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Whitby Chronicle, 24 May 1859, p. 2

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7001M Wiéela thea eIgb1t.b.pd, 40 4oonfdered, l o in prlne iut As Y04 bvsmO, bis s«#,0o98 bail 0"0 béen sévelgsy .utsnsl.d, &ad might baio TOUmi*Itd $0, wsd t the#" fr b.a don Uppmmsnce "meflhing of. FloreBot turitbly grse.tl, d rall>quit., pretý T" 0>eobd aditwbsrcuîg with lbuoeeàed uity snd sitaria vhill Florne. aniverod lin the s1:rov and Intesd 0« Lrnshi. distifdlly t'bar 'nether, binted (heing a roufautio yo" lsd,,) boy ohSrtlng rt voald b. £0 u£oim vithout suybody begthe vise. - C4ptdaitMrkhoe Lsagl îetibibloi wblcb obiuedwfib bisows" erparmec and h.fo sl y4o d .mdPt. fà ordar thst fi uJgbt b. ostriaiout vlhperfto$Soose, it vas raolvred 1< mm i nient te-eaohotberuti thedsy -fted, la rd« tb yard oft a"y enapicloa ont, the.i »ra.Benéon bcd hs sspelon cf vhatvue ulng ocm b.dobsled sc04 e te, basffair (n so M honer t ui .bail netonly dimiovr. ad b the cf teelope at, b ut svec .tit cuirapf on bllIt-as fo ceur.ý: iIy ,dog.l b#r1s 'thontgbtfha £0 hlhesbueutdovu befcre Lbo.&o e l bii-edres o en, Bcd smoking epi laiséor sfln ys hi.5v Bui do' vondr sttit; hbeonlyrtslc after u sta1 Iow* ês Îoàèeiaïg fr haeping fI SOe9 Ilyfrom Me. Itwed be s goodJoka, il I1vers & lithj o eng, tote cl is eut, snd marry ber la spite of Squilre MarThaus, v-ho vu enisof tes. jovisl vidoeura who tilts lifesa il cornes, mlud moresud more on ibis ides, &truck, bins by chance auit wero, ii i b really b. gin t tbink it Worthasomotbing. '4fêer m'spout % law not 80 eld eitber, or Ailtt he adise" 1aY se,. au the8r eugbi £0 b. good Jdgn In the ýqst- ter, 1 hare bieun s b4cheor s geed whie aud eugbât-te have "aouut b@fore iis, boy uucbuoe coufertabl. 1£ woold, is to havesa pretty viCe te velcerne me home, and dO hthe apri of uy table, and to balp $0 o *pý. tai ralty Charlesg'ln' rder.- Egedi Ire balf& mlnd le do IV. Squri Mirkham teckivmore vb its, 1Iov'fdoh. les,. th. raida o £0nUrrons this very nazi mevemant.. Eloing tbe boit haoen. qulr.d of Lb. serrant -ý le Mâd« letabome ? 'No, air; hi vont out thia mornlng, snd viilbe gens il. day.' Il Ropi Lbsli do. Be mach Lb. bot. ter («orme purpofsesl thougbt hbe." ' Nov i Sha-ha h eoLb.gond loft te uYseII %L.me maos t.e -racal lutsnda runnlng avoy naîi Tbursdy evening, Mud £0 day la Monàday. Nothlug like strlklug vben tbe lron.- lu bot. 1'11 vrite ,to ber in bis inse, tolUng ber ibsi 1 have sltered My mi nd,- s&d viii ge juat s.dsrk' te merrov mlght. Obe ou'l Suspect suy. Lbing untilLbhe S la Lied,04sthd n ban b aslsugbve sbsl bave.' saeresrkbsm'd1w ntcnsider 'Ibst Il e à,,h maia tile difaronce viib sa tel ioke upon hls sn, but Joeklcg no fur. li, e airdugy drofv bis vrltlug us tonialstewar*e hlm, sud Jndkwted b.fo, levlug epishise Dsaur- , s.omxsea:-1, Sud Lb. d&y for .lm, sTirp w Md May str, Iogo. qJ, T. B4JUmL *114b MerylteCuhcr.ofmu a "tltnte, 0, dock, . Ylrt Wdnedst Inptmnter, Meeting cf Lb.eOounty 1 ,ounci-JiÈ . J. WJIbTody, .My ,24, I8». the eud o! the ycar, The Weekly <JMmidewili b. published in luttant 01 S T U D A S i 8 1 # <a 7 1 t i~ , in, advanoe; S. wi ll chargd v-hen payable otherwioe. rGrit* ad Koderales ÂOAu1I arys $0 ramsln thus soltaryIl' r Lb. latter $0 loresco.,'baiý'to, u ea, Fý4 Çih haies -i«ro* ir >ghtonMy - rn dl amaent, X'odi f Ietpmusdblm i Utbt *n*ttu lia goo s tb àgbt, snd fbpeedoulepls t iî steadîe (esdrrletd<o b 4 rIPr t<fD4IL*4. Sbeqm)ckly 0 crtmpid Op oUt. later, sndI ibmua' iL lu r ber pochIU L ý2orWMeldObsrdldd neot ln pqraanm t pion t«i Utey bsd ager 1 on, luorder tovmid uapîeio,, r ~ afr~eÀLutd~ian ez.eeiugly attangoa nnur $0bsons Lbiuking. 0& psMoonaly hb. V-ould. horst lite aàhaity eIsgb vbieia b. veold cdosvor £0 sup. prmu, and paceuopnd dewi, Lb. i0,5 itt e l n to e Viem te e t tla up r lud a to birnaeiL 'Xicad'i b. tb. Gorenw's à ', ~ c s om.thing vasthemater !my9¶ À eobt, E-ut vbast h r.sliy vu hésdth lightoai cenjectur.. bis Caraep epa t.@appoiuted rendozv<>u. î .beganté Pmeer lul in to tbe dark e of c&. Ai lecgtb a feomal,foru> oel mufflcup, ade liaap. po Sn..Tàklug ber,'lu s very 1ev vhisper, lest i;uighl b. suspected ihat be u tbvon hpr ob e dber in- * Bring,,ib. Iâra-p&rt. e1t--Ut.ejourney nothn iru nid. -eîob parties ver go.. langtb Squre Madibatu, onsidMrig it anIer alil be eeld'uoLinsriy b'sdy vi L eut ber cenào4 and, taitbe dlacevnyý muai b. maede b.trm srrlaop,,decldidté reveila soon os b s nmutas voil as u I o '1,erMissFier- tout,' be-ointàmusd la bis usi lvole.. 'Wbyt abrm*alse 1b.0ay, 'l tbouÉbt Il vu Chrles.' , 'And V 'sait! ag'uir. Mrarinu, r.colz- 'Wss fi yen, air, yon vers amngins $0 elopo vlLh suY son il 'Xdequire gackbm, ye.u or# vneng teaffair Coni n nd.ntally te m»y 5ev-I ed-e I encldde LiStae-er place smet Iyn ordcrte frutrstetbelr plana.' tit. aqu(re, Iauibigiy4 'buethL. e ctIol rans 'eebotb iSen cenfeundldly seld, hhe Miieff et 111, 1 have t st aletter for lCbsrles, letting.i' knov fi; undoubted l, he viiltake tbé epportunlty te rfuno09 vlLh yi'leqedtu;Our asenc, sund plume blasso, tLb. rural, on the veY -ii vblch 1Iwvu talon lu. 'IcOufAsst"s1lt anote foplorn te the lame put-port.- Ifov ýh* llllaugh1 si me. 'Wbai an emurssnW 1& 1I tell you v-bsb,'nid lb.estIr,, sfter àa mcmente psae, 'vsUea euryout eur -L plas,.1e ii.Wby netmarryeach ýotb-u er,sand tenou k ovesanuwéte bele e b.d à in vlew aIl soug, sMd ecly, Iute o ' e tgbtm lb..' MM. Efo use mated viwua si"tle rg. lng, and lanorse ofaenur tUet. isu* v-et-e apado eue., leymdistley r. h turn*4; buifoundslbey bâd anticipai. 94 à&, tbàilore.ces and obaét. iscev 4" fug Lb.r depiýro# ba la udu sahrtéd'gr d ici àdIfbfr don, viibasiml&t tu. OTbay U4.lbdnapps*sno. mut Men.Pl iug, pIepsred to- anb ,MoO i tp à f MÇrst pin oftboir purntu, but lsin. 1ht odvLbstlstmaêUg~ybad am&as*M 1obfitd~uuia ~u~U.e mLOMsdrve#I.y t£0apot its.bill -b.odid as sUe cfbisupnur.a.m th Esllvw,ybmU!tin, tselrmutsuees Bie, n.Csitsoev-nbrpubi i teso weced reding TlwinziW -stbm, om. niibadtoLb.prperoetultA" nin due courselî. ez Peoto he ave bop ini.t ed snd brduàb i ,,ý for the.third raid. iugý beSession wvu dtavug 'te s close, sud Lthreuda of et Lb.aîs began Let take Alam thatIv-au neteemia;p op on -b er" r- t te ds,,yfor bd --a4op iezm)àiitog ',b.eordure Uhey felH:A e -bi l,111b.d net evenlxee Pnlnt.d, A few of qie Bslway Dfrscter veut te T«oi'oust, s7MnAould ai Lb. bai et lb XùtOu.and upectheir stallu t<, hii be ,iwtlen t faire, suditaih big v-as nat prnted; "dewayou r«,lt" va Us iiiss.lyexreo s od by mamber &WrLb.he, "rtb iig ,oarie, ai' Lb iLmou glo illg oerthee preulon sud -ebakiling ortheprodies. metlwhicb,,b. ,elienad Lb.dir«tomn vere plaoe W. bapffed te b. pi'. èe;w, >o-voJea aIm- Gcdus»eb v-or<kS.le- tsyiik pToper $0 deuy nin; b. ver«,masobedld aayng tai the Nunnerles 01 Lover Canada v-ee1"ne bet- ter titancormubý o f t ll-faume,- bu t v-e can appui te ample preef te vouch We tb. Accarsy ofcOur ataiente. Xer vu iisa&IL In bis gIe ai lite disorflture wi* ho belie e b.%il- vsY £ohave met,beo writes a letter Lb. aime day-la the sagme polit. #train ln vbich bis v*le vu n litesrysttainnuts arekiw ke-té rmn, describiughbov- "Iey Lb. EsHaily min v-arc aeIL Tb# bil l amandiug ibha Lrbovevu pased'Shrughsatlybut ne ibmsukate lb. Lruy (?) rffpmualveg for VoehU or Ambter champ ia the 4"TIMe.. W. perceie ihat Lb. "Ontei. T*ndri bu again >Obaned band, sudLtai t141 tinte 1£ la tô b. pubid W y Msyl- fetr àCe. Veriry tb." TiMWdo à&ai turf Tbils oabout tbe ois.ia apto Owevursip vltbiu leu ti»tan v-eyeama- Perhapa Lthev wpreprietryv-librin; v-lt iL t.e chsýpiéf t>. évtk sou, sud by its vit-tues hesi ibeebra iselficted upon MeesA. ILli sr k Coe, vii hae a hard, iadetoid £0 brave!, if they pum Lbêmay ootaÇpeef tbeir prede- ceasea. Let us atbhep.itait.elut obauge mdela fe)rte boteru, and thsiîb pr'aet tara of Lb. vbeei 91 fortune, vili couvert te Tima fremiabadlyrldden, Ili. t-eaed' liek, ioàLe s -lcnditleoned, sud ebem.tdstu&etis mwi. c pabe t -tn- nin;'s ao eehadt d spa ditebvwigiont To.dy, Cosssyy iiibu t.eQueens untDasuo courseý, v-fît Le kepi a sonurad hliday, asusuL Thmr.viii 1bu a eltusteretftit MIltia onte Cern Cempeins poet*d dova trousTo. rouie v-it a SuaMmuic; v-e bheLtey b. gaUSe!v-lb, tlb. arpg aenk e@ym an kffrapeuausSehic t e on "d -Whtby vmuat; uidvet asep. vitti Lb. gSd tre- bieh oui' exodfent yl! epuy4on ta gVWW, setb. Dow1 sud ln govon il ont- etlb. minlaLeretof Fiance d.bt As asrtaiueid azdjoasted lunil,. due by lt,1v-e certain American eltizona. bas alreidy beaun-rocéied. - r h bunatai u sreceived quhl1 tala as £0 ssi iitbsI sabe ihcerely dia poed Leto!i ail -h'ar engagements vitti N1ewYonk, May 21, aïDpion st',i.d hop ..8. o '1ladt bt Lb. light.Ablpai 6w.Io tLiis ,non(n- Bier nova la:mialy anlclpud by Lb. City OfBaltimore. Th#-fmlgàaill(uraco% vrLb 1ord Napier on board, irrived ati Py- mààtb-otube 7th. rmNvY ke L th 4-Ùit., irrived si Séuibampteou te 9 t The Royal, Canad*an réegpmenWç44,iurue< Iu Canada duriug Lb. lu var a uer orders - frwlCwàf,. > - The Trench <farisonsitBRne bas been Tbe nlire »subscription te t. mev lrouch imn cf50,0,000,000 frauna, reachail 800,000,ootiaads . fr1, a. Au embireubeen lldupen uuslrt I veues~iuUt. eidilenPente, but neutral Areneoticnsry ueeuu -e xpie At Cerne.. er Lte < sasile." .h04 I The Bavarian Oovernuet have ordered r tb. raisng 9f a loin.cf 14,000,00 florins ts The Auatrisns hsd Irnpcofd unpu Lite peopleo o e V rcujs» t«ao r , 000 <fras.e t A Turin dcspatch eofUt.e9Mhsayuihsî fi the Austrlans have sdvsuedfront Verchlil .teyontiued te fortify tiraeve en ' The Ausimiaustrov eut recS'onofting a psrties, wv-b.b.dsud, se i s iei taad cf-Lie Evidie.of Casais,, tnt, ie;lgt atacd -by, «her soldions, tbey irvithdr..i The. '-Iid'ponfnw dge contaius t.e 1n foliol-OeuerslGarraboldi combialu; .01 uit maove<à e t itthoef -Gaefl col. AI Uic bueAt«the L.Anaimiaigtsivt(cili ae saýtIn; tisons empleteiy sud bitnnging off Po "0 prfsnan- s Tb# tdon orapoienOCthe olp. t W as y smer p ratlo n ss # .itg o ý1 ui lun i'eresnal sund do&Vytid trugboit Lb Sontaotbtsu i"'o Iodts e as Pr hemmaingofbwm~vj ~ in OOltrsb~~rais e "'wi nov ralproo of ti et of bus bu »o p iesasilte m ak . Lb . Io Io v ug op- poicbnontsa, il- S Jimae miliEr, squit-e IL D" A aocls 'Cooè for the Ceaty of KAat.- TrdenielsO'Bien cfIheToWOn-tIr.v ro; s i , Ime ue Ism ct r for t1h. John Wmig't,t titTovnahpef ran lin ,. G on te t a , to e b.*s P re v tiv eo f i r BIs Ex eelmoy-the Govem eGma bas aise ben plesed $0 grnt Licenasto G eengaC ampbeI, et N iaga rIquimeo IL D., Js J. ODas, ofthte ciy otTcom4e ieu, Ueqim IL D., suild'orte8uSm", cf E e nfre V-, R q u it-e, IL - D , t to i l . t. te Prie" ,Piysi,4 SMrysudMdwtn INTELLINCUOV-A BATTLE Noue LY EXPEOTED. A4Iroê 0foq'h. &ai,,a The express, ith tdCana&a& nov-s re icd hen s i aiz o & ck iio ni ng T ha r o yal m ailn s usbh p C an ada - l eft Liopcancom OfturdayLb. fl' t t. M d m e d s a i a st a i s b O p I j o e c k Tbestoamblp City ofBeltiuer, Ltasi tom LIvrapoel on tha lt, veuld «I i b etaMd Iri cbin psegn, Md Lta 'tb on steam oatbie line viii probibly lollow te amecourse Iuteligses cfa baIla v-as ouri, expect. ed, btianeoacti"nOf Impbr",anceiait jetoc, The. Auatnlsuhad crcsed Lle Po, nea O7m blo a s d adv ucedo v-s dsg is. ¶bey amis ndoan unaccesefl. attupite toaa tb. sainerer neerTnssinte on tb. $rd Tb@ Bsdinisau ac ufi orfthelab t« "Ys, i thea W " ca n u ted là bouma. h reo u,< .encd outae afterucn f aU t d, sd asthe remlnder of Ut. day. . Tii. PIioedmsbad but fev- veuuded rýbie the Ausbits'la afér eraly.1 Tb . Autniua c rnnencd a nna& Au offciai bulletin lasued ai. Turin ou f un dh, ss7- h Tbe AaàLris 474 have inct-ea d itehr. rID ce t a Vwe m& ud cnatuctd &dm oenale Paiette, hvlng teoit- anguardai Tren. an.They-llbhdrev- luit n(ght frp Tarons. Tbey bumt-;Wseve arhesOer Cf tb. Ouluana Piocena, sud aise oydone-d'th the dulion cf Lb. houmse erctodopen Lbetorificalooa. basgfrii ffcIa noIflato tai shaili notb.sb.£0protW cuecwv 1ms la ý94 aoftv-r boiW'eeGeumutnad rumo Tetl ls ParIs ocrrué dsnasse Inai bihoun«, and tut-be ouIéolge a«p menhb ié but The. DMly Fm wwlafr tbe flsibd. Aw -lmaporLien et Lity" én i a~ t.ierM'L bo b-v-hidb i . baéviola eted te lav-sofsocloty and the saac#Iey.o rb temarris. e W& lotýIn luPortugal;Lte iMeaterer- vas buraed té d"at v-it lb. ïiîU'ressa thte huaband <ce.u $0 ave bi* gniliy vif. froua ibis f«arui litifiment,.eh. v-as»et ficevith a âne, J 11ithi.JIn'Pland th~e dulterer vas takens tev-u, ha or near viticjah.bcreidid, and vas thomn niledortiocked Le b.min. bndge-posta knfelbeingsite sie me- mtent patintelbis -baud te ai'i by tb. mutilation otf si ars.làua 12. lante kiagcaiofýBeblA,lthe mb. slt7oti.ale ~raeapinadthsai oftbe adultereuss v-se prpcL uajluajen, apet ni umeuilidradgeries snd'yienaace in breasd aLu'e. 8ttIn lcmanbso qoently o=cr of adultererqbein deàt; and'ântUi euctmlenîeOf Lb. la Jri4fl Lbth abaud hiad a 4ltttOfsu. Iwfe, a1nd ty hêÈon te aemqi=m ir.d thon adjodging ber t$0 de'at. A recent number of te quoruzyRepvfèt Te b. abot desci à oe Of thbeeîuà modes of terminsting lire; rnpid -as t in, thetbody baulelame Stooieu gq.ont tii fit-st aiteMt by oemeJ4<he *suLe~ he ati n Iq.-. -- -+ hi. o h L.greunnl precededastupfu notion titthie allen sud crusited efL dié n ,oti preveuà mord by Lb.' 'hlt., md tU neessfy fi ni bina l'ablovww aengit Bat t b bc inflictia; olf&ta d by a pan&.Fre Iat affecte f mwu~u ui Lhrlm, u T*c Sarrau ýàé;type -never -vme-ho i .latei vit e halra b veny tifiret t j" ened,1'An &4, imd sebeg b.d to e vhl letter!1, Hopu "WhL Than1 ThmenItblk ed,asud ha dvii «m- Tho cmu loIoks nt escblei EI3t go -a yeam a up the som-e ver theuce. Jesoati dhnk! diuk CEl madeibai? 1Roi besn codeusel -Ti isla vor Ingrgtude la in la lallyea W. bave usi o dueslhcn, and u -' -cf thetvo giv. u Ss a blessing tai <au b. enjoynt Ri Hve YOD 1 Piltbof eus bai -baue noeameusoi levroe nytini Tbere ve m=3 Ltoions$me oe * man, ithsut and virtuoft isaà -hava-Ltai v-aa Tts lion no Mao.o - Mou le Fr Md- * oern- 1U551~GWbcyI I l'->i i -ii 1 Tetnpmnailiberty hanas rerot. -octi.- cniu ues uit laefrontdespetis.. It v-ould have ion vel for France te havee rmentbered Ibis Important azie. h i - bo'vlI ferCi0"é te <b"aLiLum the apoe. of ber eye. Dectagfegne live sud 'ry o é007 ay Lse-ptd entot ue.e.r-ms vil epiriu vievaT occhaiposition, entities themn Beiveen tesecandidates for aulunce,@ 4the mb.mre tady audsccopibed In- dividatua v-bo. upemior aitalmtsvili erer M cemad L.confideènee cf s nahion Uteme vini alvasa exittà ceeor auopen vsi' Tho ese -irnrked cotrasta are preclse!ythose vhlbis ltlnguisbts pt-e euit Ministry frou Lb. upîIranta e! iii. Patienc, cbsrstsrMd a u caare teIfa- preguable baîvarks vwicÙeh b.Minlat5 ialiota have e1Xfred£$aLb. u=Justifiable ne fte u t thUe Opposition. Tbey have, v-lt. aresolute sadrence te ta mainte. rance of public Ihouer "d, pulpfulat, maiau d Lie.thm uor ie v-bld it canutry.wv-as pied e q eybhve v-lth a ansistiosteadineas phelo, Lb. Main. tenance cf tai "Union cf Lb. Province wvihid bas been soleuanIr embraceé, by [Ippo &"dby Lever Cnad&.Tbey have msn thr d édefesfed Lbcseplase mec easîy tibrevu eut for tepam en c Otpe Utentlnkia; portimon t ie coca- munIly, tb.most bvldngmâ unsitain- atile crotche&,Ta. .yhave 'rewelay op. >osa "hmelc i<h is tpowerau place £ t tectoniSi;of thon bitter stid ectarlan &anltoe, v-biah, ,(If peniat.d i,) vodent atmLei mslro cvy tie ef oclVaeeeom âsd publia trust They ave esucdto rvntae-ec.

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