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Whitby Chronicle, 6 May 1859, p. 2

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f'O.d bOy, snd tOOk th#. band Of Anteli,' ette wltb sdmfraly a.te4 llantry, Tb*. «èsofMasri. St. C>r and Do Viie- (muAb inust ho tber saw spin)-u»4, sud thair bobs graullr grow loto a4.- E!>'ecovl, Thel almie bsev w}S7. 1Mb Teg*?ded tii. otiiros a.bonse t.th@.lait IlÀ.ua f"ri.of My nie, K. Vercosrt," e.id loucheI 1m Jandellgbted teumake y.sw mcqialtoco, sud &4eà frlesd cf the, Eourbmse you ore doubi>' welceme, lia., y#u ln my abod. Pray be .ste; yon musit hi r v W os.' ti~>Or dasjourney.: IIlJOthe . Moety.of ypur ult, 10. Karqai,ý" eald JrnJe0#1udI>' 1 hiegeW, fatigue leif uksoWs." siot Lboroughly-te haro undertood the eeteoce$ Ieebut fk lu ver>' dmpgeo littér one'î opinion lnune1...day" "Do I undrtood, IL le marquiiY BEut vre est. ubers, alil Ir"esof tb. Esiouebw-very greatfrleude etunc "Y.., IL'1.Mar 1is bIuateschooled rnyelf Cevev ttsWk cf pelitln." 66 Ïou ame ver>'prudentM. V.rcrt, kiaaà thors>' p4tb. -Wevey« jong lai ex, "M 1 o ut 4oto. ior emoier sâ uhidentil lois to, *f..i t. 1sêonve "Sp.~~l*tlbodu, if yenplas .,~~. r 't- i. -gutl trouble,,, "Joies,.reeted hibit W obserratios, and ]oncho remsrked.: IlYes#,It Iover>' sud, 1 doubt n00*. 'loq, ohe 'W" tige aithor Of My fsmllyi trou. bl à1fi "Aod the troublae of many' others." "Who.obsal write the catalogue of hie Crimen r' . Wel, monsieur, j have tbe vanit>' te thlnk 1 could do hui Justice, If tii. pin 0< Lbtheountry were fre.; but ut preset I sah W.writl1g vlth a,>' 1usd upon th# "Y### andthat le theaI&M Placef»r a mae to thinit of omnmcng-anotbere lo. gusphy, 'Eut tbank bou4vo, ve have atili 001180fanOUSansd lagenoDIU .ifflr srnupt us,. ose ln particular, a persos v-hoon ge hmet I'Diaqui'-monetrous dlever fellow, and ver>' îhrewd -dAe'm a01 to W dbin out. -Dld you over rend su>' ofhbis ltteu1 il Yes, tir." "IWeol b#"basdrawn l'oucbe'i obarater ver>' fovoîbI>', dadhaa 'itir 4uuceeded tbhat the omperor lbmano longer n>' cosll. dene ln htýiemnlatarof police." T our Inforaton, 31, le marqui, i. peclla4rli'oveot t. mne." IlYou bave sot. perbapi, re.d the. letter 1ilalude to. jghty thoumnd copies voe. sold ln os wok In Paris alose" 1 Iglbt>' thousand copies i Yon sOur ' t decrlbes louche and hie. n(amous Gebot,; you wlll floif It on tii. tabla, sear1 àMa book wth the-greenm cover-yes, that; fuît. Iwvasre4sdlng k ovor aganjuet b.1 fore you srrlid. Just rend-the openns Jroame asloud,"ai olows-I'ouehe pfnzulng, rand obecrlug the loy wbleb i inrkedlutb#e>m 'ong n ause': eruel, ellah mini#ter t"athebe t cf1 tbla sketchnocyer eeed. Ta v1awonaàfath.1 lui description that on@ of hie fr ends préve of bisa whun b. sal4 thatPluche ba4 th d fflsaomp on ok and tii. voleucf dé",,b> Irr'bsqaiylc dlgrams uas ssture hi pommoe su n snt degrea. klevewvth brutu bai .ouad alodiment le biuset, Use itb«#have heeuti.ous. de, of U#w IuqulslUon ln Opals, aud he lte#wesofet1hé Oubliottts. Trawchey, "4sho.6d"Mood are vtb h hlm i.bes (8 1>b aie tu the ecmpany fi«t su&fr t Side Wlttb4h bamd sudPa hait. jets aid 0101d tien wiu A týA"ae anet oa cspree 613W Moent; sot-d ho observe lOuche un- vlingeb te toidh o fusel tram iules pro. pparttory te rii r the purpoeoit. tui th* domrof thesapsrtaint Ibis don. h. oosfrotai J'se, sud sud, "éMonsieur Logmige, 1 bave aed Ltu doors, àa"tbou b apraesut.o a taDot r.ally-eee.ay, la se much as the boue is sLonly gusded, sud jour aesespe Im- Jferose va. matursil>' tmsudedat biI. spe.eb, sud looked tevards Marie for su explânatlns. 8h. hsd covered ber buc vkth bar bauds, saddvmu raitiug h. rea bond onthe marble clalszsy.p4 ee.lýc procoeedd "M.,Legrage, IanMoMt tLe. Marquis. Beau vIllI ot or>' otber itupi snl&att I an o»sof the lov félo vbose portraits adore these alls. Wblchcf this yo 0"u.0o o resdlseahms, '"isit Possible that you arem "1Josephloucb.l-Yts. Adnow ài me lotroduce you te oseetf hosé syrens viiosyou haveg aphflsl>perayad" (h. polntcd te Marie) ; "mmd to ome of tovadiDe ivier.) "Tbemomrtepin. cipal mambers of L*At Ceoot vblc louch .ablbd 16Marie 1r spe.d -Jerelme, doubtlsg 1 ey.s sud bis as, "Mari@, dcsrest j .But abe sored sot ber fcs*sd-ros the1 masteie an sd dii uct'reaponotte bis IlBébog tisr t" clenche spolia viLlaa omit# on bhsie ac) the smon vlth Lhe viffe, aa aMonk, sud tih.voies ofasi? ~Yes air,- aMid Jeroae, lina&iam voics, Ilad t I a n jaour pover. Ut you W et bnt h e t elatlouof béer- log me myae for mare>' You, have board s>' opiniossq nAtethose opinonosi I îli dling. ExerCimejour power, in wbateverJ vay jeu plase; but [vwouid auk you, te su&fr îmy slstar te go ober filends. What. overma oea myh. ii'glît, aciebbu no sare- lu IL~ 1 would lMPl&O y-ou te spart ber fiai. luge. Il"Msiselie I. ot socuad of Su>'. Lbing," eaid louche, "endi ab. may go vbcroer sud vb.sever ia, p!oees" "6Jerome, doareit il# crlcd Antlonette. "Le me$go wiltb you-Lo pri1son-s>'. vluatel 'Yif>'oare teprléiion th.is fold lot ne dt vlth-you." ! lMadJemoiselle," "id lOuche, ,,Our prisons Ara se crovded ju4L novr. thsttLb.>' have haroly accommilatlon for tIi.,. vbo have a clais te 10, IIDearait," sadJerouaa toe s fter "go0 te your lvleuds,"(Thenturulog, tovards ,Marie.) I"Madame, lu tue minaut 0f ,jour triumph yeu n tia&rd te be gene. tous,Ye Tousrut.ed ai> eitwi nfet>, e el ai my ows. Thst part 0f yonr proise ýwhb reIoa tteber, yenMeMy , 4l>'dybrother, lWtussote b. eparstgd, crled Antiost, osto 4«0" dé"Do1 -W mae goevtbyoatePiomca.b " ahetesnet ha, sdWllla," nid oue."Besdse, Mr prom ofe ae so ytomlt-.sud your brother eb 0 andte , drerad te ye« uherti>."1 louchm No# air, 'Yen;aréa crtain Of yrprey. My ssuuscpt vE . i,U i Il tb.>' ara notalsdd'. luoveur ba"s "hi.. 1 bave fulBlledmi mission r', IlKRut oly -,butvhy do yen Ada>' me At tht. moment r'. IlLiose, Ponacho; la vlnuislogt1w eart ofleéromeLegvasge lait aMy ovi - love Jeroaie Legrsue1" os"Mr'ial HYWbalyblrntbl$f'ý 111 toit vu tbat I otblsmssl Ris the god cf .>' idoisti>'. Mie geulus, lbs eloqueuc, sud, abre a&H, bis honesty, sud bis noble nature, ver. fao povaerful for my dMet. Likedb.tatouliarreit th lb o(h et b.antelopa, 1vis eanWe ava>', 1 kaew uotvbltbeETb@ fslsoods Lth"1C01Wedte bure bis vere Lursed te trutb (du moment Lb.>'mo=umd te nMi li, sud .la auattempt te captuemblmn my beart bs'cke dowm, mai11 beeme aàp tir e y e n e . . a( Il What 1lavor. te ig%,: 1mevivésr to Y«e-."at1Ivonld rMtWraba.àa cUeL wiLl biabeg vlth hlm, tadre illhlm, peti*h lti ina dugson, ik wit hMm luth. depait part o( the.oee.a,' tham b.L. Ie !aua apr nsd Lb. motime ot a 1ace0< idà." "àPoobi1 ne musta&Var te prison." Yo1It tg true tbmt Jerome Le'suge free hlm--yenmustguaut..ie futuVe "Tyq oneculall>'mail, Mariol1" 1NO, louce. But yen viii prove yooralUamd, 0 you de mt accedle te my "now so.1" P$'Bsm.eYDave lan> pvey u litin avet à<ypourdUrefsi4Ivi e1 as "Yo uuetm m 1e in Your povert I -m lu Lb. power of sw monor vouas1 basA 1ev ouLb.Mcii, md" Lb. £ min luwy baud.ne" a1Jome us- rans. Itrou do n0 1 ivlllle toE£ni- bUd, <orblddlo> the traumWW c ot. ter vblch Winlothervlàsr"acthLe Esper. odes ba" do 130W myollettes.jyenureaihae vrilLesfMectme Io "lThebay >'iufornrthae mperert*a Ion bave' plotmeil inst bina, and have, put verdiloto hliemuhvchhner uttoe.d" lor=-trotfi-it ige Inbis 1f. lYc" chaqpge4 color lil.Jv 1.11 hi.bis qulv- ered,ýbl hie ustrauble. déYou 'bave uMt dd bea tis ol f s>' 1#tte..?'f siNo, 'loncbe;-,but Lbelr contenta are kuovu te me," 'leu, tklng dJesi hsmd,obeasdtobinM... Lgrsosy' are fri r (roubw'i pmv. Tbat1l lov Ion, you asau rc.y doubt sftar viteu.. enaeetoeme. Yenadid *sua drcam (aIva" sp hu yot gave me ypur Toceadvuced to Jerose. mas saure btterthsu Id.' Mmd jour Pro, pbey touchlog tbeoyCtbenu tobortV » for athisladyfi 0OeeUedIo fumlledte the letter, *-When moot 1lue.ddtb*raer vlany a, Im gii yen ram er'igbty, lii.>' oubdd, su d 60penbMe e*UMce me 1,IL Legrausyou a perteeL>' a«k Ustil yur99etIo ireee,oeeynbm4 boeL terremain hem. Tb'2h o. ,7o ur, bouse bhhfe ddilvdvu fi. sol aimedlst When Jerme sud marie, De verd laelette,, ha4 leU louche -(e bis - cvio 'Oh, theeouperr nnis; ofawomini1 Tha lMealulIl preemudlôuiof whleh.d tbe @vot of ber W14lug o vrite, ah.-con 0( My e t > ltt.vould rmteae L-as peter, 1 wo.ldhiv~ eadgpMedbMotbe case Lb. vle o(De Vivior, Butthameb asi»4ldtt Ie *torywblhai 1mtaumt upc.« 1enche and, big Plaw erti>' sita lbd usJ~ m p tbisciabo4s laDuej.Mrt buum .the-mather ai tvo tiât àà 4 l Imp Iagofbis mâlill mu1ad'it hb bocley of lb. Ou. day Lb.>' vera vahkis; vlth their 49"ldeinltbe envions, santhe bauksidc Dbe,ý _n0«Won aise, a b ie' old, Lb.>' babeld â; n, bo vws Lalicng aiud to blsseltaud gse#mslttg sw Obmuwer aste JeuitJeroeet eeud abat 1a vu hIne.Tii.>'"ameedmete the sPot vh.rethe amsu ms aktn e Iïloole p. là Osait b.e cllmad Jroase 'Jce.ph l>ouca, Dola.01 Otrnte il 'Tusil vas the rep>'. 'f'Whst are@>'« dois; lu Dreasf maris mA"e bli. 110 iL "g# poella'nd louche, 'tbt a Pubsêmu hketumueb. exlie, sud tek. up his abode lu a Élace@11.tiks vthoi t aIl Lb. vorbdlgculat#d vlth dia 'Wu mer heard tbat yen van exleA,' nild Jeros.. 'I baveluet place, povar, fienda. AIl, an mre îeansdIamh loe.W&Have!1 sot greva vwer r 'T@4aesPisg vlth omes baud torso mY s>'yr4iupoLb. guillot, neo w- dertbt 1am gry;-and amI- »t othur- vialweed ID appearaucej" 'What about the., f2reule ofe-the mcuthmnOv? What -tha dsag4e0-f l monk sud tbe TOU oefdesthf Doyfou te. CamWI*crthat7Aàd ouche Jlmî& Je. Ab 1lt M, boccMme te lau> itfod lb xaisiw O 'ctvphlW.ce, pottsg oua &er> aeovful ai. 1 'dainm "omn 'hr 1 futi sateldodtW 1 sah b. e ssslted mld- that >' «W andmd blmdr in bre Iuc. te beWiy, Thsra- la ne refletir fe mv, day or mIgb lat r 'drasia ivelie Wbando you'llve rf "Ina buiéMctfar distant. Wili Y« - Epnges oErlgaI' b lid At Pliu l Mert. cn Tuuday lit. The. wetther vms d.hliehtul mmnd Lbat- Dy. tendance quie sumorous. Tii. sbv of bornes am" csttie vas ai- averago 0" To Tbe feon; arc tLa preaiuai -D - 001184. - vis. ki. a ho, *o WhUyP Fuflday, oyp 4s-sAnhoy 1Hill; ugaid Johne I'ha s Haere01 Lth lpperhuNme tu oriena d cs of establieblo; au "Uppercèb&Ïbar," on Libse cfore"M- eaction by Lb. people, ae.n l-sppont- sent b>' Lb.e revu, e>'haco1uiasl Eùgiu, ,haceve hve ccpid ïmestof m'vpolit" lprlsciples mdieltutk>a, ve~ ~ ~ à ar I vaeta dýia Cnv, ast4e "tontals t hoer," bu ba b.sole appont ment tethe peerag; afar ata mode cf sele i our d tilkis& then diaesmcb maoted, but etarsaly abuWedpnlvllg, cosed d te Ia ms>' heded, of havis; a fingar la the Ocnattutl01cfa*i. pper armet ofthLe pobîtlcalpieMoaever, lu Lb. old oeuuty MOsIpaniuer clrcnsitasCae, embled to rede, a Ocrithisa crdir cé td e cbaace hlb tiere exista, sot osI>' approprat, but 'amt Isertable, Tb#. pnioel> esttaahich original cosqunsts st vsnloui perlodi of ber bietar>' plmced l Lb. ponession otcertslu famille., Ivic Lime parties, durlsg tLIe teudal Lloeasvtb a posliva mIlIta.>' oe, sud a segaftiv tennltorid lnlumasc vhlh, under certal mbluatios, wmar at!' qul te thee eft Lb. sÏomaby lIL' E.LabIlslwd tbara. fore, (rom a very'remote sutiquit>'u a se paiatabrauch e oftLb. constItution, vlth m'Wrtainslstt prlvlbegea, IL prui4l isi roota so bruI>' trough ait Lh.dstah of on prnse.Asudpeople inua veuy is adu sesele dogree. Oyralurondud fiskll hi. aud t enm rosdb' ompai safd4 lsoraè-elevou uv.ÇG Rosse>'; 29d, T. (5. loremas. 1 koo< marsmitk /oid-nevas eâtn.e. -1siJamsR.alroy; sud, Wss. Mc. Gragor. The third palme cmltted b>' LIe Juilgia - OA~TLI. - Aretakùia to 4.4 houu-four eiwnLs.,L.t John tiens route t Coites; Sud, Wni. Tuaiigntjr the VIctoia ,YorUlng bals-oentnlas--lut , L urpnlsed l( S.V anAlitai Sud, wS, RoyaLes.> Wbltb>' Liit MU mA ow,-e.,o entdle-I» letMez Md 0f IsAe1 Brown j Sud, do; $rd, Thio& OCateu. precedstfd: Yokf Wrkigs.-Its etai.... ell ,kuewn. 1sf, oba Wafr; S, Jolsapis Olmughtca. cPaptit J at oz or steff--tbrm #Moriue.-»4 dotse bes Jobs Coa"ae9; Sd, Jobs SoW.beuo. diq g#Lma >aka o ' rAWOrPIui, M isVernon. soit Govrs bees to Ca. an Immenseà Juuy; 2uds limai>y White, i. quca D#0M.4 i'4vue154imai0à5 k ar wiI lii.lise, - ron a -pl-LrO& estrlae-sL (0, iao v if 0a à Prautlc; O&Joh Munâm 1 . otaffairs.My Woonpk--dbt ntrl,-.-1* Wmb. te show b Bolton; fud, John Heard. &ai Za"rew-slx ahnieé.--ls4 James c t, t p Rose>';, Sud, GSo. Preotce. "4 v oulume son.16-a liacu Vrenaie W é-vbet r t. i do nm.tllkeI j ai tiavi lu tb. Pro - I j '1 /1 A I 4 ~4j s I t -u -I I '4 I -t s I a g e *1 -j "I ti c I e t' N -I * g a -c * g Il ai d ~4* a' fi Il '-w 'v 'j -z g h -t' a .11 A id 4~l t: I 'J t s - g --I -.1 I N -t .1 ,1 g il I J I -1 i l'fflIý'

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