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Whitby Chronicle, 2 Aug 1859, p. 2

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uMd him th e halloup. , * f,M laue, tisen, wrlflag .? orniaul c bgarektoBed8eawwbotu".sec= Mud have thse ursnýé i i a tai Oço à" 1 or kuecki ' Btaart dowa fer t id> 1Isuppoo D 'l adtin5 laquaige belia ù&et was 411]bs~ « 1M aivlig iitabel etut F o uld bc umvaMaF.1 take -, haetbh lit sdvlslbl eto r $js.rk -pin .isecond st oe. For ttsPur- ff i;do1 ùdç1 Iud Wj ru -poft ho dstered the oflice ofsoiglw fiiiit pe, anud vho vus a great frieudor las,. amr ~ 'BO feasdlm busih7 ngsgod @er lue î faflà; SldSttaig te him tise av'uo . '1, .', oaco inluae Of a meeting beligdesai. ~ ~ I ,l. f ded by Stuart. laioic1,a .atdm a4$ déd"'O ly, Warrn, I! a 6PMsf yoahoa atdw, lfltbneeouryvwpued tise lavyer~ ~ ~ lJh.fiu h bsael fi. slaggreseOri.' : e', onbuemamata*,, iaiviag becn llni.hea.4 'Ylen 1mev sot Sats chg oartcter, bè;todk h leà rsn,~rm.fu ecl Lsvrmenoif Yoea tiink hoiewould,*IVoie PrW nstèca-y b ia es d hiaiuelfto bc kieeked dowts by au Man w!thpt cailing hlm osat for k1,'reped "ervaglttoh leftlae o .se Warren; 'ho bu ,long boens wisbiug t'O id sera rvi.Jte-s1 e< n u have a shot ut am, sud ho vil! net lot thistseoweteac-dfrarageaestqis oppu-tunity Vpasa. az pos, t ac -Oe 05 1faxSed 14 "TIu'uif anmeetinsg must tako place, s eisst s rQt:Cggi 4bgy odgue.b= I ca!b lsshppy te aa45t 7en,'roîîlied thse neM furailtise sorrow las 1;i v thse 'hung if 1 c al i lier; sud tfaaking ber for aIl tise kindeti, aoa ""rhess f I ho c aldupn wlth a chal. fcctionate, snetlerly cars-which #ieha udts longe, InMay rutir the bearos- te youd, I bestalvd usposa biI nasd forlc eieaosg supos,'t de:ry. h Wrrnfte him vhile 'ho languislset!,apou saany a a sgb 'Musteertimsl, lYrs-cs,'srered bed of iekncan sd p&ln.-HeaIsevrot140i Lawroncu,. luera te «ehofeig ! abrethesand sis#es- ers "fblanko, la-srenoe,' MidiWarren; fulor fftionato andi brotiserly love, sud tisca glud sftovyeu have Maaail8thseus-sanige. bidding tisons a long good.byeddsi niants for tIse meeting, viic of courue liao bat! but ous more l1tt0r teO peu Bisar cas-mot take pince hoforo morsing, lie kissd. afrtu isllg tIse sud nt t-4vm1 t ls2 enougli to.sttp up tu tihe bouse, sI 151 ,trtàe Ele ilir. Ohwla t bsi Çi ru'juire yens- isistance po -9nly. id,îvsgboendnt, pshei vs iI "TIhe lawyes- promise t tedu 1se, sud kn oveleisgtispusosud ot ao -ieng " Warren left tise office. « Jut as lho got .....s-plete vsitis tender sud -heart-susrung tial ouântiie teoffs ie met hflige, vs uaprofessions of big bol>', unwoaeàeodlove 1 me 1 hAhenin e vo1' gunsens-c1h of bt. Wisat 8sos-e ofait at»uatboingabls eues ' di "'As! be erygenlemn wiu temOres- sc lic îoft tbirnworM effcs-e sud se ftu une'saidi Rodgcrsassuining n vos-y business. troublo; te P>s-u that love& eue teO la .isoft1 like air, and, hanuding Vasran tise'cbai. heseni R hat thenghat ,ho .it oulte i longe, 'bc kinti enough te penmue that, 31r. bco e r, u L hser d tniat wouma id dpw Warren,' l id nî, 'andi giyçrmemn u uaescross aisdlpshelutld tbrhal ovul sud, "'Tis ais i nMr. Stuart, I p-rno eIlunepo aid Warrens withuut opouing tihe lattes-. "ivugfusseitssleaclt nt i " 'cs ir' rplitiltogu.a.rcctod it, aud put il, vitia tbe rest iute bis; .eico, "'Andi lm srofus-nce te wisut transpireti writitlg.ulok; lie thon ths-aw hi Icf ou onces OCtthe Iatol saises-rttuie mince 7 coatin. bis bcd te avait thse break of day."jH seti lJ.y "Iwre iog t vs a abriglat, bosutifulinmoruing, net Of "'Erctiy anwcs-d Ietigrs. jusitas tise tevia ock of T - vas sts-s "'Tso h, uat nnaga e snd teho ng ils-o, tisai HUerf WOrc» andti ueo, 1la..claspe My> frieaau, Mr. lawrcsscc,. nd ieho il 5515ke ronce procus-eti acas-nage andi trov 1e tOva-sroa aIl tise arrangements vitis you. I wish, a"sy 1D0li,, Ver>' tile vs sW.« yail., u Yoan gotod venksg, sis-;' andi returiiing thsees-r dsfri ista ride, for cda. vas occpeu' b!>', 6I challenge te liotigerfs, laie pocceded home. with bis evu tbongbts....ad sud, sadiyna UIIod gars cîsacuth te latwycr's offie, theughts they wcere. Yd olé whes-e after deiives'iag bis incmage, t w5U Afler about liai an isous' s dsive thse cas-. doe1Ilu arraniget that tIse meeting would talée sige drewvnp in a a woody past ef thse ni' pice the folisswing mes-ning nt nix o'clock rond, wbcs-e tisey geLt,Lsvcnc.cs-qig .ahis on Grasay Dell, the issual place ors-setthiaag apse-a.ods i srnc udel.lring -must allaiss e Lsatkini; is wCpOufute bc the drives- te wait thois- relusn tie, thoy' 'nsat (1 Pistola, dani tise distance te lbc tweîvo pu. enteredth ie wods. &fter about ton min. iT ces. Aller f te uarr-angemient» sal beon iUtes valr tlaey arrireet- thtisaplace of e. -isl! decideti uposittotieriteck liii Iouveo. ing-.Orasy lDell. m St-ý,ohlisý "About ton e'clock tise sanie ovosing, "IoDî a a ieiet o apt ir tise~~~~~~~~~ yMsglwo-lf si ii sdpo aisse. It W"a isost s perrect sami-cir. la> s eeed te tise residencuuoflis £siund, te cîc; its sidease steep, ainiest py-eni. rn asake bina acqusaintoi viti tise as-s-suge, uasatitsik>ecsesc!vii nis! buhyaI Bis morrnt iant 1usd bmess ein iCi lie onundes-veet, at that seon f thse yes- beau. sthe did Waren n is een ogugti n ritug;hotifusiiy green. The butteni or fler-eoft heo i>li vwus pale sud dejecteti, andtihie tratges of Dell was covos-ed vitis long grass, fs-cm " racontly shed to ssa vos-e upon lis claeaks. vsc Is lc a-aeiisume ml ii a "I anaglati you have cone, h W hastic trean etlater -devdits eu sie. matise b sli have ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1t 11,11 sOrf e! fw-tn t obtou eu iat su esantly pon tanse fcas-, 42L thisatf wit l prut ssa t'O as-sue" tst .. u nuss - ripses vere statîunad, piste]£ in hanti.pe-autm vil! psoveMyfaafl e 'e' s iigers wu te gis-e tha es-ti, in aski4g me, I i "'Flao, poc~ ny des- fllov' sit h spartiesif tlsey ve res-ady, lbc sulil as' eh Lavresnce, ina swould-be cus-leu s nies-, slw measas-udtent 1 amnastonisisd at yoiss-allowing sucl aun slow, > uu on,4 De, absurd iuti o sest upon yoaar mit! ; dispel I"BOet put vseicire i ts ie dstis: t st once; thiuk of it net; 'for tise mos-c44word, andt e ed s te th th sespeo. th - you gis-e w4y Lusueis s feeling tise strunges- ise ricsdthesns; ut aon te ttoitbrespe- oil 1Bs vil i.slalt uen>'u ecme' ,thom vas-e injuse--StuarL'a baIl gra zeti bis .ve1 1 bas-e triedtu tediopel it, Lavre nced, udscàs-m>sCîack, vlîeWarren liroti pur, as yen j seplict! Warren eompeacdly; 'but Icaneot, posesy viteoetIas ppoent. liu andi 1 féel cestain that befoeoanotetlassun Als« a pumkr!lid I sbail set I1sal! have Ceuase'o, exist.' gâo Mtéaokd dcleas-e, uue, Iv "'Du't as-er nei a idisalns desaway, WVarren said ho iissedt teadds-eugs à ow fow worst h if ho voulti ho àiOfl say longes,' said Lte youug lawyer 1 lit la e-ot St cul>' noeo dlefane>' thât bas taken s-ont in enougis telistas.-mhni ai~i, yens- mmid b>'yous- thinking os-es-tise oan- 6uu11 dit! net comateihreto'har1o tiqalutodsut Js iugduelal suas yen encourage Ll o pLf tmtgr.affy.'Ieim bha se - H "Né, George1 Lt -is no e - fane>' ef es-ut te yen; aund Sado&etibsu' i.mn 4eash rai>' slnd; ye, arefie i utiy l9aqu-aici. have, if va have toe ch ge h tO ies. vebe -m .4, iitisme te kaow tisat sas~fe ingBtiS, m aotlî#pislo et! fre ceuli seti, Isodeed isseng1. , , a sd "sUMP>whiwnd Ue Lws'sneï, iê hO I -~- ,t-f doms- mv sterr.11 mnO $-t! tiia ue a S s 'm« L.vue vsbo«i I Werffrlanla Di jba1rvisaBih, i fllolng tl Ins a cool déhîbertalan, fred. Wa veleansd, ta géee or e eot 'st ' ,o ta pis. v ' il&tfs-atlc u»brick r.ouri iss-ogb lise DoM1, anti on loekng dow rY beolda ale, vIll1thahrt bobliytise pmprstle runulns dovi land dihvIesrsigaidytovrd uaftsv mousn IJou El,ý'Villies va lsg cires-tise bIedlng os-m of ber dy 4Henay i1lHens-yl' sho exclmet!, fs-au y, kissing bis paile bs-evï #,#pet*s is Speak te yious-Ellen onceMos-eo litt vice, the veice et lierho a rs )udi>' aud se veIl, a n awich s4 sm f ell lovingly atnd fectieaitely upon willing car, nov ealled back the sgt rting, sens« of tisa dying Wsr=;u opeuiug bis eyeo, hoa zetenderly lahis botretaesl. Bilen, ni>'Elles,' ho sait! luaamli 3'ohs!1 iat bappinoas te ueo yen qais, oeelité deparis.' Hlenry',taikueot tenie tisis peak >fdyingi' sho sale!wiltiiy; 'yen,&hIsl You'aust net, leave moi' andi sis e. 4 rDyg lever fruticalîy te har Ua!Els"aaswcsed Warren,fec. 'tlaogl ish to lire for yeu, sut! loe, I cnuet; ni>' ime basCorne;; im bulaimeti me for lais oevasls-eady octl bis colti, damp hantips-oed lupen s-ev. Ho b.ckons me sway ; .ha )shin My eas-;'ttime tego#,and I andve te the'summs. Emien, I 'ban, Héàiyf- if you muet die, yen net dia usss-s-aagot!1' colainiud tise al' fis-n Alfaset! voioe; anti spring-iug ' fae4 àhauiezca àlotied til tts si aeenea- bar, sud hafoeotbose d ber coulti interfèlre, sho ics-elied it, as-t sud pullat! the ts-iggos-, sayisg as td g,- us-does-s, dia 1, Riart full 1,sck ant! xpi-ot initsntly,, bbaituttè-at! ata upon blis lips, The Ml 1 Bilen, Bilan, Wh" av ase yen axciand the tiying M'arroa, lu bas-e avosugeti yeur deatis, Warren, ns-rmus-oses-'.spirit i iscati>' boo -di assarseti Elien, fis-ml>. Mmo1,Iveuld iot lad!It tsu,' sait! s, reps-eacistniy; 'I1 wouid rathas- at dliveti a lis mina would 1usd lilas at vas ha net a'mu-does-s, Heur; 7 id ise not dose-se bis deatis 7' msbnp.; ho titi, Elien, but yen sisonti k-e« been laie oxeutienes-,'answereti a ; ' but lis do.ýenew ; ho is no and mayhlisoti os-fogis-e him aus in- iw 1do.' uns->" said Elîcu after s pause, dur. ehibo hnt! cbhanged vory much in ap- me, 1a strauge feeling buas csers es, Yesolienr-y, 1 mev that iL 15' =ud eh iisev glati7 do I volcosse mot e' EIon;duenet yot; lir-e,e ant someti»matiink of me.,'lés, jous-ny Ilas-egI tisaVal.ofet eu,1 x memory vandér baek té tlafssu vses-e yens- once ieved Hensy dieti ens- bouom; sud ssetimescornýea nid, devers upon lis. grmau>' aoutti -isicabsbie ci 'eay eaathe ky i Presuaiupon me, 'Wsudgldy do I f & ffr tusn l'noes i îal! h£ rt 5 unk ol',-tisea faid WsgresX4 4j» i vl1 ti. s pot w, c pId soe r*. ~ # dm op p mu aà slen t t isai« O res tlb "0 Zf£ RA ,sLV, N T l'AIMIOI id . , ". ý, , bel eGrnTrn .... ........ 7 5 , P.n fw rG rad do O00, a. M, qii.......... 00,. d44n~ o: du-a6 309 41. M,/ r t jrasd r nk 9 009a.In. ia do.Pti w Y:udo. , ', 09 . d , h 3 00jr,p. UIvMn Curt tVsity..u~.2~ 850' DI'isiu oug ( i4,k M :1' Division Cort ,rook, . &S, 1869, Wàyowà ouw01. Sf At the Tow Xli11, very Mio sday na slIu nt, C), EV rM on<y evanng, et tile 'rov" Mall Dam r s a irbs Frais bawonsfLal, Victoria Buidi , , Brook 'Stroot, ÃŽ*6et àtTharuday bofore fn ssà"sslà ove,,'ynsonth. pmun An e J o I o 1 wu'ond Tuopd ny in vory mondi,, fIdtela Btck, rock treut., L»o' eIo. MO, secnd ridssy u oeves r Awitif,,nt Sprovieo'u Ilotel, iPort Whtbr, Sonsi of-Tmspraa,Wlaity Divis"o, No. 31 Sono Mdi, Weàmnday veaigot. ood omla'osis*îma 11.1, Molidy evnings zPispal £'brch, St.,.Ilis's, King trot, l o'tuk , a. m ., an d . 3 <4" o k , p .n s. ( Ai r. Omo unuy). BEY. Jil1'ENTLAND. rois do" elsiChuo-e, I4loulstsen,' Insitut, V consul of Byron nd'g try Strotut, 1i l e'lck, 6 a g 0. s u d o e k , sp . 1 , BEY. T. LOWULY, Cisureir, cos-oof Byrons andi M a yooi,1 'o hck, . u., andtaSP. nM . BEY., Ji 9, ~ E W ul an itlodist Clinroli, corner of ecentre and M ar >t roo ,, 1 0 3 0 o'clock , a. on , an d EV. MR. BU-NT. U nit d P reob1terisu sC hu rc i, M c nis l- stituta, 230, o oock, P, uM. U .B.i.TiiOIINTON . Count,' Fire. P l u W te l ud y I n $ y f î e . Pluit Voduejw»*.vinli afi-ocr. W 115, c4 1M p ftu d w o -do. gru t t b e0 .O u~ l s t fn s ~ PlusUs-- Pu4v rgîds KlwctZ Yrotltlla, Whitby, Tesday, UgOst 2, M9, "'A ERe view ef the Treaty of V Ia N o v iw th e f n -so t s iso ek o f t ise u u t! d o u ly concîndeti rreaty b.tween France aq, Ans- tris, lias ssmidéd, vo eau venture li, - sen jases- esInsr tise rasulta as-ica inay pesai. bi>' yet spring ont o e 4 Cutldes-atien,"1 vbieis it sena s i for the prent, te ceusi. tute the condition ef the Italiasa Peninsla. If"i metlcy's tse onîy vess-," as Jaquos says, a rare cem of insu>' olos-,bas in- deaet boas fabricateti i O ne est se in th a e , isatleast hope. fnl. Sar(s-di c emprehoud, (inchudingý the s-coutnextion et sch part of Loa. bardy, as lms bea siguet te br,> at Least ton millions et inlabtanto. Tiat> frusm a s tet yug kingdom. Witis0, 1p, bes-al anti enligateued anti a ts-uiy gulasit MIonareis8aLits bout!,tiere eau ho no que&. ion as te' tia mes-l ,influen Se l must exort ipen the efete Dukes, sud veru ontu n icI Duelissa, vise are te resumo tbasei aoiton iu emuy, Modnandi!Puiais.6 Nor eau tisa coneiguns States fal to e e. salve à progreuaire impotus oetomo es-rt or auotse. Tisougs no e esy siking s-ouuts ns>' Iow inssseiatel>' fs-enstise anilation of tise duIl Aiutriau's influence ; (on vlaese Militasy ltrfeece thé pet>' tate's im.; PIWet>'reied, irbenes-er :Civilconinotion dws-caet) Witi mpmsible net te torese Ã"w-etui ses*,eret h te aluti a Okm. disiu, vits liber!in mtttions sll'rsle Ita>, timaeore- i.se 0 , ME(l i U e re ntearusllheaiL or ~~,, pr-,4, L MLde -e-f-7t an>' se Iis 'toi, ~Msd imuet hàs 1 a.soice in vhamers-atibmngo er-CoÃ"grâu ~ sah . laqnate, m~Itherefore cass il.p b1i4 u llfrd iIs1q a p uit'o plcri#;4tmllts baore .fis ai f thmW*fle KaUoe Upon ftae whplc n, uboglabas- drem anabs s'proDvetiquitae s briglit ea h - , d4'ee'anti-as- 1.aspirations isiaagdfert,sà briglater dayil h: adqS ncutienably, aeed-Afor, er<A ri oves- but, inceastinsg hanse on L*uds ' foi a. th sâ tit sm m a t Ie a o aa e ts t v ins e: s. isdasulllet. . at aam'remeens té ~douire the asri o - ut osnd!seau w, patf4ti- themt iieb *a aa>'eyetPe&' Itra.Tise gass ba pOve ori bleodys-va asy eti',sit i ,ssaic ;* vroult have ensdd, m liav n ova vhére tu,ýeh cice4e.Bach would have requinu d the no00mity ef 100,000 <frosIs tsoopo. Iù afIissanislpeintefviovt, tsis asasmlngý iLet it beeeaaeasbasedthat ts.- as a pîunstie-ne dýi"gela Épm." Nothing j vas î e asbà >tha-d>r4, aub s asiglt hava beci sasce>'aiseti vi jtlses'banbles muehla lnge. Prsassla and the bleuet Gesmau Bond, (sudsa quecs bondie et slow wcezesthay are) vas up- basving ul$ maînamtla proportions,,lu tihe distance. Promptiy sud gallanti>' 4Leiài Ws vrousasud conscietieuly . ha bath migucd, te Badinà u dsa ia-y aIlthathbth pliglatet bis vert!te aceasplish,. lne n4i tses- chaiet e >', sel- stl'&,pailted for a - d ron f grend' iiiay.Wbitaves ho i aa> have dressat e4 vheis his ambitions (Mal'vasuvlsisperlns n lu bs as, ue rejee- 3et; anti iftdynastie >visionstid cerep In, lio 1masteret! tha teniptation-as great an act et limios, as viuninx Solferine. lne left Pieu-plan, (lais gond easy couin, anti the bamsbud et Clotilde) te bring up tises-e- ues-ves; a sort strategy tliey soy Pion-pIon prefers; sud vlaicla, if taise, i.s-es-y unussi in a F's-nclsman, sud certainl>' se cixanues- batie of the Napeleen dynasy. lesaiy bat Louis boon ise mindeti, 'anati et ai upon tise hazard esf thse die,' ha miglat have plunget! >Europe into dcadly strite, sud have delsageti the verîti viti a score e ofîtaMs-mu.Tisat ho resiste th ie teniphatien, la uot siinpiy de'. uerving of nogatis-. pruise, but vos-lia>'of Positive applause. As regards Kessut- it is svkvasd-but unas-oidable. The price wasteo ts-ibie to pa>'. We mint hope amlolisation for pees- Hnngas-y, thssossgh sMsW otbos- cbannels. Fraudis Josepha ba hatia bittes- loson. lise Tyrol murmur ausul>. Hungasr' 15 notorionsly disco. touteti. The 'Kaiser' may begin te ty 'Osts,' inutend et 'Os-sp..'> Ins takiag the siev of Louis Napeleon', cendiiet, We ondeas-or te do lau justice, if vo cannot atl'ord saisiglies ioniago. WC shall be happy indeet! te fin t tat ne future reosate rescinti tisis estiniate of eue visoso acteansd cenusct are nov again lstsoricalybeoee us-reatieru antithe vos-Id. TaoTTaare i -scuPes $500, a-ar BLÂOK Teu ÀJD Fuûxa Hms.T s-ei"g match for *500-i . eaths fis-, te has-esseusse off ea ie lsit cous-se eu Frida>' laot-...The.qv lir a tioligisifulanti-the sport excellent R ay& Mb. b. BZa&ccTo2b 2 I1 itt vi pwo th Ikum thcic4 aeiint "ta4 br, ps~baretite: s ana ; " saliie e i thsftbr rnsd Sosse teim er mo# " efrlgodfetemt danoha u"' an mon e! u ieyossgladyC)Pàbs - istet, j dteidingfors-s-elfsbe e ntorat ls-Càtltbl > iitr hatifférep, pasetal taot sud beame peUsseas!Of the ides tisat àa ous-otusllf a s uhtat te wlclha vaswong Ssuited.-Kiaevig bas-"Parents "opposition te i Shévi.a* lu Ibis rsoisecame te ises Cendlnsion, te l>' *s-as ber fataes-'mbouse, Catu d i 44se eueOnernlasng beo-e the fail>'a 1bat! asisen, leaving a lettes- stating that lise tist U1id ' os.ap ber mind te spenti her day. dilic lu,' 'acouvsent, anti that aIl ea-cl- for, andasd n pu-atena- ei!h nviing. -Hew few shno f va ieiold bcIseraseapefos u lc l te anethar, until sha reaclidt Toéd, I'thse ;The ouperos- f a -Couvent nt vlaicis City $aIseae aknev, aud fs-ena latm ula. found osielter, ïï tIen 41serset tlukt ne' one sppoas ~te have been ahI. te- divine. 'But that aseé receiselse l tang] ay u'cnuteusuce or assistance from the ce, tini clesiasa ical autiseriticil,1 citbes-at Monts-éul tcs-a or Tes-ente, tise folîewimag loes-es fs-om tise tiais Yung lady'. fui ber, antid s-nsBisbop ment Cbbenell, furuisis vo thlnk ampie refuWs ber To tisa Editoe ' * eMr, - ýrn BST. Mzcasus.'s Tesoo-eneJnly20, 1859.,caster "a,'Itak yen feor iaviaag recoas.aC 1mendedt! thie publie, ln your aýrticle ef on a£ tiei du7<edT he "lse ieRmance f iiu. the (îesrass,",teispend thais- judgnscment, bittef Tise folloving are ns>' snsers te tise cal- fuiis1, uminies-eeoésaaniug myseif in M Sa Stàr-'mena I deelua-e,- lit, that I sas-es- sent tfs-, nos-wil vs-ete té , MisaStars- iiy liré- Ue ; dî IsÈa~mtler 'lu as>' Ishisu, I blimid asrna lier imprudence in cosing;_ s-d, that -be. tÃ"> 1' issg acqniimtet! vith lies- deai-e, Iinvaria-jecte biy insistot! upon baer making thani khewas plna te bor pasents-. tfl ,thsatslie bas nov'er Ps-el- been admnitted inte er nsObsch, nos- te' ny coin')' sacs-amontin Ts-onte ; is, that iulev-es- iabità reconinended er asten>'pes-son, nos- lys-egis-I. or spoie about bas-te sany osse living in lion- s,*fbe troal ; (lai, that I hias-e beiahtogctbes-ain a stranges- to baiecas-ing thai, cit>'; 7ts, lhsat wag 9 vison presonting basslf ut my door, onberlac's sa arrivai fresa >Ints-eal,_ Iretuseci toeceeantiantie recels-elber; &hl, thât siso vas set sided b>'in T me even dus-lag ea bounslibas-cocecal. findus. nient; Qtis, tisat I have set giveis an>' indu,ý havisd cation, fais. or truc, vban ase vaffiqui-- tieSei et! sfters, beeanueIwuas ot qustioucd iu 0f Cu thse maties-; îotis, tisat @hso nover rocusiveti Sister au>' direction fromue to 'go cast, West, sheite nes-tI, sentIs, nosy-, corume teToledo - cýd 55 lItis, tlaat she noves- reoiveti froni me an; tint pacunia-> aid, or an>'ps-omise, thos-cet, for eves- cas-s-ing ber plans inte exeuütion,; 12t%, antià tbat I nos-es- recoelset non interceptot! an>' let. tiebh tes- intend 4for lbar relativos; l3tli, tiat gi51<)f sho bas beesa hourd, ses-oral timeu, cein- c1ula-] plaining et My coolsoas sud ef nMy, not. au- Lun the - andi conding lbar tesigss. I isepe, Ms-. Editos-, tisat tha above de.- MC ela-atios Wil give satisfaction te as>" a. affordc luniitos, asetiiy ane quitestistuctes-y t' lOligt ,ise coscience of >'our hunible ses-vasa.- vlaiâl ABMAND DECHAàRBONNIL s s-ribe --' Mgr. eft brouteO rps PZ;.- trust that any - bouest Mfdivs- vise wLli have piablisiset!or vil pubiisistiseBts-ancE eissrgùsauaisï m> pibbs an e ~Suisterer'oer th e cons-ot'hà n WiunU estaissekt cessauctaI amead Tm -29,:2 43, 242U,249,~u Tom but! alvaysbealenFs-uai u& d.,t! dla, sud it wu genoral>ly mupfoâed ltht s latter voulalbeàia t anaTs betting'COMMAeI s-ndtconlannee l' tlfiet dvht2e1m frena oe er' ofdn4btliere t a u l a g iv . en t r t h e t lW u e t T O M " vent ýi gala st tyla, Cos-net gFi ' ' 'off is plas1nitbè-à 4tqpf, ube% l hlm darlng the remaiuder of tise heat. Tom vent go f ou* ssud MiIets l frore HauUiabol 'equre nsi wuutiq ovîasceu, ISUS1555 t C5i sthè,-ieek elapiuaW- vitsout tiniagas' îgtrantd reaeuing ber, ber 1 n uIelsas- led. lier te tise gratre ;'lm sd tisi arernts -wouldtibave tiragge! 'ouat* ifrabi. existence in ahI tbs agon>' et stantiuncertasnty. for seorg eoftise, s cftieir teoe-csiid Yen- Obeeosi srant, J; LMNDERI STARE.' Tisc Toledo Jlerald supplieo the o foilo accoujit of thee "Roinance"l 4'lIta Blade of ThuIt>' vesing se. itedfremain sletoit Pape- au absrd s-e mce '#hout 'tho-'abducîtion etfs a.Young uselian lMy tse pus-suit by her- fitisar, tt sos-t et fane>' sketches, sud the final us-e-y cf ts vietian," ensnciatedati eostdting in s snne-y inuTTeduo, A rverds oft-a lrtlifui bistr' of !"the ir yul reduce its s-omaaatie Pr-oportions these etf-&vas-y coonoplnce malter 0 gis-tki otl aiti te hathe daugstan of J Muder Star-, s presuinentCnadin (losa man;-, sîse-vas Oducatet iinlasai!, in, li laet a pecuarl' remaste usai ina suible nature, une! net pesseasetief' 1 '4 Cibie amemt of coameon sanie. Soe ae n tishemant of Ma>' one o et isa& uto Cisarity, of the Os-phan AaylM l cit>' (Toedo), belng os a ses-t visit to utai,was introtinct th ie girl, at tha bs-a bousei teaat _daly, tise day boibre intendei dopa-tu-e for bouse. The it appears, hbat!been a frequent visite;. sie Siattocf Mont-cal, anti exposed aa îg debi-e (wbic'l'sie saith e baillong rtaitsed) te reu-n te s-suce sand aster cmnt of theostriictness of its discip. This stj, ise saiti, ber fntu aes st 'nly oppeodi; but as-$ie vas nov cf«, cg-e, tisle vus titernstned te take it4 anti cat>' iusvokedllhe assistance of thaeSis& ;,Sue expseeei a wial te camtebae àtse! Superior of tise Toledo Os-pha oas, andsti -cnsni-uastilsaie ceulîinik ngoeaujtg for blacs-entemplatod rouas-a rac. To tiuhisaheSiât4s-Supetios'o4Y' ai 'that tise bousea of thse Orie- otibis ce huit a nujnsher of pour ohilts-ca te vide fur, asad coulti net affusit tie ae. ldtimaa n persos et ber education ast s it was suppeseti voulti douir, Tho still us-got the plan, insiuting that tisa os sbosstd, on rehigiens gronds aitie- arryiusg outlie- derigasu. No ceusent; gis-on, lsewevs-, sud tise girl tison eï- cçd a dute-minsities te gu lu Tes-onte:. us-bn thse Simler supe-iur s-cacud baise roleoe aba vas greatly au-ps-iset!in ig tse Yeung lady bas-e befere ber-' sg<as-i-e! on lise ases-ing trais, w-bile Supes-lor tii net reaci hro Ltinevensuf. 'ums, the charitable chas-acter eths eru foubsate tlstai se aseulti ho rofet tr; nssd.tae girl eonacîjucutl>' reniais tishe asylussfotus- oute veekes- lIs iUl tintesie ase aunir osnerestraintvlsk % -visitisgfs-cl>', (antiwit aun crrtic semëUisetsss incons-cuicut disrcgs-d to. enscheli as-saugcnsents Of tse viaitcd) ng the nciglaboring fnniilio, ant i pati yi in liant eDr. WMhite, vlao resaea w imasediate s-ieinity of tise XasYîuI sahos hersas vos-e presstil inte ber co for qxcuOsiions, anti visowe-isirs-s- dt tselady eppertnities for frequept iýnset - studiesose< ber ev-n beauti% iSomovbat iriLget! upos the-pro et! bou-nftes-ctosiug tibodeer of. thsé sas aylum, Thlias umacle s nljeet of s-unon- ce b>' tse isters, sxsatlnaîiy' tse su.ý lcOVngladyceoltudedto vs-ite te àthr, whehShedil, sud Dr. Whitas Y'Iale!' the lette-. - -lu du coass suûtloi as- ris-c c! a-, bas-ing neo0o& il te- maie tse -oxtendeti researchei- laof by thse artiele referrait t. 'Ife ioeîapaied to tIse asylnm'by a mens- 'ônp'et-o ss-prensinent lau fis-ms, and! tsa YQung lady ins anytbing but tse fl cosndition e otoU>' sealtisres- ab>' the article. No èeneImnt 4taupted b>' the Blateru, or an>'orna Biseh badt! unrstsained libS'ty, ex- stlel>' as te tse regular heourse f-'Cl se doors, ant disfiset in veriieti ly ,tun of et r. Wb vËise;ýmnoue iSaiulexp -7e teduot dog t&%, p nseuit, tiser for by a P86,425,e reallze tht the rae té the BRa Trhse ta theit. tIse reit et Tomn Ase ilue BSentt econaty PU ,ms-eu Lynt! dollarsfor Town isupa mantof deb -repenr tftIi eline te rota '~cotit et$1 Tremns-er, f iu keeping <i be roundL tisai a meu& ivere jutl>' j ta sow- 4Ma an& a ment The Akeffic ili sasýitte avs-e iiz*1 Trean laaviàg beau ?the sama waidfenuli Iltant bis bond but ve t"in tJrdeeit!ing t <Masly vban ti tlnougisthsea '-tisaers-erove -Wlsle on W * 50aye 'dusti te kte 'Ëi. Bles,a Argpi-u lhaýrigst te si 'Iseis lu 4_s4iuoy Of th ma&sln anCs Iwlisl'w fIle I (i 'I ut wili WI)e* B«Ikie of ý arloy P a

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