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Whitby Chronicle, 30 Apr 1859, p. 1

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heur odus do», ffo bpwmdi ,14 s15 i u* ta. li r 7tAti> ZIna lmpatiantly ilrod of ÀS sua»d un 1ad~vs<arp> But bbu chsugad bis Ieéth ieoIo tbé WWfseof Wolf. HoBenov titprmanta bl m s i àbýrlu#; Elnj dû(PoMlatk i dho Oroes.vs«raMi n ano'ok ; endi Jisir tisit 10nut yet e«Or, (or 1Iburti hiejust 110*4lIfor a fr.i èho"#s~ I'y *#epOmw t4 do«or0<welsn' apstm4c ý,*ft vu asboltet on <hae uta ,< ci.taprut bis Usupe Tii. Centeu de Cliit t b <.p#M4 out mised ln Wben rm *MnIen su fl#e mober, b. rsphly finloeuti s tisperit.anti pc MoalScsiuuéun <ha e lsbInti, andl tbmu hume, lu bis 'ovn lmegmution, ne oetisuth n<le dM alPatrrcb, uvhoe houas ad bien tipostutilu thsir ure- PU"a ungaspaIOÎàuS, ant lgt. stOe" > <olLod eanton b.d but littie poulicsI -sIMIt>',) b. thrw9ev f .<mpomcmnebalt srv e obti% bieb ver# (sr supeor * - nte n ntbs 0«he publisbeones v bieb wlytaUj... te thelr nilatressesIn <ha pags oiên magasineSsud aontry fi hâve bremoblt Laura te cee yen," asIti Lady Zine, bun.orns this ut&a --$Then lot meshebolà Wbewbs'eoicer' #'Sb#.la valting lu <hé*tiraîlng.ooe., But yu sustha vryqul.tandoomposad Ther, sit- demà Mi b. esoy.cbulro and pe<leo<y avait LunaOWc en Lard Ereton ait dosnf Msud ady Sm 44 t b. rmnanti'Mon mtrnat i ith t4, «euutass. Wbon O<lancer..minbablt - <lé entuho uc tbaoso0f bli d"sos bisg ubue «»deadi> pals; ha coveretim lt1E$UI il# bandsindi vpt blttery. The méeoM4floneiLdy Zin. tg lave<bau. 'Eh aent mandt.-vuie oebut s t' ' ,bave bain II," nàd idtLb. enn<es "Ibavo ban mal," sld Lord Erénton, teriau. "Iknetrnowvmymuditiou.t fr.yu ceuitsivo, rnne& oykinti oftIon (0 viàt oue." "No, yon bave enly beau iD; but yen wiii ceemba botter, IX!sud yen rlilr,, Tb* Weans oue 1w-netrepi sbut, <o bu," bo, t Gin t? I r s. DOT de ;DUam a i.IUJP5ut 'ntMy, 1wa a>iwu.w. sud *i tnh a being yen would wly "1 ol fqt niL*17 rOt ! t rriSg#.ý 1o i I csnot-l yull Dot mury oms nue- bowaueM'e a>brt la prevlenly en- g#d l thtv wu à a<IDlo ined pardy tolcuaeyou end pardto <esuit My- O*Di coveneff. lear me b 1 have'ne h.srt-t lit an cw 0*stIklgr toi.'. or pss.o lnî 15baautisl steiet îblch yodl bdoite Io audevoid e1 a "s 34 as tueinuth, studio or*asculpite r ywbole lire bas beenàit otonw m1cam# not t tInIandto ipy into Lb. alers et <lie batioe but o d"ot su ad allers o ?aMW and othewi* brtoneuthe#laie 0< is coun-1 "tuftbot bu nifty hU It terx #!et4feome vbaW yen mal, bave bes,',f but 1, aêsmaybas e .bMun? Iy lord, 11bat bâid bUnd" roda m iut tMY (adj in oti flgbt Ihave beLbwif. ofs, è,sran s e tottd In ranit as )>oursil(; but de Min lu <bis wwrd bu "« tlnsplfr.d D witb me .sentiment w-blcb *eftss te alec "Ob, h. mine1 IL laof imit" ý qnss be .làas "sm e bn by.ou. of thb. Bratartlt i Parws. IL la youmsP Lord Braton phssaed 9b«ptt tbis lips. sam wcMeuîwcafle, endeetminglyau athUld, thât, tbrcontmu tteT ye« mlnd- ing hlm oftbe ne.ltye ofbis ksepng bar t.14 i. that she r$4uVr.d ne distinct pro, mise), proposai that lady Zin. .mithLb. susneued £0 tb. apartient. fte.psrtalingoomu rr hm.nt Lb. coutfl5 tooli br deprtnre f«. Lendou; but Lmy Zin.vmained vithhorion, Bis' aye.ww ver.omnty ized Ipa.I b, minlz- Uutti en sd bs u Ip'ýti uterty in t.an and 1aughtw. But notblng conld proreke bmn te utter a 5InS4'8yilabkls u 1 nov pouffla ofd 0< obo fc- -tbat h. Was qdlt.b dulnb; and altbegb bis ips1 1movad cantinualty, h.uMtI toe ou intp action tt.c fUntlenoftbe volms <lI%kt VIL 111 bavte lad ili£tgw to."Y' J«eroe sud Antoinete. îben fber brothe r etum- ed -rem thbeoMflc0<biJou"i. "Jndeedl Who may <lia>bber' brothr prao '«n di vayfl nyys- îp llov coma' fute Thic vas bera"t cul barut bmt aeref pity fr bar ddôm Wd lîevfr bl., - Su usmglnd men7 liebleW IMaveel be u atle' u M-WlMd à the -onguat endtlwb bt ha ever pennsd, sid tii., ýdoubt as to the sensation It t tbe alnbu and other places, 1b. rcad îitb svidity.j, uSeet plmusre did jéro.. ile-perule, 1ater orrect adpollab <bal i"nev ewtu,9"thoughtbu i, "aLtc * nov And kfel thit «bat n'a vrlte yull >eoM'maud Attention sbd plueIta F fom aprrt apoor wre£0b, In tle,:lis à Ïysalfou Mite powWo(nImontrebç sud tberruinietestremble îlthragei lf "ad 0It n oeb bea l tatperfiloustouce 1 mlgbttive lad <b. gratification cuiffol0 obsevlnt Lb. countensnce ftlioseîb rad mny poductlmof, 0<saen&,vith m ,0*9 YN ts,<le Pain of <h. jo> toîhicb, Lbey gfve blrth; dosrtaîb v iown uare, Lb. niticlum ndnt thlars e b "Shah'l play feryeu.Jatomnov <bat your labers art cgncluded r7 "YiN dni'ast 1plsy <ome soma $eUI- stirnlug muslc-sem blatti. piae-thit 1 usa>strde <his amiaispsrtaan4 sd <au. c> mnyseifaa nerb Lrmpling und.r foot a parmo( 0r#bla1 outM» endtI mpostons Antobonat, )1m lib. ýglsd £0 béestt <b i y &Y Ourla MPlymu have vol un- tsrl i ncres0yIl>stlpn4 instu itio r.elvlns three peundsu parvo* for sny vo dmnîid b. *é,tt# b Dlpossessons ln dair lrimc, hotu diutttl l hb. recellaotieu et<bue doy. sMd bei grst. foi-ýw wIleve« f.l te;the landthst sbtitered antiprot.c tu ln env mls<or <unes, âa gard'eust<ha mis of snpportlng oure.tvn.lulolitfot and la hosiopM nhe n.St .obi'ng aI huta ai en o'clock, a crriopevvuedraiop nt Lb. tioer M of ne e 14oaes ledgings îa tsl (Ootmiu geL deun, sud gave caverai val> important asitzi saie knoc&a ist Lb. dmo. 4.wu Mademoiselle 'arcourt vitbiu r Va» r aou the b melmaud b, lA Tue iou*eude calm aitnd IL Cautant dascatdeti1 >Antionette -rced ber vigitors, andi pr.aedbwr blothll, ihieiatcmwatb.. vitb mnocb7lcoedistity. Jerome. theugbtý tb. ouna otescbmsuçuîthst (ln Lb. ords of lord',EBoeto) 'a.lobeuiod Inspel a wtube .nation of a"bouts tg orshlptadi- ,vlnfit lue UIÏ"as mbub.ti-ber charme, anti tb&êvings efbis seul larebedeved the gema dld sw.ll, heneati hIr romots' b. exparlencedti hat "iscreâemnotio, sud b.baume "<nile ruspe< ?ru"ai, i. Yék'cw'," Mid bu. itairmnt. Qntyaà<awweeki go." "W. imanov aboutorLr, MIn at >moot sncare congiU& "Eut v.deslre $0 lasrn îbetberhose of <ha royalist Psrty ab e Psu!!hfalu- nay b. taklian sd ibte-he la sin.er. ln bis prenmes "Tb# lordf tbanop«my b4taen 1 baie toêgvem t a respct <oris vouder- i- emins Jo onodrehi. unablea M £ The , coutu igbed, but ezpraseèti dasire, £0 fn tii. rlsk ; se0peutoh# aa, vus ber snziety $0 revliitber native tiqd. Jeroeand bis lister ver. <lien lgivta4te dine, vith th. couantess sud ber brotberou' <ha, <olovlng day, and iInvitation I The lubabitints oetLb. village ef Àlmor wera Lr"'n Inte grait ez4o ite n th < 19)9ngeof Monda> y b efuaislo etamurderons auW4 bye aita. on, tbejieren o 1 m manaonmetiuianb Prost. The a lclant, ZLahçï a sn .liaa n d< cosleabe preaiy, anti for moïn> yems a magistrat.. gi la anative off the 'lia ftclddfr some ime lu'Ham"lt, -ut. ter îblcbbuh.satti- luthe. Township of labfdo, vWhara.ç1bu isl sI ec eti l vna >Vt, quantiwy or Iitieti prpery, snàtWi va"s xaivaely ugpsctinluthé rmer-* antIle sud mlUlng busi ss.J.W.. WVartiýa" b.Ceuint> e lti~gn in Lb. yar 185b4, and>la nov tbe PrcodepLoa the Vert Bruce,,&?, bor Vomponyï lieai scuppocat <o be very cJoù ln bis transactons, sud bus be.n couilted panurions, but la Ses- erally rcspactcd, The <acta et the eue# AS ni aou? r e- PerLer ceultiglu <moin thé magis;trâtaunt et. Iýbomasare nlsly Lho:-A persn nsmeiJCimaY Ocepiasteu mrci of Janti ln the Tovnchip eofuMahide, over wbleh Mr. Gansen hblt.sa motggo Aàt&w days b*bS effrq ,plAcath le min Froct ln pos- sasion o-et LJasi, hich tavre efance te ansoniboN, on Monda> a(tcrnoon, pro- cee >tie aplace or <the purpe o tf f- cibly jcetîng hi flot ldW, ue gata for the pd pcsse'ofdmivlng come cottia <lireugi. vlaen «suselomed 14 and tr.'. a itake inte the greun th b.pumpflOsfe epigILt fst.Tt le istaëte<bt mo île vas on thaeLle r aidareth<le fane., struck - itGhhou- wlth aciislc e b elti lu bis b«nL. danaeuci. ed avwhipand stmuck bâ4 et r, 11lig contlnued fer oreieime, vheu a"s.sMI r ,saian axe, vih là ilaAligl a at bStiugiîI rrum bic own puesaliinai"'u -st Prost er <ha fehee, go 41i 'so5suc- eet In lutriklngblm, 4'bui brobetLb. 4op rail ot tha tance B <i ue. . Gin- son) rau roun tâlg t a n s ucc At ys'oat *lI b.eze, ý »0flrat4, blow 0trckhlm on <h.i kne- sudas@ bu <ai;Qauren reastati tbôbloi su lLukhmon Lb& <oebwst«Ovr the ieàt Melgt îý ç ud liai 'id h"i £01 £011is 1i [spot. iïài I odratbe ruâintthle nls of blmknow-ýîîie lig me gAin,ý beausp iurtier con neyer 0ofuwô, We bld ;Moove adduti Wor4 ts0<liA <~b s 0ffctfvr <ban #Md t4bt hbu od Dot got out'efO( kilt bi., but <bat w, îenid ses Lb. coue- nlght js9W que=$es; 1 isp in thât J ienld mn the risk of baing f<onnd out Ires spsu'ng t<b u, 4 bis ikf; t<haL1 d14 not wlsh the mus <o be kIlei we vualkatlong tb.ountil w tva ;*h k0ard -Lb. buggy coming,; Ovr rpolut.id , ot! outOur stations, -,ias wplued. on Lbe. lt ge àp u qfthe- -rod/pgg.up on the atigofîit ; todfl rigbtj Over W.. hla<h. Sully on th# rlibt '*&,tic o ailde, furtber n than, Me ; <ha wgg 'e A ntihqa mamanOF orwu flasdow ;hvu <for.-, l standing$î J expeettiOver < ISS eize rfuihiv -rolf ni ,hahrse, sud dmniat i *£ top; e to $t,n* ot; tle tiretl Oipgs4 t th. enu guwîptb&4pd nsip log eo e1r j n "etl44seonds 1aieWtbe bu bpan S seond barmel< thberme inuhLb.mUa Lime i mu about flft.an roebock of Mr "GoodIis Pbeak op jI1tbongiý-t aif 14d4ietrturn bock àterribi Overvould slotmolfor (Mar t1voulâ TovnoftL« sppetaaragiusth,bIf f*ound out-, vben 1 th instant came bock o«ar»sid I va sa nt m à; bouse onu 1u I thj; Ïought y9Wn premulsdî bat- yen, -and er thn wquld uot shoot <h. mn" j ba-aýdded, ta4 if Marghall Po donspouanosd lt, isno Lmeto tolk,; b. btter, vàsi îu ~dIg L. brnedoî wtheb.min 'ofLb.esons, b ta iggo, JiL s Oer aslesdlng aespd frot 1&Ui min<aileut;b. e h or.oue Jumping Irei tîglit or-ten feet fuLbe-tbn et hlm'goliata alLrti6 sud tumuadbock ote-bmin sudcou- b bimjnd4 1130c004i. ercbîng bis. po", t;-_vbeu I ocom, ibo i saiLlis I turnati MYbseansatid-iiti<o Àftar-etl myselfbe ma lbeomn-do hla cRudo o( thehaf.oi scything -,i took bhldof <vo hagi; Mooe ad, on seelnj oe e-o*er one, îlth, <ha gun ;vwa vent 01t<ha faMflj over visS -tki e <e <ha*Soultb snd 'Lb. adi's il rippeti tAM,.en îti<nkit (Oveo) seMioüis bruio &Wd bagun te open tdelter, taing. rom dars, sudaa 1 tIem,»I tW <hmon.> virennd; bdII, li'safrat "en me.efn a agon vas hesrd t', pass- fitepns, M Sg<gie nd &minu wllgatt 1Coroner'.lm SLt; Over nid va could net roootthoesay; diu st îhi loer t wue bauaed over tiialia> ofssulon « on ie wot4haide of- the, faoé'sud: <ber. murderati opsnltt.hweivdretbebgs;Overttvîrda set'fM du *q,@N d »m nimvstss n and,,sku 'e Lbo=ryt > t ie (PlmtLatto bavaitils la 0e L gth$ vaeni etatof lu <& . uplet by Mis. Hannab Potter uesoff, Olive, Aleander and ,ta., nt a granien, Albert cmnum.tiby fieust jaa. Mraipretend<te, hava M th@ burnini buiding by i ný ul LIe iDou; at any » fbfguid iAihatitalia n h, the uratêuelgbbor Mm. Bon.: raetrnd 'witb hlm te thedrie- tiasomevwhM t 'sltiet, eveml !outodboulies vurodiover- is rbfch the effspad mniete yramn or ~An .Zaiustion or alowed <bthe bo aiteremed £a bout <hehbeatid an o- Warrant va s sued A marob- li Nea«à' càpturtinluSt IfE.», andi breugbt bsck, -A mqnSt vu heU upôn Lb. hW ib thb. »D pl pme a foul vloulti enabi ýAbly Mud as and iodin ba Lb. lete, m "Is&nglnqui veuy bus> dlo ofibgolti lai vuabentto haiing ben laid à obtannine mney u lesti'censtblo Pr( te execute the. w withîn, andti he, eurüutofief <hjctd aztumly indignai niesfl , lio roqua tha ront for a if the <ha bd-consîu pracotion <te llei -thé Mn mcbeti- Sunlrefoi

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