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Whitby Chronicle, 6 May 1859, p. 3

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w- a Y5W O' 'Sas!.' M Aa se0 be.am Ab ÀI etle 11 llout powb (laa uatWys a te *lu.ri rs. 0'V At tAay rate flot te 4.1 vit(b eta41. Tieda fthlibody "Mo us >.lwu.A <olat old dot1r4, hra Tirent. Jotérisi t 4b.arf, Olosaand anI Owo Ur e i. ot. lu' tbal .lty a.on4a a ruellei., wbiId, under lis miel of pa- -tilýo i ani 5117sodmlsa met(io100 twimysa of snye.eberof tlîsLover Aleê M a e moflly h.cooncll bas bssnond t. support lis mglon. 1 Theii. rer eSais on,.IL PeRla.l 2qukre ha mérvs vbo , 1 IWliv, ,sv veutta le.beo wlîilue lie rrmn va' lisore mil wii. yu, probsbîy, flot P àiailr&daunIe«h. -iulae a ctus t. drilvdel.te (ethédolw deuow# 0Wsebisoppe. siilla io. ll1llUle moub; h. lai ln tact su , dsgabwmdngur Oolllor. Ti la Md ~ ~r., 41Ianwbo ewnosa qmart 4(<a mlit0npouode vrdi hof ruai otat. ln ?Térn, ~and ,b.. interééta vil (bers im *rmi«r'uvaagly by (b.e rai, 4 ýbut9 JfaV*eishm tlelinglho voodbe tniove1 vm t.uority aud »se ..id (beaute1 *wy t b. dalt bute -tro MUsldt.bave1 lisinabeuloealy#91d, or ra(ber le'I ber. autlxmaslvs.,(or wbilslby ooly ifwia 1 Iwoer"tlsrppoiimte to ie 'loera- u*sý tboyhad no IMmdt Ibe motion1 woeld prersL . Thy amea geod 4.d»Ia. goued o report sayog mi4 may bW fouuid0 asong dis misalng wiiiaithe moti o te -t onlucones opuphal-vbicb Io nui1 vi i hhety- ls .e yr-bet1 lfy thhils (bey wulî ls have . orp onde, byab.1. âWee or by a oetraq y vd1*Wstey'diSý by tdir affirmatlo or It ies 0.0amatià 4ageeol nierimr.alution, for a publiec amsto admit in erre1 Uadiataad lta"- ars buck agi Aîn and*1dm#(berla nov a ' clear loughamaoi maJerley for tiei. lii If Ibiss I rsudMIl puises "y.*7 len1 Ws May.zpect lisSmam o edomson cWblle 1 wue viling y. yeaitsrayUeg gsd la raconufleig thélr ite of M fIÎÎ, or more coérre.tnladlucaaan#g mev o eoceremoay l"ng up 1113.Nt-t iÎS brougli op 11. absentiuùppoilei sd1 Mt *tong l ien muraago céthst dfo 21W- jmr170<rd aY woold iardtopeW 0us#MW ..1Mmd asi -Anus for li amco-1 --tIl bit es. iVmkmbmtge-Wkme i prmty," tlm$e -in lot ml eowcturd is vsryno=Mdy fordith* naglly cndac- Ths"falier oftli4ouW "boa.Ur. DO *pka o und stnve b"rdt. *6w tisaI H~ w U &W .gltiOIte b. iadasecby1 iaMdlsrui% ,b"tt4 *as0 &P suM li pteust d e ils&0ld fpa. die silo «s 0(rteo IS&uorty. Ms90a" lia' ,â84 uellluMd ansi - topes> O4M IpageseI» lows w.1lbev tble 1»pol-te nw ujse(io sd 1.1.le làtade bit 4«p tb uf . li. .'.'...4250 .. d»s *bsol#Oum worduy on. cal.. $hmos Who allo, poseS opon, ,vl scor oS (lie 0010 Who Pua' W sdi Ilm Isea sea rets.payorig orIBu »y.laW (o bu#e4a0 b Mt etwiielt te "0 sstock la the "Manvsu raalb.No malter vhat the staàding er pdaill ofo t(eue gmn ttiy lave 110fr moltree ope t. suà&plcon lagving oennmnb e s. dela.ive propo.kion.Butat (bue etl.- msa tbemalrsa moy b13te lie v seofde. option, sud ve dout-tI' et(by art, sud (bat tbir Port *Iope alles hatolrlaauput- llàcoddna 2i (be*édeloetlefr Portflp UeamIsarl peruswedout trust- lng , BaudsfrieasI b.thebellot tha$ (bey voul*ubsrl81s4,ornssrlysl&Hlià aboc liea.le anluilId lism " àn,,lie prsellmlnuvv sîpsuas for obtloslg car ter froua lie eIslaturever. lneorreé thie bill1 wuabr##Ébt Wfore tl#e Mougatsud ornp. agitation k%4atup, s&new Vailaen i purrogsd sudno chartr lbu les.pro. '«rad 9 Whyt1 Tb@sPort Hflp p.ple uever vsunsd tei. liet the bifrnce - (bey vers@nMtab" o!r lemsst s twgi lie 0tlgbtua sltnetowsrit osrat loi it jln fac4 M tlis viol. Prorbn1l aviDe, lWira st t111emoenst. seos- vbiieed vidi lIlabilll(las bat (bey ver. cubls toeeempUnes Lias 0nducy tan. aln& mach lms te contMao a bramé 84â a culof 210,000,& alla. Tii. viole agi talion v gelý P op' er, lie parpoe0# tirovlnglimpefdmenta l in.evayeofcarry. out i»e Wbiliy lin&a. Tb. Ioiot t li rsI tims liai tb*Pot Iope 'Coeapaypleysd àalilluarrloa Tiisya"Wpreaey intbe menmmn vlwn lIe Coupty by-law wuas ubmltM to b.ratfflyuri, sd kapt 8eses sdTioraiby'proulslag (o con- tinus Ibsi Jii.u mLindaay. MAtbal Urne, we 1.11ev., bel vent sm Jar as tg plsoelb.rste wV"kon Pt 0oflispro. pusd Uee, la orderte terry.i olis odo- Tierswuas oiing wb&Wtso epmseat su amendeS Chiuter belg osined ver leraet. The Prt nop pot s oed ar e baça tlelr reUdhlpiuusddirogh Thie peeplof Bscb'lave$*Il ini bea mad da v s mt(*eY WiD n opusf tbeW- #lesumd maielr, Am poelion, Tb# Ofr.cb of à@ t~aw1ýi 'Md loee More. n tauja tsr. àboùtshule sê.nw le Ver am «0 die" l tor - Atm oyo4rochlba*bMdqý,eivil ma-r à"d on dise roek Md.oI&iwy ave Mt- apam, aMssi*11 frtlzser dayla.reacdng li lins vibinlapaalgIlseac" By-ý -tI 4 *uelsed of Eumysu (but la thes ere Ne Nv.rk. '"Wu lîeubt.d witb livri cmplainI for à Ibo logilu., d aMer llug muyreusdlesu, ,sud vas aSicd tey Dr.WJLANrS !aebratW ed. Llvrf 11h, -pvegsveêýay*kmIeg Bisa of ePittsbw&ergl . l~sysla the vidi oun o àbo isvid i 'y . toi KOTP uIZDYKYDIA 11è055WhIo one *411.1.4 witb 85>7 0<of. be . sewot orateddiu..flmay reaI amred liaI 11. bOu oil 41,fr mladle làWth. 11voe, and for lia aoweetlea, ths but ren.dy of- (ered o e '.public lu Dr, WLsne'as d bebra(d LiraPilla'Try lieu. Thes a.. »iY rs<anda-VInot utisfactory. - > Parcbaon.wri lbe Curfaltoa&*,FI Dr -e4Va CfbmWVmifogi, -pws. u(atasrcd 137 FlMIng Eaea.oe<Pugo P. , AU Other V"110i-ngl o.qi are worthleaa, Dr. Wl.iiô, pna4pe Ver- mfup, &luao i Culbratted Lir 04ila man So bu lad et4*I1 roepcabio drug vlaput w llus mie dIgn.teréof TALL 0#1S, aU5441M0Spersbuoho. &rM" aew fi TO5'J*la 04 vurbWIaahal FLOP, $# W or bniel. BA*v 4*a 561 0 Sper b»1»1, (>Âefa2si010pabaal &fVrot( lb. a) loei1.id O*mNuLPer 0t 18.4 d 20. Là»v 100 lie Oxmiet IP«r bubat. TONONTO MIAiZtSl. 7w.& Ws» aluil S.90N0 4d m. a4 », &Ue 4 5440 fopr boabi. so dams1054O 1.v1lb. E... 7U a 97* oWi Lasul. wor À4 lea 100 lb ih.ua.OL% il mtn>am 0lr Thomua Eng, Ud igpw MIsla i. Towsilfpo<Eeaé NEw A m mm"EXWT. 'TO cOWTNACTOU. A DAY Huit unsmiror ess 'mge <, ý A 5A.4.ApS boit«. *5.s.1 KfUm pABI puft13WB «'àmiiipéiiy or Oro, $13. vawl uew m PR se Maor ointe. <5rals9S48.y ASf 50D110G- MoJL9E 16PEilUMa 1£ 1.1 9ro , . 1V A - fAiE08 V P S 4ll '101011 14, 4pu 0atonlaPrIt 40 ou5$11414 1 1916 9100 a bis 1* kaamsa or 1re UmW o o6,drth.reM tbde o preoesum, ta .zaiat aI lia.imaoem.. o 41. Eahr..am do(<yaubydietamy. ONTARIO BÂNK. 10 0( CarTarW O 1.1ptfal05O W40 EOY#' (ILMSAnm1.5.aUdepM...., 5 mal. bal" Kip l'su P&M.......k......51 f5.<tlzrue 'SUW0M 1$ 1e iroeuerel IbsIt ab0e. 1ie,402wum ninlMut ou, aple ÂsatIIaaumitBSUImeSd . et #'Pwvluisi Wa$tmy, Kinist«, suda" fa »WE Wil k»s btsom usmufwutû#lufai mp*5fs.I le ybg or Sb. kiul Mf t amai. MI MBkGFm. no nArl,15.l I Fonvin (ie KS 0<Frsil Goeais, a the .z CHEAPZT pÉroa, go o te etd J. OTJSE Ct., ERR'SBLOCK., BROOK-ST, WMby Tieuberiirtirela" t aneulo ottellena udtl<~bt~ b abapur.b Udtelasruo<Maee J lfiare& o.,la iseabr. cIIknon c aryaabof ueta - halehu fSsy ias are urhu'a 0 a Mute alr o atoUt 0<k YRK~H ~RO~iK~ WIN~TliQf visuls . l pfsara t.asil.4 htostrmaaslgpl.. lo elasz. tc Mof ]&b la.a$p ioneyie FOaelantgtR SeLfa, Pmts uito0 P.-U Mdjlatpra ai o ~~nalsaI1~oILZ -~~~~T' -0 SLETWTY MÎT071 f~'g7~e'Ler.eo age1eo Pola mhe etae d tat e "du o mfi o<Ubum $10 . qAsaMtlyeRRBer hi.w bea anull.vrems oth pa Miae. -Do ONTARIO 4.NILý XMM T WNTETR i- ,oifý R LZIZ] Due o frddIirry Ato10 Il, maid 7p. 14ttem .for montreal, uid placce FtotKing- utougm mioaly depatalsad» tse igsI ai - roo iéth. e 0. 2;.9,.S. trivelliog Fout 011. rDw f« d.Jvay lsent 1aS'in, Md anl7 &aM. Thoe Mlt.for ViekeaInf nDnbartoar 01317 malleb1 d UàgtsuIngolg Wut North modâ luie dailly aletise»etrsi or tise toila (rom Toroastoi, <or DrokIla, Buas- aind 10lSbltIMssaie. fralitu.enw as or.cf Mai. rô iao adom grhaMmtlm omu- lay, , arnda *Ue.svodanIia mie alsdTauylTh: e__ Msd naurdy for Matou, (aiau$andiof -Malle unedue f«r daveqfia. houe caie ENGL0< %Apati ;;J'4« b. p~ M=- classe <o eore ébasMtoulac féPus- a o, 1e aelodnon sa1- (1w vhs 46" 'N.awppqlit Cannada& ~' TonManyofttiepalnalptl bauenM m cteial1w Uuoffaboos TeikaI aumberw ifilh. raid byl, stIsut, lop ikthe Provlnoe. Thé Sabaor1on pricéof thae e4Ztaù Bi, gÙ4rw l b UNE 1XULLAE ranu Awuu, lt lion #",Aduadent lnartlon.*1 Aboya efrht liHm, faut insaon perJiu*,. 1&,:, Vwnde sEditoIaI auddirectif)&stwi"ls <o Jè.ivsrtlaUma,2 cneliéper lifta, ComYom elo nMulrabau., JLUTEL CARDI. Two liffl uoshuneDollRUpurMnîaluaid. uaqylion, shlillualtbu l, num Wa<o iuthe w0<1 Avril. Publlabed. for the Proyu~i~ .4 moinsW.* xikunn,. Victora udinàt. flbIby ntario County, £2mu 1mb, 1555. INTS JOB1ILMD TIMES. TA ye 701 <Tleaed r 1114 J.Mddeor ou' 711moua e L44i tmi bapati- Ile through tise" Bzamzu» Do yon vant Se boy *Ba.IltW 1 Usl ia m Aeyos lntered la 1.1 rktauôi1 De -Y« wt téo»H 1I)oDo e ato boy 1,Do you vanS <o Mort#ve f Do»Oz wânt to boy or gelf Debbare or« Bén k klAslrer u , and Saberl'bef« the " CAsâAVUX BgAC ZrÎ loyourCarl lth'te 4g1err' Unetenil 14 asi14Useu ord k"ow you ar*, méWu 1 14l j "i . 1 1

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