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Whitby Chronicle, 6 Aug 1859, p. 3

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0101tokaï e ~ding, idé1*41, m4tke Qfà Trck.BonEsg a POUJ tipemdl*ry 0" eO.aW*4te, it vin b. Worth, *$pm 4mg ou m00palt.y eiya"uI W v~ilTe 0,T, . Io anolel Naim UNde tf 8" aLal ugpd ia It km *oS.-Wvol A Mi homil 'lor -thé Iliesu id inteute ci th, publie, is fl i ylab d nX>eejadm..', Tii'.Io »Oies âme for bath co*psaaie; 0 ci" âa aY jw.uy P"Uis h.v. he i.Poe. M..of tweo M04 humlIn.. t th#.l.be ' *« <Meo t ai sd lnenal, for tbo tedraaesmnt e( bot4 Un«, e norierosate Ikous ik ýUItp byeueaf.emrobl. tai.. - Town Mn"era * Tii. oft. e<a.emet <il.e .' uItb nsi" «nula th#.dollarito ati maed4p.ùduwe la $8,214, <rom vIk if * od.e $fl480-% rom M%Ù"att *gt134 poili tos, aMd nM rldetmen- bwn lnniàewIbu.$M4 o be protIde for b7 a i dl & x. ' Yý4I *tt =nne y"lusdMreau J Mdpomm prop.rty,1la *00,42,1on wévbha9 cets là th.dollar viil - mils. b. rejulred emunt, idt y. -4h. ra40eW46 cii 0 «04uth#-. le80 ex- Wendluew fur Lys'lr14 . auJ the. aaust te tb. Eoad <ompa04 o lmmarocwoo 'fr.too «cSuutnheb. lcremse. LIis yrr 'De totalVa1» laweP«eId9, lob kW th» the prevlones..'Thf. arismore fros iIupelitita hlgh vaIotiou(compar.4 viLl th#. vee of the.Count» m& y b>ormer ToVB Aae.em (Ms , uJvlich vau aenuibly e«W ro "t(i y«Iau9ý tiio<ous ny ae 4.iniwo, l L.tah e "ofprop.sy; Tii.ý Ofthe"motn<te b.urmf.41pild go for COMny Purpeamj *$000 <S <h. brige Ourm 14&0 uieoek-ee oupeof""umn do0aM for -Bebool pnrpme,- $If,00 for TOW tmpremeuts, $w400 th -b.Ew -ceupow>, aMi b. remalder tote y. onat o db.ut uterueton not. iet du Peuh,""u a riee, prlutlug . As illi b. men <ronsth.lmt poblî#bod report or tb. Finan c ommite., <te"de. clibéetereonined th. eyMOeneîOanM «- eoutof$1b0; putin by Lb.he-" Town rmerer, for ofdc. ret.Tbf. wu coe tslmgratb.r"e.of Mr, .Yarnold, bat MOU lofa Town Ernerfrbut only quite lin .efong vwu the modeut doman du ptlt4a oftb" idvlutTbers Io «et a remerila t. Towuîhmtvll b. ound Le me>Outathl. e omnivus othor dbn m ontrous Impositions If the roney verejusfly due <o Mv. Yanaldl hobe uat Lb.the a-nor aure bi clrcnao eh al aeto dur wbimth viit ptlently fr-two yeou M amite! itbout uelng for pay ment.Thé ettrmpt va:s an efte-tiaogbt vbho . ournidJiffael. e#)MWd bous aM odie iblho b hlJtoo long for th. publie owmniaume or, adiato. ,We oboevo bi ibe samnerepot ba the Fimane Comup mAitée bu* .dktincvee.maotb.r .iila tb. eqMTr.effle's oeebooh, ua f$0 lsheg b«m e t o hlà eedît $i(rlcfo th u am nmetOn 1Mr. Yarnoldf 4.iMýi 1 ws uelated tu.t Lb.eAuitorn liai <oued i.cuh accot, T00 4 t0an to Ibat i bond ahota bu bàaMd. over to bina but ve tulsk th. couna stovry vIWeIr idin &kg to MretLb.b«nd.IL *a. cnly *heu -<b. FinanceConatt. veut tbrougb tua e cnta <thstue> ydiscored Tkerpu DeL£guit rpaue(0t tFroutb4e andsOut. lyUi j SmuuwaOnmCIL honaai tyil" é,or e ebarlt abla $l spirt vlcla sUreup snma nabol> ,AMelM.1 'Eh..mms veIl mvthü thLen peUgo! tb. 136,00 aIa> 3>-y4laA Liae umeropoutd, venudleare <bToi. 0ab" te tue,116100 71, sa bat ton per oent upm £»#M00Of <b"sAmoumteou bdlMWdla by th.dreore ; an"'i<Ltboy teld tbo aitfhsramepsyers vb4,signai tii pettomtba t<beyver. amuni for tue good o! te Towd 1 Tb.y kaeq tis b £5 9000 131-el"ahmnoer beaberhbai r" on tbc Compaaty'sbookd; ansIt'bat 4-eMa' not b.caabaerl=91nati erolution, Of the -wuulva panflo ti. pp .., Md le.4e LbyM0d.tb. signer.of bptition b.Iieve bat-Lb. Dieooravoie golng Le cp*l <h. mon.> te, beïr movn u i 'Eh.y 1mev<thtue DimrseW mAPOv- er <o naluObe OU -o!f lfty periMos o tise stock, (ho lmttuo yemraflchbethey uWry songht to Aaeu tlms.lremd yrt <b ewooirgd tbo sentlemen îlth tho in- tention o! iobbung <b. Tb"nl'Eh.> knev that forithan long yemansd mOrries.* RWall ieDrector. batoàled, lcurregail sorts o! trouble, adJ bd paid a larg monaato!fexpenseout o! tuek ovu ,peck. et.; md yet lie>taround, nkiaie uema aL"u" mns& <bel, boneat>, mmdabum themloU.l beyID.#I oivould Lb. rep.ei su fuel 14h.>venn the mmnepoi. "tinetii.Dbw.tere1AMvoX t bu auytblng mrd<on masa t b.emaours jutie <bat tl b u DInoo bod b.al ail <bo.ftma e p.rs bey bavre Incurrdi crickoet$ - tb serAmaeV CA.4AtaA Ph. à="alinteroatleua Ctlek th betvente Unitedlta<es'but ove«smud nleveu aleaiii &oMéth# Clubs of Canad, commenw ê t tusreto, on WeduMday. Th@e gouud vue LirongeL Eh.#etest th@ denxt day vas#ak.. o»n d reuidted te follovt- ltket bfliallla---------- IoaiC-Wister, b Croosly-la,, 1 Pesnsu aliilla, b C oule ---14 Dyke.sub CBale, C- 0e . RedH iguian. b Chtamely ... 11ogerson, Dotouto0.0.-béé» Sherpe, b Croffely---------------O Joneo. b Crowly. . .. istanle>, bHli--------- Bym I log byesOo vidl 1 i Batosond, b.Panon-------3 Newhill, bJ'mn-----ss Wilby, b Prsona....... &as, c0Shlpeb Eogermo---- i 1 mlsm, bPsmu-- ----2 vIill1b v, b ParsaonsS ColIs, crettersp, b Sharp....à BlesIZlog bye. Il vide.0..i 1 -112 At sixroed"ekCan&d amot li Plallpi sud sogeratLb. ecod innlup, vbe scoted 15 up te ha et s1j4 wven play for Lise day ended by igreeuen, ivlthout lalnge vicket, brilnggCanada Itbin -Lio1of Cuojr-A inatula vas poyei betveus <b. Yonng OatmrauJ shwmCl1 lutS veek, on 'b. giotinioppomte tLb. Sbetarsds ace, la vhlctbote ormer cbabvcna la oa wIaog b 0 SMwttom #pare- Th@ni u giaof va. ooo ,, #o ,TOu=g Ontuw e i <h. isLdm, I aine , oung Onatro aOU& 24, and Osb- àve Wa placed 04 ous t e vlt',tvo wlekets <o go dem. Tii. Gebas leb obje" atosdà.lélonofthe . pïta tue Yom$ nw ontalel, in cenequiaeed *ig*oiblg <b. pme. plu À, Imoax;.he pre.lse0& CaaPl ery Ma. John G.EovesM a dry W oTb@h n.m elty of adr t lw<i dlffen aces te b. ma for, itue dayo 01 tbe Meeting At <lie éarll" Pom"i moment, se tba pu"tirstybave tben* enseytsét>e <otain <belr, boise.f, apm- "Yau oolts <Oat bave neer inme ace.o 2nL Thse benete!ofavlug araceVex ebevl ror 4 m rcl oui au fill.,. iL led<tien mtom unov~ elleve, elu 'th.eStates o give a vey loïg. pum .fer aves'2 auJ 3lyenr At da evq'meetinag, IL 0,My 0w, opinobt ub. alition O!f<is race Le <boit lut, vol Isduce a euot mon> gentieaa(rom <bs adni otbpmr te attend îi<h bo<heuColts,00ebey cao hmv a Mr cce <te <buis sq«44.»uit vlll du menmurge <b bm.d of<good.uni <lsooughbrei bon... KepIng'tlàes.eiruce odà and 4 ycar oMs et <b. seat meeting of your ell-to-do PresMeant UuehauaDehioa e LePre #U«e« i« a oead Teru. 'Eh. mbjolnedleL<r front Pmeedet Nbnsa wvu reeev.iie mernlg by Lb. omirale kts KoCnlenî-ledY' kini nmotbe tus Uuh nstan,<gtber vitis tue leader frome n <b , ifle làu reatamiS déoeeeu<t t6 abuIftymd <rlelp dispq4d la <bat rdtoi&al1Tyet rret <t h buabues psslbed. Ny de- temantion saot, wude My clicummtauc te h«en.a candidate or f e-efotion là fluda nd colnslwa. '>baut. judgnacnt mnd stromg Inclinationm unit. lea Orf f<is .cousuc Té cmm donbs " mlnsypreoeter. mined purpem lacalcuk&Wedtu inapai My influence la-cerrying eut importent mes- csret MdJafforde e paeLexL for ayiag twn <boa (aaemooe) bavle bes dwcatd b> a desir. te bu re'noinated WiLh kind.t regardsetc. e pectnlly pur rieeâ JAMES BUCHANAN,. Arrivai.et h. l«itS The royalnai"Iteusbip Pesis, (rOM L4YýrpMolou <be 23rd Jolyt ha. anrvaof~ <ils point. lIerdates are îve d.ya laei <bnpreviomsly ieceived. À vurpool breadtua fféoe gmnerally dru, and b.'.lad been e liglat adanmco in ibet, ay)a2d -Corsa dvancng. ?»ov'àos-PoMk h.avy;quotatou noMina. Lad quiet. Lomiàn or avMan-.consol CIOu. $don Saturde> e<nooit9L4eS4J for" MO neyduJaccount 'Ebe boiln received lun<lhe Bsuk o MEn e 4242,000i JÇnyin gooi demaudbuS ueba.sge Tii. Stmmsbp Brommsrem 4Lv«- pool o'l# 2at, Mi staMsbp -lagovw Einlurgb on tdu 22sÀ 'Eb.emaislip Arablea uraielu re- pool st 130 p>mq, ou ltua">' d 23rd d Zurch i bout sveek t vmu llevei <tbat SmdaVSui mt b. rpresetoi m 'due PeMUsCos<erene e osnidm l leais 03 mu Duaaâ nes lupe,- vue t by t< teuZar r1u0 N B3stu4 of wIImW Kipby, aq'., bue been -t 0 e ro L.n~eL Rotwot W, W. 4~rAof Woodutock, lkq, IL n.; JateMmIUdtdib, M Martin tWD, 94#X 0 n; $Muet lArtUJIITCar, t.«, or "i"" . À., Y Ê>, b1.; tbn *Il- la. ýWmId.o, min, laq, K D., and Jama ea '. 4Unsof thitCy of lkodtt loq, M, D,; te obl, Lb.. t puctice Pbysie, Suvgery "àJ Midwlf.ry 'Eh.'. neer wue a more abondant, bar- vei't ln Canada, 'Eh. artb iit.valiy groans witb th. wclgbt of thegrowlug crop. 'Tho frmm ETc rjofrin& and bars good caner Bv*.frwhcro the oarth tome witb abun- dance, Little or Dn iw prdu lm sye mde Ito vaY tbthWhlyMeiket, Pritefor Lbe promeu, v m oloa, llà - r eoe!rroi é14 b t «« da viffbving a Oatjs 0 *e~boul, Eadsy.--TbeTebuha. rn more badl wnn t (if Coauty, the proet t yer, tbgnla sy prvioo thes yttaput to- ied, Non.measau ye bren hrought In, Ppcsart expret.te open et, me> 2a Sd. POtEto,900, alllng At $1, Peu., Qnotbndoleg. 'The <Top lae x- Be 14i 014: O& - bopa 6 là.aOds Itany- aàwM cOMM.noed <brhing about lb. ,iJdllu t itmontb. and are po e rauy metboy'en e u1 'h, mmple Mf whrtW *»never beter. In abo,Èt a ortnlgbt <rom tfte LW@nee xpwetotesou tbiste.to!d Wbltby crow.vitb th. sr- KE3LLER-STUAE'- la Trentou, on tb8u uiti, by <b. Eev H. Breuqbl Mr, P, taller, of Whbt o Maiq Stuart, Tmprtaa t Le VemhWée DuCeuxa'PusPrprdb>'Corna lins L. Chscmema, MJD., INew York cIty, Th.oSmbla"toofingr@diatin tIsass Vii o thiroggslt of a long sud oxteumire r'.ele Tise>' are mlld la tla.ir opesa;on,asAd ertan Is correctlngal"teulr lsPiful maeuam tlona, remng lsgaobstrnuataosas, visatier tros cohd or otlsu'wie5 lsessai, rfia la LIse sida pwahtstloia of ise haar(, vItoc, AhU es'voua affeclon!Ft hyalc, faIgue, puan as <h. b.d end I1mb.,1,., idietutheA chm"p, ivista"i frot lsteruptln of naturs. 2hJLzrW rLadW,-r, Cbo a Wo sm1111»aore lnvslisblo e a. Lb.> Illbrlnon tise mtir pelod r tg"lmilt>' akvsb hlie abues dipestdlu tieh*usae o vtieille em plm thse éstmet cnfide« nc luDr. L##ee.mau'PII doil an1 y rpiMseatto-dois au> ijurieu.. ' l hildirectionswac obould Z W, eamoxauyecsbx saint tb gi n îcoiq*10.B o s.,Box, 4,681, Peut Offe, Mew Tork ciL>', « tIse e.tottadied g 1L. B., Oscam olun.al get for th. Uni ted OWaaeaad Canmâa, -166 CisuutbutsL, MNew 1lorS, te ona am IIWluhk orden. boulA bê ad mely.Baltrand W, ï DosIWblby;qmusBroîA jo'.Tento ininar Ngaa is Extrm » aF f note Ahe. rot!lemm'sauaimmnedete cure. ""wtu cue.' At oee Mnd Mo&&ea Dud)qk *$aL PobM ui 9W d-'iI<mve Lis e dot" tdla,,Ms4 (uoniwts t=eréumluâ bZ nl", ioder, aodi" >V vietisieo!eranWi ! la <ho on'Cou o 4munl.pj. a dgirad .Clvrnplstlfffl hata ADb.hn ahuue n&> Taesa ttp Eii17 <ith ii< fk, en5th 1" 6; Zao, alla'wil'. te onu Tholua.Beautt, £4- glat4eved iunilh# ltgistry Utts29L Match, 1lm, noun iw tb P. etiî ly ai thipoton tIy oe r >doMtlhue inuuu Lb.é la 0ye badi * i1 aboasof uus 0this a ro!i 2 » wýY.ioh.* 2Il m7ni Townoailp o!rW%1à.ycontnlalamil 2u meres, AuJ partieiallor ,b.d h iûse ouve>- onc th*sqeufrom (biii. hoi* Ieso n vlf# <o -Ont Tliomnmue Bnuet, dsted Mh *L im4, auJ legseo*rel MIStaoetobe, lm4, linLNe pro B tr ý(lu eucod TNof7M .. - ge d'îi.g oe o" rolo tlis To*m 0< hlJly(oeut, at ! %rok tre.LauJ o(61550 l lo ceresolt uItew Wioo"lliomshwtuit h M md, eul O M uormla( > 0,JelU /fOdk in uîoisycc;ùrt. l'.Iroi'lnc lt uraim eoltospmy, pwtnluAlf 1a. Jamses arvald6fl'eut lott 24 0stiff ïdau NWé4, "ws.of Lot No', 4 lfit Con. . LWI.ttyjwnovluath# noaeo clon auJ oeupatluiormord Ju. .Farewell'. 2auJ.70 gress, (but portion o1 Lot no, 24 lis 12tiu con, oi 1Uumb'iwiieha îhslSheritf of York deoed oA, A.1'sreweaîhitsi A. A .lexi,. Xxopt-, log 00 urna e p illanIA. Fort.-O dlposCu o 1,>' deroulglesA,. P. U0ib.Ioq<sboantlf Mois, 8S'dL 77 & clî'TA .9lu 12' cou. Eesseh, ) ul~,farea eldbjrSeil!o lioms Di, fur' », Asd hAlO teesvlng about' 00 iseroomuid by Win. Tyler' Lo Andrew Me' 4 .92 acress mud. Crodll, bahi« port or Lot B'O, 24, lu lUs cou. -éo! iais, m'iouneasnPt Wutem l imis of! calAwlt tdletsut»7114 clisnis fflî inki- ef'ussa S. W, auj'.e ut dlo4 ons coar» £14 0W, thiers 74* IY, aune tu $u5utaerushinit .S'lot 23 elsaisîse 90 1'su , thîsuco y4 Io r W. pssrallui -b Weaîorilsimt a la1 eduins 4 it iLa, he aace 8740C W. yeralk'h Lu tioutalnsht o or À428 <'sali,. OhîIke v. t Westernlisait u or e Alsee f0 16,2tE.la' chsns9,V iais. to (OA ig,' lsg. abot 00a 0e MW. onghcof lald dom. #isd"* Joboi ilerise, to Join CcUmr la de .Court o! Queeîs¶c Bucla Jamoo Doyle, plaintiff vàs. JoIn Gcrrctt and preserm asdfeu mnt , --' Beno e o! thse North 4% tquarter 0etintelot. Cori. ofLhao Towuebio of Wlsftby,sa "al aTt t "ise oRtIS ma quarter of LotS$, lii tci.2ni4(;ui. of his on £111,5 MWMthv bbotter knoarn McIbo ad n. ut] Eon boTO tW4hâve JIeVT 11m UIOOG,1 BZC9D DAt-ý WEDNZSDAt, TrnoelvtiRCU£-O $120--oveMgibt but"'$ Wô inS fch« eg, siI tibeî- Wmter Wetgwl.Pfovln , bftd horme .Jlow.edby.mok nIL of tb. mmbm wprt- mu,10 11*-on m " of 2 mU a-- L~n 2~.be o res të $tuvt or 00 'Eh tm Of a tU.-f 40o. Wïjbfldié ail homm w-»W«elbt ]M, 6. recfediRUSL SLf c% r, m ou ONAto lb, m(Clbodil .pTIU4 &hall bu fluai officm d t.Army, Nivy aMÀObu. mlmauiat kbcadmfUcéd m omemon 0"4, ~ tbefr eutwicipuom o1 Vivi DaLe. LAma ê thié, Tmommww, JMI ESMOTZ, GREATy.Tr.Mewr loiees amstbWin Ne 185, - 8 John-ô G.Sct..... ~..asg PraaiWbltao.iq.tinDseo Theb ' oIlcimae'and most lrpual - Tlt»? CF EOr rséi$IAN$ b>' lar~aeu i,y, fur tho dower of m i le Me 14 J CU1T ' <"9 T ,n!ST SPLENDID, EXHIBTION TORONTO BUILCI FAIWhftby, Thlzrsdsy, Ag It ogtmod <u nJ 'em <orM nr4o! théÛeu.b ï"tof Po1rformnng Horseiç; T 'h. grast Soutbmr Clovh au bout Comie 401-. tehereby givon, sini te rMreim 'o e t'T 'l ht-E p pdormerln Il11.6. b y Lbe, Cilvo!Toronto for Lb. SALE W LIV9, STOCK, GANQI GUJIURALPRODIJCZ, 1MPLUMENTS MT RING, and MAIUUOTURLES, vili tak. plac-on Tmh4 19 vU.difornan Leape r tON» DE BAC&~ Paye of '1' i go The vndWrul Fra",b BW4*-MII4UoW' Ezis"ltin Park êb atiliWt,;.Dadp "id te », Ub mu me atmC.oe lufm ar J5~ I~ 1W'Petm Ugclm»affoi4s<*aiîîPY4tiou n~~ffthe W Id, Pot *' & . o et4 whité. o<Ahi anduîklVeimmb i l Tise xzv-TYom 'fSmm ku<lins *sruîofeieodly *kWh, tu kg gmIlita eeeluro ee= 'rmapoqnm ne t La ao atli1ûqa y'VMby Mail, S01 onon ta Tour. Té bernai on -» e aruisgof f!«y Tarsay auW Ir" aeycuudui I âOusto thbulkoa iueigtc nntlsehityari, tela LsbalgSdearqdw MercidTals aa MImcelbu ieomd r5oulayl»n1aIshed#,4rn 0"lOsuafmeayJltthlls mooi11 h.erdncfometoudfi iee. Pm Imnnes coui aupIIeL ýç Cple t Oe AdreVveDla; fes Cep» 47~ ftIytb, lut9 Whltbv JiIy2LhlSmf TIJO.?4ZD i a 0"'pr1siaIve dgaoLa waé Iepro- PURTE READES SPLgNDID STORY, Ac Deatala t lal"bhlai eba" or thegli> Tîbouâais à jer; t4req copias <o Ton Lu oue mOIres PyffËDonnait; <ve dp6-9mao u Mauby addras Muesur Doi.aa c; eopkie, à&, m- I~MO Odu e <re., ~ WL< é.m;Let'é,e oj~payable (ru. anonvlathts addteaa for Twzwr DonnLam,pc*oiAll percons S; »M e T a m ddru s m ta d Aise " i i O T T O Z bÎý thieCViti 11811,ou 9<kmt90 o", Sprassd l'Mo"uf isut ya0aO 'ER ARRWAISor STAT18IN111Y i ý cd by t!be PmderM bdi, 4ý udl ,a otm-f Rond' ~hmbeneuaoreamag jqg are Cauod glmp Âbrâm Logan,4 DMOCK TEES1 Wmp T T EAViTro~5utnLo aJmA4Ane <008*7 orddrawiMt b> liMeor rwkjJjgamu T9 B~OLD~ ~wlth *f otau sa la $,LD À À B4WAMI Ward o! the Toi. ui&dorBrock stz A BOUSE A"» Lff , itume4 4Iot# Irect OTfurUW PU M1 tea !Ai aoramlec. 4r, uost-pmid) et PgtWd* OfÉ,.#b , MÛnd 0 tOVbitby «or l JOSEPfiTNEWIRt" -AASO,-Whftily, luly' kMwylUET WANTED _____ gw underuind of kind o , teJuw 1 I ~rb.gn. et Tainlu fM ADOuri« symsâtwd« M«Mng 1 -

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