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Whitby Chronicle, 15 Jul 1859, p. 4

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<4 B y U <ej wiceh tbe7 art uiing si unprood.taly F2i< 4 CI$.-WtM.Xiu 1WPiO.The. Colonial w'ui -bmo4inlm ts AddouNqT BOOKS, L.dens., oitu4 r. Inome & isdy- l 1*w s Day, Orj naid Bill Books., rul.d for th Ja*epi.enum , ~. ObiMbed CapiWa-On, million flté.rilng. Dow déaai! urrenq -, Bitai Books of'Cnututed bi' Art of parllilment, "d.ry descrption inmade to order, rule o b Agenot.. in Al1tho isVolou)o#, wi.reFre.nu in),pattoros, ad dboundnd à u stpe., A 791Vpd sudClainisUettied. rièr nner, & I Boks WrIs # t et Whitby-GéL'.»sit..p. tmu, Sannar. oisci'ock Wriiu ss- Àgualn oerr>part of tbe worid. tars!. Bate Pndi, .aiugWax$ WRITNG PAFEUS-.-PO84te; p* 3et. ter, CoP /nh Fcoloap, amis lP0tPott ZàB: writug 'Paper, ail isse sud W1RAPPING P,&p8361,*c* ia*TsO. 42 'Par"dWtiSWnmg o n s tard i iilaBrown, - Cunneai, le.- pmwlat.er tt h&or of th. se pbuansd Grey wropping péprs-al i er enoin:1 of tile Aggnwio ot0< mass udWe.ht& . Bank Uçperc , are 1sf1uslrq. e otk. 7putb~gney twoe~'t.f ENVELPES-Lsld, Bine, Buft% Color. Undad4' _UèieeI*or<e ad,, al aises, And varions quaîîeîeroi fr ireh imach doposst-sud trssstilt to il JUMer(4ecrilsDe the- oi/ BLANK FORMS-Iu Cbaneory,Quee' iêa egoo hten A 00 bdsocu Surrogat. Courts, lnsoivent Court1Divi. cancunt h"as booc<hIli'. sion CourtCormanrs'l Magfstr4teoi, Nota- T. D. ARRUINTON, D. IL G. ries', Clorksof the Peine, CiorksaOfcouu- (ift -1 be tiesTowno, Ville su enhla ed, Toronto, 18 Msy, 49 18 7 Mortg4acs, sud ail forms idatins to thio Z ocovyanc>of ot Ilul Eftato. i - LS,- 00~ 011ERIFS, Biliflis' sud (lonotables' 1 Elauki l>y the jluze, hurdred, cor thon. Jr, v sasd, et Torouto price.. 51, ~ INKS, FLtJI1M, ININSTÀNDS, e-, $WTII Quatter Dollar Pacîeo, (Oiitalulng 12 $set# fiue rulcd LoUter F ~ 1 ter Burciopo, 12 selisealing Note Ine hopes, 0 Fraser bullon Pens sud IloIdr,~ t eaue shoot cf Blotting Paper ,asd ont iDot. ~ __ flo Iuk-all Ibr a QuarZer Dellar. TO PRINTERS.I , Ailkinds cf PitEXrrs'O l'AvnJ-KCWn, ' Job snd colord-*oid n atnirket prices, Àstili furtiser Reductiuu n i41lkinds of. Prlutiog for Cash, The X WEEKY CIIONICLE t ' 4 thosp.at sewmpopes' i Canada, at One M~ Dollar sa Yeuss, in udewssre. fis t MIIJNS & mÀyk~ialopEll, P-riater, and .%ttl.aawr.. Ir Wbltby, July 4, 180,.p S'A.TLONERY. THOMAS MAOLEAR, u» Sjsst rreoiveod ilrset f rosis Brh b i<nj, CAUTION. STA'MONARY OOODS 1 WRITING FAPERIS. In lEtwlusn, Deuiy, lasrge snd .ssinui 1.t4e.1lt0, Leter assd N?<i4e losper, rissed aui all FOOILSÇAPS:- Alil w0lrlt, io 'a ns ri C'5s ill ; yeliow jsud bine WQUt', rslod umi l li. ENVEILOPES: IL sud C, lidus, Y. aIsui1, wove eand buff, ST14EL PENS: QllUAI;Mlgolî',ssid Uwe.', aooo anidl,,Toatssiiissa.Chrlki Hrlo. pryrwliitsagouertil dock of Mlaooliuoss lrapp±ng 1>1apers: Alil idlR 4tunitiüs sud welgisto, of C*nadian muals tcuno, et inakars' ;.rksroa. TWINES: Or British andsi eersn anutuagüwnrc L.dforad suurssli4, Lissy IkOo .CZsL Dcs AND 8UE I0SATIONER<i'ail of' cia nnlsnreg ut gcod isîteriul, sud wsll got up. Vuost iiportosi, e large stoc uoft itstitou isue-. Wood, vives!eu sand P (aiàbacutîful sarticlean sd P" lsot u .4aeliublo Maous and l1>lotro Bonis!- lngs, et saif l'auner price». PIOTURE FilÂMES MAe d er lsss it., t ehort ntise-aeaop. QILT UVAL Daugerrotype Portrait Frmeu, A Large aaaostmosîî lu stock or tisIîat tuen eloaztlsàg woudor o tietheo lu ITItIlxo&oI'£, vilS upwssrd» of 1000 beitivicwo lus «rosat 152'A llioral dlaous4 l'os' cas, WbiwIeie tallossery Warishouse 9 MASONLO BUILDINGtl, Toonto $11, neer l'est USeTrun Toronto, July ,' s, 85, 2&-4w. URUG» AND JIBDICINEU. I ZIIsuthecrIbrrir" blsineressuki 10 bl biiumtiners as!patronsi; and lu sclinlg eeoulluusaeoef th.e eawony ii Wlrlii iehssbueonu lavOroi, lnco 0a.1109bil- ama ou the. ps'mlaee fvror% Ser, eupîas!by Ms' JIf G Y#-ol h s toelàa it;:, wuth hlet"ddtom_ m STOCK orFFUIE DaRues, 0< êv.y description, yet offered (or salnl the Torhf<m lI, eteuî Meiio lesPrfumerl, Er.aiA'lit», OU&, Dya Mtlitsfi, &a., &a, Pis'aolas a lsifsli> 1'soaerptio» oar.isy x«» Md ticatti. Kedialues sf51 kîsiisacor1tl auuuued POPdss 'Wbttby, Aprî 14, 1858. 15-ly, lIOZACE oI4icton ou lilldingaasdà th £««a7. l' oufm uple JoHN AGNEW. 1 wm u udo -dokt11o 157 b. s'. ils 19 r- o- 10 50 t' se 1- 'g f i 'J Aî~rmnsa uns! eotrc,'luq thea Lnce th# utsncet rigor os' tise ise WOOIL CAIEDINGF. 11I usoîoE l eroibdo e«Ilude of Wool Crdng at 2d,.lier l16, Wiltby, May,' 2t1, LEVI9 B vie TIIOXJ IAS8EoBINSvN' E'AOIIQNABLE ILAIR CUTTINO AND> X ossvin miLns risait root, Wislîly.- A tirot mae J9ng:Oais anad KwIrmraer, ci 1on stîssdtln thf tWs ulca, "Iii slesSe baud lutadînes10 eo ttew.ton ou entl, ijbmvlng la a promn oas1wiolc entonuesîfor eodr" "mfr ,nnlssvcuO, but ngoder ito. lnm ita> i ii sdtise OPurri tlo c CQUNTY 0F ONZf2ATIQ,. TO LET. Tl by Jssmei Ptinkle, sd'»w,,s~ 'STONE SýTORE,-, *hs toSptuiber zoxt, -WidtAiatJ 13ËZ l':BEERRI jjgj.> JAIOpurelissoltise etireO took c1 IL 1-L aidos à Co.,wiisais)saddition ai rir' A New Stock, .Mj 'ofletter oursielvex tist oacis çivo ontlrael.-- 'etlcan to ail wlsoiiss fy <ot s'uswitls a Coeil JOSEPI!I IUCKJNS & Cc. B3rocil, Novireor lotis, 1"57, 43 LT inving CIWi in â ut us, &L"f lien tus'n wntofr ay wu îe'rcut<os's0n L, IL SCI ' ussta&fos Jf u. 185C[9.IELa& Cc IIIë 2oe to i ý outa o 1pc"a '[ber. là, gooti aJ epuoi- *»Obd Yôoiýnd ltise nft W.icof wx'wsbe- Ie th tolswJk is Vera 1Iii s1âfssqacre of e ,und ou whia l ruitfsllyiungorlisrd;... .euituatlcn lrsisgaerosdsboi#O6Izilm Ilrthofthe Towusof Wit3>, snd iq uthie blh o f hI mefSaýtaortiserpisrt çýuaty.M".. 4L1l> t 'Tl 1S Mricr on iiàpreiufa. I'Y'OWN lrTI luWbItby ita*r the lBsyr Appi> bo G. H, DMITNELL POU $.&LE. émell-tcgt o .bb rwo-lteofàfan seslu, A f4'the lod. is ofk ý'u onfsîsiret ien et m, it za.lot cllrsu tor1 I gcodateboiaz sud oaIl coesy ou-bnda sj *u Caupemtr punP cf goo a th iesot le. Cbronllo Cie, wiki;. or Fy ELLEi, UMHW Wbltby* Marck 2tti, 189. -OEA VERTON. POU SALE CEAP. SMILL,'JIVJLWE-AND TOWN LOTS ocntlgious to thse Iioaver" nWhAarL -A jad sMd proffae 11ing busnoeaa'n b. e boe, Ysorable tornnaun1b id PUIOObye 1'ractIM m j«,er N.B-Tharo 1 l 5i8I.t-TIi nUgtBon. J. A DoaVorton, Ju1Y28, 1937. 28 u4n'y &Rkf louoUV à&& .se;17ZurMo-fCoinoio KPloasA ____treadrmie_____ uuid y Bulli alg 'o n rs urren l - o juti> 0o,ssol l s.smitait lorli Doctor Y u, FUrI.I.TRilE9t iielulIsicn-Eeclrs 6 is es w! sdtestamnent of C1111011016LJuliniga, Brook St. WIity. sl, doue rusu:ssagid ilh a FUUTIEIL O'rIC. alipo01Basais togetiser vitis a quarter sore cf Jouai; leing, cseaoaadplsluîvaura sCbunu> 'r t stiu ia ritAiwa 'w oihmv Lod attaaisedthérego. Tlsaetore I v"la ve 0,vo Tewillir sand Agrita;Tervllligar, de- Tisa follt)'Xltis'g .fleK cu asi it ccourodbyDri. rsbly sîtueeifor sny'ifuiuasi. TisaVilaeoifondant», T ~ ~ .l ieuustsb1sss tsou iorsiI AL;pesnasdobted to tilt, cither bp' Uticitl luntise contre of lhe Townsips, asail &U TA~~AiWe 05. vfler ios- btjieo4a fthl,&ot Note s' lbuk ________________ sssd'DL!lrrss t -m(I isa, ti l rs rt, 1Lir Noeo okASn'wl lous.&dlcil tiraiel u lsn Brook rosi! psssus trsrougb It. lu th*a Cout> colin, and--'-- "---'---- !>7ss ',sdMd dl tnAotet e ieouut iil i and Tersua vii lu usade ta saît purclsaorb. Ap- T sudiy dsssîssaa la1,i (,uu111Â01Jn,î 1O s1 sude emtl ieaau ihmi uPILicto 10tC"iae ~Te Cil'ladXia issutîll . u, l S peatl ise Isisol. er s L.V ilcoat. ID clJAS. B.. CAMPBELLTrliier dsuîiriv stvsg'5 tsmsJg Il S JIFI46k c.AbburulV. C, Beach.1'ut ss.s e wjfi W i l t I y J u y I , $ 5 .14 ,2 - t f lOuEs d iTl l;u i e ot hyeou t a s s t t l u' iv q , ( a i s d u s , -O l r o n tr i p s CAUTIOARY NOICE. T019 SA LEINTILE VILI;iAn YOVF BROC')LTue iig,'tod lia llu£ il,, , yun i 8Alilette'> « titi. sr.t#src will r , uiTeisei TerwFiillgsNTICErF i, a lAouir adlus4su Td rwlIlgd' eton- u_ ttiriis, oi essi> s e pivai 11 adom (;Oul To aoyapl" la butisti uly alt o ut P UIBLIC 'N$4ls'e la lis'saliv ires,îdsit Alil por- »Loti5U î56 . las lot Con. Wistby.pirlJý'a u.>siO<sl~~r ow, o lor oasisa.of*1055*5W.s ]Ls.4,131inB.lF. Whltb .totitimu top sai! g.it o';rs.us îs'Wlll , lu s a e asus ,rp l"'î IOyOlsbniwtsslte¶fl owto, Lot 6, lu la( ;on. Wifhr sis lliirî. .I.M 'sIl.e'sjutn.l su t out lira: obtLaiiîfg Ii.srss.ssassfrorn tise usîdr- Jo1l lUDp(liC, >ciffet 0P , p(1.of. e.... l e si s e. .b>'ul A441 *Igsseld 'vii l',srlI.rsO'sstssl settrsliug 1l lw. iy , .per 0.l'soosrse. t dic t$oi fi cï, dntîm wliig K115« » JACOII BiIAILIEN, WWbl,,tby C. W. hoi suOlma hiltes tu lidosaI si'lntu at»cf tih. Poart Wi , WîbyiWbbb, Apilntb.15r?. 12-f. bosMffa 0.9e province lo rteita ic uite ssuid .ueesul =u. WPortyWApril ,tis, ¶8'.0'potrisssussgil ifis ut tIsa. oXples.eidtroubla ôt __________Conufortalile Fanuily Iesldemae ltatedInluI. t itï issrsslS- u'dlriated lunafi 1I,is olaI 0..&RRIAGES, A ~Mtisa vjlrg of Liverpool, Towiss4îîp osf Ick- I ,D ruF biflid o llw ' ___________i.),.OJÎ Y rout.ra'mitit iw~ 8iil rsing oo- IIIERIYF'SSALE 0F LANDOI 410R SALE. Cottage cntaiulsg Nias zoomea, CourNTYOCy ONTABIO, tj'N SATUBDAY210000-PP 7 ir n eltis aras> a',sveuleasoo reqsullte; s$larelBarn To Wit, t J. tse )ztls oi anud S<iilsatte, d swvr (allias We l 0<w5' 6<Anuont A D 185t#,àat wl, occ oo , aisscrfth b orlie er s. Ms' lu a are Grdon l tise ourlsthcf Tonof Plea h#Iuale. sOIlç 8D IC Gaisokdwt Eroi RGE bowodj#c Koni rgt, tgadelesdass. 8 la ise 2wud coeessou -Fs&csn .r tMae lu tse TwapXm>pp dlentisu l tis e on-oroittise pssbll oneAda#ymg t itilwy e ni# szdb ivetsaiubdrciasd 5 isav ofty-elus so n tet<fn rl.iu r ueaon oascîr'lonsish's4jq î- fou' mlesus Bov~sto, as tsatnael l~lt odervai onpInîlI vpa eph andail, sMUIU.l< mthswr I1'aBS ssdaSswil ouv GlSst. TWICK,' ot 2, lis Bol - - u8r o.s al îoi tc stý,rnam Pt os TThbrah9"lutiar Towuablp n sito' Lot N,50 aces tf ic MeI C A LESua.l O. Aiso Kss't isaif cf Lt 4, lu tu lotistChecs- UZ55/zt atoma cftOtheneutei lon Fonces,,lieiaoisthe100ubliea u Mas',, 8 learesi. S ]Pa=LfrtSal,,An lu t a d 'tabanxd g.. V-iinoradb aî DîrPJu~u miot Lt)u norto cf n. ri ~i J ' whiah aFront Street, eud fs'osîtiusg lbaictagOn r eeould ing tornia. for ' rtonaus.n d 1« ~ Boa!,nornCoaern'sMii.latise Col <w .TUZETLRLW19byte oaplt le r.OFg O5UISÀILAN.l 1, fil~ he ilostcomlog te lor cud 1g H J. ACDOoer4 20a0rt il tsJs',5 ott ncSio olu e16Inthedo dy ourtl tse eles 1ttsti<rdesuoïik. oed - wrnruv.i k NE linf v. JoseOId, taiatua tor ie*o-lcaotNon. ud2.thIeY vo aB ilTU J5&riJ,ut, 4Tonento, C-or Mr 20,issr.18 40-st DO G- ' LOS Murairthtolandsslaofrthe, tise ps> aussIsud' tise "oEisrsLota ansi yudeCm. ro.bd cf sussi.-ul siudp ilestîu£ ag dlri>ni n:ius t ilcteorna 10 tit4iitl-a twfia ho, 1 o ot5 o ilt 2g___in__$rd___Cm,___ Ey nte In ASURAo o tNC C oM P s-, TER IEI i 8 elcara, Se olrM fltA m'i~r. MS. AGELIFI WtST, OW 1 TH~TINE - Oî'îT'lt11 -O meut-old ;nve, teEau, the Towiie r<hi l Ageas, 55. Sns aIs.,Pali'rssiie us "lliurl t a ll' fLn"po ite 0tmIi<r11 E Ut luird C. 1T AT 'eîu .iyli 21, , ,'$1 s.as sien 1Th<ah cooiAi Uofifb aPU12 orcn.elre SOOrare esi M Mliesmr...out . E(Ver> ils, Winto up ila andlou wî,îtovMarie 1859.ý lio sdnon rour11, wuarm-. irassefer, oraliieaoae'in poX.) ek5,- 1 '.,s'r .£84e 4 OPPSIT IAMITCNAN lOuMthe J.A.O nudîîta Cort,-'iAGNEWNI .7.... te.........$U7e BE BIJBSCI<IIIEI! TANKS EAMonTijo l itSiSOitllOtl00, - ShcourtWlulîbyV "tihPrvnJa lON ÂnceW, tisa BuI b. % ms ohue18D724 t osa l IL do, CN'0 BU>CIC Tr#v eii gteirod nd LLÎÂ>< D« ieOBuusatlo n. TET OWNr.FenaUobilo. oasNaayO tsuJIsf'ssv"'i.# D. 18T«ntOcobr25, la,fhs~cce ycttopgas~~ yIMNo, , d 2, vizlln , FSITU ,ENTS. CA(nTAL ------- O ~ 1~9 lJiJipM~a go wliieneD #W-g Imm$s i MBL ê t e i4itn îo twed I siesEaibiO 6< ocntsiadug ir z ig u o raesandyiiiL, vislusls Lu 3 homiderld u A .Gee' G w.v XIEDN Aerr reraes<u . Midiîfl iiiils 5 bareyglvo, tis~ sXfonsw-wlipepsacr4 F40, ¶roikrloufilmisei. . prme hsnd. ag@-" lise ve io fl of 15e'eftstn U 4 jg s ioton ei-i ...a. pssto iIp . o util . - tiser.1voi1 '1t a ellarsfluet l a ~ v otî7in sti de' ..Ic in tisa Cotp' court, ýsaauuel C. Smiths, pbilatf r.Yncis B. Brol tbeCouuyOpr JBenaals Gibs JuaeD. Gibb 'sd.Emon' paturs*'b,. FraisIL. Butiw, de. Lot 9 fn $rd aneasri Wftby N3 U 10 isla om$rd ou hin y lu .7 n tle Cut c sn'a ouis .90 Dlarid,'jý 1alis ff vo, M ark C row fo ed, 0 W Lo IZln thCon, Plakmtug. Tu' the Couunt7 court. Thouirna Oremout plaintif vs.Mylas cos-~ grova, Defeudent. PirtLotlils 2ndcn rclnoes igh Mdu.0rook, o th.'On 3 ,the Wut aftb *UwànaforrY"& bow.e Norths of the Boutu Fiat par& cf 4L ol.1, lu William Bul ailHmnItonaMdlJou h Robin- Lot 11l tOnPkrj la, the Cont>' ourt. Davrid Clarki plalîtf vs.joi Leysn sd W'ilssa Ilartricis.dofenaisua Lot 12 lu lot C«. Picisrl fart 1f'E rnér lotin, la LfCon. plekubLg la tise curtof nmuiesq David Cfrrk,>lntlft a.Johu ohsbt,Wmis. am Haortrlci suJohn Leyx, dei'edau N )j lat10, la $rd Cmu 1'Ioksg. Lot 12 la lot Con.Piakarig. PMIRt <E corer lot 1, ln lat Cou. lkorlng In the court cf Qume's DanOII FredoricisPorisina, <Ge roParinsad Wl- P'art il Eormer Lt is, lua t cou.lckering -, CANADA BRANCH H*sad fflqo-Ma ai al, Toriâ Truw.-Iou. JohnPoss, John Ci Xs. .P .Wm'. os PéqÏ,.W daros Eq.. W. Jtts. . à '3cifr>-TJic Eink>dt monWeai.' h -i oo Cwwfrd * Çronibje. ,1 The engagoinef fthse' atc Pire Tà oupauy aregu wteedb>vrareapdnsi] Thse buniet Itisa Tme, hsvlng lu ae"d' Polqebcldor rx nw -gidu.. Misgr Br iFuNoiJs r m Coâ-b Whie Dum#ý o. Ap cf is igbu'cis~ bol ki fPli n 0mySàto.,r AtG.àA. puNiISTER, riwfrd Store undrntIse"Croice"I'iai A LARGE STOCK ut <AiltoeBS ejus! MER- CI AT$' MANILLA -sud W EA,&pliKG PA'ERS, BLANKDMORS uîd for Voar ans! Cnta. DIARlES for 1857. NC~I N'G iABD$ TLISTEN TO TE£ TMUNNAIIt$,*0,, voltro ci' trutl' Oa It mn b~ u sd lu Motresi or Torono. ' ï L th Wliltbl; Masrck Drd, l¶59,sgin corne thitaiwiso STATIONEUYroropf1 o)F ALL INDS LAWYERLS BLANKS, pLos b'sfhs CILALLiEYGFî!I,_ rpiE suIt OF $SIOGW# L L àE8TIlo 'JL -'bythe7 Uld"Ige$ roarr-4bal I work done bY a Wcodon Pkug ;asMd yi. are rsyto iiaok the wodeit'.pjoejbU msuubc1u 1 Y tiioni with theoi »uxià t je doivg t worir tta nyôgliyràuu fatu$ n'th« VtuustOgro INEWS!1 NEWsil X ,LVIFAIMMOMEAND oMVOEN CHRO'NICLE BUILDINOS, (BDroek . Tusisaor t~zoaein yoirpay - aleb gufrtî'rly, ln ii esnce. , aampy TswV"C'rt' anisi erebîna' iqClerkL4anauj othm ylwd csasusmmiè,a, pevatIem <o roui ;0t ig o thea4d1cîgj eoid ring tIse day .111 Only liecllorged eIc per soiiWis, payable qw»; Wbhittby Febrosary 2.4thi, 15'. 1j ex sui $1t AIimm EB'hALES Rl 1e Caslry viii e- of1 tiste boit adveutsge Malsie et thse Auctlon Mosae very M.A7sirus. D14eae046 oss.. Bngbonès aud Spavîns, ar Ireates i vth perf:at guioses. TIIOMAB MYRS, Whltby L'm, nlonNo ' 11 igOsmnueir Tor cftise above; vl coin orca a<iriZ muDrocisll pntt s Cou," Aloo sj xP."o onn 24 figMa 80 BRIGHT Â-1XD >,LLÂR] H. s 13 JO J. W.

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