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Whitby Chronicle, 10 Jun 1859, p. 2

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eau, u, "Vi o'euvk, ilw mi y moo v*ebt, atiseTpvdi T.1. svsarq u 1 y ss Tre Mpou luuJ, ictri b/ l 'oek Ua corai srsta 0841mid su., 1 tu, taa . s».w , Pi , 'eoeutt.(ll lX7. Jl'EtLM!D Frlegt oth Cflnus MeaOfeucu$"tit an rue t t &su Mr t'utI 1oeol su ir'Seet, £0mi t oek, s. u.i Sud % d",ork p.a . stltt.' 2 3 ,. loe , p.Jtas. - ir C.gulty airu.% - 3wa 7taWlaps t Jugtef YreWatt;s'uajrusSet eson r New- Âdmerlsmes filsDty. Chalkop ef-Oere of es as Awy-Wm. Ludos. Osturo Turf Club-W. K.Hlgl. l'reaase' o at fur Massg aid a,. lwolutiouoPranp..casôl plusos, Molodens, ko.-Joepls aiuer. Plai Mud Ornain"sl alatinag.--sy sanna.. card.-Kemry Banomu Wich . 4Iva Wuh.scdr 1Vhl.by, Fdyo Jou 10, 189,. ;qr TO SUBSORIBERS. Isa Wo rte, Bcnsi-Weckly *MU bo $2 50, in advâuu, (Jr e50 t the endi of te.yer. - T 'ie Weekly CftroikWittI bu pblWsed in future mi Swruunoêre ant $1. -a year strlct4 in adeai; $2. wilI b. chsrgod vIson payntde olrle TIse Cbarges ugslia t Lie Town Clork. Witehteh. dismb mii rm urao r tilkelbathat seemuasy barmu (t<ee& dom (rom p"MWssldiuuulou, m roqulusît to te.digasley of a dellberutive body, iii 14 re.eueablluh.d la th. Town Co"sl. 1V ra look bult to thee uuemm0<aU tisa violaetperual dWWu ai elihavre taises plaee la te.Couscli te.put three yars voe ilîl Sud them to have origiuated meS, ad isoon b.rouolt about tbrougcise wpur. eenoe of tatIsevivduel. Ail te.dit~ icsliy ih le h.ourd of Bdboui Trusten Ch. irbole priffinj troubla e »per.eeta. Po abîair and lasely bio oaeept t. Intimai, date tise Mayor aid hI. louait t. tisa Cous. $1 e W .he suedaMd lortise remalt h. kW Ia nly hlasuelto blâme. Asmjei'ity of Ch. Couistit bavo doclared te.CIrk p*lly eeh. ocharges btogIlst aqeunt i. 'y tise Mayor,. lot. <Ohaislol«ed te.Couaili oue of<te.Cocucll Chbe&rlochjsg hlmslf lamido bI&oaet a mt e.see. isite tised isembm era #r epruene t.attenad a specl meeting of tise donnat I aledby tioe #q«o. 2a4. Tbiat i l bisà asnut h. se Ieaosrled dueh.recclpt of enty$33 or fime reau eh. MyWo i bequespi». daseoti rom eh. omis, àaidodnedé"BI Yarsod" proved boyoid ait doube Chat tis Mayor bpal 490.0 &d. Thaehbu os%,pOleIatm, of *2.,am ounmit 0< per..stpou Cosy mou.>' etulaed by bisa, aidw icbeJbuh.ra@ dlree > nted tay la t.eh. ofsd th ie -Towrn by resolutios 0ofLise CouseS. ;a su or t <eh.nrt, obn.ier va tise arides.of ive mmbess <te.Cous. ilperioal poast is lerud- <eremuno a ull <l, seItr 'ai Leeul.of 1l e Itis. isspeo0ua rYliaei easppotesumauld ot musetwtais t àdse wu de<eai se m Ivu s0 l teitia 40eraq gos bie, 1 Nt au", i byssI p~rtseeuge <uedb e rPort sdopgs lng Mr W8rvdu0efpfu4, ë to brseh Wou ibai b eeAs lve.t" Uti5m>uiy lhyivv pputiatigî taroldChlis abilloeve so.se$i, <by ow Opiio lavt bh. A li>d Ofes,, e* a apat.Mof urM4tmeldeerve Uwti yaisy bdun*quW .a~lu tmbyissts ' eugi etods ilo te bgu m aoutl à@ eeçeule d aypto reellq. ir atumsmut .zwg uati P'Mpubao< a asdlu 4Wst k is Pot"tl ouMK."ua s'-a9" lueevym tmif vliou h tWl000k O 4 ruowap «boti mnu a ofaorteple tseeliseet i Wjoy eb Amtm U aie ood 5,bwut is àshàppy uso 0 eardet e a Di acrm e I e ai p p e' o r' et TIe iseu tCeroda Couac, si0 lie fldoseappuved Trou tis rvci tise NteS Eldlsg. or - Truf anG.-umeeof." Bridp, -1is ~<~ foRWuakes Ch. btu tb m*f.ll 1syit mcg.do aeut deugoi O tse 'WsrA"tesAh* alei s h.reslatof < ne 1eor meut Ofa 'W.ave reetield6a tatene ofet . our pronedisgp of< e. ueo séuenlasi W your T'a Meeting 0<th. u*.kboldenof< eb Istsetu. *zeeptOm Ü004,bldust Bowmuslfonehe îng. ,bave g#Ma l'h. report uSOtîed by e. resldent, bave fées Oute ehat notwtiâso" g tbéisei@Mu ifflins to lloaccial d.pwserm lutniage.Bu* sbudossasjabe beas able to do àa SM .4profible isul. UMt M us.. Tb@yeuýr's!operatiouexIibit te.pul uW <ollowiasg favorable vesie s la, Ainou of Stock a0w ouh.r bd, *220M0" oU Oea Aunout ae p ......429#M8 <o;bave,. Amantr-idon lit lune, lm ..205,400 eh*"of00W Ne#e profit<or e.yer, d.ds.tin$ ait espeuse........o qdtr Aduaeprofit u ue 6 6511 oel -1( thse mie DIvldridpaid- lue Beptmbv JoUb D= 4per sent..... ,lob 460 w plui Dvedpald lot Marié Ilutdiet 1 s4 b69bave no b Ctrleto reeae eouut'. 11,490 25trery io'lt ditto proipery ueMot M *00 'W@ $02,060 23 lt dt AnMosefronit ecurree tlptlos4,y bail'yeur t.at....12f12 4c> 5tqpD ii1 A MOlotlos--pus.d set.offoSr e.am tdair1 to tisepublc utilatt6.lut or 5îyj inbeo,#a14fi 014er to give tise paetl m majok. plf'e, holdeuof<t ie ntitatioa m" opportuay 0< itatisro0 uisucribjtg for tise 50. te. 55Uh À Molstion t. puy *1i,000 diosa t i àosmd te. Preuldst «d Dlreeeepuor Ibrr e'Brr5a ent uuua U of e te.profits d tise yesr by th. Book likevlu. pmeq. i l M"a& neh <ollowls ipsleuée erduly uMMOiitt. electe DkOleetrf<or tise oet year t-- Tour Au Imm eDydoi4, T. Y. GlisisuJuase attntion mms Win. MeMurryWin. Msleob, .as"of 10< Mz Siapoàây obs BupOo. nbtWfrét On Weod"Y ev.al ue a Meetnge.h Oll was.1 beld ubbé 4h.memiso &adadhe psu. renta 0<f tisePm re. Vre*ytsf s utoS, y1Trà, m reprweme l i se pssm0 * s laqad Wu..'e b* e*e a à, oju"lg eetUhj' ,f blé60 "M .m sm ee4é inw yfe se sdtbu Obok. of, 'M. <5usW~ ie ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ é deoel ~ ~ choâ s w~W; . àm sue, Mdt,~a~h4pertrlieui l; uru,1 1 e la 1" , b . , 1feerb 1 --. *,. , byte.Çoy Ckb.'fra%%h.* e <eg qJfi*dJI' ad baadit .ntim fipe <l omei M î na. ofAî~a..~ tle oUigîl felv<y ' s*4 TriCois i &Ie he W& I' relai b <o opd ri etus' 1~ ullu Wele1 »#%uas 44, ', eh.. ~ M of is To ad is omadtuar <iesiato'k s il 0p Tbo Cmua mm et osom edt Ocd.(' < Ji l1 e,.e os e4 :t, v, ii go the Nsrrom' o bu th. iajet sd eoupariog orinald ee of~,p ez e pproorlatiou 0< t< oCosoty Audieor,, uMd4puie- Awkon hm ons 14 MM- -wl tidw thtbe , y0s TWé e bit S Udo -me. t. e.. my' 41 ' teb4ug à. iletb li e. oplsla d<rsr A""to~, q*.se ýb.. your AIditoru -Ot4léatklasmome $u"seadus malle obugsd f@.".-bt se 1<rou he Court seu"P inj w of yoe.rAuditoeu sMd- $ be Wltstio,>W Muylsg le> k luIo . wiq sli Dpoi t or,*$At " "w *"d tisjeougbfto b.ulôolre W t k nqulre h.pluee nvau- luT 'Asiton ilrs. àiyop ep ro~tfr~ete5ge.in"tbe entUst. - *er seeded 0<jrwig ménwo Tour «6"t W.P$4ê.«' he soir~ ~ ~ * JuyÀe a bioe, "tg lrd<ea *01 t. b do~ r tbk ise porii'iîjtWueIn neh.Wardes dlrctedtise ttetios 0th. conilt.pciioii pplueed inlu lusuy , 0.Mfcner ithel h.Jo arm s&eu 0< chaýt "Couemte.,beju; .i longer a atmbe of< e.C«oeltise 'wa. de sgge"stbe h. u04e. (myor ssplyl bis ps o r, oâie«, roeogctrÇs t wh vIbole Comitt.. , or dm C4rpeon ci f e.Tova 0d Wbieby, for aide. eoosuruetise a"' Oido Mv.Camaielelncsde ty Mr, Thoup. son, moed,-Tbat eh. Muslipalties vie la tise Cou e>' .equested to diete.As. nora t. rewnru b. nuamber of dcedM acres m irellau eh, Ctal aggregaee of acrs iitiistisir Corporaiou. CaptaisBkoirMr. Wbie, sadMter meubers, doubt'ee ch. o tbe h.Cosm cl t. coupsI CiseMaaslipsliiesto coply u'lth ehis deusu-1 maid e.reuolntios mme, in eouseq«seue, pbmod, i. Ch. shape ofa notice ontisw motion piper t. h. cousader, ed t..uorrvos. Mr. Eeirett gave notice chat h.cirould os to-moo moe tise Counil lut. com. ,uittee os th. suhjcceofltise Narrows bridge, aid Ch.e obissauolceloalating to Mr. Wht.euroice <ofa by.laireo useisor he ise un f0debeotuares ons e ere&dft < Cl. oladent 1usd <ani <f te M.r, wsaroue w yli on tIii àsahicet,vIihva diusonl co"fule, aire lom, KINaretrEvutg li ,1059. l'h. Cossclmet eut e. lomit ull st lise amaS heur. 'Al Ch. meusiess prenne. s Ric Wonhlp,tilsé 'Msyot, ln Ih. Cissr. Of Mn, Cym«,s ettg fortb lat ber Iuatgster lad "ise l 4,Ioa 1 otpryig$ isr.lif ~tle8id ,cIDà,d Mjn Di. Cecki. Captin Boire proeused tise 4Us report b of<Use Couuletee on stu «sd imaprove. Iut.mûte Coofs. <1 tb bole Usereca; Mv. Vsan '2;bG~a, 's'kor eoi te t brieN<>i< l,,Vad et prouesse- ro i Clw C o im itt e. l'h. repM" rdaffljatadla cois- 4_"dm"A#A IlsodoueSmord vrinete tMUe Btel ote dh., dreir bis motion, au endesvourvol sit is1r.0eh. mt efte 01Cois# NXât meetngM&,dsyecing et. 1* Bis csvr-Tro Ms swn, âà MuU--Oa Mosdaysven"g lm tt mesonaued Wlker Md Mdis irete drownedla te.msa nouCh.ake Shoreksowu -Cýorbeul's>amui. Tse vers tagaged linwsabisg ube<ip h.1onging t. Jfv. ThoruuaK1aymp sd oo te 0<b h. bmeag saay <rom s e..loto tse um te tiro poo« <ellows put off la aà "Y boat vkbh Mx, Bayes to neuvetboe snimal. Tise boutwva waospsd sod, oîeluneboly te statef b«on eswee dowoed . H aye# bimluse id a ow «rope - oo-- Arri*vsai.ofL. Am*,. l'h. Amp &vo s S.Johtaost 10 m.., one 0& H« Badvieeaiae rom Llv.rpool to th..e.ujug0of< e.2M niut. Portagal b.d dred h.u. m e utel. l'h. ocly &additos n < rom iealy Js tisse GuribsIdIbed nsurehd on Coand Afu 0evere figbtlogenteed euc, cornpeilins te.Aostriunu e. ren LAt.A Conmer1outa tis fo,tis#g $!ofreneed, sMd tbe Autriuou quais gave wuy. Pus oro8 mr.,»Th.le ty lu nou' folly orgusled vi ouMi*u«oisand Fly'Lawo, sun Use oeruelecwedfor te entrentyeMr,24embeswearolkLed.Wek. Iy m"elgope mke1d ath.BoSmu Mgl ,w1&L T. ouOt .Str, oudu Strt. Pzu.We lmurn tiseeh tbeve fsetMr bolongiaged MT-Ksrridrn, P'ontbe by *«Jeu Wedoneday lait' Nd lauss. %"h sin blt by ieh. Imms ssd "lpsooir fpuihno>adirslpri. aux o (Iem rom tse seabt 0vr "Moua,,. ~Yw>e,josiod eur ve- pli~o' netisstedc=q,comq ltt ,Bemo S Onozuci, L , u'eemest ln weresmet;ie , ewo'u'an ci reg, in" borsr ý saeebssle rsif bv 'vuId berfa ,ý des, 7-o, aaoaIe ýèd tuie, t. tbi Vpit ta ttes, vîes îlanhp ,. ihert in th.eh.udoubted ee<u ted theru, We bave vat racs ofer«tile th. United States bae proled qs. aM"l t e la d t . Lbc o e nAtl s l o , s d tO m i nlat &la a e p titio s it is E g h d ; re m a tM ,e st .sre qrn sp llsb h e "r, e u r o nes iitis eh. K m s a ei lo vn s, la rkbl g i 7flr fte .id $" ,;D lg tie .. navigation or tie'oce a y large Ou gs ro, ex added t. eh. populitiàofCmasda mili-, Mh~ai<30e lrl e cto out ezbansijg" r.oqree.gmei.d,". jeuvJfe JOfson sen sadp fsl>(u94lot b 1« ~ . a olf.s a w ihieome Ituve boers *bous proo#tis. too plalul>', Aulis tstbotee t.1u ton-cli.sll yi> of>'. thse best atigeotios, of Our publie o1- 1'1Ï at isuîbe lÏ t..q ! #uy# ,tre jotie ra~t Omerexl sa ques of 0<azuidle trew gridtblssfoie lu «à The: Queof à uubdy tesa Bt,. *avj4à. moresdom ie éou' WVerlonC9p £-do&-,pot ?Y onsif» ' n d ltt o 'epo s is g lser lor tum n u r ssl( ss. uasM i, b ut iii perm neney, sM d la ý ostsgloua. Tho'zlitigrâtgon of disep're. tlisrb"pet iwe believe ttue Esgflasd'las a".es & ~ q VO L .prp4 ia1 » Wie -P,~ l ut fçt tie a ~ - é i r i ~ s a slt> »tg" nul 9W ta.tsbo havf At larger the aid higbe chamwrthro<ie pop" bisrad gr' se u it ( lHrlsg Ynt>o'i4i es tlaeh. WI f' oot ll-r~l~ > o d~ éfîneresofày te.lisdsneavibd, el ees dis modt-Iikr th. mtou, b>' t1 tn mmboet t. immisl4.ses, âastof aprM&4 ~ ig euetJnfrosetii hrogfmut ~orpepresece Of h.e amMrsOf rival coups., sd prttulaly tres rt uiu& ,me h us "*li tiioOphrues diàs'bsnd&"oleor dm e lteuslngmlrpela erder eto r h.r upot- ud b u sd ul tO is y B e n . a l Wo k sh IC I) ir b t e v r otv es m >'Y b o r a v d e d tb e tr& ~' rll sat é?'ryujç of# eisely uliatMe oaI ofeh. Casoard gvent, e.jgm un ~ ~ ~ I Ctoom'&lad u if sa uYee pu O ff (Or l uoe.o son bosdthoP euh upla eh . Mu w f»Cse s , u tr s e P r eC i« e d i rtr lct k ilO b is l.d so ý t, t a y r t , a y u l g ~. leuced eleteussou,îsdsî cibeo- iiehe. »'h fobus m>'ten or At salued, tIseaceemibility 0orfBelsImsalit>'rfsei uEgsdbnieeyt et lr Io à s a ita b l . m rk o e, U se p ri s e l cre d , , , 1ulu j atrieeaslready fnuh4 Use qui,- aeno'iso b1',f1, It. evy beekm tity o !produet s t S s u oel s pur e tse pp0cms t em uslt bu. itm te dti e -und the pr es ltis likey (et ctelhe rj. Cf hose v rs av to seet is ul du r Jin hlratea of M anmd geueraly Mruin l- 9IWýI. 8A51em, sitàSt fuy ruds formnation as arlIlenaislttw lrteudis O.i.dvune l'ke.Wu, besid.s, àa pest Ilgrant te form sas dsfit.sn6 etici"te as dilerene. 1. ce pssu ecp e.L pouie or 0the retors iriicI h.ilreuirevrival lites.Tise Canard Cmpas>' bu ln 0aaa4" bslbur m o and(w laicpi. hryuotg nr.sgavptemd e> t i b . l e g r o e e o r o s i l . w . h a v e "m"e g o i el o e h . s f e f s l a l M 4 0 < e x p - oIln et"sd for msfrtalslung lucouifrt ~rer a .ion rmfr us oeriedor0140 muc h rger th us Our prssat population, sut'ceabsaeeY « rii é s ott 10 L t beseby m e sures <r e*rl , id sPW I o uffd't. l'leyboiv Y Public JsI a 4 D eprW ts e u, b . m ath m or e 0 gra dualy I 'm er aud ài . ie And pow e- o « uvalhsbîe tl h .>' novM W u@ eg ad ti l 4 tI lWrCh ir bpo, but, la * eth es e M' o uy 0se m a ,p t ll et ln <orm tlon mths rw wpc t ï eh. as6 xperle nes uo ied to ise vu e g o e b fertility and ceher saturai *avantages -et Théb~eïr =u ve enna> yau h t e country J e4 lD'asae4', nd ie ss& ha us eric,!eAïsr; g l y yealtes i le nso longrarsvet. loosti ILs vxtion t vhl i s i hl em ae,,jo d s L e o ! Eu 'o p . iu i sil g r u lo u l o s V l u g 1 > ' ai , s a thl u C é .w # a v e u D cO u » P u t Ou r o r e tu U r .itd a e# p ort.. ue. l In e s ot m e, t i és t isei n e m CÀwa>s OuisIlàti. $FueareL-Te Courage, ibid uneS a î>'sem emeo Iolowint4re tise regulgtioua f0h@<Utis osetproduce. 1 .omssudsrosuMd th.r ois0" rtc mireirspc .aai lken ar e secwtei.rély miffisre<sMn mAntt.rr "Wed t'y h.CsuaiOcsan 6gto e. eisli ei.o tatlr1udCh il O n L et te 7 u/o l' g 4 f 0 Aft r i o m 7 i u r e o u b i d n i e l p b u or j2rceuggapur hlit wC , <ot fquito As suelof vlat vasihomy sud orSA, th n t d K îni e. ,p asse h. pr -pidt o um ental As vIt vWu solà Anid usef l , Be.- P m s e t b i i r t e; îefi o r ua rd e it u n p a î , o r 1 < O r. e h . 0 e h.» flot enf ley pre.pd,a ýon- 1bdogLI, O h es pis tey enip* d t o n t e 4 h . o rd ls ry 'p e ta g s r at. et« , n d e tt i r omà n m Vs e r s o« P > -14," éwspaperu < or tnbu rd'Zi4Jo 1esggd (fortise voyage;, snd buve sltov And ty hâl.puoy, am p, or tise.,n w 4a.ou0 mm dl l$l u e t54 ng occasion the wa pet Witt n t b e rpuwrde& ,d S i4C s aMd voio o h -i On o»,P<wt*'foo, . -rn U h sinc 5a pratic ssvoudale, y , dos-not ekédlg 4 -oueu. in uWveibt ý lPi aersnpore, eold sot but 44 crrincy'; over 4 u nces, ot exeed lîlg prduee.: fie Yeilt mme wb t m g t bave S o u c o, 7fd t er 8 o « ueé s, b eeu # e e L l h m e i o a s i , v r io l eesI', 1Sre4y 554abnOqeÇd, y Amer ism sie wejirie paut ~ - -~. count for.. wisI l h ptmfu for hbe l'h ladeSt1uÎWIree 0<eui Cuoarder Chut Jo ore SutveJe4., Plasrggauamy It moi.hgIrte f«,.sped os themot ou 0< ast ui>' <spsbl-< e (las At n Obe prâe estiwr(a~dp roeuni='t.Mïiv t'>' ____1 lu4'Mvu¶rl)test thay "0< Ttýî ]utdy,.-.,-tWCoI'lls 1 t GsIsusLÀa O*~Mmrh Z189. usent ruasyieve se 'bld- "iok 'wu a ylirv ntrod rpauud a drit sud uo to Sm lto feom M v a s d efe rre d t e. a M" blé ièo n b "J tipou@ oel , ib staii "oi tbie Cid so vile 's&ey#u.aleou k*rouigu. IL , tosu0 in tse toluss0<-b «Id gh.s»M<tisut*sth wzts 0<th. o telCm la fiel su '~~1 WUW 1~ baue preged sridsifis p doubu or the Me for slong a perl eosquenaen of W" hittie Eapern ae ceywm ted tu, Cxiiiabar - thausi ltrxcs -. cntall adessocr ncrg>'nlu e.0"p gU ltpteci tl J4ÂAdeapeticm !à I der thsuaaitis1 iruldu st. Cary se 4 «UItto coaaviceC4 pis" insugay<cr lu Itdar ls but an t despotism vic t 5oe tform of govrm too obtusel'he.>o m sMr <Go. Brownu and-lisse tbe orgup tise cousntry trom 1 buet kisd offGcver "der he fenmcruma discusson ilanmada l<th. g7kée wiisso "los-of Besponsibl gliezMr. Bro"m tuor ilOf es"m bhle ectoth dlctusr.ip, lis, afippery plces baveàacote frl Aseiber ]lait" wu.otom use et l'Ils lu te eka drmlosdsitios, i1 tedcestroy it 1g amI vooderfaslacm ~'pi"m Fleming E Jto cSerdlag tt solt ul-4 disclaar m urgowre <d susher of àmaS ont ma wb adtsIu r~ AlLberi Mme '41 5'tni-Ul a MI et âftseý 1 of 1

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