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Whitby Chronicle, 18 Jun 1859, p. 3

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»Mm VI wMr: nom 5,r.jsu is nabM Jlà mmo f ia mpo, têbelhsud W#v nu irta wtu habor of moy y.,a bé,r, = 4W ur sommunadm wit Jla, v v madO utr mltua>frmi i ~sas4vi* Su~, h# lgm Lspa canal w5odglàuly Wied t. Ia£amupt and by tti»tisetolprpb Lilaid doua along th w s1jCbeht'olsd84; u[ vo av eodc rapg.is '( or tomasp ng to Mom th#seai slothipa., sud lu Chei esfarbrl#'k.are boond <o #&y âtis "0 iliv.un1rhae bowa nmecligood fema Wéo«oemion, Tissa.m <h toilà bNïo ifÉogfis6ifudfluusd, ist W'*b W#,4.sp ail t6 nnlgamud f"x. ' 4deofcopnnntal yvavls cin bave but ~iea reuS. The Viib koffs ou mach ýfhm e lo ua , ymi, ns4c1u ma tnohiib. *bie , a m l i go!' «su ot f lwmî er>' sm * teamers wululisloa e Pott Of Sus , w oon vieslnumber aud sise ili thwbf viChs 80w cras e h. tiCeo Y ýOüwu nation bas rmsures ma aitCompara, bsuiiltor =Mu wcofèr acl beona- t*~?~.,î>'Vies.On tisa otiîs êy#Àibostitrait>'0( 1840 wouid lbrins on po, a *4 eiso iaî£aon ô"Oonoathe Ou 0'1&0 Wom À' O Alanon tà#. 6<ha, £0 *5a5on, r ïh."van arblam M éi« k t i" so i w i o wo tti. t - W wiw. s10lea ,queson upon Ch. -'nipil ofiha cas.-y. so u lufront a"# a dclý,ta ubsointai', Mud £0 ail IM#Éitan d1 à' dua in.Tha>' 'iloes ChiaI U1 é vu a wuwlt lor Ciao puaposa 61divine. wo" , am th" t 10taau numit,1 1 Ch. Cvsslôso go tqsja.pin W hby fart1kar aiaaliIlta0distape Otll eshapeake %ô m. "oauIva to 'dosa.'ThIsIo o adufalMofth MW ita of~* oIlia àn fthsa atd fat larchi sine %4iâfrPsul's prsciag I You remanb e h M"àg èompia OftheOtisavell ocnguas Oke Aiif.,À #4ldaedl Ilt o Ma let là me <o vate tlinu ma "gwual is ampa vilista The asloint Pac& <pltfw charoli, Cspaqisly on werra Ai temouac fs, or fglteai lauuuiruf e if ld.. dag, Chano Cat lia duCy lot os <lie main« c0 mdforushg bts lm lUse. otier Chuf4fi.proc gr o<ghd <o 6 # niloaiuty la flua wu oidflittins tharWparCs prass tabesgoferd; vs gduisas. Who se m gaqedin or- slopvamhlp eom£0eou'st- mo uinpt6pr l *titpSdoi i4s# to o4sdt a<rosastheaspi4l 04 tbe wov«mipr o tscte <0 Irrita éft~ ffrê1rUlà Tb#E Jiipoe b<Awib qgitteul 4'hanu Ch. 4 81,soampasi b itabrotber, Ch. ArobXluh'Cl"e,'de" s oîKùu MdOtu t n isui fw aseidài,fiàâiit.lcs0 h Asv Iia, bo wmrefords t p*1?wib, drth haoomoîIàm od tie ftng>cl*r*4 psi trota nndn prism oe ulM di as 0 dgbI aiv iùu uLo.athir. 4>' on tha 271,Âh a fera" iavosgbt o! t<iana voutad t. Cogwurbalita wh.ro th# cOmbat warrew4 d, stbCe.Awisvsasr. tvoatad ouardsmilan. 1 (homo s uwu la fbon« rdl Gs' baldio AIlCh.stamaw on Ch. his. vare in tif badaottf O s, 14. ia reporsad, viatDorlin, Chat on i force 'su d withdruun floto Canuton, TIo. fao. -Thixls acs.co.slrmAtlonsud Turi n dspAtcha. <yva suImpression Chat hauvas making (mrth.v îuvegress. th. Preach Bulietins are uilmpovtaoC. Thae IMpavr vau about to movo lis haad.quartevafraix Ahlmdrf a, Md It wus rprfteus4lse would go t. casai, Tb# A»Wmet r é l a a omsldblo forc smd omopi4 Bbbio, 1$ vau roporw 4ln Faria Catas «)en as tbaFr«eà atarm usa, ftEaglu.u4would1 M M gessrai*ossefofeito Md th. var. Aih in pprdf Flore,.betwn I con Salimr, ou mm of t Ce klat$sir a >8r1&k tà oaiaatn i ioyt, The4n fr u> vpunto thue doed ait hwampprosag nuost 8 ipar cet, gus*ufloafor 2U ysiri-fiauuudred per s'Mui» <or isuaa*edo-uorigindAlr. *ssân"tor 414,000 per omnum to stand good; Ch. Comipan>'la retura te surrander exclusivi priiloeote land ciblas, The Nawloundlasud md S es ciblabe lblo'. 04 40 olesic.afutlog .*1roui Soaa Fio., rns., 1200 miles, Englisa lundi lare o"stmCt t1w *À* quoCodk iC ta roporteACt Mv. Bonatlu, 0<14 ufinis> issim o eCueGonmma Consari tion. -Ct ii " auord hm Npo1ente turlus lu A»gbhil,ble nt a " of ers0MIS, Cary opéra",on. Heay abpmesatso ofntit lmi> sMd efgs Maternaiiaprogva4ig k "ud'sôa JusuaIli Pda 124tadndoi. *bte g9s9 , i , peu 100 11 n » owd nslud Bo s Ilido* era m at.o ~T," 971)v, i a lt!p T1107ara e ry u sont 9,btig.ii forrnsrdays ou0 qulek sud top sud Iuerpraspu cause L'or Ch. p. ICi wltta wlîlats Cl. ---mtpp .y&WrFuugemv IJ7rn ditian egvro4 , ~ Ç campaiguilu tai>' 'h, y b#'opo o<Meerti«y f#100 e .ibrousbtê ainune bsmril1jn he routne mincpgrol fth# oid Genoàahaof thel 1 C", #M Ths~~i ovr> 'asoumut.Iu thalt h1'a"vi ,preaté £4the uihd preudeiiî of pltchsd bat- 11M and Ibng tiegeo, snd hat both Franc id Asitrha nt minsuit £0 contant drains of m ni m lne>' Anid musC lok on vith sasse. or'-fmpattoewuwbih. Ch. ïoluCsL le !oughttout Ilu a Illurthy and uaet itifsLvll'in d"rsNapq IJk &f si su or fhlea iut ao mu 4 aor*4*< a'Tbailirsi tise Vr.uib Wr~ot~ ou1~, #tS wusdusto adîvir' hb J i. îb<~dJr mïivfa"e a sysupttl»d lusicUaarH& f.bi blie. saili to hia deum of nIdtl' utiy i and b lsp«fldifl tho conditions or h. pavisa',I.@nitsaLbuC h. Asiaitbu on Ch. Plsdsnon£aa.01ia cf Ch.Ticimo, if lu. can Catchs tiiosa<liera, or lu the plains of looî.bordy,-ifChueiould retir, efo hlm.ký î usC ont., Mihï" u inoat 7aite Manis, sndhosmsut uext urmw h.o"Il 01111006eforthfle l, twis0h1enemu>' viii pllait ti i. ho a-i i b.ost *JlÏrWbaC vltîout mu>' peliCiai iuoiy ue0lias tin. dcrtahuen h tauï# su'd hs musC sceonphis ~t, or bd voi lUj1 U Ch biasdoms ail Ml dhwii4 l i as tue& .Louis Np*olemen cmnnoL sffosd C-o %in min>' more mont*. bele, Il.usouslrooca it aCbis r.turn Ch. enthaoai esynupatby Ct sCatnded hIC depatrLs'.(ihi *&0, on h. th fauât.,by the. Roy,.Mr. Orcer, 3ý 0S. Doilsu 2sqt, hardwre McIaniof 1 Chuta Toun, to missMary' Sophia, cldes dauglter os B. .Day' Esq,of Bahvill WrnTD~' MANKUTC. Cuaemoz.s Orrios, Ys.o ot $ pst bansai. Joli M Msit #%4& My's a o ig*auu lii4Vnct' iato #Mnâtd oe uJoi l'Artp ,nout tofailn utmi lot it MA #. wu hob" rAI UOMoiwiiapyuct 410111Y ut de orsaslot ,~VTro« so, loasirsmant k' s nd asa, i o ikoordius% to quli. 4 '!.Wliiy or: sr ewt is GCrariry -' - 1ktoi pa;aretii f litis Mlo,ie' tm t -y n~rann s m-W rp.. tou .'4010t érHOSI,?GTtWO,, *aisu .Ta TU. V-ipâr yofJan.4 bi8 h. h oLis ld Joha IL= 0, ijîwwoslorbU ot rb th. 0 mly s a oy m1 fiaLd ~,J~<kWrsd5I1 q ALYIIJII> A WItulot# Xodl Pana df Ca" dato Lt. T 'or W iti '-, CouaC> citî O sulitrlo, wf l h ou rb for. tue ret day of Juil>' nexufors 410100440su l, MIy kawnasso. !Cý hi loat W M CsoJugsidlatura, Vers sln Ché (iuu zcuv mc olu fni lb. hisotato « 6 stitaatod uae mil. frnI b, "Toun oi Wlisby# whis thon1Aet ait CImes a mArisat for ovory amr 0f P'ro"ie, seond t. avnoIsnluc(ansa P"Yl> fr.ofrwa s tussspoa Jlrik ous sud ,fba ont f wis ama Ch. bouèfit 01 Il.. atmw o! about 14oives o! trop. For fan- 'ber particaharappî>' W 1MUS& MIN DOW< Onu tbé rentim.a or to . . aUIsasq., Lot No 1 fhcooskn Whithy. WOOL CARDINd'. 1liEarl, gilapjrproadteoa011 <ja or .L pVoçrdiaf , Usriasg oshh lb>,NymCal ZVI K lot Cl. O o!ud iî tesait$hin .th viiu. sofGr oÃ"d u =Chia '4 uu bd lIe *%1aj'lyo . A' a Imdo' Ou. - ýMLIriuoi J i lu t I 'sua or ityl., th abasout §8,491 à«O 0114l" i»fnýpamrt d t a J4wô an« Coa Lssdo, -49i Cio <ii;i01 of ouo, on Tua2thday otww,n.yt '0" #Mirvon luilsia uJ11and si m t; pi ftto be Pad'down s thté 4u,. vwil ut*b u un aisoItbies d' bCéwm a le Croui Taida o- ronto' or o!utoapM ilo o.asr,Csu Land Agent, 4tSusnt MOI><n P.lM.VANI(OUiQiINET,. &tn4t sfly.Jaw wll Iha pissst ile uimio>Ofb f cill to tDo h*hd os1 oty$,4% iA Qeh et Jaly u.,fs reo.o.#fwscils.tIsa Rnd oi 1/,4ln tis b~ i ut ii rn.kWtti ni,. lto dii 7sf, ton, 4100 -a JJY-ltw wll hti pa.niél for th. Ur ol«ngtihéltoadshloWY#f4 m IWo Po, l. *g-u, OIILOR-tg Tondm UExoWILNUE4 CAPITAL-W MLLOSTG R.ss Ado on and to maU lJolaiusé of. fundr,4 Ilouscod Pondsit 5trUn,i !stnl h uotaon uon t lfelnsnaaaa on Yery' dvaiegoua en», flirCh aaaurh, ulianalbonus àndivisiorn s. JOHN AGNEzWl IIRGsJOUN5OI! Ol f bra mLo ,ta o ùa 1 « 41f0 £ aasp.î c PClmbssan 44io, 5h11 O.1m~1a1 Lite à sidi ut Jy Ný» 1sMz 'fltnono on tt o!MonlitL bi fide@ lesiti 0 t #lr. iteý hs iiL CialVjlo IIiPlsno Y AGBMU8~~W~.or th#n vo thIDs<ol, k ,. k F NJ i1N5VJuWT , 0' k kk M* 'er *UN'i i WbtbKam,éo, , . l 1 bs&p =iÏ" Md k an T'Wy ir oJSwï owii - t e th e.a o d d o lla or e r §$i. uad jai4î dat. W&y OCM ' of th. 51M Bok4b1 ; sto.k, b'C id rag #hall no 8i gWiaia~ b . fs m uadil t a n y « srlfr d t a orrW any t ja u »t m u*J.i d , larger anount thon iay btc sufficient '~ ~ a. mentCh.f n asrosulate4.' M ltalso .j b>' the (ha 10 Ilwayos E'land 'natb pan , un la r f auix~c ~ J /~ o v l haveibhriz.db>' r i e u tio n 1 . a P , J J l ss an u abtl bait( < hpn abol b nUçba6te<b uaf thebn. iOJ' 5.i Tht hi 1DebAnt "rs làundt 4 -thori" ->' o sa ~ftaf orîn n Wkf C urancies'o<fs NO? Pm cor sý«« ,t hýsai Dlias 1A tara ra- dtcf Baritn or 4 bo ofar ig- Liat pIàMegan l selig moafarasaion, Brwnerin40 f hecürule thi !8 D.~ Jul>', and.- Mof u* lârd 1870an in Chntaý rst <rm Phu# ausg Chà t o ftore thori reat C~, shan coreiofft'o >' C *? in V5?ctUi4Iiiw, oeur sMcn prinuipaluzp tulthr 0 Tat a vopvtio h.i.iCo mont d sok th# 1 an biof *'i 7~b ' ia ' nt rta inM.sco10 (rom Ch and thl theorpanyund aaqgL of thot osd itw 0%~cf-rw. $h ofsieaith'i sfallfotna h a>OiJfWI5: tendfr hq f oa Zetafloii t~rdasome hiX atcboyn 0y~ ~ial r p fLo onCh SuC h là,@nnntloab vue, AdlCh.îptpgeti forc sud tek. offct' (roui thw andf !tha a,... ili 1ia ps i nag Chsthe "oL co. htfr li avoe ana.-te Ail k Pia.ed Cisc 1, PIC. iiî-»w

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