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Whitby Chronicle, 6 Jan 1859, p. 2

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May hi genintscnad w1lvLhE~' 4 e 1~~ é authorlty of te ii.Ifndriblo Eut lïdia, bmpfiy Ire 67 lie souptcdl, ad wllb' rapiuloumly iitntainoil ; and w. lookç o ilke observance on thoir'part. W. douive no extensIon -of 4ùUr proalit riltorial pâlinos; and while w. will Irmt no asgremln upon, Our dominions Our right te b. tteimpted ,witbh upu. y, w. libt6.1onction no encroichaint on ose of Others. W. bAliijrepect the ;hL., dignlty, ,and hener, o! nativ'e laoe mc oir own ; ad wo douvre that @y, aM w.ll 48 Our subjects, aboulal enjef nt prospor[ty and thait scial dovolop. ont wliloh oafionT>' ho sooci dbyInï mnal penond malgooci gooment, , Wu hold ourolvu bound t.i .ttA m owu0ntin torritorles b>'. Lb. mmmo obli.~ tionX, dut>' whioh binal us, to ml our ber ubjet -,ad thoçe oligsLka' by 0 bluta;. .of AlMightYý Goal, we shai ýthhuiy ad congoerIetiouliy <UlIRI Pirmi>'glying outaelves on the trufi ' ultanity ad aoknowiedoig with atittidoe sl. o o e 'rligion, wo dl,.. d lik he .right and the. desire LtoIn. ;$t.coevietînnî,on 'o'nY 'of ouV *ub*ý te. W. daclaro it to b. Our royal wil a pieasur~e that one b. ln aaywIse tver. non. mblatodor dloqietoil, by reuoni theur irolilous fAit Lioph vnebui ptt lr 1q, O ompany-John As. LsMeeo' Donovolont concert. &ciolaay 'x Pllsanmd Olntment. Dr, W4ac,'s 0e1.brat.ermfue For 8810--p. JKeller. A Mr. >anêJ'KelÛi. our Trave~ Un,Mgont, andf fo aut/lrfad (1o 'P- ooit, gulb.oeiption. and ac!v.tiamezt dnd grant reo.ipto for.monqyu 'due to (Ah .Pott Offio. Tus Aaintrimoa pardogr t» las It -la #Maprk le f iot st thiO xpe.. ~tnt lV4rit 'Party tho' bo'y lay daai: *q aiiy4uiaftity of pubi irtue, and pALt.' *tic Impulse, cRnnotwitb& h ai 61 rt, oon'. ýceaI the. restl ojoct 'th.y pursuo,'whiolý In mn i.eLngihbe dire o~1c, BankrtupL In principle, but profuosêln pro. mi.,thelr, politloal oap(halsiaweli s- hih' u111U, andthe aptllng prvtt@h to whieb nglct inakilit td ýopen ireoohusaUe tuis il the mn'flwbofthét Hon. Go ErowtY 'pvasents b Lie ,Loyal PvoWtitnticf Uppor Canxda, lis bis futurepolitilalOÃ"-4dutor ?, lu the.an Englishuman," $Booman,-'or alliance ,witbhone. Whdlaos ndrt aboe mnt ILte~ sot t)ffasntla rap.1 oUt £QSéW0î tithe baln oié -tii, ýoà. ior lnthe 'P p-te otho;' shoutin; î, mi*t. povier 40 -1114-hoinemosle olb*W," the. one In favot of 1'oa otriiii Soiiels-4the'other ltifavoi di Siparato and Sec tarié-what can ibo -,roinoitiontuof $0 monstrous à moimIFim## 0 On« or, tbè ottuer musit uuccmb-4 t Io. lu se dent. And l't tiice happy 'Omn<ick1wlîh canom çalculaite In ber hor of nsil,! on ibe dit.,* Ittrostod, support ottlwemîgÈrant (rom Uli and malthe . rMgme (rom TIPPOrmry., èu«k4.r oengage Lbe. dse o esepk;, regenerato boft ommeircei, nlrostât. ber shadanly bmnfnl 'taitiiei ti.pro. s"nt Minlstvy âsha itçoouabî nuch" ready relief" uintoeort liAia owever for auvr unbehic 1 but s t, ma buint iln Moa;. thoir grie.f but windy ouspivationn; tllefr paslceas'ofSa* 'more $'muo. than 180 -M che Il T. ýkiburt'!mauim i«~ oaa-n hdnbgriJt out, Ràôki tii.> long--for tiie, GOVeramont ~~thelu wmrrn4r# L iio~*bt rpoi dis&àgtd psand ëretl , glîr AmniAt.', i4 ts. ImprfssIluus on eau ,OMCEO, 9b thi.0 uad, (Iprlng as ,th'gydo Irom sýrp"dew et holu Oppog' 'tlhs an4w r Lc ! isOpoitqpia ces). ,i oe -.e tbng Yf -ç a k ly', , I' e.p ur p u tIlîl y f or, anil 2817'%ffirm thae ponfdè nith i§ý 1çllftmd nte êtofthe 'ment, (whlc',on Io.4J. Ae _Dç»al laintry, as: coti- alLetotheir Hon, paroci wtb'm at ny I niuasreu Luit Indiiiduala wiip Lthe fbbler of loowcr C#n!.dm, andl t4 luei.- sbWak-pim;'dilprecatotr" of curses oný'oid: 4ngAlld,oaan tholeos PodtOv te einto hly -- the' " ic'%'I meA, Dot patl u yuc z'ý' w î" (AIT 4lyly joet# 'and ry-"1Wo 000911-11We -thcY Uedg-dangltor-netMng ar&unlil, siSUt I. Ron.. -.beohi, >'Tun ddn-"'is oloruun d," M ovcd by iL cash "luot pail as y.t,,, niemas l~. ~,. 'u~ Eejetoingn. emh fla bw.;' so buit 'Ad qWereé porion. wnom D In olw WUWW ATO 'tibught nàdid hlp, but theri; ila.090h than l'aencraliy'suppofod. ,.r~qiW titu of fana>' goods for prsth«Ã" bop sol, at suction for -somaedmaýnd' geès ili>' st aruinous discount upon tii.c ot- This fi athoruSuggestive of comngWtroLble andl 1 oeiiIi ~o o 'suvprold t. a' iàthat bofçTe Ut4 içîpter li out timre *111 b.reý émasbing àomong thie damioes i those, mpinAn aalf ourbu Di'.R>'oa onwllliaop iits tid tuho Wisnoteuacà et,ig m Jc. k Iadr . oirar sure Lbhé oqun$lli bdtrtýoWté the spectacle of a battle la which Lb. combatànts wil ,b. wýpll mtb.d--id GQed 4ýfsditiieright. Se li ti.' superlteadnt, semaýi. bave tii. vauià;.Sroun&d"%'ut l i a TFrlaire m fynti'oporto of t i iîtehIila the,. Oaiaot 'on the sot 0eta Ooves# qîucstioh, maci of tliu9proý0»%î1tenAten ef'm' Mvdicatte. *Indeod i (Io confidebti>" ,fimdthat hh 'ltýiidrmwtui IL fcemu, tuat h iIaiutc upen -maIa; Llu6 finil net. tiétment of thé, mtLor a Miitsbril p'e' lien, n'ad that lue goelfor pormaoalyýdi catin; tho wigwam; in Lewor. Oanada-pre.. bibly At montroami.-Ilhave .1i n; anti- cipatedi omo changes la tii.pirsonncl ef, the, Govprnment, bat If Lb.- forogolig' r.. potb m, tiierowillbpaàniera ttberoagh rf.OrgaiZatiQT n h 1d, lm#glnod~ fow, ilys WIll» off elthe .nîtw, sacthea weo shah soo wbmt t w hhs. on wli remembor that ohly a 'fow w.ekssgo, in hmttro! thi'oftiisIea01 1r. , ;le>' b>' Mm. Blootte, Liie, Glpooook ap the çud- gels fer the dismumsml, and abumei the. 'prcentng him sas'Lbôr6tigily "bépt,'un.- prineipleci aud tyraipiuialf 'So IL will bo laterostins'to watch Lb oth îpns wIýIicle vwiii' exprosé, lÉtii.e reporte aboie adverte ta, tum u Lte obe Ltrue. Willydà be sur- prised- te finil the Es.Oomçusiavptp on the. bmk, a ad èapim.udoéil? Ilvd>. Lrci' Lord Aborereble succeudeNapler t 'À . . TheRuropean ail A41man 0 asohl>ý" a large pin; Company' vere gelingLe wi, - beh wn wa nev steamers for' the Gaaino hhÃ"ILiiie. &nîii"'rd OI>'40 atteekeil Ametie on 'Lbef ecdl>' eth Norsuaber.' -ThpEJm a led>on, '0 the, i,)ýd' fot is'1r- (eld outiL Theb blesIMà'of saoolmonois1là hanil neh 81.1 December, 1867, athoifteil te, *.eco,b64,, loi' Dà, boiàs mn'. iucreac. of £1100 18i lld-ntbme '.êbaQndot the theii procoding yeui,. The.tetal.xp.nditure for Commn Ociool pî oîiurtuà the y.ar 1857 va1.9068S. 00010.bdbofg n ioreme ! 88,512 Os 14 on thiuet4t4repondituro, of tho procès A» the wheoof the. M08t0soi 100 16& oXp4nd dk4,1,S7 for Lii. support of ,com. mon'guiuooi, wltàthe exception eof biwoon ýjr ;apA th.ousanil 0ondî, was pro- vitr% oisil volntA'rf "smsuent or rate, flIadicaLes aoLonyunwaIvéqy pw-ý '*rfll -Wiéýltig ef tbF.brancli;et Lh. schoei typtom# but the progress oniLthe public md las' irinîry oiemont of educatlpaml ail- ýVaac*jnont-provlsIen for -itssi pr. An&l whc n tbeofnancial condition of Lihe ô .ou'ntry lit cî'ohisldr ina;tii.llut hait o! tii year 1857-tii.parte! t beliù rdu., A tMl) 9 ,- etr, #9p!irt or thi ebpéhoi fa a Oro le ilf<Ap4 nemX, ' ci fcol.' end turocqtthe yo# a~re smorp tlun oflO hundrod,tusmndý dollars ln advaace,'o say oncofo!tii precedia; prosperous yoars, educetionatlstor>'o ppr bda md n xronr oitlrutiesrodoIptÀ Ili, v or> -e rnboreve nue ad indus 'v'eyt iear o! a;, ttendIng thé. schools fan 1800; 10,42; nutiherof, p pi ttedi; nciiel bew-el h £5018 andel yomrs, In 850' wa>8,18; a'1851, 25,208--to' orease, 2,050., 'The total namberWfipups ob number of bos attondin; ý tii ul'o n'18517,vas, ,150,029-I1neroief -incre,', 8SU. AÀ.;uoii urger nAtiin ber'of 'girls: 'thon boys mttend 'privâté'. ohools, es the 1mw m alisnoneprovrisieo r tho jý-iihoi, ren aLL.nding 'the 'ichools 111 1851 vms. 4,82-lnretej25.Tuisdistribution doos nt, 'l opulrsqobtain viiere Lh,. ~eiiqlsi.Ï4s il1ohidren q"attend thdm bYilsht, ailnoce ha parb Tb.e thercolumns af tIsW?: so the ioagth ofLieôudeate4h tlae at.ormss, uins _ few etberi:sadottoned4 ,>' Lthe oili ef Public Instruction, bave almit @ nilreiy * ogRoM disapporod 'om.' the sehéols, The. Na- tional Readers, 'for Instance, ire wied la '8514,-iorombo, 400 sohools; wilV $beoîdr 8lIlM Eaglish Readorer -¶uspi l la four e schois2.4c4~e:,1'I sehools, No KIfors. ohool Ubu ,q ee r eil a vider and moro e w J 49 Njarious Influence in ti.hool. 8than 1 iiO9nq"s'G.gra1 , Though'no otho' Metsrs.,Th ;tiin moral nucanu ýhave Woen am pley.d Le 1M.)4Mxeroe :ecL IL frediLil. ichools, t wms usei lnl 1057 la -onlye,19 sobols-deoresae, 280 Mes§srg. Pt scoelp. ,Tiio Use of other Objectionabis WIXo*iti ip; 'beoks bas similirly cleclineil, untîl, &corê ln; to~ltib.' 4bblftie, '1 hoholo AY >' :y Wison.. gardoil ne utiv.rtmlliy ulag 'tihe aalurm Boùlton,. soties Of ýiOiÉ ýo'oinncLlouéd eccrding EoWis... to;lv(-eonofthé peétsst dihlUeultIes en. oocntered la the establishmenut :o; las>s~~, - tomn of public, ichôois, and oriq of tii gretitu ahlpeatants whioii bas vért -, 01 'b.eooteot'tplishod by'tl;e nohc<1, sstem W. Bmu la fi7StIat MAirlcai * Tho Introductioenof ap, .and oL/sr' " L? 1a l a t .uthe, s l his .badlly ad.? sâ~l-.îct.ao, 00;-,biackboirds' la 20d2. coeeh-lncereace, 172; fuil sets of .Tsesbt 8011001MàtpLon; 6,É» IabOeI-1-nceao, eleoteil- Couri 862Aatblet lsos i faceol-I.~mtr y"L Tii',nurmberOf Rouitut Otholi Par- ward, anw mto SchlsInois 857 wvas 1O0é*-increo,? rpq4 The mauunt apportloned f*om the LegSIs. gene@ of,",! lmUv'Sobql rantt bssciiools -wusThé poiueobl î2128 15 103ýlaÙ , 780 '29. ~ ibl Tii. àmôaift.ratus. b>'le1taxon the, witiistaatiilog suppotM' ýef prité Spools wms £2,- disý ,9 vas £ ~iue ersef increa Fou F

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