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Whitby Chronicle, 6 Jan 1859, p. 3

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ho awok, ber, and, raiting bis stick, de rwandod ber keys. 8h, wu 4&plulIy frlghtened, and wu on the point of dlver. Ing thom up, when hot srtant eptered the. ýom. The matd &tWoWatdo rsoved à bQiffdeo i -'st ron er mistr c@tlm'ti f a gtpsy woWs&n1 %bout' of aIg@e-who d41.4st an encampmento.tbes tIbe, aboultliueo mils from OSwsnsea ýThe coffin wu placodIn a farmner' caut, With the. end sticking-ovor the. front; the. bier placod on the. top cf 1t1 and a f.ýwi>o man wedgod ln &Il arcund dhe Of whQmiývry ~the ohurchyl.r& ,Abott se1intmon .snd weion fllowed, il Irish. The Re kt% Hughes, acwrato, reoàd tii.bu$ll er. 'èlIs, ld ail tiimon unÇoiered and look.' iéd Su'a evoe'ntIïl y ée hpeaphowould a( th* ý&Kty 1e.d ooffe, t Ivê-O44. out' SM Landilo, anti beloffwe, 1fw l'ho ftu0h assignid lboë thi bi1ough t toNoti wau3 thet 't YàLL.WnEÂT, bu 94 aou Osd 101I>IU@I Yux 226 e. 0 a9OU Cclpot barrai. B>.Lt y28 (0 28 ôd par busiiel. iOàs ln M' 0p pq 1bshsl.0 gs.mmore lu Iaut s i d oo94- I ab. # (vtbu l hui-o ,o4fyo ýýh, mo4eraw sait poose sd re novessu lstroa gonus, uMd àa$Psei# Mt ay b. rsplied. om.e- ,To Marriet iolesit le-peoulistiy snlt6d. It wll tm -sise** ttIô Wlng din the anoàtlm p.riodwlth tsgularltys *rilmoift $t.up o? Qsst 1Jiril te Pr.irMi In ail ouo f or troui'Ms adSpnal Atoctionsb Fibile t~pBu suld Li»,1 Yalgueo oigbt' :ud wht.si thosrlle .wiUlbirms curewheu* sUW$d fthor n tsus hs t 8eld, d ultcg ýscIe AgenttolutdusUntd StatnMudý"~am JoB. mos'S <Lafs J. C6 Buldwin âeom) 1 Eochestèr, N. Yb msoAgents for CanadaWcst N. B.-$1,00 sud 4 Poslogestampis etiea temiiy authonlsad Agent, wIU Cnuué a botUa oe, lho2'W0 br tturemaIl. For #aie bjy 1 Forale lu WtlïtbybY'~* .3uuue)ni dum ptraiti W. 1IL Dool, Brook shoet. imlportant Le Femaloe. lions L O1±moaanan, b DNe Crot'uu -The. comblnmtluu o? tiîgrodilnta fl ethons PiliU wire the rosuit of " elong oiud extenusive Prautica. ~Thay ste nlitflu thoir opouftion, and oèpullu lu Llcsrmo'inslobsîructlbusM wluther <om .ml4ý o ahorwi.eî buoa"hojan lae timi sidao peipltatiomi »f t),.ý heurt, w'lhtog, ail; ucrvouus givîotlouol,b ~Oriorn> uMtgn£s, pain la the bmck an lr uè,u.flImtuu1O. giopý whieh aria. Cheesenmmn'.Fillse ro lhoil t ' tnise. lui du% hohmave beeIU loéon te no. odorls eu -io vit ralecrolveeotàblae medV éfralontî bhoudborÀlwM anym bb frioooîî, SoUtý mail on au ýofmilua 1 .0ILB. llw+ôsm- *W u, r,4,51,os ff, Yr 41,o auàilthoad Agentb'. bou Drtqgit <me neý7 2b" M Mth m-lW oalo .ordors jbould ha aei by 0. A. 3lauiaer. snd 'W. IL byRev, B. G6 0 tg , " ; Jaii Fort. a, bo4h et onhithe hq., "ofadugier. z J' i w w' I.. d maabsRighlion. LIMrd lione. IL B. Sheridan, I. P. Colonel ,James Adidt%. " Tbe* ov. W. Beau. * ohn J#mes-U 1straO1 ý WlflluMnM nréEusb. Yaq,4ý '1>.rmrrL.oI, 14M., nýDIpoator. ÂiWUEo,A subrgum boitern, Eq. II xsý rlhdn.tigankrob-)4osoro, R&nom & omupany. ,.tapi-Wnil. (.answoll> làqb CANADA BRAN'Ilb îtiaL M,- Ioe LIi, Toroitto. c.?. W .xogslq., " in. lîi mPonlun. *We. J'roast W, hoi 0. ofY'ork2n Peel. - lq,~olT a #.-Tho e Bnkoo ioitop oUU Ow'nme. rd'a'C'tible. Tie. ehgagolnents cf tho stitc, tire tnxnmnoe Comnpauysrè gaateed by a rospoumible Pro-, raferonce to the »bard lu nglunit.YIu 'Tho biuee0ft théTimes 41iug e it uputr- cbuumod, Ploilly luldons lara now ga.raoîeedy ALEXANDER STENWART, .vn«#;, Br i/ihforth i Âniria. M~IlN AGNEW, îVbîtb, ~ ~1819. Agent cil WAibg XXlW MONET 0ORDER ori8icts. NO(TICE 18 HEIliE3Y, GIVgE TIIAT1 ON the Tuu"ve r 0 IJAIY lSxiT, thé fo- Iowlas amddtliuai ýPost )ffloof wlili bc onsti- *ttod monuer (Jndéofflejean& wIi ho ont- powoIod tolérant siid pay Mloiy Ordors, ain UveonUions now ln force. Aloi, ,#ODu CÎoliSLandI Now Ilâen*urg, Elclnsot L ng - ,otlasp8 .orils Uxbrlidg, flarjurlxo~, i Wittenlb;, C. W., g~lr, WoIland, pIN tgI~ Toronf,,' bec.28, lik CAT ONLY BE HA1b AT,. eooDg 9T0RE 20Q ORY NY HAWWOOD WTI- Aplto .EPE. Wldtb7, Oct. 18, 1819. , 5 NJOTICE la hoeroby gîvout thae the tindai mon- 1~ tiau.d IÀI ln the, Towuslmip cf Atugieum, tm h. Countey cfAidnatout U1. C., willlha opent Sorg1T"0 Ùpàum mpplcaton to Enusuite% pIcIy 'Pqte ut Tammwortiu, lu theeTownh ci' sheffla on aaimd ftar tho TWENTY-SIXTII one fitfthtQ iid c>wm, and the rommidar lu feur.4q 1tmlmeuiml linetameajta, wlth liuterot.- ia ptr0hosw t *romîdde. tlthelanmdc, and to caoir amd laceunder crop nt lemmt po ros. o1uily r ec oe l hudrd monos deinig tho rNo 1 ,nbr toc ont or remeved,unlana Itu- dar Lîcoumoe, oxcept for agnlouulturml pOrpoii. (S o. < uirn 0, 7,. 8.9, 10 <(10caoh. Tth is 61) ,1] 1]4 (9) 6 07)0, 7,, 8, 9, 10 20î , 86, , 4214,40, 8à 8%, Cý 7) 8, 99 42 - ~ ~ IÙ 'uR vfISELL, H.4ALTOB ANB ICTIVEMEBI R. ~OWA-Y'$ PItLS T~* blcodAimulahe* tua matoreel of overy L ou mndo, gland and fibre in'tme leunan fmim. Whonpurolt immleuticlitaili t W ovary orguei; whon onnmi,l It umooessamfly produces d sôël.UUIDWA'S'PILIS opamto di. roOly ml4on, tié.comensto fthe. treain of lre, noîmlmi h rlmsclpie c-f dlSanî d thna fadlcally counlib,È tha0,înnlmdy, wliotmer omtwtlu tho noies, limestuiacmuhe tho iver, tiie bomwcis, tho mimic, làssinetMics brain, or aimy othor part or thi mstefij Î, !.id. Thelbdbut the Wtiild 8 11OLLOWAY'S PILLS maro oqmmsly offloaclons lu oompmmtso onion te lime wlmole n[mnan ro mind lut disondons pocidiar tuo uinm climmulesanau Dysimsansd dorangemeul of îles liv6r, thé rouoscflumfrnty suddaufiorliug,mand tiec cuse bftunurmuhlo douia, ylald te hase curatives, lun ail cuam osj o frvtdftnfa mild ?M io loa o n oi h harvo tme *iui> ielmde. iv ate tho âmmyan Ztienooesltutluntet ho di=u Gienrl ca .suN, vos 1. pIel 1~ Whon Ail sîliflmut* fijeI1 h.*rhosovmtlng and brmmang proportion coftbligo 11'lI I gîvo fieimn te the elalumlcng norvos u anefohlmld muscles cf tus victimu ci'gonoral dobll>y. ~irre ltloma nd àemna,nts -cdntÎothe, dolleu. uu3.nr.lgvo argans off ueo sox, but Ilu. flulIha lteatld5No mâtharieio regtirds her o-wu phor ar ldron's hoashoaid faîl te hmv t$iwm ithldn her rmah. s5ïédntineo Endorsememato. S," e4tieg I.donu mmdl uo, i moet endouof t hé faoulty luGr atîfTul"neuo , ud Gpmnyn have *uloglzed the pîfia andlýÎ'ihor 111>Pr. HqIo Pillsaro th* romady iW4S cughs C0 lulueue, I Stoan d ,iehmmaa i 1, 1 l CotvUw ~~.fIutoodr DLI noi, Vyc ri A D r~opoy[k Fvr, -lwieao? *of, ,oIont 5o ýp144aOolr'I fo 2tVo 14, bânI. h!AL! UfTLEIIY Ëi' lt,Ontpbai'o, Joncs, mmd Oter makem ra c lgoeis' aud otluor Co]abmtod<nmalors Cross-eut, Oiroeu1ar ud Miiii ÂtMdetaotmror's PCsp., v4 s, *Sp aadg9 amcfai , &ôt dq2 ecry'deadnlptlon cf ( 9,>D G E T 0 LG, ~ tw1' Bloak, Brock-at, l x- INA199aiT. IIleitby, Nov. 24, 1888. JiU ?C t . 1 pa,OF , i4' LOCH.-FINÉ 11ERRINGS IN ýKJGS. WIIITE F1511 IN BIS# . . ÇIIE-DRtIED C9PFISII. HÂMILIO xne & rET No. 1 & 9 lesi'. look, Brook Street, "X1o%,10ier, 1838. Juéi .Rt4oeive(z, a kwes ond to# iraaoriedd igeook of rooe4é~< 2 voeHa e ri ported, the8/w ae fflwt om (tA.S ÂÀ PRIîME LOT 0F IIUDSON -ty c»s MIAIILIONT IOERTS (Jot ohor 1858. Navembor 24t ~I [f fi ~ 80 o ~ ~ ,i.ii ~ - ~Ji.. Q I o.. p O' ~ * Mm. Po ion wo wifl root biulnffs th*ebbet»î YQn? 01 tiio finIp ont WI>» zwt. omcuie.iiL Wltby, bMoroh gth, 1858. I 'Property on Bok nS ..tro' gle or to Eesttd»e. ckS iL beig he irt .ricgt lot forth £o th L;y ffluc, 49 luest fsoîat fuud 198 foot ý"ép tu Ji Lot Ndà forniè, ly Occlnepled by Alfil's Lvr Stabigi, Ilrock mstreC , 14111i(J$17,,- LS NO. 8.i,.v lnJ»eso% Stwdm tiose Lots uc qtiiel lu atnyiu T8*l4ienid m-111be nold on nio.4t rengoii&lîlu tortl8gto rti s wlo will onoat good Btonu 4of One Itrneu, w Boo Snoi dlrootIYç0" ltoBr>,als li1 WIrfoe ateneiios 7, i, orier Inuptircolm of ?a fcfQntDKClq =atpply Î2^ J, HAM PERRY. 'TO SBTTLERS-TO LEÂ8EEÏ I ~o utis, ýç; EsCIl, of Outr.. thut Towi% ~LOON P. SI- AlepLES n O~TX4C, g M e 5~ik- i * 15 . ** * 4' * iii.~ .1' -e t~1 i - lUNà StresS, JW,

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