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Whitby Chronicle, 8 Jul 1859, p. 4

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CEEBAF TIR WAze. iEtIOs AN»D ICulmS. wh1j£ h.b. b..W o bb4 .iuL'Z to pio wutomm. ag ".Wffd Md laph. StOCK or PUlEZ Davao# Ot.very d..rpUoo, yet O4.red f« "lau Tlownu« Whitby, -~~~~~~ d ues L s * . N . i I LtE AND HZAI/TE AMB ANCEO ée dyww t e C 0U , lasd Ozu net montroasl. arJ1%BIAo ui tou 0. W, JAS. BuLtu. Lw" sAsussi, JàaNU ,lise.o, Wlitby'. KtW. Cffl I E , Eedflim al er»# u 1'llèn e fforw utd ut i " so f.lh LVIe (or bs iMW uvr ntlou fod MaraishtO, loff JAMES H.s, GEllEZ w 1ILL hlinto *0c hi.. ld endis ane WEW DEUG £TOEEf C'orner lISsssdois ssld liooL treei, e ssr l3oisCd plucti of tsssines..i uf diiy r s,, Wlslîbiy, An 281,lss~ i Times-autDescon As.ursueeCoup'y, i XSURANCE. .fficaotos oss liisg.and tlsair épî>h'stais , oy tiioiito s ont4licd vit TrisolliisAont &MSuSrv.lysr..f lllkm, Byron- Notice. T I(rLs 1ves,q;.lt Ithse coune o f lise "(' vasratlon <sPrl'lckerlngIen.!, on lise fil 4yl t of sly, 186il, lusrssceed la p«as i; t 1w (or tise purposo ( (aiturin1 part of ul,.s ýlq rond b-:Iweon, LoWu 10 ais 17, lu fle 2iussi onceoe spoisirequit .&H partie. iiisteroatcd te govoris tiicnislves acoordlng. ly' IETR RTN *IToR BllATONk PýL'kerIgJune 21, 180.ons 28-4wer1 FÇ I r ~ :1 ýM,.1 oawdMIn ie é, oti g *àtroe r rom tif# de4l.sset Apottueqmry Donu the cUL 1 AW LL aie W d eoeIs'a lossn.or@atienpur «Ilvn boýeu'slhs oy »W EIse1,.f,. onthé rtitit asda jolu.od ritiueseev (W Uene. rawonsri ssl desst.--d taesst .ts TleejverUesew*eDprtsNent tise .of - T. D. o*bimARRIOl',IrE O çI. ~ £ ~ a' lé ~p1i~ ~s, 0~ 5' 4~4~ CAUTION* LL prs nfuisd cdeetroylss tIse sent ohui anid lC.,sgetrnets, *111 ho j'rooocuted mi tise atincet rsor of thse lam. WOOL CARDING. rrI92 suberlbr lirepsred to do ill kindo oi ..Wool-Car.lngr,Cloth-Dr.aalng, kc,*st 1*15. old ltstbliltmct, Pickerlug. WoolCardlag ant 2. plielb Wbitby, May 24eh, 1MWj.LEVI IL PIKE Wlsu il v i t' i t i~I r 1~ x I.. 5. i 8.a. "J 0 0 i i I w I t, r-0- Lp aLii ~~ci AN fi -twJ'tby À ia ae 1#1 rradfarDeuu tiln lth u li-w ,r daob IziineulkO« O ttU4on ouotie gbabW e apro » t wich Il ýI IC11rvs F- oisr~ibl Ultiaoffl ud Spvi Ario fadluglu l eie asuc«e»u. ii lwusub boUi reedines. 10 a'otted, etcsi. *EL TOA EXEEs, LICENSE > AUCTIONEU£00=TI ARME'S SLES u teuuty ry wlln Bfoneevr' s ca . l>MIEgense of l onf <lssg os sud am'na Admires.,"me" by l'ont 'Whatby, Iss Uerd, ltM>ECBE WhfJl'1,944di , f 5 oi5ait ln, tietolom* of W1iot)y, 'seulnghnps i.futofoepkt.uh.r osa Apply t4 WlilhyJuiyS, on. JÀMY,$TM WE2 DEIR 1ZEII NOTICE NOTICE, H AVIN0irt;rloass.d thiecsire istck et IL. ISsgnicla 'z (!4f, witlsfinu addItion cfi 9Z' A Noew Stock, .& we flattec' r u~s lîw. cun gyiire astse r5e"ut u al Whligidsy fn.'ur "Ans a ,scoli. 1W$ltPlII 1UOKINS à col 3rookli l oromber 101h, 1857. 43 NOTICE. ALL moos lving cdaums apsonst us, 'w11 isrcs.cat tîsol sccoutu for psy- ment. L. 1l, SCIOFIELD à Co. july l, 1858. 28-tf. FVRTJIER NOTICE# A LL yersons indebteodte n, elier by and seule the, sane wltiiot dl15, and L. IL SC1IOFIELD k Co. Whltby July lit, $58. 2841t CAVTIOXAIRY NOTICE. p UBLIC Xi4ft lis lscraby given tlmsa al p2r- sois, ot'uusl reinvlng tr Ikîn. ais>' ssny *esnd or grsv&cl rom tise IBacli on tis e lusiduofý Mir. WoNs. MUintossis, Lske 14is.srel W hilby, mih- ouis tlrs.t ibtsslsslsg lxemslsslnss <rosistise istisclr- olgna dwill bu î.rosectsted accordlng tf..lam. JACOB BRAII>EN, Port %Wlaltby. Fort Wisitby, Fui. 0, 159,'.s-tf icotillsh Provincial Axsurance Coinp'y. Lilleral provision ilmer thIe 111<4! Credit 9"iIt'. Iirecton ipiitful;urjn7, slic lmessit aIthse i fiisis w isî plîlifsitssnet- dties not .x-e 1'e-a. alisiWI,î-5s t a éssun usure! I. no ul tlfisan £5W u:. iiiffyeas'ly Insuntd P.%XiPL5L Age-sa>' go. hSeo tsile 2 et Pnospeetus. SUns te b. usuresi£OSr. s 25 a ii iniiu~o>,entiel to puticipisÀge is potiif, JOHN AGNEW, Agent, Wiiltby. Notice 8 mygritlîat a B,-lw wMil ho psssd t$A'1¶UIAY, tise th ofi Jul>' nexi, for th-# gurp ofwdeaiop iia'oàd n L io 1tise itiiCon. Alps >-u ilh o.dforthé Uu: znF fl ' f lnthékbGo,.o ta eO-C Breelms>' ý oaipown-i *5U ~VJ1 W5Jt~ E Paru rodefh U.oy to .oeîmps ÂppIyfo MMULJjY kllnN2?Z~vMooutièPre~40 r O la W L.rt rpowjgf<h,. ieBy GlueMAR ro.ls. ~ft~7~mil P *4 apZpiioù ' G. IL 'ETNE < e ,14 5 . ~7fsua srdoftis Muln tret- ndfr 1ft.1o$r mt wu litls otas O s r-of '11m st.bd i.hopeorn.ius .i 01 rt- i bisid idlnec ry o tou plUg, iloi à «M r Of goomd ter on the spot. or n, v9ibjî,leu ilb. (ond ves FOR SALE ORTO LET., A ODD ",,tlNGHO lfU8Z NTMNx- Tenu mot Or Y, BELLZO, 8SEAVERTON. tr70K BALE CHEA?. Aropri.to 1 'lVIî LJ»XD '>0""a LM IN. B,.-TMoeru14 allrs4-rate ornlg nt MBoa- mýO11,fur the pAtsi,1hnhmt Ofs Ou y Bcavorton, syS 15.5 Ilj 1Um oeiud1r , l*17aoquartedM o J. dAttaiMt' iseto. Tii su t I o vey - Utin la lit th, e mre of the Tovssalsip, si d tho tras',1 on titi) Brock rond Ipmmq ethirogb I. 'tnniswlfl b. ruade to ms uitprecha.Ap- Plieiutl u bemaie <o Ji.B. CAMPBELL, 45Ausburn 1V. 0., Beach. 'MOU»E sud LOT FOIR SALE. 1G>B4, fiIN1HTIlt ViLIAGU 'B1Y)K- Xlin,,a floué. aiuiW ot seoiid 1node in the t Ouu n. TI i. h 9 epIsc~ là ha isll la ite. Mtb, end Wodfone, i&0., uscrou. :For thftb.rprtlcnimarpply £0 .50L110 IDUM1ON, Whitby C. W. Wbltby, April liii. 1557. 12-tf. ?OR SALI, ACosufortle YemtnlIy Italdenéc sltnatcd lu tise Villag~e of lverimol, Towitsdlp of Fiok- agit ,4oh1uthe is rnclititau'o 15uy ÉStatin of tedeit isu ruInnk lalwa>', 10 miles from To- rontu. colloistilrg of s Cottage ooatalulung Niue 1Reere. witls overy ' enisence requlslto; a losr'go %isus #lsut Sitable attacha ; a iscier fsillig WCi ofVa- ter; the Oroassdo are tsutcl'slly 1laid out, ssnd plutsieud wltishaWC Troc; Aa, a Léarge Gardon Weil »tocket wltls Fruit Treos; tise-wlsole corn <mu ucrellip f Gromsssd, and econsût bc sssrpsssod lu tise Toc sxip of P1'koreng, or Ità Courvent- eensd rec p'ccoll is te iillmay. Tenus s'ubscerlruskville; or tu Ms'. Willssans P>srdy njslon tIse srenies. l'os.s..lois givon lforts- GEORGE BOSTWICK. Yorkville, May, hst. 17 Tarm for Sale. 20ACRES 0Y 8SPLEXDID LA. LUI!r 2000, lis lOtis Coieos.i of Tborals- 15 Ac'rx cl!ed. Tiss Yss'sula sigssstud wiltis finirs îsblc"igf lleussrt4s'ioss nstise ts'ssrl rond ltu -Mrs;tis su.! lm.of theiseitIqssality, sud Iluo ttrIIe centr of a good Pettleusscast, wlils a debsout, sunit a fawgslll colisrcaslet. Ais,,outls rtisfsif of Lut 4, listIse lotis Conqgr- sîoos or is,,rsss, eosssitt>ug orf 93 naren' 12 cof wisicheis f. d d an.! ustiroutlng ons tise Portage litusd, aiesriis' 3srsos'is 1511. Apply teo ÀVJ(N ltMesrrtoss, IOtas susy, 1867 24 ÃŽÃ" SLE IN THIE TOWN 0F fl 0W OSI. 2, asnd 22. TIIEY AILE SITU tisid vl>uitdn. Strect, botweoss lMr. ('ocisranc's aud Lyude il Créék. Applicatiél onbd odbsua!. )IR& ANUELINE WEST, lut a8, ath Cocelsloas Dsrfinton. COUMMERCIAL IIUTEL, ilOcL arasEI, W"fur' (OPPýOSITE II1AMILTONq AND ROBEIRTS.) T HE ESumB1IIBERTAllES LEAVE TO i'form tebise ctisaI hm -hum op enis nuost contnuii ll iutosilis *tiseTown <or publie : "d ln l i o v iMaoit m e n t y F i s e l i e d Bù. 'o s a l u tise Ion*#. Tiser. Lasaver>' roomissm un.! yne- slant 'Drîlusbhed awýésti li I ,llaavlii la ompable ofcoluiWg0loueviih oua.! eqîsalt lois>'las tIse roviuêc- 1N'ozopmeaoaibeenoutsard, luslcleoroutud, tn rende: thse O .WAL..ILUTY.Lor Wlslty aqoal <eau>' Pint-Clâm. Cty'IBosn".of thse kis. a "Warloug expérience ed tiseu iéreiue hWl dépire te secure ashae f publie luwvslge lun ootablilg àYlrst-Claae Iel lu Wilby, are tisé béast gsusti"t tisI h. iionuce eondeavo te eauertotIi" l. taete a"sgvo Pn tlsitoteh1. la "a éne bot tis bat Llmpa, ine. au gmraessppll.d t duar. tlssng s uoeislly s odU*taot Uieisard Oemals u set.o u r ow t hé 0Il " la <Se Cornt>' Court, 30" GliObb Jaum A.l.OUlbb meS nea fedat.0 la ira eeooss VI> 1*1.i M. b 0S>' SmîLt f, ,oeuMAeouWbIv lath f l0(eanaele.aWB",s Part ?1%ic ealVI, 15Waeme. 6Thonae C.oet" plitf s yl.C. - 99 1-« , In 49k Con, ireeli,1I0ncra,& Psr&lti1 lu foid Cois. Brode, osn Is ea PId& of thse alafiseafor 0r0oad, b4mseed North of am e"Soistisle 1»atOILt in ,l thé foiees.o <oeed plu s Eur 4 Ueeu'js Be eb. n William bah JlemliUild&" <Ib raos. zlante vs n 101 C, r B, lnous oatyCoumrto Dsvd flapie, plaitis, Jo Sbs wle>. u Wiam laartiek dealofendnslbSi 14-2 -ltom%« la th*e Cort oFC.mt, moss71 ,s 141a, dod eldndano, Lot12 Is lotC;oou. 1'iélwnai ut , Cor lt l en'a Bae cu is.rc 1w thle Court OCOinsnonPI.. Willbun ling, John lIon- su Warren, Oeils Busron, Wlliani IMansd Davld Spal.llng, tzeentorsof tiséleut mili sud toumusnt i ssse. leing, ueoc.ed' plsntlifit Vit, Clsunoe .Terwllllijçr .da" rs.sdi-wi luth#. Connty Lissrt. Thse CI Bank llantido va. <Iis.anoy . Terwilligor sud .<brsam Tcrwlllgsr, delien- dants. lIn thé Conssty Coure. Tihe Clty Batik, plaIntIfs vo,. (lheo oM s Tormllllger sud AbralainTcrwlllig.r, defeu. danta. Lot8, is, lot Conif hiy, àar* M or NLSON . REYN4OLDS, Per 0. 1~s helair f5e§ ofliiu A. sb' 1u ' t ve ,oclockno, ofAngbusst d b Pbleuction, st a b,milu tise (hartBoum,,ilis e Tomn of 31h11»y, <lie rlght, flMissand lssîerest, wbihlet ifs undaene- tised doesudasa eMrly pe» lin the. u denneuuiosscd lande, su& Uenmta theneo, polzed b>' mee oîsder aisd by vinsse of cortin wrlta V% iiod Vsclsu, b rue direetr'd, vlz. Inuth. Cours of c'mmuas lina, Eobcrt hlart.>' Lcmder, plalullif va. Durmîn Kenst, defendast. l'at or Lot No. 29 lu the f uSlonomeaon Wlsltby, lit tise Souths knt angle of tise Mud lot run;ssg o'..e esasnund unety-tourllnlc. eut un.! wesî und fireas aîn.sudoveuty-*Ilxlinks littho Conut>'Court. Roiorlck Lents, piilà-ili ve. Joseph Eendsll, deteisdasst, 1 Y, ot t29,, lu n 0'.! Cois. Uxbife Ubrd Wé, etS cr i o 215, Ii Srd Col], ZyC si n $rd (lin. Uxbrldge. Coistolniug by asdnuesunett226 aorcs. lu tise Oountylcoort. William Prouidfuot, plsistsi' vu. Alsmuder Meoin, defknds.îst. Lot 6, lu let concssuion Thorsis. lot 6,lslt do do Lot 7,in lot îl do d 1¶ELsO 0. EYNOLDS, àkp'0. . l'or C. Konrae. Wbltby, t:6y 8,1lm, - 10gW le THE TImE. arIT ouE tLIMiCEN -A T 1-. A. rdii.,k' li lm Pletune au« Y yottdealre aà.meet sud ilf-liks Aobro. Ceaseotype mlrg pis, oir 1«"e 'I'ruussfr,orfa =' nle Let, Bnehor Ring, fo J.A., £ Mn do It luise 40boutyes aiut short notic6. WIMKN80OSBLO mn re'J4ura TPYUWiBI T T0 2rA 000» pie- J. tir yenbae i t BRJGTÂ.1 OEÂR leveyas. oudoutZn1wgtases=tk. rotin ol. Johnu Çsuf' wl' etsue, Yor* aemgdsramueedb>' tAUe 0"5t<u"eoId9.L« A, NObil da«., ia. bat SItB. -OM G. A. EANNISTEE. NqWAND OJh> TI TIOKEJItY lalnds ofido M.d lau.y Inlu lm $biony sund là« ad Divlos Cout CIIAWNLW MAXILLA 'sud, WUA (j2 PAP 4 DLANIKB oOruh frDolrsuilrn Mataitsud utia l'bnursuden. ltveradrticetnb uca.dso. ou t snh a uMsias rTrno Wlslîby. >lusr.ls Drd, i 18. S T A T I O NE U Y O F~kLLKJNDS LAWYEES BLANES, lissntua, *c., .50. W AT CITY ?KICES. .0 MiOUINS k MAYERIIOTFIB, L 0V1T TAMLES ATLAS 12ON WOEKS, jarFront Strffl, Tr t.. M CHARLES VALE & C. D E(*to lifrn lse publIe tlsat <hey bave Te 5>oonsts'owto<ho..extenoive prisse. on Front Stle4at (forMcrly xcnpled àns tise OntgrlO Brery, lu lie nmot ooinplcte style for carry-ý lug onstisc biaI,».of Iran Founding&lqmfth'u work ln ni lIabine. TlieyInvite insupection of <hein numeroupl'ut. tenm of Onnrsntal on Fones, NBeilep Venandahp1 Vaist Ddsiru, Plain sud Ormamtal Cnet Iros Loînann, Wlndow Cas, f5111e sud ARCHITEOCTUBLZ WORJ4 of'vey d.alptn;Coolu ejPulr sud Box Tonffto, dOetobenfo, 1887. 041, g h' WE$TBN ASSURANCE OP ,TER 9 COPA",mots CAPITAIL 10o A> Trsavelug Agent, >m ree ct, Whlgby, CAPITAL- 1, -painde Davkl"n Parke MOIOu or010 WGEsr #1 tï <bey r.cbi 4 kts.dWgn4' for dowts' tis esvon n JQI SN àA LfLX NE~WS 1NEWS 11- abi. quarry, lu adrnce. T.euyëiors ud rlirents.'Iransd eos~ lnI to thse l*110 Loindurjtifs &i.dY ml 011, behabrgd 1& per taunon, POYnMe 458 sel lha1850. - :*IIul, o i ee. the' body eilng Use emli i auissd usî>'ee,5.futu I..uuilérh Doto,.r Y, Tsin- lot>', mIWISOwl cdisl,ier tbôsoeoyi>'te an aorumilsu sotri, ise grntiiAlwoi ,yoiswicu v Thse folicrtrlffiseusCo is bu a~sied by lDr T'n<hei. sa t latiateiufsg*of lissir cait- esteit via: Dlsucasuesi'tIse lut 0, iseurt, L.iVer, liiuFert- r.,, r*ýasnd! *Il Otlor jouittise Potor, emsl duowsu ly lotern leol , esslcmssang one dolslr Ilsy wismi,, l' - nnmr Ai lettesO oli nsatîure milsrlvensdsg sititio.ls, and las dss'iee giveil -misculsb. de- enîlon téon i dimssesrsp,%sslr o eunle# sud Citdrn . B U. midei*spsg "n ina nea ansd o'onitbe« oior is li e teti'rniÇgrrn danger or ourIoési; ky tvxprc.,j, for-A tniflifig ssuni teaux p~art of tise 17,r.uSoopaiiled b>' full sjL plinsdiri.a'tio,ss l'or lise, tisu, suiiowing $roi i-"" sit th iàs uenirind muont disfsitalt partsof tise P>rvincse lu r.teelve;a ,ss ofe andi snee,é.tal cvuru oftretsseîst its. autisé capon»ussnd troubleo 0 VIsluiti e City'. -- Louteras sould bu dlrcctod lu s piin-bold bonid oté he DI AN uEB D OU, Y, WMBLETY ,T'OUH OTip, C. w - 09-4Mi pouFOIALE. _ 0,007ETPLXE. 1INCJITDINU 7LOOEINÇC SIDINO, IÇdli BOence Scnting '.Bods5eÂtUs wol- 1'sinnk ansi uaar otôonfrile. be"-rs~s *JAMES 11104. Fas seà simisSain a w.elonI T IMtE Fisiosa>sf 2, o acres eacb,vlith *bout ; 2) «« oëoodn mhcli n. 0(loAL_91_1" Bnlldînga, An-thseTomiiship or Tborithï»oûs (Su in ni of 85scno, 16 leared, lu tLe Town- mer..,m 18aSem, cie. nd u aF od leuu nt4Tomneohfro~ n 100 omcres la ms, 8 eleawed.seivlifle "oshl loiertos,.. Tse aboie soda mil ie dlspoeed et on redmouble tis'W. lor pr<lelar. apply (if byleuer peetalod) <o -M. J. MAC 5ONELI, Solitrk.,e iRne, WhAyý, Beavetos, May, 189U1 C- MIL '71 ('Jc -.n11*I Wil"uv, Wsitby W'Qltc. tt the Ib.. LI >uar' S.B whtfby. Ï« ov r Doald,n'.* bfW. teLI 'J Maihm. f, couve G.D 1. site athe Cabbtaiâd,ypTm heh WIWAELlfTE m v. ie i YS.Mnddui»i 9 hereisy gvols tisaI se Couneli of tise CorpoTtlolyof Pickeinsg luteud, on ltse 'thd dlay cf Jsly, 1859, to proeeod te piasa Ily-law for tise ptirpmoaf staopplng up, 9) î' sle of liso rond ellovancetas réear of Lots Nos, 82 aud 88, ln lise 2nd range of Brsoken front coiÀ-ice on of tisîs Towssislo, an.! request m&l parties tntorested to govern tlieoslves accordlgl. OTOR BEATON, 71*unltp Oies-k. Pickering June 21, 159, 204w PURIPyT E 111.0011. aloDat'e Life ville and Pboesi Lattere Free [reoutail lMiserai Polêone ~ri IIÀiîS'j0ULAUITYy WlllîCîî MOI W#st'sLIfe PuIi. ai >lssIittorx bave as, usslied lu cofiseqsuceo o5tiso xtrwardlnary cura#u elfecte.! sytieis'tise,rcsds it uaîsîeconssry for tls lrpretor L tater lîsto as atclrnayl oit tfsi sdicitsl vîrtii r.. s' rs'îertivss.i lav ltsîgbossu sore lis:<t>'yeu'our'ocisiu le, au.! Isavins, thse aiitt ticu.ny of're Éitais ho <Isi n'un uor pcs'so oii msuisas bei resoreil tti' e Cso 7nont ofr oareet isulti b>' tisess, It 1.bI#Imltve.i ft thitr s'eitation as tise bout vesgetableie etineunow liefure the puble asttuileofno dispute. lnalunoostevel>' etysa. Yillaoeluth* UnlIod Stteis, tiaer su aisiso, are ua.dy t<o tite C0 hair efiis'las retnonilus, dioeae, aund giving lu tise mlsolo-sytem roumed vigur an.! isutis. lu ca.es of Scrol'nls, UIc.,' s9ciant or Frsup- sions oi' the .kln, tise oporitor Z o f t cLifM- dicînsou lé <nul>' ânisiîi, oute.u smorisg ln a tom days, @Vary' rist e oft't lelotisuosis à) «ses, b>' Chair purlryilng etfi'e on tise blood s"ever andi Agss xo ypaup»4 Drupe>', Plies, sud lia short, Mosst sit dllaeaacs, aooi ylcldîu tiseir osrativo pnopertses. No faitliy sisosl.!bc with on an t, no b>' ti éley nsu uels audedoià auss eponae inas u iosaved. Proo.ura.1 5y W'is.riAvass uyrà'r, M e Yorkt, sud tÏýs'8m10by firillasis AsuraimAosursac. Comaney# 1 NWORPO'RATED onders an Act af tise Tîsird A $.tsio of' tise Eleventis ProvincIal 1la. -vent of tlppcrCsnus, lu r"iritae affecte.! on Buildings an.!Chtii '*-.teustf;.l s' slcrn stl, upsiled ouap i,"he-sios u tlio iiidernigucd. Ikmisse Bisoko for the Scasuon or for Paue JOHN AGNE W, Tfratvlling Agnt, Brus Mtnt, Wiliby 111(Ei ix INSIYANCE COMPANT. W-PAID UP 0CAPITAL, -$20,ooàJ - C. LYNII, Whi<14v, 7.62, 1ION,:- 1 4di Io, là»,

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