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Whitby Chronicle, 10 Jun 1859, p. 4

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r -1»ie ouai am Paie.... _i Miso Pisa "phoeix Bttera hAta bi' twIsola, fondera If uniuea9 re r'aftrtenter listesA ptlen l lavi rie<lIedaial vrtueo or pr rlui . liai ontinthasitwent<1aans forathsanb' 'i iatng heuni tC.tmnon 0et mr Irir niominaof perona vbolave hu 4i tbeojyment of perft$heath by 'T igta l.uacs.w W, 9 h. pblie. 'iot nuiio lpaio..,luagis au vm :40Y ;man lnaCie Uultcd SC4as, $Chueare nmmn> hG A dteetify to tlmin afr ln ir.ofin 'rc.mud ling e Ctha wisol"#aygtamrauemrtsd "sas.ofoorofulle ko 8cnr>j m or lirais ('themln, the oudaion of the Llfe e- .ln trnly umell lug, eniov4 n i 'ien>' Viit 0o.0utChase loatisemie su ;uy torpnnifyin; effectaan the bloodi -s, tuait îhajeaseas accuyihdfo ir fisi,as lq tbir limilyu»ue chîsder4 iposrna isa>' b. msaveci ',arad b>' WiîmAx Mare, lé. D,, b>ww * ,andal til8b b>' " 'FLO EEDWCAJ..DISPENSÂRY ESTÀILiiutEJi 101 las CuliS or 'pat,(hmal D#billl<, Fevé and Aira.. 'r/rdf4a, 01<1 ZIZsro, OG rs4Jau*4, cf Jikwd, - 't IUO«la, uJ"s0ipZku, iterlu, Pilar, Adnq# * 'ility,. blumri" qeea tand & isle g, tie. awRKoMEOCRY SoN,. ':P r UOimmINAMI> OUA>5iM., nESTI oyAO . T. Fi TICS ONLY P1'ICIiANuIMf THE. " tTA'17Ywlan arc îinberm or the lLoyal i ki*cdock lu tise nîonnitig, uuiti 9 ut it gIht. ry itougaant i .>niptons of l>isowt. 'rataensmtt ey omdpt la flic omuuit ofanp .:ànn, ira, 'bis unaIivrate camesa of 'sâges andicstili 8 on dsyis, and casa. cfo '1nitr nîssola2r 9 ayt, ut narmodeorato o%- ý.Tisa cimu atoecd wthoat csfiionmcnt sî'lrasiic fuu ajsc - X'4i>51 TAISE PAOUTCIJLÀU NOTICE. 4 e 1agia ia c11habit)It îiclrne, ulngeoun iu açllalo, afomin owlngmu ,wîth asaatnhàiaod ',anguiwlleh, If aC ne rsiade a tîsiim uu., <nul>boastis xacrios aobstacleste "mo ialaplnuna but giveisrite te a icrle.s otlloss wlîO gîve wasy toellii pniluo ai aru swauo f Ctae cozsmeqssaimso pumtl 'isiîdthe hiavon.usé ytea id tala fucelSi ;0 cr nacausa boubenitcn, gnl signi, tsu th#su i»ti. à£901§7 sciEsrire INVENTIONs. '-i utnsramt furnthe'curenatiltusl L>blltj t,' irsrsaal ltsiiiusmuare pnsqscnly kisows *ruuliiai Woakneae, idc. am ib. penmumienti> i Ila Irulà dusyât, tU2 moiîtla., by Uic nois !<W EIrdUtreIUtaAND> QUICi C'URES -.Amnoq & rntir's sulçpa Jlmussir lIis ioiiiiaig .Isuv haVa ssi;std nJnsmoit Imspcrtanst Ilis .#agit rfi tisusssof ttia, &&W <uvaaacaerIlS )Iviisul's tusa temt 1, tbas ruat oîntil -îi it lsLusidos 'aIsallilsidýslp)ihusaui - lisrk; lu lasat oes Lsi isrci issuo11i> illt ssss5cvs'r ilssirtud 'or titi 'i f arriiiaual Wsuaktit-mo, crasaty deit o~ f tlse l'si ergaaas, cassised I1,>'ftica ecret liabitu ai *Asios,& Ss sipri rsiar' 1<, -sti,'y the o ol Cleuaavastst las an> Instanice wiuen > 'Ps'rQ8- s.sîiisszatos2' aiitear a fuinr iai, - ,:iioe wil tl rfonded i.>' ntnmning tire 't'iimUftlt ugooai rler. M)Iosluiliti hesgis mbaA'Ouaoful Initrmmnm ir'e(tliisss uecirol>' isacked é a inal iisc b' 'Ai, 11) tari3.1,lisw 09w-xîtz 0O xvuTuw rlitwareocf Znirlcanmd lincrant it f 1) Wh: utsusr.w itsrpt cure. bat shver mua 'Ps ias &tSon isave fraaluuug oaseusoS ye'nns i igaagud lnsassiexutsuito jnacticelIrat di mentaoaa< coo uae-llicut s)teuuplalosut, andi art ssly Iogsliy tiasiIl llaasuiammwitu nou* ,rtt unaiaMi au m ti ',auira cartiali slîshuuts, o o lntsauwlouasta Uîuuiu asouai c ,hap au' abtaalnad. ý;ra4g>ttoli isu>' part i tise Wanld ma-y mbu'ami 'sali> trastai I Si>' rwur.itig a correct datas - iý(r aa. wltluo ra uitta.stq. f<or moells wlslaehswill bW"rasa amnsedt h ts utic noi6s 'Iai, ausigiseurefo noiuQovati)n. y tj"a i.Asrad tsu~cre flauam lte P Ire lNiuruuuee Company' cf Loie des, Eiigland. »Y t<5a.a rAlor iaia AiSLIANESU. BOARD or nîcuReitS: ()ufr gsT ilglit flots. L"rdNecane. Il. . Ifilaus, Ib . Cslone lamea Adain. Tise Ilev. W, Bean. P'eser iCorsutisis, Bussi. TIsa lion. B.,lloothîloy. - Johns Jamrses Usîwln OakEq Iltc'riyCIark, Essa., M. P. Nitehacloaus Pemofysk;41q Wlliasi S.Por, Eeq. Williammlientur>' ilcaiEq., M5A. Y. X. welaSa 1'rtr arrirsori, 51is. ausmýgins, Pireeter. Aa'Uar.-aabnoeMilllsr Bhq, maILkor- tog* Miuhimller.& 2arj,sav~Me, tn Qlnrfly iaru>',Wasvog-Wm, Cmweli, hq. Mos'1 Ille,-ueosloHal, Toronito, j~rcu...iiJohn ?-Ms, Johîn Crawford, ssaàd cf P i'a of -OMngioa Wm e *-l<ius, Crawferd k <rairblu. "isýo oîugrmgeiausrmîssoftins w lCe loe aua (ai'optntàny regurmntootb im apeuailiaPro: 4 rJ'ts5'lo45 te tho Da=a lhu bise *oou.ueacf Chas Timei baviug beu ar- usetl*,: olley.heldna re now gi'aiaaee8b ALJ£XANPuRSTIWAT," ÀPOgrU4 W41 U4a10 WMCI~,C.W 7 il 't 44 [-4 48 u . owu f Wbltby, Peuemuieugiron cm !!hue3?yJui, ffl. ivr, c.tIet, oMd.aT.a hy P. )WALÂE. où the. Promis. Bai9,ApI, W 1 4C-2. 1wln H A NGpurehaaed tua satine ateck etf i. »anle ls kCc, wlth am additon ci SA Né* Stock, ..M we otnunnilvuast re Sn i gîentire ssigt- -rtou aiwho sumyflavor na* vItlamcmli. IOSEPIIIUCKINS à Co. Broklilu, Nes'emsber loC, 7. 48 ,pclinina rna a; r ceuenfo Ly FIJRTIIEE ý,NOTICE# AÂLL Perm"os ndebt.4 b us, eitIbeîbv N04 Boo& ,Acoeunt.,willu" iaas l end setie -tho iaMm.wlhut iayo and Whitby Jaly lut, 858. 8t CAUTIONAiT' woTicz. son .n d rcmovie ,'r taking aw4 à n> usaD or graiol from dit. Beach on tiilasul.o 0 Mfr. Wori. Meluto*lh, L'ike lhiora, Whluby, wlth. ont àrat ebtiitloig penîoluîon froin the. sisder- 4igned wilhbc Vroosicute ced oline fo lsw, jACOJi BRAII)EN, 1-ort Wli&by. Port Wliiltby, Veb, 9, le». "-f ES4pM for th.ae.« b. obtelmed from the mndmlgned st bils osfce. W. IL BifOINS, &cretarbI. CAUTION& ALL pm.r.fon'uid d.stroyIn&ahe ftoe boeu<lng Loti 1o..,122 andc4p crneroci cili md Kai.t atrouto, wii b. prcaeutssd witli tihé atînct nîor orftiiolaw. WOOL wooL. 20,000Ibo. OW0oro HAMILtTON k ROB M4TS,4 Xc. lAI TilPa Eioek, i Ire.~ Itreat. 5 Wamysir. LprmIQm wheî vi Ilmnte «# dbot10 mace.4 50y.ana. sudvifnean'm urdl ~aWD$59ftCt'leyi4oeCplqdtf Tholrapriutr on the rm FOR MÂLE. 'T~LWN L1~ u Whtiainrthe ga,, ro romII. tD~aroIesi.< .0'1,DARTEL Jaswlf, 5'th# 22ont -u 0 xeln n t 10n otaeuall A -a e-el n c e l i aIS a p a n mnen h. sud thurd FOR 0ALE OR TO LET. him iTert woi at.Gardatar or Batelier. c. I'ft~EEE.,the Propuir, uniioville, lr y. KELLER, WVhitby, Marais 2fot, 1889. BEAVERTON. AI LE CJIEAP,. A '31ILL MRVILCQE ANDI TOWN< LOTS .L..ntln» te,'the Beaverton Wharf, A- lier..e voal teonneumr lue made iwi tii proprietor by àî i'rsol Mi l ler, là,JAMrâ ARMS TRONG, N.B.-Tbero lb a frit-ut Ie o t Bua- mcron for tii. Zetshlishsint>uôfala udr Bevojaly2si.22 VÂlLUÂRLiE PROPERTE fer MME.o qt ore and>jr abhce ietly eccapled loy %hi utIýb o îriha sltsrter am utc ThIâ ston e ivery lave risbly itilti oayluaueua.Tbe, Villa ecol hMc lnit ti.eMnre'of Ch. Towe4fp, amdail tis tav i ciIhBrook rond FpsmC2 ag1 t Tarsia.11 b mudW #alt puralimacra. Ap- plicatIou tu . matt JAS. B. CAMPEELL,4 45 Auiaa1-, 0., ReaOlî. nouSe sud OT Fout MÂLE. CoiT eaboya place 1ubessstifuily sita &su.iou , titereen.; .For lstisr partieosr appi>' to JOhIN IIODuSON, whltb>', C. W. Wht<y, piO7th. 1lui. 12-tf. A Comrtàflblo Faiilly ealae lutt teIYOolLlverpool), TowitmLlp of IPick- eto Clji i . héFronouiai'u.Bm> stalid oftt OindThik Rallwuy, 10 joi«a roiT>- route, couliuting cf a Cottope eomtlulg Nin@e£"oia. witli every cenlliece requislte ;a large Bani and Stable e aehud ; a neyer falllaf Wel or W# Cati, Uo reuniare temtefuli nlid out, muBd4 phaiueti with s$hatieTrcos8missea large (lardosi Weil utocked wltlî Frisit Trocs ,. Is14auveri. two seru idcf rouWu, and caimotbe muncaaaao -ln $hu Toisiialilp cr Piekoreirfor Ia covnvea- entmi aud ready accom t10 tue lway. Tirnis ":r m.ea V.r(urtir purticillraapy to îlî. Il Wbile, Yerkvîllae; or ta Mr, Wli pit uîIardy apî i.prenuma. poaamion givoufoth wsqî. eMalos,1 * arm for Odle. ?à MOÎÎPLIiDID LAND,. WY 200 lOu l ltis 4ýotmemaiaîî otTituram, 15 M10r40 Clared tilîî< Patis lx aitai.ed wll tour mul.cé dBeaerton 55the travel rond 10 Mri; tue land i b » oluti jsansd la lit the centre of a gcu ad sst e, witb a seheol, Mi a §Mavuulîl ovemimst Alos ortithl f fLot 41 ln Ch, lotis COmice. alos c Ïthcmh, Oina.aig cf I95seacr 12 of' wlich are clcared, and lronitlug on Ch. L'ctaga; Uenac, near Cwmrémi'm14lii Appi>' te D CAMERON. Beametm, lotit 1w>', 1867 85 FOR MÂLE IN TUFE TOWN OF WR IT"o~ W TiNSmuSNoitAL. Applicaion te lbc n"u.te MES., ANOBLINE WhEST, Lot 8U, Ri cnoalcn Darlittu. "OhhahauOfenlg"plama. opy ntl foiM rm forSmie. IU W ald, tm eelnt Yaraib.ing ci- of edelUirwat h.lf l le-No, I i contain4 om onsdred suce0 0of wiilar OiWaedd »V fece wtha m îmew i Esobyi m60 alg eme u tble,,vitii' igoodwato'aewtîaupni orts dWo Tht. Fer. Io#lap»p.oued tthe but 0" obtedI., Aa*uetoisnMeGîiîvraye Xoua#4,aî oMtoe SaWl. Uz lq19 ~fai.,u .ag~ Lette e beuisi l'a Ch.e CouaC>'Comr. 4fam e-m lva5amCa usi W lu h, CouiC cl<lumaeen'Rach. ad"i Wlliam E maml 40mfCs',d oi ieli eid son, Pltiffavus.bhIcLev, DeleÉudmnt rcs LotZl li t Con. 1Pickeing ë hn Itru lu Ch. CoasC>' Cr.Ca ii i 87ei(t -1 Lpui lit Cn le.I~g iihsha i lIMuslsPIM »k$Vaif P - aumdjois uisrl .-Wiltjk In athe onoC moPh. WIIa&m teint, John Bailine Warren, (Javia Rama, WIllaitiinoughl ad D)avld spildîng, 'Jaua ng, uci s dplsltifî vs.Cilsuco mf. Terwilllgéïan d A(irïbaiîTerwillge, 4e- lu tii. couint, Curt. The. Cit>'Batik J'Juiînlft:. Cimammuo 0. 'V4,rwillger mut ibnaluusTerwilligen, de(emî- ln the o usty Court. Tise Ot>' Batik, llifvaChtez 8 Tcrwiliger nd nlusaiTorwlhilger, d'fou- Lot $,.Il# ltit C.Wluitbr. Lot&0, li B. Y. Wloilby. Uti, lifit 6tCon. WfI.thy, J; aurai mu are Lot 12 ln 84h Oua. Whith~ ShirlfT'sC. 0.e Whlti.y. Xpil Uî, 'sn.,- C()UKTYO()TOTABIO k SJCATIIIDAY Tts Wtt, t FCaixOltis da cf, Aunit . P 159 t tLQaire e'ehek Doon, Ciao (banC houa., lusitii, Towns of h'bhsj, the nlgiut, tIti. mand iiertwt, whleii the undarsacua- Upgiad deleuidaaiis avurabily pemimaln tise an- dcnernntliitd hindi, aitad teueista imaeon, .alu-d b>' me. ui'tei muil by virasse of certI wits of'Fio'Fadai, teaie direete.d,,via:, lus Cn h. Courtof CratnsaIollewse BleSlmv Lawdar,- pilitîff vs. Danris l'art o1 Loi %c.,29 n laCie 2usd ccrmion Wiihby5 att he SouthIi ias:anigles frthe ousiai lo ruuît g esua ehala sad n.uaty-iur liaik. aaut and wss ad three chdand miavut'ixlk icitm utli. In h. Ceunt>' court. Eid.udck lau, plaitlt v», Jmeph fla, E e masht 2,ln$dC« i 0 UofL o ft Ma r» ot Ul ln d « SIWew.t0anea f c tl rdC .UxIM $1g , l r ý.UW& E% Lot iulr b (bn.Uxbnuldge.ru ltho e Ont>' Court. Wlimprondloot, panIfv.Aiemndsr meain, deondant. Lut 6, lu 1 o cssilms Thorai, lot 7, la lat do de Lo Sl a EUUN'o. IWEYNOLD&,. ohedifi (Ploce Whitby, iSay 815, ORT YIlE LIXENR88AT J. A. cllar'.1t rrIme Iteimys siry T Y09 4&11 a Oms o*eS aMd, ife.ilke Ambre tCype, cmw iectyp i taahIor Leatisr ënm'r asL snulàmTgwê,rt Bromob or ~gfoi J, A. Cud It la th#al tye FOR >25- CRNTS. A À __ or 't je »&mi-Hf- 'isti übile rret lui heu', In lig u4I sthse tus-leelS C&viW& viii h4aon idfflr pat ;J wsm Che"ei; thou itaa's a pecali. r Itsppo po ia'. lit. tia vPii iseOD owr-siiwad gtai p atelpaneisnud isonai mril folluwei up by'îia WeK& lma Ch, itulitie.J craod cf4ie Cm chou vriuionai.bsforo rs usîouîm olta'gesstll Weckiy abi wlSls tets cine utmreerve mne polit 01vlw,iauftic Wb hmîtiuongo taionru luis tie coliduet of the 3eaul pion Ch, uiput lac tu ho ouimni-M'mkoa poallon4 oaaulithca. W. aimae l eare gsuislto»,Io w eboit gerole ss;,ust. ýWlth -a Bnitîssi boiv whihh e An, bold tu misake * sund of the Pnoviice.-rour a -lakilu to dkuussutimci, sacrer alnkipsg bmw vîsîIle, e > nua ua tsiubsfuî for 101,44 tote .i u the puat,'iad i ,làd hopdfal, tfsiat oun el'onta1 suent a eaihmac îdCxc port. li t'0 nme 'anlcl pwrtuSI Wcakly'thise mae ur lil ho laais&eWti t oWo'kly Clurmu suiidoemnmt ild OEiuipntd lm O FLL RINDO LA'Yi k!LtiClusujk., &0 ,W- AT CITY FNl,1 UYERY isti AY rSwt04the a)hu. SON> î.bcatr, .the* T cocuii MasTa" t te 991109s" lui C . (,u1.. '1W NEWSI NEWS1,,' rOth.er nocaiCy ln Vaiodil en,0t e efund or the fitbéàd~anienm OIEONCLBUILDINIGS, (BroekL. sumleon~mal., lae9andj>, mii idCle. k do il~~~~~n t. the aii w SarindMr aJZmsCa'iagte muid OCa-w» il fi 1 ,r, anauun, payable quai- il Ornm1lhty. - inasbe ilromiIb)hk>'- svielbjsebmusy mb, 485. v rlrliigfo019,NWNITING NY *017N11. 1>bwt wilrofha- - ouî'fre I~!M'Aws 100 ÀLpage*, aven>' t"ir ~~~~aunaat. f à 1lfi !" rilnt-froun atoon - *Srunic1 to swakabook ii demignedti- te Ceoh; - ýBy tha u»a of Wlil(,#'leh lshiiMinaninmyucbocî boy or îdl, Uf por eyemn Iylii ~.w.~t pc fCii.et ita sud ci ie JIqcrpi amisthiire. T i~î~uu4IeSIsrC-hau, andc. a leur nitlma nejoanisal ;otnc ruatmce ;a ail thai la ndquied toe. cabic f olornl i D iti cdise7 atllgecetewtex - rzpn or lnensamsa'aOre wcrtlisper minute.f TSI. tcf &peedi'io taîrwglt of fie.Rsafienste td ladowî n'wînry sa"Mmoi, niarois"&m tiahnit nd couivetWIon as fasi pokonn. am f'ailext axent ut is e )IIM Iluuleh ùCop,'q &oti aua,#mud h gooc i more. Tite canttmu any¶s'ei;, b>' uai, luutpulduon vu- WILLIAM Il. 01<, cili-h. oislapkuoi, F lueu 'alô Eî Viuliasll or Anserleau Phiolio hWauad froits t4... - <iaats' aIrîut. 1k 'rnca ieNEW AYD cIIEAPST.ATIOKER li-Weckly, tlus xl akouuuàdvamtegi r ïlwènkhy. aI mWr11N YZ KO yz out 11 oal-pen- F OU SALE AT TUEit 1WW ro to diuoail h tore. ndartiraeClircmlele" Prhntlug« utit pratoPleitend.icn sia, 't tccl cti ouit)> Lmw StutlibneÎY. aid 1evantudi Dvîion Court Argumntmsac£,vr luî atnTerioi'oe. W. hâiaregeapeaiCIIANTI$' IAXILi4At- auci WEAPPINU tea 'anlspozexPAPEJIS are. ara uimenit BACIOIgroed frVolais.sud Çent#. 1111110,latturs vîi l IARIýYjt for 1 7. - * uliol'r h Usiap.4 1ENVSiLOIES 8ai l let "ani eolcra Motalle andiaIerM'nnaitmm eut vril Clu.iesl- '~f5(,PSWO5'lÂî~ 'E obeanved wviel $LAT*;,PICU OEMNmk. 'eunai one cf Cts I lCvr>' tianI , bu mopaneha.d àamýahjq apnel ue i- massi t 0ha-hin lu-ontrmeal or TorontW;-~ ERIIOFFER. Wlsiîby Maris Srd, I Y 9 ~ Tii IUlau e M D oeu MM hal'olet «LANS, Lta? rock st. Wlistiy; wm the -oo M4 B$LEU. wa Frost Maae, T«o. ilz#e l'ýnflrn 2h.Publie " th"... lui'AUn in" rail? RGG L L NA1lxoryt À ZCIIZI i cLEEKC OF Tif * - 1the Court liewt -~~ OF Tai0 4' salwF -AjtllîY.lW ~JQ! &toea 4nt MR.Wl orierar àlandil D WrM lor W. lait -j leAs h. CAE N- GUOEOEit "Uam i",.c.- jouCa hni'rs i -

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