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Whitby Chronicle, 5 Jul 1859, p. 2

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MV il, htbsshid ownsSyW isv d ioe' on ihll. !sWeéal lu~ ~s riêhI ' r t . c ft lm* mer r frjalaeib. "iliL.l Ilow'plîe.ftop 09, fsll.lép44k, te qgi XW . c Pme m ou dtep, t et. Whrim f Cd to podtk.,-dthe, a oooMyotMOI~ -And bltrthf is.rdaeys" ho, Thtin-l= dýtOnî grow on tbh11111.>u ldé DASIV MID*OORSVVL iaI SIXO (Prom tbe Toronto Leader.) the Yaetrday afternoonX. Blondin Pet- tOC formoti the. extraun fait of valing Ion aeresthe iagamr«« veon àtinlTope. '" For a fewweoiLaprevions t Lad Lacu wld-of, ly annoneti that Le vas W perorai thUsai& <cal, butpeople §book thair esd & W a umilid. -Maamy belleved th tblug ho b. au dui entir. boax; viiiotiiers, lm .luccdelou ta wve rlrnly oonvlnced that If ho von. to st#i attempt it b.ho it b. surs e', 1o 4anl d du ecome ont of the attamupt vith a broken mi nock or sometlîing equally frlgitbil.' Bots du classes vere, howverr, doomned to dsap. s pointmant. Thou vio regardudthetienau. ii noanccmcnt Ms a fiction <ound, on visitlng et] the Falha yestcrday tbat the. tope laed b..» log alroady laid ready for the. preformance of tdu the test; those who wsre dublous sa te he ii. iuUcLsi oft he teat foun t temselves won- tic Ieifully and axrceibly disppointad. X. f.t Blu1(ndin walked'tii. Tope, and bat too le ML * a inanner to please the -moet captions and roi àtiund the moat incrcdulou, un nie. iaco selected for the, laying of thei LI rpe wan about Midway between 'the sus- lei î.:i~Bridge andtish Falla. liere tbe su dîàtaneîc front bank to banlc la 1,100 feet, pi i.erooas wlich a hempen tope two luches W i ilitueter Lad boen streteed. To this o guy or tay topes were, <ateneti at-Istan- a ces 183 fet spart, wblch wers irrnly aI.th tsîcled to posta to itiier bank sud'the ait bordera of the. river undcrn.ath. By meana ex of tlinesutays the main tope vas n.efrrly uo scu*rcd that when M. Blondin firstcroaaed ro it scarcely a vibration vas perceptible. Ah au trio point wlicrn tiie ope vas laid croas pi the bünk on the. Canadie aide of the river hi the elevation was 15 fech greater than thse 4a opposite bank, and the distance te the *P.p a est part of the. care wvicithe. ope formn- do cdl, fron tihe. lzointal Uine, was about 30 in moet. The. iielth rom tihe river was about vff 140 fet. -It au at fint intendeti by M. wl Blondin thât the. tope shoultib. laid from n i (losîLdais t orne Placenear Table Rock, I but Mr. Portor, who owv est a lU"d, n voulti not permit it, asying liaI ha voulti IL b. no party to taking the man'.Ilile, for Sc that La believeti would Le the. resît eoftthe fi tria. The. tope Lad, therefore, to b. laid ri et a peint about equal distance from the. BMige andi the Falla, ci In anticipation of the. large gatiiarlug iî wiiich we expecteti would segble Ir thse fi puqx«on f witeming tuis extraordinary Il trial of agllity, ail sorts Of upeculationa -ers à seýt on foot. On tb. -C&nadan aide bootiis and tenta innarnerablo wer@etercted, every. i thing that wae requiredte W lake the thit ti or appose i.appetitit ers edispeused y ad Mbium ; erecienerom whlch tW witneAa à the oigbt, (rom lb."$6gmad stand" <oits i leu pretentiensneighibors, rearedt tir as- r plring ii.da, rom whlch flostet lu the. i ing the. day, wviieLmust Lave gresly favor- et th. nimnbîs acrobatthouÈii as <ana mh» wuna oSrned, ho declaret Lis inten- "liof utwalkiuj tlw e ope no mater vba. wiuil blstw. »u e are w"andrig rom <tbm art of ih. ouhb 'cI more pariularly underntc ~twlupreieOut tinie, usaily, Iii. peilast vhl.b veto mid&laintif o Ma Imag âmSe idiot Iqvbien 9Q4ib ail. e-f 61.oi ton. te ,lm-.1h. au4e. reniL 6 qttbinbia b*hed sa "ma m» teovere erot,by W ,rm to undsrptu sa d&4avus te b. o,' ý0'TLe est X«100 mle" ,guet," Ie sie UTh.am mela tbe vOOW1." bshnredlo@iilii TmoIoMe 0"nt <0loo, à au pp, ebt Ubssre 4d dome prthy omed5rable bukl DefreKf)L oula étesup(toit o eOatha ido4>i.t oos, àtbsàmIArerc eby pefr<ong onsiigitr@pe vhio i bd ex«W don <Lbauk. ,Âfterbviý ëtfh dwbie esielseswbich laatcdJ eutbalfauiiou, hetookis stand on w pIat1nrm -técross th. river. Wicn ho ok tii balacepoo-a* rot' -hity àc" ag, antilghlngabou forty poisai- 0 hms bauds sud st.pped upon tise endi rL nb ope, th. twe band-on. at eseLt de of<tharrive-played up a quick step, ad on. bond>antilong hurrah burt fromt ie thoui tofvoIe.. vhlob tisougeti <Le nIa. Afis tLe <nssit Lsd amld dhL enppet 4»t1&1til&Mbu .lbly, havlng »<o n"t thiotidmeou incline of about ras inest l ey udreti. Arriredetia en4" of e frethkn&drM "aeoraoo ho stdovas upon <ha tope, <hée lay lfa po» Io Lacst LiaMolegs <rom oeaside ho the lier an thotbn aIsng. imiral<u u pon one e. Tihe next buntireti <set Lo pannnd ia be am arn vbut et a suarter Pmo, mev- 3g bis legs very,.quickly-a sort Ma trot- ig motion. At theaend of< <5k bundSet eet hobealcoued for theilà"Mald Oftie UF4, viicis vas standing sgainah the cut, ent a miiort vay dovu the rivai, tW corne sdernstb the tope antiLoint s botule ho ii Tlâ'bolg don@ by nmasiof apul- ey b. drank a buper to the people asiore, ad 9»eudsablng the.botdetia btse vata, ooceied on is coursa. Ha took oue wre reot'b<r arriviug attii.end of the tpe, andtihtn.»rau tii aacentthothe Canadi- a batik val qaickly. WL.» apwo«cbing lm slim lt MeMed ho be the goeal imprea. jou'tlmatba vam ligiitly vea nd stmorn ,qmeeti etfor bis mafety, but ho tid wt imta Lia Pecoa yul, Lut carneUp the ope anti Umtepeopo» <Le plat<orii alYt, aseustroitiy as vLan h. atattetI. His Mongeo occupie t tenty minutes, oving hg ao mnauy delayo. Hate a cnovd, botb ladies id gentlemen, gatiiereti aronnd hlm,ý Mesgerto oLake i#isanand M toi Lis îriug faat, viletise general usas joiueti n glviug Liai thtee biarty cheers. 13e ras ver, macis plensei ti ahehi. elcorne hicii vas tinded Liai, andi maidsmilingly , broke» accents, I"Nov, rny test rMentis, [Lave got over, and 1 Lope you yulte- uembor me, I csn't speait v#7 good Eug- sb, but atm il l ght." When hovwu abla w break himalf saayLotool àalittle me rreasmeat ou the stand vhen e Labd ar- rvedthe<S baud playiag diUod, Sire tisa lacn." Be thon drova tiirough thé crovd lu a catriaga, intisi itigut trem inyhichihoLWdonossatilthe rofo, bis frenda taldng up a collection for ii. 1h Io tuppoeatthat b, eiud dituring<the day about $500. Aftrtrivlug <Lrough tlio people <or about anIscur, i. retunetisuant e-oroaset tLe Tope tW <La Aineanaide, Lavlpg pre- riouely, at he arequeet of Lis friande, drunl Sbont ialf s glas cf chaspagus. lu stat nte seutmoat gse, sud actuslly Mau actoas the topa, vLich vas ornevha olmer <han vhu on . lit came over il, sut coeqaeuhly quivanat a little, go puaat ovar lu savon minutes, Laving taLon tvo remsaof about 30 sýacoudenacL.No. tblug but thse grealesi admiration vas ex- pucuti u et>aidlàAthbis vosidoful agi. lity 'iti prbuofane Mnud. Tbse nwe lierera are entirely ecorltd atise daLlons vot " atWon l! tou dbt. The peopls lthse» sepred, sma for Tot.LyAïôBr Md Ontario 8Bulltoad, suti ie l. "sm Ziirne an rvlag Lira ot* jqumete- piest il; -ethiera-about 1000 -leoft or Buffào,- b>'tie buffale metdNia- gara Falls iroad, and tihes steamer Ar- ros, ich Lad couvcyod thLer W Chip- pava; mo00e0,oriljev York Cen- tI raI tlhoadtomet h e saSttes; saul a stililaner aOSria Ia ltc the co À14' Al Loirevir, separatet villa tLe oe feeling cf pleasure, admniration aud- M i Bloninlas rnhia-ona Cawal-un4 là nov about 3Î Yest ofage,ý yon<L, Le Sas foUolevet ha bttlof s ag891, ss u eepmeU. ý ir, 0ev 4118160 e tlm*an «**Mthé ,lavai ai I tI ib *bt tmitane, U nastaiut le WIatty Ure.-W £mpr uer risas, aseus Wa 4o o.... 00,pni West ,do, - d .P8,. M, Wce tdo.' do....... f, p .. r M Oaces Nor i ute-r- esd8on, t..........in lobe# hreevitio ou, toiiiiuuî. 00lou I massa .asuve. e IaetpurGrautrnk....... 05.. At thdown. d ae o..'.. 931sin.e .o100, p.m.a m. DîvesIondiy , WbIt. Ant.he o1n859, lm muu ommrl, asucîs oeter,"s, Brook l>verluaa ot, lsue. » 8, ISSBooiîtee. lAoNIAYe5cond Oai. W-vo At" lÏis, e Tovis 1.11, vr Miodymurmn, 10 o'ek, a. Dm., u ,Wtè,p n Au Fvra bMond(ev Chelsîg, mia ic onhall, ooulo yoozun gyreau, 1 se. c tseetmgutioisl Tberdbeoter o<aimonl Osue1, o. 130 um.sm.,ond Tuep. m.l evsry nonth, CIdvelI' BImek o Sire 9693d MrS t Jo. 81 0 . eun F<lda lu6 eean ,n" giîU , P. mwlR'sBofin, Pois WbIttmv . U odnit', tein Hall, mo> svningsÎD lt i'mlc, s., sud 3 e'c.m , pun(llr estey SFasim. K.J.PNTA <hnwwvom Qnmrtcrly pairs pluet Weduivu'asle septenther, Tiret Wad inedé. uIeember. ONLT OumE DOLLAR À TZAR Wldtby, Tu» diy, JoIy 5,91859. Ilumbage and lHovraclug 1 Tue York Heaull, a papr pulisSe ta RicirnuiH1in u i.conne o f York, la lsbotng bard te acqufraaciarscter for norilihy. Il Las Iatoiy taIe» ho denonc. ing Races, anti "idi exibilutions." Thsis la <Le-iodo rrligiqostrick ýeàotW to by sil ciiaratedi's mpostora, anti Lypocriles, te acquirs *,ciamolorlu tisa commuait>', vLieb hdhitou tubes coulti neyer enable <hem tWposu. WLhtiat rovevirluesj are insnfficeant <o denerva, <has cantifng flleva fooillahy fancyiat tieir tencuecWa tiessofMtheir aighbora cugist te ebllin thern TIse following la tLe <asion after vhieb tLe Hadi proceeds <o comment upon tua Rac ourse. The tyleisia une Bovmunvll 8dSk mm suantiOsiava Fin- Moiter-hIke ig.ms-rola. haut tié bous$ luas noblleulDit ja , uiliiîiiis; fbu ages hohi Lisefoie titiîliuble usrVit-uutb- man. il*ia ise dsuia4asu le r, &ad aitsolauS surVes i hm le peso.. îne hasuîa# ,0iuio lih. LevaIs ofthélu asrît teanitablua Minii id ie nus teute<oWarinu lisiis ad et Loe, l Ihlay pii- 6sil l'aile, liea 1180 04sin it-' Istc avir>'disheici tu oatlaf>' hoa taaîîgsotlie epicuru sand glus- ton; asti, ens aeiuruasedl uiur n"YI$n al the suu'y saniuln e roielusu Ie wiluulu sptidlm Wl be pss-nn n e osMiai rus-nut suk, theu tuundWu anamurlls, tIse fieuy eya, or tui uajare*ù prauiiolssg 0<a higtu psrlted saed" #$But lan Oui slmplelt ,VU have alwe1ys thesugîi tWaI» &bisaeastusL latlIss-ora a s '4 Su b 4sgli >tlusti We alwsty* blr"«iil m d lposaiOStt #. lsvun "avuhIs-as-r llarcehntâtb#aaltiftI iv lufotriti biiiisun <d heuert sfDty, I vnotl mor nobl h o tseWIitfo;rus» e rby,. ofe% Tosu wLart dbors-.datiWl'utle ove- 1> umglsuswbd-<s ouse0< .Ireli ere stue -c rnullus cfiueaoa au4ti lulirn 'tes u <alluaneuor on, *otwi tuare i tousou w lis cn tlouage of Obd or fa ilnle l pl yth.fa ompffvélmoi lu te whoin <e d>'-f Làthe r I home le unkonvie are f a l ori & bsueo nonW ors ltis E fymeuaintdr hsd eflbard ent lial'm olice Court, Wcrkhoees, Omol, or Deuti - ousse. Wisl o tu tndier thlina Oeramt more - eeslte oeahersa von ntia rsue wiuiola i i uolet" oeiltas, £40,WlO-tina Ioint gmnn patior boleg-Mtile'Premsier, Lord àParu- Mt0,000persmoinlg ptuots-, For tLe pmt ivo yaarntenlu uesta lhavoef&Sl- u **Wauuan Ma b ;ng 93raginuyonu iformera luttVisesnh -bakTown sý 1 igborerearae are gfr 6Caadbaue $biey caneotgs tbùr eiplo<motofr food. Go- vnsse uou aetêli, 'eu eothiqgfor tie ssfsrrs". Mon eas otituirjuardbt u lag se liardtrua; sudyêt lu spftleof Ihee -ùt" httma ndl viilst susu>'Ibuont backTovss- onberbs4l= 4Stas d otho , initdova onld lu IL Il t Whlty- and the Nô No bat*#veWUt I nov..1 âlf" a m oo anslit lvp o ere r adyeaetsugeamareivlite, for tii ptpouj~4a~wom <-èrdoig ous t m Mt~l-~u esio te.at8 req~,tb~W~f,~qt# <eI~dé Jisl' PeIrLodDibMtyt" .lsolimLpa rsahoe.Tia <e ~OOf peuo;*ls la hore, tiwrve iavafes 1 Sem'po.rie~o<essut .n are ohaos, onts4empoyen, ais.» ma; lttllu expisanie mlant tlutraci lie s"mo ra<ang mu l$a 1o9aacu or l dé a ioahsig lnot bacemho Editor 0Of5tuRIobDInt Hilîsheet aM . Itbtat <La fst aIo. Lot Liai adtn orna argiumt beides Lia 0« oraurstatemeul Timerac, nDotdoubk, vices altanntt ou omo l'k1.a ol otuer <Luin"u.<is orl .AiUmauhint am M m krals.impenfeet Th$ vicions sut <adieWo to cis urei s ell as W a raecse, but va nover think of lsyiug tisa blarnatoreligion.Tih et o * raclug l-o ain ltçeif, ihinterfris vitis neýMW rnnatgoay usm tiat go«'s s race dor.toes soamsaafree agontla thse ofcja bis. nalutsh cutie-. Thenug e <L o theta cuisb urg o 4t lsdg cthsque osootiuo preeei<rom il. BousqveneLamacimuon l<hor, vo uate vbichif <b. sanie rcmSonng.ba mP.1 plieti,w ve anesotrace çiailow coisequences 1 Tna t hIpeltker acruel or a barbarona sprt, w-e dany. TIhe hersa, bimmeIf, ee.ibito eveny symplcaim oéligist 1» tilsplaylog lis sviflueis. Ha gloriaslu Lis pridi anti strauglis, sud sppears th ava an instinctive love ofentstrippiug Ia coptors. Tise noble tacedis atresteti viti thegreatteat ct1o &nti ininosa, sudgurdotiviti tsa Mont jealous vstcbfulnees sgpint anar,. <Llng in Ibo shape of cruelty sud iltratý. suent Prom <ho carlWot parioti, up te tSe present time, a&lmaniut, asit vetcon- cutreti I lurlualng thcerucehorseansetteck delight iu vilnealtig bis mviftueas on tise turf, le amosneataer, contry tieherse is au objed Mofnational pridi, sud Lis scisieve- ments arae ltid as a ntional pastima. England'î Qui.»disisnnet te vituoq t4.e noble sport W. test luntthe lut Eeg- lisii 'papers cf ont Leleveti Soversign's prenence ah Ascot, accosupanleti Ly the Royal family, anthie righh loyal, recaplica vici grecteti euberntise coursa. 'Tii more civilizetheis natiou, the more irnprov. cd do va fiud the breeti of race-hersas, andtih1e gweater »the loeaof the people for tic royal sport. 1h la ouly lu th. bock vooda cf Canada <bat ve find as <iv erîca fanstica, onrnmoralizing humbuge, III the editer ofthse York HeraId, rcady ho cry dove hcrse-taciug, anti mert that the paIt lime vu iîier vicleti, cruel, or barberons. The New Manager of <Le Grand Tuanli Wo WA sveral of - Onurotaiuporauics commouting ien ather uton ouais mon the condact cf tIse sievI> imperleti Manager of the G. T.!!.,1B. Wc shal! effet no apologies teO ~ur rentiers for esllieg tus- attention 1, the subjoch. A circulai Las boin neantil isauct by Ms-. Roi, succes- son te the UbarWtandi aSieMu. Osale>', ln&<he mua ment'of tisa0G.T. BRR.T1 centainse"apicot<o <is a#cet; th a bhs bon MW tiispla A Of <ha couse. etprlsoaiei'a oep <heirle bit 111<1 y e<tlwjmetp.tra -0 Inspori r bas W trvelig, ati<Li Lllipro" s jthjàa Britias spirit-oe <alr.pl*WMU ti h ot- Lae beau fer nsOnquitala (if a&eaviug as t du*ndad4 sMd neo ncilug ajisn baby Li»hO er 1 , m Isltba: n estblllset - Snob'aplan nslght Lava knockad ofcharnpmPw <'o a ,'e bu t'1 voulti sthav .1it, w b" pot Antissaet., ryt non hae dtirive5e$26 Per miis.1 Mau of LWs mUslbeor-Above ÈaI lvould haabon thapeas equity viilèh tiad usmligchw onsuttje4lsd wvelave bu adoptet I mstiise " stng isct ff n e- ý dcion, v o oulisy, tiav up a repecti fi, but idam sûtitii; st-ï"itresa hé< Hon Jéha- Boss, asu Preaident M tise0Ca. usd15»Board, o04d-và <se! poati t apWey jice yul b. granteti1 TLstgef *lMano» os sue i eilsoncaly cou. uiced vitis <La asblishuait-of turnoble aurd .a conaa»tiug jsurt Wthe stop. isoa so large An, auountotfýuoepy<lr andiabor. Far loua vlho'*dé so oin<h. nionstrons groanuti snsotIP l MiBO&tb Meetingsou le ujethaabeen- calloti ah lfonuW Ut 00 Leparties flaýted, eti a.s allat ma, anti va venftur o aiy <tat 50 un "tsd uuonly appliad, àa inure Il wuiuttaigomhuinrenal 1h mouds 'y rneril. ,we cnuntil atititisaI tu columna ae a heLadisposaof hoe agrie. e4 tisa Grad Trunk Ealvay Seing, lu nt'« estimation, àsUnLin ewiick vo are mli na- tioually antidivdal interested -,,anti boiug so, ve voultiuotfabel jnstified lu vilS. holding our, opinioenou a mae, f such public anti private import. Mleeting of sohooi ;,rutea. 2nd July, 1851. Th Tiipairman anti all thi meaibers rThe. Qartsrly Raturas ending Sth lue, < rmi ocii of thhcSooels voua lad beforqtise Bord, - umuies x Rzozslrm. r Heury St. Sebool . 218 JohnIel" " Il -. 98 Andersnu Il...........42 Total à 8 mensy A itheel .......1l Jl is» l . . 78 Andrsen ".....3 Tal 299 sat BIUsu IL""y st. col....1850 JohIs» l".....3 25 Total$219 là Joba HopperTeneiie of tise Andamo reductio o!taipaenaMit n e ioftbWtb Ma&S ~, .n applicatioOr au canetout on the as"riesai aU mploe ieo fnalry. on, the Lin., rom Station-amaster o Bag. i.aiai over <111 ezt meetig. gag-muer. - cluia eny ton.visse On motion oflMr. Bnevu, tSe foblovlug vagis do cne ocotithe ulatmlng figure Acots vanordtietti Wplta 0< enhy4v. ecents pet dieu» P, lira.Smith cleunlg HannY St. Our oxperiancelis. tndcrsd us «S". On- CIsee....... 0. 5 0O tly familur vih Is as <a, c h laI, <bat. u Hloppen cleaulag Anderès ' - St Scool--------------i <¶ axceeiigly minuta omuteoecsousu'- »5Mm.AbbotI celng jlblaSt. matea vr>' aOlavatiibodies. We sercly 0S0cl......... 8G »Ver Suiv an economica omen»t.iMn do- -Joish ey»n aaig os.... i5 vaunient Depsrtme»ta (voe re trMeb- lobaW70=1sTeeet ma 120 0 mei ut va a»sdared »ecesay) vsls titi G. T. Smith s*u 2 i uotganeraly ,dispiysa P-3rri" Of Mthe rlbHpei- " " 66 ordinar uls OM jenticel , mlconimon 'wMIlBde' " 50 ca>a ble olirect, spi svaib>-$51G Dà tois otloet v. 'n ry~<.Catrman a1t vsplticfaanI uaticir>'li dh>i~tt nL5 a".<Oi aemo on an 1, meu ' t.ln~ vas enli W-alldng enlbirc.' The vhlihewus ma&c t sospitie t hé slie rnti sOf- iy Moan =m suA t <irav honoff tSe tioc1 vlts«suai trca lu &IL. Th4Aw thm M <,o Causethiedslc tion eespa'., ant i amuts ifrqiai oLg deétS- ensoat.The, officiai 0<<the C«of et'ri, HarWle herscm Pa s to vain tie PubliceOf tise dange.offer no opinion of bis pro. 1<1..if - su psfle talinethetéackl, 3_yy b L qu bIah uhave w* e kaVsecideuata occur iteghouit <ehé o esiltWins nlg be vil! emelly accom Proine oa tsa nahia lldç se pias L.et. týTisarondsOfM Buglam ntse --4e-----ncarly Ail or <heun, as 1ev.! as a froing TIUrner AADsV e uwesrmm no.,A Course,sant i f <Se hersepit lu by lMn. y bdt t aheli, .#,Hul»La gondione,hhig MMretoevj bae fournI a ,Verdit ef vibful uutder the .<vo -firat bats, sud tiat M"O# alnt aIl<leusseubére of«he;Street Co'.». vbole_ mtcha<e., jt;,Hnn1àývrites tint naltée of 'tisa Tov Counilasprinepls adosnt ued oaant muy ef bis sud <liE m1eiinbera Of the o Ponsb tboroughlSrstiasgai <IIIthe 131h July, msacesoriai cusigtie'dal ofrna vionDesiI4Mv'WUg7 ah Uiverolfo W-ho aturnblod'a <ell ovatbs lufficint; thie BMUt kTetirnOialPiste.-PorI9 tisa Oopot<li<iII are d ly bisî mo bie Newt Tao n iMcu roa$Ooo-s verdict is absunti.TLhte mr vh buSesbeen vitely epresti aboutiçhah anpvmatch Lasieeumatie0 'The Ito.,Heisnr Srith, Speaker -of tshobatvoen 1FboinTemple anti PrinceesAh Runglant am Hiemion la hO layt thefýot for <au thoen ant aide, issBot<trna. - Vona ,ofl1h, tisa nisei h.oyal aitta morf1tua pan.- lagome evoialjured by <b. vPunt is Lw mont ot Cante nnsin4e Mjayto aLe receiveti la Lotlate bamans troti' that coaadleresnta t h <e, Sm.".Onyeh Vit! not bi-elintev eeks fo domn bet hr,ý,! y , su viimic b vil e, tale of &bnhort ni. J visea fnlshîedoeeof <tie gresteat, 'if 'lti- <h.grha* udetakngor. dviaiby MýCWIIih'sle n lest.- Wednqday, engite onu.11. -Winvuel attendat by catîle-mcn, but thc - .~.... bidtlng vascty lyanti machoetii n Tannias 1~ILUOD 4ccmusrr An ». qtck v ssot ta-beavy sutFnice. Mar- cidesit eccartet on4he Michigan Soahruqa ,frInstance, sol for $00., '.1*0otf Reîlroad.on XondMI, nîght,, near >SeutL 4 yesr or twe ugof $900 1 Astil heiei- - Rend, Indisnun.,The streani vens it tool ýImsus vnreeetion Kanîuckey Belle,,ant plc l al*lly £ uînaîl rlvulit, 'Lut * vu n #so' f th otîer stock solti.-Tise <lîna mcci evellen Ly tise havy raina ,tiâ pre- !4r. thsa aile vs unfisrhanota. Tii. Jane vices affernoosi anti oenMng, sndhe ff fimlgave rife <osa vlde-upread psnic, !rom ofvWood WbIei pissat devr. prosmI'Cho, qr>Ih:faierm bave cot yot tecoveredi. andi lt lb.thé vert, > tovrin a,'mlsanj-1 ileuuntun abou t <bit crops, user meut Into a dein anti h Wre veght -olf eAsrT-l asm Iaillavic L *&ter, vits the. concussion -of thecouuin mighitnot Le able <o tiachargi Fer <hie, tra In, cauna t he noculv.rt-<o give va>', an di otgl iii , - l 1. u-va si the. train te bý tIitve0oh b.- tr" rtilesa, and almoat wi<Lho cti, . s. Thora veri about 150 per's on lie tr.ain. -We append à list of thea animale -soItI, Titythteo perxons voe etaken <rom <ho vitihlspiarcbaaeRs ntip!ices. Xc vilI b. ruina déat, anti ff0yorsixe>'otes voue- Mseantthose vith dufectîve Potiigtue dot. In tho iâst of hit - andi vounti eti, vent ver>' 10w. va do net observe any Canaidâ nAmes.nuL5 The, train going veut Lad pasedi ovin' <Le The. Marqunois, W ..Sbield, Greene imbankment aihlythteç bouts belote <h. e.......$0 accdnt. Muasoil, L. J. Wise, StrI Co... 2 -Tinz z&gu Atr§Oo-V Y oXeni, soIt t private ase. W zx t ete rtv uA f ol r es01150 te ff Conquero , R. D.Peagae, Gre n s Co l-1Ù0 daytie tmpeatue fîlgeaty StW~i Dttoit James MOiet, Greenue C., 40 Wedneaiy nîgist andti eaisy rnng. Dutlngyeserdy tisane vas n trongbre.z, Oows; met acompatit viii proviens dayu th. GradaW John Turebult, Greene, Co..-$9 veaiia va abnot cIll. A ~ î..on ulino, B. B.Brpwninge Clak C...- 5 Wednesduath.thilul, et2>odat9th Blansche',James -Dalias, Chaupalge le the shaie yasteondsy-suth<e smrn. but, Hfrie, Jamies fD£Im04 C'bampain» Ih:to dat..........~ .... gporuhg îutel)ipg.nue . Oyntsrum, UL. lse,Str Tao mcxzsv oNIES iw ExOLMn- -$alli, James Mille, Greene Ce.... 58 TezisEurcoumurs.-Nltisa lit Tan Dài lle, .GSaOro.C .. Taenia,, J.on.)turph, -Gneene o. l 58 )rec Er. rlnt robakm à lu Allc "]M, Smub ruie c'O.C . 2S Lrnglng <Le amalc M <o f ter #"lu f or-.,mmiP ..Lunui m.9 .. 2 yar var <La.,eem ayoa , < utitesYBell.eantic«IÇ . . C se bmS of murphyi. eseseCO.-. ",. 116 ^Tbr g in fo _jeo <bng ài their Daley,5't pr&te sale <o S>fý s ,crack, havé,0 e- 04, orIonton or<emýi e......... ....~ te do, lu Àw mm oufse eaut tsa. J>f",tvo patless. - tu grait a oupstdulty-M demuh. 1< la ne forfat lmna Losplaiti fo r ioreas'in the Caîîà Inosc.-e i Ascot StaSesIl tu<at la on!>' te Lavl erWY, 'lus leu Pl""set W cStituta tisa lu Setter eidr <on <ha Boys!laut CUP, a 5Id*" St. Halons jo e a Bmlsop1Seep "roliq moheebl«"y vrtS onteniing niai o appint t<é. RaL Mi. agblenu f«r. ian<La re M<on ,baaie ! ca rry Bisiop Bermajoe at a s. o nstàiet is panis'vid0 SnLan <vwy1a er1.»,coleuy of Qaeenslan& Bisbop's junir, arn, 11 ponti. 1<le uaSaa, ho Se Wa hie Bish@pic ofBrisbaoe Seubsrnvon<LaOe. Int ymabut~.-ant Wappoint mas flopthea fla. lit. lis inbea u dntefiaatib'u ea vnu<lsd iiisl sa is. Priorsas, ay, <Lenfebe-cou- hePara.Corepondent o(the Lotsies sitireti vaUin-Wodburu bam beat-e.-,i ays 1h la roportaiu ertala)sigk teret 'o u nf hat.l S snepie turti hia e PrinaeàlgmtcOtPruasla tensd por, U a JD he;MM reaaaycrs iaMne.' e vil! . couidetul asuuna le <o < aoaxmoçrnom Bell &-Co. report ver. teady anti nol Stocka inactive A teletirai <rom 2uelst'saysthat Gens t*aIcommand of tû -Ofnc Lagctabis on the. AlLanian mo large quantica of goli Tise lest accoeai quantert »Y hewu ( vas s vevW tatise ovctvbelrning force, ?arts a adecisive lintisé coursef a v4 The follovieg bi eivea o'fa Turin - Thi Anattiane are -Oglio, sud thaeaill vancing. the Auttriswwou loft Ancuns for pis ovar the lover P *troope frorntLe prov at pnea.nt uncetann beau entiuily cvamue Moemnsanti Brescel Thse unuernm Remaigna Lad preoo The shl- army1 iSti, M&Mhing love The ead-quartets lYD'Urban's corpe tisa 13<5, anti appe Au Aumtisubull lOtIS maya:-- ilTLa diflhrnh v - allttat positinsu us "The division 0 4100moneUvi4 tip repu,"dby th 0 À" -Thce ffleulAmlr <hat a. sniratio r"' vos progrffl Led beausli~ van getting il uds Tue omnuain pa eo=mandby <the à baglaaing to e Iae 1 ,fr8i, ,undan -& solang <noiupper vis about ho-h. forz tinetifor Italy. Au1 ordnan>' hvey fa <Wha 1hSetember, J gawInofMthe mem n comlag diii>' n SPeople vore gotilaf AÂlate telegrsiu- [J r: r 4-f

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