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Whitby Chronicle, 13 Jan 1859, p. 3

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-a 14 z z WIIITIflr ARKEZTOO Wetiuasday, Janu, 1Ilob18é. YÂM. Wlisakr, 44 d ia Q d purbsh. Qis.sssseW tsàî 44 10d 0 o Qd pur bisahek Ysium 22mo d 0 Uts 64 par barroL. *BMILSuy U ld84par bitîsLsi <JArs lis0M ffl.04 pe>rbaisai,. llsssIP 4 a té Par ewto P9uli*5 a040.' P1omIo cedla64Q lper buliiol DuP?1Ji, ii ou porib x"x s7x< a r d Tcsuurvvo 9uas. BPEQCIAL NOTICES. WX... 11sui.m'sjAaDs,-,.otIa .d b"i in th# upu 1i-Ali risharasire mors til- - a4ls, aud i iould bu avoliod, If yen wloh to e1cAape ridtiislm,11 oriRdelt.fslýp 1'vrDysçl Iustautteaà eAtladNsstirsi Brown-or Bisai t iout tise issotlsjuyStiaisr .dts. ,' IO PjfusMd 10 ansd Ml/omg hâve beau awand. e o Wui. A.nc 186, sudOvor 600, 0 plllOsi1tlons ihava beaun suada 5 tu helae ito faussasse itDya. Wil . 4 bol l ai ltr Dya prcsducas côior riqtto bu dimtitissulsad troui rnature, alla jamna tints tu Ilu lira lit tiha loaât, hùovar loibtii may hououiti, adoýfnd tise111iiaifaats a B44 Dyca raixsial'tisa heUsr lssvigerausdfur ka: et b0 sld or ill1I(in 0 rNsata rooius) et tlsssw-gI~ 'sstory, '5li lroitdway, ?.ow Yorki. aule it'isluta ssitwafUaliia to cli.aao > J, gsssd 5aîiGoodo The Gorsulua h&# th iuinoausitiaddrcssiuponý m co pat igrvngot flr dsiex or oaah Bkoadw#Y, Now Yorku. B.Ml&ewt-o'a VV and 2bapu sîpusai. Thor are 4iegaut,ii1glst eoaa>asid duirsblo, 'Ynil ft t 1 w cssM-nouîlsIn u thbailus- tblo mnut wlsara the, tlisasa thiu*aNsre r- ~: ar uduuted udsiida.NO llo îtwfy tg-&Fr Salo b»y 0.,A. liuitar, snup*. 'i: isi, WisItby; nad4Lyums sBrou. 'fi c., lmuort at0to Faloo., ]ob o4paIua Co floflarbomratbàseqv «Mmstump et Qj'ot Etais, ta pie ot In SU oé of Newvssad SPinal Abaons, Pd i Bma- êLias, Fatigue on siigist uxotlticas, Pupttscs of tishe ki t otaio a", 'hWbto, tiss.laubwiilpu"oàaOameWhoeu suhictlssrsUmmbavefa bedsunatis.sugba powerbtdrsnuey, do fDot cequ lîufi,bCalomel,' àqi!sý" ,euy' oiVsbli h l to tisee cottt- ruil duratiousompay W oui kaio5 Saie A4et for th* Çuited Bttusand Canada. JO&. MOSES, (laS. IL O. llaldwin à ô. gale Aget or Ici &4 WedtWaS te auathorhed Ageit, wiii esisaro sa hotie of te Pilla b>' îetâts mail. Fer sale b> AI! For sale Ini Wlitby by 0. A. Easssstaî, DcWn là street 1 W. IH. Doal, keni treeut Dr. WiataaPo aliam oof Wild.Cbrnyi: Bann# Ptoù~l io 94A srJlp- 116411 x1niseýtijspapoqlblltyattisalsingt. tise Rda lfcvofand Palliahr uDIA' ieyafale. JoQrsiai, we slîcaidduesu 15 ittÏ6 eu satisais crime ït, îacoususad au>' usdicus'acupcud tisa roasi vrhtsocf wliois w. eoald Dat cansalin- tioualy auslorso, Tiisbaléanilao à aosid boasboeosiàsaisomoefixturu; and mAU por4csswliîo suifer, and havo lu vaiu atteuupmto cure tisoir 0001,an&s, uceda, Dronoai. or pisimanr>' Oompiaiiîte mai aof t tiis uno4qualed rame. genstlemasn la oqusili>'Coclausivu s F,ý roua Bay. hîasir>'Woodr <brusriy sltcr cf tliaoegregasil o JssilCanacs',N. M. *m rcoti.>' LioasaConusuli.antiBeyrootp Syula, adswOissssn isln taNv> > CONaRDt, N. Il. Marais Muu uhW. Fowlsos& Co.,- Gentie ruain s-wTwo years ago, a audoansd violant aS- teck upon s lauge booiuned use to ns>'bed for eoverai woikot and whoua 1 roaavoredi waa0 Muasls rossad by a dfloity' tsi baathing, tisS 1 was oftan iiusbiu 10o laap "or ?ratSupos aa bo&'at sigit. -Tho onfsring wasa etrase, snd judgiug lues thoIsa luy cf the rom4dkp usad 1 ouipposad tua disaae Isaurable. Baiiig par. AQUsi<tal to Si>'-a boulaet Wigle D' laisam of Wild olsrry, withont ounidunce lu afloy,P, i fouud tisa difflicult>' aimoit antiral>' rasovad bafore csse isttia wu îssaod up. ftympatby witls rüy faiiaw crostares Inducousa 50 insaicetht Publicetsttame, and racommeasd tlisa article 'te ail etiiorsolusiisrrssflictad. Muai ifDM4M sinles4siulIdll1BUTTS,"> on tlpis d bae yn. TfW. YQWLZ & Oc., Do.-. ton anti for sala b>' W. IL Dc@], Witby,suîd Il usOoiswa. -w NEW DVERTISEXENTSl. 8OGO oeasoiousea# F ORSALEB lIL MA. .TANES &W00,MAIN £STHEW S OMEIR. W40Dogon Luger ia is3-pint, plnS, ausd quart iottias, Tisl ior liése s on bottlad oves tîîree >'oarg, assd opausa batter tlsan licotais Ali, and la arcn- y rocinosneded b>' 011siselicaimasn s isa1 pujost drink to is .d 4Afsta wanted lunaIl tha prîncîple, Scwssa lu Casiadie fortl. spla cf tili. mer. -ltoditube so14 ret4a licana"a for 10 cassIs por inS bottia. ML.A. JANES &01 Scie AgenUt. HIamilton, London,Brmpt,ta- dOshsawa péperu plouseCOPI' wiiaaniueasdlis aMounS. ONTARIO TURF CLUB. *A MEETNG cf thetociholdara wHiibu lio3dm It Suisr o@venins t W>'ttlu. homtaihal-pset six c coi fbr tise tnuait "ios:n 10 t amuinos. Ail tis e nbers or 1 fi mri oute toattsid. IRBT. CCCLUT, M.D, ACOOUCIEUR a.dOohitOE à. gg note drswsi b> me la fAvr ut Jasis i>ringl'edAiad tisa 105h f November, 1M5, aS' mw îioth##,fo« tise sinusof âl8 , a'I have net ruouvod vaine for said note. JâiaBATES port Wlsitb',ltiJaJMS H.W. WOODWARD. ' Dy ornaor ftisa uiucu dethsa Uat.d ~ 405000c Mar ës iiiis, 40,-000 BuH W. WOO WAD. 30,000 EswhelSPR, WET IL W. WOODWÀRD. M,00 Duebls of BPEI H. W.WOO»WÂRD. «Thse Usgliotsslais prias, wiII 1be padtop .tisa abovo, At Jtcdgs&oss'sid, #tand b ý tisbori. bor. - . - - - 59-S' Producoansd Coasmîicîs Mn erussaut, r ilndas Stsrét,Witi 3TIIoÂmnssiogrtla f s toclscildera of lot( .5.W th ido La yupffray, wIi bbeid s»d Atssrut-sto ote on dity, tisa 7th day of $ti4 JOHN V W « uôth T'IM cnut>'<ounaýi ls ardauaa witi tise prvetn o f theal1001h.ation of tieaNew. oanlliai 4et cf Ojipor Cus :111 hil htoir fisaS maaîtlig, for dilptis cf isutie st s$hos O.iurt Hanise, listubhl Town, coi TuesdaY, tise 81 ftipootm i ofJoUayns t tihe ur of Il of tîh e ait ne 'of whltt l il porAnus listrotad, are ho rJiy a qiired t50 tako ~tigo, /Il. J. MAOD.UNELL, 01«rk q(' Ontari, Offic, of lise Cicusît>' Crk, S Wilthy, Jan. li1, 1850. 5 411 papoa.a -the oOntrqive eue limortion. L hsusng a note of hans for tisecisszcf140 datod salit. lot, 1857, sud saysa il usictha4 aftar data, ansd iada by %Vi lam Foraster f tisa Townsislp nf Piclsr, iiis uy bisior, as I liera rêcloauneo ns4ico#lirssJssfoîr tisa sasie. JOhIN CLARK, Lot NO., gLaiSsm, iakorlnu, Jas, 5, 1850-. Poa aU W A R 1> Tr OS? FOUR STICEl', markad witls reoù o is lauis. Au>' *ou ciiugtie sauinato th. subsarîbas., cs*loavlug ifhrinaticn' that yl iead to - hah racovar>'.MAS J.if.LGarrli a Store, yUl ba bidsomsle îawardad., ISAAO HOWVARD. NUW KONUY ýOIWER OFFicae ~ <TIO 15IIESITGIEN TUÂT, ON 'titi IW 114n' I 5415145? iCt, tisefoi- owingsaddtioatssPomt Office&'will b. 'consU-- tistaiodue>' Quder Oliiae1utnsdwili b . poredito GratSasd pe>'Mouey' Os'emon thé dnditions now lunforce. Étbicus, 0.W.' * lfoavemt , ' MoutSBrydgus, iowil, tNoirbniy, Col OIeNew Ilibsharg, pot-Ottr ll 'FeSt Ozui Dopartmuat * faoto, Duc. 5W, lob.i t ',1858. sud 50 Fib aore» ing tisa uis. b", ÉW4Ols] iy (11] 8 tel] [l 9l7o] 8, 0, ZO 4Lb 805 0(9,10(9 910 h lish Id tfo1i ià 5(94)ô (0-) , 1, B, , 10 101h '~9, 28, 81494,40,5à, 89., 7, go q? 42 oIsilad i lu .oou l, 27e, cs. ANDU ICW RUSSILL, HUMETIAMD BIOKNEBB 1 IIOLL.OWAY'S PILLS MTiIE bleud fuirsîlisne isasssterlal ef oves>' il. botte ioui, gland anud ibre lititIsa isuisa (Mam. Wlwapural easoiras liseitiste ars> 9dNsss4. whaonon uaoerri>rpousu d 110,o. LI40L<> w PILLS oporista di- rocti>' ison tise alasîsautis of tisa strogau cf lire, sieutrulising the prissaiplo cf <iséUasesud th,îs raullaally airliig ttis iuss5sscy, mwlsc'tiar iust«a i tisa isrveas,tisa, stoisis telvet bowaîué, th ntisulosis, tise *si tis it, r hyot part ofthl 1 s>'.tsj s'eio Vieil Thîougsossg h. Worid t IIOLLOWAY'S PILLS taraaqîsali>' allesalous inasspîlit ssinnîstisathewksoîs hilîait race ansd lu dJors jisanlîsr tu certaîiclîinataa Alamming Dimcidoru. D>'spapsis and derassgîiiast ci tise livr, tise source a In iiriilty assd sitliarissg îsd tis a auie of ltinasnartsbJo dusutiis, yield tu tilasa curatîveas lai amli casas0, iiuwaver agssvuucstig s loe ierts uiowais, iurIL>'tisa iids, aîsicIissgoi. ste tise systoi si is an sselitit, ituuss h t GonrPl Weakuooou.aT<rvoum Complaintes wiiau a1l stimulantatsfIl, tisa naiànilg alsa bracug propartias of tîsaa 111111% ira firlnnes te) tise saifssig norvoOe issu afaubtc ia l mis i ti-% #iatis of gassiai <tbilit>'. saec' 'Ail irrooguslsrities'an idl imuït no isIe àonS atise dellogatnsd seansitve argonsair tisa @ex, but Ill' iutblc aitcratiraa. Noisîllssldho ro lrds lier thons withiq lieureacîsW lia Ucleatilio nl:amau Tise LondonuIllAnot," tIsa Londoduu'5ediaa Iioriow," suad thiisngat siuilnt tfth isa beat Ili Groat Brilu Fiuce, aud Garmihave eilfuîa Chei tsa îuiianti thoîr Inator. hv RoicOway'a îlilbAare tise baiS rassdy lu 5h, worM itle hollcwisig dîseasoss àocvi Cern l iaÂos, finf Ast(isua rp aut lasti îlm Cocghs Colde, n ua, MStansd Iiard woak, Rmtm biiyFreLownotsa ef [fectîcua ani00 u,0a- Ssirits, Wormoi of ail aiOupaltuLiver V&na-. 1 nd1 W"Scold At tIse Msnifftorlas cf Pîcoaci nOlLO, 8'àt0 Masdi l u se, Nov 'ls u 0"4 8umsnd, London, b>'al apat11 rugi «Il Dealora SIn Mediaiie tisicughciit thie td Stan sd 5h. lvlhizod wo 1t., la poue,li oentaf, 003< tt, and 81l oa. àaaeuutderab e uevlsg b>' tW.n& N. B.-Dractlona fcî tsoildauo01cfapiet lu evet'>'disordeî as. s&enifto esols botient o s & o*wàv, 1¶sw Ycss hLo ýqxi, aedtscu'able Mau uuUi-mark ln oiouy lusf 0 tie bock cf diaatios ua nd uai to ot o àw JUDO $rd, 1857. M ~hs$ thoir ~A's Y St~< BAIHOP& BA .1R mais thua Toronto Priaca for Cash. CAST, SPRING'AND BLISTER STE EL BUTIT AIuKSSTg. A largo Steak cf 'tadiaRabber and fatta Percha 'rs4 a14lia. Filiaues pball's,' Jouxas'nd Otetisar nitîo f Creasast, CiroutullasudMiii simm-m4lit ate1hsandM1rerA pncas. RUELP ANI) RIMANT HARDWARE Nota théeAsdis, AID J. S. DONALDMON h&o E D GE T OOLOS, Oadwolîi'aBiook, rook-et,. il GuIA? VAISSUWliltby, Nov, ii, 181, PRESSEDNAILS!1 TRACE,- HIALTEft &CULHA , [10118E FultNlsIIN.Gs, T4ÂBLE!& POOKET CUTLERY Rogers' sud otisar Ceîabrstad makars Guns, Plitol, OSho4! Powderl Cae lsW04,gina Rugi, *0ho, s"d mP-4ý00 BARRELS 0OF SALT~ FOR SALE AT IIAMILTON & lIROBERIS Broaok strasS, Jsusîîîîîgy,18 . Juai Revecz, a lar'ge andZ iodll lng om e Mcpeotmdni q0/ O/dna anc d mnn.r Sesmoee T ine <if% por«i c1< 46sandi6e a ,o * PoeuHforte s&iltnd stee are ,pme ru!od t r <Iùtua rdady reckcd y yc...- i a s to J'- ýocl uloattention It solttoisttdiin Siora'. ftrado. tt t'ff c tUrfM. ýo sud Shscauakar,-Broolk, ,d largeoaxpotionca lu tis' assnrad ths isaSl coai- rd a"daMmounýthuid-i 01soapuas. Oil' Andboa çrg I ~ - 1~ [11~1 .5iii~ 0 "lu, ~oe ~j3 I.' r.' ?à O.-À largo, quautity of APPLES on baud, sud for Sale. r i DRIED Stao hreIîsîuatco onspn>'0<Lon. GÂPI aZ.'.ti0, . P. ING olouel .leusçîsAdair. bu oysa s. Beau,* lianu>'Claitr, Esq. .O Hnrcisla Daîuysq.iD Willam S Pater, sq. .rvlllnth IlOîsrv Ituugi, Esq., M. A YM. Weflis, Es Pater Morrimon, Ru. aaigDîroator. e4"lltos'. Joh noaamil,:Es. hnfat#fm'é MeIL.. lir hsrsK Suwen.sliu laoi , .....l "802. .6f: 876-. Ona-Sftls payable flaxt Deaasule,s, udtfiti bMaanc extessded ovar a Saisisorffrosu iirea to it Poeroso i#wliosloc'I tO@buaiss tlisepaant eatisia tpayaient wili noS baaasasada titi 1yrpiano aistIparticulan a>y tu Proporty on- Boooks8VOee..For sale or rJ'OWN'LOT l4oi Oî»ist aIde of Brookt Stret, J. baug thirit vacant lot uurth of the IglsM_ t y 011100, 40 lbat fronst ssu Ive At loap ee Stablus; lgrock iatrao, mnc meic is No. 8. Yc>r Busliness ii thWi Lots m aaqîîal tlU ny lis Towni, umd ili hM a stold 01n mohsi raaaosîsîbid -Brick lDu Idissgs èôliom. ru od ias Td iiaoa. Ourm licsiss sp u, yfb4 1.kr~ sek te dlrectly <IPISOCI lu"fryan 0aie opal"Ibo a tarin ai' 7, 14,ors ijssro# lI parccdW Ã" 'fCobs féoitago Àpply ta WIyrdmissels, 1888. F On A tarnicff savon or Plus lTomr, Savo FLots of Lnnd cf ONE JUNDUED ÂCRES, ZACIT, lu tise Townshîip cf MAIIA, nuitut of Ontario Thoa Land Io -of thioit qtuaý,YitsSTowni ellp, rMonm* wili asdl uo >tistsU6ic0 cf liiin bîtin ï, iud Ir roqîirod- du~4aa *u dliiiéi tise rIglt tui puroliu At t 1ht4i5iîînaicr 0, the. 4IAM - 1 ER Wlitby, QtIi Marais, 1858.ý AT LAS' MON WORKI, lý ' Fiant 14:eotToranto.,a OHARLES VALE & Oo.9 30EGte lsisfo.ustisapublio tuaS tise>' lucre u aineutal tisosa asSouira promises-a oi troc (forus:rl>'aoojip cd castise Ontelo, Bugoîw bu'illouss c althstlo for cave>'. Iron Found1n g& Bmftii' work lu aIl-ftn bîssuoliss. ToyIsinvita luspoction utthlcr nuisorous ýPaS- taons of Ortiniuasii frui Fouces, UBalies -VeraudsIsKVatiltýDoiursplain ansd Oînaiueutssl (ssst Iran 3oluiis, Wlfdow Caps, SlIlaanud cf oves>' dosarlptoxt; Oooling, Parler end Box otovasç; Gratesi, CvuMsil aisidrona, Suîger Kott;los, Plain Castinugs ati -yoîigfs, mil ci wliatua>' ollader te tisa Truado sud othsars onuid- rustaeos Srsis £tw*Ceuti>' ordas'. Isusse ttsallymttaisdod te. ~dosa otubai 90, 1857. -f TO 13LACROMITKB. ONU, RU1DRED BUNDL3B5 -VERY LOW. A NEW DRAND4 sapor u ve e .LPOrudintc thtamaXrtl, a' Witby, Dcc.1 & ce. LOT OPHit 'a, a. us. .auum oe ~a. go J 89 lTitiîbyJssa.5, issu. I -s- AÏAUM Alýsoitrxoxr or - 10 :1 '

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