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Whitby Chronicle, 2 Jul 1859, p. 3

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t a arer ta emf# to tthe 'Èppentmet, sIY sa MiCegnpu M b enb.pru msd meu Thé Ceusrailtie m jmed. 'lbe C*Dmn Md met e àt 1at s êoo«L ?amet slBk Welip thse Mayor, é UMu191e vDPer, O au t ii Of a!.large numbor ofthle rstepsyeu of üe Ton, psaylug tlieComil to wmùmat Mr. Alan. Cmerono ln thé ofc bla Un "oniesof Ms. Draper, .eeemdodby Cayta S3OW l vau roaovad IbisJ. ;' DaldpÃ""be eplyedta melary d 01 26 Ve;d&7pto frUze thé nmeoolt Col., Ostimof o!Mr. Draper, dvid ltaln tÏ Nour& 1Vardj 1la thé.rom. ef -bit, oma MrBielou Vnutrdwcd' by-lsv for ti0s puxpo4ý vU ws reid a drud seond lime, aud oeuldod lu comnittoo o! thé viole. Thé umre cfMr. Tbomu Hsuston- vaprepoaod la cnuulueo;sud smd te 4nton bjection. ýOit the. pflng of the bl, M.Mr tiodul: uasü»eWoaiyy Thc anes ef! M. Hut«o' ule. vse then £Iron lu nsuacepýted;th er. -Beoflutiona paaaeddrecUgtini.*0 stor so atLn4 at the Olcrk'elo ce, ton Tiurdaay mmilug, sf11l ooeloekl to-audit thé Trai- unýr 's acconta1;sud t t t iw Clark boud «Or te bis iueeeaor il bocks, paper, &a., Lu his poa..sion, Thé Coanu tlieu adJournedutti MUd. day enaing, Jmly'4tb, sf 7 o'&cleck. tI ebua«. EnatmS Aqmotion, Le be Mou's Molicrn-l.av tii.moinde?' ou- ~p qulred M.W@114r the ycsugor? "Quee.,, OMMr4YO quqoi1"t repîled th# eider Mr WôiIer, vii bImprassivo gravlty. $isa's buesgettin' 'ssticr lu th e rlmouerder lalelyr oSsmmy,' sud shé's uueomonly pi- eus, te b. sure. sie's tee good a creatur formoiSsmy-I feal I dont dessine ho," "Ali," raid Mr-. Simna l, "LaL Vary aelf4meylueI'yOU." tasWy,"Ifne- hold 0, amm luvantios lot grouu-p poople b. é s g a SIc-th mi birtia, I tiua fiey omait tI ii$ol" uery uwli liSe te ses hmI systeui la uiles snmy. Ii ould way 'muah i uete oyo jor Mothé-Iu.hs bore UWlu, Wooldn't 1 put bt onot te "Tel ado youn taiohm vomen dmc to'thIserdsy, bat do yonfi thic1y dou 71 Don't knou1 replledauiubh? "Go4$0s aid ge .& a p oil oadnnkln' for a fe l, tiy cli.- fiels Sicp-ierd,"aid Mr, Taller."i wvs anadia' Marin' lu, it thl a'sop 4ev»ah et us plac, iser aee: a lutdbil l boutlt;Il; tickets hif s oon"AUl &pt""atiulobe mide te Tisas1Igot bema, lis. evu lie cou., mît4f fteeisihi'olnetvbock parleur-four- tom womeoe 9I1Ivisis you eeuld ha' board !oeOmyBaia>.Tieretiaey wue,'apie rasobatioseasud otiu' supplia., Md ail sorte-.! gsmée., Te014 ubat villayour Ilosela4v wonyugme te go, aid 'whaietl oy iooklrd te .eeluiý acu qseer tirts If1 d1 44,Iput mamnsdois for& -bicot, At six ol"k oun:rl"y 'eei'I drame. iyseif ont vWof ruit sd aèff I go" vlth ic old,'ousu, sud op, v va.ka loto£afetfléor, ubere thére vas leatbtsga fer fIdrIy, and a vhele lot c' v M on ibgis a vblspesl'te one suoti. Mesd, oumiî-sue, us Ifletiyd noVer 4Mei sytierasltout ga', n ofo eght.ad 'Oit>' ahi.. D»y.sndby fier. com asgrst, bu.Ue dovn stas , i alky aifap villi 6, v.dan ad vbl*e nok-aotls raies p, snd siage eut, "Her'. lie, Sisepierd a-I oosiisto vls 4bsigécS,"andin cesiesa fýt'#icp ji1b* is vILS a gru i tu ae * ~ ~ S thond fie bu isd the omem ,o4ansd'Toniss'd done, thesmamvlh bicsae l#o., I via juoI a fliniis ub1irobdu et rber1gin too-'sIpe ré . efS àà à 8ury ffle lady a itfln'd Oa~,s.vn la oomas the tes a"d yons ,Mef~rt~4SV At jisths> oy ln,tooLS sud msL' proleua boud hymu, Ssmlmy,' wIl. tise *wM.a iieis';j snclsa gnac.I W, nseesflie 8epbmod valSia' Ijilo lim sia ibas I ne«'senesOuchsaclapIeo t# ad TU vdood wmas1 ia'ftbysesiqsetbes#otpersouyeou'd Miaq40,gVub>yees tric otbuwuasnetil' OP Shehér bfta om udertl»taIW#-- am re .Weller aomloVu wgeiâ àb parsym etcIumheal.h graduWuy ter, ai ms eldly pagm eus witi s amey Tho. foloiewlm eont =y ce blivtb. ouf Iirttto théo utaretodin th@.CTnm fftiUOemom.t 4I tber<et., hég tl,.uulted 0musTMWJM Voe=r TM, Persan soidag4m." Yén m eale tii. lum Oofli sud bw bae ix abkble plesaur: Of r.pet* t4-e <oivlg m ti o f Coursf Temprs-oft IL Wulko, tailerf.,MmPdalie ehiums vies lu betesrcmu»tuco «Mte bv icg boom la tise ma#"m t t 0fddakIag tweuty yeara, t" il ded'a0noie," uicli yor ccndttefind, ;Pomiu loi glb. compowidêd eofiss Portt Metai, gin and uutm.g,(a grogom, i"sud Ïai 1#ff 10 Dov out of vork end poum«a,thbk9, puut bc tii. oster, oba.zu>or lb.$ilm cf lt. lgb hsd1 sz0t certain vW1110b4 )m gt k lit $ Y07lly -ia i f héhbd drm inknoblg bctîsteru bit h i.tlfok.< l",oi m wekmsould menerbavettka rUpY nMil lu hÙ34 sud tbereby occueloned mis sccld.nt(trM.NMde eb&,Idug); hlm nothlug but eoId ister te drink, sud nover fui tilrty. (Gr.t appl.uao) Betuy nMortlu, vdv rachild sud "0e e7o, .eu bWS nud îaing l>y flic day ; »Ver fbsd moreth"n Oua ey, but knows liermoherdrik botulad tout and shonld'ut veider if that etaud k. (Imumauaecheug.) Tiba Il not lu pOssible, " If #hoab" ledabry. W.s.e freM oitaie @mîglit bav@ ebd ttuayea by thla flua. (Tmrem applsnao Us'l At twmi7plac dbe vant te, te Ibsve elsitm o pene a-a £plut of poter,sud & glu.of spirite, but sunce ehbe a=e a miluber t théd"Brick Lawu. obnci,"bu alvays denmuded tbroaudulx. nl. .tead.(Thé nmmemenat cfftile mut lntereting <set vuszele it efnn RemiBuryDalevu for-zmuy yenstout- miel., MIvu$eu .Ceor dou limera dinog w"blehob drink a puet doit of forelgs v1 Memay .emetloe hve <asied a bottldesor pwlluhims; laot qultecer- wauoftbat; bilt I. amm, Ifhécdidlho drink i. contenta. PFui# Y#Ïlow sud melanoly; fla er fvesl., ad bu a comoutnthwr uO" luij tiilublt mut b. tw viné ho."dto drink, (Cbeor,) la eMt of, mpoyme4mt id n«vertoucée aa &-rop o!feOelu ine, m by iny cOa*=e (Tre;emi5pidt. Tic...Bauesîlapwreyoreof I at'." moit te l9w LMrd Hyes ad Sefansd iumsbmor f e6théComucu CeUMuIL.(Th iuuouucmest!tif616meml,.,'mmeva reedodvith brestilnbterat) Eues voodes109 j dua vodeu log .Upoualvc, gelugever«thé aones uao "'WveU oud1 baud voodeu lmg, aMd drlub a bot glu..of! aembilydosagaie tlaith ilS cn. iti s«ý niit !,,aiedsdmrlJoy- meut, Dv bcdad*ptad tie bmMier4t* f iWo bumeliud Of, ;aoil Ybc magTsosmsAlj"te tis tane -t fiahe od edlli ubeishé#vould»"eo plause.>lie miâjil bae fistoppontuniîy eof exprnsa bis Ormvin nction it mtic lite Mr, Dibl du s aelnle msorn cf ls for- (Whlrooftlmd otiseersà>T«e sap m on , lstr.stmg o uagm ) afnbs doxlsIof M e eiflesig, bis lu h îlÉesttnlurd of tie peette "Ecb alog, dtinblmg a a fg 4 ai il ou.w bhus te prove liaI ho muet hava boo a vater-dnkeri (Chura> Oh-t v isa ite Ai uba wu. lie yousg mis'. reverd J.e% 041 youg mes preaI esark fies "OTie mdsail OU oaied te bhWboit,..o sem4y" Loi d aohma vileSfie laite WUt Ia' bdlg$ uMplo 1 Tbi n a41mos on.r a the rsyaof a pslnellin f'iduabhlm of led !y uisted blm te mai», kWs boue tli#a bous, la Nov Oslaau, for as due, laoplg liait hé oul'Od griat700Mornlook Umer csmly ipen lM >b.maoamLait bofili- 1t b.ppma ud bt viliti t6-fllylu W"lcb #e i, bes e mest4iOste*» living s Young sud Mscempl.bed ldy, ef pacilon upcî thé' AMOW stmingr, luis upon haraif fie pieus.dutf etmdoing onrq'. thitnglu brpower te alievit. bis aorrous sud mis. hum !orgel lie -Put. Sli Played tua sag for bina, reid te hina, tait I hlm, wslkaid iI!hl, rode vllehlm, ud dm1>'luigboduJokd , lahma &«4 mn sd:tmmuitcrio l ie gnaatsor 1u1l" galetsWhou brougiîudor thé la, oeu«. of hhe ejoymmtud eltso fat liaI th gentleman beco enamcred îaîftuw d udofferd il. baud an&ifortune Wbeeste r#ho lpoesOd ibig pfasien, or viiethé i" fduLitab#, vu 1 iporaeool fonciersud h bs *elby plad nte 1imeucf lie, "aiion spon bis preoaltos, kJO at i quatios 'proMpo bemiosdered bem, eiu"caIt t y ubits a pted bis ofrt stipnlting ft, euot ef dueseepefto e i Ie opinion, a Yeur mm. 0lape1M efer magnlic malUgpoede. As. gm cubacquent domutie' settme4ul, in l fue, evev tbln veut ou svia"ul tu> n ti11 -muirli dmoi f histersao! probot«i. Tho fnut ofsaluigle dayin tLis ememaj lu theummadso! othés, sere te dntrcyilu au tuitaul hi màdrmenlal scb4ues, hiugli ibotieri$ flsnbeueut pescof ulud sud h&Paplusse var e fpromaofa lbaby ila question, A short tîne pfflvl ouslethe &aYass$Weslortlà veddlu hé .eleed& Le«te rom hi. vif-it inthlu lb. a- dalaet BMc de lanoro, %oniung hi. fiat sie 4W idof!thclr ildren ve,, slvei Mudv"il"sud vonld- prebably b. lu hi. ama vilia nery brIe! petiod. IL appeau tutbsî tb omds le etcto d om ef thé terible atour la *ickis Ilbu beu aup. pmiost ud bcrlîtieoncs voroe bat, uadinx-clnng teb.eryoungeat clu, sud vinevaes sumbmerg.d lielsld, Md oucplavay encry hilag on it4 sic float id cUl' Inte lie gui! lapon cartain frg. fially, afdter sbfriug lt. tracSe of oues oing vousi, te sud fros flic port, ah.o 'vspieked îp by a eutisd bomad ohip sud errwedte RMe, no opporunty ce- =Tirng, la thé mmatime, te aed ber bacS t6e bkBatea. T6é voya&'ge vmus'long omet sud oicebsbd preveted lutr <om lsklg hr natve lad, màpd by some fatility gia. lete 0llllé s iI. thpexwa teoufracbelld buts- 1evheUMs 'preylous te ber onui a. Wiafollov. ed-«creadlybel ulisesbo-o vbetiaer lbé ie Iuus et Irlspp5, froisat imu;boraie peer Mgisýn Orloto las aid lilte hyitesOOe, "1 1ll hm u pogaulgtise!y reuued ar 041" p±si" sud vis hbapy ii net baléifg pelad te 1ev ei = sso*l ber'huebaa bed asespd sllplugs n S luto eou svbcll il, froue cfî t, vltiaentua iv nesyamaGà"04teckel>pir cap et thes', tfo!inchb-miser>'. Eveu lb. lieall robci ecidi o'i lns ordt Lite usuta of hm s.defsrad speciunsof 'usut'baôieî pi-ve, and titis daid b>' lhe <ami sob, a sbrlek of pain or a wesk 41-gi. in oigtso Ma dit l ticre vas thauam Who îonld ohlaawloa banc tel- lqiml pekily hum domestlc occupa- din,;*flUmsilàÏoàed te epose tbemtelves 40 alitter àcause ibiob la not liir oc#W,ibebyho* oing about', uer care for. It wa«,idud,sabardol BDut Il vu, abovIselal, viten Lie wonnd. âd bd tobcucvedte the carrlaflbth thise bonitood'becnarnont intolers- ble. Sncb slsrleka, suait pale lmce, contraci- ed b>' pain, snob tomulml The. soldffio ordeved Le transport thotu sonied le for- gel cvcytig lu fiel anlies>' te alIiato te paIn eofLitasufeesThoe pilstro- plit f oul Ébaie bomtouchiad b> on, uucb are, tecynle >ult laine anc.od at tseIdes Liait tb. very taon vieobha madee lie vounudiaicld nov fr7 te cure the iulsblefrady te begin aga4in.3De- fird studtng,,a uev,,distrIbution cf drink tooisplan, for wliWather .rema ersvinsg .AIt W bis tsliiusW, Msd lOie ese cof tie traiu dreuusad il ef as., wvIle afe 'trnus of the ube.ls ooi us otof sigittof lb. stalles, Ona cgr &arri t Mi0 s a nubaeo-O1 ncbsucr ses vere rcady îalg, ullb glaisesflamomado te sse lie buo ibi tbfsfter a p orgecfmore lian suour. "Yos>nsmpéd out ofthe c4rrlsge,sd sà feu stepe broogbî yen into anotiier iorld, th Çlasiglat e1 misr>' te tb.of bappi- sien, fracs auef(un te sadisut cnes,froua ubrlaks cf miser>' te cries ofjoy suddoaI.ý talion, front a fer, uretclaad, onfferinkg nn, to àpeople mad vii> joy, fremna rslîwby trit% sful0c! "manl pclu oî f lsumiulty te s large t1cm lu*Ito basf bell. <157 aMt te inldowa doecd uitha capets sud Irloene, Frencht and Itilian, Lis baboutihlîied miLhShflu<ar, gratlug, .nery nov enauloru as ued, Md hhrov- Iug tlevars peu #11 soldimre ittieut dia- tinction; ltae sireata creîdpd mita pOopla iturrabing sud lpplng tiair bandsata anar> uoldler or officertiUdecmotd viU the Italian fricoler andi LitaFrenchb bIaln tise backgred. Atong Lie croîd yen, conld sec ie Frenchi treoparw, e«r'on. scospsnlad by severl tovuspeople, sud 'cannled about in nîaup-e«asges f nil of thé ew guats tsud thilsentertalnav; .cl. villisus villalbthnicolor lID the baLLon.t bele, as musiset on lie sboalcr, sud a pi- f pas5 sln tu it# bat, ou vilbvu aprintedt ' Ord4ue $fuweu4,1Thiou.vero tef Municipal or KstlemalGuird o! Volantoast lu thie c[itdét1,and tapI by th. police Mince. "Inonauoird,mlan u; se r'elet 5 Lie, ýreteof Lie Austrius sud lie emiry>' QI OUsefrench, *iIei b.d faisan place lt"f "tYlîkoe Bointlon et 180i,'vien lh0-Oil luté, Oba y ' titilime twr. Austisuavsustdliplse~the à o! ulgla t. T tliueperlancao! 195*te b. tare lieu and ths es ÃŽ&tbiudhem, tleb. Austits udt m tlaI -Mi a 'sun.9 leubl, udseerl dysig Iicrdone oftieeieeuvboaasdbmeu ike t le0 b attle of Magaute as>' tel a rovoltiostiL milan was ezpeoe oesbef'ore thé>' b.d léft., 'Th ic l. of y e leasmae)i sulperius, .Md fhe Anstriasus teck isej? vise stop cf! *bsidonugthe -dissffaead louis. Svon beore telia of thtie defut 01 lhé AusLvlnu paelrstlreugi oteb sourc eas pect of the Atatriaus oemlng biai roi tise front nademâtilno v swauoae ceeu rr ves operup Insy i, klatnilhtensua U lumlnatlen a& Impro yled l>y placlug ou lb. balconfea aIl thc litbt vetiodlnalda lthe pastnilnto. v as swu tulklu& for it v« lb, llluminatio o L. behle loin allihe ime msfu-ospouteumnasuMd audden li 1.4h il"u *é-ir lufei ut "YLI rate eît tit mVas, hat t. Ye nsdIgpoInt- -Atf Sek 't4Gc Dperoi sud King. mse telti#yll4Ibon. It>o0v c16b4ebau-paadtwi la iil Lie overlgf* hsnii Q îe ti#ll mi viti #il lhe p mb "hbsucl an eu$ry ad- ule.Wllt ouI>' vue no A-Jvâtage body knv p-tohrlutýam ntvhu b. vie èhffa totaeplmc, s.toivslyhuUro vusti qioî u r.r' ttow sio Noh MI 1.leprqo o i aate~K troops prec&d., tging notice balaye bad thtLt oueut vuappsoeeilne.No aplondid uniforins or- gudy earlsgn.- ýIL vasirnply ticýenfry o w omnei Ltheid of Licir troop. hé' em ktro the. lat station, l3obltte, t c sbu sil body of cavslry sund guide precede sud aimécd up the voir; ln tblo Midat Lb. two S«naicgs, thelicKngcof fardlnl lun-the rlddlobathle rosd, snd the Itip.rio sl rlgbt, botit <oltovad bytbhefr stiO Tih. sliortest rorgd vus eboson te Pose Lrougbl theo toinltuibe vliw Boniaparte) wielchI near tIse lardini Publiai; but- IL #a l t lunvain. The. nevi ef Lhe arrivilaprod' viti th tiquicknesse!llgtning, sud wvu miade patent bv one fnttic abut of joy, vitab mc i ngbl aimaitay lthe viole toin gave veut tlelii feelings; lth. Lieu. sanda vite ver. alreidy htronging lie .u'eet bagan uith ono impulse te hiurrjyin tih, direction fmou vbI I mitenot ftrot aroae. The scee La! ilfhlo the tic go- verolgnaactasly pasad, iLla lrnpolailolete dpecnlbc.im1" 0 e cmaduces of enLia- sm, thc viole basrt ofapeople poùrod cuL beere lbos4 vite b.d dellvared IL frein longtitnaldoin. Bnci uiay bave been lte receplion of tlaee demigode of oid, &(ter klling muo ild mi nonster vitici sad dcoo- lsted Ltae worM W otan ey. b.d réasie Learless, sud prend uibava beau the tuoinent fo bot. One such moment fi slnost auslcut te repay for &Iilte cares sacrilIcesud ria1#,4viitenut whlcb a gaît verk s t effs a snc b. c coupliied , suid nceur>, tee, arc sncb moments, for Lue>' gliestrengtte lncîeffes.AIl Lte ontward decoratlons dlsappesredbefotlb grecting eofLie people 'Iflb. lowreoolong prdeparedf( e o. ca Ion,,wu@ Slmoaêfor gotten luthe emtste oLemumtl'and fell o<aiJog e f thm W idpsed for vitouSt a9ybd .beufptendo&. For lte uit , «l e w ~ten eeo dmrugit tht 1 wotefl od1 mP@I.*# Mule comate- nance o( theRlaai4é- iedbve been mrue of a 8min4 Wit beoot ima Lreopa casa sdsmjthle streefa he":dloM -ùr te licm - ÃŽ' tia..vE4 ied- niontiuw b sd ot4Wliss tlux,!to'h featbcsi f tb. Bcragller sud Lte modese aemèd te bavé -uIà, li te op"r, 18fl9,wye tiisinw ýbries, 11111.army lb. afffeac rrtenai 9 ýWo vase p Tis' f~ carred ubilcitaitthts uspon th.e ng!o.'Iý Tbe preels. aasagiuoroue0$air luspir; cd wu &aut lie iundred snd 8tyeuùble) lobhes par minnte Wcu ri tglub, Lue in- dred eûbIe mouu te u 11 wnd éimaisd. Mbudý anudr.d dfty bc nclwlnoi u $. rivast lAvilA t as"xo nomnt-dy Thé f1UoAl gbbrt1-0 mtg , ifbaD Nais <nomue esofe!*ulEimtl,por- tant Tba Astniis veanarcstng i1'cm te linoefdts0810gleRvv,"lotaisesapoi-. tien bointheIicmincIe.' frites! for a dacisive a* siçmd' s aIu A Frenciuavla dmnwmlteon lie AntshlcuaVr air o epca Lord Piinwertesab.tfSsl str cabinet iuçIudlug od Johi naît, Ms.r Ûlsdstem, Lord Zigln, Ms, Cobdan, Mr. Mlslleù,161,sud UI,"VIllle dsollu. e vrn allglsty lever. Provisionsuiglyoas geler nsd neame Thé Bro Me, Nv r, lpiMe5 Thé Britiahs Milistiy' bu riguedà.- Lord Pimenst o .P ri, Lord John Thé Anstnsusbava .vacsaaed Placeur, Pan, L1» odi, Elega sd Aronsi. The sitadel sd "6"letim o! pfleyg ene« Tic 7tolmeo!fie 184 »ryai-Lr Derby fla t mretha li o ie é artar Lcwd lbMinbus>', sud S J oin Pskiugs ton opthé Cnid Crou ofttse B"fi. on safurds>' monnlug0 r nie otoslsM. signafion wu for"milysnonseslby Lor DerbI'. Os lieDuthe (ýn of Bstnrdsy,. Lord svllle reMeied *srn& p rn tb ic ,& Qe ndt lberMJeety's crnrnsnd, vsitcd opens Lord Paimesaton,sud cmmu- nulcatdo histiheveso e QQ n la, the iauodwmt s umot érý an-s ulfaclthe. sllghtaitIlfln idPsaeo o- oqted te c soLr truvlea Prime mlulator 1Thé,,Pubits aorrapondaut .ofli Lodon raya Ot*fië'nm (frTm Visnia fîwVssLke, Thé impRpr -Fe zsloÉ eviltake lIse esmiad .ftieAsm u.efI af ou Thé foilbeing iletievhuabéeu ru eeive. t~s 1e 0 a"orps vu agalas a- lebd ut Mlegmis Ã"à,w ldf oIbe.W Iveen luve adtlq m $bouus mem.Thé lofa ion M, ?slOestçOou lie sZat May, Woue 16 ocm ae n sd 613 mon; 1114i gnr, aud 714 mes, eafr 4aanj of eher a e rz - À,e apIi4 &pitebfrem Bolegm. -0& msnmtl t $,Àu$imgI ave u~evsemge5 tii.. toi -Pub sIStIL The.Au.frlansa bve -cons- pWel #,must. t" tau of thé Cburcb ;4"Ànomà lis evcuaedby the , Austi Of -To d*uilyNcwàoMe14tb uaerd Tm, lur bo offeiredte rets.si sud sidne HErt vU.probly b. ÉibI.- t«o f *or-$ir G, C, Loua Praideat cof th e IiidisDoa d dMr, GLýi*4UtOC Caw colles Of tbe Ex4eqabr. 1Sir u Gra&Obau, Dake of! Neweritie "a tiie-1Put of Argylehave declUed te joi tbo ~ ~ ~ ea nofwisrsl L~~abur ,V, (brotbc o!thb ride .uIstby the Bey. T; 8"'Kennedy , Sc. tut~ cf 1eChrclihclety, ýDioceuTo. r",le A. Hughson, youngest son of<the Jinito Kri, daqglter of- theie'ut. lIe ohurab,JHamloui, on th.e21.1it t , ibl c f h é t a u l I t n J e t e ( / ? t o K at h cr ln e 010loU agt of dm 1 bte, Bdward Du, n sý'P>merf,!yodLb.he nty Lidai'., XM UJi O M ,1.-Oa the 201h lu #W#ut, M1 Uonrei&m ute L.brid'. fs «q I, tU, g1h 0 Ben, 'Colin Mouro, Yaq, ShesIIof lb. Cowîty of Elgit e AMais, only dioglter of LÀndlky Mec., !.q., of Po rBuce. @hrblllinîl. I'rrueRc. u eli .hg se d Dala'aMgleal Pain Extraer, lu ail dia"ue ns ltsstinoircor Logs iîrt- deniltiat*-iow te'allity I,îinmiln ,trlkê» t thenmot ofihasesb.seaalntuimsc ure, aiw viiaîlay 1liismation let once, eciel inake s certainari. D4aldye H< jûk4tZ Iain F.d,'îct<'uil Mcu lire !alowlig"aeiotîg te cstiaus'e ' of SMi bruaban0cl's nteIuiîs, suru.ivke ,t basilon, braisetraluns bitc-s, pois..i, ,a!ý- bleiubilai stoitiâa, ulrsf reve'ic, ifr44,h esru4e, pli;., onon e yag, itfseîi manst %I aid besd, oui Iscan, 0#pom nnitoruit oab,srr* s't..o adliîetic aal csrry ont iuq'j.1i41, fit an-t t tl io Nwtiitt1ieort~ire J)l q'2ikd Fàin If4rrini1i,;, Lwirona Lds. i i aiti U 1.ticiî,.4 t prlaaipg nature a fw 'e O n bcW m W( i, ~if.It,1 tgcly 5141d051,7 <'tu e iay.ii io . kbpl, onrtuanu sIr',i~5 . jW IWni 3ttr vle gamn"luleas ia i, b.x lame OPouIIiý lt ela vlng -viîlîite aicw afliemryDuIWy, 1ôns$s1abyùaIUseDrugt*piant îtlnclk4i ,uo %Dau ar.st We, i-IUibilg,2 ym B,&iiTronto, poii -4..---Iy to re2ales, Isapon 03eleb rated Ë'e 14. 1'.pkian Fcbaordkigi- Tbitinvudlb n1tdifinilm cure of sU tlw* oinulfulsud d to vhleliLi the ualècouïtltatlc mdiate, sibxees-sd rom. flusd pe.y dye i Sa1 To M.wre& ladieâ ile .r pan vilini, *me hort ime7brn p.riod witii regulartty. Escli boujttirice. One DciN poeoureýl ,'d Petic 515k md hubafi exaffs4o 'ton ofnUci ail~~~~~I "iie eu hv ild .nta ioy, cérn titîgin*t' sio oentq $rf 48naWt I th. D.#/Osdepot ' tgu".At'WÛfl IewsiLxzo, i., nt bahil. WGruin Udaind gtmsvCuucrâînsdo m ordur. -e [A1i VIEGAS «n nov ,e lied la large ormlquaiat., at the- Whitby Brewery. WhlbyCHAS, CLARIL ui.22, i8i»j ------ Extraot from the the Roacli COUD held 27th i3ue 4pt tise TIL&lbKsg j duMu. J.AtIhirâ l Ile oflfo 4,,(nrve, aud e el,t.foir tlu insuil> sud Ott 'r'î ,>'sU eaie.sit Pî>1,oy b(e-furvsnai W ILLIA Mii Iprorscubnliiglog hiomi il4foruîiicîî s.o ius>l1d te ls iiLALiVbrldga, Win-be ié nion Milang, aid oneuanm bîgialy ap Mv. Eus. ;Us#iatoea Whittil, Jnne 29, 190,

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