad<lress you. Uccîber 26, s. Sir,-Iu vicev f the selection of fit For 9 yeaa-s pat 1 have lacel tise siu- and proper pes-sons at thse appraochîng aLloua f Constabîle, andi for Lhe lasL 3 .ShoulId thse nagistrute be - spy T Municipal elocticin, Le represeut Lise I1>'ears, tint of Chiot Constablie eoftihe ieescas of this Tonn t tie Couineil l'remwn. 1 have almys ated aiitslifuli>' A mar who is capable f se infamnos c calliug a% tisai of a si s not, much te lbu Boarad, I believà Piîtichedut>'ofetery iratihe disehas-ge ofif a>'d-uty--au - eie cn' sutishrcerl ssne ratepayer particuiarly eveary mecianie *tirslsfaequeratie Liose duties have hbyoee l authority-wiso is aitithe saine' mIse ma> hanve a voice in tînt selectien hîeaeto a vea-y onemouis aid peri aps time, tise Jiiege c f tis eaccused, us, mcl as te put hiniseif questions like Ltse fol- disaga-ecabie liai ire, h have,, I beF'eve, fthe, in-former. against iMin, n-weela îte se- lewing.1-ste 'edeil ina dischsarginrg LIin.s sLis- cri-i>'of thse citizen aigainsitithe malice cf HIave m n> interests b oen d l>' a-p a-e f 'facto"ill. M y salasy ta-m Li T ma t c ci s na i t te U de the garb- se tea inii th I Corporaticu Le lpst as be en v osy s nll--only a nona:l of public d uit>'le au w ack is particulr 3ea a- ? s ua a sc a mc e ly re e e ssa r-v t e su p p ly I e I i hi s cu t b n a i e - W h at are the necessar >' qualifac,,-, itis lot Ies, an d i n s- so e s ciasce -f in- f a l o ts a - c e - a a e n r a L i o n c f a C o u a c il u e a s c o u e f r L i s u p o r t t n a r g e fis i j t e s f h o n o r o r c h e c k s o f c o n s c ie n c e t-7 tion ofa Curiilnan cill fo th glpprr't f alargY( failyrsta-ain hiiinhe covert eidonces hee- i ta-e I -rot in too mauv instances j depeasas upon tis fetcs 1 recýive for tle porson accuseidluas sac oppotîîuiîy cf ôpposeid tic reLuirasof the pracaI'dservices befome 3Magista-ates. Ainss-3i' viudicaairig llinseif. Tis e agistrate mechanie et ns>' eu-n chand given lsesctofbme, the Teowsn Magitrat es have slsculd ssci allow.hiis ps-mate passions to ou- My stpposrt t Len weasmIehave hsaoveai given ane charge 0of thlecoa'stable bu- ftersate tise dîscluarge of lià publie dots-, themseîves hoth iiicapabkaniu- sinesa 'a-bld camse before thens-rai) andel vsn lie does i"oLue is a casa-e iu- mcaLI>'etceduîig ui Uad-po es caatsul îciem a u> ad of a blcss'iug te tho commu nit>.- affaa-s.cn - esîoo aLe e eona y Si-[lis bi.Ssôd mid naturaîiy nuiggmavates I - evea- csrcusut.-uasice tiâ s a ~ulty, pas-verts, Iteflecticu on cuequs I n,1h-ave lad ne causse te cempsiuin ;wîat is odan iîsn&swhtry miii guide min iscosuing Le aight c e ilta a s> e on-,ijhe bciiaeiffereut. Thso cîaraictca- cf LIe -,In- 12 nuis ..lsa ias 1I ielicr-e, 1 lad e,rl-it te get,> a gistraîe, like tîsat cf tle Jud-edn Lthe %vtLest reLuit pa-fbsa inl men- preferenceocf the coustabs-usin ess Iluchs aould ai ovse repa-;acl arsaisus- or hroghýou loaljeaousesto e-whieh ceamie betore tise Magistrates.- pikiou. 'WVheu le, descýud-s te the mers tala n u eas cf ena al iîi ies nas i c T h e p ast y ear lie mev e s, su ch - Lo m y n dri a-ner, le orfeits tIh e sac ae c ch ara ter douLtfl onesi>' Let Ist e C oun il l es- - nts n t -tIe cuse. T he R e -ee f a j ost Ju ele, ard is ver>' properl>' e- thieîghia propea- toe enpie> otîser con- gas-deel witlî disîrust andl aversion. The* Boas-dl; andl I trust tîsat a insel>' vas-. osraeVelt.rtaterepc u iug, andi the ill-consequences wlsich isttihle.% aad LIe> rcceivcd aIl :tIse Misiosteon, taetuidno tise espectdu we ave seen elsue fa-ens such a course cumbs w-lich dropped -fa-eau là t1able i n f a t a r e . I V î n t m 0 u1 1 ( b e i l i e u g h t c d o e L a s e - i a - u t n t c s a s is of tihe ayer or thl ecreant ivho mas atcudeai with Is ore tiais ustuul s- ouli esirsi isbusnes telIs fdanger) nas 1 capiycai lv hina. Tsi- )r eae et a persosi 'vIse ither- careaicther costsables, 'vie haielnoc daim to 1- ris- ten, or w s inconpetent Lo e T wn business, ia paefrence to t a t e s a i t e h o s . o L u s is r e i s e > - m y s e îf , ( a n d l i h o w n e s e o n i > ' a p p o in t - -d n-ai ne do. Ever>' ethes iitesest__ d couistabes te attend Le Courts, tise ~a-entil tIc gs-iushtaa nsd assist ini doingtiste bussiasessnwhieh thse Ieas-ued pictession3; have tîcia- ae- Coantle fsteaownd b>' tiec Ch presentatives las the Town Coumicil, Cnthec l on sa h lg ebut tise great bod>' of mecîsauies, tise Cntbee en>)ne- sa rbull f tie ratepayers efthtie Teonese ahi>' euplyed b>' tie Reove Lé do the left te previde for tsensselves. IL la dut>' ethijsIceceivte o deimies E n t, Sir, tIa i I w ould sec S t e dis a - n me a g e t in u ic - se o s a le tchise te paofessioual gentlens nos- sesvice, ou Lhe-Tonn agistrates, J yîe merchants-nr Le mesn ef ait> consides- te lbe s-gtfully mine, lu pr- - e îl n g, li i I n- ula a k t m l e e- teren ce t e A l ol e rs. B es id es, Lh osq , *chanie tInt repsesentation mhlih-liasa-rc > ieRev aeL-dsae class oeugist te have nt tIe Couneilee- mase a-us hi rnl Boa. IL là net mcael>' thc propost>' which I have nt, my> sole ime, -mn-u, qualification eft4Ls cantdidate tît ig, non andaightîls, - being t te dis-* aoulai le looke ai n i. T he cd aim oef is j l fthe- om a t s -inle M Y ana of' lstega-îy lise perters s capacit> ef Chef Constable f*tise ail Tona I %vould le sesr>' to1 impute al-tise duties cf a gcod citizen,- ,na>'o- nho p ys hi taxes 'a-le n L y imid aue m etive ; b t I mus s and whs<roestaten icane a-i bhitia tse -asn eîdsts ices to edffi-ed is neigtibors shoulai good efthtie T 7ný ,mue,,wgigh,,ithu net be es-erlookeai. I tisrepetis eiel9ieeusrimciga> LIee slano clam wnbis stands oproamel.services. I' do' nt kno'w thât i éeilr iy roinei istis Tmaas ise m gve li n s>'causetor- lis dispionsuure chaule eof Wiitby ; ulîleugis ns cisc- ,bu YbsIrcautîtIfo sssl - w here lie ua >' ie below tie standard s'& rlic d e h7 i .. l, r te à s a us e of lbis calrusg. Tic mechanls sîeulel ritisi for étheer parties. I nas obiged aci~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~o untd> e ssk Sl-i & oe edo te busin ess et the Ton-n n-li tot, and by' aoiug se *tey'n-rn cen- Lisre Wüs ut sanaitpy, sd nheu mand tlat respect sud position n-o oisoatesnol'nî îrik i oe cf Liseir cias,densanaifor %sesi. a'iues, aad non-, mseitie uins Y ens-srespectful >, l sin re se e, ua d n h n m a ti air' iJOHN SHA.W. a living ouiéf the office, I flsdmyseif - puss eaiO'O1-f tfnd ue nofulith t~thse Reisemnt f Cmai Ris a-sii 1. uies- -emMaabkem,-.tley are obligc corporation. teéssci f aiec ipoa-anc tiey mousîa ho -ýver>' feolsh te ils- a ay th (To tise Ediier of Lb. Wbutby Chrle.]asicfWj e. A on- WL> isne DmSis.:-ua ten-ich I veulci aiude la, tisatinl Ins your lit iissueï I notice à ,'main>'cases-'wisereIîated as conUsable. refos-ence o te. Mayemuà Ity>' oftise bfoure Mr. Hodgsoa, 1 lave roeci-vss Town of Whuîby, for tise ensuing-year, ne paY. Ms-. Hodgsen, in giving tinïë' wiii n-hieS yen ares pieased te couple tiethe parties, took goo c ase-stes- My> name as a, probable candidate.- eus-eis. omis es; -mine have nevosr Tisat tiseseay be no e icsti~on, __eon puici me, sud 'riethier 'or.iet lie us .far ns I ama' onccrned, I desire te >ha&-rcei'veaitheu4 1I osuuot gay~. -- state tia sha UmIt ot be. a, asdidate o s ~ t l letiste oficeof fayeouor fran' LE.cAMR1 éther oAlce l in î 'TwnCn- l ,. th CÀ, f---- h- froua Li The" an. of thse APm formation linei witli Lieute tIe ALlai Guildîii againstt4 Tis imawon .ecan iam facttlnt run a dca. -tisue far At thse r at Birmir 'vas and prie;; thse princil te enteri tant ae *Thse oe thatthev te de G n ~A tan el 1 1