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Whitby Chronicle, 9 Aug 1859, p. 2

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Tbaé~stww~ t. dô~ a el me. tea.-Ikmbwogusçl gÃŽuu:I[and &"uvcII omss uaboumt ta sttie. Among otalieh.mago»r le , eO e nus loaiel>' p1soç1 mhW4 b.eil lotr h a stgil nsmor ratier I bnullon byi.Fx e lo~s>f cpmn Mds! otiqrnaco -.Atthlm.. bo ses mtls!m auytunéteyos fter mv, ýthoù0 " ý&udmt trè i "Ille:b.ré qulire '0, little cau b. donc forhltin. R. "aI!>' b Allhm b huaI u-ttqe' or 'inythut àis mils!solacin uthé' eerly e fSr me, sAïd 1'. e litiai sme seuilve i uie, c mQre, anWs! booover lt la 6pluaiý, but it* wsmn'tdotéte l o h it At fee ime Wvuien .rom ocf.-lie <ami vmre rom home, bu go#'luold of tb. tel cusldy, andi made and'stk seeral capse o Utroulg,% mis q.vteg nu4, - UA, :t 6el amorne s loep for neari>' e weel £ter W,. Thcntse ' Dr.Mildman , ,nM Graus's te attend one"ol bis chutidren, o m hiebd tvo.. Ifcubodbhim o be one ofthe o ntaffable andi polit. geuttlém1 iiii,'ný u, msbligoeeshou"f ite mysoIl thsa hb.ha peaiobofnel a@ft»waof ilu sapitp'-. Aftr ang preicribes! for the obus!, mios.aliment vu: uothlag vr>'j -m rions, ans! spenten , bour lui plessaul con voïiii;ni tlà« proiuilg ï0oeia' ain inaey or tvo, Oinýhbeaoà W lleer Ibis, owever, s servsatcalles! ah ai>'ofl!o proesson! vai, bt sdtg tieho should lhappy horelva rin,>cal! rom mc ah ayibt ir.Ichancs! ho blépmsing Ihs-o bappona tbh1hd ne-"oaIon ta pms thst va>' agaln tii! about three meeks eftevers,.vb.a, bvinthovimita patient iiing about a mile beyond tiere, 1 stoppes!< on ai> return te mais. Mr. Le, Grand a cale 1 rang the bel! twicvbefotc lb. dor mwu openes!, sud then, somemhah ho ni>' surprise, Mr. Le Grand, himif appesi se reoeiiesl -m itb great cordaltyp, eMs romarking that thore vas no Ire la the SIit.roai, hock lme up taigi luho'e Rirnli prtet, b. calies! hi& stus!>. Il spartaint, ed us! a ns ueil by eu open diepe and oM Vlck, a brightlire vas bain. lng, n glft a sv.YM oomrble, esy air. *tba t eutin saislf,'sali 'bu qt qldcsfsas-T w TAç'km.L 'Mo, Le Graund l beÏr chus abave goaèlaPoIr«dbomtuai afiernoon te visît s frlen& Jo1ixq>àécschman and man-ef.j alI.morktdrove ticai ot; -sud as bis par. enta live ln Yorduaen gave ie.pormiuiion ho romain tbiieéptiI M. âGrnd mas nos ea t ru me. As for l, i i cln1 siou" ueIiseirno. ai0 ai alrmes, for h. talkesi rational> as!d qui et1 nuAçiians! boas, 1 bas!never w'on hlm hito* u imtmsc uieit>', was béglàîlutg e lialt abôut~luwe ho ne, %r eGaa ~*i léve 'N>'i9,baq kl>'; 1 oq<Isua7 t doctr;' asd be- I 'Sa 1111 ,~ 'la ~ J g~ It " ut...154 'Uipoge7 -"! serT 7- biI houghgttga voni4ib'i4i,tw ~~~~o pat.b pm't"l*éor1 lches tw urns ia rd *W M %us! d i fti sié SM tu ne4lteran! ,lM ý dfns , ~o, w-j s .,beos Om' bdfOrO vilh theo aisalo ods!lion iabl nu bil ef. Fap va lipossibk sâd èdIgrssfi&ljpar cf longs vhlch Sami Md b>' lb.4 -Àflte; l.'Ïbsl g lihe oui i> veaPo Ua bans! ithvwhlchI 1oonls!hop AitI dis! so tie niadasit Polce, not sjharp eus! qulch!>', as b.ba! soneas <cmmeni [î)e<Ore bt f âa " g lon w< ou addwfla gm et - Rs. Mrdn' b. e srdJ vo [littie cf your .bko-aboU as gallon,p on bpa tWuurt meto drik more d tiat oudn't it, sttmr i oug 1Ne ýsureiý, Iaigiîbcttletup.for future use' alnst lie s!cmn-heoeans! lot uic ta&pa velu that Mgonein you stck,foun tane' Juglsrp 1 thinis YOn oeilil. -Ton know, <doctor, the te bggr b.voi l ti <ater 1h vil, bles! I' 1 idnos-tir. 'IcoaMnotT@ aa rlike glane.of bise>'. séeeosto hsveof» ifeimtes! me.' If h. b"as dveneSd thoný vithouSt renMoVit9 ig bs oe.rOM mine; asd cut ai>'throat, I vent>ly ellove-1 shouiog «liavej»Ifieda iandtO retst hui. Fors SCmoent e shoas!tins, looklng i"c otite la thO fà«. -4t=aat be bcmmelmpteui am àse4, m ;thI"aih f blis ie 'Cornet Ismtllst'l domat'i upoa tho iesumlth A; ligltjit n.Tiio menice turn es!i oe.toverduhfieqae, us telb. wue asbrohea. la anuInstant tic pover *of tucught susd motion came back to me, ad ns luti> ai>'r«Oive mas tahen. Tmo bona"isbrongbî meotebàts sido, sud taing thé tOngi aboe yhfes!,1alpes! a blevinhb llai stMngtm fiî ringImt temple. Mu t 1 had saddly> mclcula. in expectlg *,cnwp ithth te maiman. With lightidag.likà- ,qntcknesshb.avoides! 01> loým, gaples! vith me,# Ms!in anctimor moment b. b.d renchas!the onogi rom i>' rsP,;tlurMnme, npoa ai>'bsolu4 ans nov hnelt crer ; nie,'mibhis hue. upon ai> biiÏuet "uns rn ans! pon ai'trtO, vite the oti'«MSllpupes! 'hbtatrrible huaie. Tbougb commoal>' conldmer e!r a atrong Mun, 1 mss!.Do attenuplte tofre. ai>'aef. Tiis one short atruggl. bas shoma me that ln b111banda1Ibas!Do more 1 iiuck sonnocf tbe madmuaml mgled cuning mso tapdit>'mut bave corneInto My bo a os t tbat arful , momen4,forI Might b. bures! ln a>' boutans! thonho. din trying ho hblu cf, » m stratag.em b> mbw] ,qçp <o ml lççe, ,4 ot Le rausinom itïbebade.. lalpover, fgr tue begal aeng api' At pan>' "are& W«OraI oWntutod the celysbove às huaper, tugh lau a terrble' honor of bavlng don. théii.mstxtrao'di, camait uanner *narything, "ans!a vernes!gentlemn via 'HO glflk on Mdo". ow appoinas!IooM90!g.Of hbor respective pro. 'Hmslshyuaeco, Ji veqtoutimu selflsh, ;dto Ï,b. wiilliiig <> *pa ri. p Qua pt> prodaces ualor'. bill vith liteiou mienyafaouclc is rcempt attche os! t L A b6umentja 1théught o i yrieU4s!ôctcr f therount o~t ua c"M OuMM!noe. ot Bon! tels! sao'o a. huo ;- do. out.r tah -youi'iresap iastme, liii * t b e -lu at rou ,w ase pro o& b. boas WhI.houamulug m'lad, goasis! u p sbV vstii. genou r>', =»tcua i'y '>y My ud"W% h"wbatird put n u hISIBLa ile",alf sen 08 coolmos. But 5 u I"ieeac m rdee4s, butmIbavutr.f bâd Pl.pPe4 ope m *h iOui'W v'old turnes! tothe ovuera tvo .umbreuas lthe, îvol' sis!4 J, ' " 4t nghfor "il heano moW rs"cie!th@ aonae once; I se. your <riens!.' rirhr i.6m MeynpItu idtaof- 'Yoaa6las M4ons -~~udofdn;i ian act q~sbpl.vê~ Tisat poveiL' M. The. Pris i-. '~~om1' stin ]am rthuamh - 'Ny gtvIdg ypjhp Vqry tfo aOuu/' re pleexg 1', 'pessibl aies i.vi..eup le yIiflÙîOOe 1US tbitlidw's'4 yisu,&adpdi<itvr"e,8 mowV, ,~ mH?.#okt~uipe lm 10 ý17 u inj Fe] es id ýli 01 If a. le r 't p i' 'rm ioiÉmn. lgwàs Tome mau 16 11aa uu h l, V itoria Baidle ys. B rS i é t m t i n r t T h n r d . y b a e f i m sibi ýl *verv iigutis.tu e-i" Son> oautiu 3adeiRog ro Se -lk &MoTrpruueWutylv.,to Ia M i, la osstmmy P .i g. QTm hmiréhnM, ondo yroévnta;d Il 'oioek, s.na L mn , -s,'leud S . . ms 0ot SufisyP. M. 7 a. nit,ý a2u! ot -ookp .TWI MsytetIo'clookai.e.sdp Grroo auaGre>' lalrs g ife Iroa --, bs.t ansmisunudb~LieÀ V84 hom tit1Xget 4cl; doa'l youget np. 1 mu ymdo;ii ffoualyodente mil k. , a 'isleifeehl>'si. Toe, a iv à ors Opm îhéù wvÃ"uld have eicites! hiâ Pupltos ams os! 's âe'y<te Ne idomoà'adt0ohe, nt aie a moment, 9esW4- e te edoor fm du!mn v ,amdolgI u 'utlsi .. or1 In <ais W'a l deaa. mocil is l bee '&"t rif b an' mmnos veg4'stàor et.m re trates!f uayheds Iitédes oL e, siemales!ah iedoo foseem~ador à: ho aiodrâ'wMy mtoïc î le>'sti! andlu lu a e Ia aIvond a e henr u. 11whia i va t. loq!Ft etoa, mylst hoeemlipsi cangelf Po' possesslo "a lhg9s. o., 45 âtl a si o mt, foot, gsiii - ave>'nie seemedntatrnng Aftr @vileIheard hlm omote lote a a o b0 n eoi à i a 11 ! Umue tue .>. ut r. vmunot, yelout of ,duer. I J , I4ý a hlui, ilS. a prisonercondelmeslte deetti, )e as!d mhobave receives! e temporarneplte,. 1 buttaoanet pardends. , 1 ruhes! te tb. vins!omand, tlrm »Il te opm .Thore ma Soliar khtebn'benetu t1 ho houa., sd lb. vins!cms cf vielopenos! Il on liai ride, sud 1h mas tm.ty (cet f=o th. windcs atvwieh 1stoo!te the gmonsi, 9- vbichvswuabers! gravelv alh. Il mould gnet'sdo te juaip. 1 giéncosi lian.!tlie rooe., undooldes! viiat hodo. A, linon' d opr«ss-po te table atwm lde of lb.' 4 nocan cughl as>' ee, 1Ilnatently selzed 14, a toue' It into!stdm ipahu tesiheaitogetior, r <asone s n.!tethe'tible, mblch Idrorý cloe e ob.t4nsým " séhrsmwthe other 4 ou4, As.I dids,Ilue1mordthe ýfoo*p ofî Le Gram d tuti. puo«.' Tbmrwu ne ho Iot, nsi, a4- rlqng;poa lime in.- dmv file 1 loveras! mysef qulahi>' te f end! cf ai>' ope, anMedroppési tience te 1the ground, asdi.tance of lve or sixfeetso eAs un>' fetochos!tue ouith, 1I is.!a SC >yell above, n.,sd Jooingupe &%v the t< mumss e-peehdpou hieWino an!,sd U svistontiy about te folow me. I rn to mai> gig, pm in, sneas!drove sae>' omards st Fordbaa un fit as i>'rherseconis! go. Sa The renielus lti. more to tel.oin.Ou reachtu; Forsihaun I informes! Ma. Le Pl Grand of wbat bad, occurres!, ans! viti bar pe consent sent a Part>' cf mon bacis ta Gliib Paras tesecure ber buns. 1vous! baveu gene vlîh tienu, but I ba undergone such, m a sbock tm as veàkhmus obls, and! m dis!noo ge oerriffor vooks f; bealdes,1 vi tiongbh tt te Ilgbt et me e.isht ecit.e. hln aa41 a ihm sucre dimiont te seure. ho auit>'. Hta <mit>' kepîhlm a monthe but Ad as b. aior.d neoigÉna cf ntsiring roson, i tue>' ast Istïm té'amlnanemylunu, de mcreeo b.Miiiremelus.MUrs. Le Grand Idu socst (trsols! Glun ai su! anu ovo e s ec mutuer part cf the>eountry, ans! prebabi>'001 tic momor>' of lie LeGrane ab>' b tis Ai' lime, fi&d rom i temds ,of, tic inhabi.«J tint& of Yordbam j bail1 shah nover for. fie gî oeyiitsand eariy àvntu»remituaaankcol ei pe n it suei On ohe PrM vhi ti but noussu-sua in"' lli- oniaetnsdis- Tite ie âsÀpvuI me vil! eoa. arptidsqerqs~xteai..Ans! aotwiti. atanda1lthté'lnistry cftè6ucol l,, «.ntee, fi. oltlf huinttihe a vllctao abj. ÜÎoiben"iQ-Ãœagoëre 94 h Repo. The neheo!îeQen "lus Gaer ao~ttokosi ulet Au- guat, te koop.,Mlb.tm litoffi lkeilt ' i, uh me; erperlence eni te perue 1h e Ulie Issun oot7uut$rw~armo m iuiie imu, h î vnuteibescad lixsiot, :;4ý me miglit have suppresadOur enger, as vonoe s' t avger' ft o tlilterai Oruan. But thfiasgentlman sus!as8scie tua, lrpua tso.,a mIe i,,l,!,i>' usogul ln tic chief miteo'ftli euelob4 honu lion, Md go feau bave fongctten -theoëu a.à;o uhamiefl. phrase he ut cumuao mien speaisiuggofile represetative cf on g r a c i o n s S O r e i gu , a m u s e , v i u l t i p a i n ano. Pnll .! fatvute hom, léa EInglansiail ueferencel ho -he fiaiýt . a isel>' sudprudent!>' es eoes!. Pull wmcl hoa no, tcio. etW si M itt ,th eV07r>' iuileito ,asd e.a>'b.- hurlé&! Ans hnovingfl ioui mondeWr gremi apaoê, iat no'&usthe'ans!- ineuible a ceuo ui!bave beais.sopte&L h perf ec i> .el e" pi L. At» guuh u bc ým e u0 nurp fite plisie frealgsdfeon tieum a mInis uIthe. aaiwdy. TOlire 'carte-bleo' t thé Mss ve donuotobjeci týt oca1!hea i'nntrap. pes! ailS' or an>' otiorasvory opitie m 8 me ' p s n ah é de !; b al o b e o om e s po . litw iea llt.sia, a liteusu>' ' cifan1let derpgator>' ota he journaltat, ans!painful te ihmu mho admt asdadmire bi$saeonto. ,à#io the 6Po& ita<if, me bave long isnown Lt, te b. put;a!! auger. For antraeIî, ins abudant time ; for repenstica, fièvr, h c l > l c i s t i . p c èr t e i t r ô d m c e t h e s e - li*mai oitaih6err>' GI!tiu. Ant-r dontin a. t' if i. s! e a, 'r 7, s! I. de!~~ 7nl1ur', 'etile ý i "Dtig, Ments th e an. înem e vi Puo t ' sp yread tu ae-tudea veir ohm pero1m ans! 813e preseat tsbabtant.vhlinotbe.êhii pelles!te psy fe« btefltauwldh tieW-ho mbieh ss! n uvalue <rom yeu r ha ueefvea~stpee.4aucq Sund temaluts-of tii preseut dsywmli! aid le ,coepeil.L 'aý 4inheniug vlitu the plet eui3ieIol cil la thicend. TumdAct onla uisn>, Ma if<hlaO Comucil do net taho np the mattorlah once, auds vithoul ey, vs mvie ierate. p'yfm hoge4u srequlutiu 9he spr for, apubll oietisg-ý,Md h avefthevhole, Ire question diseuso! i h. Tom HlL'. sUr The usas! ntl; mn>'meeting f tue Bonus! or8eimcel Truste., of fi. Town of Wiit>', to i lce-eSl.loafrait Scoel. 'homOn'i ia eyjtéé I Godn. Absout_ _-mors. eym Lvso Tie! ehaurmpi' pueseauht o tho 'Bb-i lb. resig1mtionýot Dr. C iii O'Local SaperlntoneulMicbon Mo-0tion cf )Mu. Sprcoee 6oçde! byMi. Gordon,mu acceptes!csas! ticinseotes!o or-,, - an 'uer, on thc Town,, Tueurer.for '$23 33, amâuamtotseenmoitea1r On M'otion, cfMr. (Goudon, accoudeds! > Ur. BrEnva, u.N.,H. G._Westb, mas ap. 8pointes!Lca nprntnstb: icplace cf Dr.,ýCckey. ý e on Motimon f Mu.Spromle, secode!b>' Mr. Gcrdoa, hie cimirnim aswudirecte! ho grani is endo" or soveral euni!"acot, T r ate-binl rteinsfor the quarterend. ing M& Jolue lut, oblitthei. clmiug Hein7' Shreeh Sooo-Tbe number cf, 1 pupili nere 21!, cfvion i14 vere frie. The amoutcf rate,$138 GbO,- cf'muu * $4 cul>' mere retuneslas ueceivcs!. à Zahi Streeti. ch6oc!--Nnailet cf 1papila i Si. Non. marheslon timo returu a fs tus.4 lIste $53 50, nepuielvd*3 1~ Aade, Stretohoo!--Numbir f oi puéis 37, Nouenotrns!a fee sto, $28, ncceved f$96M.i Tii. meeting adjurauti! he hird cfr Bauds>, 'evening, s bous. belenging te Mu. Carlotn Iqnde W hleha amut>' WMasdiscoveresto b.oînfre, The r fli t brahe out. ltfie roof, sd «MntI bave pue. c Ceeds!rox.ti. sIove.plpe enteriiag ticîsu... ne>'. TheBoames extende! ho li te>carriage longing ho timteftablaiéont,. vers coni. p!etely sletroye!db>'l.eniamaiu sud sacceod linmvi;nesul>' ailthe prpe'lr m fBwlr,reNd hilm"flnorsmu nolp nsne! iTo bufs!tg wu eq of, laO bî> n.wm.Bli, asi !oscan id it 4et" penhps $300. dudotio I l 1 ! d-é Bloü ol jonr.- wu t ..M e.meishey expocted, zmd ldeed ian tbpo e ,arden b ,eeJg 18 ba fledam6 htd,1 ns! ezpocIoa 1ip 4490mqtp aces.1 çe1* hn boui4ml 8t Dlù f 'oofciueISaadig in tie Tom Hle- e fou! baif mile <nom, wicoit ever yous! as If puuPquel'to pr-ee ls being talon ont- Thimetood, uweesa ,ilt-shoMa., fer tiMObm ndId.- si Èid. BuntsIavlt vsrre ceivodofits n.hesha, uns!aIt <lÊlooï It% lbe of mii>'seuivce,saahwma& ifor l.0apl acdid llo*buaIýs furlch, e m beules! <rti,just in im to ue~~ lite for an>' seracp, <ois! s"slmder. ha ave bappene d , b.d tb Fue an w w iâ conimittes doue heir dut>' pped!>'1 hanse sihe>' ulus!have doue,' allerti" lois. cf tho ol4.ongine.ioffeqires!î7 Dis! tue> (<roter lia ,Fise Brigade mien fie>' km >au oppcrtuulty?7 No i But fie>' inmItC'm hein proper request for avOrhilg d&.m, miti an of f hiir ovnecul Off i'b"e)l monts sud vwout<s ma!ea. Ans! vm tiierigs!e;'inllg atIbelng 00 treste44 dibade, td' tho>' do anytmlng to-* :tiOntefeunamaavBigudeî Who hem attendatoho eengin.? Nabo!>' dOf ands!hb.Pire and Water cmuutt aften sactioning tae, appeinumt dsJaug ed imumanthuge the lùtauiiy'b&htod fie office cf Engincon £a nili>', rince anoBoard' cf Enginens-vouls htmitusasnselei ouct, vimildt sling aUibtejoc Us!m in he;. Toma'. hehàI4 ans n!>' ymeetng -ne ru nngeaztleiaaIY returaifor tmor serrmçe., menu>' te impute blaine te fiee mrong qa'. ter, stfil I canindt beltn.mlg ',,the- Pre ansd Water ecmiue", -asiaviag-atsmi' the gret cr.eaeneso, aud uhomu e muait colpelule negl.cft e!. siudes. '-.y mot begavi eprOper engin.&houp >tOmmê plin. Fod. shop vwas sacifices!-ho he lume, mieïn ouiermise: il migil 4bavofe mesisas tu«inas for tic> arge f inlg a feu pouns!.' lont ho lthe.tcma,:,&private . lividam m inImufer saume lis A f051 vn.c*'s>uh.m of eeoouM>, I tua o 'pracgSce, men Itl brigs about sncb 4r n!ti asfW&ls. Iù<tecommttec Dmot hemà dut>', me ou - e.ngi haveoeompe. Ors!e, forsuet'Wit by'duos ant gw-'~ natelalfor 8; 4div brigae. 'BM a long siP paamOn>' usurpe t, i placeofcf ueres.a rpendltue, -An! otoie.fistes!legislelion lbu ncbI e uabr fdioahi~tse t1prutait asW lu our (lapatid4 ie csaoiexOz"ta talg Aet n ad nlit the Ore an!md o om"e.to-bhld forth som' pmuopp of 0 moudabate hopeW_ ii>' viiimet; tid enacquoneof tirblim41nessute .pný, o elfe la - ontemprt cf aven>' atepayo f lb. Tomi W itby. ré regret teanounce thue ' th of the ~I ritheant, miici bas heen plac'eth 8 ["nards, nea Histiugs. Ii. deosaies! tir, _ Chieiee. chura>'Catieu Ib>lt iégbter-cff. late AuuduemBillet, 7eq., Ovegmof NewYrk. Hovasbo A.- r'sltOPa.n.fheNsu.. 'PÀ4rx -ln/178, and- - la iÉance iliàs, ands! aEid! RIs! in 1819,fi.heconud dsnghter of Tias. Esther, Esqt 'E6"iaared' 'hime '" nnyl pdionhli Simsldutjaàêin ie aeg il En 85 e4, awm4g l A"u >'eensoins hccad4'i1sîtghm YF~om etbm. ter, orama!>' menions5 TI ses! ita ceafu thé dleclL The ship is hie>' timata fe int it (rom t jechila pnmp t1w feo part stvuetl tic -' -I brongit her d "hteu note hoc j'. dovai11hiet <eel art; s p stSoig and Is der tiaencra deliecisaainei - ifrpdla, it dora, ans! p i.: miieformao shae er forma boilesof tic miaof lusu, mil in a femse povor. Soa ]olding ýmores1 requlrlnig 250 -*aphhéor lb. mite b>' amu cl ~IThehvinla clti portion 4 ithfl frtgre in *0osecond! modation for4 ecàtu the m=a 4atioa <or sien voyage vMiiIc jheerae passe' moat b. touches! gera ho b. carr ail is.casi The cabins are ad.,ab> rn .-r lofty. Tti Prlian4'in aw -The suma -e4shipuap - rWlauncliam skàmix - I asamoe.mon mas forÏned, vi MIslasos, fr lime siil and es the origiuslprsi *aï to emili kfbyhe ld t 2be Cn*ua4jod 1, k n y eThe fire on. Snda>' eeing.ta iotIer eadmonition o inpotec" tos! sttO of te 0Town agaeinataconflagaimi.as! vo an 0 ei cint & 0 . egino, or s properly ' dii . t plinos! Hook n!Ide opnPrV * Carage actor' m h ave 1~eul is..The. Or dis! not r.sc it from tlio sasi building for betve.a fou>' hhlry sa *fOrt>' minutes mter tho e MMbroks loct. oIt vudlstre.singose bindd" of ont ewi t u ai pros en eg r te a sin » unsa ln the property of tawir nolghbors Mud iu ez. tinguighlng the. OSne., bil obliges!, trois vent of Implensonta te worls witba, te 0ment sez eans! destro>' thousaudaof doliati worth of property beforo thlir oye. ,L COMPan>', organizes! as one Wf the Toronto4 1.Pire CIompaniesý would, in dV. minutai' dîme, have puiled dom uthe. hou amare. lives! in),and! iin leu tien llvp more thé> vould b ave completely, ertinguishes! the &o s Fr!.carrngefutor>' would bave been mayas! and a grat lmi of pro., perty preventes!. Portunate vshta thé. wind 13ev in the direction vhich'it did-from tlie.' uàrth.w<,k-..1...ai!ta u oveuidig, *at go'calui:- mèjà it otherq!is Do soecm calculi. iet tir.exte.i o the doatsuotion m# bv bMesj4,, Ms e v en C é d e r th e o t f v r bl l c m t u ôea, àd!the. fue coeur I$erahnig4 ht ien âime- itdld, tii. loiswouild have bn oe No oàkawshb X o nt l, .>'si lie-" viciihnslf f thce ny- is permittedtqIo zIitt? 8One11~go, ~pgoldtu~po pre y ff . TOWuA ou4wil a uing de- i bontureson.f ulïia ütg tOI;now, for, / Tic#roent appctnli#n4 nfaté' li ilerumeut, er e Begtatrr for Nor, u td t l, li Ou ro n Mfie m u qu stif io ! d btisacotU eparties, in the, ost>', à1à îo onder. Aet mte quetiasi ible an4ecode t h e cappointe., suds 10 M din 'a nou.eidefit cf tich e uiy, Il ppotuham t mas viol>' unnoeem q. tM- re, im as madoise OMM"w totî&' e prm de , o u cs and! repi'cscn&U o f m ~ When Iit ttranspiresi that he (ic ramet maslikei>' (aI le instigation c om. oMMle.seinig partizans) to bc indue. Io estbtlsb a Separate Eegltiï Ofie o North Ontario, petitions eresnta up b Mvera! f te tomnship mnlipaitieà Fteting that tie oilice vas net reqnirsd ns! pnn>ing 'utaï non. aight bieseutals i.L At te ame time, somze f the. moi momiueuî gentlemèn in the ceunt>' madi Msaienl represntaticus o Indlivislal mcm ri cf du Administration reapecîtlug tha iS s!v i aa b iu ty c f " esaa b s o p , ea s! me rs m ar e s ! l ia I n o in g m e n i s ! b c , d o n , l u l i e matter fat mu not in coorsience ith u l sies f tb. peopleof tic cousu>'..,B&] WOie thet liee migt b. no appre onsion about the Mtter, the Courut>'Ceun- il n ait Ita uncr'sesion,' qn lsy optesa m e nori! te lie GoveunouGens DIl Can"Çni! agisllieh@appýointant, nitstting fet tbt tvwold noi bofoi eW Intertortcf tuo ceun>' te ostabtisli e rotas! Ilegistu> Offce, sud prs>iug- tht aie migt beostablisbcd lu North- Ontario, uil >yl, aginst ait tus, ontrary to le 9presse! misies-ln fueliluoppo'sition ho i unauimos renmutranco f th. whoe xmty-te Governmont otablisi lhe %ce 1 Ans! that ta uct ails .> se octes! stmnger-ono rosdi-ng otstde ttie coun. -t. dit It 1 Anyting more unJnalflami id tudefesibi, caunot 1bc ocucoives., h a Masl, grose gauseOf power, 4nsl patron. e, snd tue men mho more capale.of pou. tmtiQg it sufficierti> provo that tluoy de. rvo n. t0oïe o ntrélImhe affidm cftlia rt Provrinc. Thoir condnct bas justi> smperae<! Ailpartie., ansi noue ,more ,tii fir ove fuiénsi n-tiaeouuy.,'11 àai ahton abus. cf 'pom'ertha i viicatilnp CI, e liot*ut>'thuoughonîtiihe count>' cf atrie as il! annhlate ever>' particel.Of trcet sus!influence mhick i e ,M .Ui try Soient to destro>'ever>' foeling cf conit. le vhich'teMdrtoRfreao 94dr e t rue ttuua i nes! frienda of ;hic nt miatatry-bave .uà,shertc places! l an.ý Indees!itl lcasu i'. .& 4aululs. aon; vere edenniumig ho dosUu t bir raiè teý as!d ,tçt. licgrciaig 1sesi j ehferitWae -ýexctes!. Iâuado justifià ow ', " -1"Whm, wu prewnw on the, ind

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