8017 hiii * I aeoa the . is n. h, Obn sor y belon#, An- g iséb <0si Istleà wrk-s. roup 10141"srved lat vood, t. adorn th# of linge.. - The burghm rcrovdied 0 uloni sud adMira tthe vork ofïbSir eltli o f whosm $bey vra prous!. Itva.,I4ndedtda ip@&l rtb. aidlent (*ethid cisrifng, SObs metimo setoit b#y«veu ii n cil! e00.,« vste ibais!i of innovation ui seie! Titre.sautels *à med f11. on*e -lineling vitis up-vles!@y# 4Ws hatis!. visite the otlareestessd- là ver. llfte up lu raptarcus &,dora. Med th@. tird, looking dowrnward cn r.hippetm 1low pointea towarda- 1It won untierul pMWise 1is tood apu-t, ln plueure ouom olu. Itb bonest pris!, ien mansy abhttid bit Own ifrledly aegt lotn ny an e,., made hamblar by rEmis, uanct look et hlm.idmlrlngtly. gdl tise Pl.48W ambilytbise Wovu ne dlantlent robe, aud tliat va. brother artiat and ativil ofAndrea. O s is' vaoneo fthos. dat-k ans! it pIrIt ite aeemmt W arnta oubidoir 'eT Usey go. ne a0vaa mn cf greit yt 06 on loes!hlm. Th.y cotaIs te'- svy-.qe*t oitirai Brennow, Inutotlety-Ã" w vnfo i l,,ans! or sti"donénUil he stood oppoalte >up. il. bides!ibis atmmaand: look- 8xqçly from onder bis dat-k bt-cv. e i4slra.sestise artist w1 tood at utgy-j tblnk titis verjr - ue, Andros' id not isat I thiuai of 1*t, but the, ut irbicis the voris!pets on My, thsat le cf conffequeno,' aiseres! ,e culmly., f couspcstlou à la l mbttes!, cor. f t fi-YQ-O ..d1" sais! MaIchIor, vitis a quiet ttiug o11hi. lip.-the bnou of big very lumefae.in.t Ans! se yeunneyerpIinte uta sud copy ifiures, tt6te n de. yoo Save borecopies! i-eum# r la ut frsse," Wmls!ndreswtb d4115- «tuainingblsp&*u"us @H Ycsti ,,, erleds! Ieoppcuet, 4 pntkmn i brotbu rirflmt 1 OUP la mluas-my op desilgn ; s"d Uz.utesmy vilI upon v ihMy 146 drov a batehetfrosm uderhi$ s beoe.the mcnder-troeu m moldinterfer., luime e oue ï e-f aises bais. or dumesratt figure. ru ieuWg to th#e qolck lu> fi lMof bis mor ; &Ulbio îtélla bos iledvitbw uilm:. %lsrosies!pon «"id fbeL "f a t.s iger Mtbsy. woSd iutefqedbut k vu. sois! 1 Aslreds vlit.eema tt" s is" *,dy M tbesfrf $e mea, st and! bou cd, pâte, -but s.l44e % M bitenael ahs sdverry dm*4epoliW4vcvk of mes-"Mu m eibot* à vw.u My it li1gW andêwaj i umadime il Me vw tu g u i i masO nuea ilubis bands, and! 4sadly mcved At thefr mttane On#e et tiss1#laidbis lband! on tid acp. t'b obocur der, à h tamd blés&As pt-. A4ndrea looked 1opWitb islacée-elist. ,esse uvacatD4soda adle, tisatfdu oelcer ia" , d nconscous1l o "Ap Iscurl nis!Andrea, *Itbout, "Inin 40uto emeve. IlWlsat bave; 1Idons? WhcacUmetM"r Tbu o2w w u qgumain of &a klnslly ni- tur», mi. bas!kueu aerAn!aal <cr it l ie 1,gently and! re.pectutly ezplaln. bis eÊrrais; ,bat b. bld teropeat. It seffral tlmeeWtseoAU&M a omprihend. 04 bu.. -i IPMe e!thatu $o laivy fond derkmecitbis laslio, AtIset h. uundar- the whole. "00 tise> acopseme o1 bolng a murder- er--in a.ssln ' saIsi rislug, wblle Wa thier ?un thicugs bis Irame. Thon as! &eusnog ith. Iaiffier-t," Ton vers a soos! mntu once- <plloiv >,me f The otlaer h.sistd. loi ics! sottsa,"continu- es! ndrea; I1sm rnsuarsaes-I bava no teaagbt cf esoPln'g rons justlo."Th. min <clovos! bîs prisosi.rutil tise> caïneto a dav<smd roem; it mas tise obmber of deatb. On tba'evbe sy th pale and abroudes! cru fa ioian. Verybeaufi fii témuit have, béent ans! ber besty adl! scsly ptees! Ia maturity. No long Ilineas bi4'tukèu away tise roumdbna.0c bealti t rom ubr lc, sthst crenlndetb âhe lokesi lovely a. amluablesatue.Thte long, 'davis tuba. estes! upon iber cituka, aid a (aiv occs cf Jet b"ackbi, csoaplng from; tbI etW tat bouns!ber beal, gave a lfo-like air te ber repose.-Dy ber aide Iay an Infant -Asdower oet auor-vbos little seUIbld couse Inte 14 At sns., sund departes! At saumt.- Tlso voe tbe vire sud chus! of kndre&. Tb.acolpterpotwtctb4sed' look there,"hsrnil,ad"sy Iiam M11lyf0 bave revengesol 7trlflng issit-If J a. llkely te baie beau a murdeserî" isf- 'Voie grvboira.; bu strotces! bis- arme tovardo thée body cf his vite, -ans! tsasn<.1 tetis. earth lu strong convulsiona., id betweeu bls appreb.nuloss and trIal, Aidrea vas db oas .tise ceoloous.cfi bis mIser>. Alvofver efamblmd ibis amusts, And rold MAbi otirard f ot tisa appeuce of au 014 inom. is fiend -farlb ilstil!sumtec ok boti bis»sen ft t rchare. Jvsml e li tisat " tbey 416 for eemed té boit 11 Te- u.m aven cf isei xItec. Wb. Uceot".m1- so tbeehUlrm vere Atilut v,.yutfr(w*y frn i e aeeM 0te- fesfsurand snprm# uia bt ber mIripeK' lernvnambtâbti <atas Ber qei vu titemoisl». I be t. orne'. oms fooetep v omalo bom -Md, (OU o!fsr84sa 1 soK bus! <ma- vot oivuaitbIs.tAid»ea id bis daugster botr4 Uae Isoar> door-,clpie, i th.wer e a uthe balLTb$eittj irls!ber",aflt te ebousisbesidete isssans! titn fat s!#vn At higs (c etsi lot' bis hbnds Iat lunbema. h. die! t lopi snyvisenesrf ut tthe brlglst Ave ud' Atiser (the ers fac; r"m tb î"as!, th"t ibs lames asotho Ue odIfg i" l«be Must oomotme. lerro!bld bee ac- oatominedlte Use prison, for sbo bldneyr bit bot fthe"o xcept mWhentaonshome At aîgb4t te otas» nct sarn-st it place seemes! gWcmler ihi tisats tise ln M~srosbadncbpe.misIlit.1bimen tram (rom, an> i eiy corro1antu duat Otisicame, solest-fol "a. se>- vey qulteciervisomos!hlm. Risole- desîra mioi vut e employe s in munt or is Of*. lu exeeting »mcm sorsal eofbis talante te leive behbsd bim, titat, mien, tinebas! remove!ed t do, front bis fa..,hI bisbldytn mlght bave no reion te tbis fo1fsei- athr.lilt-in-mo! pW te hm log.éhrisbd ocupatimn,'Fora aMoutlug It. ploue. lita s tep' becme Illgter,'auid bis cousttenneeict soiewbit Of ita seules! uetaisshoy. eif.amat for. got Stesortomas-its bligttes!mne-bli lmpaundinsdoui-In th e oz ise of bis belcvaOlart H. oisIs! ceaie ronsbis. mot-k, lookAt -the bmatfsl fguremhlcb bis! tisu toe't.udor hi. hans!, sud mur. mur Wo hlaseIf , "Wiatman 'vii. sa0Y tisa titoband of Ãsu 'ýIs n'a.ls badonthte?1- iait the bisin wnle'bmieuelvstbis droan of boiuty eonld plaisà mat-sen t"' , , y d gr.ss, tie insseuc cfbis art, lnou . nss ore o«,tlts!Us mild cf Use; orov.mrlcm pnmis isdelaepso becanse oeiftirl " tise gaei! c sugtise iboleIlike a baaaitifss irit. ev e .scuIpteu' eipug te hope and ile, !'t wus iben b. lis oes!1st b la rlilsg élis!, an! if fise oempertabo'oprlng cf At ai, ns!eas orS dvw .1gb ,t. ,Iittw«, Wstla5boePfbwmwibicisbas! .u.talnqd blmf4eêam7, penuArtIs'm' $moi a ieSIbfq ipt. ne P" ve slit teucieste bii besitl verS-be bue, b. ecId! do neore«-ansi tisonvautii5t uet doms in a stpr cf gr>etMdu4dempai, OU ".40d41Oé' und 11*, but b. ýdis!ne 'rcmn o re n " ugr iitsycr litti gIr initIeélis! tooaton tisetio.ryu teremeve fie band v"iée«ovemalbis à ndinmunis!md eicd oà (ber presene.lue dis! set mmr, fbut kp e ' au y l' w oeb- InXlaeo ftom,~. nov Je èas 4"_' *r- As obp TheterU-ehelsdvlboà bd llAiU bsn koX, ID, i rsme.o! ber -ie~ # dent, bfflotoirop,-batlierteauvr.O ueroprdej.Au.ou is.ue;tie mugi PgDous4WoeIdiarine, $it "W«#too lrea Gertruade, 1 &hall, Indosd go home te-mbi- Ilolmuspokep thse ftbls "Moe 4er teo! ti ebalil,buerlj, si rabaus for tisbg sue. tap-n tisTouïg i rUî«a, sud JateY es$dUit er; depo.sd to hinIg r.ceo"IWed tt.fom UKeki« or Lui MaWe!M -(h tal Iday, itatlng bis dtrilnod -intentioit cf uit imerde r At tin f In us!placeorie.ho. va.4ioo~pitbaatbis," , portiter tdamtMIStiwu neyer kuqwuiAn- dm wua Innocent 1 Mis Mecicitizesu re. oees a.e- min-f ci Masser ffl reawa pfoves! nnocent, 'They (band ih ln Ãfibe ion'laning on â11.tabk ,h#i. uad itsg on 11i artw,. ams ýhI»Upturnéd faeà a«e, fcndi"i betitiul vô& BW t th.dreirmmaer~, the »«v sbat bi connteunoe vit. mn- Ilngloos.&,su t$no lira obm lu bfisezd, mi!dopeu eyes.; Theo lpof etBruges: vis dead-Isls bevt,,bld broeuua iti joy. A yovcg LadyiArn à Trauee-Jasrrcv Z.sefrom Uudai Thoe Poia (M,) un"f tb tito inl, it' louiw rom 1Cr.e D.l$fry, c Modas tovnoip infiait coouty, fiais1 bld s *eulobe frnce &-(ml days &go, Tise boo, ie t tw «iise revicus mor"sg .11. "<oit 1* lsie s. B4 ,Olept SUailgbt, wud n« v. otooscim pf < itong boom Swko"bewv' a900gooIaltis ad 'pi. rit, tlsrougb tie'dy (Slu ufim)but te- flrod-early, andsoeemed o ouofy fmmlee vison bier imser cMe o ,tebad ut tise luter irs<us pparenty doms!. Tii. LN" comtïiiss sIn a hW boum Pr eparaifiou irero in proqgreaforetbe isu ftim c aiy, amd TheuwulyMstfor tii. faner!.,Tiei tades aÉl jle#,MWft I i.bof0 ',bury, borM et fis.tblue gtd, nomm.wco"Ide-. saecoesary f0 osl a à pbyulolau On 1Weae.day eveulgboerlfr teSfit. sd L!b..»brougi4 wmo, tli., ycnnger birAfbe; im qlooking, om tise 4 fassecfitsd.ld.iter se tougbt las uv lmu te cemmpbctebi epci- 0 frout dcrreelp . 4 d r Henry connt<$ 1ud stfiarbzem Tbis . i1tafy folloed ~by oe iefb th#ue bézo 1e2Eka.teb r)wlyYug; sdud it .mptiier seatbeq r Mé,6 tfeu berfrlem tbqyireratberusdearo, ef ray from viritt flay tiseuglt fie pv. Tieot. OerfuleMafer mvs a b. oterImgins!tian deb.& Xkr sS, if la tely frorIm y ecuty, sd. ùSei& Bémlla irliptexiisbe f moisele*uWc tru.n. butèiol ommu, -&qi 4#wibis iu.O4 Thse ltufer tise S.mLWeoidywill, be $2 5 w 4d' e lvc, or $8 50 ai tise nsso< thse yoar. Tise 'W.kly Oh4ronkcl.erilbe psubulslsd lu future' on 3 eÂPDY , $1 q yeaW, efo*Jy' it ,ativafllCf $2 Wii chirges! *hupayable cibervise. - Tise tors teour' (IffO Agiois! *y su guUseitf, vbicb.me c f tte go00 fows'o< W stb', 'eoniea -amoial t e ds rim tito ,Latin vrod ," b uIo e lu wudbaaaefor. eme$ tii tftasnattiw te for tb" Titte aorne. Rumuntb reo re, te,*&W e. the aboe iAimuldgemfusmwabm boeop mUs mout 'eoaxlg Ladslifloiset dowm aheb 'prWzmatMaesuimi6of Sir Edmus1Aa&9 Nommwe il 1mv; tisà t mpira.bteaenseavout f0 ,cajole ticasibo my-lbave fie poar te coutujuta to tw.rldaiAtg@. ,1avalig tic' leu simain asd 5psac&4 le mosuoly W eio o~ utise blghqst mils. 0<11<., *bi e tie.. o itée onsel co *amu-i$ ors"diâg repors,1" bou1s! *be amemde-db sdrcppug of £b -pim bIte cf tise ijectieo bort adaptes! to tb. 'figur isit ïcolommaeffli60104,, we sas sotpetendofenU*0Tboreport'tit-r. plac bofo r e ârca! he lcjoaslmg eair- kWevios ôfflibe ,golma>inlu iestion, vllsott refesualcef is possible fuitûe, aà urd o t sf lbeO. Mr, Eiird Cobdo% u, a, e ai kuor, ,or ougbs 'f0 bo, flsgremti-Comr.Cbappon 19«nglad lys rà roxiZîtiOn f euesg' autmi psuoeiso oacèdsl re ,agileb.,st6aus!itrtcfE- 0o&ftuesaObapter lau.tie, iuls -if 'Ur. Co&ýa wh" yl'ilrossdenbig nme ès emdurlg awfit 4'fPelt ans! o! Kglte bltcuy ume o ite COU' w- 'U7~ ~~av 4cl!s rlats neiseose e-4 du.us eects ! p- 0' aism cf li bousotols e-, rd. ue ei-merdamans!, ulîli book 18 Inch",s bçl<>w ite or,,Tii. an laof ~b~pqua aoloca.,iworkriwell put im tqetzer sud Src 9-fet bighboyer the on Ãœfi s.,~ F5~ fhqro.lsifr "Porting M T ýboý'ntar.. bu ot cod de , d aepotétd' à 1,slted, onsto tiI. -s1fjo wftl ix. firmand Srd CI bolf. n#?1 T1eouahave fbre Poste On -Mo sud 410 biiced ocb', ir*y. 'Tbpo sic >1Ioyed an picc orgqod souad timbor, osci 14 foot3rd clams I=ngý bolfod doms tg t40 capis !biehcb :0y# Mr, Ma sto)u. or .tringom, wmmci are 20 foot in offct k louýesidmeet ontheaocble, lion bohs, go -forlb 111 tbrouïb, te Joit. sud coblý iej a su' cleudiig th 00r odu&li 1117fâwtciod>bolow. Tii. iuf. thebill) à fae , cftWbrde1 evdmtht odr ows. p1ank1 4 Pl- 12y rumnlpg six incites ovor tte 1fr h loiso on the otidoe sud tiie.api a are OtWi a oovored witla3 Ilnchos bomlook »"aa 6.1> "'Tiei*Coi ô 8 wblteonk, arc jt twIg ncbtu to thé iittSrom outoideo tringer.sudcomble, wiLtvObolia tev 1 lnueChbfiry socurod onte !nýde, 'UTir mist«>, b.nd-faltihsafro oiýwhite oak 4 91 , ud wi. th" tfe a Su511I4SÙ ialf-w&y betweoa fthetimes ciid top.rall sud, the.to mur(of diebiide" Tise ba*wail pous asd jurd-nail aro fo roceivoe On mot fwo coguefwite paIDaf and aUil ofisorMr. Moda partx. ï, cf idi lg, omaitsiug expoues!fo Sbtretsa tii. ivsrori i.to receiye a MOt of cmi to Co nitat -Mr, Vrânefs, IClrkethe-Obtor, bus eiocuted f 1a work ic>0. mostteoitabi.le l 1 ii to recel. from lte, çOfportion t<01 be*tby Mr. me The. wo i b e e c rrieti on uniier tise ..d'C supervlis o %f.cptalaiowo,> citalanss cf *)M l tise oomnaitfoo on aotb Mdimroveà "t oiUi sud thst geudeum slib o id(aigbm.£c 1 ta in bis CMO-i'AsÃŽD U ltera, iu lcoki agthorongbhfs &"'iebiéitioftohé .Thé AP Theo ex pfoaéo h iebridge li.noir rendoros!quit. ea'sy aud.Àl, excavation t.fo teaitn "of, ýWBJM, >kiday -*'5mpi t 'couluded l T Çm.Cemi! met si, 8 pofdÇ4kP, n.311 u 1ge ct-HIao,r4ie M arpai, in fias bly ye spi Iqpdj.osL» Çv ~ tute tb.cf - Vox, g. ays# a rai Of J'lbsi çue.pmy iug for ymt <<dos1bo $7 1~>ap Aeugie per.-Mr, igluW. 0<. On min pff . Big"11eI, smjmt Of fu. 0a" thse amuonmua ordoed.. , thse recesti Ou e tiiOrdei 01fthe Day boin g caltes!, !e t tn , on, î ià Uol ýP botse, b" 0é. MvMadoael aou it b. cojuUWed 0ariA bu bas!dombis duty,iuitrduiuj l. loà i ot bII4 be destred tâ tbi : à 'Câ al.~ufoli,,on the 1 le vÉ be iWu cd uc. - mie- secd cr s f tbe doy-frKxac o.PiUti l de-W.motin $0 oins 1 1 mot a eu t* &mu,$ todon, to '$du d - ïà kivV. o ~'z ~wiattahsm~aemoamoi sother, - e Ipnýg discussion,; tit-bW vuira e- ~ 4 Fopisd amende! by stulklug ont fuie -2n'W o m cofit iddaames.n! ouslea stion for. receptim , r.Bigeloirpgse!ii rr .ao m aoadmusent .have fie 2ud sud therclaimuud S&y, soi s i. re.letuted vc l 55 roo! cf grod in Itly, medonli mvosiM ~1»t'mal bave dtamt of, wix tillmg Use-blIL This mouvoies! 'i a vuwlioperlsgin lit tsle momubers cf the Conil, (W't- d, ais! idyssa.fc vlaicns see 1,o l preVilly votes!for MWtiep"n_ vits fb.ex«ceptim of cf ptais be lsn, mvltng >olfe PIeu-pion, (bus goos oay c aperaffrwariexlalmd taatlumsband of Cblotiae> f0 1 > rrmr agalnst là tscui lL #mes a sortfrategy taej 10=ai agmsirnt lu. onmouitte s- eand! mlùb, if lève otila cf 1Ki. 1801014 l te S' iua Yresuébmuialid Srfsà 'e.~W o el f t4eNap~loWudynst esliy titree houa. dimelon, W£ý6ià &ged, sUd titis maffçr, fuhe Concl lt It bazar! cf lb. die,' b. mig $y boganIs. u <ct th" spent tise m ie .ôi7 sitre a tavorissg t. do notiig. the muid witlsasgce of B& tISZDY-115. horoswtetenspfaIioI, ,i fon 'cfDr. OGuo, scondes!by O"g of tgtiv rè snuè kssi4th ie Staudiug Committee onW stv ppsus ie id Improv.nit, wire iciSfucted sswtad4jtMY ult adrai$ 0t17crryofftiiOIIfI17 irutooterrible topy m before Wmas.Tbonapmom'1 pro. Amo for' ,pcifl hock streetmm ecnier t-cissmo.rai etion cf ,CPtain Beo w c açod! itterImm he waoom4fue Toita Ctek iris dl. audîiiýRH8IIrIS>iï-'o >m wmUs bols! ias legally boums 't, lsteati of 'Grmpý.' Pmg refuse or stagnant mater te ntli un the ltretakaandg etii.r SW'la bsprom"é utiatst i conds!ct, 'me oadevor to do ý"m udjjpw.s!f« fr wSks. anunot alborsl biÈls Poo Ne sboR bebW i *ems MW' or tue Treat' ftila o -future remsousto resà d or Giving the Devl is idà e." oe m aco itsaa!ndusilot -hiotoricaDy' béfor. oui', m Trcafybotieen Fraie ans! A»s- bIMI*des!, v* oasretturo toi,:$= e a-ar c IY thae reaua ticis hMsy PQssi.BL&M Tc«.A» FunmHa wigg oeut01 dtil Citederation,"91matoisfor UO- e it ein» la for thse preese to cunti. Eive, fo bGéaémuama. off ,sdidnof,'the bises Penlusuls. couru. on F VMpa Th ey5s fIe culy wira ar~ s ls deli"golaass! ie sot; -11! m oMt of issm, olora, hm îl»s N. Bay,# il bh. jBZ#Z fabrieatedi1Ceh",- vauaurSn, * «ti"tr e em isUeo.sst kas4bhpp- Vm qw din à wH compSud, CocFaâ4 ukB_2m4, s 2 ;,t ,.4 tmouuiaion 'cf scob putf Lois Pm- M,' 8 -~hi 'Tblf:0M" Scmtu