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Whitby Chronicle, 20 Jan 1859, p. 3

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mp111euet tJ t .40 ile I Edtoa-ftiu Wht hrcli ~Whllsyj IL .îai 2 Robes I osi Goea i0 ýbnlluPjqOrWM s.AS otnemgstfadl t1h. Position le s Vary uupbesassh one ILa bath partlees,1and 1 have liq doubt 49 of thoiss mierhill ourase lias folly wvii e, btbpfr lîaliance. Tise lutter& ot Dr. Ryersu a-e hailu; Ver>' considéraable ellect, asud I uudoratau 1ia.8Y ara lIkel>' ho b. printea inlu pauspisi forus, sud sovu brosd cash over tise land « tisat tise read@rs ofthlieQZQ1i. Who me lot bavé been .favorcd vils tira-percAsa m>iayhvcýtise opporluuily cf buyiug tison çhà&. p. Jtitîo or ttisroi luYi ago, a ales MRoman Cathoilo Trisman, expa-esej *elise hope tiat ther Dr. wouid adaPý tlsatcauPsot so you bse.tisaI Corév Siot verywiaie sake, vison ha vent au, 'ofhisIw84O iruýp te lid poleia. issWato:t iàreport lissîlier sjeuîy 'th. Queon big sdda-aieda despalcis la ho, tétrutst>'a id voil belaved"apraestAtivu, -Oir £du und Walkoa- fnig aronet, to tisa iffoott lat itilIer Royal viiisud p iauaru thiahoberdacîsion roeraa-tlula.rh aiont location of tiao Qavaa-,auet , théle ilcityo thse vootis, ialoid bu,Ilis e a.lasorat he Modesud Poesinea, iaauite!ablo, àsu d thait mIn b. but littho doubt î t Ihor U4Mjetylo lovins and Ioi subjçcts wiy ul mit witl -s'gond gpacg,. unloas ludeed they should - came to ý cordial andi unanlnunas aeo. bt ispan bAsico otiior cty-n aont 'viicis, 1I uipposa, yau wi[ secavila mc, lm « likal>' ho ho ruoauia stise Gaorgiasn 44Y O Cnai, thée Rlasitws btisa uin and ît ràler equally loisibule prajocle cf Mr,. iow. Tisa Motreai peopleisave furnipîi Fogi formca-a-usnt 10 lb. Paoviuee,iln Ucilie isttemutt rot s 'sua .int-t tln-fhl'ca-of timaiC4r as nuta-opoliîni * honora. But 1 must cocraah mysail, for it Ios4111 ou thsepeople oatie cie o ineacialolt>', ta uiùà, tiseus r'pansibNe t-fa- tise tovemsul. belivo, patea-ultyva titi, to Mass-sto. .ontieur, those e1ast rùl Anst d D. 1L' advoca4 ,aud Wnî.BrIe. %ow, lise pour - romains ofthtis deiuucted dA-pu, isa eout of a hundrod aqui aould noal Daslage <a couple opan ho watth 1h l a .peion s a tisa "Most InfAM au, &C."' ~otfliov ,lby ware wrelcisotly a-o- vaHde1 for tisai. trouble,,au!>' ono si:ngle porion ofanya 'note,- aud b. nol over hua- doneiwIîh -ability,. JohnsuMoiton, EsqKi., snaiserat ochîsua ni whiskey, biat aPar foct noviceo-lu politien,, haivingbor found wlllling to risis hie réputatian lu nctrnelon %ihie btunlosqtieY'Aaisattca-lng apotho. ay ai yaaîkco praèIlectlatIAisala tacêcs 4ficalion, and. vifs anc or Iva -Prerîdli Niuge ca-stars4, thlias lii.nolved i usd1ll- te tiiir, Ilie al klîer btisoiea s alrios, *t Ilscis liant tise e resopectabletncswh ' ied signe, d lie.raquliition, doubtîes tan- dcr a-îllie rapreseîitshions, saw tisa tise>' vwoîuit a-ap oui>' diegraco is te>'lent cny fuirtisr casntenance ta Il, m ounlise day 0 tb. mouters, Iaugua-aioa,, thoy wvar auuong tise missiarg, ver>' nuoih t te dIs gueit 6oros, Kannoar anti Irlxtow, 'visa hsd- ne alternative but tao onseélta- tisa sca-alcis. .tise uSa r ls tioatad vils salas -ureoesridicule b>' lb. Mont'rgai papeas, aud tis e nd tise great fluaJo,'Tisera vas 4soataik at Quabaa, -Otlswa,, Kingston sud Toronto sbao laisik.matiug tise "Montîréal Rouges, buat tise vaetobed <fail e eof tisa démonstration viii probabil e ïaqsod uuworisy of romonslrsces i whisras. - Tours, &o., To tit Editor Of tia Wliltby Obî ;sliIo:tihg A.plice In 7Our îppr, Idoubt, douidbe employed by yem tot Puapan 4Wera fot s faloohsu t e, Msd tMY COo.S.r4tiWy-p Me ln the lut IlMsueo<tho i7énn,,l latyig iimef~rts. îa turn ta sttdbut4 e t.hqip sppci DY eflamIng ttti oli I Wjàjh tiosil&r. The oldeo t i sW-i thit In whIôob.i cohaedtieha -A lxnder Of »rq*lin, wlth pi '1W; iwbicb thé aueMiy by il %noçus i'otq docuiw.si wiWo 'Th tiseit t h. ýhTrmi sw'uô *fom l. thé ~ 5uot~ 4 th4 plaitase Oithe tniotidutia put tien eaiu to tihe seatln;. h UsiLOgesi. uadc towma-d "Whitb Lodgei" b>' lie 4trýsaid. 17M y duthe rîisdroil t *«Ident deragomntof-hU faci whihlestise>'will àdndaà> ufflolan*eo bis~oUI i&C;tiens T055 WOO0ogitheE4IL# ( tit*W1*bb M+0fk1 aÏM huaaown gréâ eati.4eeu-t ublsuiig the o0imunicatIon4 lu 00'm neotion vlth Wbltby ln loïXdôto and warmegî1lhapks , togeie-!t~ eil wishe and &sucs fe'r ea dýIng9- d tMISORIBR TO THE, OJIRO0NICLE Air ONCE 1 0IiLY J DQLLAR A YEAE.» XArnaxr iswx.-Tha 121h chaptai. oi ,, ' i.book of Jaoe, <rom thée peu oft hil vaisad corsepoudaut will appear neit Jle a TWO Chidren Duaras to Deatb, A m'asnoholy occurrences took Place or haié,it-ma be hope& will fMIh a luo practloe of leaving cailda-en alolne dwell, its àiae burning Ou tis p.ole vidow, loft ber hoe,ivbng thisli er @sideel dugste'r Sud two YOU sB itdao-nthe aident ibutan sd tis@ youagot two years old. 1h vas,b hevery-,pa-cviôoly sraaged.tisatifUlre. wituer did not re. tuasn1he . n-ticipateti, the <laugistar CoIùd got ta 0hua~ by ersaitlu Inpuarnu. auca cf uiarangamnont, titi laouso vasi ltocked lup, snd lise yosug girilolat Short- ly ahaervaidu tho-uiboswaoaana 0o fnd thibUs. as ounfiae; sud the boar. itale tact boom@e known tisaI lie twoa ollidran vere vitisin ItL Exerîlons wea-u finmadialy MOO tahogave thcs; butl hsy wore bath dlgdbt'mred ta bu MoAI, One elilld vas Ifouud hua-ut ~u lis te sitie of it iallén chisitnnoy. Tise bodies wire ramoved, sud boths va;. liitera-edi; ut tite ahooklug nature af tha Occurrence cash a gboauove- lise vllage. 1V trust tist mesola>'oi tiacugatisa loson bu, it viil ot b. loi tpon tisas. Who hava tis arae 91 childr-e, The, Irish secret soalaty lPraeonerme -The pa-isoners woea- brouillt up for ex. Ination ou Waduaaday, tise 22udl ouaitel fotpisa-p-lners, %'Mass-sM'Dowing aud H. B. Julian. For the Crowu, Ma-. Pagan. Ur-. Pagan opanad lise procoed. lue b>' a short statemenl on baisait offtthb Omrun. Ma-r. M'Dowiug applibd tisaIs p soonai reporter b. sllowed ta take tise ovidauce cf wiluesso, viltiste tnde- landIng tisatItIssoulduoet bc publisiad (ta lisepublic journal&, Tisaapplication vas opposati by tisa (Jiov. After a leugtbeas cd diticussion lise anagititraho aesd liso pranoeraof àa-reporter, Dr. Sullivan, tha appa-over, wontison calloti, aindi elted ho wss sworn a mambo ut a fuir at Banr nfathe, au iseOOlAuguet 'rok Ivo oatiss-one of âçcroc>', sud ena af broliserhood, Attandail a meeting a 't PaiaaîVo Lip," ou lim boa-dors ot Oaak sud Kora-y, sud driladlisaro visere mmem bars cf Bautry sud Konusare t, 4tise ob- bot olt whicis wse ho tase up- a-ms, a& lis Am a-causware dxpecled at Chr-istmas, çvis would b. Joined b>' thae Fa-nois, sud Taelsnd ws tIbn to b. su Independent ra- public. By'hi. oalisho waabouud totake qp a-ms ah s momuent's notia., and yiobd itupleit obadiaoelo hie leaders, 'Wit useis aito atate th tiIou@oattse patriohs, wilu wvn&Uc..en@ aaaag-Ofs onookavwu maoing tisa nosuiau.y arangementi to wu- examined ah gaas lenglis. tise os.exain w&&u asressumed. Ac. oaio,- compauteti b>' sothuar uan, M-, »ovuing ou-tiesa rcadting te Daimloagua, îav a mir pt numibea- of.men drllling vus piues whieh n il@e took tise Ivo oaths aI Bant->',H. 1 ors b u ld Iýnol sa>' If ba inteudacite 10kep thosemi I npqted os>' hbave intenoudçto do so e. le ni *Barait4t,jcoleas; tise priut"i.refusedt10 .ive- bi ys& p5sty 'lution tl' S ould break tisougisthom, "e 1i n 1Yi>' wvuet tise suggestion et s pliblic.afib*e )site tt4i, li s fin at ho Skibboreen. Tise;. 7'o wl l' tîon otfte@approver thoen eudedi, andt eey~r il i vasdjurnued te st movnil. mions'Ws Fauas nSeyro eg h itviuses or iminEs~ 4 od o he e taexsmiaid[ai' tac essi lis~dccm.examiued. Ou.eiit.hon. oicalt rar, àos t tisep-vac>'oett*0e aooau acd h>fty, sud laphaSui Reoau"in Mort>' Doeng tée"% uo usç -eýbu stahcd 1h via ulvpysopen lo"Ih In sultîn ".bil, and aven tise aOmsstslàvy d y Uuiâ n rreaismentlthons. Tb*e, fornia-ss ' 1u the ý ss telsa v as so poauade it)40er fi th.e lormet stda It vi1ànbll In mg ation lis viasce Tbree cf lb. piacerV e wltieî, tu rtlmy, iDaisoli, sund Stikbai albass ipU as. I a mPnadbut 1h.>' v r.ide ilied by i a formser, SBA~V, MÇsrtby, #A*~ d iDia ol vredis meuhot t1 ~tli.b~o- rs- CiL: snutsolsara p - '9YSïl»usoTM Pb. i)stek foi fBISIERs PRICI AT TIIE BRO&. Tae GREAT ENÃœZÃŽIIR RIEEJDY. &ltSut AMS J4511ÇE Ooelebràted Femèale Pis BYROYAL P!TXNTl. D., .Pyoklas A!U ordinar or& e *4.Qu. Th 1 0loa dabie >muediaino te unNsllng ln tho uTs 0f slitiiose palaîfhl sund datigorous dismaot o whlah hebafanale oon.titatlôn la subjeot. I1 modorâaeHsaioï a sd remo#es ait obstruae lou, uda p.ey ur zay b. replied ou- *(asý rid Ladfies I lai.pecu1iarIy suited. 'Il yii 1141a shoatt .e briug ou thé mouthi> ,riod wltls regullarity. Euh 'hall!., plia. Ons Dollar, huais thée Gov. rniont statnp: ofGréât Britain, b prvent lni 04«.aaof Norvous aud Spinal Affoattonse, Pitin lu tih. Baokonl Limnbe, Fsîîigtio.ou isliglit exorttioni, Palpitation or thée iHart, llipteria, aud Whitas, those l411l!. will 0at a a ar wilaon aIl othar meaoune hu tuliad, sud aithougli 0 po#.rhil rtmiy, doua aot otalis irogi, calomeol, nnuonj, or au.l' thing liïtrtthl to tisa constIttu- tiont FalI dieÀolans aaorApany o@»h paoknge. sooeAaf it h isUnited MSte"anu4 Uada. < Jolk, Moitît <Labo Tt Os.Baldwin & C. Rocheuter, i ,Y., iiortiîvàp -4muse1 fe Uatlc .,Wlibl- B.$,OndS postago ampe eneoo 0 66 an> Uthorlzad Agent, wil onauun a bottlaoo uh 'lob> rot4aru mai, For sala b>' aIl For ml@ lu Wliltby b>' G. A. Bannor, fDin. IMi striaI;j W. Il. Doal, Brook tfet Once XKnown Nover Portottent If onur rc*d.ne wosîld hâve a pouitivo. Ittan> rr tihé Toilettae o ts'uu:WflL. For cloîsane li, aing Can oig BathIn t C 1ÃœIBa To th e Ug, iauuong roeinela Tq, 'impies Froakles lýSun Murka t bai uo 0e Ilaisld b9yAil Drglut sis. IILODGz'r&o, q rorIùtC1ýÎ, O'adhatbtthl Nf. Yb, i Tu a RAIHouE Luxuî:Y, For salein 'WlsItby b y G. A. Bnnuioter, Dun labtreet»; W. H. Boa ,Brook Stroat. Produa. of ovrry klnd là ln gond de nand. The aupply boing rather lilmitd, aii that anieoa# purchasad wth avbdity, Nfow la th. li me for farmîers to unakea goodagrhet whlIgt thse prauènt excellent lolglittgittd tie hlgh pei alit., PALL WIIET, fis Od C 7à 8d pat bushol. BîuuwO Wiei la1d (0 Os Od per bushol, ILoua M2e do 20o Bd par barrel. Bâtsa 80 d a ci 04 par biîs4ol. Ours le Bd 0QOs Od par buaiai. 1aÀI 8 Si d a00s Qd par bQsohùe.~ Bw ;44 4Xpar wt, 1>TUX* 8 (àS$0 Pmouaox la Ad C par busell *l x Otis d 0.1 par lb. 164s 74d.par dos. aies Usahs iTcaurs dg .bd 08011, OroO CONTRACirOlue Uitil thise laI lob, for the coucaotriors cf a lpdno iii hoplangead s4sadIjeti In sow lis te Towe Coik' OIea, sa a v ulesa ýoeoeen b partion wiuisi g Sa u er oui ofTimb.a-, P1'lîaisdScant saigaaysur -t fov-iepàrsttelysi. o a kmat, car. politee m , luluditia-tise Ila- omsvrt, usovî br 14 ýBridgeasd thse éa-ation cfa& tempohu sas. daa-ng thaopraga-su -aithe vorç. 'L'ndors top -luibr ho itétola-por m toi Inealf Pisut aid atiua-por M, Icmon. ue sre, -Ios e bion lns vert, ambsnkmeu, t9as the prias par yard. iViit>' 15 h Is trst ssd Isprovenat4 158un9o I ae issgtfr o o a lla, ,hil -l" I ýE 1G ~ I O r Tac 00 A<IRIGITL'rUEL NICE. Wbitby, o .!hurdayla JOUX , 16 BENOTION 91 L E À LÀsàasolr5af BAL OO &BAND1MN 11*4 hsaToroasto Fa-boafor Ssehi A large Stock cf ,!Indien Rubber .and Otitta Petoia <moin 2Gb 14 Inali: TADLE& POOKET OuTLEJRY Flint'&, Ciimpbolils, doue' and atlsdé ir f itiors and itier lihgdnaab Oroa-c.î, (irotar a u nd 111 ~* 8 çlW MS GýUn, tisotolu, Bhoti Powdor, At Manukobuirer's Pr.oo, ca~0s la, W*dsý, Garni ltg4, &o., 40o1 snd uîmmcd'î, ates aud1E&na AMI TIUAVY HARDWARE a 0:p p 2IV àIàyào1§0thd Àddfass9o 119 aRtA? YVARIEUe WlitltyNov. 94, 1859. 4 ozr400 BÂ1LRELS 0F SALT FOR SALE AT RAMILION & i OBERTS No. 1 & 2,TIi' D Block, l3ruck-SAt, aîîary 158 2 AfWv Moro active snd ente, purs go min, aufilig- Immediala un by wlîiob tue>' cm miceaouo ve"yayair, taot e inoenta fa in ;axowru.wu a-rva' sgrossùxumo ftejautsoempioyed sud .man>' o(fîbeius-a milbi i o15ta20 dollars par veal rr ish Iebngengage lunliais pVasing oau prifitable bus i a ise viifor paa-ticuiaas,& adda-oss C. plc DIRy, &C(o., Pubuisisers sud Wisolesalooksslv. Edlr itnauuky City' Ohio. s sud-foNIolsg thrria-clercat ons, sud caaiiu attention to Il. anti eending a cap>' contain. 1 g-t ill, lrcoive sithar lisroc ofthtel.o 04vlasg Works. Lite of Napolémnb>' Ileadia>', i1 9 LIte of Lafayeli, I25 Lite ai Joiephine. i25 .ilId Scene ai a Huntors 11b,1 ,I96 Livosof Mary & Matisa Wasshington 125 -Odd Feiiow's Amnuiet i 25 An>' persaon wvoisig an>'or Ibé aboya bocks tan havaelisom sent b>' mail frao ai postago, ou rccolpl of lise aboya retail prico. Addda-osi O. L DEfIU no.(l ,, lstomuaa "nd thepublic geusaally , tiaIhater a>' are d.etorminud tsliat gremîl HOM ù SI1) 1-InLxS A. D-E2 RATU7 d a ie-fot, t aI hle sgaa94d las tise d'a. eja d ap artii i ta, of trada t tEl& stare of M r li largo. axpèreo nti G. ec . lasa-itîf led ' ieasconlas ti bswlti uy E' >ib Uood.Soeiiitlîe Bld. iasg, u qilty idbtlihsapis. l.iiia st Noibr2158.451v -VLi rj ilA COVqntV COUlqetrOILNTAItuÃ". .T IIE Colisîit>' (ounaili l a oordanoq vilstht .Lroitilstif tisie la tl ceinf tise Nea disu loiiîtl Act of Uppor (Osînsda, wi il huit! tisai last moctimiar, for d spatola ut biiasooaiat tht Iburt 1101180,,Ilas tuba Towns, ons Tuoaday1 the 251h ot tht. prtls m ueuti f Jaintayatis isour of 19 of tisa cloaka mons . wliîloi ail parions lituttoad, arc e;ta-ab airedto hotaku uaotice. Il. J. MAODONELL, Mooof te Coitiy C o u- k a! fOntarl. 411 paperu ins tishossusitty givo casa isuortion. OF' £808 ISEING avrveul- vasas.vii; 15V nS? My illa, tCOUacS ai ltb. Ãœtitet!Tovu ii * Tovusisd CROr, Jot .Rhoeluedi ci faa'gd cad q108I tUMrted &ooAt of 0roaA'et4 rrio in# f/ ori ne i<-sc p(meî,aof Ciita qnd.btuta,' è7v<en, ,1:tctoinbi i- ported ghtcame cUrtai (rom tlii -PoterlocIn Sco&snd1edon repq-~a rdu o ojr iieGeU7eadlWrZuC4d p9lodusé NOS. i s4ilts Buhid igsi suai. s, il T! P. O.-ÀA'large quautity IPPLES on ad; ansd for Sal TO -13LAICKBMIT CHILtàtN4IiITbY< DBERT VERY -LOW. A NEW I3RAND;, uspar ior 10a'eor i11- £porttd litSbh$Mront. Ssof btâ doLJlcN SAW. Wlsltby, Dec. b15 01.5 JUST RECEIVEDI LotsI8.fmrynuiifdh iifàme m tbl» Bro te ain stoti . . 13lot i O faa-ssaarly siots h àMîaa'é 811Y.11 Tow -tasbs: l k toi be iu s* ilo ais ho. 5. Foitý£ wý îsriiiusltandtisWoa 1.ts arue19t1iî u ai:>'0 Brws ick ri idig it h otoi niî aeisa ui .-uuIÇT ...a onud Boa .11W Ios " oel u ~ Wisi?,y, rd Mua-ci, 2881 TU »ETTLER$"U-TOLEA$E. 1 F l o orolc il NIuadYent i - ONU INRbACÈ iCf In5la tIsaTowksalàiÉ-ip i AA, Côsssti cf outàta- Vi T isa lof t 'ibil. tire tliy IbastITowaî f fana baliji 8 il,icff iqîara,-loaoe ~ ';h. rgita npurçiasso aS tutruiisatioaj ld Q ï, .. ... ........... Ile9 . ....ih........... i di di ,.;. le ... . . . . .160 Lot 48.Pria 1 . ....200 56 t. . 8 0 .., . ..... » 878. 2. 50 L* -n àli 5* lixxv. u bI .Prlap In ti.. block * "BAl . .;90 "507 100ybe ui ucmbr ad h výIuoan o lelgt8P&80,5 o 8 ý,85and84 otisu Acroty e b1 * halL, ul b. sal o .L vougtevil oct b llotnM th' E isty ; ÊZ 0 aîls P lis, 1 0858. 9 f 1 À Leae8- Wh itby,gtla Maraýis * TLAS IÉÃ"91 WORKS# 13rFa-ont 5tr..t, Toronto,#5 OHA R LES VA LSE. &cÃ" B M te I bita u ors s ti e p u b li a t isa t isa >'b a v e aied V aastrssatod tisas. oxteuisiva-e reiscg tif * lrow ?.i ,tise laQal aouaphato ayt0 ta. itay 1- igonFteouendln& mfh'owr1 la il Ite brancises. Tu>'nvite Iispection, oftîsoir numuirous P#t; tarais'of Oiiiansaie a-IoasFuaBacn Vemradala.. Vuult Do.ars, Plain and. Ornauaoais ('4111t la-oas (lolns, Winduw lape, SUSisud ai DIUED i IIICUA WQR e. - emafptunCaioking, lalsv suid o ititties,. Plasin u lg msillsA ostia-eaaÙ1uuof V . wiiiois tisor OIIOftu thI aTa-aab anid-otisaa%-u '- - rT1~Tr1PR oroto O dotr9opar1551: . lU-Tf BAKR Y IEAND eO N I'B IO N A RY ', l.ar kfi hi!, oflItboi qual yty.ý ar al ago n<stock*0 aaiç eh wi auJ oaupsi byLiencn p lota A 5P BLL '1AN OU Ê. LEIGH BELLS AND CO1~flAt~E. J. Si, DONALDSON' & < 'a. Witbyi Jans ,lS1 Pt ]m' t Hl OMraPei -WS 4T WiANTED9 )00# un 1. à A LL WHIOAT, »00 BRchas SPRINGF' WESIS )00 .Busisels ot OATS. F. W WDWAR1j )o O W. WOODWÀI. !8w * myl»Mi) ȏQjtTxxNý dr 9 *-'l qi J.'l Ji M.

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