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Whitby Chronicle, 19 Jul 1859, p. 4

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STÂTIê1N-.KJ BRO01K STREET, Md u 4U IftaIUo mbouIIUIn P= à oennilitu oeip. -ACOUNTBOOSLÀdgwo Joural#, Iltr, (Cah, sud 1;111B o f« 014é uW é .emi ve LBk Ock. 0 .vey deueptlo mid.teo, ievýr, rléto : yPattern, ~ and bound in asupe wiawr, gOL - IVJUTNO PAPEBS-Pcel Note, Let. te 1w, .pyns rcosep.lOUIkPcst, PouL à"o uos. 4 or o,a ait« sd WRâ sa .AP % hme ssubfc- tow amuIs, Brown, Osmet a1Eh plnt sud Ory wsappmsg ppi-l d,&Iill Soilos sud vaîlous qusliges, Beach and Cammon Pios, County a&ni ou=OrbInsoiveat Court7 Dlvi- ul tormmev', magist aeNota. ries. Cerka of thi eés l.sa(oa Uetioowuss, Iiliages and Townships' Deodu Morrgagce, sud ail forons rebaisng to the coiveyassocf oi "sRtai.. 811ERIVPV, Dailfib' snd Coitalles Blanka l>y lbe douan, Lundresi, or Ihou. susd, aI orno rI INKS, FWI>S INKSTAND8, &c. SW'Tb. QuaitrtoDollarPeechês. <lot.inlag 12 shooSb âne ruled LetLte Papes., 19 sheets Not@é1 12,self.aoalng Lot,. *ErLveIces12s.i-l.soassNoté Bore. 6 é, Isserballio ées Pan sd Ilder, ancOoocf Bloftlusg P&an.,d one Bot. tié of Iuk--aU for a Quarter Dollar, TO PRÃŽ-NTERS. Ail kindi cf PIiniTI4 aPI-W5 Job sud celr«- scl t usrkot puWes Àatol fortler Roiluctlon il U 1klnds et Priting for Cash. nut m WhIti Thé SEMIWEEKLY CIIRONîCLE a I Pri th tapeuoi paper i nadas, et une t Doairs Year, i adanea. yh- " jÉ -HIGGINS d& MAYERlIOpFB, 4 P Wbitbyj4 iîy 4, MrQa dSItIar ,STATrIONBIRY. THOMASMAc]LE An, g ntrecolvod <ircet f rom iBritiais Manu. CAUTION. c11f"lorrs a lurge asaormnt or STATION.ARly 0 1GOO A"DS 12 " e crer oot rno o.tise unmnosirigor cf tise isi. WRITING PAPEIlS: Je XMAEIeFFI in -MeOlus, DouîV, lurgc snd minitlPort Foill, WOOL OABRDING. Ittr sud-'Note Papes', rulosl sud plain, , alkd f FOOLC1.APS~ Woil.Crsllç,' -Dremin, &., et lis Ail ichs; bine ans crcsm laid; yellow sud old Eabilsbu iclkering, blas wvve, ruiefrditiu'l î'ilsWOOl Caiug 14 d. jep u. ]ENVELOPIES: ilL,, s2diR151.LV EMIE 3. ausilad, Y. ud 1B. woc andI bai'. STEEL PEN13 Gil bt'aMtesll'o A d Ovcl's FarggGa C rappinag lacs "A~ Ail »sàfqaltiuiulle soudi] bs c aussli0 f»t O imsusiiastre, nt uaskro' prea. gj ..- o O - î.cçrn iA, unnsai.a, malua tilsrc ]Pocktt licoka, 8solsla locts hoMOmo rftn'utus'egos90d iaierial, sud wcll 8P "" Jtisfi mî'cs'tes, salarge. ,toucf iitatthl Ose. moisi, musvuled iu n(a teat atltri ian l'aieui Oit;Wsslilc l<ssnand s L'eusssu IMotiul liqs, snt haIsrraines'pieus. P>icTrUiriFRAMES Ansitéondes'r.aay sire, at shortnsiecla GILI UVAL> Dangerrotypo Portrait Franei. A lar'ge aao',nlaneîsî iii stock id tiotimuat en- osnilng mossisr <Iiluhosgé SWVhi0LO vus sap"wiant»fl m S 100heissiilul slows la gs'oa varicta W 'A lhueraI ctliist fuis' e;Wli -W loesle Slatlcuery Wancisousc i bMstQNuc i;JIJ,)s>INO, 'ircitio Mt., si.ur 11lissi le,Tcbruint<s. To.stio, Jusly Uli,, lfio. 2ri-4m. PRUJGO AND MEIJicinE. siibecibes' s'atiras hl i siaere uaikste T1tia cauâomror a"i patrons; and la ioUoiti!w wlalch hé ul oua fsfvcred. sPoice epeusng bnai- uiosu on tise presaises fortssurnlyomciesidy Mfs. J. IL. Oerd'e;-mctid suuy tisaiL#IsStores' l sp, pil lie iiLise largexi sud usotsvssplét. STOCK 0F PURLE DRUCS, Ofevety dsau*'ptln, yet offréd forisI.ln thé C0< W*isutent Ilésîlelaca, Pcrfaes'y, Brmses lalno, 50110, Dye Ftssfs, d"." dt., u lly#l"lasnlamilly IVrwsrtlOnuaroful Hors. amd CaUIo Xedieijw. @f(sà kisisi, securateîy compotinded ueordlen' Io Lie W ltalproreus.ts lis l'laaruaay. S>rugglsi, k.. Wltltby, April 14,11IMM.15> T UAN!eféctésiounllusldlug " u isennus. Evaiy luorsatics *U.PPlod u applutionto imlhlhiague THOASm WM##NI VAlfi)AILEJIIUpr MN JU j i re nrc4Wibe A ro rcL gi iP# gre arIouo ýo 'nMobglow'wilalati- io ad e l l o 4o at n o o m 'a Shaving rocwm B'kto c ltloWbstb.. long atuiomllu or« alui bsine, mlii almssyab. feossaul d lu l I'asllsos 10 thesio onatlusn W XhaîMgye protpsa té mhlcion osille o t«»s s'assoa, re ach aerse otndarkg, imnso iatise f m mli is tsacl rtlu ots ArmA lTS u is CPo* s' mre Daz ue cf Ilof bwo eetans Asires mmh née wlun'T. loueMYEJISo- YéV p tien lsax - I OIO I s à V evY J o'E s é lU as rom , #w N~[fÀmi~,, Jg(Ule tg 4 4.4suuisnso - tisii Omssb.roi. 5 Tîiw, Ogm u p»j.,"' W l s t b y , M o a l î 2 , 1 0 . b,< %.lsm. ,o I i e s l s r i a m o TO LPT . m isoh ,oTB Vo < a, or bgit sm tore and d*oIIhîg J1en6 sowoeenpl.d 0 *0 . 491>7 Se Vi JOOo rrisaie, sud kuovu as ié :'. MULLU, STONE 0STO0x, E,Niif 48 tu the Toirw f bbr. poseenlou giro n oPl' aL ts aiofBsptember noxi,"l LM' luwkalby nui Bary.. B.wk __ - *AU6, I'Ã"~ Juueil. sl. , FOR MLE.- liatc tl"w jWsi~ sud *abi-4si er.t uo-am f m Ascfar e of d u Thé lbouge ocoal ixpair -i meu., iassu zooigi oelsr sutLiere la good tab1lu, sudal ueoessry oWbuildusgp ~~ A l > P~ w l d c u w j l b . c n d i 15. C h ro u ol . o flim , W b 4 FOR-SALE OR TO LET. cui f Léd, siusted luit te Tcwn cf Whltêy OPP. h Oevtr ioujd suit a Gardeucy or Ikutober. s, Tenus înodorai, ____ NOTICES. theapro m nwlîî,,marist1s, 1859.mwhrf ' cn lglnto ts ovrc isf AMARMSTRONG, N. ];<-Thor#.ela a trot-nu. Zpnn tBa N O T I C E*. ]~A1Gpresss ieotr stock of IL f A Now Stock, ýff ire daites r MOe0 has iai e an «ié e ntiro astI"-- JOSEPII IItTCEINS u&CO,. P 13roohlu, Norémbe lotis, 1857. 4$ NOTI1C E, A-'lilim 14terhions sudstWson lý u otbn kuh.S aTuIOsiEsor Trno Whlubyfr Mar, 0 20 utlk E crnerté«",la roLC'MThé #gWpc« thcr ccuns fr Eavrto, Iuy2, 857 UZosur Lt Ss COnPlkelu FALL KINDS LAWYZIIS LANIÇ$, Ado&r7 L. IL. SC IOFIELI) à Go, VAL A LE PEO EIT y tf« SALE. In tisa court;o<cC o nm . 0 Ivision court iask. k, &..piln e suu July sal, 658. &IE -M'Ilisrn Llag, oInt oihis Warrn, Gui o -W AT CITY PiuCES. .0 Ls r»kcnas M or. J, A. Mal illasi, at i Ji1osnlutUsTowu. Ezeor ftheé iset viii aAtestamuencf Clsrmo le.ul Brook S.Willby. anfe nilc frfOra nature', gss'deus, wlieh*bau FVRtTHEK NOTICE,. ahip cfJieeltogotewt saqater..aséOf eJams lug, udf. vs. Cbauesyfor ifs uthos'tsejs' AllI'lsys'jiWlsnbove - Lasd attac hiroTi s store 10 vavo S. TrilgrsiATorrwllllgTees, io it- cesseocon ho caro 'edby1. altuateod for sny isstorTesVUer#v od.î A L k , <e ons i d b ted tb s, eih r 1w U la là tisé #entre of t ie Tow otit , «!:fV R T S A B E S.Tl u the i e l ti uas a at ens'c riz: les r S'tIse LàaiigsÀve N4oBokAccouut, wilîljolcso su alltetrv on t Bôe odpassfs rousgh IL.luUse Couniy codurtiost./a'aIaîl r.i, abcas l - mil b. nss té sali ioessieo (if ts ,oJsthe as S , i YXa-V.' andi settl. Uieaime mitisout dlay, ad pîPstlou t»111ussi. e iAh. Thé Cii7Bonis, Plait ifs s. Cbuc 1 .1e,, ntllara 'vr c'aas 7 5510 cots JAS. B. CAUPBEIJ, Trrlle us bsanTrulgr aen hoI ria u .y-g tnlu T.. l. CII FIEL k c. a~bnuî' o. Itecis * 'a'sao.s e ,di i-GI! et adiiuaàtsuseuwî isig to coms. ihy Jlyl85. I2811 FI____CO.__6assit tise (o'tr un dos suc livleno'ut psy, Ryily J l o4 8 8 8t O U IE s«d LOT F 019 SA LE . lu th e Comiity Court. esros s I f l d lsrjtly viaIm for oausver. TeCity laios, pnuifava.is, ssuneeY 8.Ail letters '.S'thiu. suu4are *Il rtc e ieliunssedie CAUTIONEy NOTIE. F< SALE IN THE VILLAGE0>FBESY>K Tr sluad Abrabami Terw'sllger, defén.ateuisuaudi U-11 d-iice gireusas cm b.. dés. CAUTINARYNOTIC. 17l -ouse and Lcusesiousd tenonseliLishéependligl UBI Ntsuoenty. The abors laienio bmsstsfuily siu tet 6il n lai Cons. Wbltby. .11 aliéPive'rtkenlàt.. f BL I No ice Io 's.py glisntisai ail pas'- ated, kuewn as the res§idesmea cf tise lotisWusl, îLot l'ln SB. F. Whuîby. Clten lt'> 041 lrzsjaii55 t> uuir to cuslsu d go oSsund remorissg stking awsy suy llod"sos, *nLà wih sacoudl cl nt ites, Lt 6' lu lot cou, Wlsltby sr. oui~ ~ iri1tasig ,,nals rr ts siIr tw1 l . i . Cisilslre. NK . lttlu'iwes lt up in a nosst Ms'. Wm. mellîsicol, eShiok lre, twisltly, ilit- 7cr fumiier pas'iiâlra pply té .P ,os'eusslipiîykýý èxeprcg, lors tnifiiug aus té su sigiséil ilhliroosunceîstoul cucs'dîu« to loir, .IOifN iyQI)gMox, &lo/<-i<pat l ir e' lJ ftierI , tscrcouipe si g po1h11' JAVOB BRAYJ>EN Whlitb7 C. W. Li .~oac isSn'tsit rs urn',tsu lclspn. Wiby, Apfi TUs. 8 7. 12-tf. Shérijs Ofàlce ov. Ps'sarst '. rees, a e iit OC d uuosaul eujrd Port Wilby,FVoi. 9, 18.2 A E .4sî«ctrigeussst tiiittlistt.exponiase nSudtrossblsmi ~ orlsmg adjola g tisé Y'enelssnn'ss lly Station L'ii~ ilois S.. eoftiie Grand' runk Bsilwsy, 10 salles freinTo- aIIERiFF'is SALE0FAN . Tljlhn.$rrTslto<T, 0c. W *routo. neosistlug cf a iit iresy eonvensensc requlse,litre lrnyaliss'uoev T;) th pub' laid italjé attacca u et is't'lîî i s Id dan tés'; té (ircuaida w u i W , O<Angug%àl. D 89 a.osc oess0 , 0 R T 0 U B N terautheIOmtis âfr totise l s:d ut se asilwl l olPbi e titns, filçcLzr uD i om LOIC SWING, 1Ncù im sra c G'oan, usi anotli srps~ugsitllêsiLsie-.ibiistia-us.r.s..B ourd, Skuantllue, Two Inch PW&,Sn&si ivai tm«lwih riitieo; hewhll ovex igait powasdao4 W . l uUs. un- CASTDI'OS, ko. ltéuJs the auboeubera Mil a sssbscrlb, Yorkvlllé; ortif usMs'. WîI lllnl's u tusCours of cnc . Frsot Sbl'ectToonto# .0 RôfvlcA rl2,15, asi siein5e. Aussssan ob isatllsey làirerpldlutf vs. Darvmn d.eidnt ayim adu for dale lu tise Towmablp (IKOOE IOSdéta 7illant â onessC HARLES VALE & 00., 9Tsisus cvn rorkvlla, MAY, lm,17"atof1» snI FZangle.01tfe usasIilot <- - Farm~ snnnrg ssécisqsi udAitty-ourlW est o nft'ps tIse puble htpathosy bvere in.Frtsf -' s~~~rud Ir 55mils eis5and ai _ -for lin15ks m Front cte t, «orusrextensieas ts in*Tare 20 usrelered oh caci <ai. nGùod Log- nortfoiausa 1 rntotetnfrmymsonUss.hs naro oildings., is tise Tomnoip cf Thiosb, noir ~~~A AILFS 0 $LLJNDI> LRD.LOTBreve(, lnatisenscecnleté stylo for curry- JIcasertoa. Ace lArCuI&. OFîS ParleND 1sA.LîuiOTiml Is o Cng oniise bulsess cf iusc PinoS' 1 Otarinth Twn 20010, ilsltIsConcession cf Tiscsahb 5Rs ik s7 QEIg IIIInSh Cnt Q .work o l'anuThrs c'- u,10cerdluLsT fiou ýs l os f lleitvcrto, on ths, travel iosd té O-.a , 1ili V5cuoisep lnusthé, IY fl Tisrsîs Mars; Lie JaIoîi of théelq usllty, 55AM5 Sla ~ain 9,l rdC.U br, lnuslt b'sésa KoI.<elrushateosilJ s td tise centre of agood settlcsncu- i, mua s80b"01o, v > bo0< mess us. ,lin T$rdlsviCons.ctonofLhels'uumei'ons 10 roassiln Vlao $csrts V« ansi s PSewmlhI convealeuerni;sof wnmmSrdI Cou.OWos 1 acesls iea 8cesnie»ira ll, Mo Nrhbalfof 1.4 49 lu tI o 0h Colségi-Uzbdf , 5 tis f snîensln oes<,ssose1tsllu vrton. if slcuu Et 01, lni $trdg fc9<,acresubi ja , VrandaisVast Piwo li i msats10114 W7 sioibl( Thare lah', sd fs'idOuuluoreé stag ofe oîntulg ly suaseummmusant . <Issi i on ouns luo s. UI n! Téeubve <Ummdr s il li ipôâ.(ifb whé a rod fndes ithgon the . l tse onýo out. y- lett1U4our o ald) ti, 'rptislsply W imaW IOMss os d* W f F t l o f vér«« y dcseri teu; Cooking, FPari« sud Box O I H n CAMEON. Mceaius, défendt. Stores; Grates, L'on Moatlas Csulds'css,.,,.or Soltdo, lem, ___________________ Lot à, ln lut oussou mTiscai. Rlis Psngaina u os, ailTsfBéro, ,18 cottials Provinscil aerancc Ccmp9y. Bouarton, lotIs Misy, 1857 246 .4 ln toitus IsL d é 4W> ilh tieyodes, to tise Trao sd d s o . île ron un ime ' rh 14 oi& SALE lm TIIE TOWN 0F Lot7, il élsi do vagostaonus, ïk- Cunsy oscr usc WHîTBY# NELONu.EYNLD: L5hyaToontd té* r2,l-« 1)S *ystem <f Auiran,r.-- ?a__._ouillLO. inu%0M4. 2,ad22, THY TARE SITU âhTOLE(Moi L Cca'aelsm adns! iiuet, bp ook. Mr. __________________lm,_18Protection aglaft Losu andamage TLNOtSRY3)X) gj- Il F, lir4e4*uri- allri7À, tIhe pios'uilt 'if theis e Ltrsi n nuyias Srek iree, hIkmcoUM'. eWi Of, th59e.U ri gne d en s 'oruaushasm mi,.,, î'îpliat#axi~o sie, lt h thSsci4a hrog r; n zecées r4yeasrs. sid( lsa tite sain sau'fi a ffE' TECK LiBESAL. POITNIAIS. by PIre o of tis litle iso aar40 uit,filtytaly izétîallsentêt Applicailoa te lbc nmodestéa______________ WESTRN ASSuRANEzCOMPANY, non od, alsdy GryfoTli, a3iorI PZX3Âiilg. MNU.ANGELINE WFEST, iNOW 1nTHE TIÉE. croppesi. Lot el, fUts concession I>srliuctous. -CAPITAL £100,00 - Aay PcuOu s'tns'ulng hlm b Uichesuliscaileï, Ages-ay Do. Sce'table 2 ucf lro*sptus il,(hrii4tlonOff'er "plissceoî.y satî iforbsd GBT OUX LIENESSAT or glvlag. a80soIt sfniatl oss m l isusi 1 tio to csltrosl £rpoostg., os'$24 33,85.irai J. A<srk', a t riseriotum. Gu'i.,r JbU.UAN.CP eff p suDliioad tiier reey, mwlieD, liberaîly TOM-ret 'anlum sipayable £2 10. 4#1<or $la 95. or oup1-Y MERQdoloireèscorrect sud lfé-lise Ambre- iss" Is In rwîIy entitled té î'risiutelno !-CMM RCA tsE 'Xrye'( pt pis, or Lnir lto o h ueoge ColIsIA 6fil 1 g ssepoKMLo", nPr hillMacdMLi anomhor----- » t 'yl îa 1tFrnssgious A. CPESO PK .£ 0 4» Oui(OPPOSIiTE AI,'NAND> ROBERT&) su i. .C. cmdo Lt lu tisé bststylé, TravellingJAgentl>tonnStrGet, Wç, &o. ............ .............$176riE SBiIU$3 ifl TARES LEAVE TO 51t shot o.TsvîsgAonBruictWhb JOHN AONlEW, T infoons he Ibile 1Iasi hé uo usdtiaWWILLIAM' BOC AgetWisuiy.nict estvaly att« ir argeutnd 8 Ssué . rmI, M... Thé Scttisia -Provincl i Aseu ~corator, '&i." bcgs. té laflrrsbi A g n , ceth . no s in d a to it itsr o T s i als p ubs i e ~C cm p s u r o - A nss tîs e ptbl% -lIît h o e e mi oL sd ié . « W ansimil Usnwh ToraretUn osingo.l *WVUF PRIZEâ &taUAhs. -. .182f, and ~ CÃ"mncisal Bulhluqs, Brook strceét, Wbjftj spaclessa Jopec1ct Mqf pcraososi blftk far or Sentbs .thc olité s.ieAeWÀi the oFOR, -hee l il iI aimn AMassae- 90 P ninmrvo Wadfl *IiseCAPITAL-a 000O,000 sl.rwsie a il îousfor oef rpa au g gy lua mroince. *~Ptiée éU&ra. ontias, 9 Gréât st. .l,s te But. Andsito 8 exe hi, hé Jtbeifs,<b.aodu... No ex4ffl em cosae~d *6orout4ide, - ncslcsstetctijj,. 19"Tih esiXézperlnaocf thé undeulgsig, &W A4A. 341-- NTpDNGA b«oby gire, tiost ape-low vii ho bigG"go Ouma ste of resiMie ff ouevm 09 OMM laail*& In aoalop blon Ahe i",ssc cfise éComués, loie#Jémioasln stéahsil.hlàugsh<uls in WéialUs;ib. .fouiilï5AI LTUIISAT fth of ,hly iii for us. are Ushe tguiamstm us nat ue vsmyBRIGHT j Z/J) J4 R é, cnIt,1s.aP, ~ WstyJsy Porpose o-a~uuu iseRsio o6l tienadfror lté st er to tisapublic tasté airev 5a0Y'uewîr.sa s moaf t thenosiofnWLotbj"ial g l fetonudl.l ambuîa eu Ue t4 'rW"Wob ' $d-' ell rs Cen..ofOs TAl5oaB.5fftepsof Whig <QisChar ases su1iynaeouj das W a " hlspl.srea a'utsd Fulsramtteum ouiisâr. MnB---iepu ol. ota u#;1 , é fl Ud in tkanvafr.ofhjÀ lTé,suppliaita, s lJsric'ssud(theisiD13eV.u Os, etLisa T vu. & ps uie p ~~ ,a . tssulIe. lrafo i the ur" Akn d bj i.c r ut~if la1 oo us4,»» avést in», Tsa OlIlllIsstés, ud (ot nbisa Cis, Wlild7. 5r..Ato ---qsewaa kliés M 241iu-Md 50la 8.theUn *Jé ltiste,. -ofaltraLk - Rian ;ue h>»acll. 1-1 N~rte-kJ Ga" Dwl BORIPý'ýi 0 uoat lot in 1 ,ci 'e-ssone RodiTronto. zniscFyer qi, M. F. Wmf. AU 7. HI an E. u e d p a n i svà. 7Y s m da L e urton, de- 3 T b N nk o f m ql reg , À M i (p f s n d n t.- R o m , C r w f o d k C r c t b l N 'Iboobul0mlut thé lotesswlou Wm pur- 7lu the coro ueelw o, ' ogiuiiied uisi b 1717 x Usbulusu inté lauh bvig bon ur lb . ~ c sé, olyhl.saé o oruedb pIslndfvs.Msrk Crawforda LEXA i n E E A T lu the Ccuuty »urt. TbcuasC. Foruminti va.lu Vu,(as guor., Défendant. Mfi XLot1,i, ndU con. Brcek, 1'00serusa. Piat o" in la2sd cm,. BrodonoutishesLa aid u$ ealwuofrrsi en onet lezros lulauln oal rs,o u éCourt cfQmé'Beeb William Paoli Hamlton M *onlalintffvo;'Jlob'n u LO l loit cati. learln. E'rt Z onser Lot 1U, lai 1"tcu.Pichsrlug luthb# Couniy Cour. Daid Clark, Plalatîff u Jlu10a! William IlariIedefnal.cn .y Inth la l.mrt of Cmmnupiaa Dai!Cak, plint-0v. John NaIglit, Villi. nslaireCsu Johin Lqs, demntis N j~Lot là, lu $rdc. PIeksîfug. Lét 12 lu lot Cou. Plokerlng. rart fi Eeomnr Jolai,ili t cm.Pliekédo ln thie Cent cf qiwieu '. "4 Sigiuld, i*r biissîpie,, Io prlà1,18 ods tree, f8t, NW AND Cil 1 1 TI TIONEILY F m o Rt SALE AT - TBE)ýI iEW , undunie il "abronicleiniadinnceg Ba a ui.1, laito ames.Division Court kgyrs u orbua Ceiaanid ot1iai, L a u'~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ n vtt o e v s d L i l s s s s O eCU pj s . p re v e u t t se ram r saf A LAXOE #§TUCK »f UQZSaîi Stts t'O a inOZl'omdnriiig tise j8jr*1j CAT'MANIlLA sud WA ri-1. nL1 1 Z 2 érahsni siysJ qa DIAEIESvor11557 *11 *IP m ailado olora.Tk.hedflau nrbD ,, 3h"ansd utAber >tmorsudum -- EUUIPMSOUIi PLÂUCG AEDB SLATJSIPiNCJ>em dt» U 4IE ,k.,cfU'« I for fn do hèelctrre A. LI4II lATMJT1IOE ADOI A lNeissppc, icwji, on t the ~rIps p CHEO2.ICiti-- BTJILDTNGS,ý (Bri4on s M i rj e, as sa jri pin I SA <i. TUs 'hi j BOC TME PROP21 Udwu s otyhs of 5? V ouudrlss Jrmt-de"ss b Âuatlan Bils,, ld Uioluaof Prluting ýboiut urdéred. ZACRI .NELOII 1 K1ILJ. loi àU.s4Eceglury Tie . -J. IL JO s t the Court ID B &EGB I osbsvs, W.- IPEFeLJi"ANI WMitby. TUlÇDA86TIErE o W,Clam b. proiui.Manda JOHN 1 L Ulm 1 1 1

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