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Whitby Chronicle, 15 Jul 1859, p. 3

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9u u oaep PO u doréid Mt15 or 1o, h..en . BT. 8. beaid4er and told ber or love; ho e 1 sfpp"ol > ,Moaly and noble, snd as1 kWtlut i te .doubt.d net ClonSf lugily Oie, ÏM listen«d te theéseft wow lWmo;!@ll tapoatber ear unt.obah. dlly b lWdd 15 vasa kWared ipilit wlsh ber w Oiýxj uC nthe tboughid weva happj Qoe &>à I u8V ber, but oh 1 how CIUaM a..d 1 the. suddev r wielanov m r.pa V" M - lb.tIîogto<îbs»aeeu revives., o gr"î tb*J Imay noyer again behold suc aotod . The. turtI. wr.ath wih vlthin ber bah., I had sego oeaMj, Wv 40 thoreansd thonn cluatenhag centia no, Ia mendai7 upon ber celd breir; eh beid a rose in ber bandan. ah.,< 'gse voont t d e in as k.h.ralf, vkthered. Ber eye voee loood ' ber boaut throbed ne longer, but llber levelilusa ad not ye fdcv., < boda«alul aveu lnu detii. AsIr-yen tthe CaUR Of thatYoung girl'§ deatb. Itwva sbrokec bourt N64e thougbt that his faitiesmneil eeul<l nie b er hiiegh.oale lored witii au ardeur ce utessed ouI>' te. herseîf, in vain ah@ endeavonred toe ie i.pasienste vorkings of ber seul, sud feor to?'ferg eue who bad seO deepl>' mroeid ber, ~Siiutlyahpasseil sway, and ofteu shed teara ever dreama of futur. bapjlneu,. 'Tia truc, tie grieved alone, aBilent, sud uncemplaingly, yielding te ber fate- 4--died, aurrounded by many friend, vhà Ïvould bave given worîcli te have rale.d lber dree0Plng spirits, yct it wuvad cte seceber dl., 'for lier fiait sud purest affectionasiiad been giveu te hmwifin Woo e. stain,d ber ibregli that trying heur, the. sootiier of bur dying pillow. We wept, but net for lier.--No 1-ire folt that lier aulhringe îrere ended, and we could net naourn tint 'ih. vas happy. Once tie spolie cf ber de. atreyqr, "'tell hil,"@h. asicIl "tint though netias, 1 amn tie bride of deuth, bu. I for. give i, sud nial' ni>death, the crusbing of w>' once joyenaeart cause hi ne soir- 401>ýow" Suie irws laid In lier coffin, and lier bot raytr atoed by Itss aiethysaid ho v~pt sudvhenIapke tWim of ber dying Message, i§spainfuli>' cotracted broir tuld of agon>' witiiin.Re vent fortb, 1I mev net inter., but thub I knowý that these Who lured hlm from the fulfihîment cf solenn Vov, nmalsIboueat is approachiug foetatepa, iàd velceae i h u ncloudêd broir, but 'tbe memor>' ef the brekeu.besrted oue shal bueed over bios bappiest houai, sud drive poses fronm bis guilt> seul. Mu»z rnau LzîT .. *iuulsafii, July 7th, 1850. 'Woari-tii. jrrteds of t Ppacy V ~. Tii. RanI cfCarlule lusinuateci lu Lic Houmcf Lords tint ibere wva acoalition bouveen Lord Denb>"s Oovemuient sud the Roman Cathoîbes of Treland, vibch mutle- scotvus empbaatlî>denied aLLth ie .. -Now, ihat are Lie (Sels lu reorence te tho AdmlulttoLvsofet hiah Lie noble ',Mlord i apresent the ,Lord Lieutenant et l104d7? HeWrM laheuireusgonagd distni- buW 7 ?Oui et tie 104 meiniers retaiuoci for Irelagdnet enothird-bu tact, cul>' 31 rre Roman .Liolies, and Yet,,,he oui>' ~FrsWmoniurs that have neoelved ýofflco aoe t Liaireligion 1 The Attoeyo>' (louri(Fitzgeraldi) is-a Romnan Catholie. ' Tic Solicitordeuneri d R&)i 10 The Junior Lord efthLe Tresaur>' (O'Ha- San) Ib a ilOnianCatioe. - euroence toLieappeintiaut gr Mn.ý O'Hauuv76hAasWord tegay>. Hi$ '>àt$DM et Lb.Phiox - oespiraters, ai -rein>, ,calleciforthLb thie wlng conimeuts - frm thb. Morn<nff Pet "$EA <rosi licous. cugit uuoublody teo ,bëàUwedrn a pnseuer's adroee, mero os- peoill inuIr.land ; butitaoomiu t 'i lesding eouns orherlbPbenlztvaitev ex. hh.dspoatlentu sun l.iru ol M abwusa4 Lipatienu oet cunt sdjr Kg. resa-nauued tbé &Pprever < or eue selid day, aud, if ve aur ghtly la'fermeci 'he oit pant et anothor, sud addresWeot -jury for ai"eheurs vithouat callng. à vît. nmu. The stàlaof tLob hràngue vusai Altplerab)e a lhe - Ioun$*. leiwvas a do' nsaumat nof aIl autienit>' otaliLite vit. "mofSUo alpprovairs, of aul goveraent piee!amaUoàs, snd of tbeQrewn'a cdduit çdWIii5Ii7.'£bd mastr,»e unlug, dis lu paiehod Sasîbpto auelgbbour beatlug a b. re1buaket ad ' 4sîa î~ ~,noîglbour, a niel>' dresso (, qoîd vith éýclgAa naphln. O ()u 'grot atood the greo>, la-s1Ins tin hr&,.Y, jnevor pàffld vlîhouî -Mana aCali, n. set hls baket Jnt eniidé the 40ev an&d<go Y-Ing iu, nigger4libo W 1 au Libuluea g-Ti.raupon the. gmrenai ender.4 Saýmbe )d e f t > ' lilea, aa. pigok te et Dit of iebaalet sud depeaited under the uap- qd kl s Young 4oe ý,a iictini cf pup dis. lampr. Saubesauaked ulàips,01took up bis basket and ment on. .&ralvng atibe ueighbeurs ho, .ae su ad bowed, àa'nd mgde bis vay àdirecil>'tej theow tu"o'tôuc h ' fl3tan& u p tii. reaaei Thi. nolgiibeurz! vas er delaltt, but upon. unrelliug ibe napkin' kicked the. dsrkeyinte th. et elhn liiiteotaket11h.épuppybak tobis muter. Sani', eyea dilsted, sud h.oa.ratcbdlà s h.sd in vain te solve thé. ayater>', bru re-, placing thie puppy starwecifer hoe..0f1 courue h. atopp.d at the grecery t tell l hi» niishap, sud wmule 4lanoerdrin thei. vAg abstracted the puppy sud replacedà tbe Pig. Aira> veut Sambo home, sud juatt "tlgit" enougii te be brave, atalked igto J bis master'o prononce sud threw down tii.J baket miih d"dar arn de pup'Yeu sent by dis nigga," viien Io-audj- beiield eut yolieà the renier. Th. mauter kicked the drvnkc en, nigger eut of the. bouse, sud the pig s coniing after kuecked the. darkey down., 'Wiere tii.y lay aide by id. unttil Samïb6lt recoverlbg là breai, svyed ti.thecause0 Of all bis miaîbapi, sud addreased it thua: y "You arn pig or puip jus as ydu pIee.." AIEl poui esM if. g-Ifn,.Bien 1 ilin IL lai known, apon the occasIon et hi. tlrst paosage acrosslth clilag ara ham, of. i ered any>'eethe priviloeofet £ rlde'upon t bis b ack dürîn& enie subsequ.ut 'perfor- niance of Lb. aime haz;grdcias tont, Ik 0 waa hardi>', te b, ippca.dîthathoe Wouîd t dnld any "backee r" ortlint experirneigt, I bat vo are told hy te Rochc*ter piapera w, that a Youn!g man of thst clty et dventaîre. P levlug- habits hiag. Itely witten 'a di letter-te 'Blondin, Inu mmciihe e vqtiesua toe.allewred th, privlbege cfa seattilîien the aeuîlerçet the here, sud s sharo in dO Lb. Jnimortaî4y vof bis darng ,perfhor.w4 ince. Ho luferins M. Bleudin thathela be 24 yesrs elci,'Is 0"v.eet 1Are luches hi$b, of weighcs 120,,Pound»,, sud ln rai>'te n motint Lb. back et Lb. intreopid vaiker asud'a b. berne acrosa the greit cbssm. Thei, Union tbuaîks,that Ilondin *111 acccpt théil offer of the ambitionîs yôsîig mn, and ta Lbé latterwmlli;an u pportunity te try go The. Itala uRegamount Sagsmand Iar- Iug dowu arma tu, the Battie of, Mlagenta.; r < Tic dust French .,reports can b., baisle et Magenta apoke et 10,010p rii oueio, throe cannons and one t ndlrd lest b>' L!e f Tihe eficial reportetf<Gyulai, acknev. lecigeci theis otftirèe. gains, '>utredacoci tie niunben et prIsonesmonde b>' Lhe Freodate 4,000 men. -If me complote,,ýIi Lies.reports wth, b 1h.- oteur offilial aud tic otiien Paniaisu papirs, wo May qoen- cludo that tb, number of. pnlseners lest b>' 9ynloldici net caceed 6,000.But oven suci s nuniier - l; lunflgrant diserepsue>' with the o leofet ul>' tire.cannons sud eue standard, and c e ouI>'e eplabuoci by tho supposition Liait whole bodios et Anatnisu ireepo laid demu tieir arms ou Lie buttie floci witiiont su>' combat. 4ud- tbat waa id r resutei.case. One 'entire -Italian nogiment, ordereci te atiacit s Sandiniata division, stepped, b>' çonmcau conmenlsucdefi>' il. mz&aýdi-u tireir dowm their amisundoner ceMI' vit, val Lhe reginient No. 35, Ceîlei eoral b> âenme ot ite ýproprletea' <Inla6r) regmmoat gisimunci, the Arcidazit. Bigla- inid, Fiold Marsbl iutnat b i li hoa>' eommnd' h o«of.va etiabîs 1 battI. ofMsgont* mas Field aabiLin tenant Baiesi von Walitbov. Tbe 'reeril. lng district of thte raginiont àlaVernm,'au4 bards, thLe 68clficers oftLirgiat i 46 are Islaos sdarrvnsi aTurn as prisosrs of mai, -21 o o biivp 80100$.l eci servies ie *sarutlnan S i. 2h btaino'the. It6liauu ig a»lt Ëqp.ý13 woro bouit te fraternla. mlih the ecilsans, *ud tcovado e-sneb A 1dr.*dtiaccident be gave ordera te ýail Mastrian treopa ta eoff, 'w , .%. ai ie 'ïOfiai tie French or Sardinian ah»>',becsas bm ~îaîe-otMage tet two, dsys vere-t*~ ýcessai>te-reorganlze fia.scatiereclregl ment&. f * TIa ittof s ohfbaIsio. NoCV TOUX, Jul> ' 2-TiW'Nov "Yerk Tiyma cf'te-day coulalus letters <nom Mr. Rsyanondl, edltgrln-cbief= novlaBure sud "MlaIco" fisParis corepnnt datedl frein Lb. battl iidM f Soltenino. 1fr. %aynumisapthat net les.- than 540,0004 men bave been ugsged,. sud'cf t'hese net1 les.tbsaqe 3,0deador.diisbled lia tais1 brigit slarr>' uight upon tie blond>' field. ris., Juet thLb.backof Castiglieone, visesit à bigh rangeO'f hbis ; the Austràans have talion thein position upon ies. bills, plant. inggannenupen, ubose neareat te Castig. lIeue mmhci tii.>' could sppn:oacb, sud had siationçd their, immensé .sain>'ail ovor Lb. plain. Nýapoleon pro 1mp>'accepted liheJ challenge sud comnienced the artack as soon as iL mas light, b>' placing cannon aipen the buiss miii nearer te Castiglione thanithose belci b>' the.Austriaus, sud c openiug lire aipon tlaem on the. ieigbts be. l yond. Ho teook bis stand aipon tii. beighm ,# 9f tus steep aharp-backcd ridge, cemmatnd i .ng a niagnificent vieof et entire circuit of the plain, sud <rom Liat, point direct-b the entire nieenihsoftbis .ara>'duriug le tho cari>' portion oft te-d>'. 11 a Tii. French ver>' bon drove tl4.en«emy out of tii. positiens they 61id nesreut te the town, sund followeci tian inte tiie amaîl vil- lages of the plain beleir. Tiie firat ofttiieoe. ras eolterino, miereo b>' ac!a uiiarp sud 0 Protracteci engagement. Tii. Austnians lisputaci ever>'inch o et i.gronnd, sud fougbt tiier., amibe>' dlid tbrougbout the-a a>', mitiis utmost desperation. -Tii.y rere ;tire Limes01;dniven eut, oethLe tomut -efore tii.y ould ste>' eutThe. people th Df tIhe villa go teok part against the Frenchi, apou vbom tii.> fired fnom their windows, i, und Lie French moere compelleci, iu self.de- rnce, te burn tie tewn. Wben Lie>' found nm 4impossible te hoîci Lieir grouncl au>'loan- eer, tii.>' <.11 back steadl>"until they reacii. xl Lie village et VOila, viieasa yen iyul n te b>' Lie map, lias durectl> ' eu.ts 'rom Csqtigiee,,sud is ouI>' about a- mile 'rom Lie river Mincie, <rom vhaich, hem- rer, iL lu sieîtered by buis. Upon thoel Ïlmlu inte rear of Lie Lown, and overlook. ng IL cempletlel>'ou Lie aouti sud south- ast aides, Lie Anstrians had i plntod* ver>'* imildable batteries; sud mien 1 anrivocilTb ion tie bsttle-lield, I vent at on 'ce to cli rer. Lie Emperer lied stood at Lie open- og of;Lbo engagement, but wlich ho-" ha dem eft an boun 550 te follow bis victerietîs îcops. Tiese batteries u'ene bluzing-swa>'y pou tbp Francliihe voeestationod ou Li te Ii bomIcoulci distinct>' see Lie Dopa itationod upon Lio broad plain, sud' ovig --up Ian msses "v'",s b.front, rhere Liieii-aýr$ile, ms.ppsted, as their Liv ervices ver. nequired; but soon ai Lie>' mc Èceti oint Le>' er.i4peatedly en- lopei lu the . umeke ethLe cannon, sudC'a, mapene6o ~iievui6' bùttbeg en-. ckebujftbpÂustrau lire sund iba te ling back et their snnke, snd a coeaa- Coi] ", ,ag ad .-eo ipr fLa be , te frn theFnenea artlboà>À%Part L' , a t ra aml8MIey 5PW 4 1DO ome IWOÂ4lt îipis t5~ aspthr ' ~~ a n s d la.. u 4ut, 0'eu diug baL , "tIl '1~ osàan d traweglar paitering of àAustrianacouuls admit 0 ora mOf goï lt ipou a teoftvbhle th. latter Wu ae-'0OOIilIed, mcundod sud mlaslng. eauîioaîlIY mupeuded, but *vie IL last.d The Antrie-,olfidat vopert my th wsOvemrh.lnidgly grand 'sud terrible. ulght Wi1É of 1115 8rÏÏ' G4uod PAUerOIen Ove t. arinanPark rm a &d4welciw esoi" ",ea rlae'doJe esaoodirecT yupW" arUuidàpereàY ln ,be4 '6 é Ù& toullzo tiprigit, d'.ie nud spradlg ot--rd, au&n4 Pidd,-*à4mdtea v*s st th. top 11k. sn énortnou sheaf Of vaao!îi àèït'onatï& uiis he Mi.,un vasmaklug a gicrieus The Ijp "Y ontiuesifs 4 A &"tàig lu tie vesl, sud salai Ight qaýd.vý ejwa holaê b eea 517dpatdth vvd'fls euhecdis- vtô-ô4 Is ss*ila-eengive viti Charmeofa amon""glcanwd îbrougb iebWth hre î sblik ad.ouch large smoe4i~ sarplibtiu t1regÃŽ~ob, todis o ps capi hhOfas s general b r oju t o f an e n erm e u l u 2 .s mtn g a l ' l @ eng àeu fth Le Lwo Szuinoa 0 1lc ouI>' sugie flash wculd be en, ubeutvo on 1hà iibe 2ÃŽa'4th.Ti.rgb oruIhreest once, -sud'snto mmeamifa ipg vièawii o n~te. ad -ar dezen . ould break forthin u ucession. ' My under Ciouaf1t Siccl, maintied PO> vas beginning te b. dsrk mien1 tunmed te sesion et tie' place mmih iL had oe1riginal> descend th. bill, sud a il ;tbe va>' dom I eccupi, ed l in eliant bine>,eof'bate ualil 8 beard the, roar efthe cannen, sud Li chat- e'cloek lu the attern1oon, sud the fiait or. tering efthLe guna of the lut'auîrY, but tie ni>'tie lefL ming under Count Winiffer, con. Austriana M'wOTO dlean>' ýfalliug 'back and tinuaill> gaiued greund lu th. direction of ould scrcl>' Juve fallqd te autain s total Le Cini e. à r iu%818alkort estI'mai.tu te French Tomards tire.c'cleck the encan>' mode osa. ât, about '25,000, lucluding 10 000 s vebenient sttack on Solferino, sud, sfter several ouai barda gtng, obtained pos. session of the. place mcii ad been hero- cally defended by the. ti corps iarmee. An attack won tiien made on Carriara, which place wau courageouay defeded by 1tiie lot and 7tii corps d'atrm'e, but was Leventually left iu possession of the eueuiy. While the. strnggle for Solferino ad Car. rariara was going on, the Stii corps ïfarmee, vhich wau on the. outer flanks of the. right wing, advanced aud repulsed the. ardiaian troops oppoed te it, but tuas ad- vantage did net enable tiie Imperial army te recovr thir Possessions in the. lest cen- tt. The. Zth snd 9tii corps, wich ere supported by the. i tii corps, more engaged on the loft wing, and the. reere cavalî-y ttachd to this ing made everal uot brilliait attackm. Unuually hevy loua.,, and tii. fact that, the left wing of the. lot army Ires uns- ble te aake progreas on the riglt flank of the enemy who direted his main force in tii. encounter against a place talied Volta, led to the -retret of the. Imperial rmy.- It began late lu tiie evening during-s vio. lent iteruz. A Y E f S , - L A R I - A t W o o d s Wt c l , o n the. M hInstant, by Lth e o. Stephenj Blier, fr. WiLLIAM Avmn», Of Whitbv, to M iss H uagîzI eA C Ofn , cf W o tock. J ArrIvI ort Lie dcianîada.19 SÂCKvILLN. R, ul> 12. Tic royal mail uteamsiipCanada, <rom Liverpool on Saturday Lhe 2nd mast., paas.d Càpeý Rlaceat 5.30 p.mn. ou Sunda>' the lotb ust&ut, sud srnived âiýfax to-day. $ic ras boardeci off Lb. CÂpe b~'liiheme"yacht Ot the Nov York Àsocciatoc Pres., sudsa briefmaimmary Ofber noms procureci, vbicb rfas eartcd froir St. john's yesterda>', but 0ni>' neacied ttus place ibis <oreoen. 5v. JOHNS, N, F., Jalil,1 The, follewing is aslumniary>f'et icne.a bY tic Canada, miici pumeci Cape Race Mt five o'ciock p. n. on Sunda>' Tic atesmsbip Oi*j, of Wa,*ington, Irom Newr York via St. Joins, N. F.,, 'ber. uhe called tt aie eut the passengonu by Lie.' E4in&rglt, amniveci ut Qneeustowu 'n tiie lot of Jail>. The noms b>'the. Canada dees net pro. mut an>' new Icalaires et nusual import tnce. Tier bam beian DOmore ligbîbug, sud tec allies centiniecitbebr mevenents acrosu se Mincio nmolestèi. Tii. Eapcron Napoleon bWcichaugeci s bead-qaiarleoi rom Volte te Valiogie. Tii. Ssrdinisus lard compieted theie lut. meut ot PeaciiuatheclaIte Garda to te Mincie. The. Empier etrAustiba vasexpecteci te emaina lu'Ital>'. Tii. nov Engîish mniitr>' bac!preonom- d for a strict uoutnahity. 'Mr. Cobdenubac! echiteci s seat lu tii. Cabinet ceutMAL INTECLT0cLGKNO. 'Iu Lie Liverpool Cotton manket Lie betefr the mcek anionteci te 5,'100 bales. i.o pnices efthLe loirer qaities bildeo lindJ, ýpinlb. Breaistiffa manket vas dneepingansd al Meniptiens aligbtiy lbee. Provisions dm11 ci quetations bars!>' naintaineci. NEW Yen;, June 13. Tiie Cunard Stesisip .îEtna, <nom rerpool. ou Lie 2ud, mat, ,urrived i i omuing. fter advices areLie same as tiiese by Lie anada nt Halilix. At PAris IL is believecinlu me çjumanta at-i FimucnnhIosat Soifàrinxe iiuated 16,q00 r '18,000a fellovu :-Nial', rpi,600ts00 THles, neari>' Tie Frneo iple are maici to e st id' mit iïLe matinsie thLe dahiaa <ldin lite 3Mtu. T'hePatre ssy LiaiNôkp oo Md su Glette miL ama. pre W Tb. Autriana b.dsoes or ciglai Go> a su maa', - i * olerA vud4. scioas CLZOnnra, , Wmsv-Plo ra jZ14 ou Fib $ tp0er rro 05 OMI26-1a2e orbuual. suTO wrcad seliug as i!gh as 46 SM. Hav $12 a0141 ton. #FOeLla4>df . 07564. CIIED"IT SAL E Q.V TROTTIG &I FA3K 8TÃ"Ã"OK aggtea, Cuttero, armeas, k&C& w ILL hacaffureci for Sale. soins of the boat kV toci t h. eutry, . AT KItNT'S BO0TEL, WIIITBY, ON SATURDAVI JLJLY 23, The. weli-kuiwu Ta'ottiug Nem " BLACK TOM," The. aorel Mae, "LADY SILVER," 1shetland'OUe, Skeltcsu Wage sdn- te ; 2 s4e t s o r u c a sip ; 1 c u rera U ttt r ; 1 iaaggy, neir; 2 Cciv., nariy fuit; 2 tbre.-year- 1dU i u s tw c-year-old llicit r. Aimoa, aqittintit> ef Huwehold ]Furnfture,- Tersast AUi uns itder $40, cah;-, hve a t M O %to u a t t ii e e m o u t h a' er t d it m i te g i v on by foruiiag approvou loinit tac t.mIaint li- res:tu&, lotiè s-faseu ha atr ut militaDe aa'gôd freindatu. SaUI6-t TWOlVé o'Olàk, noon1, THOMIAS MYERS, I c J o ti km lu o, I s' ot JVN TUE AXMIIVAL <J7ie g OMl~~~ BROÂJ) CLOTIIS, CÂSSIMERES, TWEËI, E A DY','- D EC'ùL-0TEHIN lnu 1 ena'sd Boyi'CCeta, Vat"udPntl1ufee Y 1q u1alyiae np on the prsmioims,- 'wceuntia.ens Ciithwïmg i deup t.o o 1der On the latent style ef Fafbi0.u.j' À frsh toe ofGroceriesa just 1Recèi 'ed. Cedi beore pur"iq WMw el&re a# grea iaducemen wa c .girenj~ clam~ - O BE SOL!) AT'ÀA BARGÀIN. ABOUSE AND LOTafua4losre weaie' ile Baer0sresidu ne.., 'laia d.srou.. of paire! aatsîg miii fSudIl t thor radrntage, by e:1aii,w castih, sul..ri»r, JOSEPHI!EWUY la-dor or out-ol-door wui-k., JOSEPH liNEWBUEY. 1laaaJaÏly 14, lti<J. 81 TtLfr'm ni' riy . i ]bcr~- 1-j tientia- lis iejcia M --s sauJa (orn Wf, ÇoItb., L t ,it f -, 0 - 159 t t utli(If.Jtau-, iuhi 'ai anVI,- . 'ne 01 Jliieau, P. buA t- t i-;te aatc (ite, c Tis e.itii u ààJltu 1îu-ci u r tsitig or va-u-~~gIna-h' - 1i ji. c sio e -caie ;-'c'r ROBIERT J.WILSON,.j '&RIiJuu tAT '()Ji.\ Y A-TLAt'P î,aiice- airer ii te tf '-r,. II.,,4 a 1F0R1IATION WADITLD ii el,'a'.aun ls ý)t u iis llu iy QI tc.iac.uwau b.un lu Piitbaier gabul,îtL Aie-li r 'at i t ast'O. the iiale.tlueiitd %v bic tliskf'uijy relu 1inLN'f Y WB lLAX, Orow nLande Departm&nt, - 1'Tront, 8f hr Jal, 1859. NTOTICE lai hereby gueOt Lai thLeStîrraytc £1Laia sliaLihe Cjwitxiiip» or s'a aiýua.,, t '1 çO D uL > a ion n u i t L i tn L r i sk , l u s et o a tI jt > laig.u1, ti . C., will bsu oeaafur aulu euitca déier gaueVl'iijj cr N ..XT UnlLil. Yar lima ité ie ùlais anduat olidtioai oet sale, App' LaituM. P. IAT K5, E.auare, CraiuLeaatd Agent, ut Mia-de, Cueîîat QIciàtsiiigs Crown 'Landa Department Toront, 8th I,u',186. 'i5TTICE ln berei>'given LIas: the laaiist lit tig l5ictilahp n' or agrli aut ftitte ciiti.ty g' brtîteunc U C. mili b. opt for iaie oit ad siter th".TIM ÙL i> i~X'Mmii Yon fltiltsf tise luis*s-id coilitaucf OUI@, sp- ANITH0 DýFMEW USSEL 1 x é ý ', 18Éà ý. ûl8l Me amlu,»o ,fG ljenilm, Stoulit T ve a iib l, by l>iibls oDetnA- osa ,Plu ayri, alSYt J lle 1~9 Ot Ldet-Yo. 2r and7<.». z1f Wh.>, fatat~ cf ti. taie hir Jhuiatid SAbLE 18AcreseL GawigfCru, PoAim n3 '*'2 ~IlT JMiring Robbc-ry at -Aurora iig- NiposW0u lis a l c iuis1 f, ni- st. thle I lri,u01 tlie'llu- tel , c-iuliiatiL ibu"Itlt 51cusju sand ac Isune cf 31rA gulu'. M. 'l-i, fSui-si011 ihsl tg ibiulisame aucivaiucu . 'wtin il cdirs, liuaud uaaie becas lin the enipyalit 01 r. i li ot. » ,' sas uuu1,'1 ilC5'. 'a.ilans 'iu., siit'sw- tte mefullomlia dp- 'sraticaa1-5 ûI. t ie-isouInligisa, 1Jibt hat, di tuiuplexuimi, blilck sutîr Uad w1-iîiekr,iiak idt-, as ÃŽli i il fgi., uircuiluolseui jasîi.- Icaui, bl"IcsiC oua ve..c, suaidrssh ciored-trcwd.u Aaîy Pormtanglî'ig sssy Infcmatcon icrnri' 119aivsO luaiu itllcu,,Ctiîl iui e atalasIj»i--; - 1,011, ila, mWin bclitiencil>'nsm ar-d lby. the u-- - CHARLF.S CÏSE. go Wrelisglou Inn, .unui A Toiîs fua-reci a-eige, aitid 'swns IteM ýeg'usctlu Wlsits àwsim heu ttii, fr om-i'isttua- îuiîituugbuat m taie uui t;j't cime <do- A csar-Lclsacrild. th,Chut %tsa»mil i-k- am1as lubtter t>>' 'ar t-duîeii ai I W!; la A eusrrier beltug b>', misur tituai tuevîoi tb,u to- $add amy ritutycu ,pics.., tîela I iulfiiîg 1kà .WIILLIÂIM McBI , Lit-ic' îad geuutieaaaen'c 1"nuiotaablo'BoiL tia BROORLIN, (. W.. Tii. aboya, b', fer thse iamîuevo!n y-sar't titeai fie first îrize for fluet and schoiti t taihe Cois- Noualebut Li,, Iet inuterial cadi Iteat n'c'ik- ta-sitqi ip amide u;' un tiu Iii; ladh a-jéisad,.s tad n( . cn,:iicrt a. aib. readîi> ,s,- teided, ti inii timlsud with goocita hau Becmckiuii, Jily -4.1859. Lite utsieraiigiied utw uIsuma tt~ata &eài 'uïldoar thse isime suld Srm oc Wlooîla iitaitag, basabeaoo ld>'dnovd > wni ý,j

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