"y ovo~ Pr. D ;fft T, WA 1p n, W.. Mrt- quar'ter suTV l4W;.s .an , 4ou 5!R il, -y temic, -1. iMPUije. fo ce. !8i' Hecor.-Jaop n.~ k Qmtoma6aussIns d owelr.u Oowt.. ~~ lu UcipenOnad.- OamIrm O> tic. .e Tu r lu,.* Noà tic-'t otMi , t Cud18thi .<Jn, . . irgo't ti Oumt'5aI. ' Wu:huabo ati owhlo..-Ja.doIà -F rTT T-ir TM Ã71 7 7T ; A,& ~fli Ic~ l. 7- Ot-O(ýd r~a~I- o Is Vul 00, U4I1 et Iylng boýecil n ýl>Itby qjià Port Perry.-, 4iuit very qacewpui.tMko q ac 4 excu sggoraO, lotl.Wo ln. .1nof 'Il pe1 tpn , t o t t u et ti A n dun'. J' h olira'IWO~lt nto alocÃ"gave onIy'Amtiniumutiacâtimato of urnimp, wirble.as mort, than'Ilbutà l un 1ýriwa&si9 down for lwotktai oxponooi'sud ru. M ~ pêfr:, Many ,bfth* detklis bf thêohoni hi,. mot with, vory e~a'ppol- in f#t.tolorty, bjotlon w. baha«lboard Smidi ýbyliyone>ospablo of ;lvlng an tai opiinlon the quîomtlon,, liambeo'n wlth ro.. rdvth the lnfont 'oetbuitnoo4ýiu nun and,lw obtilning floir thà I b* nioà utii, rate# mot down. Th ii.Q&.to-io OJ'amp hl an oiibotorof a ikliint i< d, onlulimone top, nd o, *Juolujug woll.intg.oh Ib 01pepj'vo. I ouv.runo by th 4wrýéie ljpgy hétliar, l uuar iil ig l.nlo Meth os pt frw iorOvu~ of.thé sui4>lat hopritondâ toeimac atrîlititlerfynsnd, 4% s'41we advîno.,, thi ,OÃ"ar.v larm~oîtourstatoiuontisia F ~ ,$proIioq*drouto-takuss4ýà nt*aO of a t, in t.y,c whidlaiO ,mkonat )uiqwt bi r.gh4 Mýqrà ap pu 4~Ip~' ~*>sq~4thé ehao -toi f bd timoan ps woiald be4t accempoda e hȎp p ont busil tô 4 tiù, lâsgI' J two mili4 dth't wOetaiin»S In libd i 'Ut n tho'trmo '0 tli0 etAts Ad To. , "ôf'both'rM~~wa h p~~pt sp~Ipta 'd th'a'fl, *1I64ttint e about whlih thi. Pbe.r,h igjus wî, eoiwld~it a~s~t&'7W' boiýk. of mn. port 'poa XrssM kmvï'"branoh inigit .,Squy"'Ldtoi suppo e & Wb, aIý ti. heXnv.rà etatloh et tho Port Hope and Limdu ay rot-d -ïd iot, t t, Uui~5iii natetssei Itb lnourr4d ÃŽfer ldontrotli? Taku uhuilatée$taritif ofhoGý.- * M Pmîo, ii le dqIspropori toatbtwe >we amn wiilpglo giv Oe oaoeipônilY thA 1'î bmnofih t ithiexucus&a.Tho, Grand Trumýk. iaviff whiocinSmâ It. Jopui mi clt 94ti Noeonibor ilut, fixes hhbmt. ppg bhuhai (onf4li. pvload frçlmn 'ltby t. MontlrocAn' oi iwh.at,,&c., 10 cents pçr, iPortiloj>u, iybeatl 24U oints and' teur . cens 'tlfrmuo ntaoreor rt HEope 1:,ý ointý per bushol et 60 lUe.8 umttpmrbr., roll. ,Now yr Aikth. peopleofet Bech if i ebç nmly, belluveh hél au>" 'srrangemon t çoan b.maiauwith -the, Port Hope And Lir14,1 Zi.euIý,mrbusimel andiO sus 1bmr the,4ffuroesîioonvyanu,ff*ulmoinb. anît of timo 4d0iffOfno rat#oisind 4eniy tleogi1o rgu. upp. on, mtAtoinenti and * lm ls'uuncos Il? muist know thut undor tiie t.gi,4r irt.r of het iP. V, b-L cin., ptmq tilar Wib ' ' "î , ul ib fur or Ovv luimesthe imomnt t ibth dîIofronco -bo.,< tMon those etf 'lItby aud PortHppo' tei â~htdt u dIpà tul,, î~now wesa thi ë'oë va'te Iay séide mt criromt1uo unS £'Ifii'otitfm~Port IZolî. to'X'11m -'00, th.'deîtecl'nthe sUdreau î'ohTues- ý,,day .<uinlngjwo -Suid lb. J'ablê beýà Ominewtb alln eîwmtsof Lowo Uc1"dmylng tii. tatièm.h*, sud "soi tln tha~iiatho Su' eu ci.n t but! '*bit, *en l 'ethcln indi& t ien If Mliy know thî,tMa0wcndi' utteraS' by tiii old neprobate" *bât )à ~ h thon dld "Y .w&usi,u portd lu' thê 'WIli by, CIroilà t-tho' reporter and wnter et th15 blngpnosnt. Il Et(GouLI) WA. AOÀIM qua, 'nwoai'eitATIzo r wmuumoI TIJAN OMMON HU O FB I'LL. 10 UatH." ' llol- hlfsvonetj j 'J ,i~m t~4b'4ir tenu vése I Ooiof l a 1S86,h ,ntoMdW.ëby 4 pwhloh eaâ,e uadng1à . othen topa or n onuthou, uho ion oeptot et ý i ty1ja fr te'#Ioh b swu by *,rw emf i 404! t ,o Wuut oommtalw m h'hh. t4 pe M.&Jimbem oeIInt the*popréM6. Couneils o tUs u, hetirot g~r, m anog a, sm xiaodonol 'on hlm béholf, rgpe thît Dotwlthmmwidng! whme no~ iat.be.nth.ta d&prive ,he ýTnoMmhiwo t'he, pano.ctà g.h.ýTIIà upu f uaoh mn.thé lntentilo,. coun.. ï 911 bp4imo 1pw1.n t ,,dopnieMie Tméur ,Cpunt~y resurée, eoutnrltethe Isxproýs %fi'pauio~oanyosouitonor' by'lWw çfi the. parpob. weuld b. an %abgundly, and *Odà kb IU, lusin u tt.rptt4o overrido., Ȑic ot mnirnmontewlth theliv, and iatdq ut teeulet ~o ial huiiagIn th ýitt spe6 o ' ormnte eont lu tii," 'b m tte; u die intfbrilà . 'is foÛiwt.sieuaUi4huoulons Ui ritl or p1 Issuerw" R-sll'71t .'4mùiee P asit fortii lit pa>"êoietig yà silho rniuo.h, .T7f 1 IïýiOpei v 9r cli reper»,tedtrp tho, ooci lemttat at- 10 i*ouMdto opiiupoii;the CWhohii. ~hpiMr.Lfldên t~Lcimi6liiOf io ~o~lodgtoîp+hn4 ohthl'pdiovo -oa i foraP itilts cmùf4d ytt copé lWeçêqnî , ,amirpmmé, Chiamed, 44. t . Dranl 1 ordP. is rilaud Joh t.~~ ~~ rauço;W ÇesaflNnb, w , d I or. ýBSlbno,eLl'rln.n; ap.lntué "mcumth han' a4ecceà i " r. D owri duetil O nsmit~ s1u t rtqroftheaings1 Twi s Çtr.rtn 'm'osus, . sda thoir 'suiltadoterneivi silul. .W.ï j P.k [PnPperly ýb&teg.ounoiIu>odiuaond. se teb euf, onil bîoalee itcdlte te thi se. Wpayoru- He kmiow 'bvé vr. -9,Fte,.payns, Thmy (thb, Ounull)iceufd csu don wlth ti.: ýby.baw,Ir the p pra>vpl pi the , OPle pfPaO»mmmuî on 1hé mI$s ub ad eotitsndl. .od Strnnly thit thwooncnll wine"powif+ t. pus& a b7.l&w "»liratiug " ibm iâmW et ta&vQrnçe, vthemat submlltlug lt,.'te ttmo PiOPI&He. oqmotsd Ibm Darlînglon cidc, aaVi thnalhornlt erlung tho' sube Joot, frquî liii .lpJourmi W iisuppôrt bhuslgion. The Qeaucil hma'(bbom !epl fos umre ew 1cenoii~sdbut' toyhdmepoven te' supppeUs'M«e'elWIlj aquos.fIo ttipve .'"lib" 1n trdthcpowaito saippres, and tbatt watt' erthé tiPqtiouers. Tuhmt behi-,ot ocurso urqQ oult ot*io tica in s, tnsghtterward eIgro4i.gtusbo tlwltiwfronr.sbtolo.. gai epipigge. Tint 1iu 'igniitghe, Goun.1 cil slmply imidthora coubtibMse mnuasu po imoiond hoI eoonoii'cd Ii.>had 4 fMîtpwot9de H.(theeo ) tdrto liiizmiuuin t lMoit t. uusuüber qe uflno11 unQwi51 t4t Çn.ekbutinhoiolOvid taitwc (n.MeP,hl* nensil th eIo t psypn,& opJ ih . lmte 1f n" ii, n te, obum4inwastonoped oun providlg ton i it ut ae t Ia$We sbtash.,sddeni'tadlle'>1 'upuoIcaÃ"t (t 1oc u «e, tiii "g m ili bc, Ooei*iUo oommî«i. f ii~ lieainKn.X riIIt <i tk bclî.'tif~ it John oedon'! Po er sobool sec kdays work orb~nmdwnhcplWe #ltl h. wo*Uipsfd'al tié toutl' *Mlqg laid- cili' i reltion' tp tho ' 'Ud "sI01' tsiuud by 1h. munlolpilit>. agiiiut 4ean total $1890 ,'* ,,heTr.awutinýIslasd,"lt.e dt lm., glôs 4Ml. edn't"_e Mm1, t4ptbfr' $0s 9 , on aoout *ai the, neu'rulout. Mr. ordnwus notooo$tdenl' an>. vay and subqehyatau"cothu euni eilli H. setated 1hât1 hehîdne khmlblqbe Iftsuch a necospt veomForthoeimlng le hiIw; anIn mlwpptii.loMîe9111bpakt,'fo tli*, purut kajtm. f thwho isl o vo t lmod uoie. suivd Iohpuet îcpa iaspe ~ Oun miation et. Mm. Brovwi tiieo înlIi q4ofep I r (2'y').7 ounsisRU uPAvMNla. On m0tlo~n sM.'~~ ocondati b>. cmmmeafv1ehosonl . 0»,(t r unrmamka fhm the,. Ass~mt*etDbntiitt$: NUOr. AL wonT ersbadW. =â otiÈliTo oot «d b>. Mnqnw ms1cdsGordlonbyth Ow nilt tie eoepnfnoî o tGoriiqto frte p> $10 h'sn4ai*o the baance cf l et$00i d4!$teyeas.""u the Su oLêj~t~ImIgIn the matia, ticrltutlhullIud Wmtt lution tip socurlty, Tii. comîto iin 'Ã"î m~tionofU e mrev uoum > Mm'. Burouis ocoid'l rmosmd Saonsid 'a olln lu010iteq ylofe ii titon."'I'~~~t'hhaaprtim ofetli p.tihlo lu front cf Ii 0 feunth ot souslon 87bad bme ken by rOMM o raidW In Itoait 1h11 li b *fo a 't I ,~~pm0 PY 'w *s&vrd, à OoqpqU n'gluqimr sudtutltngh it kcploeinvv man, but hO mulcost ai' I i ~ p p l f~ tb iÃŽ i'4i±iw u 'e t 'tà f i EW ' a 'to i> %lpmm>~ ~ ~ ~~~~~r h'!tokiIlvamdb>afrud>.powers llii, oC 0ot thoeerumneut, uiippontod lwimh Ird Iniewhan sxieusuml *î Roben ver li.> t deeuthti.eenImWtt b>.~~~~~~~~~~ta IlIrsao uiati pi~~ttey.~ thinu sonie 1 W v u onet o-t th!"l rii. 1 th~e'y of,aga thQupb.o peep, 5 h'nvnMQsa ureteenueton uitiiLoQWr lieuslu et quetatlie n tii m oavr 4title Mllgstty, ami',i robïdeten. gr is i'nlekga minlie 40 ~etemgans~Metre~, É r. fi tng;fîiimi.>nttc oimîtno.,,iôtel~sw '0i@'ç.ppçlgs appohil, toe h. mon Isrtmoasfstuphd peia d f tiîr ,occlol ishsat oq, qica lo egrm,4o ýI.mv.Po1eÊ, - OW~pat fng"bpri"bsub.cted' b~ opin' 4g > I bê%tid piscd,rn b mdf, 09, ' .WbSh111i hi ,tthe*en.oi esnkm~sdti Mr. Armand, thlire r iiorotho anuwsite ,tqrflloyçno. the. Addrà m"h.b hws* givan à a uitIo1 i. ewnuyb that vlîcroua-a' oieraI Unsion oo lIberi £em~~~~~tat mwhhLaIeenief setting com iitteosefidlpg th4.~~ôoI1bé greit dobato t04day >hh"bgi'hphl In tl~tétIl of l~~ t ntrIgueo o'Mm. Mevat isv.red bqlamg1pltt4'flpt. b foll te icO»ebr6. a oeîifti' tuent ~ ~ ~ ~ of amr pSsr4 l0i7tv##, aopeutl'il alibie faiiâtppentén à Ã"trabsent. Tii. Oppos,,l â' hb'out5e .1hiîm 4hIéi lu u'tenly diosergaulsotl, sud alliieag msqeo oa;-#«ýÇ« tii.>. ~ ' v4îicp'.pVe00 M vote devu à iliatu.ss$eîm. ,A'jqplj Gevueruziim* l( it>. '"cmn, 'It la vry domabtç 'jmdguallx'tuefr dý'I4 .gr.~4nIiyuld s 4tJu0>..aï,, Ie to:4gIni~ our opfslÇe)M~~1 Bewi smî Èd.mc1'doistomu ai ai&". gaenti4 e moîtomi m"gwrspeAUSllmg le6 off edt ud hie sporîte , h hIi tulùin, smmnqmýt u t aIsmio e 1. Bolver(Iaumbi in mjotîol o~ Ct't#aoml>. werded' lu isl vu Pertoocp'hi lngfrinsut~ suremr~ hnt"k a mbpler , mitmi4 ilovhi (' ,rlu~evçr 04! *Nethfe'dml. thléven, #ql ei dîal o In né tM u umps~ ~~îpabIh RumeW b IIé9t"«0ei4omy o et i0>O~1 ,diu iqw""tt 1 ~tf O I4ceof hhmi»omnq ysi oain lug ~ea~ dipmrtn,~osplïmik4is. us the 0~ôd~hl Uv. eT sdcalre ' W n" FWohq9, rop *se, î.v li à nub ê "Ms ; m,$, iSiïllen uusmlhe hée ilhtl'o aéIt'. 6os".' TA p.j mont vhlolhgn nbtq4ad vili wk dolhlm h. l.~ Éa iïmi a mà m&i ". .1 in C. .im th lnma 'vul ho, 'P i îiob--hy J louest iigltié. d hits, and 'h 'i 'Tii. relut' mlu", forMn.>.1 biu4, ucstt5etmmuci h i. ~r. Benjamin ibuon n poýeof olivr Ivo Orotiolau luimta np ialeup entir4h7 A l'lavori -Vanada, é -, "' MsWoî» l,Brown aq ýJ@îtoü WFrpp'ôuisu'! itte,' haitreuof tie Whesxc., ve, ths jgpmn Mvtpe od */ ti wm wit hem 10sevAng fvoe Oi ns la'. tho bh OaphtýkjjP#tiAup!,. DsCbîM....... bul. lami.. the lolar~ thru. tu on ema* duo on. tour ?.MU'oyor* Baty, Yiom OMS S 31w$0 0oa~ o Aumo lx<t nn et Geno owu i 4itit in lt t gaz