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Whitby Chronicle, 7 Jun 1859, p. 3

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5o&1ML - tt, tb*456b s, ýrm Wbîth ii47 7t" Tu4 My 24. mu if 14rfmorodlàhm ai 10 f@.y re M pue Cmtmo a4ý=fz TofJçg', ~ so gir u~ ~ ois 3d$l1elul.j Çm tjJs. O G W# il t for boodIme ~ t. 4role te ire p ___ oun y Rudrd a"s*is w ~m L' .~ ~flU 3 Ol r e opu d Tu , hd y .i lurs, sud nteeS4 for.1h. period 0 ù .oeet, urun oito~u& pimCy ymrte âI. fur- thoousd fou - KJ MOOE «-08Of the nAZ y linét Whbsby, May urdiSgf U4 Pdamf.ties .betw«n p 0< Ch. f Mnît 0<, Tm #de" 1to .Duby Mlis ï& bà« t WO 0§19O , *1w n hemeeting of PaIU mtDC. pound for layin, Cthe lntures ad ciet» iilo amfàsy bua £Minvitai! t ano an quoi y&H i nr lking fuugdiîo paylns tii.041d' principalgusor f(orty dos ori OthlyÂurl sri.ef a boiandâoUar,on otd pouz gwspb compby bus bms u m1bmw c h onhîo Jbtby dE the Sà r u nêu-of' tie. Tgranobap. o 'Whotbby, .n*ctfi oovfets4 u, aMd theIsum à o! "Ci 1.That Ch. rportion 0o'fte .Town; - ori o*>zofl, Y oaip .t Whithy sshall m0<laC.oly&(te.r - fà of4 I0 »WS d - te.p. uds.ofet it. Jylw, Ccii. tolir-hum. C P TW ILOS - 4~~rei uhaeta là tho lita Soct<! bq - th bl* fpdam n t b ogud 4ounn: --k. jl~<Tb~r. -,.. .,e'stao , ~.report-,. jone8.The orCra oth fertfe ~~t. Mi155"to Uea 4r s iorable for duerp. - 0( Cho Ts'nhp or whitby, shail be lasmwm f1lu~i.n Ss duige.Cn ta, th. a"iuOfnCo!ory theumatd-dollis, or ~~fvktna1euàfjj -' toa..dUI iii, liteiid d ie-eu îA<0 u ejîvqdtrepuî U ftsUeesay *ej 1m rs lsa a14ot tudy, 'Ai vrg wy Cnpm. h4pyln o qi i - ON4Nw buumasdoné-wîitoc ut a-' ej. i toues, bat, te sad Deheut-uru altl. mot Ast-o i uIr liit*," UU~. b. lauissiaSnytsrlerdo&,o1for n> Whilly JUne, 1 M,- 0 Mreâid -esternes a los d; White lager s»MountC thon am y b. aultlienCtsi -- 104 id ls Na ls 2d; ditt6, Southern uettheliiuntslPiente cf gC#ck axrogul4çd - - les d W-- ýby h. ('rt-aiof!te' «-d lWlvAy-Jo -- ~ ~ ~ , ~Pann u! 'sdeilrOr lnrgïr .Murei Wua..addcuuned Sa a shahbn bave been previonoîy autUfiisl -býye Cwuob1e~Âo Thurday a 915 î 4, T~a h. lobaitiis tà.6 o bs isas, l oi bsealéd vtla- ilwiOrpmo SeMt- of poliiq,' d 9 4a 91 for cumit. C'teoer aln n-hl'ssisi eby PM _-- C.i 'bns oinc~gn4~, erTres. 18 lerss'eh~n, tisS Joseph Wite blal BIRTH.surereof h.sasi Corporation o t-he Town,- hi*t-sPuis, --KNOWiLSON.-..l.u LEst..!y, on the 3Sli bp et Whitby, and ahslibons-intureat nt- TWQCOLT , _x$, fe teof Mr, James Knovlw, , larC tai4e'cnIit e'tu O- OaBs, elding, Cr0ysse0Ià, St4cz - belii émissst ' toPavici0 a, ly Mirte or t-he panme *gel vit-h a whuelte . 1 R-I-1.1muchIt oereaC su it sh4i ah fou àe 'COU- lu sfiereaimeas. Thet&,hr,rlL du i MARID F"0D..BLL...f*b.~ 6~~al) b. attaeted - o the. saisi Debsu- !t'oislomnthe 2GLsotb e .,uuîasp( teli ts. 61 turwe. - . , -- - - 1 1oilsly l%iied. -uRv Jon Sot4 t. 1.oha Wod4, $e - 0Thot ýUiDebontuieai sui e nter h.RMAPOT BMesElmbeth Bell, boUt ofthe. Touumbip Siithority of Chu lIBy-là,, s4ll b. respec. - siesý lrs oebe. - tifely for match aua mot leu. thon $20,, ax- Brolelln, )sy , 189, 2021n. -presmed ether Iterllàt;iuoney of -GiresC _ --~~ë I r3ano lu aof-hetc Litcrrendim orc'his - WANYLES.-In Staly, où t he R4th Povneasimnd aybepuejîla lut.e, 01 iesittenC (.ver, oed 10 yemr, It«epet, or ethero0 t-heu, nasomoe plae ll*àbad1i'yuugetCdaugbtir rpsfi*. au Cb. hrniistet)tlind1 elther ln(irest JaseToyomo. - ritign'« oCnsias 1hte i.o5kerg aigu. - lug sud ~ncountçr-aignlugC. ai, ttai - WIIITBYNAUKUTS *eenmol; axpeont.,, The', principal th.reotmhall b. payabl.euntho Ot-dsyoi Nt~ - Cnsernet-s Umew,. July, ln Ceear Wo ourLordi"187,95 îand ~ aB-o4ilbps th. int.rest (rom thtsmun hereof hal(- % urmea~ufseo~, orthe o Wu"agseMssi a ' purpffeofr deulsg Ché Rmd osi Le.,24 lu Ch. i ibO. ugà dThab.s 0 bt for hepurposoofradcomlmg the OM erewnsislp o! t l <Y o 8 0 pr oiriDebbtree ne tb b. lMmied sud <tir the front Brookuin- poslt- WsnL Katkin' 1lto t-i r tïa o elgLmeut o e ite Crest Cierton, there hh'l b Ciron. -i e Rod av vl was ' ort,-ho I JISL t ifi4I4 s,,rslsed"asud lovl.d, ouusliy,for h. '1ped t w 24a nd, atie fRhosi iova c ocn Litî.... et~~o tWeuCy yparé, troms thé e u, hI da ei. Bt- lupo',tsTo #elLl s~ii~ 'aboli cone lutofores, Cth. Am m ffoar tytie6. JERFMAH RMOST, go SUSOVkfU ~A5 fnud four huud.ddelîM, e i&bv - wsip O lèr Luss l,-- -uera mitreireto-ed la4by he Brookuln, 3Mae yl se,»5. hO-o - sald Corporation for any, purpes.,,whato. roi "*"iz Cos ~OfJP~%~A3X uaiswutheq shji ~ledsudaNT of A. , 0,ordiiebuer, *111 b. t &*fCe7i , jr:1fos olleetalai lly,I nao o, 1 o'a Cler .Wbbou or about t-be t-h or Jnne, sud 9 nrotes, auncq uaimpoclal raCe o! eecent 0 & wlitlho hlssppy tooresve coissusulcssiossm fronst pmpr ast-he ayu.uualydisolved. - 8-lOChs milles lutthe ud upe C.viol.Wlsdelt'ng te parge oozii.pimno, W oef 'i' eo . 1pawur 0ofAt-rateable ty o r on.me Oft-h0.. celebuse o tr lsu.o -~~"o Wy - -,- on-t- ,oe Ciclerlug, Stosde a nsi Du mas. orsi ot iJeslmier Gro.uood, 4 0execl , giatd eCeT~1p ~ hMy'n . rssees ttr 'otors in.Sn lIao 21r4I pay r tjus, ,lu##O 1'#b.irbaz frby tie'ydar Ires» 4 t ]dolard, je<h mud Jôhn Mtsiar Qremonwià,or s' hu>w&su .f~ W zel à~su ~pu.CCea. CheWA~e Pora - topays»oplL a» ayatoiet ne #Wo nâYr ladâa" ie ad, bb CmpmJ amffSe r - "Tbt 'â tth - - fi- -rx 0p7- b of: t$1wlde o!de os fr ther ~ 'o ot nut Butfipp- - -f J -Zem d exu5oshebarnlu .p dtet ~ ~ !alil eu.t dss~vI4 '!1 bom. __ Mideitoepales; . 7Oi -W wherethpsaihlali a ary Op aoTurf plb omhp , d. ikArRIKGe: WG 0*nw, njad - 6 Taîlas boihacmeft o1 r4urlat. lsrlg s'u , Catw srhle M Wk * itt~ J7 0 t orn. SiMa~lA.-- bo eoa 1 sri os. h ssiue o dh Wp, oacriulg ~ â ~r.d ucl opto tuhd#. r hsh#te »eMos$' 1 ahouaLuo - NyToronro,0«h Site le horauy81*000 t;-tnd(roaa4 hoeg teruot16 asý - - o! ton o'einck lu Ch. foreneonMd&tfinal itO o! Ch. Mos5a . ll-M 3 onAud,. , O, hîï0-ýiWhC -!YIt-gn Jordtb ! dld«U mmo; but oo7t leUsrOett àasog<l a t - * fr tb - Ii~ 46 KilltMgO ger a ttop ~M~fD iE VF 310 Ou mad»e 'Oit1 i mýt1ini Oey s u llp -' ' dm ade if oft >o &r d'.rrw é...irj, of îs* M dULau"Lit uu am a%, - 10p k5: >-n- ude orgl M0,i., jlrb- q_ 6 adASiypls417. a 3L, e - : " ' ama tchi., r r er Slay. 0 v JO5 ""keu M 9pnagmn 4otwo Jouru.ys to Toronto au 111AO 't £898 104 w r 616 f ou>, ?ÂUCTU np to 3 bo, WdÀj Wzhrderu1ned hâ~ve eai1ed, the Vouehersfor th' seea ie bOe ac>Unt Ved 01 - - -it~ 4eoý Cm oted -aJjgn Poraugc W1! e ortey suPm ?forwjhed.ltp D -stIdc.o $turnp, IYdso; ~ A-r X~ot OZtoi l'tags Stmiqnêcils ho purchiésea: et th o.s B n" aQurs*8f _pàu and Cei, Whitisy, April, 189U»s,~ w Onaiou the, Towu of - - - RO D L T-,(A IMERES. TWEEDS o r ' iii o <*~ >f l'adc4 JAC couoed; 1J Dn 4éw1i ake fo l5oeJChnuJc imord- REA Y M DB LQ hiNQ., , ORS gNTCE T0 AOffTECTS, ~mtererouth kes Sye <7éi~..0 lbiy, -1 AND DEBI.KNS FOR TUE ity}k. A fe zh ýSt ok ,of G ro ce e s e ju at Bence v ed 1 É. - 1 4 B idp 1rootd jLie e t- - C ? . z z I ~ e / r . u r < d o ! n e k w & r ~ ~~, , 1 < » C A N A D A A w a r e r A s o « I A T 1 4 ) N ij d l u . t iM e C i y o ! ) 1 1 e , , ; s i e dJ r a s 4 o e h ( - 1 ariggiimuiinoffrmao, PNbli e r4 i iersd-~ & 0 M o e lH» ) W, Rtby, >taVt1659.flek ItR 16 l.LGL'4'1[l, CAJTo~.TRE PETERBOEUGR -1 BEVE WTitz Rion? -lai. mesltasion., Plasis. $ectIOus, lonliîulina1 OHNSONGL~HÂM, o! Ohh * ~ Tais oi . l e»LogiHm. nz* rsd Titogenlesi ltiel ie. s',smsr Wsw,iiasiien.a, dis mpoas g t- F R 1 D'A -Y M O R NI - iai iisM.J ui .J u iL,.Btlls. e anrov UIl-3 .u $ fs.laCoauios A OeDlirpranum pjaleN 1N G M'sCÂLs3.yr .KiÀn aN?. fyray, the loer le tlir-pruir. i 0, m gAî etau 1 J > uni ol'a' trO' a a iilaiislt 10i 0D FoOqELJl.J .1,eiîc, lite G s,ai Gosslasl, ut a the re i itfo ait $0uewo. f milF as -o sh4raonuauu. uuAu ni, ýq i 'iie eai.it6 Offiates f pter " Vrteci 1andIo the (G.*W i l ]LUNcs ISl . slD, pure an1;11 b lc de r usr heia dec, bes *sreiz t-lunth NeWilgeSldDNso0n'i = YBlock, Brï aock8ito otiesrc., iJIeL - wuisT - , 1 - ;umwvvgt.1- v. Fr»fkM &N w rjedsh ic "'i '7 - -- -- . L - DDe o t*(i d -q.,t vssrsled anste F s mdelro0 t0F VALVER19 !XDenla The plane s-'Iected ta iseeun thse proprvo TV, util Yq, oica .u sirobyor. te smliosroPF>Wok. D'Tiie tlxpvo 1ldigeces irse pr,v.ssd Iolie I ufi OTY a em"i m- ba-,ab q>umNE OF TJIEDESIGN6 OF TRE Agg,- 99taInfil uLeb»sl,î .. le ic dlîs~it' mm l.~o éi, U put 01tho e mo ATIOP N lwfm n abpni l Css..sÏslr.Iesell -ir isi islv <Pli.~~~~~C Joupt,1àeHuon wI . efe d m IliCasis- p jostssd CIetiOt c <li ino, tvi=b ro!row l gi ou ty-0the routoi, of - avicistioe ýu large or anial igsusn», et bL r ru d ",nth e u of Tmi , n± F4 *sF0 bcissg fuiissl lisMise vieisly i l- ci U p s t p l e . i u S ll l a i s u d I m d ~ a v i i t e t o r a l é t i, i d a - o sua ons r sos. - ta !OU "p or Thea.Cosijissrioner of Public IWor1w, i'bA Y .- duepp t y regard t e am ple a em m ild aien m iil -nk ire.-P" Ou e-i<ubto h p InAdd @ AndétChasmPn"e.< bf oesIl' - >1. £d «tiso:bi io, th ue t nirselnnsîssufor V5iaLu i sse~t-e sasidoby oruyiffuais tae.O7pofe e , rtn norOuto o.p lol'ceivts p- li iig éiistY #s-uimtO01ti,' 'Ji v it I A g.st*t on eoco h- ec ra au lt fi' l na P5 M i' u e u -mt f r iduej'y- v o rt a ? i . O . m a l.t t 5 ir- m - n p r e v d t es e, tp th e ( , , & g n t a '_ (4rami#rpa~r. 'orna, tm~ of~%O. TwoMil. Re t a b runto ati;a on rayb.otsined ou ii. l)For iii a re ts iomtentc pilcatin S n ff-41[8- -4 timF r-o usmi. t-ss s~ sv ap.eiS Worvth a prved Coonel m t'si t AmeJo rsate» ut, ' sert 1.ih auti iuessd gV - lYsa 11*-18.1689. - 1 &-, &e comm trained - 1 uAT.eWltîb - may b o T nonr9p. Thé Dnt so i si e. f*th.inij - - SHuMyr0,led 1m l t nt ho ei wms h on 6 <>i - sye' 17rla iL'e..n t. i --------- M i vet â!M u isao! -Ml. 0 a A à y 'ilt pomil J m;»; oft j sl4eau ho **à «11BE 1 9 Pe As !6. Opuo il*i.u la.oyU .l a daetssa-J h - S ~I - h ho*ag hases, d aiu~C . Me.lng, ous;:withtueeco yio! dlirotpethee t-u 5.. - J j ~ JS O L O S A W » ~ t - s o t g , Â ? i et.ir e jy a T o e o o. - ib ZTrshn.tea PM , emlanr<i 'i0eWrs * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --Dl s i r i n e0 1 0 91ai l e Wkk m Chf ns olub . O e 'b -l h t iltu on 1asda.prvlapliasse4 ,, fas f a s lu TTON, e __ Atftlié --- iotc- of proJk lo tw o imu ntce ton nt, no en, coonica i . J (1 T155 NpF O JwtO-c l , i f I s I fi is] s v i 1 850. s> u I i 5 p 4 e n y _ of 1,, tberClubs, ,-I/4 5 .h iiOGvith. bih. Tie uilTuneO dmA or, Whnsrr. - EuUm --Mg9 FarjuIL d for Mielu0k WlaltbyM V*;ltt-e &h lloinilal yte OÉ FDf8TM1~yrlo.Ptr -0 uthsia, Ger-Ie Ce(r as.-0 1.41Y la deuwib 1 , % e "fte 1,Tsa hJ E o n. utls4lr a JK l I. mil lERIishusÏi )1 ias acrdlid[tb*io O * ' ~ ai i& amaon Mliemry or rléa 4 aces teri u r e lo a 111m.1- Le Mce*utuL, t4eensss foçtii ,--hsr ,ia ortïv-41 2.5) -- - le,a,1 . i lw loi

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