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Whitby Chronicle, 2 Aug 1859, p. 1

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~aIIw, 4 sê~. kup~mrjr 00w. uzeamq 4 -, t M 0f G. A. DLWMTWK. /1~ n~éùik fi Ârn, cg~j~ojg., iiyj~j j, ~ frA~EW K __ 4 ALUX. Tg6upaow 2~ W~EKLT PIIONWLE A~'~ ~, EBOEWT00~ 6 flOP onUa.m .1 IATUEDêy ,, DUdeâfFidftak*J*r. @i:i DOLLAR 3>3g A3Drux~, ~g~,,M~JoJizam ___________ w' nkly LETJ 14 ~ TJL~r~ouss~.si~ M~VMDIWrne JE YNULI.410f GEo~eu EIiEAZOU' 5 AVA 1.r4 -; ~ 4 À....~,.- 4 4- M;-' ~o ppr vil! WdUoen~i~8~ ~j1JJ Vit 1g~U,4. Q....' EAILEO.êP ~ ~ - D4 palS uî, _________________________________ ~'"~'~ ~ ~ ~ LÂW ao~wI~ui~,..~' Whfd~v 'JnJyT, ~~? ~, ~ ?Eopatg:7' ~ 4f 1oi~. ~ f U100LJi5* MÂXUOYpjg, ~ ~ g.U..,U~ Le. Iqi fi.Vi&g.ê. ~ W* aowr. ~U~ogL~y W. D., * ~ ~» ~be<~»~ i~,a Vil- 5~Ç J). 6.., TUWjojr, Oâx~v~ Wa~, ONTS? Mto0w ___ £ PAINTJWG USTAIJJdSHNENT. "~ w 4 4 %'O* CALE. Do, ior4, lig. ~51 fo~ kJ~s$ Toe~ime Pn... PROJfIUETOJ0QF TUE WIIITJJT ~ ~ c*uNj, U~ D. *. e.i(i. ~ Pt(Elxe~ ~ l~vudally utf~ O<tls.51504 Byron îgre.t, W tis2 #sîrarié .. t JjJg~ ~ NUUKUILU ~' wouid Iy Iisforrn Us ~URQKN 'ru TuE C~(flyg~y ~ ~5er it~ Iorssato, ~ Il olagW*a. For tiser, laaa .zedhat us. ~ ~~~Uso arrivaI ol . P R I N T J Q~ P. M., ~orto wve lal&lsy, ____________________________ ~ ~uqzdgealoçç~rAlUs.oenip0~f»~g. 5Iii~~~i~ heaply .eu<ed. 1001 ANTI JOB PRINTDiG U~ DEKTIT.~>vp~cznr»~g NATIONAL MOTEL MATIIRW CARL ~ 'mm. ~ U4hrid*.P.U. 1fcOtTLtOttoÃŽJ~ ....Ap.A..ffUtIe. ________________________ _ Mailu.,e al.o snad. upsg .sssneU teu~aè ~lI tise ~8~IT Pape,., 8m4 Use - <'fise Wkitby EeadzCg Eo.n wîu Notice. FOR ~ .171. auJ ~ OPeraUOsz, W*Is.flt.cL ~ - MATEEJIoj'pg~ ~Bj~ - ville. me frAesd- ~ AUJ. AwUess BU!,, ~ .tflUlwraUng o. A. CAESOUM. ». T~'~'~J~t.în*mn iii., »~'~'!, ~ ,uIjjô.h'.m. partie. frsdbted Mr. is~dg~~4 Bn Terelgu. lIm-.shaaa Pr..... ,,sJ l'rlssUng Moablney, UYSICIAN, CUKouoer, A~O0CPHER e. Lis. ahe'i. liot4.l, US. bUiPl5W.S.O< WbMJ, lie ,j*o,0<~,OrM.Blllaesl~I~lt. WUhIn ~ ~ - IIalWasda U:iuqao,~s, 4~~J1~' ~ ivwJ~u, [N <!O>(PLg~g ENGLU~>fK d.lfrery frosetis... oit.., TO LUT. 1~Tsfrea ~ tbla'Iewss, Joseph ZUUGJNS 6 MATEIiIIOIflR, LB~Ad~e.eoU.ponr.~jg~ 1t.blln<. OU4<Gl~U~iitlOitg,,93954j50,o, WOt55 ordor. on ru. M,,,,omn. 7,.'.- qnlreof ~ ~ lI5-Prosn ui.~ < Ils. " ~ 10 me FA8MEE.' ~ _______________________ .~,. Ily oedoe of tise ~ 1, A ~VWvm W. OIDee, WIslîby,4~W. 151 ~, ~ ,~i,, ~DWARP ILAY. CHABLES CLARK, - ~ UT$BiIWa MmS 14 w- ~ ~ ~ Jisn. '~ ~ M~MILLAN. Whitb7, 7*h. If, 1869. * 9<1 >#IMeJ. o'4oe -~ ;oa iioshlaya, Cott.g.. vaa.t Teueusmt, o! fr~ ~ 1859. 85 ~. is. uscogo, WIUTERN HOIY#~, la M tise lWsUby Br.woey. 5%le.oed.4;~s~or.pe.1melS b put. 5v, ronasito 1.t Mod~te Terr,, Thy l.LKiu OOEOJUJe, fJ4~53p hi E Ph> 9CR f B-y, ~ ~, . ~îso~ Ã"i LET'rzus.~rs~, Tows o! VhIttq. »~ "~ ~ ~ ~r#uu~ ~1&tz-z, ~ T~L ~ DÂIL~' 1b7. o.t. u5,1t~e~ WALLACJL ~ ~~~WENt< WHITIJY Ml) LINUBA VfOP*ldaI.o~Sd t ZACHBUî DUJINJKADZ, BAIl? WINDSOR KO VEEWKi ~ us. ~ AMI> WMLi'BYAND BLWEETON. ~ r I CUUNTY &SUlLUuuxj~ Vi. OAIU.v~ E5IOPRWfrea.< ~. Pal~ sdhope.~!ÃŽs,~mr.,.>0n 1* . ~ e.-1' CeIoule, or oea.. T'~sire~ orbe ~ L(~l*&5W ~ p*~1ruvus cen trswel tbraugbçrom ~tbjwe.. 4' $ <2 L~ A T T e * - ~ .s& tî:a 'ussrt îbegg~ Eabot'. Ilote! 1. iItuste4 lis ~ ~~éwel..epp0..ir uuo4lausse day an * of orn r.ssrchss.el~ rive tiifle e..ud tic niu,*~ Urder .5,, î~ifvéte Lin4~~j baud, contohnocs _____ tî~l. - . 10 &~'~ - O~P WE-ei TOIIONTO EXCIIANGE. $iiEluyy. s~r- UPYWE AT Ti~>t>Uwr O iv,, M. BAT put ssu4er nçulaUou, at i. 54 per . ~. ~s. wlsoreby Il I. provldwj that in uaîter~ daim NELSON O. UMYNOL 50 ilisals,,i, (~iovzs lias> I<OBSON'g MOTEL, 1*~ o mwi. ar~ 1aîug01,ed or rseelve4 n~tsIi- -. SItPTEIfl3ZE, 18t9. IECEIYE», if _______ ______ Stag, 'duo., iv by po.t.ge .tArn~j~uJ pr tua" '---' JOhN HAN PEU (~>'iumla.Ion M.raliasat, Du..la.~ WJilvmv, ________________________ ..vY~.ter lOtit Jssnussq' la.. IL W. WUUDWAUD NTII 1I/~Ll FOR SALE V~Ry <MUA?. OAPITAL~çr<> MILLIONs STO~ Titi. Begalation vil! ha htrietlyenforo.1. l'oe.ag, o.~ai b. p~ Id T'ual'uz' ~ lsundro4 ~ P. M. VANCOUGIIMET, 4 HUOJI FEIfrz, i~4ÃŽ~s.4tt.4,,~Js.i¶n.ae~ Ts'e?~ oins auJ Lent ~ j~w~j ~tasup, sud cii suais ussa«er~sis;. Sterling. ,~Yd~IflMAM. C>Ylrîcm Hliu1 BT e"' L4 lIe.., U,* EAVliEHzpr MUSIC 4 ClOWN * il. J. MACD0N~jj, tlîrtugs lira.. ..~4 ail kls~i?'~ tioeOitsIIiOci~tl4sn QYJ4.<I for ustao ~,,j LA, MAYKIIOFFER, ~ ter Rews~. AuJ, o's Aausd fis mut ail ,<afm,, crir ~ Turent-,, ltUs Jus., 38,515. Sm -w Fort. ~ thebe.,t9<7 *tt4Ittl~si p~J~f ~ gqe,~fle,* ~ * ~ 5&PIPIY ~ iec dless l'ut. Ç LEUK UV TItI £'vj~cE. ~ $trfu< Issasrrnusanta5 I. preparai ~, Boraa; ~' As.teadyu alwsys. lu aitanS- <~ltrOflldO~,, !fbltbY. Ei7lasid, mui.t b. *Statssp II~Jr.d Zleaalnl Pcund4 Strrilug. 4 4 lis. Lto.srt Hou.. w lisera 1'isî'lJs et sisals ~ 4 5 er~<.i canaso b. (on~.r<le<i, *~.. Tins.. aug Boas.. Asauranoe Comp4. JOHN v. JEAN, ~ "'~ - - Newîoft~,uUh~îîal E' Il INIIUEAJIc.g., NOUBA usai ~ or hi. ra.dda'sg. ~ Yt'e.t Indice or lit n lhsiiding., Fasisftaro ~vir.r ot'tlse AND lamp~d ~~al8by'Pct.g. '~ ' ~ f every de.erlpUon ~ J Evary ou suppikd oui try oms,, A. titi tisa Isir tii, tls* Vrovlsa., T hie trm.. elfl.doJ ou 13 K UV Tilit '~UN'ry 'JOUWf AMI> C HANCOCK, oe~u ~i AN~ Kilo ~ ionossru. ..î ier~s~'bevossâ.a~ 2)~d..?'~ Slsort~ped-rl~.taj5~,,, on hlercban,~0 for tspj 'o tise uudersi~ncd UMMEILOZAI mu. ,<L,.. Year benurclaao.j-'i-- ~?i~L~ Ts~svellinK.A«crn W. I'AXTON, <Os'., Ils travelli 'abjlo .~i ~ tise iit~ 'iiwiiid t~,r on. 1~îIar~ PWIag.$tauspe7oen ~ ~rtiseaa.ur.dvlsiîannu.4~iuauJdfr îrutw _________________________ _________________________ A. McPIIEascqq~ ~. ~ *vasy Ove 741er,, AGNEI , itbv. T~f>~uzu. OFfiCE AT mit couwr Wlsltb. Mk~L.10 order et uuiodstiongo __ h ~ '. - W nee.ne.. astd Usent On t se Continent. 2 5 ~.., Pif oeNIx H. td'PSiIsgdOtie qiYJNu~P5 ILOT~L, KCPKAI>RN, 65 ~ -.,,no,~.g. io K . wnîtiiyAprllWO. wisî,'-, " i.tamup Oousssli. <311c.sat tise Court Il.,,... i CAMPBUU, J~~OLICITQuI 4 (;LEJCK (iF Tilt COUNTY ~ B. ~ mai,, LICENSED AUUTIONEEu, __ INSIIKANCU COMPANT. Stree, Whltby T. W'(Tc.. toLlé Daas&e. iiaiit0ma ir~ ~ z;r~ ~ TuE ~ REYIEW 8~PAID UPCAflTÀ~$20OO~~~ -JOHN SHIU ceTAWDSiftIMAl~~lI~,EOCK LOWZX ?UW)r QVZBRC. r~~Lîi~tro! to tue on It1Ç<IINEJCIf. 011f 1CM AT TUE untlyduu,, work~lik14~.*..~ lu 7PEAVÉJjEW4~~fr1TJ5J Lt sud ~ F R I D A Y M O R N I N G, Lieut! VllIce. L. FAIRBANKS, Oommoddlos c arges :1 sbovo AJJrea. wiaitiy Pais. COUMT. OfFICE KVTHUKFoÏUJ SAVNDURS, Isuiel. Tise At UneDoliwpe ais,,,,,, paytblelnaâvanc.. <~ LYNDE, -ucertii, slîne.c.i 2 1859, attd pris- Townaitipof Brook NOTICE TO AICRITECTSD Tî~8&îbu ha s circulation Ivico as large AIL ORS, 4* * lied wlth eva Culivstits> otihp s-o auJ Victoria anti Isîbe NU 54 KINU STMEET WFST Tu- counsbl4 - auJ bar are-ual ~, ~ * but adveitlgngtjjtedjam lu tii. uid iievca.Ue ted .52 routc. ÂtsofB KlJtifStra.t Wa.t Ilasul1.i~d *VarY alLen talroomfort auJ Steam ami PlaMer MUI ft>rSale ~>~Nî ~ ~ vin h. reoelveti o! r~r pUbIl.hetl lu tisa Uni Cr~~ ~ oonvouiato,,ij direction - arali>uishleBalM1n,,~~ tohaes.et- Afl cu'dma&lreasaa te tli Psabllaberu, viii a. te tise surrouudîqg~o~tha principal pi... MIIJGNNES 0F O. STQNg, OVINE a~ lu tise CILy o! Ottaira addrasue4to tls.non. iialiy att.ndad te. tarin. Oie B T. W. H. TEUMAYNP,, AMEIUCAN MOTEL. o! reuoft, see-s,,,, «c. UIISN. 51111 anti Furniture tiiurelutstl'ort 'Msltby. w tise 4 ______________________________ j ralutmg te Decp Isa Arnssil'u NOV 15 JOJIMijiA Sp ___________________________ By-Laws - Des f3 AitJtlSTBîî AN» C'>VNTY CROWN WT~~J~NE 6 PATTFE8o~ I'EOPBIL pricter Fisslcrlcs, ai! o! St. Lewrcuec, have been Z~eco~~r, Bn ~ o! Y<sistss sud kront .et.. ~ - Appiie.gÃŽon toise matie te nui' DAY ON': AVGVr NUIT, *~ Vabliahm. ~. foll~l~î TItis îS~. k B. WRITE, NUSIJU. WILSON k JJJLLINGu, PERU SALOON. - N. MILLEN. ut tli OdieeO!th*Detn5.5~igO!Psbhl.W..~. E181Dj1e7 tii. Gevarnur lu Couacil, ~ ~!HEY ÂRE TOOOKPrnsz- PlfflLiussgp mvgay- i~. o.p. 50. veil knowu b~vîj~~ Wiultby, Marois 2,1551'. 1>y 15g-Lw E.-U sisal! h, tiecmcd unhsswfnl Ocriala Poviigiota cf tise Set 22, DABlLLsTucîuu A ATTOltNlà~yO AT LA W, ~~LAiî, LISTE 0F TUE "TOUNU uni <or tise com!or5 anti cunvoni - Elevistiens Plans,< ,~~.tadlnal VISDAY m~RNINQ, dssrlng tise ucason o! Met-ring end >uackcrel foriueriy witis tise strlctesg pare Soctîouis....:... THU .i>Solicitor, tii Cisc Wisitby t' W.- e,~> neer tise ltpyalLyceu~, Min g ~p'.p ut tise pst bîjo JAJIE8 JOJINSTOI anti Tran.vcra., h ne~~u. auJ utc >s VisIter In 1>lcastsist Day < laient!.,) <50Iu-over Ilnnii5gon1~' m J Rtraat, Wasit, Toronto. ut 'ors Sud *v~7Uiingi, hI. usauy <'rienja tisat ' Baud,,, for tise r nemI I'arllamontand 1.1. TIV'<> DOLLARS VU Aai5IJE. trous t sursit e! Mey te Wilson, Wlsltl.y; W. 11. iillings Ouluavu. 52 iiefrcuîunsenu. îtall lsunrs. 16 tejwOPi'lcior ut*iauires vîtis n Ver>. :usatiere.tja.çoruerî te euter- Watchmaker and hweller. bt-a,7, t iau~er te b. 5ro-prcoL Io5CISJ)yueturuole ho Globe d>101, sua that ho wîîî 2usd. Viavatlou,. Plana anti Sections, lIE UAMUINE Ii,~ th circulette Amîterat Ilarbour te tho -~------ hein h DM05 TO INIVIfl( Tilt ~ j rilît as fer ai< sîsother lutorct ti AMURUN k MACDOIELL, JOHN METCAI~p, tain csn et t ~ gîvo t sac s s-c-. $sieeileatiun anti ktimat. d'Us. Ballaiisg. fer o! auj puper pabliuiîej lu aterbore, anj .<, lina seing io 015 ~ tho!Jnn, tise entrsiti,~ o! Coiîisgy Conîsoil Ontnrlù.-.. (j eentprlisiisg tisa Townaisip Brook. A-J- Tise isoiuio lits. becs thoreuglsly pepereti Sass'oa,,dî~g coaut>7 Ihuat o hua ~s-ti Elcvatloaa, FIa I t> ÂTrOIINEYS AT LAW, ~LEEK OITHEFI1#TffD111JA~IO1çoeUBT be peruenaliy pt-euntte lnIî:iMta,,ta Deîias-tuieuta. wiîis ~ apo o uts-y so~a~, anti no gwoauc attise Court Itosi~e....~,itis W lng. tire..-: Causîiugtos. 1 4 palnted anti r. sud le St coptiou sua Visa i wou .L> o! Wlulîby auJ se l'abllo tisorefure e bout a<b'ortisi tiuu~ 055l(magxietic> ud ot AIl- respect iii une e nutinuer s. ~ ted up lu every sislcocedeti te tii, bain~ latel 'So.hitn sud ns, Seelleisa, wlîIs t7ititati Conutles.. 15< m.dlum lu tiiaac Mme anti boa ~novlsted, ns-e satiafisu- Ual. _____ usd1 ititile o! $audy rc.ldene. vcry lises-aI. perueit or porion, viii ho Peruilutetî et suny lima GEORGE Il. DARTNELL, r sud table sappilad eut ~fSe-, &a. 28 Chenue!' ATrouMj~y, CUNVEYAN. FRANKLIN MOUlU. ticus. 'ris. iii o<l~ev. s-rictiosi by Mr. 1~ e Goret-aur (leitorsi, ulait. (4RAIIAM & RENFJREW, u> p~ ~ Or ilote tii Ihe t-SI Eust South '~ee over J. B. Douta" LtDSA~r, ~. ~. VI.th tisa boat eatabies eudtirjnka . apti Melusga 5s-s.t clans - >.*.. ,s...... a,-' aIonu of.Eutrv ______________________________ Euglîulî wunîuths li, le 4tis. For .. ovad set, e! de.'-- fe5aasd a: mos-c ct-n end Western vitis sU tise req Il'- Store, Brook Sîrect »,JEWETI, PBOI'IîîEptrn. tia tise Plîs.t Ftoininn,, snd 610f aa tise T.4; ai beach- roviticti, howerer tIsaI Omises-s- __________________________ -r- .~>, ~ lisait eue mile diateu&j'r4m tise B. table aeoeînmodation for Travllers. Y C . DAW M S, I'ropnle.or. ~ f ftuet~Os-k cutruateti te lita care, J~t-t~~ I'arllànseiut 13 ugu, vili b. KOUS and ~ ~or .,a~e. le tis~J nota AUri~hî anti U r~ -1'itbliàkcr tise norti uer essy siot or nets bosiet ,. ~. HAN, Wltllby, Jan. 21, 18157, i DAILY STAGE. A uow asti wcll aaortod Sait-k et For tisa Public depisrtmeist, £150 viii ho a- T lIE 101 OOtltuutiis 011e-fou s-,, <*reud T JeweIIry, second. r ~~EE15TER-.AT..LAW. 1 ÇABINET MAKEIL, UPILOLSTNENE ~ .a.îis>'nta tout, un tIsa rnnk ItailreaJ, l'or tise Goirerunieut lieuse, £100 viii b. s- b, 24, andcom<ortabîy finis cd eft~ Il!, ,itna- i-lis o! an ses-e >, la cutis lever uIt-y Ialend te vîthin lialf~ UFFICE~BN0<.K A. K. RICE, 2031 BILOUGIIAM TO F1lENC1[MAN~g for Cloeks, ____________________ a. tha Fit-ut I>remlusm, auJ £îoo au e oxo. lent lent!, w~Ieis lu tus isîgis ~tate et nulle e! tiiosie Salis s tIsanes-tise tis C. Gerr ~ ree~i,.~i.5 oeusnecting villi tiso CHEAP F'(>R CASH I f vardeda. tise Tiret l':exulwn, sud £80 as tise ted a irery.pleusait part o! Ibo ut Ux ~ïrsme building i auJ u>eatern ouiglvaîlcm. T71. lieuse les ~ sites-ca o! lise se as te Icave alway. 1. Il. FAIRBANKS, tise pus-pose. o! Kavigatioua clear cisaus.î 2 .Yus-niture carefuily 5euseved. JAMMS IIUBBAUI). second bridge bolng usas- lise cliui-Vi, ~ ~ - againît lIte outrance Itito Ami,,,.: Ilerboar -NO'rAuy l'UI3LIC, 6e. 6.. ~ W' NoTiuiisg suiS Evcssiag Trais.. ~ I~ J8WILL5~- LAPi o orna, ~ plans selecte<1 b -tis prepet-tyol put 0111.., lad tise plee.eo <eues-ai butainesa. es-ci t-csorung thîtîser teapa~t~~anti meolt-- Itovertîber Is-ti, 1857. 42 prie.., assois lover tissu u.ually cisargeti. tise ~ sait! h)rcaei-ve fi-ce ueecs, te tIi. li~uis o! ?lea.. saidÇiaud N. G. ILjJ!, ____________ tslususbstsuttlaI.î~g~~ o?> 4 J~-~A.3~DWZLL eseL olluer titan eue lsututdreti.tbo anti mnay saut Bay for tise seisulîs o! B~ff~Iî ANDATTOlOi~.AT;LAW RAJLROAD MOTEL, CEDAK POITS. - WisUby, Fcb. 9. lS59~. 4, ~he:n~s-~,Jni1~e.ure, *s- ~ b. sure pt-djsôsôa te ha isnflt W~.W*Ik or te 2.-No neta shah ha .etîu tise ssidlleys.~s- ruer i'zssalr, - j~a ~ t. arect w î4P0sîte ' R YAItMER, I'IIOPEIETUB. TIltS vaut o! Coder Posta at a Clsaap NUDICAL HALL, IYXBRIDGE. IIOII'I&I Jouit., sud ~ ~It~n~tly ~< "'«~~ bla ~is.«,s-~s- "~ lmîîraatiis- * STEPIIBIf SEARLE. Travellers,. a.esse~ 004 scconm lois l'or A ps'icesi souit! ap;uly 10 tite uttsdert.iguod...... at-aseiu*îoem~.i.. enablatare.. Tise Mates-lai tlnue bol,; et uwnet- os- ovucra for tise .LTFZ ANI> MAIUNE INSURANCE * Bttbîl,,g sud titteutive Oat- sî~!e?~'~ ~ i-filE Subsct-llcr bcf~e beau tiseutteisîlen o! leva, luienlor waila le b:~isrl.~V~. 'o! Ut- DENTISTRy I DENTISTET! huit 0! tît laid lu contreras- se oct atool"" t 'se.liegutlatloîis, tIse t3s eut fer tise Veau:y et Ontai-le. Office- ~ oti. ',atent n aripugmen~ for - uragsciîenicaî.p TMediclno. CesnIba~j' ~lI~ Commiasîcuer o! Pabîlo Wcrka, vitIs a i14*ii<aa,7 Ste-' gluleate Iucliargc o! lise (lOcsunse,ît Va.sse!fur s-c Store, Bruck streot A. ?KINGLE, BENJ. ARMSTRONG Bruiauicti, Toliet tSueî~ liais-. ~ rti te ample accommodation anti tise tisa ps-eu.cuen ut k'iulîes-ies, me ________________________________ Stif *t-fetîs*t-, due t-<~i ve~~aud obstruction. y up<sts silgîlI naldaon'a lias-dira TAILOIt, BEOCIC 8TEE~I Port l'erri*, Dec. 1855. £ 7 lb' ~ B<>0sd1" l'eus, 'I k Leuer ~ce~,îî <'n <lieue Publie i.S.Josse. BUfzeoss ~er i~uti- sose ot Ced. e issflannuisg ~ ~ g ,BLD. DeflLlatk.., P-it sitaîl net ho Iew!utl to use, lu att~' nien- ~ ~ JOHN NcGILL, lIces gooti saîcetion o! Iteous Pepers. 6e ~ 01111557 ET7RNS isia sluecre tlîank, le tise citlzens set lînet. or vîtisin SCOTT'n HOTUL, _________________________ ru tekiu~ aas-i, Sage, '-'at'cllns Whstsoevcr, * ~ ~ B~ ONASDEVERELI ~ e! tha fis-st Motta.. îiluui lu soaso ~ S800i0OO~ R Wisitbytiid Iyt-thai.iU~nj 1 ~ les-ce fui-lise uit or Hahlbaî, i sud Das-lsens Coanîlo.,, te st- H. D. hasfutilj tond Sales 1.y Anctien itouaeisoisi Purnltuis-e, IIETHERINQTON, Due ~rleion lobe matie fer lite aappIy cf ftiendsms4lisepaisîlc thiatIi, s Goverenueut Menue anti i. w. CALDWELJ BJaOWN, OAJLWOOJ> . MOTEL, Mcs-ciiatsdlze anti alLer effet., at a t-eauoutable [tabs-idg., Jaly ~, ~ Cisemisî sud Dr~gleî. Watar, tati luis as-rssssgcmeuta Icrtîse TdOuipe- citîser oI'tise By.lawa isar~-lnbafuro usustie slia~t s 'scqaalutt (1.-Tise pausaity lncnuoti for 'violatIon et ~OM~îî8IONERAeconnu.uîLud, Dlvi 'j AKWOO», w . BANJC$, P UPBIETOE onnîlaelou. * CHEAF. u D ' hava a motte atlecheti o! isia' profession, lu tise T~1~% ~Z suta SALE con- Teelis inoususeq on Goto ~ 22, Vie. ces>. b as by lite be as tiaclareti b>' lise dhnt! section o! Li~o tite- <Lltivits, (foot! accommodation for lusvslles-a. 5 TERRAPIN. ., * ouI>' le ho oî*cnati upeis s Zi~o~~ dea- WOOLD AMI> STAMIEL POIL, .~ tii. Cbnad<, uutfllatczsî te Cou ,Notanj î'utbîlo eut! Ueneral Agent, HURON HOI7ME, T1~2 0F TBÃŽS WELL - igni. auswcrlug le 5. __ Gag4tr~~îatîons 80, sud receverais asa o!tise'cempctitor, Mcliii, 6.. TaIs ilileti vîtît naiti Act prevl(leti ~heModieelîmali,~Bîs-utî ~> losti' vnîss, (3. V., nevu Batte ~± No.27, mIls. SrtiConecatiion e!Wisltly Ail lutormallena. te tisa sites fortbo~5ld- -s.A vîlliDooter P. M. VANlcouoîlN~, * M. B. -AIl basluc,,,s,îs'ssaeu.u s~ s.s.... ... Wn.aaa.Fà,,.> ,,~ s.. T5T000555 ~WlnOecpn~f.~4en LIT Iboir tise uinzuuhot- o! s-cogna, a~ & s-I o.hseis ual legelti, Iutt net o., givc (os-cc lut kw. protas>tl~. attsutieti ~. -'----"'---.rew lli ELLIO SPBow~' FEOPE 7o~..... tise oit! Si'. NICitoijX~ ~s-en.,, Wisîî~ A~~I7 te lise lieu. IL. C. Wi~s, fteccais~' te on pîlus, ceus to o.....~ se usuel ugsLs-un b -' adjolnlsug tise Tovn cf i1%5, sizos, ~, ~' ..e.i~. -sis ~ee.a ~ JOHN DILLINOS, tii, lis 1~AWOUANoERy * i BRYAN. j,,. iiwrsnuuo.,... --- .î.n....*.. ~.. ~ i't-4.. K#ei7 Proous-sisla or 10 ' sl. Ts' ooioe ~O ~ o Co ey s - OR M R I L t M , gc AESLE 6 MO0NKEY, July 15, 1857. 2se May : dp t owasn :a 1 e 6 arepern,&aCENT enoer EL, -- Whea n W01, an f1~ ,acia nern.- cue,-ee ea PUTY RP'-8EL*bKNa v rfu ,i T he M O . L H E . un de.rs g ned ha u t receiv e . h e t n. n .,6. naIn SrraHEA ABOVE(LFIRWST-CLASOTzIH noCwTRbuMTELrs to .rc a e ral 0to!MEti pe ie - ooL raions hve alvysEENWOucDnw beOTICE. 0 M . TETMPEST, MRTE IIRINO, EA N 11 EE SS. E V Te.BWI VLL .b pucOaLD lvea tboRsud nd aeîant i a e hieA en.r eth It DAEE T, NEL ,aoeIltlfenA.Coe, la W a0et $ sbo-brla eumdts ,taalnô B V FIES 0 Ll Ano buieae gWJATEDa, OFC I u 1.'ue let! over ive clD aasGo N D.-teîeî reL uu, s . N A G N W , , D P R L A N E R , C A R , L A i D 0a *W Nv i l gnt-i e k S tr-c a a a u e e . A L L s M a y , - a ny.p u r g4isa SR0E N Acc cu fo -__CONSTABLE, __ _____0InuT- La pto Hug bl.ies cilgse viios ieIlliIals oa en4 L .pply y~ i th.p s p¢ h $by . ga oye VR*•• NE •- TA UM EEX-TR fo ie bo ta , s.« It etah, sov etiiou ttltaJtao eet nv> csgd c ebm eiao a yqa u o OL o wscs0i. Blee'sD> Gtte 'ss ,us-m>>. a arf ossmlt s ES L NEm OE L, bA slhlsoen t kasostrei.> bfDs-ue ticpe- prtLcea su.~se s .w jat. Oai Iase,~l ' ' -ifrctl uesnaooîs]cj- re savane., A,.. aA..~.. .u~... - 1~:ç~~~-' ~-11~<:*-"-j llabiide, x~L~»lJTTOM k Co. f4 4 - "'ME

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