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Whitby Chronicle, 9 Aug 1859, p. 3

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mmasared ou board, snd thesvet-Ou tva othm samr rdy for lselstiug, sud î lie ith *lér ceI tu a fv daye ~h es oodaus assi, vhlch are il ý lI~p,vr*supolld by xmerî.poriw "à romswfieit spire.Thqya mot1ýuIî w' a, ut reingle 'sticks,' tie, am callad The. fore sudmizen nisa are l4O'feetInhîeghtand94 ,uches im disimétér Mthtie doc j -thie Jer mut il là ýaý in beiýL4 aiid of the aime diini ter,,-Tise»m eshlhfrm tlseasît boave been brenght mnoie thaul1, 00 Inii tô Obewsais»'t- Préseetpealtlon, r areNew Zooluaadplums.Thea tomepm are 16 f1W1Wbgi1 Md 22 Inche, ladhame. toter, oïd fxeO i, l<st in elroum(ergeeta -tWubase., Tii. sparsý, jp, areof giaut di niM"on. The main Pard la 20 (tlo ng0 sudIWs centre IluIleàa-yard iu diameerý TEhe ilp la bogtla vat.r4lght comparti -ho tis,'<lt a 7ev day7aincee. .feremest on@ vas MW ed itis0,000 tons of valer, pumped lIet It rom tise river, sud not a drop es caped lai, e a'uiog portion., . Tii. ci> jeclin pmplng Ibis msmsoet aten lut. tisefen partof thse siipvwasto bring beW devua a tise boesand rals ise er visit tbe'fxd the serev. ThIOe Velist bronghî ber devis tili, "id ue et tb. Mm 1l40r nose tcmched tiie vater." Pis. v ent dow IltlfatforvsrdW sud vs ahed feet &At; aporti ofetber el vasu, In (4#4, riseouoîf the var ; sud yel se strong sud sô rigidi,' la&she balit, tisat - dir'tueenermear stralu thse sip 414 met ddectsau inch. The. cuglues for vcnking tiepaddislt Io nm My b.compl.ted Ilaa B Verytwin in lu tç placo-,'lmn- &àr, aid pistons, au" govensera. The engin. ton vorlrug thse screv la lu tie ame stete.of forvmae ssd on h bdy thse stmsm vu gel up fonrlise finit lime la Ibe bellerscf tihe sèiew englues. Al liai mmsasof lronu, no mer ensd immovabisl, ff ic la 7ev days uphue ansd drive tise elalptisoaglstise vater vith 16,000 herse. pdlver. Oteim will be gen.rated la beilers isuldig more tissu50,0 tons ef wa«e, andI rxedllîg 250 tons "ehis dayte fed lise fuinum ies vises tisent Devis la tise *peiI of tise agiae.noom lise engine vi iiee#ii eder. <rom lthe captilansd mm i.b,'aus Ileeuie telegrapi. -Tb*e viiib. acemmoliiloa provide Et *ui sftrostace forn40eflcr Of du ruais, &Mdfor.eamw o850- The flstý claâ perineof the shlpvhil b. Ltted np lu tise lAMegrade vitis 800,beds and sfs la *a emondgrade tihern iilb. accom- medade for 400t and lin lie thirul grade, abot tsesaue nmbr. -Th$ aceoibtôW 4etlen for about 2,000 pesson n f«tils *voyage viii lmeven tuiced slme acres6f 4aioeitsr t maat spuces lu other Pauts o,' ise bip. Tie se o imadevewted t Otbetqie paae.ngers ila cher vemoaýis i. mot b. touascse i jreseuand tise poisn- <Y gertébeearreinhefsttlp vin bQ àil Mrtclass, but cf diffeeutgrades, sud admlrsisl »setilaie, as&Wtise dlaag.roems, a~ify. The dottrpvil b. ismele 111,Waauonueed .ma&e ear,' et mentis. eu tise slspap tethe lime ofita memeý eil shanholdem '1usdnWt po0* erte dinu -fflq.. M ter I £ aOf U ra< Si to -.bhé tmaMe: .t r. uenri Lckeg of iunjg mm bigbly r epe*4 ýAM4Oiu *.edvith one, et the best faIlles l ' in Stownship of TàvÏ tLh ertblng Wvi QU aasootbly on titi tismoi Ig.ftiie,4y P whlch thse mairié .w ý bvé,td tise expectant bieblusbtullyjoyeii, Tn jnviàtio. ere ulth.weddlng cal ' as erd.red- preparatiens -u.ual ýÎWte au a came, thse fismilles rnaembed ; the nelgt ln owero tginfate, and th lapars»n lsd a uly saillo e ftie?<aàitht out enoe littWie. Iucleurred th. wbol premîsmi vers seurghedi-btitho IN >Blewl£4 ceuld beodiscrered. _SOu 41 s'g t ud n, - ln"Imitation of tii i. l.ftem G., Serra" bldden berslflu.n e14 ogkea, chu iien-. "isrng LktisaI lay lnui"u3ahtbr SFasteped ber dovn, for Oîer r' -certaitl nont; for-tisewvune sucb chez ln t e' ý e But thé nwlig rt soon' béeame hown-itlaa Blcwltt'bal eloped on thesuoyn thtsad stc eu express tie setenshnsest-rjelmoi. tlflestlomani& surpis aï ith e lIgence, nov for the Orst turne made knovn, casWe tise nabhpppja mhy,,- The peer bride, groom vW0e dàllig ,eethse ailer 0o thse girl and tIs.broUi.re lsdgmatly rage, fui ,ýth*v4>ue..-.v.ll We «ca*Ill magint tb.fr lfolilhe and cgeslueneiomTise 111 loi <*lbert (<m BIei1ties mrvusletà prey to ber sganlsedi(eeinp, viil. ber m creant hsband vasu ovisre to be found, À »«srob vas made-Mr. Jlloitlcm ta Lirnde,--and, aftermnuch lnqulry, dlscev croted t4 attruti ts tatOlbt vas sped. ing on bis vsy b lthe WeOt, vith $1,OO{ ln fis ~Pocket, and theungflg i by h Aide 1 'tise birds ivere Leva. AÀcOuncli vu ised, sud il vus resolvedlisat no good vould resait (rom tis hasu&.-Gilbert bal bis slxic-»bt r ove Itis hlmà, -d nilgis use it. geBwdes, tse luirom oex pectaut .ceuld hsrdlybo. suppeeed te ,bu P articularly sins reopeeting tisefate e1 bis decciLful .llaIDor MtLThse gullty cou- p. vero, tiserefrel.tI therowps de- icsAbout a -menti shaftads, boir. band -bâd qaum o<tCîOnaelescsot thed otf is nev fosud dama, tise deponont satb Mot A tremendous scee nov mmsed4 tise euràged and cheaied brldegrcm..-lbe oatsged vife-the Indignant, brotiser- tise dWsr.sseherad tisa.uty girl I BlIwIJ--Wlpd tisat sil»vas COMPeli under tireusta ase veld bave ber braino knockedont, te acempany (Gilbert,, .ndaslgrst fuareof hlm witeiho de. clàred tisâ t v AS aise tisa-llYcd tise De- liahs par, snd antlced hlm to leaitise mbosof hi a virtuons famllY, (Or tise gulty expcdltioa. Ifqutali reerlmlnatione only perplexod iîasUers, but, despit. tise prote.. tatioesof the min, tise brotiserOfM NIas Blewitt svere venZu»eanud e 4evored te breaofliaehb*ca ,3ut wu a fly itns e, hovoCves' mach adrfws tise girl, v asi ïi vas lu ne smanlu .r no,, fei bo r drear i Ïbr odpctdlseoer- paramour. Ho, lhkewite, "emd uno vay desfroqs-tobjeakltfti is4ruceul cownnexio, fer, belng unable to seebeu ovlung, te -ber strict'surveIllance uuqet visicis tbse girl '11" nov ki>$4 lie endever- ad te, errepend., ,I;toersweerepcated. ly WfÇ4àn8 assgnetlns mode; tise former verelutrcetedsudtià laterfrstatd ho brougist, ho, «ainsne& and.swow. -by nt Malter that if-Se hot(romsbis bed en Tise farcelsi uevdravlugt tenmi id tien: ýTlàe motter'belng'breugStb*f ho magitrat. a warranu asisued for M 'e sud Oeerp'Bielttytbebr.A &hW in a, Otcôu n iuvutlgao ùt e intborslilp etttbe;d"adi'I*evur WIll, Sthe matterroe.aforulse preeet;Tissuoù le guilt,' paaslop Sas brotigiîbout anse e v ented a vlrtuous mnnlake, aued.dcbaucl e a sitiertoprop ni'oadwsteul yoang, la is famil, ;tlisrdi,'be isebsgelt.t m &d sï lo. io ecped vils -billfê,This tale c à loudiu'e Peuntis crnesg. tise mduBuade Expre., Mis ln»L.> S Mugira Pulls wv a &svaruing lire ag Syesterday 1 llled sud ovednltwuu ith Iammesetisrug ofpeople, 'collectad *wit" thelb. <urtis repetitiep ctouDlBI 'din's daârngfclenofeoresslgtias un ni crovd Ïgta-eed vas almot, if m qui Seqailte hat aasenbled apou any fon d'ccassn ; sud the. galernug-vas variant fortise sigb-lcw iý" mP au ishvs'e vitnesfse mip chelarbn.Prom tu#s l,',veaishm judge liat tise ittedames wus grealerth Il nt su,'ime' befere; sud <nons Becss 1. and ohr piacs lliste vWdotImi,î,bc aideseofhelime, iL cenld net bave bc MUchifay,lem. Allthseau anda *places vitisn vies ilog lie bauk, in t Ï leasure grounde upon LIii aide cf thse tiv vere crovded, sud tise euclcsare upon ï cam"da ide vas botterfi9led liais ipon AI otiier occasion. Mona. Blondui rode in 1the Pleume gronud on tii aide &bout ha 1 putas foo'Cloer, sud started Upon h ma6l mme,'afttea ver,' <Qv momtents, -délyI, upreparati Ru. ristp mmroi tse Ctuadisn aboie wvas acmplishu rqicly,amshoepreceededstauîripping pm meal of tisedistance, sud oi,' psed ail seconds occassleally te correct hMa balai sud Ob* lai gittst àu o bi s feats1 1eaeavdfer tise retar joanne,'. Arryv at tise Càmtmd abauIjý -horefried hlm., 'à tit*lesud tecks& ras of perbape If'. mninutes, vscb. hoAgain steppea uponti nrope su d appe dowdev8lb. Sit ir, plan tosd"tis4e land Oftise fiee sud tis lie of lhe brav." Mosn ùa bout hait 1 tise centre ha stopped asut ldow~ir ü streteised imsef el fmil leugtisupon Il roe, thocn performed aiumbor cf dan an"e, and flash,' atocd upright upols h bonad, renmining in tisaI reveised positic for àtenglis cf lime vhich-seomeda nu meut astoasut, swimglug sud licha3 hh fcet in tise niost ieckleam tlspigi ludierou uan euts abeceuoelved ofEcaumiln Ise jouTa.,', h. prcceedd huia littie va' vison lie &Sain halted sud repeted hi# pei formsncS, vuliste addition ofa baekvà, »m«demesul~sd eu@or Ivo smddea swiung uaronnd tise'nope, visicis caused a genen %uttr aaiionthe l. ieart cf tise spectalenu sud broughtjittle sereims frontm my' 'tise ladies. Plartiug 'fonvard again, b profl dte tise open space lu tise centre betveea tise extreme gny-rcpes liaI biamse orf te eitber b6nlc wvisre tise cable spax tIse gaif ivihhont sh,' or sconpaninseni giere b. pauad agalu, sud laying lu ,pol- up n eeof tise ga, nopes, b mvag lirl uader tise câble sudrai bisvoild rea aglsSex Ise.1?th Instant; ho lt b.hovould vaUt acrOsiti. op,1sp _____________ 1.1 ~ ~ ha1" ý ibnvls0àselarv cu p tise in ". e s b c s b v r, s d v s e < tise OIOE<585ai rc f mn'u Levi P lniés, oe CalihleBiaIiipi I~;' 0O 1Ian- nov perevrtedteome0, ud-tRlstei r1' Pie-e WardBeeceb. teora <g [ae wsuv9lrW' lilatel,' addeu d a id sud lritiSchallenge PPI' naie, fh represent thse tv'ogmt sud op..,U'N<L 11. con-POfte f fChristl snov, sud, tecaît NOTICE. ye atetiu$.tnti.vialteÇ~iitiuiyALL AMCUNT& DU»,-to tiu "ONqTAIL sud ttlht 'n'aiôuý'14 Bg 1 jure' hav e s IE" fi~dnnlgthea reout Pi tisrefre saétdeu bel callng son an pid t cisud i caly b settlu, hyUv&as oralsud atrttea.bi.lu ie ~giais dan.l ud aniaiÀAcoaudue tie tong»ý to 1 0 0mnug th@issatipiepuictârsh byp ara ;Sngue, teh lieMbeieiansd, I! theo quted to W bisucddlnet one for attomng amomn lu is ecthe mln Chrjiteodeai end DERTRAI! FOWLE,. satOA U iop rts,niestosa150 . Jul, 5, 18»9.TME ton, I vu aise debaf. lb. points, if ni Bgiis GPR T_3;07, ~ N son raspoudent appeuir, iu lie latin longue, if L'a. vuen auin tise Gennaus, tialiui Dunuh i àdMdeuGueek; but vouid profer su,' 0OLD saums vira sBv TAnS." léModem tanune to tise Frenech. - 1 nov coma directite yen sitis titisde. mi CWim at of tratfi. leGeoaP.eces me fil the "Obsin anllie verld, bae.n Satisoit,' la hel,' tiinga, sud the latin Ia iierarch,'eaumelmaiutal b,' maripub' 1er h£gtes,', by constant tmsdition, or Catholie dicousent sinSc hritsdtht ie Aposîles, non Mn' ton i r. thiccr-yes, four sud d're ceu- mltuiles-tse latin Licy1 sosleml,' sud tedeiberately Cal il.t ver TO show tisaItiseschallenges &aemail,, theInud, consisetetsud ebaitabie, as wefl us uy atter tise manuscuof cfsholars in European te TUnirs"itis,np te lis day, I appeal Le "- RlàonssBatt e M of Reford&o Me, 1, John G. Bloat......... ... go bis (Whitucy's lu Providenc, IL L, sud Dama'. Frank Wbittakcr --.- quitia Drect of Ne. 381 Broadvay, Nev York;) anuite -z lb.n iec o scisolars Of t"scountry', fasiliar vitis old Tise cul etimale and mnt repeetabit led nd ew nivnit usgeTBOOP OF EQUIISTRIANS ce But iister, ,andI truahi, u <cta set atevrm ob b e set aie b,' argumentsi, sud- reasing, l iiflOlt BM su tmd15k. 'Therefere, lb. venld, tise viole li ofit, caunot meel me .ff«tacnly te main-poanyo tdag Od tainorall' or in ; wr<*th s fse w is dgTRI MGST SPLENDID EXHMETTI su Ad amers, sud distractions and endis Evreffred te lb Public, et i en =&ultim fGeners, mer the U.hIsm >Uby, Thuraday,'Aug,11*1 li sud lis, lie ef Bome. - t he0tisud nwi>sL ey Tb"athbe lIchallenge te a wrUes&&Wg leled pertermnof thtie superb.stock ne May' have lim terech ever,'cerner Mrlthe Perform ing I Horsos; t0 English voild, I vait yet a littie, sud ifmeno ZE OE IN A A9 su chisaitpiappeanlIsthe theu have lie pniv i n lu tier ouderful acte li loge ofaddue Mig.tliepeople, vih h s rel NLOG ig advantw4eof bin- the living mi viecnt Tise rseubuCIvsubsOo bce b. sî,cauie bis position ta impregnable, Pluger lu the Profession, 'n ic tise Rock cf Çllbrallano ul iah Rck~, ' IhOIAR EMNIeGq grutst ighRop pedbnmeri lu e-Christ Jesus If au,' mam corne, let hi= Ts etatTtRp iscame su>un, end hIe usis, ithis sovu namo. - T.K C.- W S ' inot ne ards lu Ibis Roi,' War, and Tbeé-mnow'tscl Cmiýrniàau Létuper. 19 knov neousisueless mans, IMAD)AME DyBACII. &Y J. C.ICHMOND, Tise scautitul Frencis Equeitnîcune <rôi w- - pam Bci .LJl 8,15.?ris, rd MONIS. DE BAC%, ;s Ts FIB CADIA -A nio Wbob" Tise venderful Preneis Rider indUis>.bé al recenti,' becme a votai,'te Beisusi re- PA TEsuDUA , turnedhobe ne anigisî is au Intermediate Tise Ivo splendid Amerleusu Gmnus, Irl of stateof beozlnua.This to "y, iff ivfas ii their muscular and cemie etesa ýcesuferlb, drank, sud pefeucti'cnsci. 31IL CHARLESeniAZ eus Of bis un(fetunatoi tuation. *Kiss ie aeihinCsuso>glr " n i ieva scp .dele ea- SIGNOR JERtO3IE MACARINI, tempt gain5 b is bid- visent dislnrblug Tise Mau-itenkey, un bis grotesque gansbel Sber, sud, 6,' sleeping off bis inebrtie; sund amles as an 4i'e en Horgetacis 1cauceal tisef" tfions heuuttgeliser. jEýMILfR. JINRYX srcuched tise door, and ailer rumiumtlug Tise grcat Steeple-Chnaeiihrtsce stu a0a f6teMments on tise matten hh."hiIf Masters Cuîzsnrau, RAyoOLPU - ANO Sau a h Sould niclitise bedpeai, sud held en te Froi tise Oltignffi Gymnastie lustitute, It viie h slipped eut cf bis apparl, -th New York.- T, eemplisbed. Un .t . ua.el.'.or bis scise The Toronto Lea&r ads the feU ovln n s Ie ra a, swvs to'té aembagt the. clMos f the.per- year. Henry 3easIcy, q.' 1dest's U. Deusdvwuaoeo(<'te oldstt; i d*nt# MofHmilten, iniIvasborn, cge site of Dundura Oustie, th&ý, stdencO i»s~ix~ WLI ] thse 'O êete.a!Cohlgsj ipaye on flic tlattt'Yla etfaislo.,1 Wlalby, Mayo 1859, 0. -u>u 'A' ) . 9 ',,A& idf ovO Prs. o - t ý 1. Royal E. aiediéfQrýu --- 0 e( re.~~~~~uy anoedTEAD ~ *C t.e M11.ure ru' 4 emnstP. ~~ The &gmÀén un- - Jôo % J. agU bruu, Esui' Plira Mgitrat..le Jý c ThePollus.Euireà.M ' I -o e SECONDT DAY-TU»ESDAY. - 4 bur"Qft 6Pnc hgb stf5Gieajse gifofed yaîr itofthlr e u mbe5,'frs re - or. i l,', m F 0 trance $210.TusnfCiub Welistamt e no ~ ~ W" Thse 8i.xz=îPLI' -f$10 ';19 W " ti iyd"lWb e onse Tur aiu herss ufc lu Wilss2 ie0e,~8~.~ isea f a u itrae . W p..c' 1-q"ta SONDY. E DPl tet nMNDAY. t& _ insh urfC lub fe u nc ies isigis, t teduis 4enter Wigorse, -eProi thebred here, tasuuio.fPanrs tef« OIl thse A-mye-svye and 5 c>jC.yj.mvyj ntfCluhoisbtionînau rire . TdisêC, EUIACOP$6 -%sst iscel y lasý heCty f Toon9. ex'h auatecfa iluutrince$1- SnLE oI gSOK RI lecacivistaul. -slem lt a TROTWEIERFA B Atacvibrelvedpt iSSELS - -ý- -HE25 M IC M OTEcereton MNY, t' "<omebutSubcriceâibt vunOLParkt tieTufClb fuu riiibpro er §mucd teiINO u> lb oe'geauifi te tise O Yhree 4jsin.,iib Î Tolisen! lsemo34-1208.s iwllcei sisai ATeAuil. oticej. "e Iele, - mAinll W a omptdasmebea< TîT FIsT c tqieFTScai- le ~ ~ ~ ~ j lIAI. t.lise Tresureo. inLULLRDC advyaTreasecry ciÇillREon -the ke sliber TIn8mIIÀsudBeI-Iaiter &c leaiM,9ýtL 4Park & BuildingPas, urvdtlevthis rylpWt idkM lcafo irouh.'J-faqa. islvuizet4gssulg reta., No luaro fg.Atuuiaio teiii b sd Couityordrp ~utby,,5.4tqr.tlsrwue dsrasgtph' pla'te LD.î" Mgrunkedi Ci.Mi .A.IoUE AIS M Esijueo iutsao- q4ro1~upor 1 olrilg e, -~U ~ A Bqsyrqp, -

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