sud 1 beliere 1I barant. '1 wmü>t0'to 4L uaderotsd why 1 bavals 1* It Io Oiag, C to pollcy,&m;rnpoI4 ysud aothing short, -.-l euî or. Whèu Ii wu et your a1 n~ b,Lbetaeullt wassVi.oas aeldbrofn do"ar.. ~K laers,*umo "s té dis$'Aie hsé st r WoëuiI'9 broken me de,,ý, but Isaîpeer, otisik hs S P04 1y tPOýl&wo mr:y ezmple#, sadyou walr 'orI biorne sa r rlchsfarmu tdiyortdeofrIi Saamy, sud dl is is ueem~-I Wt die, 1 iraitalwaa>'u creful, un flue flrutplace, t el My a>waa>'wif lxthe vouen ;took dare to usaderuuand their claarac'tcni, tlaeir senti. Inentd, thoir- partieular vaniticms ad ho!>. bieu; keepin; suy' owi idea, in ta. back ground, tilt 1 coutli oincide witii f birs. 1 aiways tooniaroa'eneyer to.spsalc diaroipeet fuil the icsix. 1Ilaever, in fthe preucaice or' n woman, cai4ied a woaumin a é woman', nr 'fuie.4 I ldbut one aame-In die-for 4il the femiaine-gcaidsr. 11mw diai you do viien t),.> difl'ered snd sslad yaur opinion. I wonld ag'roe with oe, anti at the.mains lime winic at tlie ottier glyiy, as mach as te gaiy, its iaIl hubu;, vhaa I'ns aaying.' If a vomanu suijl>,I'd pnisu ber intellect. If abs dida't know anytiing, lra praise hon virtue. Iu this way 1 Isldn>m aiamed ns> inr;forii la vary se!dam that yeu linda aom3an vii lauji>', immoral, sud os fool infe, thé bargaiu. luntact, if la bard vork to ind asybody Who bhaisn't s ne sgo.d- point, or Whie lsut susceptible te flatter>' in some va>' or other; sud saiman muat ha fin si#, Who) If determinea! to make his fit- a sr> acceptauble czAntsiebt! tsos nietimina!Jn, ieart, ternior face et the amOrmon ho wishes t esisan sd' Uijninz te atà iaiee it, malte the. Puson tri.iidy. Maust I bu luberal or siajy 7 Oh, ho lbera-be liberai b>' Il meanu, said the. dyin ani iti a s gaatly #mle, tuant li,-iai otimnt.Wiieavr à gin. *ro eai oa dou4re, "aitIt te thée skies. Alvays pralegSetreu-people. Clsp your bonmad for philla .irOphy sud thOn Put theni inuyeur pockhe ansd keep thons there. suppose a beizar shoaiid ak iam os oi or I ans cahot! on te subocnubs te sorne Charitable ebJect. If, ny au m esn bhgp, ssy certslnly nMY pon veauai, qenMmntuonrnMY'pôSet ~ld sud thon quiétl'oil l iyown ockt.-»W l'on yul final ney>, of cearme, but yen xatugayvwidi sa81814 suds uA- inlu Jour, if yen doaasarM oDo Unp, II "Yrsll ashandtosgay 1 uafortuatl 1sv' pLa, à cdot. 04 Sq mon&, mnai,~ toi. à t: thie(TOMIa ni9çuja .I 1 W#hU But grief suai is dkerltchbok.d h - UUterence, sMd mo401 «i tiag, If lmAs.swayî bVsi =y pobey,, ramu. du diagns mraý, teo d offoaacete Say~ trne-or sny oee lse--uigiit or vrog..- I»bave siwsys endeavored ,te toitososit salanif j to b.eCalmsud eactoui'on 411oe casions, and te savoid d the iibif- -etan sip of etrienm t.. y OU;~~ne li tiis course, >1 have found diat perssver. i ng te aijres vith everybody, seaigly, and te flatter everybody skilfuly, is a onrs gain te uiYivêrual poplarlty. But bhave yoaa noyer batSay dilffclty witii any ones? Net ince I vas tvcaity on lssief dyin4 main graapinZ for breafia. -Ehseb.rne a hittlvator aud wet rny lips. Tii.y aré te parchcd te ipcak plain,., bo aiddaad as bis son obcysd hlM tunt. will do, and yenuhall bu enitiated ite iy invariable, itivaluable peiicy. Bie dferso.w fiaI, Sani, doeemtiai, and coutrol' your tempo,,and flatter viien you'get a chance; have a -b w and a &mile sud as shako ef hauda for svcry body -Mark I-1ore vsrye -body, sud thon you vili get aloug. But I aunt bc friendiy 0 vihainu mut Friendiy i HuiMph I Bo friandl7 te noe body a I only seeni go. Vilaiusi 1Lb.y compose t.wo-thirds of -the comeiunity, sudi arc the Meut influeutial. As for the other i third, thongh it ia weii snough te keep ticir geod opinion, :isy ars only subordinat. agealtA In the building up of aà nman. Butc dor't ge.tafrentd with 'eam. Oh, coi Som,1 neyer de that. Nover 'kck à dog, umilemi, vou are are tiaut ho hai't any ownest, 1îen kick away, if you Liko i That's rihît, saiid tihe eldest Saui<k, ii - like tiaut. $îlle agafra, Sam, imite ailin. IJy smifing 1 have gained mauy a frfend.1 But bc careful don%'t mile at the wjýOngj time. AÀ imite e isaipowerful wesâponjý butt it aist bc ued with jud4eent f.Do yonv lcnew, Sam, why I wss always mch a ta. vorito with the wumen 7 No, mid Samruel, iooking curioaialy ate bis fatier's - ugly face. What - eau kave f becai thle roasoal? l'Il tcfli you. I confeis, Sams, I am net t handsomt, nornonyer vas, se tiiat wasn'&a the reassu, i Stam nodtled him dociïive iisiicf. r ReaiaiTmmarrou-Oa or Tuesday .slrnW.ded >me rasalut bs,s»y#, afrcet un trssao ite . ustoretfMni., bufldisig. Tlieltheaiat!îtful lc doen or tisebemtdry gpsdum4hard"OrJLae. t'is beuftlertiy, fbats, &hete dieu«. tontif efi*or dirorýIw84mL dolss terti vbheafeyguuilasulhy esrlieteLThi> are la I al probahl y ssau ~'of ho¶heaefss.<dm «lust vlster iti lup.Ki y duipsa Sli, ok»adj' U Il ~ ~ 1 o30ck .nis4 /o!ck, s.. u d to. .aas4i Suadain. Whttby, Frlday,, ,JOU 17o 1859.> be 82 60, liadvaoce, or830.a the ciMd etflths ycar. Trewej?*jy ijhiropte wl uepbiuidin. inay &tv~ie ; ~. will br' 'li arged -4..--te iioi B st t ny rate 0aPduhee; If heipsa à a jo Oof pfMye by prdféhiiig IkULl ' "Ww' "gelu', i, #eet . e oaitroverm rsstsenmu dent fhsy. vr stting mb otroule&bunt niy religion- 1Iv. , 5lv - aer4ul to Y Malt or s>d hnbick eut'oet tiicrap'-. i iue-w&y tê do it, Samytîaftdie v4to do it. It la thstbéa OPPOI om.e s ome kiaid iii on-, tiiq tronge* ad. VOnglu,9 "slthoughbld qi oçarnad dog layonr owuj viewm, vii.u nobody but your biv aside à a prisent ""&mât" xo ho a9rslM4r opposite politinl cassO, Manknd love s libenal minu'audif you, 'tt r o Tberes sgood d à es ttatiMd m iuiugly roeetig upon fa ilysltn insitances etofs rt Tha tiir 4respoad.d'the miek man, hi$ lips as Pâli s.hs oql alg don. wshi, vig l k;ih sliet. Pf inriybdyý Whsu I livedd ýSaïbary-a hoggisubie tiasr, SaZin , Iu vas Mtgr sis.Iwuva general fsvoaiti, ovlg te ipy Manage. nint-an= 1 à à a-'smfuIaà y.Ti lng to bnild a Town Mese.Theré ,.r -to part"e, escia haviag a différent site. Tii.7 mont conmittees 'te skniy opinion. As the. partie,* vOn&boueiqaal in un- wliich on. eOf èeni te favor.ý 11ev did yen overselutRis diff"cit.y? Cali, a Meetiugofet haparti.., 1 wenld give tiisiry opinion. The mue4g vas cl. lsd, I vent. S1 rkl. sii îmrkl 1 they al cied. Ilaresud ant oi uieting ithe rewiis geaillyfa. & totrai fte character, and 50 ferfii disclaimad nMY righi;,dtrtiuegu'utit4.4 uor'cou. aire pea me, or te deljiýqr ;aay opinion on the subjeet. 1 vas a attive eofShsury fi I said, and! no nisddir., I would n6 ex. preas an>' preference, auy opinion. I hatd4 confiducedatgtiihe itcligenWa f dis'Sea. murtions woaid enabie tiiera te cheo.s .ferb teaselves, sund'witla grsat ùmedesfyXboy.k 0d ant iMtirev, in the midist eofciaeri rom both p'artie. y That vwaw vell doe, flatio, said 8mi, 01 adniein;iy,' sd vas fIant tlie reaso n yen vers elocted te the legilature. 1 - ri Yes, said the. senior Sirk, faintly. ,I aie a hut My noble auimndedl became preverbial. 1 vus conipsreite Cinclunsa. us -and General Wishngteai, - put up for !e"ressnl iyp sud swctsI*Èëyhwtea. Ti Deow I diti, Sain, deoaslIdid, adjro'll nosp«.Olt 1 , , ,!- -1 - God blesito,nsy durnÇaabr. Whaf fia latheimotter f. ate i Cal in thé' %daiter sudfi the r i o ti eîlie, Polie- 7 Ana! vifltia. usaAnieeWdvi, W"iihmsdwi been hie giding OWstartroaga lite, upon à a bis lips, dis Hmu.Sinsin mura zpilrethfi Wl ever the Union, sud a greaf many eali taiiai vid&.6 Thse Esllvsy. We undoe tsa at »OMrI Mneftings ave beau ii.ld lunaif.,ent Soctioné ofthdi rom ýtii. Bord et Directoia have-bren pre, ont, TIaolJ'a tucsts as to the position ad prospects ofuthe Company'.bave hein r>faveural>' niceivedmuid'have bat! a id ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ i P-gln~ niil mnqe rlet idnd Swray Wfeaico0dAt dit rusait ta an everwheiîaiug nisionit>'lin ror otftthe ByýLav, but- vould umrge qui eo trieuds o et iasBslwsy touaseaiU tWer 'ergys'nd itlniueio. hi ïi-tuppor,4snd .oye ail, b. enni>'st the. Polis, "oe tise Md Md 4"9 gt, . Qusret odsféiitea' lié dCoUaat Cort. - 4uà n O;ms ulsoxs. Th, Couirt opoud on Tuumdsy thse l4ta. las HeééP'flhd &r à ni ua re*idontC. ZN Dison -1s4; Wardvu orthe" ICfr/à 1c. peai. p on d bo»l Soe'BéCsUI ~îAtn't if vltiéheai id ti le ei(L~$ .JABobpý bl ira .isi Il" * 'tb..ud-~ SrJ. hu'M 0hfi~U~fi If. -Bali b ., Hi gEýtÂ4< lekfraged., Colorj rop 5*/t P.O. siwil' ba cot, Colonqe. ClsbPures of'$300 , . amile arols afitowllîb. h. "Ailendael, Colon red. Sr& T. WeUers l,g lain"Ci> £ad, raiiscd ome .fra 1s. sk 's Brovn Bob." Coleni bie andal al blae." Zn& J"hoLyaide'$6"Led>' Geednn" Bra. N.McOtigor i b. h.;"Jock." 2waMing Purfw f$50. lut. N. BaY m's n."Psunypester." z5ki. -v. a ' BIrd. Nmr. Othe, JohnMsmrin'i g. ni.é"Fnai>' Martia" WINNI!ES A"iDTI-pmsT DAY. P»esPesas er'$200, Tvro IiLt lot. P. C. Casvulla déEmil>'Cadte," diatanea. Brai. Jo. Mitchel'i Aduad, TMme, B 55. Taovrxo Pesas or $150. Two M5LEC 1luua.copeml p t0,W, HEaMtiort."il 2 2 U 1 2nd, ils"aa Black Tom" i1 12 t ar Brai,- Jehn Adai'm "4Fanlc," disnce entny ebjscted te, sud drava off.t Tu.,e 2 41, 2 48, 2 64, 2 47, Puaicoy $50 Garai Hour, MILE Huis. 1-e EOt.t'mOW, -",Willy. Rtl.y" 1 4 B B 2 N.ey's, "Higasua!Mai," 2 1 2 2 3 .çeha MciKlroy's, "Ce e>'Ma," 5 6dut ,4- ý E nmMilien'i, "sclçlk»4,'e e I 6 P. C. C"Asve5l% Celenel Bon. »MNES sTniME-ECOMD DAy. lit. PlraacÇsoveV Aladl, 2 2 2nd. W iwns"nat, for vr=8 enta'>. lo, . ay's diBrown Bob,' khraa 2nd, J. Lyndes Godrnsu," $rd, N. MaGrego,'î "Joek" idster Mark'.iJg nf 6ih, John )Lardau'& "Fuxay MsrUi,"1ilU. -lot? Thme Tsv 0 TsoTmq ?~usor $%0, wo MIL£ Huis . Srd. W. Ra is' "ouagNor; lw n iw ýn4l râi the id l Tmie.tSeond ay tii.weýs0her va lighltrui l A1i6c'<nUicpation te the biord« $*tâ# fbM te b< pur iIneligible te i ,rééîîè s Idné it I cj1w rnadescctl.ito'tana.EIu'à né 34~ ~ ~ ~ h fr bs are:i Clulb deauci»git third ora.'. eatry. "'Âidgusw 1ïledon il ptarta suadkips tbe afarfi*d5rïdi wo MOIl Passng by th*eJudgatand, aEÀ,uguit wuso oniy 0a lengi s«-esd. h, alts ieigth,.sd wnn1ngý the but m«@ byjOk, $bne,'TIi. third nfle vas wi Pc;tià têd, "a d -à sftorddt heipeptsOtorm slghof.çsofhs i*s~rsc~ eiever w, 'Tessd owndr a w «as ho'hre Icl 901s11ig r, t eo a.. bowing t elé n ta, and, the ridrs dispiyitg excelle h o r s e s n 4 a l . w o oa s a v r l y a . n ec k . s rn nck rce fia.whboiedires miles, À g w ats. w ariai ing .on y ,b y s 'i eti w 1 1 vie, Concure aor ïpeïtaorti vas CXOC ingly Ilrç i O u * o ai. a x king s fa proportion o.e « mc.£4 preil wbo, have attended ,onashecourse, bt% 1l the -Prà vInco suâd theé8 s;isusartin' te>, h ar aet he kocueirunoinl nd fias -botfriding thy veor itneeîièd Evrery- one appsred-to be veil piesse. and glsd fiant Dr. Kirwan, who iaad cet go ar1 frôlà théii. "Oky M tli.iiock," ton There wore omsere ntrles for the <amidi two were'wliabdrs*,: Browni Bob'1 sn "SaucyKI".",' '*Fanny Martii" «e 1 entry w s I a p, d e 1 ' a nd the l L dY'l won declared thes viaiper et tbe addi 'Ibis race sflôrded 'oxý'.e1lcnt anusenen Tiie trottn5 >for-tbu $W 0purs a jWS 1'a o n o ne id e ;' Y ô o ug -N rv l tû iz fia.two Milon'es aisccùiztstyla â, nim tsncing Lii. othe hors.«. Weareunabe tsetias ini vogo tu pff tgie fulrfiiweprialr. Tore o rrîipoealsee. 5 M th e hi f C h n r h a n d o th e r m et i d tS , T ue >' b Sv s nO f i a b tha i am of het lIaiCsrchMZw gfor nigi voa9,ild- aId> Iqrgely, sud .exerted tiacmueies'te etab. the bd. abitesud hisa cllaes.mid iaige jemiitres tof iiefroivsicoata7y tii-lea~ng, supiredaad~,Pher ofE~yt tolle Port. If Cialdrsni. . ",- lion upiydac ,n t o prov11'ionif or fu mrue taiatte e vita l i np o rl tien in Secýaanlearning alone maucens. aa>'"Y>thaf nov fke fon tihe reîoaq. pa rnpa) ntration of have coinpleted- ouri d. oud in théa nof xpse, citc'sud ludia, rq hvi awsd 4r uintful perle! tierof e. -exsndrieto Suez, w4 it, "l3rd. ,lTbat it s Of the *ahest import. v*" oigiullY devse in o n e s t e t he » b e if in t e osta i i .. ( a p aala, th a t . th is fl stia u e e Iê gil la e di Lgisltiv provi*io.n fer uprior educa.tiavoslegafl gtehouild h. la harinony vldIt th0 en. coucludeti arragéme; Ok cenitiate the. Cibienuait.y et thi en~ ucsipVory 4th ."T>licq onn8e ad'ý odrstic rid: ýd=ti6 to, he ecowmnto ï alge ve~I&ve ta., , aI di ini for thie aeutieao ftbte #sof et Itiafelassonnad of contiucut&i id fparents aloee vise isa teeducte srlittie ra ieP son s lu- a o n .â e sý éina ti ,ua î i sti ut o lu 5 êg a in by i g e. irrespective of tlasir ro n.,priaiciplqsumn moral uiiaractte ti.oýzciaison e os " e iiiis tesa gr«eae Jî clsses otparent. vo ise vdate educa tlai i jap m iù ïg sosno in cî~~~cnsniaisvir ae usoea viei- là 1- P a te rn a l a r s h i. t o ..â uthr o s d e . v ai » wn o v c r o, sud re igi eus iù to te e t h e af ta saun >jfla ot.bsrn ation , basi e e si that th">'are carsully anald aoreugiiybis iltiitbee, er eoul tagiit ln scularlearnug,,k lagosy iIbl lue.ts On 4 fnendy ris ai, Partial, iM andn- udnpatriotie, sud ':-mdytiie slightestsigo m e nit i dis sev e rest r pt o h tiô n ofDj '.v s y vs e s t e ty ef 18 4 libers! mud ig it nind d insu f e v e yr«-*7 P . tIÇV iS roy -th i e ole ligies peruaion sd part> in the euait. PO'Ot 'Wé hold Mal ."Sdi. T iattilah"ia and aussbm .0!» ide, oxbayanmd efthdie Wesleyan Mediodiat Chari4 , ýand dfiesandarmies, b y t ol uii» sa .c op p e r sq 0,P 0 x a n y o t ir eth u rq u sie r 7io b n u uË 1friends ef- Edncatioi, bave larilysal te teieon. The views c.outributed t esetabliuhand mustainVià ,âPsub&a as set likel>' ta Collee s ii vhi prvbaleuisnmadetf.r er meut geDera4 -y ed F a c it > ' e t A r ., l- b u" S o ,- t h r a t v e but o r s l i o n . hundrea ilapi sud utietlpiep.auatery i. B. d4famation,.j prépà 4,im, J.8;uèdvrmaeail, MJE sud tpdu ete.4wlar iigohs s- f rIuidrsfanti ~mi*t~dhy~e charte ift âdt4,& vas e aujo mmon of sytu&int 0' pupil, Sna uaiub iss>'iimdrdmetyoutbs efd epttrseliei.defsdauat laisdites.and. eus persuion heeen.educteal anal ffecýt , iaf phon là l prptt On rfewuIsleisd thsnpi4aîits,the Amaounbiy, on a sert insY ortvbom have slredYJieOnOMy dii. vrote [Or#fld'adis boa lfssa frensye j 6& ol-Thot . judy* laïlog vidohv&*sn s in tise Legilti peromjîn scUwicleur~oflas Ayou'sn' uj! Tbt io:beà ni-dabit "7* ,haf~,.jqqjonpo~entre," yousg vemiun*mid- Bk f4 im', ifiy o~f , am; -ITh afi elie lcte Mai Was poWeui,padllrip u s îT Z p s d a f mf eg g r sl nlti0m n db 4 i p 51.iroligouu dtiotieui endibv-bas1.w$ mmsaw to tthe yw'.f wlij h"ïft ton ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ib and1 ôi.siiai~4 neui. du one.e alK thé- I do not st al vonaien etthfiavor wvitl m viaicia the Ceh""nidelareceivedi, feri alway co nesto ad se nie. a d reab loql ing, 0 segbauflfaly printeai, d itia-ma ple asn ; a vaiot>' of m atter, that i o l b. a grave neflection apen die intolligeaacç ad fate of ta. 'Peopls- of W itbylt sudh a paper couhi reniais uuappreciated Bsdi.n, conipliausubar>' ; perhapg,_ soe cyni aliy lclin sai eader mni a yu >, but. co ns plisntary or net, ii traie, vhich la thea ver>' best festirn insa . compliment. -TRooi'Chance, picce et - poýitia v lifenv ave baoretlat. te enlivei*tbs kus bu e iqconsupon&t!ofetMr.'Brwn, adairessed as a forlonu hopé te Adarn Hope, -se.Om qddii oî ags 't i is i t if la d-b hiope-gviug 1hati esa, vem rsefaune resons5fsUet 'd solution Oe thde union. hctvesaUporsund Love r (aqtasW4% voi uansvin te ta. qair'. I"hal fe, Union a.' usolvý Put! ?"No eaw ldnig, Ihat di.erittit Courseti if n. d'oe.miuts>y.,nis iidusaia msnf etsonio-dependame of minai ant sbifet s ,,jîginnt, viacir pire on tibebýe st Otui!. m a %ae hep r ba hdis u tra kspf bisujkti14a close' as i Ãte , u b plo "th;,b dois it wvlll iý*be: 5&vsre dthi d ig lhe 41ý w*l~~Iooran1vn4b lion--a ars ltte forvlaa in the gEpptisu,pr efallev frifling ter mien have' delr& 4 ,~ FuEoinUOns I *1tî suki etts2< A1W the. Peuel adrenenre 0c q': do~ eesoiu.1r in dii. motter vealal to lFposiliieVie r, er arsle7 s"bif te atthe' ubJips4on te sud thesiatirs xcIn Zwopesu, uincs e joa rtance te iii, U' udmr i lahor ofasn>ryoai qulr -raumaY trouaAI lob teeepanalb lis laid, dovna 8lou as_ Red Sea;' vehve absi for' trsniorng F'tbikbni uc, pd nsi budtem iny'thae areS.à a mach e -intrigues audfaufr. inmu uvibo nDi,. pporl Ilie-=ilhiy e tonf Isaprcoaay, îu r put ie vior s the Mlantic. * Ne M'~ontfer suIa êsw. aSo.: th le, otiisr iasao dispooitiqn te 40 voulal b'ip on cvWight or nsbywi' ,aisandCortu onta Aden on the. other, reuuld advaiejO en su OÙ abitiou e es attiuted te :ý" >the Saaâpe. be, dsfendsat Th& "avODe yena>, i go, PU Pill f.n Brea. of -piutiaqr Som vun e ns sud vicheal ustae, menit. o et di. a dat>', is abslute chuncia vas huilt fa * v ieral â d that2 Crestor w go te mi ale s tii's &0 sud te enrmelves tu a dseadfisl lengti, isstaace ef the rad wvhich basexiited days et the apes uuader Pasd'i prsac1 ptriking exemple 0 51h15 e t iume' te spon mtiéh cavilien tie'o e Iichunehli -teýnnai,) fur eigh eeusidertdi.mni 1held tiat lileal tie, their engiat 1 znasner. W. fied 'Ofwonhp, i. e., s vialisthesprayer thea iouild tose ornu p sleep voni 1. It la an bnp: zng Ibis duty to -reaso ththit ie ta tasight te avoid osa W onbhip. -Tiieph f or prrayong atdim - . tth *y ight bc sae principal the condenined, for he dispis>' orfimdevar Of the ProtenaSu tien., bav.placed-h Miay envy hicondi dtbetitia cemmaà -2.N'ois itprej ofnans th du am gelaigg reason, but z 'direct infraction of pose, for anstanco, 1 i. asleep; by Yea probabl>' avakend is otding to othe ÃŽL-iYsiald do te a. I deenaitnme ths besmdirowa bu open. It hsvrang viio&fring vrom admâ tbdataa§Wh PO& dm am rtarost si "ie snetimes gefti ocmueu, adby 1 atlos ticethdide «'m horrible ate YJphieb,I1am t4 4. Tofleepvitl thse m&= of tue worn baaied qpinthe. CO ms mat uipo vu I 4k I-I lu Samîs. .B. Janu l4ta., Tb llatYÀMunil18 tasanhibkRrowch ipt Leitci bons Liverpool, on Ssturdey fias ffh Inst.,hu arnire!ifsltaL Adviesarsefiarse dsys Ià wter sud lm., portant. -- freai 33rt Pt,,Wà r are on «aCh occesslon repailseaialter a sastuu. aary encuntmn. The king of Sardinia ceanmaneinsl pe. ak1000priaoneradS p ais. Tieitefdapmfchearom j urisi atate ýbat ie Aaiataianç -vOrIn flu ul relrest scrosi the river Ticrao. )y thue Austriana from hia adyaneSal poil. lon but sasceedtI lin e-entering <6oano. rorkMayie@2l, airrât at'soutlsamptoa Thé Persfo troa NovYonk g5 f.>', an- yovd at Liverpool on tii,4th lit