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Whitby Chronicle, 16 Dec 1858, p. 4

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.L-scWj O Zd t nn - ue>' O#. 18Ce i, i18 ~ ~DTsPRITATE'1I LB. Dtx W~JtLLIN8 INPltR]Yr A,'T>BIîcT ou- in t'20ivA aps T1reulsiiUenssi'vt. catro boi a n ýAAwbfor&i AlU ET . nth 142g ofa 1h. ranlsmu e x T* h.rLov o-W4ly, cniPrElg ~U. Roasfwl r Ohisin lu eu lutis G 50LET. thé ss 1letofsobn llute lIo ,îva- T e vol) byea ctto forbl i - ÂL RED e3 - TO LET. -ISImoio a Fiio Rîni ANISEwn as 1h.14ln the a nieadna dollngIlas nwaondpiddu lni the Town-bf Whitby. Poquesnion givan on #40 t~rot of dapmber naît. Appi>' toJAE O . TG RENT. rrWoO 8T<R~, laVictoria Buildings, North JLof the 1Iegitry,%Oltie. 'Whtb, Dc,, i~n~ J H. PRRY. OFFICES TO LET. IN Victora Buildingsi, North -f Ilegisîr>' Wlsitby, Dea.9188 J. H. PERRY. BVVWEjEN WIITTBY AND LINDSAY 4.>D WILITBY 41NOD BEAVEIt'OÀN. oit~ lloir placa tisa saiu day. TbhaStuagsfiront Liudsandau Ilavarton ar,* rive ln limne for the cars (Coing aust and west., Stnge offlac, Whitby, N A -jane 580, 1858. Pib NOG RAPHy. !0B WItITING BY. SOUND]. T3ITMA NI$MANÙtLof PHO$oGRiAPlIy e a workc of about 100 pages, eory ailier lent otwli i m prIntod froni stono ongrlvinq, iîniwrilIng exorcis bl the art wlîiebliha bookis daigned ta taaeh. ytille ose of titis biennal, env sehool boyor girl, t 5 or 6 y earl autIupwurcls, ti>' i.earn, ina suirprisbngiyoshort spaca oft unie, ta raad andIwrite- 1Phonograpli> or Pliotictba Stort-bogndl, iand ivas tw ioutha ai 4ailj lico ea il htaINlaraoqtirad'toeanablo a 0ohld of ordilnary Intellîigence te write 100 or mors word. par minti1Titis rate of speed le suilicetu4ou iea dowo ordlnary sermons, spaeohe, ind conversation as fast as gpoken. "'Tho' Manuel of llionograpliy,' 75 cents, andI thé êPhonograpbie Gopy iiaak,' 25 cents. are cent te an>' addross, by inail, post-puid, on rc- seipt ofthe price., eau .no~. WILLIAM iH. oItic lyrom whom al'Euglimh or Ainarican Phiono rspleloWorks nuly bce pracurod.- -ETITY IM NSTRY 1 11ET7TRN8 hi. sinaro thanien to the aitizons4 Whitby anîd vicinit>', for the ver>' literai tronge extenîdaîl te hlmln fis profesion- nov talus leava b acqusbnt iN IAumerons te hto Maige;nents o5r tiha permnennt practice ie fonossoni lu the Town of W itiby.- Oclmonnted on Goid1 Platina, Chooplasi-a Mcel oii a. Teerh illad wltiî WGOLD AND SBTANIEL POIL' .f sui4 with Doaler Joîîols OBW Invention, tha non- - cronive peari Somet-c nl ta golI, lbut not 00, .osttyo Teléthexiroeld by<1 he> aproces without pain. 'tsuua Dr. Joues lm i~ lo fli pernilon, the new IrcotriiattIiàg tbîîgealiinapparatfus, a tecent Cglil Inventl'on, for axtractisig Teeth wthout ce4) Witjthle bi podes. the &'tient lei uuil l t e bstohf ig oltes, sud ?thare là noellen rodetpain iybatever feit in.-te topratoi.- Il ;it' m peeedsthae 'of iloroforin, sebiÈA Dr. 3oes te narantea te ?1s patients ai-th 1 protesional sichlandI experlunea cao àiocenpl Isiatowards alleviatin1g huinan sufferlua ?n the lraatmeni of ail affect oua f ta oTeet MNjoce ratins have nlwsysoo n de WIth the graatcst suoaess OFFICE irt te aIdDental Stand, ovarJooal Bigslow's Dry Goods Setore. .snamocss.-J. 1Jin Perry, Ea1q.,, May or of 0', Bc Sseriff,&0, eq" i0" yand ;1 N ,om:o tin, 185. 45 AUCOION BUSINESS. id bu- uIiar'tà ore ha pt-iser gocds cecivo t - - dD Aiaunm jîS5 eit5f - Toronto, Nov. 90, 1858. NTOTICE Iolisarein givan. tuaitishe undermon. .Ltionad lund s i tisa rawîAishtsnofSotnnr%,Iiha ln tha Gounl>' ot Victorui, uand0iwny,lIn lîa Ooîsniy 4f Paîarhorasugls U. (J., yl hac open tor sale oit anud suttusr he010 eulvai, ulscf axi monlb, o uliîluatimt licifituus(-Itrd Iligitos, Feq., at-Bo0baygosî, mpos: ube iinli0witg condi- tions4: 'ih« prfco, 4s par sto; otso-lftis te ha paid tIown, andI tera t iissur fls luiît- eqmiai sttial lnstelintnta wih tIcrestie tisaîurciiseru tate- sida ont ho isd-, anud tb cisir tIfouti lw acres ontuli>y vii eouainsehirsutd cr es t]ring tino Orio yeara. NoTimniner tob icti., utiltsa msndar Liconse-, aýxaapitor agriettittirat put-poses, Front oui Balsat» Lake, 510 (106l acres,) 8614,-) 87(104,)8(0, u(1,)0(1, 41(1015,) 1 At ons. 7. )3(2. gdCon. 1, Il-,12, 14.- srcd Con, 0, 7, 8, e, 10, 4ths Von. 4, 3, 6, 7, 0,i0, 1, 18,14, 17, 22. lii Cuit. 2, 8, 4, , 7, 8, 9, 10, 21. 11h Coir. 8, 4, 0, 17 (1605,) 8ths Con. 2, 8; 17 (,)18 (S2,) 21 (152.) 8tis Con, 8a 4,1à 0. itth Con., >(i0oý l2tlu Cou. 9, Io, i1, 8, -1. l81tis Cou. 7', , 11, Vr, 1/5, la, 17, 18. lit Cion, 8,4, 5, 0, 7, V, 10, 1, 12, 18, 141oi GALWAY. - lot con. 1 2, a4, 5, (100 -acres a.ah). 2îîl Cont. i, 2, uÏ,4, 5, (100 osaI:). tlii Côn, 1 2, 0, 4, (100 ausclu), 5 Pol,) 6, 7,8 9 10) cel),10 (101), il, 12,1, 156, , KID 4 100(1s001101 l o i Co i 16 ), 1 (7 8 011 1 ) 15 ( 100 ), 21 ( 10 (8).1 11îthîstn. 1, 2, 05,4(100 atsl), 5 99) 06*7 8 9 (100efacli), 1001), Il1 1 ,4,5 îM 18(1o001ai), 1510, 0) l2tn Gon. 1,2 6 4,15,(;i,7,8 la10, il, 12, 18, 14, 15,10, li, iRt 115, 0 cssi 2.0 (1m1). 181h'Gost. 1, 2, S, 4, 5,0,7 8, , 10, il, 12, 18, 14, 15, 10, 17,16 , , i o ei.) lètin Con. 1, 2, 8, 4 (100 esual,) 5 (08,) , 7. 8, 0 10 il 12 la, 4 (100 aIu,) l5 (00,) l, 17, lôth GLii, 1(02,)2, 8, 4(100 atslt)(90,) 6. 7, 8, (100 sit,) 9, 10, 1 î 12 18, 11(09 acii,)l15 (98t )16,17,18,1 0 tait ici,) 20 0. 171h bon' ,)1,2, , 4, 5, ), 7, 0 lucelu, 0 O 10 , ) 11, 11al,-,, , 1 4[llc"Ob ,]1 [136,17, 1 8 i t1 it o(i)020Ilac 17tih Conm. 1, 2, 8, 4, 5,0, 8 0, [.11 aci,J10 [110,1 i1 112 î~esuauiJ10,1 1 ah)1 ~19J171 15Ra.~~t0'I 116['17, eue !o[f1. 46 Ass4ittit G ommosionar. Crown Lundu Deparient, Torno, 20t1î Nainhar, 1858. N OTICE fi erah ' givaîn tisaI the imndarnimen- tiomueui lotslu li t 6Cuuuîîty of Sbnmeon, IU, G. wih heo a'red -tor aile b>' Asic lion, rsutise mnet pricas statedj b y tisa i'osdcmu. Ag eJlu Alexaînder, Esquire, naBsrri e, lti noots, on sud afl' lte twanty-lnliî oflist xi noitli. one-11tls1 et tapîtraltaa momue>' te ha PAUt dovo, lina remaituser ln tourt qualisnnuel Iital- monts, vils Eoeraist, SUNNIDALE, délu CU, 99 !10 acyres]88 pot- aoÇe. ôt i l " 2 [2acres,'l 8 par nac, Oth 20~ s res o1, i 8iter aero. #th i "14f 154 tiso-,] 16 [$8 50,)lex 10, Io 1 8 ~ acr-es4S8 ouh. 141h ' jt2~ii14 5,1 8oecin, 15t mas; cf meut, i$ 7 84par ie andI $25 . ddttio od Xat of roat], 2.3 8, [f.Ij -rdW t of roudN.4ÃŽ, f3u 24 $4esoin. - - MIIDONTE. -7tIs Con. 18 [$535goplt-rScr.] ORILLIA, N. D. - Otb cn. Wl>'. Pt. oftE)4 O (801 81 50, latin " 0.8,ïsa 0. TECUMSEI-.l - 11h Co. N4 18, [$8.1 - 1ANDIRW RUSSELLI ]PORTRAITS. NOW 18 TIUE TIME, GET YOUIt LIKENESS AT Je A. Clark's lot Priza Picture Cialery P you desira a correct antI lite-lilua Ambre- .type, Cameotype, Lttergrapb, or Leaiber litraîtàfer, or ia likanean bluaaLoaluai, lroacin or Ringt, for J. A. G. cao do It in tho bhast style, sud eît shortuolce, SRQON PR=ZE PICTURw FOR 25 -CBNT8@ 4olcnouledged toa bd far aU'peo*r ta h. leu 7*Iw TÇ>G ET Aà GO IC 4,ue~uhave te 00go ý A. A * Gxeen's Gallery, BBR'OaHZ4ND QE4R or er W9j~hllbr, Oii., t18 J,. x*wm s tovesn Ti IÉ Omeri au -0'oo npTorete Ns u85 rR suherier blgn ta Jfori tihe, W. H. TREMAYNE T ±lhbtnte ofW iby nd the sr )3àriite, , r&undig ounirL ah hem p uoih- 4gaitos' ~sod thîtstock ofMY. ThomesWailsc or - andI Intonds te Carry o tebusines lu rd Frons the lonig enuporiatice i s cotnntry usea >r F 4C'TZ CAL.W ORHtA IV, ig aend su Foreman for tbe -lst sevexi *yoars for t r- ts- suo Messrs. Gent-sHte ae C. o orno lit Britah As Aulie fool PUYfl-ut laChafihise>'Jr Il o on. TINOOBPUBTED under au Ao e i.Tie rusa eiiniwh , esre l îner mon o SsIon et linaElvelî - Anexcoeln saortmlent eof- - COOK, PÂBL0R' AND BOX STOVES, of CAPITAL £100,00o. miwayb sounltand. el Ab1aleitisot Tilu andI SisaIran Wlira. aruno ffected, on Buildings andtI usi' Ever>' desicription cf contents.Ever>' Informaution, suppliad on ap-- C O P PE R W O E K , pllcatien te ltae undersignad. made leorder.,- Marina Blalus frchaieson n or tPnrts. WWmi j W -filiaJOHN AUNE W, J TROE Travelling Agent, Byron Mtreet, Wiiby. Witby, May' 12h, 1857. 17 Pratealtion agalast Laus anti Dama;. C1EAP TIN WAIRB. -bv Pire. Tl WOs hng escu e apurchases et WESTERN ASUANE COMPANT, Tino ore i W sra hva n ow rs ch a nce oteo d os. - ASSUANOTiet undarsgnD' lies. on band a large stoo-k et -CAPITAL £0000.T tWare eo everydesenilpticu, wviels lit là uow TNSURANCE effectod on Buildings aud tuber nai rpnssing>' lcaap Prices. 1Aise Steve Pipas .ontenîté. %tcry Infor'msatiotn supspliud an dec., me. eîtpllaatlen te thco udersigned. - JOHN AGNEW Travelling Agent, iByron Siroat-, Wliiî'by. TMinies end Deacon Assurance Coanpy. JNSURANCE ffaalad on Buildingg aid thoir alcton to Evor>' information mupp.Ued on tlîuuerIIN AGNEWM. Travgllinog nt îMid surrdyor of Risis, IByron Street,Wýitby, LIFE AND HEALTII ASSURANCE. The Dritiali AmerÃŽcau FrtaudIy Society of Canada, E STABLISIIED FOR TUIE ASSURANCE 0F .14Lita anij IIealtiî. Inenpr-.ratod b>' Spocial oA~fI'arineuîe, 18 Via., caîp. 64. CAPITAL IJTOCI<,091000000. floaui Office ut montroa&E GENEItAL AGENT ?Olt 0. IW., JAS. BIJIILIOI. LooÂL Aon", JàAUsIloo W, Vhtby. R. W. Clard M. D., Medicai Referae, ~ Wr1'ollces afpa ihrupon Uoaltlî or léa <or bath) Midi avery Information aftordad by theLocal A ont aI hi, 01i100. TUE mlti lsgîtasilit propat-e t t sppi>'Tevu aTnt oinîîtry cistoisndA wiitBaker>' Cetfea- et-y of P1i1 ilds, Zetilua hast qualit>'. GROCEIIE AND PROVISIONS, a lrgoan fuilstekLook AtIthaisd Compar-e )f ail kînda, q1swolt essloloaab>' tisa inx or thansaand. 0 Y82'ERS, special Aget for thuo salaet Oystar#, vînolesala b>' tinai u» o kg. ___ 1Saptember 16171, 1851 JAMEIS BAnhTE UPHOLSTERING. JAMES: H. SAMO, UIIIIOLS' FRoa r ili untr Store 11rATTRASSËS of ail kinids, Sprlng-bodiq .LY.furnnisbad to order, îpot op and ru itired. Windew Otrtebnsg aod other lbatîg at il Ipuîmidl an ortîsitie manner. irosli, n i ld ]PAPER HANGING, &c. A stokitcf weli-mmda Mattrasses. Remainher lb. mddresset hiIre Tiil' - Furnitur, Store. 'Whllby, Marob, 1858. O~N AND APTTUE 141h 0F NOVEM- - OUJ beU Trains i#I i nu&W fotowo, W111 leave G. T. Station"Cebou"'g àt5 0 à.XIL do - 'deoIPort fope 8680" do - do Mlllbreok 9 40 Mames th. Linday 'train at mIII- ý ,rjdo 80,!, do Port Rlppe At O Jsruives st G. T. Station Cobemrsrt alla, Auaieconneeled witls thé trains for mentreel and Toronto. JOHN FOWLIDR, A. LOGAN. PUDLARO SUPPLIE», -GO AND SECOURE BAnGMffS i1 T IE Subscriber bag to nad d t't huvlng bc. iLstowed a grout paùrt of 11ie tillna on. Xave-Troughing and Rooflnr, work, lia la rîraprod tau ndortakoa al dcser p sariptian, nof work oftthât nature. Tiio qualit>' of himi worknstnslp wiil bca tnnd diffareut from that of other workinen bl bis line. Eacaogspt upin a(lurabia andfsubmtan. tuai manuer, witiî ira» hiuldùtnt. A'. LOGAN Brock trct, Whlt'b. Two doors North oftthe Whitby Folnndry Wlîitl.y, OcLober, 18Z7. 88 NOTICES. DISSOLUTION, IF, 1artnerahilp ;iimtil now, cxlist!iing htwaan th tiuandrsigned, ia tiâ day diLqâoivud b>' mnutuel coneenît. H. J. MACDONELL, GRO. Il. DARTNELL, soaiiitofâ, Witticom N II J. Wxs'a's. Whitby, Ï4ov. 1, 18158. 42 NOTIC E. TrI m1E sbsriber hirs to inform ail partiesi; lint etare indabted to hilm by Book Accont ots or Mor tg01141, tliat lie raqutiras pu înen ofie siauna. a s t boeaulis Iopos tliat 411lwould use oear>' ciertion to puy lm iitimsFil, bt ti; for' sueliaitieotalboeauisa casae. le would n00W sithvaOl.bnt regspeeuny tate,thut 811ilueounîs du io if nt 1 dorarrnnged bctwvixt tibis diate andthe tis ltw or, naît, %rîli bu piacad for collection wlittbn afrther notice. WM. LAING. Whitby, Oct. 80,1858S. 48 NOTICE (Up PARTNERSIIIP.- T «E Unda1ýod -heoby give notice Ihat l tina>'have daynterad loto Partii cahlp as &oc., under the styla et tha Firio of Aibro de ViintIl. JOHN F. ALBLO. ~C ptember 12, 1857. IN RFJFERENCE TO TuIE ABOVE, We beg te intorin our triondu andI the publie ge. nerali>', that wc bave opneod an (illico eharo rou thea transaction cf ail bmsinatss ottruisea te uis as Comùmission, Shiuîping, Forwarding nd Ganaral Ag.ents. Alise a Lttmbdr Yard for the rocipi sud saleoetLomier feoi'Loa or tiner purposes and Wa trust b>' prom pettentiton te if11 Itttttrs pinced lu our intnds, le at and obtain titahi eotildence andI support. ALBRO & VINDIN. Port lopeDc. 22 1857. 4 NOTICE. 14 Mr To Nerchants antdi Farmers. -ME uPESbseribar begs lto qlabnlbis friands tIha Griot 5111, ktîuwn us thsa liJl,!.T MILLZSt anîd foni>oeaîtccpied b>' Mr. Y~, Iheure, near lireailits, antItrom Is ilonig snd wli l ieown axparlisîca in the bttieas Ilin Wii ii, licites b>' strIit attetin i teti nntuality, tt nrtla Aelsr nt 1)110 atronage. Paticuiar attenttion pîsid IW. MarcliistriA, Farmaris andI ailiers wi 1 In to got their liîent PFiîrcd, wiii ha deait wltt, ihoali>'. A Cal irlil oblig H. N. NEVILLE. Whîtby, Novembabr Othe 1857. 48 H AVING p sielicd tIsa ettra stock oaILE Danaol%&. , itis an addition af? ra A New Stock, ..i WC flatter srralves thtisa ian give cadtre sifle- f7-otion te al Who ina 'Ilivor ns with a eaul. IOSEIYH HUOKINS & Co. ,Breoklln, Navenibar 101h, 1857. 48 L.]H- SCOPIELD & 00.9 linportorr antIGanaral Dealors hon Dry Goosls, Grocerbesg Creckery, Glassware, &c. CORNER BROOK & COLIIORNE STS. Wbltby Jiiy li, 1858. 28-tf ~NOTICZe ALL prions havlng dlaims agasnst un,. £awil proeort theîr acointa for psy- m 'I L. H. OHOFIELD & 0e, PUIEER NOTICEL' A& L prs0sIdebte tous aither by sud iettl. the qame wlthout Jlicayt. an4 - - L. H.SOHOFIELD kCe. Wbltl Jul lut,858, 28-tte FINALINOTICE TO CRt]DIToRfta 'D v uuafa Deed of Assi rmon ihsr ,B deeMarcinthelsr ' 1858 c or r~anflâ Was dul>r apelnted Ass ilg b e oste tio O f twihp Witê &u'n' t cof Unuai, Yeomnen for the lb.uMîbf euoh iff- 'Vqtau fer misa Esteblflsimant efa oundry J. A. É1acksm s& Waggonmakers Sllops- Fmie al', tëeatI i Avrpoel, 'TWENTY IMILES EAST 0F TORONTO A TDapeiand Stâtionoet lie Grand Trulu - aY). Ksci Siop lilas aCottage andIwaquarter ot an Acre et Latsdatiacited. Tineapresîsises hava -bec» intel>' arocted vilin' lu a sisort idistance etrtisa Kingston Reat, sud, tlhc aibway Deoe. A good busince silubotis traduis cau-bo done b>' stoady antI gocd work- moen. For tartiner partieukasa 1URDY IIOUSIE and LOT FOR SALE. F <ItýA NTIUE VILLAGE OF BROO)K. ated, kcnown as tha ranideneo of the lato Wrn. ilod 8011 , witil a 1oud wolnof waer, Stabi, ShI an Woo-hou e &., therePu. Fur further partieilarà appiy te JOhLN iIýDOSON, Whltby, C. W. Whitby, April 7th, 1857. 124tf. FOR SALE 11V THE TOWN OF s WUITBY, L OT NOS2, ud 20- TIIEY ARE SITUf atédon DiSindus, Street, botwoan Mr. S Cochrane', eand Lyndï*s Gracie. J-8 TERSES LIBRAL. 3 Application to bco made to dMRS. ANG~ELINE IWEST, Lot 88, 8th concesson Darlington. "Clîrlstian Offing" pleume cap>' outil farbld. CARRIAGES, &ci IF YOU WANT A (bO & CUREA? (10 TO Carpenter'. Carrnage Pactory, wlîoro a good collt' n hfi o porchasod nt 825 utîd lnîuttt-rds.Liguiandti hei>' Siigba, Bob Silhsa,&-c.,lln ppotion.. ]1inesnbq' Carpcnter9s Carriaige Factor>', Brook Stroot, M1'lth>', Opposiite tise Marketî hanse, Nov.2486.4.5 SHERIIOS SALE 0F LANDS. Couai'- O erANT/Ro, l~ N SATURI)AY TuE To Wiu: 0 Two'etlh tIti>'fFeb. rmîaryn tIse vetr ot aur Lord On5e tlitmsnd suibtlmndred andI lfty-ttiiie,ut twehve o'eiock tnon, wii bcholof ubl'niecteiti e t my ()Melicoithae(Court liommne, in theaTownsui tha nîsdariîsattionasi letîndaîts savaraîl>' pos secs lu the ondormemîîioîsesl Lands antI toile- iesitis tieroon, seizod by iii, b>'virineaof certain Writn cf Flan Fadas ttuie direeted- In tine cont>'Caurt, Thtqmas Spry, Pîlntitf, va. FrancisE.L Burton, oieaadnt. In the Court cf Qmen's Banal,. -Theadorq Pain reve5i liiitlff, voa. Johmn Wick- bi J aius andI § raneià IL Butron, Detendantu, lIn lin Court ef Cismunn Pla#. Sidney Smnithn, Plalitf, ta. FrancEs R. Burton, Detodunt. ' Itae Comuot>' outrt, John* M. Frencin Painsihf, vo. John W. Juamas and Francis II. Buirtonu, Dafandatîts. -Lot 0 lin Ord Con. Wlilby. 10N-~ ln ord Il " 7 ln th, 64 id ô lnO b 1h " 6 " 17ln 5tb " di NELSON G. REYNOLDS, SIterît?, 0. 0. Sbarilrs Offoce, Wlsllby, t - Oalober 18, 1858. - 40 ATLAS 1 IRON ,WORKSo IgU ront Stret, Toronto. . 'DZG te tutorin tlse; pu Jhsa'vby avt'roe 'Poônt trualcd tisne exletuidmth apemu ' 1 'eM or to 'P - W. K. HIGGINS, f Oc'oniold Offlu, »7AUby. *Eeach, luI>'97, 1858. 9 . -Persoa retiding et adistmae wishigteo oi- nuit tbe Doater, cen do se, b> latter pont paid, Ail attr. e ibs naure oceive JImédiate aitniân, asunch edilea givnu aacn ba de-' pouded upon. 1'. B. The Docter wlll tis give pmrlkffulart tanton te #Il diseusss peetiisr epeme dan Olildren. N. B. Mediee put np lu e nemi and compact tarin, enu bc sent hfro ?m <angor et' oprioîdty by, express, for à trifllog sm te guoy part ot the Wos.W, aecotnpaued by ftuland pandirections for usc, th us allowlng porsons I n ihe lterlor and mon* distent, perte et the. Province te recelve safe sud suceesshl course cf trautrueut withvut the expense sud trouble of vlsltiug thQ City. Lattcrs should b. directei n àlen beld baud te the IND1ANIlERB1>OJUF. TUMBLETYI TORONTO, C. W. 89-6ui JIEDICAL HAL]L, IJXBRID]GE.l trBE Subseriber beg te oeIl. the etteentlie'f JI the Publid'te bis aw sud apleai stock-et' Dye StuIt rn imgIud, Pana, nktte Paper0 cooli ioosPearlfi, SeOf 1 1roliuai Rice, agoed.msietion 0f Bom Papors, de.' Rsmimacz.--Ten years' expe-lauce lu somno ret trot firslouses lu Scotianil. H. D. HETHERINGTON, Chautlisti antI 1rngist' PIJRIFY THIE DLOOD. MeDbî's Lféills 1.anal Phoenix Ditters TrE OREAT POPULARITY WIIH MOP ILuIt'n LIte Pilla andI Phisoox litters bave at tadlndb oosquence ofthlsaexlraordlnaryenrau efobetod b>' Ihetit use, moui]et-s Ilunnacesany for of tolr ndiaiLiual'virttuos or praîsertles. iay tag bisonaratitntwamnt>'yoar batoro tine pub lie, andI huving lte mlnted tcstimonyetf sare tinnthrecinllions et pet-soans ino bave beu rastoe a te anjoymonl ef perfect bottn by tisain, I11la baliavad tIflisathit- m'autation as tht hoast vogotable unedicino nov isefore thin? publia adinits et ne dis putea. Iu alnost evar>' cil>'an vilhoua utInoUnited States, lucre arecnîan>'vis are mend>'ttatt*to hoir affilou'bué'movlun disease, anîd giving-telte vhcle systein raoode vigot- and tI àth. bu îmnqes oe toefulu, Uoers Scunvyor Erip- ti-oiu o e «siîn, lte'opet-adn ut th isa Lta M- diélnaa la6t-oh>' usuonlsinnl, ofton removin; linls few days, ever>' veatigo outhiese leallîsomeatir @eune&, b>' Ibeir poutying effoatueonîthe blotIs Paver aisd Agua, Dysâpapsia, Drapa' piles, anýd ba short, toast ahi1disemes, soon yialdte their curative propotSto. No tamîl>' siould bc wblls eut thent, aus b>'tuoter luIosbmuoh suilal and expase tout' inasaved. r yPreparod -b>' WîLittMMOyràr, M. D.> Na-w BUJFFALO MEDICAL DISPENSARY ESTABLIBIIED FOR TUE CURtE OP DguOpepua, (<olma reZDmUty, Face,' and 4gw.; Sera/uic, 01J £Tcria, Groes lm»puri8i of Bloodt stu Rheu»a, Pimp&wt, ,Xv8î.a, F44., .idnepa DSUUg, JIId-niUes rof pgowAad o(d ea, k. 3WNo MEI5CURty U5 s s DCNM r. MSA"XOS q 3 SON N.Y. A RE TUIE ONLY PJIYSICANS IN THÉI STATE vise ara insombèora e aRoyal Collage et Sstmgeousa, London, issu>'b. dcnuuid tam 8 o'clook i tha mornlng nintil 9 et ulisi En eo ttoaind symptont -alDlsuue. Tisa truaanteyl lioadpt Es lina resulof up varda eof 81,cari' itutengive andI successfulprao-ý lice En lonittp. Thé a siInvotorato'ouses et D6Isassseradlcotd In 8or 9 daym, and cses a s sllginlnatuire Ili ta r 8 days aI a nederalte au-ý pausa. Théa asre afteatat] wkbotî onfinement or hîndrance frosu busines. - YOUNG MIN TAKE PAgTEOULAn NOTiON. Thora la en evil habit smoloimes hidnlgod u1t b> boys, lu solitude, citais groving up vithi tinouitmanhnood-,l u4vhl.Inif netreformed ludetnot 0vipi>' hgats scioneobstacles te mattrimnIl Iappnu u vs risal a series otprîoted,Juiîeud telowg affection% Few oetIhose vine give vay to Ibis pernlbus, prica re av are ofthélinaesequnoaes until otiocaduqeSseenmi ud vogue à MOIT 801U1TIIO IMENTION; Auni wtjýment ftrhé cueoetgenital Dabllîy or Neatial 'EInsiqu, mor eproperi>' kuowl as Saminal Weaku.ss, &e. u o sy penetly ont-ad lu fran i tean to tvenltysy b>'the ne et thls instrument, vinen used cpiojontiy wIth NeW EIUDM 8AM I qillORU085 Dr. Amoi dkSon taka plensura hlnuiounahi -mal Ibe> bave, Invented a lacet Imuportaint l strument fer linacure etflita mbc>'a duttases. it bas hoeesubjeoled to a 4t bth>'eit eniluenî M Ysolauhiu Landau, Parla, 'bildoXlist ud lliYoksss, ".beina dolWed tbce lny- usNl iait-ntne i= Ver Yoldisoevemro t he ts cmsNeffSminualstscss, an>£dlis atis genital ergau oamd ib>' tise crai habite et yontb.- Dr. Amos deb-ijý' È tgtuyteMe -Wonusls, ruiss, urasà, andi Soaid 'Iu nc a s e s o rt t e f r i t ; .b e o ftis a b o u e s , i U~ r i e s csused b>'stemnizlaaheu.011, -Brulses, iturus S"ad, BIlineuatlsm,, tiffi of thie Jeilnto,su ecüuctoýn of linainews, It in eni)icy d t vurmùI recenimanded b>' 'thne &àult>. TitIs nrojo Nuedy lias beu itreduoed b y I In eme u a s n te lt lon d ing H os mlt ub etEnrope sdneprivmietseseblà shoulti h U eniable I*5tifoDT. --- Tha edie" Staff of tbeFrencn andI EN gll aerovelof IIùUûjýay'. Olntîttnt su» thinos p réllabtadoshiq fàr subi aentubs, stand tguo- shise oundâ-s o l ulsused by'the nseua elm tno AiletI Navisà Bori iE -àzOnur A»umPUaioci.,a£x us» 'Soulds, * Bc, SWellod Gbsnd, -h d Hads, Sore Legg, C $Sera Boucla, L1umbao, Bores utoûoiIaoe&oil lords, -Mernsrns EruptIon -Spýralos - l'île, 5:11 Joints, Rioug*ormn, - Uc Sait Eincum, verne 'lSeras, -ki Sieulsoe, Wounds of il kindo, - 39mold et tise Manutorlos et Professer 'HoLLoWAY, 80 Midan Li NeNw Yok, ad g«4 Strud, London b>' I respectablie Drnuisî. Sttao antmnae llilizet oid i ntoua, nmi4 cents,, 02< ents, annd-$i anal.-- -t"Thara les a oonsliderah o saving hytuaking tina larg@r sizes§. 2..4Dlrectioos for thog'antc ocf pttencsa In ov-ar>dJsOrder arac gtlod tu Cacilbox. - CiAUTIu1Ç E-Nbne are ge numa muIose tina yards IlTHoLLo'Ày, Nu-w Yenme de Lonoo,'; me, digsrnable ana icatr-unarikln avor>'lompt 0 b i o o ku o f' ir c tio s u a in cid a e ls t o r b o x ' - tina ausîna ina>' haplutiol> ceub> uidt: 41ia li)q te £5. ZIglt.À lnouo ear verIwli bgi von le un>' one randerlug suai-. luiformiaticu tas mut> lont te, tina ceoctien of guy part' o- par thies coinoerfteblinahemodicses or voudnng tise stue, icnowîng Mmte ha spurione. Jun 8rd, 1887. 20 CELEBRATED VERMIFUGE -bgIeave to cal! the atten- - ton cof thé Trade, and more cspecialy the ,Physicians of the Olry, o 1two or e Most popu- are ndes now before the pÙubi. We -reer, to s - 19 1h'. ChwILane'uCelebratud&- Vermifuge and LîverPijIa. We7 do not recomnmend thein a univérsalI 'cure-al, but siml1y for wýhatI thek, naine purports, VtIZ. z THE VERMIFUGE, For expelliàg Worms froin 'the h;zran,.systein. Itimus auso been- administiredwith the mQst sats - factory re8ults to varlous Animais subjec.t to Worms. -.THE LI'VER ]PILLB 1Qrthe'ure of LivE-RCOMPLAI'NTJ ail BiLious DERANCEMENVTS, -SICK. H-jAciui, &c. In ucase of Fz.vuE AND AGUE, preparatory to or after taking Qui. nine,, thcy uinicit invariably niake as peedy and permanent cure, i frte above Men- -tihedesesuthey are Unrivaledt and neyer known to <hi! whcii ad- mInistereci in ac cordance with the' directions. Their unprece4fnted popùliîty, bas indpced the propriet.orai,- -FLEMING BRÃ"ôTRIERS, PITTOssuuoH, PA. 'to dispocf thpfr' Drug buinaem. in wluch thr have, bci~ succesi- fully engaý7fa te-'lustTwent Veine an ' ë - V-A*1 bal un'CrakPoucs B. . DARTNELL, J îtoal10, 1857. B od99éw 100 Acres of Landi for Sale. WXESThiaîf of Lot Nol., b tise SistCen. V oUxbriu0, witi s agood isaw Mili hi gut ekintg crdler. 80 acres of lIna lantI ara cloarad. Thora lesaa od bousuadIbarn. Aie Park LI Ne 78 on lundas sireet, blnheTown cf Whltby, oontaliinlng five acres, vllb a good bouse otiningsovao partunts; itebi,Uan, enl elilees. ApPuIy te. Tino Owner Uloinville P. O. or P. KELLER, - y OR 7BALE, A Comfotatble Feuil>' Rasideneao iutdE ,L.tnpVlaeoftîverpoiol, Tewitsbip of Pick. "rilng, adoinlnîgtlinaFrenchman's Bs>' Station ofthen Grand Tiuuk Rallwssy, 18 miles frein To- route, -conisitîn; ofat Cottageçoentainiug Niuea-Boom$@ witli eor>' envcubence requisite; a larae rn andI Stable atisseited ; s nover tailugwae ofwa - ter; thie Groumuds ara tautoflilaid eut, andI planted wlth Sisada Troc&s; tise a Large Garcaan Wel ateeked vîtn Fruit Trac&; Ïho wvboacoveca tire acres ef Orouisdaînd ceutiot bhastîrpasod butheb Tawnslip oft llickoreng, or ia coîsveni- atîce antI roady«acsi bto ahiclway. Tori malaoa>' Pr firtier uurtlcniarsaanoiy te the sobseribr, Yokil; cita Mn. WtillsfmsPurdy tisuon the promnises, Possesision given forth- GEORGE BOSTWICK. Fa=m for Sale. f 1ACRES 0F SPLENDID LAND. L6T 20V0V10, lh o ltitConcession of Thorab' In Acres clered. Titis Furm la situaiad wlihiin tour toiles of Beavorton, on ltha traval road te hae ts land la ot tha bost qutallt>, ansd laIn the cntrae pagod sattlianot, wit aà Soho>ol atnd a Sawmill cou veulent. jýAlmoNorthit laitot Lot 4, In tdie 101h Conces- sion ot Thorah, conasting of YbStares, 12 ef wblinh arcecared, sud frontlng on tihe kcrtaige Road, ocar Ceoneron's Mill. ~ Em8 LIsEatAL «M AppI>' te Beavorton, lbih jus>, 1857 28 FOR SALE CHEAF. L OT No. 27, hi the 8rd Coneesalon of Wlîltby (bth. WmtLuoesFmSa) eiolng the Town of 'WhItby. Appi>' te tho Ilon. H. C. Wmxixîas, ,carry.iigPlace, Cisas. Wtxnus, Psq., Belleville, .or te A Rare Chance loir a Good. and Pro. Stable Investieni. J WILKINSnN uow effaeIt fi. rot Clans 'e Rouse GLOBE HOTEL, lu Brooklu, for sale ois rsuonablo tornis. Immadiate pos- sesionyulho iva . jWILKINSON. J. V. HAM,, Barrister W9Mty. LANDS FOR SALE In -the' Count -of Victoria@ T II1E UNDERSIGNED OFFEilS FoR SALE on advaniagoonas ternis e tall ilngvain- able laîtdâs stuaflu intltisTowtssiip etofion In Caot>' ty fVicort-a. Tha lands olffrotIara of tilo lit-st qualit>' andI oasain a valuable growlis of ibe host pine and bardwood. 1Tho>'arealste- tld withîn aboutlfiva tilaes or Ilcavarton on Litke Sémcea-a flourmllnig.- viluaga havlug gtstasd Rullwsty coummunicatboi, antdIb te course of4onts, are long dostinad te haclina uapitof a spatiditI nortinaru rat of ceunIry'. - Acres. - Con. 1 Lot No. 14 .......... 200 détagas 6 IL1...........9e ttI t 19--------..200 t~ Wasl 2...........10 Woot X 2... ....Ibo "" No 28-.......4.1.00 46 29 a ...........-200 id dé dé 80 ......... .900 44 2 Wost 2<9---------..100 :"6"l si.........00. 4 ô El 3<929,...... ... 100 Edél7 419........9100 1; ortgeRone .10 ..........14 "o di "o1..........0000 fi dé 44 .......-117 AIse Ia the Townihl p.,Mars,-County of Ontauio# Midway boiwean Orilla anud Buertosa. Con. , Lot Acres, Se Nerth 3 1 .00, partlycoared. e, Nerthe, -15 1000 pt l>'oeme. 0, bol. 9...0, heaed. Botter lands thon lina latter for AgrEoultturni pur poieu,«*- Dt oom i na nater1 i eni>' et Ontalci TheconralrMIbre e . saCounty et Ontâtoenbe sdireatly thrbugishai 4su1 Application15 M lie ovner OR TOi' ~ W BOBERT S8PURRELL, u. FA RM FOR SALE. 's WARDEN.1 4' IIEA$RER. TH. J.. - OLICITOR, d -Courlicua. fi CJat tiha Court IL Q ARR BAliHTSTER-AT-LI .Lslrcat, Wlti, OC. S.IB. FI kOLICITOR, NOTA S-IOsbnswu, C. W. L ÂW, C1A1CEb A. MAL] A TRPY AT 1 N. G. D R IZIIAND B (.> tflce-ovr tbc St ajpoeshe lIReigtyr>C 'DARISTER, ATri WILLIAM W. é A-TWO( f¶oRonEit, pILysi ?-on, Esqiat. Dr.IR, 'W, S URGEON ACCOUC fteuinly of 0,0 -WILLIAM TEl ItN G:(rE ET, TTItI4N SUI Pi . y N * m. D. &,no., TE »J:OCALDINTIWI'.- d$fflrat; over J.lJigol theWegislr' Oflice. - 4i - 54trouce. a fairt--li. Go A. CAR n.ssaîwssa. Erooklla, f -~ t;,- f - - 1 July 15, 1857.

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