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Whitby Chronicle, 23 Dec 1858, p. 1

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@Vi ,LACE. 940SgI Wbltby, qui OF10E1AT:21113 ouICT .T. OFFICIEJ HX. TRENAYNPi, CO ,UÂone Mffe-InArssll'sit ew 1Brick Wsoà-ZW' locond Ploor. 19 ISSES. WILSON .& BILLINGI,' B ARRISTERO & ATTORNEYS AT LAW SolicilWra in ChatinyWliîtby1C0 W- -i4ffiee-ovar Hlamilton &~et ts IoeL Wllsosa, Whi4by; W. Il Biko a Qsawa. al GMRN& MAUDOlqEEIhLo D MIISTER8 h'ATTORNEYS AT LAW,. Bsoflltor*, to lieCottsty coascU Ontarlo.- 'D AISTER, ATTLi'! yORN CNVzYàNI £LJ,.Gur MuhCiie over>~. 5,Donaldmon M. Co..ardwaroStore, Ilsock- Street Whtby. J. V. Ami, r>AhkifSTEU-Afr-LAW. OfIE-RC BLltreat, Wltby, V. W.i 80a a . 1 . F I E A J S Jolis DILLIJSag, LÂlOIANOERtY h CONTETANOINO; L fie rnoAibort. -l>5ï A. MAI85, J. go ATT QR1NIY- AT LAW, SOLICITOU IN Clsss)cry, Osvyoor o, al treel »ARRISTEIl AND £TTOIISICY-&T.LAW, OlIc-over tise Stre of il, D111% àq 0p île ii i. Beigitry iLe, Brook tew * uao fdhirel Ae jupt ,rst (Oppo WILLIAM POWSON, W, O0eEAI#TWOOP, As lis M R C¶OEQNE8, PIIYBICIAN SUIIGZON éh -k.Iisldess4s-lutoly ocessp<ed by Jas. iLdg- Dr# Bu W. CLARK, ~USG1lON A(CCouCIIIztIhC3RN1 WILIAM USTEI&PEUT, M. Du T2 fl<C*&TEmJ3T, OSIA.WA, CANADA D OTUUNTON, V~à. a IOCAL DENTlWRg-oppIl IN BROOK jiit,otvsr J.L Bilglow 0 6 Stend opposite bltAegltry Office. 021l0 otions warrsnld. Mseç,sfUhr trl. i G. A, CANNOISï . .1. stito poor oery Mon, a ivan-duuocttap ce- r, Ai id àeuV ' uran err, an>conaxrorr catmn.. DJiteaIcynt- Batetve Ost- lontôn 10 businosa sud'vair daMIng itiitIse c Labli, lieexpecoito usst wlth àa suce o! pub. IIOWN9 86 upr JAMES BLACI.L SSIONERIQUI. "5nt, L5Wd, Pull ALMA MOTEL,' lm ÀJE BOVE FIEST-CLUS àIITELIe nov id0 l i% caeo ii TLncwl4,rrsngQl f6etbe aoâiodatIon o! ___________on Teaspcranoo prIncjls-a Spirit Licence bas rzP bcasobtahue. Evy yattent4on pldto traval- r KUSIC, TUE lorý, sud -thp biest accommodation provl4cd for DForte Harnsoiy ma=s'and bore.. and al Slnds. i AOnabsasatsdne1sufrt I>ptl loe- tb c a f !charge. 1 ro ps aI h. J. A. MASON. /A.Cu WILSON,ý p.,IN? ,àÈ( LZI]Mù;AND ?PPES- ga«ls duft$aQUO I lm Psutty p.- Wltbya 1steet Whitbweilgy. o w rl ,j as. 19, l b. téSîcet, Wh tby1 <next door to T.- waila sRC5Il irOad il .Eopalrsi neily di où a odves f aIl klasd xcoutsa- (rnt . vràu rutOYEL,) il ton. lAIT W N îCO8IHOUS aiWJIITBTP moneAsa, v»P»Ossuw. 4 VKEaoy otel lo'itated ln a pleasant rend ,Leie Of itihe Town, on the font rond. =ot eemidtiob tor trêvelleré. 6o04 laap lsud aiatosoter, 8 0 h. nlise liagifroto elli tb hein. j1qPropristor. F ABRIONAB tjul,.TIUNfG 'AND' Ih Oavln iUoma 'rk ektreetWihtby..é A retot talj leiIlr rpd ar Drcaser, of lOsiffltesain . dit basinesse, *III slwafs Ih lolnin r luolissi to atteud on'gontlocapm.- ShsbsgJs a rocsa10 iio eatemon for ueasoia, ae as 'se , ?but asar ob- baud1h01 w*i] i alnheoperaioas boil RT<ROa3Ml. Ths sborIhir ol ras t 1s0espOf o beeulfitu l in rut&u¶îl!.l1unwnuts lte ýroecaos Ohsr etoeforo th. public as Iloé Idip X»-I»tô oms.e, ùxt àteyeom. forof xv atteasn Pasdto om$oiotrvllersi %oo<I Sta- 11841 VAN eLYX. LOWER TOWN QUZE]1C. 1JRAVULFM -I.ND VIEITOE8 b o'ths Au-, c éCiyofo Q(esbJ'w' lid s rra- -iseai Batk.Steofi wls et, sd pai.ve dllbinuplacesof th, CIty. ]'hitable AUI bar arc natpilc ta eyr Courableoat.abio pnd'dtiaika1.bii.V.tor. ',wlli bb attüusiIpýldWtistoir oonfotaaid conesxesseaadevrylntornsatlonand direction sasto ths urroussding l ollle, principai places of rebcrts0001»171 &o., le 'JOIIA8NNA QUINN., Propriotor. MO iVO hPACE 79ftué PLU 11505153 MIAIN T of tueabove .wôll ksiown hisl wil *1 be endatted as forrnerly wltthé tlsricot prowl prlety sud regard for the conifort'sud conveni-, eues cilthé pubie. Tise propietoruesasea lits many friOnde tisai ev#ryt liis lo i m readyu»eforneriy to eiior. taio îhem Ai the l b obe ltland 0isV 1h0 willl 'Do peromlly î.raime, É14 gitsm atelas'vs- Tise homaihmiebeau; theroughly papesed, pancd Prqncvatedg mid à 51usd up stoeoey respect ls atteSa Innnr se 1 Issuro satloflac tofi.' The bar sud hble splei efrel *Iiî tise'bosat tiles and rlsik#ble.. (IIlssg s ,;uy0JOBEPIlWLINO4 B ha ho o : la y do AI Indri 4 oapialworklai »rlok ced esYr"Ukw"4@ riioders l ftatletdnoeDutt opl tre o Whitby, May 27, 18568.i DAILY OTAGE. jTraIns. .. IIUBBARD. or PriisîBwn ,h o1~a a Jr. - res, Ola C LMORIARTY. WllbOctoor 1,1858. si m ONRY TO IIÇVEST ON MOETGAGE iÂpply 10 J. or J1. W. NOUES!. W htty, Oct, go, 1858. 4 7'Eunderllgîîm ttaSsaiv-t'tiy h Tj'a ishg it. cfWlthltby e' 1bInoa he lie la< a ai erch a2nts a à,lyauended e. AsagueýTho Ta, 1808.it 80 lu New Fsture--PArs ar or the sur u wasLtvwoniUUAUIIiDL S? EOOSSIALi ocnd .s¶sav&d on steel, ÎI g 11%roUtpàaant. oo;keetto obsribors enly) on Asavy plte pa- r, s X'sr l oho n 1h. foliowlg mt»uso! Evrpersos reutttibb o>hrdollars i ii ri. bSteolE inravai aftor 'sasths, 4i80 a Oopy 0oz i5. beau' fui sS CoNo»pOLITAN AIRT JrOURNAL, An elegssnbI llluattslqnaa.tMr Maaine, -Alo fre. »Moatn skt of adsslolon io dias aatern (or Daîssoldor!) sud Westerns Galleao! tise Tisera viii siaso le gîven t1th0 tibs berss sevesabiii aadresl valuiblo *crk. <sf Art, omr- ,rlslgn i (11'aistinge, Bronso Suijtur@a, hoiroin celebratel Amenican asati furergas Ar. tinte.. gStb*Mrptons vili bo reelvsd op 10 Jan. 19 18859.O I.atlîe eveang f thaidaste tise presulume eiii be#ýwsrded 1t0 saibsoribors. O. 1.ý. DEEBYActuar C.A. A., rsteru O!. die 58 BroadvayN 4 .or Western Office, WatohMaker, and 3eveflêr.. on by' Mr. Thoana Galagîer, aud-laopeet isaI by OMref tytea,îi ngto Uic -t 10 reeelvi à isare of pubilIcpatroatege. A1ei selecléd>gtocýk of !svellry on hàndý g"RIIPÀIBS ATTENDED'T. , .W ity iNoV Ylus. 'A Wd,1's, 88 HïnârT Roliti)on, J Nora.,J Newport, Wm Ochliolld, J Parker, M Colline, R Bnowo Wm- Brysas, T SmitiI, JEaIwl, J Toy Wm Iktail, WM;iuarner, BR HLawder, T Plmer,, T Canden, G Irankliht, C MoAuiffte, J.WLenu, R Millor, y FPolo, D Myera, DSehsa,, Li E Bholieîd, D Stnits.. G Yule jr J îiapbell' JWoi1uondn, '114al JS Sprowle, F Uarir A parleJ lrlstgle, Wm Ja«rCY' Lvir B W Claàrk, 1mli Cl Roberts, Wt runnr J lmlon .J 1'roislfbt, Was osjonu T Lawrenoe, J S Donaldeon J- 81a1o1, Wm Culleai. .1 naicdy, lm sott, JýWstQn, KMcCaaly, 0CHoDorsuott, TBell, Il aholm . j Keiter, Ely J lakcly,R dhy FRenasison, MFals T Devoroli, - JCôrl M'O Donoviu, WmasTisow, 1 B Carpenfer, dolin Thow, T E Lewis, j 5tathord, N G eynolds, E Wiltlcy, J C IlancheS il Wbltloy, G Il Ditrtn;tl, N'Mihlor, B'Compbol , 0' sbone, M Wolih B Willlls, AX Omari, JMXcAilan, J B Armstrong,. H Arnstroasg, C Wllkinion, J Brudon, G Martina, J Cari, y Hoare', D Smilla, CTF Donovani, J R Thomas, GWPFost, JV Ham, ý T Soutihli JohnPringle, G B Hall, D Cllfford, a E Perry, 0T Hall$ 'Wm Shasw Bowle Wm CiWm Cla'rterg :c A p 4. oant Monos. Mtoholi,, GOFrge s Wm Warren, SyoaWstay Ueo KirlbrJdi, Clark Hustoltîns, J F Boaven, petAr Jianter, JantesKilibsrn, Pi a yl W m Molmatosis, James Canionter, Barnabus blbson, Toslooa Daniel Detto, rârullnsamsroni Jolas Clark, ar r ladqe, Thos KoBride, Andrew Forcthe,- JO$ C E bbo i, J, loe Z.Eurat-mci. jndif end A. GaarauxsJJasomplimenntary, terme ilu wih ouenare pleaeed 10 essprôlan yoiar approreai off My course as àMulssiPu olpl uaillor, ares 10 * a n oltlotthat Y msyoocetpp, viasîer' se chlfMgtrte or slmplyas àprivais clii. con, bu esaured.b.is y. umblse aforta ahlali. .1 !vays bq directod ta aaa4 tlldadviâatlwt;.lu. toutt#.of htby oguji!ntly illa thosi u the .nelangasalcia ict l» altY 4 t'a :1 Eaasorosaeor s7p-. Tovs a r nrn-Dnring thli i "iaoa.u ï as' tut1T bave a..a.s ,s... là fir, equitablse a O5ad854, contnnu a ll, vIl le sol xl Iecoborsudtis ternu of fonfve totoe ,g ae mmnt To thoe leotor of tiseTownuilp of G ENTLEUEN,-AÂs the lime la draviug %37pawi vssi y ouviii beexpoto 0mako a cisoice o?, 9eo lit Rpeons toIl rasst.yonr, -intcrentA. Atthé' Miil Cuo fr ieets sxpootlng me 10 cioaforvard asàaCasdldatc, 1 -vould mnt respcbfishly;inforios on, tlà,t la my Intention toi retire, spd msot offieranysoif as a urIrn g m thaCouneil, Board,J vould bog 10 tàusdoy aounîy varsstet thanke, for tise bc lasthe bhott. roprseasai yoas lu .1 remualuaGenlement' Yonnirepeetftlly, JAMES DRYDEN. Eroolkliu, Dao, 14, 18585. To the Eieetrs of'the Centre Ward. U NTL!XEN,-Aî lias ur nrt isloltîttloni o!fsnany off My figeadt, 1arn laadsscded o2 ermsus enlaefortdst rep'osoeatîoa cf yotr Wrd las the Tow'ri Coutilb. vItd blisaTowns £554 ro 1sndy itise resut moe u ssas utttory suinsser ia vhoAs hthc e zp c ad llar e Isu s l du? a ra t ia 'o n y o j q s à h av lu vié w, lu co sal t g r rad gaac a sid a AtnsMy ergand 4oinoUitîg lits long period 'orfaaryreýnenth'e Tuia, and thse position 1 havâ moooeîd,I-llhiasti te rtcpssyere 'viii do ma tIse isstîce tolweieve tisatI Aisnot tila, onor I covet. Ii vecorneforward.unota lutsilly, ,but u orIilalq, ., *, Prop.rty on Brook Sireet-Forg ale air to-l'ente. P1rOWN LOT No. 8,Esst aide of Rrock Street, J. bolagthtofirs vacnt lotasortb o! lis. j»i ti y Office, 49 oest frout snd 198 foet deep ee a ALSO0, Lot No. 6 fonrly ocssiplod by AlshLlvé.y Stabîce; l4rock etrceo, eaesaxo szee No. 1. For Bàitooss hAndit those Lots arc 'equail t eny las Townand vii libdsold on îaso.,ireagoaable lerana topartieevjs o i racigocti Stonse os Brick But iglisgon clsom. To. Loete 0sm Hmm DFzxv ront.o 0on Brook Strot cdlreotl opojslto "Bryan',îîfotel,a' for a trm of, 7, 14,ý or 2 Les u tas ol fP'fe rn ced aipwaw > o Pt.t rnq Appl o ~< x~PR -1 ~ ~ , 8r& :- ' h, 1988. 7 TO ÎSETTLERS--TceLEBASE. On toii f 4onor Niase Voeu, cys ONE IJUNDRE»' AO1EB'AC9, The L4a lla ô o h.tit *qutsln tsit Towns obilp Mon, y wlll J> a4vaaiced for shs erection' cof IlrxabuiidIii,ad if a'cqsirsd, tise Losses ,a'la àv t hse rigis e) sp i ia a i iA eh tsrals ationi Le Le... ~ ÈAMPERET, 'Wlîlltbl, fil Morçpoia, UO ONi HUNDRED BUNDLES CHi]llotlCGTON DEIT VERY LOW.' A.NEW BRÀND, aupertor te ,yovrm por4dtellsotblsmirkat ltho 5ra ues.avssrotab Ui0 Inch <rom 1he Middle of!i hoid of thse tlirod gen stop outaile tise door. Il ws oniy tise head- "Raven't you donc yet i, " Give me twoe uinaut dou't anybody corne, whatever yoai do, ,dor't le me again by comlng noesi 7; 'I.took a 11111e pull ai boasrd isouathlng riietie. pull, and out came a piest up tlght liko the cacndi* ladies masde, ,I nrolled' thore viathse latter 1I Thoe original ltter 1-I coter oi the lnk. Thse Worthisv ftéulaasdred pou Wias& ailtisI Ioud d tc Ïrosu tbsowlng m anl laor&yng 1k. anta,1 chair aud ait quiet lu Lt tva, bufor 1 cotuld coul' My pa'opor bueinasa leva ià was.not loi tgplaa occs le atout of My 1 il vils My pens ired pouasd noi 'îÂfJOHNtî 6 .1 r 4 . ST.

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