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Whitby Chronicle, 2 Jul 1859, p. 2

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seiyiW dt. >ws qurlgboS. Who I b hors , 8fr? I. beu bis 10. 707'- fi i homm m - g t. 700 usteltif y« - moretbonsi nOe r us rlmlr iind a vulto a lettor, tIRlmyOun (aluy Pmmiuqasvhm on ouThom. Muf. pàtcr Valam humrloffctc reesive bis on-l&F siv vslo Mar oq d tgbu uons b packIS P bu«voliy possesions, bslugistwnmlmed emtm Muy mlgit te hovb a tW$Iss omm d lad eu oome bleu orissumets,.fimily vise llvd la ptis. Wbuie sisl .agageiý, 'vibep of Coiuse'a, black ummliWoIsmd'aeOMPmU. Ws tises frostmumm, ia tome prejm ",eufor 44bte MMtgo toacOmforta ble lotgmmemo,u, Stan in Aa mmml "àami ota.sveiipuet aiMont. flrtimilusatmfmr waPlepple Loige, Md ablI pob""Y daom visdu s9tismmat.4visesMr. Vmllumc4t.buy Ine volcomtmgte bhou., Onas moay biashasite foot a4.emdins bçbis, rslin bdamd i enmmu i 1 teliisie f« a longtimetvwu Ispo. 'For A long liou ne, lcuy' luqulroi he1h adeevatvoui; 1 l du'î ylld'a* #'WiboumadI do My iosrt sali te sentutis4a, ooklag perpiexci.t 'Wb"t çoMyou do ?-t.i> 1hmas sai? -h 05golug t. marsiother 1- do pu 4rSet you srs alreAdy nisruloit $Nol go;it 1 'is.hebonor Md bappiisus of MsY Iw;b ib t~ Bu bti 7aioI, lI s# Tums1fYon wanl me to boartUt4sbrunt of thse'-t.overy. WetJ lly 1,11 ;,lilelMy gui&%hnyon 'UsmOle-VU tell *a boy, befons y to l0m fPnOmpa sbc lle It,4isiexpir- i- 1 llev.d msl( t. h epurbusi h o u uiy i phv, tougb I kuv ttat nphow 1mev )Wu bm ie imra *gui*=l1-o-to àSboota ralf- NIo, uo;« but vrmlu ybuîui4arom4y foi a momot 1 cern.WU me uait , my bouo doir, sud thmn vs abl Scusotoui me& -Âni the meu.n vOme o oooto ~tbtIutwoty mnuta from bis faut ap. poai, C.çtmnegioald W.tcu Va. tomies long the yomdto MndIyp en . ed la the oin.iof é'ut POU i bs,' sm oy mach 6acbmatcd w th~*e pro4pect An iii euirym i a i nlulintise boudoir, ýTiscioci opmlsuîd mcpeaeted t. tisir oyo tbe Yvlsgo0f fltoy4k. 14É ";ll getismWanbttoW l ipi. tisa tbit, a. 1(10show-te oilégani prcporiin Of blsseomvbmt ,pbliorl bot. Tit kaeft bie idafis eofpqmer ;vut b lgist hé a.vsthfar. 'Mo lftfoot 4oveibytsowa fSoredl bis noble #e# bommlgvlk a .m eu0aimWihn iTy oue, etrIbei-la statiag 10700 tbe grmenu iiif y arpifas, K1sislBotie 4& tala y.muyimtL Oa O~C- cW01, 8fr, 1 meaull ousi 1 ye. ydésire tisaYODshouud go tt. o mrlt.perlo allovei by the forasof tt.- mal 8fr im ma.a yo poelbly mald, o bs boue of my h1oit friaud, te bo.m mb- bues oeplso1ipre.esd t. jnmpl itise cobtreot Iwio vises1bave enitoredon your Ibiaf; maiye. bave ot gome' 'Nay; 700 bae soulMy Dmoig#doss, o- tinneiMr, Wbake, 'but, if Iuiaylh aI. lovod 1h xpcaloiyou bi. einaluc viso70 voue But gouov, tir, Xiess Waters, if I May msst.eczpreliOzs boy dyou doI' 'Qut. eil, SrOi; - Hénry cainebhic t. couausit socaud 1 boeUe. v r il!fi 1 tisaI evorythlug wvindiii W 00î iitfac. 'Ha, My dem Juiia I-Hfezy go&t t.e roosu; ve bave gsmoaelg t. a inteueifory o"r sai09 o MY f7i Mr. Vallanc, "difOll0uthexaple Ihope viii s»On bhgivcn by-'Pý 'K'tume., rif I_àmay umelis 'W.l!, assole, amduryK. *bb lhltM& il w eisdonu lti vméi ucoti it te 'gw IrNv sbSrty mit YODlsee" Aci pow, Um, b "ami old igmmc. 'lutbal m ve"l mmg1el.-e 10 ts Ivalammaé' ,dsanjmry 4 m out of qy Bot 'bd the t. do vlt itl mqnto onp id thbou». sveiiu.' 'OU -oliiUibe e b"m 01 moa.>If U04 before. 1Imbali ftesaita au a dmts-ý.wth tise ammkli u md gem !isimlayqo t.youmuelt' be h olt.efl mci a bfoSi- 'Dear Juil ' ' DearneleIl' 'Wbmtl vh old you to calmnii 'Eov-vba-vb.m~a a tr~l "À%y fgfs,' sai Hes% stopp4 gfor. van rom tise almoe, whero b.ei l>cems pendto be iyouyeukueos, Sir_ seeifg ropped; JIl- iol!ed ner lise sofa-but noer b" d.Hm, bal'b.ous.'W tinaSdtoyluslo carryof09ilà embarrai&. mut vftialmagb isç6syow's!eml4dme 'Yi?-.vory right-a isa-batyove gatison up tb.sioh" of P*Psort' hon, Nef, t. podet Bum toau.gy taluly'i tisalMdstosbiysud tise uncle la a breath, 'By proxyqfq os-msyh ix, replci our; ' aSm oi uiner on Fiifr ir evilbevwo bridcs 0<1150 partyà,adprovilici 700 malt is tt beauty descuve, 700 sisal! micrn béa word <om eitber of poof your sarcb on YOur kuce, ffor ametiu taroflodoer Mii Wtise atrolae ucneu PIOl thf meus 'fThât hild mân, Coruellai cnt en 'Tes, Kils,' s Mltblib" >m" ! 'Eut ereryt l t ntepiissu, i ~.Od~lssisy.h.sa&roth1o isfios tbe ieleweye.u. agyO t;' elad m bu bbomrtce ca- mut t us enfviowli id lot iMenaru ~. y âvgvàmwa tws lpoànd oe;t" bornelw pae down thse nil close tia rbé, cddzelad eqm tdualy baud p bave hfb oaadochof thcmrtisOf you cemuuman md W. so <auldes.a (ormji itwouald be oemouithfat'O eto c b f, th bfor au instat t&oeohat!..bick Iug oever. 'Afhi tt, 1v ill bq Jour 'gùmrd égaiut wbmteivcr force Your atb.r May Offei to YM v*fée. .CÉne, $1. prommi o l.ly m-e c poke, for tise mnyDeiytistbuniks m dam'ascina- "ou h feumdlt diScut t.rail£ .BufVoor- 1, 1Iau. boy 111.; YOD tsbarttMi stori Syýbut a ruato'tbiôv ,you <ýfpur gnou!; but bue, Kadan, ber., o idàa por- trait, you vimi ne M my ant..agalust yosi sopielou. - hMo, Mdmmi e th fcmturm'of ou * bO mvaof 'l'sO W"t- À obrl.k friiâra bcrath tie viii atad Y on knovtbe nnmc i ýiwrme 1tell nc'doyoulwow-'W loer vcr l amel berat isebou»eof med b. in teior sang togtbu e t l u at voov-but audsty ,lb; vau soitfor, Tusefrisaiet Wiobo01 ue0vo et wretarned t. Z-agimmif h'beiitbmt -fr *9taise mkef a foartnbu Mater bad bmgédblé MMAU"e mlcirAï oI Ibidà 9 utoreaalnd meOf bur butlth. <&ucéipMk f.lto, do yo kw If î1b# aelr-anmner Tbe. sfmlutoa otise .uvprw dC«Mrn. ' é o louImnovbu? eEmp me motlb. setch yen, la. supense., oxprcued tise affirmative. And ii nMe?7 GricosLatm u, Can it .b poïsible Ibut no, no--Jtwotud b. too mnch :bappi Wu, o. bernaîne vaacce v Cornelia laid bu isan on the oh6alderof tii. aInit trembllng inqufrer, mcd vhipcrc simost inastieulately, i ' , .. > ' Ahi1 then Vw, doar oreilure; y= uare snylovod, Mylo064 Mybà-ooff vitlztb 4 All riglt, mas; ~mi" Blhoia n hmea; 40 you lubbhe V ' 7 !LovcW 1 Jtobesue Ido 1,btiatli tb. olsi ràwal ima iibyiwkiqm.40,40am »VSue ,orvcdin Wadlwsn4? No Wondoi ho ordered tise voilto .b. kcpt dowe, lIl sboot bim Il . e Noefdon'tý, e,-smiml, 4fio 7 1 bid. fa de summrou 1 Hmsbe dé boul1 xm!LWbhsetëlà om,ç1d ,-A useouo'ock tIsai 'yoaSg got top *» bhar s e à ig-tàuior"., tisai illnmla.d bur ovu coumtenu Ode iÉéstllIoi b aid'ga ndoor to OrY"70 dit e7,reploi Maryç 'deai me1y'é i &id varitl'pl broým ' bgf &avay;O or î buisT hatts<A im, bi tin to tecous- 1 urr Tise ter=s for the. &.nl-W.ela4yWil h9end >of lbe y . ! l Weby 'Âtiwode Winlb.published lutre i, 'WvaWto;. $2. in-l!.be a-ai vhon ptyableotiewl! Thse posageon oMr Boai.W.edutsr thse lm of<Joly, vfl leb.liacom e. qmmrtes Payeaf tiste odice 0( delivery. -The po.ap orntlse. F7o ekvi .61 conu & quarter,.eTht. ln advae, Wbea not poi l in aun, ýtse ciharge or pýOte'*fl b. aide £1 tisé rate of&S <nt '% CO"p Our i sbscUnInhrs «Y cvmy ae vii bav to iày' their orpm o$sgo. fflUost 01" itou are, in (utan, to bu clstdIideelmal caumy. Para s ., It forcibly crs tom, Ujiona confit perm 8ras a mt it lot*. <oMr. Chomi »rmpei, to the zator o t#oOmna,1. Ym tisotb tise li, uddce.sl - ý mmd thse pmrl mdda.edl;bo* lab, er st dlSloi tfve.flg at b flua"Inluthermrssof thoOposiIo; <cs Gorgé Biovn, à& c«iding ttlb.E ditor of tise Timea1) in.. 41dlg insaieade,1. cordingto bis cor impondoslgo long a. tht. jnsgia #neof o<epàm individes tise "in md-tise oato, clcrly io t. otising lcfî for à but W0 vags viras bomlwe»may;lb.h'oia' te dreamdreama 0<aî unst talnabe.perfe- t!omz-tbe otiiersby -tbefr acta, t) prove that tbeirdvmim 11e-odor a suitace. it.i oo te nis7,1aftcraltisaimut dci tue q vcgt aterTspoito d ciîter ofa tis inu iniccOns0<l pourlng m tb. ntum of.Kmpdun om ý v tlh.~gae vûta ok, emglfu finaclmum d pcltIcu, sor eg-ai me 4t.îàl lydt.Uuthei "tie rces 0< tomiW, fojcd-Ily ndbyveunlydeaesmW, emti 16" ïutle*totb idâ4 â ran àà domwD rl t t hse folieolto t. e orl Mdi oloqunt momber for North 0Omialo b. eoed )poïm *a. sncb-uihé" but 'usa *11 ýl.'WIIwSIthse complaoeiy «tas-6là1L « )nthtlsepSS ir thc 'aick1è. f li.l roi- et bas mode ait ; -* w ii miri& ,i fev appks or killed off by nethis isnot gants tisv * to louos' sud vagabw. TW m -a S' lu frutheÉgg out«ripvbos.Tisr s e co ssu ise'EIRg bout lct per répo egardIàgb o.*sud'a bus tthe oppe Suan.. vmulisesa the 2"cou- j dinuv Md$r oelso.ofré hiasfand$o, ii mve amgin MAi Cossesous of WiTtbymmIo k- te th eds ut I a0ohmunty.T oe ld w tr bue teois'Ors o I lu Maseric bl oivato esa. aobooot.lu l9..ooi'stuertc. fUnb l thde.try lb.i tom1t dmIpsifn ter poWero.uIng ail as poènlyaingtou llom thu thr oe ra hi ýft. esd tîi' auing inpe" siltesTavmslwf t. dssrmtuile hOt SIN fuec[wOnlte lfthe eislmotMrlsaisini promisebr to th#umom TU eTOI 1Tbo E" 1 - - 1Cours., os : each t.ifnov iepeutiug t e folIy visicis l état, in preted, il <rom tpmsslag-th.e y-iv, osi ctotd m deprlred the Tovnsip Of a l ay. race, cor1 W.' are toli tisaI onotisor sb' fà ou The gmscr tie tapiat. aid la "conslrocting' tae road luIntemaall astih nothe Tovn& 'ip Conncil of Beach bini those iutssiiaubmlutiug ho t.e RulvayfDrectors. Tise fut EIelsre WCoPublish in tht. îapresuîos iltia src altaoluUomofte Township ouucil expies van tnoe aSire ort.&biisapprOval of tisaiboiy of the land Mai cursetaken y the Edtor of te Ontario ml bo Observer- e cg1awoftis ., M 1.0o- *va. distan dcii doacuvot i4, mnàl Ils a nt viicis,'hh. mare coii santùmnoos, Ms. bosisa Wr1ghevill fi 1hecfond Oodiffiouty m craking.' Tiso ilaIIva'y. ,For the .ý moniu hoTovnubIp b#ve Itaonno.me acon va. m4ds eou the by-4sv." Tise POU wvauojpncd oe.fei4thse Wded"y aMd ngnas mtisaday and Mde a Tisnrday. .. Wo bave notet smd eftisefna favolit. fro r"4lt ,but veowevt i a , a.he . lten. two thoee *t < ftb Balà. ,odt a the 41* Tise seot té hé isfoate inu ousue oof- is ectiusl of "sstoý - ~ < , , De"tyolMr- MsLpe f& FacÀg flu DovNu.~.Tv1p;tiX; M eda cia-o t.pocutative Muïons, Wtio nt an as t.jutfyt ciyzuiseî out, ai <e rom tb. Camnroa. coo oene f immonaIjtyl doha 'é~ vuiitlici.l of nigit«menthl"rotisey m cr embebçooqttitle s itCone. iltte t.O msn, moti bailisipthse temple of Masnry. M.11, im After tise scisson, tise procosomre.form. pQi CbWi od; aàm mrcbcdi n dr,'bomici by tihe ron of AI« Victoria Band, throgh tise Vilag, ibe O Grand &cretary, Harie, offi ciating aw Di, regulor mise reotor of Ceremoaies. Tb. uigisl va.vm oye t ImpO$ isg. uc Âtr ise proctission, te Be 'ndne oumppdin.rwu Offed up in eléoi5. io o an. E verytiing in sesbon v a. 1110 dci,' acdBio; Inglt.,sparqdýneitiser for tise abov, user cxpcms.i cin sda hg t. .9 ' 'a e N e vm m k e i a dm m i s l i SMmmd 2UtTw r sport. Thfi oe the Wity vwu est=] ite s0 good.l o st o Ismi-eiof s"ehia !t UN' for eemitnies. id and i1the, $YAo Tu 1 1

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