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Whitby Chronicle, 15 Jul 1859, p. 2

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mvu.io t~asr Agi, 455,», *o 1N ' 1 0h000 t 7 hei.ToaniILsIi, .v4vy Mona a in<,t £f4cmonda>' .lang, A1t ue ?euS Hall, Fr.. aisos Mlii, Vw" ugiSkw~, Brok 1"4F ~ U iaoW enedlsIlis evor> mnaaat, i >qrui Jlki, Pon Whit4v. bai» iLs», Wdussds> um«» iaid **n. g (,,buspe Car,ii,t4t. Jdiiioia*, 94 aagU, il n, .d ouok i t, 8 afctz , p. T ii (AiI4R - Ceu~cpUna.lChne crer o lrcn sud sud Ms,>' Stuaitu il0"',ogond6k, . . u * #'iluk, 1.7< MV. i.Wl T guty. sikas, j2 8,sol l, . n - Coaaaiy VaFirs. Gs (wa itriy Fair,- lIrai t <a.04iay il)i$îIrh New Avrtc~ t lts Day. Rloms and Lot -for MeI-Joseph Newburry Crodit Sae-Thomm bMyors. Notm Lt-Benjamin l3arrett. Employmeuî Watd-Iosph Newburry, NotIce-Mome atet we emi-1ehuà ~rn Wkitby, Frlday, JuIy là, 11150. TO- SUGOORIBERIOo The, terma Ilir ticueniirekîy wiîî b.$ 8250 in sladvnnuo, or $3 60 nt tha end ni' îtm yvar, Thé Wookly Q/&ontïcl willI bU ptbliiulid in fuîture Dis SelvauDATaç, gît 8I a £e>,.re in adipanre ; $2 will bc hru wlien, lpayable otberwi, Loug i NpeIeoa. voIS no muas- sau: os VALSE 7 *îe ail, reiembeer the. sensation milb vu recotyeut> cuclnluEnglanalhy lise Pub. lcatlon I tie. Tina o f a suppoed étreal>' l- effanis-e sud de4uentc" beîweeai France anal assis. Zes- u en> n cl'that if trai t probs'biy Iaplled the foiiowing basis 5 "Do yon (Franco)- whityoai hhink l ital>, --prmit me te cook Tunk.>". gnon oshoai' parlicalar satisfaction," The treat>' wui offilly>'daubé, or ratiser expiainedal ma>, Tiseota notiiing which liploniatie rasoality meto glosa ovor, defenal, or, If noed bée, don>' TiThe r"ms mu joered a nt endï. s-lIed for oetiOg a panten mithout reascu, anal stock exclsauge paiposci mers binteal aeEs-eu.buve since spoal on, Loaden sud hiited Anstria commeaice tise vair, as-ancé i nto 8aadiniarsised contibution&s, comaiitusd maiyn>'wuon sud hatoful aacts, suédaffccted ,aothfng. 1Wual@Mii ade 's bpld éshAt ilTus-lu, or niaisé tpes lis 5euck i lit lssnlliig rom t1W .goigua o! Monni Cocis, disorgassized, bai!f urnisbeé andlnla open niaticy>, (as report saya th.y m*re,> a great i sussmiglit base.glossuad a-sm tihe rsh stop, wiîc the Cabinet o! Vlenns isa4<sken. But Austris allé nolhi- log ottbs sort; she, tbeor.tore, tands cou. 's-bed e! moudrons lmbcciliîy, analelAt-r s-slgneé <os-breaiking 1h. pesce.of PEurope. Xea'snbsquent élsauters, sud ber probable spproscliing ejactuctul roin licLombitd. La. Province, mli hoth. ial irobuka of Pt nIlgovemeunt nd evideait incnpadety, But mbaî about dthe(tturs 7 WiII LouiS Mapho s tis- eéý r fduis.? Sema us>' nplyhlà mord fa pisdgcd liat not onsmooud -of ltslyadosa 1w cos-e for ai s amnadia- xmat alias- cf Fraaiàet or etfIs$ <aally, "Sobniy a lau ils ra ornI adéo qua po plaînst ntsd niost distinot tes-m., But bmr1 we perceive lie mdaiggroalte of s once ý brokoa taitis. Europe doubtu Loula. Traiel lie bas promised. But dié hâ net oaice de ,uos-liaproniis.,avaeu o iOW Dd be4aobut eour-n, tbe aece bftba ~National A.kMu M& 41a1.iÀ l..ara âth&f14AIV ; s n4#4-sld Iialeeu îpas-li dm« *kén, ý ri m e s w hah hAca oompU.be~ vuii î f« r vparts,an eoctsst te, b-bas ise pealu oblivion, t Pnome, 00 .osmmcioepl'dntrgee bu Content te do lie Omr. ;'Bai o fil lisiy. Dom if, "wstrdet oi"?F* sa ams "n' ay$ Ail ibtypoe Wbu '~iiè owi strange #evsa"iouA"i ca, in <ii t u ipsrpe go Lic 11or. diary burgiarnN, tii. Impor lalgs huo l ste tieiusobeae'e vea a tho pyrsmlétetiwn ielW t DO *e11ic cma Of France) res-eias x uh! VU eordiallîy, encourages uni te- aroie tii liaingarin e < SYMa d, in 1 O/AtflE lfuI Dîot clear, b>' odinar>'implIction, thai Rais mitis s 4selge, Md-nué sar-aged uomplic1typ is ps*>' to ti.plan? Aye, lii. very Rasis wiiieii ocvo e c>' ncetl> trampicé ont thse lîberties of <bat galaigu iston, and an aded 1< os-ar te 11w tender mordes of wall-beaton Anstria I lit ths one meamre-moroe ccally, me tlsiuk me se*e eitesn of a resty, the aull extcnt or which <iae n. oi>oai develope; andl wiich sstsblish.s lIn r minaI <the conviction, <bat wien J<ossnîl waubrougiiî round tapon <h. scene, h nover mas tho intention of Louis Napoleon <o conuins tii. îss- , te 11.>.It lusDot thatwe moulal not. jahy Sce, <ho noble KessUtIs, qaiéthe. gaii&al' uaigarianîs free.. Par rons it; bat It somaehaîdaaps Ouai feelings that Ithe Czar& uo' France anal * Rassis siiouil hothé instruments of <bat freedoni, andl that Englané, mie linsdareal Ïhi tu prosorve <he sacreal0 mai. of Liberty' alise, sbouid (romn necesit> be i'orccd 10o felé hotrtaou, -ihen a petalularingiai; for tho domn.trod&an natiouahitics, tu, mhich, Uudeî otiior aircuuutauoes, shiswould ibave raplical lu a voie. of tinder sud approval. le àas ad dilena to bein; yetgo it la. Sqaaluîsuspicion will mite us view obliquel>', tIsat whlch me shoulal otheruis rcjoico 10 peie al traigit sud fair. Sliould oui miugiviaigo recels-e neoulistercoOnfirmation m, #bsail tb e apyte ackuomîcalga lihe ta-ah o ethIise lamatin, dibanonsel o bail bailtisa stoe a ru ofvsirts maal rai- docin. him nouea00se prf.ctbut ihat sume dinge cf evil niay be-alli liai." Ifsa foni gama la'm.éitstedthie retnibntloa mili ho sure. Tise vautaga grouaid mhich Engian'i confidence -ns gisenteoNapoleon, sud wiiloh haiseuabiei biiste pour uslugions loto (lcnoa froni Maamilles Inlai -elittI, <laya, If very grcai. If Eaigand ha be.n hostile, tic ses monié have houai as a sesled booki I*ia, and'te, lbava traves-ou e bdark pases of <1* Alps, moulé have loft Turin and bar. se mitl bis supplies.' Tb@ ses--tii. an.ý luleirrapte&ï ea-is L<Lal' geaiÀ Aly, If honeut, lio la wclcoma <a> lt-if faise, liî Nas> ill bnt go te umeli Imperial Eng,- iann'; for if thsa lanad ho France'., tiii., ocean la Brltal', sslibouat spart -fuli seon Franco enuéporcelve it. Towai Ceactil WaasMouds>' Esanin8, TJoe Conacil met ah tho Town Hall, ait the an outas-u. Prasent, liS Woriip tii. Mayor-, Massa-. igelos-, Draper, Gaînu, Hall, Lynda, McPhorsen anal Rom.. Minuatesa-rosé sud app-os-ed. The Mayor 'rend communioteu-from .Warai of tie Coul>' 0ofSinieoealoting oopy o!fs anaùmonlai othé11wLaghltara foer séditioni Lunatie Asylaaiaccoumodation. Mo, comnialtiomrom le. oGluiru sohictos e txI la re , eic th, taxes 'ciaineal b>' hlm trous John Gos-don on Tomai1 le4s, f or wbicia te -ecol. leotos-iné salaizianal soId" s un. ,Mr. Gos-- don oued tiec cecter ia th ivi sion Court anal boati biais, suétlecollecte'r eWamiéa n i lisTomu'hseamenait cf. tae sin a ' b iais, anal reeived;roôm qprdçn, sgreclug A ie miu. -Me tsr Froua B. YVas-isolé a Toma Clerk'sm- qajn-tho rearai ef bis aues. bondsa Frouali th e gltlu tazqnring an Immediae set"meail 'LsOum"of 431 toi. MI >wl a"d imp tisa * lba Lyndeso t" isr ieese egin lie'. McDOu.I, seomdebyVr, Q0=m1 pme *"lysuieda sti.aui.,, ioué bu 1nelly p -i4 alloired r- rhaï Dr t e wl3,1 é,mte bae-tii. May t ktui.é toqulre tt.tii. auter andé rm niové laamenaiet t bav# the accouats renMto the Finance Comasltgee ,e <rsneéa«t,....4, Ni.aya,1-2" Orgnlresolaio à ainu' d caric tob tii. «MOiedivision. Ms-. Biselci, secondcd bi Mr. Lyndo, 1M ied tt 3. Y rno<h(0srasrr b. diet- epyo-vtrthwlth te isi anusuor lai office, tii fais of *33 10 pfr Contuges on moucy paï4 ovor te tth. Connty Tîcasurer for 180. Capt Rom. objecta! te- thi e tolution S the Cwak, midtiibave paid li the. aoncy already, andl becauise h. loche-I. tpon the. ro, soluion s unecessaye atail es-enta It "ý remtur Onil heFinance Coin. mittcé iiad iuveitigatcd thoeanatter, Mr, Blgelowaeked lo ble siwed to wltii. dram his motion. Mr. Macdoncillobjecird ho tii. ith. 'drawal, aud lnslsted tapon thie vote boiunl tAke- on. eappesled b <the Major 10 alceide wiither under the. 2Jset rlé,out th. Conîli, &ud appling tho psrliaanuattry practice te t1là (Jouncil'a ruabs, Mr. lJIgclow could with. dram his resoîntion il'as muber objeed. ' l'h. Mayor rnl4dthat tIi. motion once befor. the chair, conld not b. ihdrawn, ulcas agrod te by ail thmý oeier pro. capt. Rtom, objectud tb tho ruling of III& Worsbip, aud helal that the. wording la the resolntion d'the. Counuci,1 meant a mia- jurit>' of <ho Council, ho appealed aigainut the dtac'sion of th. chair. The motion 10 saîtain thse chair was thon put: and the yeu nssd us>'. bcbg talion, wae lost on thé. followlng division. Yeua, Mr. Mndenlpl-l -NaYs, Mesure, Rom., Draper, il, lhipeloeLyîidetg,ansd Mcl'hcv. Tho ýwltiidrswal eof the oion wsu the allgwcd tapon t<b. sagie division, M.. Mudnl aresdgotdiaitls- cI'tho Clln4anaclsd referreal to the treaunentx riWev.d by iieýna'athe. ly-Itumhlc'h iie Iiad bréughlu fu <r las od government o! c this, Corporation a few niontli agi>, sud a wiFh iic wue ne: allowtd th witiidraw. go eoutendsad tisai if the. Mayorls decisionn muew goQal at . one <lana, that il sionld ho affrkoéolai anothor, "'hon tho,,cas ewrê Jg ps-eDr.uly tho san e eme-dfecnc by Dr Onita, laI to Mision'Qf thiechair i tho ee cf -Mr, Maedonelli' by.la fora thé go g gevrualîaêof the.Corporation was ernoncoas, snd liaI Mr. MWcOO0li ehou14, haaebau allowcd te wltiidraw tii. Ataseedecislou, Mr, MasoanelI asitoalebs-. tomihdaaim lismotion, miici s-as ga-anteal. Ou motionso! Mn. Macaloneil, secondaad by Capt. Boue, a résoution pae,instract.- lu; tho olenk <o propare thse srbita-ation bond li theco al e us, Corporation, sné la>' sanie hoee<le Mayor fer his con. Concil udjouared until Monda' es-ning, lie iStli mt. Hevîs-al etTof ai Tii. Bas-nas relava aitheli n of Witiitbfor <b. ais monts. anding tho 801 of Jane, 189, shoaw a great improeemnt lila s aine Of Importe, compa-ad mitiho amount is morê hnduld tw*ll TUs iufws-behaldathetua sf-ye#rly aasu for '6.û àô5 at làs iïes-rtheiau e n. ouragla isibprovseupait, aadl miii Jsa Li t0 campm 1,fss-es-sbl>' il coher porta of, - h Irtncef. 'fi aai hà£x Tb#Dufiao C kaud GreenwoodL1odg@a, "an dily, sa 4Oguais, tise ievoeal beau&oa et ireseive Teins. Tb* OAIII~1', , y kai l â brIliso dueues et <ii '18eg Oopuu.m *". r#04s, -WOIDM >j, the. irotin'l tlm.' dMrwmtw'degrffl. MAuii. arame niantsi étih.eone'01 et tf 4 preees 40%n won . é4e u d de wine-&Mr 'upo ,o 4 *, li T. .Man.1i DiC, ý *»f, 'wu JudefstipbbIela tii pr.fo n of <lài *rd"" us dots , dwiiose0" %rte n b W. never l84Vs00niany Wall eencd bauners lIna.dey<ornerprocession, aMd a mot! hg dewaugiiÇthir W&urnx" 4dss 0< tii Pr 'Vii Lo 9e,0~ 60.dis. pîsys great liste, sud wu# mmci adnivcd by tii. sprctatoal. Tihe Cubais Lodges joined tii Wiîy Lodges t tihe latter Town, and mavciicd te Brookuint,)ieadd b>' their respective banda, t e i.srains of utlrring muic. At Brook- lin ait the" Lodges unitidadrnd one general procession tbroagiithe. village. A triniaphal srch vas construeted opposite the Globe gotel by gr, Dawes -,it mvasde. corated appopriately, and muranouubeal b>' an Immense painting of William the. III. croailng the" Boyne mater, Ur. Dameé providcd a plontifail anad mubslantiial dinner, of whicl, (rom 900 to 1,000 îaersons hoar. tily partook, Thse dinuer was weil provid, cd and weil serveal, aud Ur. Dawes desovv. edly reeeiyed the. warni eneonlnans of hls puesta. After di nner the. procession mas again mavshalied, and laroceedaid 1to th woods south of the village, where-.the Roy. Mrjowwy of Whithy, delivoreili tho ai& dres.o th<le day, A Mr, Scott, a Temper. anco lecttarer ai0o apoke to thse resolntiou movcd b>' Un. Moody. Mr, Moody lius self, the, Coianty Master, >Mv. NMJien, Mv. F. Clark sud Mr. manuel, faade 'a fow sensible andl mell.timeal venarks, and more ver>' warniy grecteal hy the.brethien. Ise fohlowing resolutions meo moved and ad- opted a M orcal by liro. Thiomas Moody, Coaanty Pvoxy, an4al econdcd bLy fro. Edmard 3k, Driain, Conut>' Master, sudt Rcsolvd,-Thaî tth. Qiangotanandi a Proteutauu. aisenubled tits dey te coinn. i orale tise Auniverary of the luth e oftii. à Boyase, hereby express tutu appreciation of ri the. privlege whieh tiiey cnjoy of onced more mieeting together te colehrate <liaI t great vic jtoqy, wih wu the. meaus ýof se-b euning civil and relUgiouo Iiberty to aIl the. n Anal furthor rosol-ca, TisaI tho Orange. moand dProtestants ofBouth Ou'tar.làde. j,. ly regreîat tseheliberty' ijih BJriwons en. jo>, aicl sho, lu n>' ymanne-, onrtailedos- unfriaigeal upon, lin au>'part o! Nor Majestyu loniiniens..-Carlied ananIsonaî., Mos-ad by Bro. B. T. Manuel, anal se conoié1b> Bre. F. Clark, anal< Re*ed,-Tiaî iii. Orangenuon and Protestants, cf rSetb Cula-ie, Ieroby ex-. prss their unualified dîsapprobation of the action takeai b>' lias Couasil ol"the City of Teronto, lu .xcading <rom, the.Police Ç F-orce, persens connacteal miti lie orangé, Inatitution, sud that me do lie-eh>'i protest agaiiht ih'bigb.banded 'lyrai>'. TIsI ans- mairuest sympathies _ are vaitî ouas arethr.n of Torouto, w" wo me ope 10 ý#e the oppgrsanity of plucing men lu the 0i' 'oslîl'nio -miîb. fonduadeers-ing o! thé boueur anal trust; and mos-tii>'thea aime of At tii.O' cIsïdtnh he-ipcaking, tiis-a chira meeagis-en lztlbe Quene., thre fr bhe Oovemrio-4.uaaal, tns-ca l'tho'Gau [ater, hf tbroe ftie-mlof <ho Cotant> offi.,ý Mdl and vsoteof lsaiku, w, bëee, ns ' mos-ad tte Rev. Ms-. LÃ"ry (<s-' bis. atéreting dsaru 'Tbe',procesion',tiheua rfo-meiandu narehMdtirougli tbe village, iherse i dl! ,Msetlii aJIÛsomraé4 'iLýsaied for a, ti c ci 'id <Fats, bSsrie>', peau, 4an4 sU¾Ojir graIn loek~ ~ ~ ~ ~4 ealyil iroiqf Counntry Fotatesu look asoisilng A»suan>'oua coul deoire. Taipe, pammuip, abbau Sis, bu o ul sons, ansd o ies- sége tabl4 mée m ore or les lInjureal 3,> theaJoueo frstig but <by baseteso gret t eIsa rOrecennaawll1ýprové,a plentifal crop. Frit le le ely prdcs t<l iml prose s sluor-.tbfers fa ltts of 'Say "'binélth't yii aij rlthe11 fumrso oflie Canitu Wlsh voi'Farank$ Oa W e neu a , t ue Ax b lt rtm ,s m et again J ýlai eMndafIn ih«islg t. <ieérO" vlccel, niadetIeir 'amard. Tse>' sirléWeish one *Mitng danagcs s Fairbanks te py the., mof0 arbitration, su 0s mc' of lb.idial aesnhli holal bianscîfrcupéosbl. for. Thscresait la, hat eer>'ono cexpected. -h e ..-rnGyFaka More irïtloyaaUy, on ense, beraft,, In oJle-n flonc, OGuy Vwkt*q h4i îrry tort; fpi, lui the premviiê.ail'l>,aohr l ?et y, lbit13B, làÇai rfly hai w uîiltry;' Wu bld bla î'uw'e, aor weary uns 10v(tir, For Ilbolisi? caîough" ufIli growx loi(,*unau, "Tihe Itou Planks."f In thém .on r réail t iaho bu a auuditi l, Whilaî I'cuorlrg tliruiiiçl Punr Jland <lie vosIth 1<ot lu the, an'ns of fth.popr, sorry Grit, rO tIpa c f4r oi cfwhthy Cironkile, À qaaeer bougbt Cain0e iato M an>'dathe othier day, anal coiuidcriaig tho u tato or the thosmometer jnst nOWt fi Somzetig te ho ibisz te mntes- an id etaI al. Mseveiy eue io hoartil>' uick o! George Brown$ udrea-> mud tall talk about'Pepulation, rngsanu rigstu ofe! b.Uppe- pros-lace, tsrcato of dloîtion of the union, sud:-ohe-amia s-adli, anud asyon cadti'h xpocl a great bouîle te coma te yon rescner abos-. cuce a nonh, (anal migst>' pleasnt readiiag it thon lu, mca eÃŽ '0conjure sap teaOs- Imagina.- ton, flsugicé boues, crusialegs,;'sud toraiu on bolia s"des, f os' as nob bcd' cae Ilsoian i tes I ba- uas>' îIDot e>' os- lanilugîho mly badGotum bo ot hof consiéelle ndotl>' d nsly o sIsMr. ont o y1ons- excellen teW dycl r Enditeas-,Ima alon t iktise olo s>',t sudâr ma seemlipS ot aane Iec'isg a alnretI> saatéahering oi'sie hM9ud na loeng aeoe. phe =anb 1rece. ldaqnoauhao uceefe. ,0, m oulé >'ie fmests âacoeal, lawalàadio tre oag hisaes0,«a âby nstilafmorbdirec0tionulb*à4 hçd' soit te tiie soath, sud lustand of an>' sert >f union, exiilted thé moit 'da ddm ;>me. f"isa ii ssiling eoid, but thi.main obued mas, uli < hoe ilglt4mt degre. advanced, At engh à ý P>'hbongbt-'eccarreé te hi. nos-v., 'Eus alitho boy befoeo liem,1 vi- ai buke~ t, fgrains. oA femmre, ettereal lnitue >atbanal the brd ->'heré es-e speedl>' sud safol>' eoaducted <oe<ha lac. o! lirs-ctaiatien.' Nom It occuri Ï't e , rn , M-. Ediwor. bà At ti tc ti bi d tb 't 6Il b4 Commitslou i Cetown IL"ésrelative te the M eryluie ii fatis Town, siilp, itha visi te seertais thse suies for refuulng te grant a cortigeat. fer-<ho, paymnnt oetbtiie ursqyý 11 OnaMetOf olMr, Bramai, tii. Beeve, Cr. uitelIff. and Mr-, Wihion rtppeint, ea a Cenamniite te enter wltli Wni. Ma.' duin and D. 0, Wsy, relative ttioE Lad pssaiug througii twerik" U à ii s-Iioe ',rld a in g a nd esu b liosi #l g he sa nie1i h a in mider. Tomai Une, mia. by thoeLient. Col, commsnding the, ltBattallba Ontario iitia;si.> m oes s large laicrleuselai <li*erso fmntis Y ar.r Tho. s-am s e -m co npard ihiithe previons yesr aiea, Lest ypar 90fi. "'The.prosent par 1264, Tho aboyare tarn comprise'0 COm panies, esc-h Company has-ing Its <couple M ent ef 3 o ffiers, sud 3 o rg antol, lu ad man in, lhe cmpioymcnt or' Ma, Gso.. Me. Gillis-ra>'of Picering, drOppoul dom sud. denl>' &adl on Wcauda"y lut, uule monkiug li thofieldl. >Camse asigneal coup de sell!. ,Wc bave #Ince lcaruad dtIsa-,In laqust wushêld ons-lem of the, body' efthle de-. cesse- by:lr. Ciecitiy, Coroner, etth<e wus th. verdict rturanod TuaI William Findlater, biis-ag beea prcsieaiuy i goud a thsîi ili îonking iu thse fildlloming ho Ithe excessive ist o! lb. & aY <ll domaisud die é. T iaîiisilath mas p rel >'. vi itation fro in G o al a séM aisu at. tribatabla te ne man's <aIt.. Deeeaed mes about 34 yeassof agr, s atis- e ba-eaccfsaé niol.e t tlne Camsiuiu. April Ol.-Departre <cf ho fis-st body ofïrench, 4WOepfreni TcUlen»-Antrisn ÃŽal. Tari, irclvds u ddses.dto thi 'zu*Isfb e Uraiî lue Wlemskl-F-ehbtrOops flvmt cross mont Tegri C.nis.prociaimoal E gardiai-Oa Grand Dalr. retire. * the ?..-' MI: pnum maux or ra mA5x-»Ini-Au as - irA - , , _ A -- L ieM el April 20 - Te-uAnstrla, undes- Cosst uai. 8,--4 GYulal, Pms.,Ticinôo.-Maài lcans-obert mWno rots-est tc sud Oeaierst Niel reacbTarin aw sataia'me Jane 9,4 com~ their repetivec oOW*d'fre. tackheiiÀ, -Geai. M'Mabbn as-ris-es a et ia.-'eaaafoa es- e! Ge. Boiai."The Austrls Frenh Ambassades-quitu 'Vi. eus.'-zg ' ' ' , lie >1a~-Kng ictr EmaaaîbasesDR. M'LANË Tarin te laite command oftbis army-..Tht A usrisus oc py-ý o rî--Tir steamers Seize the baréiluln'p's-Ison Lake >Eaggiou, PxP Tire, Austrlaa sù- sourîsle' in tib Ilae the, Tii5to t Ray B-Manifeste et KapolconrM., ad., Livr antp éreaseal h<le COt7s.Le$çi f.tbe..4u~ i hi htins. I r iais P sase th @ . P o e t a , n ib ..îa . _ _ re m e d iu a s. hub u a 0"&t led, ddestos the.enela>' Sa Msay 2D-Gwhb*1di sttacItç4 b>' <baIns. triAa, beu t 01n.-o. Chi4à;1Ofà4ti Mi- 713119P m sor Tu is- Tu Zas-e A "trn As r 8JtuêeCaleude-tbe EMPOË; or, at 1Voguera. <May' 20-Tii. E npcror arrives astI celli-Gar i pin alibeais the Aaifriai '1t lisat...4 'nruair ania mi or vaz ia*-mu sarsu May 27--Ca;ibali masrcbesUapon Como' anMd rossîing <ho Autrianu at an le-nie occplas <iciy-Rapid mos-ementa of <lie Froneda svay <rira» *e utii toe i nortb of thxe Poý-Montebcflosand Cü&té,gý gio, evaeasted l'y Iium, occnpied ijthe. andl Lecco-Anstrian veuelu bomabard Ca. nobbio, on Lake. Maggior-Tb. Va]ltellime riscs li nsnrein My31 -Ball, of Palestro-the Allies, coinn lb>' Virtor Emannel attackithe Aaitrius-tiie Biperor et Austria, attali.- cd b>' Fiqld-Kuruhol aron 'EUis, arris-adit Verona. -lune .-Tte Alle. écfealt ttse "AI*. powcnýfaîl hou>'of tlgi. onema ttaccs Lisene unmuocesfullY.-The Austrlasa ttack fàu allical oulpoos t ah obbio, but 'speedily s-a lroat-tb -'advanc. e'ule Allie%. uées Mlie hn,' thi.entened Lornbaidy b>' bridge of Tuirbigo, via saOXvza WICeSr TaE: inh--ThgCRUT 1ATTLIO I 0VMIA ID Ait'owJ1to. lune 9.-Ti,. Auttrlaaisiiautly evâCa4 84rdina-S8efm r.action 'aI BaDilorsL. gsribai&gsanmarche.s up'-on Vas-eu, besa -t. Ànstüliais-, sud re-ecupies it. < ,Jaiae 4.-Tii.coutlitat Wdnffa scou. chiées in a aplendid victm or othe. lleus a %sris was - I DY-uiw aiaae. Ç4 d WMeaomcu3 ber but tufIserlovel liq"tifil cantin iiaty@ iiuigf lslNoue tii. McuidMos-e lier t the endeavounet rmingu of W 1 -ternioves- dreai, 1'Tia itrue, xi ieéi'uconiplii a-died, aaroand wonld bave -gison droepiag spiritx, dis, feLlirfasut booa giveïl<o lhic be lu- yiaigpillem. :-- eened,suda se. as happy, stroyer, i"tellbjim .et hls, I am fthe aim n, sud usa Sonce'jyn ,-betrayr utood b vaeptsud ihon 1 me"Se, bis psan ef sgeny mithiai. Molthre, but tii luné bhimfraisa =&r~uy-uunile ail 'asémlcone bis .11a1 nmfil, l>' 71 ýà,oare the Fr thesAdn tistratcon and siat usemt slanéd? 11cm L buted? Ont of th for iseland, nat on I>ihint <wiit i. ¶ r1 a - c

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