7A 1 ktteCQ1 o d ic.~4 ï9y I EAT 7TUIE 4)v slj ç- 4L - - 4 - 4l- 41 IQh (C WN iuà il.w'.. W . L 9 1AitRIgTl di ATÃ"I WV8 A LA SOLI\IT08,OTA'é,9440) uvt ity. .-kW.Ã"tIEIUK CW .'SOL' IN -B Oitui'tobe h t, iort, . Bi ' a é4. 0Ikî(ý u ry 01 ttVifl C<lo(t i., htiu Stt'et wA.I1IBTEp. 4otNPY,&. m L.pylfluu f ?Ilrtue1roll J.Blvib, E4 I I. Il. DTEIrsLLtr. PPfYLST1IR, MÂBTI<U EXRA- ' lïïN, BJNItOIN A, S taï r le'Io 1ut tto iji 0 ttrss op 3.e liema.saîd)'30 r st lugé. , »04 A AMOUIWNBER " AND PW *ur" Cou:LK MUA~iNT T, L G. A. DNIiS;E'Z" Y-%UUGfl5¶TiniGa N 1iE1f ~urh.rtiP5O8tlbiOli4t~~5L4U45S~I MftRtOAi~-5KOTE14l i - 4 ,t tj JOHIN - X41eA1 F444- I y. j Ew mr,1loPri«itoE. V)FOR1 ' t . re K.t . à r eeti ' - -I 4,4e e~ ~ ~ ~!1 lIustmteeostit avili Vié cl 4adSattentive Ott- ru NvlyACUE~U>M5IslONIlFOR à V titîkinlg davits, Aeootttaut, Lanid, Dlvi luit Ù (curt uc t'sl Agount, Uxhrldui. Of-- IêgSbuolltbetonliti 'oq1ttIhl& M**qla orIt bi - l li . ..- ni la', J U R M E L t ïo ) - - l aiuil> dulie, 11Z uttdwrlsoftif.luinti excçntte4lu good otyloen ud iu a wokllittlikuintimuer., 0 ILUTI 4 O P&>ÂN>R, 2-2ti - (Âr;J. TiiL tut. - - -, - 1't ýAm-T WINDSOR ioiO sE, WHITBy, WLOADNIBY$ ijtou'tlrtu. RlE abovt Itul lJia itmîated lit a pleasantanti T tlrud e ulei, 'e îî,front rondi. Gooti nceuit odà tîin for travtller.Guoti kýAIR3foeRS'PHOTPLe --clTilt 6o.4zaml ' ,uzdsto. ï: ' , 'hN Iua Une letilttngfroin Blrooklru lu reun-ý 0 .,.weed.,*, OecI$tbliii îmdà couniuýdatiOi. 1011N BuELL,ibpîvtir.,, y-,A8UONA3 Il Ait'OUfTU4G. AND) ,UlAvis l&, ~lirvek gtroot, Whiýby.- A fii irt a t -sic Bigarber and Iltaùit'Disr, of longt tmudiufg lIe e uo w il. uiwaysbe tnuud la rtdîness e W iteutong vu oîuc Biaviu i la a protiuss Lu ýhjQh gétne n-o good ressues, are ,ltcot< averte, butt unîber Wi Ilnaou'i, land lthoy will fint Ii, pclrjè9u.t4onut EVAS BYLKe,1ilO iVO.-thli su ,.nbse irlutardsiuuted ii thé esIo di ti aboie woiî'knownbtel,uuua4,tmkes bavye t imîfuruià is î utaruanti -ubie, fltIuittli' been loftntcductiie lu tlLlt Iho bu bnsd to-eïuse.i tîcaîr satinfuuetion iuid vonforl. t. truste Ibi bis revign uunêieratoer boilre flue' imbue'à » Ueblé Xoeput - utuy liiitu m;oitît citent arucdéc- 1ndatîi ltu piublic favur.- Evuny attentiop ',,idto tue o nufurt -of travoletrs. (*uucil$ta' 185 0, O. 1U ABD-his epuitia 841X04 JO m 001-ro'. hall, ItuaY nuceupiatdb"y b1i<u -Carroll. Iliadditiuo theu umtû 1h'ýùilh buS chmi stidi 1<é,alasmQus lu Mulil, Duwugjý bricy litîiluuuîdFauny NeedleWomk, .do.- TIETÉRtRtÀN~~y 1 ýunnrlykop byMr. Huuley. 'he Prenuhse hllv lion owr ruiovted-thopgliouîlsut 1 littu i u iMtitu .Evry p)ruoqruub'i daeîtiutiy n '. A1çigar divan Ittdà u"Se. ar Arc 11uente,îuu u qjo~rn 1Im lsmbr I rQ~efIo4' mlot, t~b. romiodloU4oftraoI ~74*i4yUsla,~Iê>?a&s ad~ BU OUSIN fiQÇhS9Sý4 A ç.JQLIN PPR1ETOi *;,,TW etfdgt lhé rodoem, i In altila0ruvu Ing pub e, equ n bot paoeu hot Ck, or to auy otiior otubliLl;V liu ' .a rolauJulet 4 44, à -neartha &ts8Omoi lse. u'ru roUt tbIa atuiblar ore od lskil 4ltuv~ id «eOxy slLalo4i pul4, te ý,1,lr cqndpu,fa&1d bc oondusut sforinoilyt-wmits à ha rltot r- T'limiprtdruamso bt i.meey rténdu it everytl&tit lapýâdq o eA4y as %rnoly tW enter- tai txoî u tue lu<uoteii, sud titat le wu) oî,tien as WUI hil# *out. lit. histe tie iul antliorouÙglcy aprm L Pon. Thbarudd *Iitcil ppiti,-âuaftrinonlt hbabstvl"1bled sud drblokulSei Bu EGS Lu Wouiuan-lbikofriand im- Li.pble orttuîttItItci work lu llrivk ant 1b't Alt orders luft M i. rêidonce Daulop strout, Whiiy, .iJ.lucee wh i.vL attoudatnio. --JM R. KILIIOIN. 1 0OM idX ~ IIMTO YRENCIIMAýq'S E lky 8a1ootliuGrauid Trauklc od Eltuetug wliti teo W Ilrniu4g anid Evening Trainq.. .$ JMES IIUBBAUD.' (1ON8T.NTLY 019 HAI;) DUBINO TME parlui;., pr1el~ouldamlpi>W th ieù and âtuier4±rul*d qi au t4 egrou Port rry, Deew 1808. prieri; 4à t& tô'ýlu f aNovi two iswiUtnoibr lbe c:ç&P rueevedvai~e umtl<dto. l'on Whlbo(Oui Ja. 150 44'4 4 eWM*v.tp,4 4t lx., ulior t~ is aroous ortJgr. lt a 6Jýwwm nderaç igne toaUytouvedto Ifm h T'ililEb il Watohmaker, and 3ewdllor. or Wlîiby an udidtig LOUutry lIti hu buicucutiLu a-thsWlobI #la 1 yoared bly otrefulliy nftelu l l ice vu auhai u pahlepa~iticge 42 F OURALE BY M. A. JAN£S,& 0,,MAIX, S I¶ElCT ROCH"- TTII ,240 Pesn IiLugier ~rln ><-pint, Pinto,-!Md Th6s filer hua en bottiet oor tiArce, yentu, sud uonu botter t Scotch Ai,anÉd Is troni IY ýe(oumutunded y o0)1ucdicisal m o as hi puiegt drink tlonlrd. - " e,- I 1 retiffi lu h ad f o 1 unt ur lt bouùlé. M. A. JAN Es & (;. Jlq Agent. pa lgi4op.wo >lld 0011à . ilooheuutr;1 IITInîllot Lnd ui BraPtOUWà squd 0sh,,ta, AU oder puterlrxld ogo p Ia- fittt da îantut) M.lisoî ndils >',O lu ip t2.san aeY ceeuple4i 'WOOD A.Kellu msoutA1 s 1iurteînh.e Ahil yor ptttloly teî4d,ç,anlîtd * - THE LEADER. à nsuts Viliemp Ai tY-MORlNtl ANDiS-VENINU uld, jp; (le lvr- EorJih Q ud Aunurilan miw, together wltlu ovùtytlth untôruMin lîu Cà ùmUadwi-Rouadoro, -47, eltliiel>y Télegiîi Êr' proas. ý Ptabil. M et . ~ - legs, -L w Ce bî,Poui $0, Cou aa oruliae à ' dha', T" tdli s beslsu* M or M4 u puiets- îlerd uu"À",dbyL'a E4 a ual, o 0 T 120iOc.W '(s te cae nîay. 'e.>-. 9.0,, 1 1 4eeu,4 -- 4 - ' h ru~qu- .w ~~~~tR jetaiuavlu4lo4Ilnbi1.e iurktl vi cueuiaue -vhle b l a i ' u dant (611, ukie, il 49 1w ~t)~-auTUNE DOLLAR, H" IP'N¶n¶ BlO0i.ÙP -TAI1 dttoo . - . Il,, 1 Au Omniýbtuatîn mtu~~u m4,taOe 0lufrgS.4toi 4h i~ ww Ca' 'hitby,QOctoben 15,1 42 .1-t tint mati i~Iuc 4- ~ t 4 bi .' 4 titi 44~4444 44') 4............. pugrance, unt«oorng-aoout r.>A , 1e' D teste li t. - ns.Ti*h ï 1 éï ii covereti wlLb vinei so4'ýthiltkly mattedte.toi eto t o'rsÇi6 emb4ra sollii s.cif er., euéà lb 4èooeyard l 'tvs1hlie*ttbi Ou a rt'oatïi'pôrticb, -4n froteLout tagi'amtý girl -of tedor yearRsslng 1- à i5polti-yÃŽIcu tif clear, blrd-like tuelody. isntrytuI1stfportio lu , ut acouotLryi;and tetho-é,ltole, i~lwl -tba5k,ý s'lLb about êakà vé 4ýe; É;esýý ,Miiî7 of a i atl ôhWêndti? ' i ougli' ha- b.erry. Thu so%0ft bhlickea4raY ion, uunt4utd ahe )outaals-e ark- backgro ûnd, made by- thoisËtning i#uiieâ ëf Lbo jîyý$,tof.covured the vallu> abe. Jpqýeý tu he gathefing iihtIjea ji p ture tif ytutbfui'j, a4 v-en -w "the "a é ondition of 'rthittivo lamtdiUmil/not yù poaaessed the pov on to*ý fi Sue huediticu oeef *vwu,'ni, lui î>r"ps she was su 1nLtblto0cupie! a-. âti qeasîin, untlU.ant, aigu fom Lcoth th stoppot Inufrouït'P'etbucottago. Theavet meelodyteotinuedLo rlngtont carsutid full until -tii. voicu cf te pt'i.tt spcutliine lu Lunes of8 et Lcifgmner, staemtled ber fri -îer- unconsclousucs. "Gtir, areyo netaL Litedagitet' of-La- val, theforeotx-r?"-t'f- si ,st , 11o 1t p, !and,~~ie u11 o! ý th .becr. çr,. géç Ny.pallid aad.eatb'; for, youtug aah vas, ubelibad laotidle, druai Lb. appeuartnceo tf thé Sol-aîlod vice- pr c f Iluaven as Lthe sgffrns t ati oWýiîa* un q.à #te rl.r "W1 iby titiytu net. answer 2" ho hbiby q.aked, as allé,etoodti ent ad! ttelibiIn befori blun..,- -, "t- - as u ta# edV.~w4on et fatheril yea, -I amnthLb. daughtm' iof- thi Iwatulbeti for' theni If sant.' Fathox' =uo)pilrkiî inetua.i I b 'gotton 'andlnod-na dI ii- nu se tii.bol> embièma cômîing 1"l - Iî.-*.'i- "IWhy 'doeyoiu 1uôt fi kbl.Wubïï Pré dtil. - You kuçsw Iis eutpeu'xitted tu yourpepl .ds n W*Itventbmls'bloj ru~;~Ueba. 1, d bo 3o 0, ntiw a .m verq5 Yu>humt> e rkn4 ,ag at se-~ vbo-.are gellLy of sucli irrevercut con- bana tepeca~tg twti bhd-Aaul l thoglit stuchhe primicat. -4 lIestin L tin - :g ostaL4wlthyou, 4 -'cr ,wlfn 8hu.fpocti eeragth'mltrmut', m ni-iiUbniko t your-totprnsS à -;- mu " 14 4- f', .4 f , ei4 xiata your. su 1 Lahbaluît ? ro...?intiltiun o! the orr utibave bcwi ir.ited' ouiy 04wh.I. pardon.the-rsau Lbutor. the %, bara.~~~ loprabj. ems ,M r paret, r 4- 1. i&ê tI-iW4iougii &rooa> d "Tè t' 4to Eltrdlimako'tfe uhs ob ifà ;4 unoo, .Ptgbupd by her.,tjelk al_ 3 I0 :iýt;Y-idd rît'îoaveýu' l o ie', iOjl refran frote proccodlng Luo xtremlrles .Liio . o tzýà 'are çualy a,- gpQd ti nat-youand-your Wifoforýyour Irrevera t "an, yon wiIlf"pjb4t êlarlght4 ti>onur, ent'conductl'nutéi tî elgonu if the iacred =yî~ faither a.dý motlcr as theBbeljbe co.body-of Chrilst,; oî,-ll have vastet 01- 4 iioomueb4tiâo hure --follow xûoi And, tà ke i'Atib eedtittyqnuitray netho to tbe o-right y sacrillgioua borctiga,!<' sai- -tii. prîeut, oo.- with th@;Slatol' of Mercy,, where you viii. ove 0 ey. "Ir), , you -hayp-, been badly bc welRcareti for."--- pou tmiunodby Vr- Loaqléa fi becrethcime usi~. iy? '- ur h~o4o.ploÃ1ukiy-LbWïrd hirýfaà her.As If mvà tiby bil ortLbe trongartnzof athrt hh<114- wi'ber, 'antiproaëi bewlti rautt r wlththiosu Wfu-bk#ý uiùeoOa'ýsllà ttt 'rforce. to b'is rL"is --abaud, sought 'thé tfoulnmrti. sou .., 4 ' hafingera"nervoûsly-,clutthe- ti i,-ith tii. by frIght th4t ibu was raùy to obuy auy. sooner ithanisurrendur;hcuor Lu thé, prutuei, uuueaia ifenght give ber. 0f ut hlgbly ion 'of, tliou0burdh. Theu glittcrlîug blatie bi nervous LrprmbÇtd eaalxcitoti; vuti p'antty muusbathedi, wbenL ucîile icoin,- Improaaod frôW fifacyvlItb i tIep -*d ~iiprohotlteti bis ntoqtion; Site falnitly tih oif tho puwey or t risýo ~ u itcaald as yeuri udyphèed4 'ot-heith sue Kili nie, ýthon;fiL wlilibe'botter Lu odiede t ucade<if hat oîver -por lltiu uclhle b.d youf rrma- than. ftfolowLthât iin" 4 nu ne-tpr tf olr -kIlu biler. Palpi- lier oyi wereu'alsot:-is ; inti thoN e h tating bout to iv l1 o to ajjpir'h ofr i- 1was aonthilig in ttlrexprmosln tutat diu- Ra iitauc.;- Sleojii4 d Iy taltr,- . arineutihitn'. >He-ý'ro'anod. fi "loy I'uWhto, wbuut- ilI do to avg 7r t iflh.±frLtWùancv 4r 1___ 1 - - *0 U Ruuieat afteinea& raudnèlatôn ur the vili do It ,'ly.- mtùcbld, ior- dl, lu Lb.he' t- orrors lun wliçu6âeaebeurcaed,aa, tonmpt. iYuu"ohsli iit bu' twie lét-to w lpromisie You. protection ,und advance., yuur'tarthly'eparent, aütt Luyuur 'ather lIt in1ent, aucb aayout paruhiisiîeier tiueamidhe;aveîî -- - ** , of for-a chiid bù tbeil" - -H - le paaulo.ately kl.aed bier cheek,lip andi -i "Tell ehn watVuiLa.,- broW, anti-ho1 -esgntiber Lu ber utotb- The îrestqwly, rçp.ated Lth ortnof eor;. ci w ords oftentiletateuItuobuhitdirn, anti mau "you abottîtibava tdilut mutner than rui-, hyte iwdbndigupe tete evn funi- tant," muaid -the latter; I"but aInce, lto-l u the tnd9r tigeotof oigbt years. Thia ree, youî n ust go, anti we alay nover meut -you o cttonoco uttcred, the. paruitts lid-nu agalin. - A blighit ba fallun on our humble furtiier pwer QvQr. .tlîemp. ,- hI:y p4ued buttte, andi tow, a day, an, bour wa m my W U undqr, tbe.raie tif te-,<hurcb, anti! vore p9 thle destruction tif us ail." . .t traluetifil ber.ticguîaa, luntefiance :ucf--alilMadamtetoLavai kt4ew that in roglgniagi thi oppositlbn thtt.4coPlti- b. offrt be hr dauglitertLu Lbe cia, h a bra thus o 'whoin nature hb. 4loti@givo'n the uffëctuallyasiif <bath b.d Lakion lier -fruniel rît*toconroi their > uloiis auii,ýforw erara;yeabe u rted; -frbmnthuriili, it torcharac tera., .- ,- appareîutcà tînineits. - LuéliItu, î,ruaacd i. - $carcoui. onselous tf whaî abu wgsdo. soit cocok-of lber ltifantlbirober tW lieS lips_ il lng, Lb.helint voiceo tf Lucilie ifollowed ticat> iti trutilsi>ort4of angulâb wbà icb wua increa-d ofth Lii.*eri, ai thon tbfatal wordis setiby, te bugliing gie. witb wlicb hw lb wcre undoti abu foil7fêrwarti with-ber face litie f<uilow boundedt(itueetbercarinesa. b upon Lb.e turf, lu an agouy of euî.tion thlat Thiii; vithlipgingl s tops, mii. vent c wouldhave touchuti any huart ,uaL utterly ot«ÎOfithiLlq enclosure- iitl rou1sng,4but'i hardneti bytmnaicbu. . baud ~oW berbrou t, followedthetipro- I'ltbur XAiitoinie sailli,-- --esion -wltbhaw worid, -cf- ufrits ~nlb.e "RlÃŽiduughterýof-true aiLli, audfouluvyoungbhoart lmLyau Y o'ul ut oyf uihpe me id aitasyluitwbore cà rdaud tunderiheu andy,4,q<tfui ýb«pai;tee , efbu tiid net dat saal- competiuitci you for4 Io-sparat1on1te loun.1akwrig a q tuWthe ihème fruutboa-wîu-b~!ett'lne70u unl î»abo~s~siçaimî, bt lîeslitultitr anti d' bre sy4mnti,he tain . - -i .o- -4$hoin L th biiov, ones vturhart ltos-la;fi _ robsUliîJaoui uloj nt voe iwiîb h selb er ngN bea s *Mae-ef 4alk iand-cpoworfui frmu iboundedtiLaval'p btirni goye. vere fIxeti. upon Ltghi tbp p oi dobo fth,cottgé.i: -is ber recudlng fortà :witb fueilgazio lauguage blhack oý4gaateblazi tà à gWltb ieicionitent; eau poxtray. -PourlwsmLu.gati-.rodres jund i s lips were wlhteati-ttrmulousm with foIr Luis gÉreat -outrage. aguintLb.th holieat a emotloi.l. iulei'i'tgûitr m Lti f nature, miiil. tire cf- him!iwpotuuus, -tho gmouncl, anti.-ifaciug-the, pIrlemat,- .aaketi sul was arouseti by the. very conscioousà - wîb asortpfabuioti eeprm'ioui -- cf is lnabulILy'te assert bis rlgbt tLu pro- - Wa- osthlis nié4n t.,What bave tecthia deurlycbrlsbeddauglîter. uThougit you doncu Lofrigctun ti build au fuar- lowly, lu station, -auntidependunt. on labur -fuuly ~ t- -p-j----- ~ -for fbl suppor4thie foroater, lusopiLe oftbe "1-haà ve receli er renanclation ofthe relîglous pergeoutioni tliav rmged - aouend4ý irrsutr iii,î-*hôbbie vs rar.i4» bu 6coidly bite, bail- idjyethappincsa- la bis hume- repludj J' -antdi).youwell- know toiwhat blç toue.; Wh'L'o - bruîglî ,façc,,thc sweet Id wtùlisés'.ta-ima-uai" - . oebui batf l hidý, wltce 1118bi o~ -Lavai reiaxcd bis gasp Upon tb. furn 06ilec.!r every C eviis itowah. wM,,tor-n o. f Lmoille;-anti ataggeodibok.L. e muti- tro en tenWhb.placed under, the ipoweuffl- id tetu urkavec.-- - Influence uf thai Ohurcb wblob hnover aorma. léOLord, l intoi I havu truated, thoni pied Wo use aly -uins ýby.Wivh t hinluds hait, not4pokütted Ibis à vll - Woifeaixme 1 of, tho Young coulti bu, liab»tuu. !HoU Uy 0u *11 omg, thati tra1îuetcau(tuly, Lu kneowLuçiliot» obolItagluativeanti ful of fill frofwokghâsetu m; whetuetrilâietD b>' Lb. s'btle in- - Thi girl, blngtu. bis kaees nt ictens. ber, .whatmnigitbus ber future career?-u be 4ùipashssldý .-4. o I f theu iIln4Whiclsbo l butes rPaP1el 9îou4-y.hc have o"oen-l youm Wstb, ~footlta ainipie mndipure. '- hav#.!'uu tilailf 'h -o-Tk1ier be<9rethe oi.Llu~.altar whicub sema- -rêstthé iuneg44agtuvlLaea l&ed pagu riliqlta otrisn8c- j uiiowelo Llugri Mb oek,t- Pêiciua - - --4 . OD 4a»&ao4u. d.m.av'Li7a ltb4 ve"a-mre-hn.to a learr md*Ing 4e ce ui -th-.tt mud ho-cluod they ra b-h pltbwây abutishis daughter-f.rom apditItl flet step& Weut inpurs 1H. dil4.ut panse to ?ufiéct& on salins 1 ito the h à ube -,ià onIed if two pnaW.l, ooma, divided by a plaý1pa!?t ?94.., eatU11d we1lkept.A.b fl cot>5 Ida ucl1i1ýfoodaU. the cotta 1 go9à aln4d erti aîi'lycollüuoted 'a.à roleil Lankuts frotu the. bed. TIteuà LLvali tiQd witb a cord andaî1n ;hein over bls shoulder, , wh1il-bs iwl o ýok thé1,nfit nb r arma and priepared ýo foliow iiii. Wtle turn and Lttéw .atstbey'bado adieu' to'tho home WhIch hadtf â ttd Ltheniso 1lntully yiars and~ u Luclillepassed out, /tie piut:kud 'ajtray' foxui tue lvy that cisterud iver Lbheioor '>y made tbelr escape l in ie; for vien* they had ascended^above the valley, hbo littie.party tuùrned, au idlo{.1,, tuwa'd. the sp'otocdà plid"by their ho !',,Nght by tuis tixue lbkdfllea'yitud the. yod sli1O xrou tbhfe cws hrwupon the. dark - oued #Ir. -Laval poluted toward it andi Baia, - lBehoId, the priostbai lost no time- >ur cottage la lu flauteul" Tho pathway chosen by Lavai, by.whlch o eccpe froin 'bis enemieu, wa& a narrow Aeille leading lât the huart of:the Blaoký lIounwaus. Walla cf rock hemmed IL. in un -oither. sIde, 'and the road *us encumber.; od with- fragmenta whicleb .dûfalenfromni .he çliffeo abave,; slndobatruo&ed-ithýWprom. m rea ut overytatsip., Layaliwoll ku. ttt bhey,%wouild.be pturaued; but h. truited for,ý ,dlverance, to the difficulty tif mounted Liorsernen foiiowing the precipitous ipatb ho b.d preferruti. ileao knuw many s-ý cret places l ites. utountainu solitudes, lin whiob a émal partyt.couiti oonui themi-, seives, and- elude any aearcii that *aâ net syatouxaticaiiy. and minutsc1y madie -They. d nearly rahed -a apur lutho patiiway, wheu the, clatter of, ppronc ing hoofsa wiwhoard., Tiie thre ýpauMeti, nd> Lavai bout, hlbead and I latunedi atoetiv. ly - bothon opokto theii trembler& baside - hlm in a.eau toue,. 'Ili isôy otiy o, rlseman wbo fpirqDch- es, Huecoîncia sduluWI>', asIfwoaryorun. certain, of bis, loicallLy.lTa4o.,tho bo9y,. Lucile, an94 you anti your ,motbrstand, beit i.pote! a. oùf buth er jvbule I watobti. p 0oab ftsPorson, anti soo Ilf bh.là to lefau WoMAN I., U<TE , EmmIY PtRo p o u acuunt, houici a~ea~ rom Sà ipturu that alto b.ad a very 11u1inerous famlly, andi tradition makea ber the, mother of thlrty. tbrce sons an~d wenty-threedaighters but. bayoud -tht. ;we have nuLt te suligbtest vo. cord of ber mode. of living, or the mfaner Of ber titatbhthusprovlngithat cvun'In the. earlieut mgo wowan?& existence vas au coin- pietoly .awaiuwùid up lui the strônger une of man, thatit wiâ nobtthought ee.aary to recogniso ber- a 'a heiptuate for mani. Dorlug, *iit4ls caliedti t.pitrlarchal pe- riod', thé condition uf woman vas «onu of .degradation; Wîtb regard to IDarrlage, thce tics of cofigftguinity were diearded, 'for Abrahtà tà marrled,,itl. is lto, Sa-, rab;, and Kabur, thr, brothrý wddod oaig5<4ie er arunit ý - ', ý 1 S . - +* i , ý iý -S 4 l lilh li't eiiij .41 lo