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Whitby Chronicle, 12 Aug 1859, p. 2

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'I t; 't p itI r. k, 54' l'e id i. OUE1ii. - .p~4vg, h vQwMopa.a.. ' Er.,y Monday ~evà1nj, et Lb. ~ g*3O. .é1~1 Lodge No. U, .*.oui Vrlday lu or. ne'u&b, ~ IousiIaII1JWe~iaasdv~veaht~.ÃŽ(7.oe/L NWKWOVS MS~flWU. BiM#a1 L)bureh, St. JoIrn1., Ming St.', ~I VcIo.k, s.zn., su~i 3 u"loolt, p.ju. (Ail. a.t.5muday.>, .iqru.i o! IJrj'ou aral Mary Su'..te, Il o'eio. MBV. J. i. IJYENE. WWiapn M.tbodlet <3Isusrei,, ôor~r0<L1~snt usz4 Mary" Mtru~a, SU SU o'eloek, a~ IIS4bI *o'eioekj~.u~ EÉV~ ~ UUiSed Pflb~!tSIhUU%,~JUW*~ MMhUJI1,V h ,~ - Cou.ty Valve. Gsggvw<,en Qsartelly Fat.'. - YITAt WedsaeeJsy lu 0q4euiher, Fir.,t'W.JuCed4 lu i'..,emb.r. ~~~t~tjj Qt~ros4c{i Wbftby, !May; Au~u~tiZ 1859. The Nrer £5e.' or, "UtliI harplmg ~ my' daughLer..' * WsU sttéarn* whlaii umi~Ut wei <nOTrE £ b.ttormut~nt, sud ot whlclatb motive caut. k evld.nfiy the gratitiestici o! personul bostiilty, diu*ufiied under tii cloak o! ep.eioui. anzicty for th. pabui benetit, Lb. Globe lu vsrsow. recent muai bs* bauiuieroÂl at the woyn ouI Korfoil Shrievalty eue, witll eve,'y epet~ of auJ mation ha. boen beaten ont cf 1*,. on Lb great (irit surit. Cobb.Lt's oid plan, . bangng sway outil lb. attention 0<8 car* no~bIag publIe, bocati.. hod iipen Lb bstt.led .at~eet, ta .vldoetJy Lb. »rlg'ma o! ilils ayuLem o! "st.ratioa," Now iL 1, flot pur desire, nov our ittention1 to tsk. uptbe cihlpk la d.feic. oS i4s. Mercm job, lait la ealleJ. W. navet spprove~ .1 lt~ on Lb. eontrary, w, <cIL "aborigin.," that IL wsa a very ugiy case, An~ Utin~ ,ppfelmatlng t# the'waleM Loy public I~oiLt or otile., ouglît ho ho mcouted su not oiily unconstitutionai, but illogal. fi muet how.v.r, ho adnitted, Lb.; ~bers Lb. Mcsurt. M1,rcer ésid ifapal>,, orlginated their pretty littie bit et 'trsdlng', lb. lqal polflt WM .Fublous, 087,60 fat wse IL us. settioti that Lb. grant i'ontlffoftbe GrIl lawyev'e ratican, Lb. tedotîbtablo Dr. Connor, cornplsoentiy teok hi. fa., sud advieed liii eli.ntMr.>Ierccr, that Lb. tranuetion wse perkcLiylegal i Conuid.r. ahi. allo*rsoee th.refre muet W sna4e for the laz atate oL Lb. iaw, upon lb. poInt dndat eonuld.ratlon ~ mcd, we are bound te sdmltthat ui~ totb~,poriod ofthetrane. actIon, Lb. ALty. Geii. <et wae blamdue, Bat wtieo upon apposi îuade Lotie Jsjçes oftiwlandau upvfgbt verdict o( "île. gar' wu piono~fl~e'1 agalniL ruch nie sud bsrt.r 4*ny pi~bliç,pq~t, tbei~wenalu~ taIn, 'thet' nt~ jw.Ier.nCiSI f*.ilnga-no *mount o~ frwndehlp, how.rer suîîf;ble tbatqua1i~su47 b., oughl to bave Iuip.ntlveAreiee of tubIlc rlgbt-put'IiC .~uampfo,.an4 public ste,,. musut. UnlortuuîL.iy, tls Mtoro.y Ç*eneà rai WeaL, lslluenced by tise ~gIs 'fAIlLI- meulais vltieh Mr-Meroer e~bI ted, boih - te privat. wort~ sud pceuliar titane f~er tbe otilco In queetion, and ,uoved, a w, have eta4ed, iiy <bat warnsth o! prarafe fceiinpiiliiCli riveta tii. >oq. gentleuien » wittu booko( at.eV' wb.rev.r Individuai predIieeLIoU iw*mîqste, ,omewisst for~ ttip 2rqDt.TID 41*ptlVSt# fs,.end, sud ~ tnt. a ~'diImma," tie~ '"Utlcation 0< vIn4i.4venps,~esp 41>. Oc. ca.iqn;bvin~k Iii Lb. detidia t~>1lght; futduee tiwiu~ >17e trials tbem, antI n.v~r * ges.eu te va-pv ue. 16e..> ou th.>Oos~t a~or.d "a k< tisq ~Lery .Wessd tii. ~ 4fpîsersal, w. wslL 'net do 4,1,.> aÀ%,hÃŽ,~setlce, boivof..' w. IUSy, t>y tale sL~. ~eoi action ha regard t. tise divs.ion pi Lb. lLqa.trarilîlp Iîî thia cuunty, bave ~ tait, thon s~,,d Ate verrp*triOti iUOU<W~ , kst~~itçIti- 1t' ~,Mereei ~uI'~ relier, kil» oti>.wb4 9ulaOtiC <rt.~t~9j~O~ ALter- u.v Uè~I'WicL, y 'flg,' ~1î la.,- iuwe ~qank et JusisgisaMIsntty lu teL basi~.'aei~p t.~t,~tIu&he4aiW ';sed d~y question. -~ fi f ,fM~P~OdO ç~gppfViil~ ~weus~q ~eu 4~a~o~*4o~ SQ -- "~'-v-- ~j~;- ~ ,%'ft$~î7T 4~iyWIt~~lD~meaI 'D5WWJotl#7~ 4w*ddl~loda~J$lB#p~3>u*Pag~LId ,,la.lt~l~IbfrtdIabd~lop cf lb. UnIo~ lbe*neeeu(6 ~ftlen' MUeIr ovuoeUn.oebrp.mnùosl~g50< Oo~'. erumeot wttle& Thofower Cauadlauaajr. IDdfrpqe h4r~Wabe~tbelro1dto~. tqlif.bewD bêsses~eu aou'iedy~snditbe 'gro~~~ ,Use, ujdpG.e rMr~ s- eosu Sue Mrqwagwlpç,,<.,~pg*et >hlka,, hi Lite' vqy4 44u1$ bml. hTI~ent.<f ~be ~d/i~pf~o tunqs 0f tb>elr once nelsy orchestra, la tribu Lb. favorite at5sms*edutreogly cf "Yanite DeqdW' >~ayçb, o~rPh about 'Y* M.%e~r')ob~' 'Ue~h 'T~tt'Pat,' uobJ.>.1,~ ceanbng,"~ os' 'si<iuaaia gan tue U'teoIb~Wnselacecmpapmq1ent.' Wlîy, trisata fallînj off I. lier.. Tfuly, t,. Honorable Proprl.tpt, sud edLor.la., auçç<q.. i#6ffafr4~stO*~n~pmn wheasluVba$laebad t.Maihgie ,WDffobJ!ga~lp~ ~Ipipoid upus asp~ ssi.le«I. n~ bain ;f¶ei:u~tî wadeUn~,4é.~ If. divia*n1yapaa~~< tii. ~lgnorsssea 'asG~ ~eps~tlbs~ *I~b wliicb thefr G/des' wsgamnli.d. - TheIrut~. &.LMgosiqd péas~se.%, 17 pInt$y k~ s~simê tiret tp Iur#ewoey~ue taootbetf a4d any OU'WIW'lVahtEd'to 44~WisàL tls.y W5UjqhbêjMtIt4%<agI~I4sl~~k~ for ut'Otaisp~i~sti, PU 1W0541f/use wb.n~url b.yélid~iîle de~tb. - WhedI~v~Ise rude f~Jiscelu ~ antI aIthoug1~aome patty pa. w F reqidlitdov~ip5itb4r. pi. lu T~sroo(opis~jscLtheir baoqmp<sn qsesn. h. mil repair daunsages, îearp t, >~iavigs<e bers et ths.Orsngsorder,. lier Mîsjeety dia an lais tremst~le~1 waters, and so ster in<o bot asy tisat'çlse DUkeOfKcwc..tl.alsool4 ptq4 villa a ~opa1huutisgsttiaemuwLheacI aOL'beCeloulalSecretaryheeaweb.wMsn ~Lime trI unravel. TIse lîappy non.arrîvaî Urs~»n ~ ~ ~ urgati bYSànY * of Lb. meerîl brigade bas sorety ireait. Vreteatasitas tr~5lI~5iLOti15ftOaLksolles tbà~ ened the (tnt hopes 0< snakîng capital ti<>i~~ irse :uk neqettty for' Orsng.~fsm' ml ont cf nilsery. A glorlous bavvest(thasiiis bI5 OOIIDLTy-tb5t ltusay. ho s11 r.ry trou * te a kiasti Providence) I. about ~<> fis Iveiand, but that IL irsa *snuecesaary I * îasetawerpbo.e.tlse faueiful asti f~a~laeLîc bore an Canada. I~ reply La that b. teuld uîurnsamning 0< Lb. (frit Corps, int. '~ »ay êfa~st tise Ilaine feeling ubicis gave ~risc lu gratefusl, lojal'aîid cb.eviasg ehoru~ of con- 10 llrais;eism lis Jreland exlsted here 'Do. e tesst. Jleuuneratlr, hasabandry, anti r.- usan Catboticiuua eticlits. liera, anti irbere- as uewd cemmu'e. mlii srs~tere~tlit geeti ho- ~'vcr LbAL <altis vas sjread aIl ever Lb. e nuor o! tise comanunity. Well Lîleti haras, moltI, 0rang~'tuns was neeessary. -Roman c re~Ia~ilwiied'ateres, antI sniwatedabops, ~. Catboliciaau isati ILs ssusaheroua dlaciu>lin.d , getihir titis a telcrably Ineraaaing ass4 y~ r.lsgsous orders, bançlad togs.tiior hyase. k t. ho augosentcd excbequ.r, sili assake Lb. oret 'rows, antI prepagating hi &scLs inca, la.sdalug wItbjqy~andhaulh~gioomn, ~ mtsy ahould 'net 'faroteatssitlaus have IL» e treas sud disconten~ Tb.n shah ~, s~-p Ursiige5sm. 4tIse propagandiste o! Bonman 'f ~h~lyste~t9~6lL (Jathdliclam sel-the-Popeabove tiseQuhen, ;~ __lt~~r~ ** .nd~ mero O~rais*.na"en irbore motte ____ "fldétity (o Lb. sitar, ~aud fidcIiLy t.> (tosstesslsoss IulsI tilt. Irnia ias.sgs~ &jîtisiauj.r witîs lier Jinassiret ~ tbronc'~, te bu paît down, thile those Ro- Wlsat 'cor nWdern Tantabas irlil thlasit wsa (tatholie sotlctica cziuted~? Ncver. o! ail tuaIs, we esunot pohtively preducL '~'b. Lime wiss ua'i»isag wbcn every traie r liotrever, neithcr b., nor lii., can usait. a protestant ulseuld becousso mn Qraîs~esssan, I leck ont cfa cabbag., uer couvert pjenty g~7 ~ ~ presorv<~e priuiei~le» liste 'u.arcltyaae uC ~laan~L uoae a ulghsta reet' '0<'islviY 'sud rél(~~eouslibety' <'ir '~vlicls osa tua aceount, - their tather» bled sssdd'sed, ansi (or uliiels -' - ,;,. ,* ' tlacy'<Orsugonsasi) wcsreprepured te b1.e~l Oraugel~w. - austI die. Ilut bufore LIey »useuld lie put dem botter tIret abandosa. Lb. ceuntry te OUA? Daaovsvstvlou lu tAVOi$ or ina jius. Rainais Catisolice altoguLiss~r. iL was ~cun 't-p 5051% iL (tÀtrJfiiG%'OILAif MAft*,' tiuued LIse lcct.srer> no part 0f Lise pi'inci- Tise lien. John IL Camero.., Grsn-d pies e! Oisangesuat te 'oppre,,>, Itoanan 'Masterot lb.' Loyal Orange Iasuiitutic~., e! Cathmoisca or Lu exclede tlsm frein aasy llritishsAus.rica, paltia vieiL te Greenwood position lu tise'statè Tb.re wau no otli- on Mouday uaL, osa Lb. lnv'statlân e! ~>. gaLlois en Urangeînea te attacit ilosuan Ur.enw~qodLc~gç, ,ILYTte deliver s lecture <~athelioe, on tise owatrary, iL tas againat oasttiea.st~iect0<Urangeism. Mr.Cstsse~. ttselrdutytedese. ho mass aa-abo4 on tas aceempan~d, by z<,w. yrec~ eughIll ,ormere better memisér» o~ aocîety ~ ~ ttsanovasgem.u. When au Oramgeman were met aL Lita flu0ns Craek ~ ~#ed'teho a'visana'lsonerablensesss~ sev.rat ,ueuabera .1 ~ ~ ~ ber cf aoei.ty, lie usa sic tosager ais O. >lceêess thor s'ouL~ te, ~mesi~îroç4' ~ rasag.usaa nev4eÃ"tsld'4*se aynspatby Or eevere2 eétrlages eosstaînang bv.Lisne> ~ tise. ai.e~len ut Orangsasssa b. *;Lep. d.d Le Isîns. t Tii. erinsissal -aiti~ugtl gliesta frosnWt.ltb>r. $isortyetterlslg.ar. h. taappesasd te W 'an Or»ngamasi 'wouid sival Ms'. 'Cameron Prorsedeti tott5~fOs5A55s OlsdisO4m~ktla> Irons sn'Qrange jury, on haIt, srlsiia iras .romda<l te IL. utosoit' tise eontrsp'y., Lb. jacte! fais coassmuattlng a eapaclty, anditiiere~ tIsiivered a lectur, oaa erlmoalsooidbasnasldîtloasal resuuoîsto usete tise aubjeet et Oraugaism, tItIs ail' uîg ouI thepuaafsbmeastile'denrvad. Yor lais jjeM.~<po.<.sstI ~ ewn'jiart'If lii bis posftli'n 0< proseeusting so ansinently distiepaluised, ~>. ~ ~unsle~, Cas (>ran;e;ù~-sa criasaismai caisse b.. *hissa b. abould not Iauçiuuto -te dl,~- o! Lb. (ls'es,~rott tMg. oceulîfe.! tbe charge hie duty te the astanoat cf- bas chair. The Isoiiorkble Iecusrar iras grssted peirar, las Oosslittfrig t bisa,., wa» no ~ téite~ôt~~ part o! an Orago.nctts priîacipîce ho Rt'- plaises sksrlsig tIti t>4'ogvesS effIla 7~'~'~' usan (f,êtboticê-att Orauageanera deairti W. eau convey but a v.ry fahil outalor o~ wsȐ tIeÇqqds LiwweLvet, 'tWigiisi Itunsan' Lis. splanai4 or.Llun-ltr. Cacterîsis usueL Cathoîlce attsekod their on'ler sud i~risaei- ho bearti t>y LIses. irise <woolsi ~ elpies tlwy ~lful ut.Ldeelre te aLtacit ite~n hI, gmt insti heaut>' Catisolice, flot thora tas assotiser ,s4sqn <nIl>' pesv.y O! ~ iyslkprck.eis~asgproLestss1te uissadti ho guage. Net tane trorsi s'as .stured by Lb. (Jraisgesu'f bisard-ef Lb., tlsrcat ieçtdrer os' b~y (ba épéàIlsra' isilo fo[Ioai'qd 0<SOuOoe meus l>eing s'.msiy"te mas-ch at hi,.> duarlng tise ev.isîasg'Llsat ceald cous. tac bld ofagaïs*ral vis o'*aa'Lh~ iseroota f us.>n51,te.t în»ult.to Us. ~ cf .~ caltbs~egardeu.'Thair tlrpL ~ffÃ"*Lofcp'apw.- t tise usoat faatlslboua Boumais ~ dîrssctetiagainstOrassgeieeambiftsta' o! Mn. Causieren'e argapaaent lu <avoer'ol' 4tnoy.'lf'e las.! ouîly (o eq if crer L1~»L Qrsapfsaa mer. ~ 'tisaI leyrtlty te' tisé teok pleoctirangeas.n If uot'drat.'in 1t1se Sov.rlgq,,sssd a 4en~adsaatIon, le stess4 ~y 11.14 ;srould lie -lb. lut lu the fray. Ail LtrnL fray assty flerte taiie - liseur 'otru relIgion "edistabséti' tisé eaiare Y~~~to isa. ~.4h>. llesnsui tnincipi.a et Orangelmss. Tisat Orange eUsse, I("mo de nef Inttelere titis ~'eur - cracd tsar, ut atone arati alloué ttd Lu morts anti attaohqavs~t te tise l~a'lUsts Ci'rqwp, sud out our ovua salvation. la. a.tt.4 îf tus... ver. ~ ~ ~înotp~J~ ~4fl1iishsld Lai 5ft507'Iétd*W/aa, - »crtlaig tisa-p ples'0<Vruisgesssen, mers. ~ieheul4gsUsamoUg~tuJI p41? O4sgt~- gond wîtl te ail suankissd tbatOraugorssgé' uses user4ussla baud et bretis.ra,. uuI# gave fr o.lom<eiRôidshàs 'éétit.iUÈ4,sA.*~g l'y honte o! brotb.ItWo<ltf on . iis.M ~, a» te Orasaj~nsen~' tisat (irais aluns tas do tisse tc~stb.r ublela uingiy Lb.y wonid dusisssl hi Lotus.'>' s, ~».s.< s. U~S'~jittts* eUh. great lgnor~sse, ~ regarn ta ~ everym te f degl. a ~~~L(lafis4~rAstge- r WItluIss tisat Isaud~tIa5~yoet ~ cea'talsi sîgsss 4 effkotfrfr1<~p~dldt~9~attePte t.- ~~erd~wlsiels asmuhers tissu le~t *1,1 ~ ?~ l"tfLJ '7~','- j *,.. ~,* 's llJe#oe ~,k1dsqf ~Al4islsm ~ ~$fI~pD aîl~f~I piste onuii~ ~ds~m~ teubeToremtoTurfOlub~ wllhbi 5.' ben.raal~jaI~~.Iheeoed I.> qb Couvre. f "'D9wxx~e S~s~wy~ ISti~'aIy~ 194*, Szu,-I f~jj~ Q'j~ ~U~U'LO~& t, froua tise Teronte wluehwae encloeedinyoorMu pILotis NS.54%~ 0<~16êI1dUAp.4l, prayia~ Ll~at tls9 us, OUNS. ~1/ ba~ei~ Y~pIOMe4 Maj.a~y togîusttb. prqer ottisat peLition, mcd tisat aplice ol 6ftygaine~i~r by Uer Majaety - ,er'eubh otiier pisé. ~w Mnty may heraafter appoznL * ~ I NawcÀsvas. 4or<rno.' tise X~ight Honorable gb. E nuntlHead, lJart.,'Cansda. 5 " -.4.--- IfiIttIh Promot.oua. b, -~ <î< viiÀ aâs~j~ev,~b'evame. 'Tob~'Cupdpe0~, j~ t, Lieutenant John Warren, ~' * (T HanryW~4asna, , - James Cetfvioe~DQw;~ec'd " and 'Adjsatant Edward Dianu, retai$hsg tiw'Àajtzt..>ey; " Thoma. Dow, vice J. Loln.g * '-f." ~ Joîui Waaieon, vice Z. fl.un- lsam, permitted te retire, with hic rassit 0< Major, TobeLientenant.r 'tii <i. Enuigu Fatriek Waii, ~ flûgb JMie.aL~nél1, " John Usas Perry, ". Darwin Kent, " John Sporrili, " Bobert H. Lswd.r, " David F. Durit. To ho Enaigna Àndrew F. McI'heraon, (Jeutlensan, Gqcrga E. MeUh, *, ~' lk>bert Warren, Johs~'Andergon, John Hiaiop, James Lobb, James C. MePbcnaou, " John MuLher~ili, Ueor~çe Ilopkinu, " vice J. Daciel Csnaeron, Q~e*stiquiec, vice 3;>fc lutouis, dcsscaeed. Arrivai .f tise Ifasas~jsasaa. Nair Yoag, Augnut 9t1s. Tisa ateamshsp Hammonfa arnived thie a. ns. (rom Hamburg, t'faliootbampton, Lise 23rd sait. - Tbeeorvçtt, P4inaom4 arrivedatDoven. port on tise 23rd uIt. Slalp 'AIiia, &6s~s' Calcsttsa(fom' Lén*oii, tîsti beenlose, tw'enly lIres mere bat; Tise tendon ?Ymeaof thé 2~Lh asys hisat four notices arc ollcresl la tise Ift~àa~ o! Consistons 4st tise sulMcet ~0< 14qutlhitary. sud naval eIeI'easces o! tise DritishEnspirc. Tise Lôndon 2'imes'of Tu 4~g4és~ tise prelimisiarles 0< tise pose. o! Vlhlsh'ramaoa s. (ellome s - The seveiéigns wilI4vor tise eyoa~ Lion of'as ltaliaa-eon(.denatieu. That cen-t fo.! ration shaWhe u~de~ tis. isoneirary pre- *itlenej 0< the Pope. The Emperor e! Aasts'ia cede. te tise EmperQruqf~fspsc île slgbts hiLombard~ axceptiaîg tise fontrease. 0< f'eseislcrs anti koIitsaa, trhlchniglsIsb.Zmpea~~i0<Fjne wlllhauéevetto&trdinia. ' 'Veiset$a forasse a'part k>! tisé ItalfspC~ws. feddràtiws,/biit reusains under Lb. (trota o! Tise I>ukes cf Tuscany sud Lodausa are Le reuarn.aaasslerstiss ceoésfkus 0<gnaating ~ ;encnal amucsty. iotb'Etupstou-wiIl'iait tisê I'ope'¶s' las. redue. bstiispesusebl. veferjua.' A fs4t snd eosaplete alhnety I. $.~ ~* paatid'tealltb.p.epte. 's Nitré; î%1tiiv3..,Âfe~4.~'a alqce~ <XbtfcceaWiscoaain, a tiLde ~E*frCBI~, e asea a~pq~Ig »9~ ~I>,L~qulet toM iseu~,'oes. Aajfisiat abeqf~ qajpek ea ~" LS4rf r ~f loti g 1l~ ,jp~k0< be~léze~~teklagso transige skeauvjaas s t,. çhjapss~ A'f ~sstpire'. decision, as «'ai. ways'dlstasrba lb. gppie, ~sl daetreys ae'f pleasur. et titi c t. ,IXIiep <giveas "eut" he ahosilti wat~ Oait>t once, te remîsin saisI urangl.> certaimsly batesy, very Ii>ile faste. lbotltisissk Mn. Editon, hast the dee~ion m~e qnit. eorrec4 for'oa n0<eresW~e tise Canadian urjckeier'sguide, (irtilcis iseoa. sidered the hest ut 'sùtisonity) I lissé' it state4 tint, '~In.~use 0< acatéis cliiei il>. omplre ast 'th~ ~vieloet howled (rom, causant ses sullieientlytodecldenpou may ap.. piy ho tise et fzfn 'Ire,' opinion ~SI1 be eonélua'ivo." $o by tIsis tise saiuptro'a déélalon wae'llnal,' anti tise sasupire off tise Young Canadian C,1UI'~ b.d ne riglit hoin. torfero,' unlesa- requasteti se ~o 4, bytis.- unapîr. ~0< ha. Ypoug' Outaglo, irisicli- lu' tisiseasehe vas uôi~r Ilsave bealdes't4s- itou tise trouble, s<gbt'das'opinlou oms tise usatter froua G. A. Barber Eaq., Toreasto, (une cf Lis7 cldesLcaic~.et0<s ix> Canada,) on Lb. aubjeet, sud as IL is in direct opposi. Lion te tise Yind{cattar'~ declaipsi. Ne doubt Lb. Editor will'fsav'e <hé presurssption te eail It lu questiesm, (c; 14. iufôrsnatio'n I lape give It, 1fr B says~-"The -umpire ~tAi>. bemtars cati wse tise esily porsen té dc~slds~ sêatch, ho tsavjng - giron thé mé.MosW' b. vas oast, anti uebody eise eould imitori fera with thé 'dcefsion - If t/èerefoi.e 'tii. Lsatamanoaugkt anti f~enqutkythe-pre, per umpire, im>uZd szôt'gfve up Id. i»~; lais pas-tp ,sus! b. coneideredas refswing te conlfs~se tise game, anti loue tise n$ulcl& aceordlng4s." So aecertiussg te t 'tisé garnc wsuulti b. la forer ottise Yenng (lu- tarie, iaiatesad cf tisa 'Yonng Cainstiuase, as stated ara tise Vindicator. lu coiicluuien Mn. Editor, I cenaitier that-'tb. case ne I -Isnvoheforo atntestis se plala that itncods ne comment furtber tissu tlsis, tii,: ishe tmafeîuaa ssid'unspire o<'ttse Youug Cana. disasClub, acted qasite an un~~sly parti.> the coatoat, sud Lise V ûpb$iing Lisons, ahsems hast nsrrown#isided' partizaaslsip, "md favoritisausfvhiek'only' distinguisls.» Lis. niovt bigeteti anti wôrst conductetijotsrnalist. Yoasru, - - "l'AiR PLÀ'V." -44---- (To ISi. ifdii., o(tJie Wh5slq Chro~a5cle.> ~JS5' ~osscee- as Lwo efrange plsessomenons.-lst i 1~jéihI wossan/' antI a "erieic/' 0< tise 1Iu~u, I have net a Word ho uey, wtiile o! Lb. aeeouti Ibcgsamall cerner ix.' Lb. C/lronicle, te ofror ui(et reuasarics, Thé ~ Oh..,. fer, et tho'I-tttî luit., eontaiis» a-uaott'rI- 'dféutoùeeit~l4aso oziMr.Cij1lîap4~J vis*els 1>. delivdned ias'tise Touas -et Prince Allient, miMeb4y'eveîdas~iisê î~ttln4L. This modem Jéffr# isasossoog bis' oriticlal efl'xisioius hy aaylisg r-" W. ¶rere Induced~ t, attend the ycois4 0<a~IeeLure hy 1fr, T. IL Conoiiy." Shades et tise huraicd dead, titiyo evtss~ lkfo'rô isd~u~ 1,f 'k "recital 0<~ lec$asreJ1' (tome, Mç.'Qbepper,~lç,oir1ln. toyesar dletlonary, aasd seC visathleklasiu "R«fkdo/a lecturd." Wbat a~4~ à léc~ taW'2~dar*uia~ o$'a neb.araal,' ors. "recital cfa ncadi~f~~ WIaal superlative nouseasseul'f Tôt' *sitartiser.oç sets itquaifupas& Lie." Agaha, 16*e,1' 'aats's tise flsatrvep., 'U'é~pects1d a véi~ dÇffe L~oUws~< ABl~Wt lie~bj&t cbô*uaifor bis lesstnreP.4- "fIontiltion et tIie'subjeetl7i~ Meissteous( Revfov~ 'beensutar f s' s f -b o -4.*--- - Tise ~ f fi -, " ,~e.A/i" i/~if ~il ' 44 Wlsen tise netrs of tise prellmlusrlstlpf ViUsfeome*50w51,Itr%4ii1t.fosf4 :~ 't~prey~ tif ,ce~j4<uq* sa~doe4aes~'eîsses4aa~con- 'dihion of tbe peace, depending - iL djd B,"q~" - l~f. ing oppeeite~ luteroeta'witb, 'respect te iL. lbi~SQAt~9i5IOf tie'fkJ~rs. mental Jeomals atVteuuis'trss et tbeno~e ne er.lopfaig a s~kdlar opinion. The ides w'f~a4Ak,~' >'d~,o~e'1 4bisemently at W. believe ]L1nL 14sbe~kbe 'fl4i5~>a7 noL~>i~ve bocAl fprmatly utriseit ont of tise ~roZrsn>nse, ~itla notaew insistcd ~on byts ~ ~ars4 ~ta~t..4uIe more wfll bebeurd ef IL. To~o~féde'~Iualy*~fore. begovusnients ~Jta1y'Jaav~beéae~(1c~ la hnrmony titis Lise wiubceis(tlê"" 'f people, as te begia attise wrou~gend. Tise Austrisis Gazelle, ifétlsdMlbJfn* ~r~ible~ la at pains tsf sbotr t'tsat tise governnsésstofhislmperlst ~smd ~pÃ"at.~lic Majsty ns'~o~s~"" '1s value 'outbé'ps'ojectandia'not ita rcaliistion: s- Sînec Liaqyeaç 18$t~,h1te A~astrian goveras. ment bsdsonglis to-rouder tise proptisition cf an Itallais confedeFsUoii',ki.$4lato tise governmenla et Itsly "Tisat pro>act lias juil bren ~e~amed bj~hc po'srers'whieh h~*eMselsIsbd tise fpstee,;~Sa*l uiaairbeess extended te Lb. 'wholEdf 'Ital. 9uch a con~b~4 ,~iif b. scc~pt'.d4,po fa; se hs'aceeptsnee eau lus .nfoksed r'tise~tea wlaickcsnreuistu'illopposeitss muchas poasible.' W s1wnys'dô6~tcd wbetbcv tise. Pop. .~emald accept tbe.1>iesidauej-. whst~1ioI~1ie'irôdId enter tise .%Oufodp~on. IL I. now a.latc.d ~ljat l~, rç~sed tisat pos 0< hoasor1 sud ire trou ssndershsnd tisat b. haa'1motivee fr~t'4yJdÃ"idj~ ,.?4,in D>'lIer te ha Lb. bndepe.sdeift eb4ef cf Lb. Catisolie etiareb1 tise Pope msiatbestapreme; bs~tbe ~ iras et tise hes.! of s power diaposing & a grant army. Uc ou%,lit te ho neutral la Europesa'qlaWoafa~ei4 ibasgllt not te b. dra~ain~ 111e wbirlpdol 0< international qjasrrels hy foroe~0<aircssp*taaoaeorp~4cy. Dut if, lu addition' te LIn'erozier, Bouse IsatI once mois uvgood .swos'd, if tise sor- .reign'oÇBôiue ~o~poesêb~s4. roda efttsouaanda et bsyomets, stotsti*iy Lb. existence of tise P~etça~q*~sta4~, baiL ~lse ixsdependence 0< tise Catisollo eountriae woulti~<z~a~go~/îî'iî I an~slsédf encasiiee would ho rsiised up -aplatit. tise oisnr4 ef J~ousotoligbtfor1ith~asddoatb, ,"~ Thé Pope, is chiot o! s contcdorstien 0< 2~ nsillionsqfpssp>a,~pr~uj4 boa danger (Q Lb. iselaslce et poarer iu'Esarop.astd ~Ithe peaceefthecisuroh; théPepea~'a usera uonsius&~èhideSiÇlwls~ UtIh~ttsinghpt~ >Lhora ~ .Jrdc~ro,~s> ~rould"suffers lis esgIteé fouctiomis; bIs pealuboll ~I1.I Lac unhcaafsluzoKoesse.eleslasticél peverm ~ ronlti lut diii eaié have an' a~ppOrtuniLy 0f. duuing' & cisurck~pz~&i~was eisjt~4ad a ~ M rsntlug, net dssly sàss&'tls.sC~ 'el4bsztkussaetbeslso Laiton hsto cousis1 UA'(i~ tI~~(hoio1idinb&~'deh~asîéaî if wlap,~opq *e-~~t lu ~sapshiop Jjy~ 'sr- sn$eusenL. IL *pnld lie easy te 'rotent for seuing aside hie feus acte,.I4iétP*~bhb 61Laé'I.uuiaui ~ ~ mg an iasaliaataeit~g4o5tJslg. , t"- s,' t la~l~p~jlta~>t cesse <nous~t mI.sltuleadesislp,,.aLloéiest40 I 'i t 's I I i g t attise Em~31upl; prer. 800801 Lb. id witis tint £W5~ J~~J~IS15~ Jiq~ip4fq$fja~ about ho wbqi~ iq lWis~,!awope7I tras he&lt IdslÉceleI*2411 > About a lisouishiti penons ~éîhi ~rer(.n<,'~mf$fap. peared tome t1~t >lse diseusvionaasi -'Lb. ~ f~irty ,:tbese cf aimuilar botlies, aI unes I bave 'beau j*re. sent in Eql~utaaid 'tus 'tiontty. At h.. ~1o4e~ffts'~neeting tise enhlre. a~u944ea was~1nvlted dine 1iytl~ ~an4 aid I~Ç~'~tIf I Dukqe~, e.rsiages at bieçzpe,~ae ho tise halls viser. tise éntertginment J.s serve.!. ~roh l*enwbetisheeireceivedapra. sdss~ofabronzc',~sedaI of-~a1ilu~"f ~hiia_ copy iii quarto et e ueo' velosue 0<-bis en~ parinsenh.;. ~' ./"' -I '""Erk*y"bieuch 'cf fouet,, exèapt~ 4i1 wbich csp exi~L o~sty Vnder <'w. cemuiltas. ti~ene, ffôuè~%a~isd~ have afuraya Leuais~ed lu Italy. Sesne 0< tisé mosL éminent 'vrs. Lors, scientillè Iuûl lltbraryioflbe pissent day, utronosners, pbysiologists,.uiiqai4, pub1icish~ histeriaus, 3soeta~ sud traitera et -~ ~ ar~i it4sJ. ~Tisair. spa. scume and libraries s.'. unsarpasseOlu ?lsrbjib. ltlil~'lîstl1I'tUit¶fM M'U~ las Mss. i 4ra*eOf Pas8ia5~~jff~1r. - lIfon~lauuxu~,'uur-s~~4 an atmos~b.re o~artistic culture, wtdeluutLlI dr~av,~ tlidforcfgn cfLise diatingmslebed Oermsas~ Frencb anti Amorlema artiste bave tudlsd thefrde~'hi lha!y. ' 'ltiséaafesb.*fl#i~lpae suprense, or;divdes tise ehpiiéwIs1st~4er. usany atone. Sueely lis f. tise extrese arrogsneo or l~as.~>i~sakte sj~eak~of mu~ a peppleaadegpnoeaee.'f 'f4~I7~55~ g H~z~as, es4 Dia, B0»i.-±~a. ~ ornai. table <armer lu thsc 'uaiguiiais~4c iraaonee a'reelée~*fat'tbis y~- '>~' 1fr. Arois ultIau#uJI, a respectable fsvflier1n~.tlKarToerublp of'Caue~sw E(st, mml. engaged las fiuishbng a'ssetr dwfi7~g, onb'se p iygst~sçsq~Ço)tlgave wq, pn4~be1vaeprqc~p~ed Jsea4 tommeos te Lb. grosind s~n.l dialoeated. bis'auedr,1u vesy fortiinatcly, sud. ~ssl~terieusty did set kili blus. Whm'bWtiIwaa4sreqg iLs proper position, 'tise restebusa..ame aseuk retuirned hotiseir plae. 5irl~~Il la carda. 0. le 'uqc ea1able @t asevi~I% or. 16s'gkis. 1l!gi~4st .uhs$yiag-'e'*'uu. les useti latrEd>ukUp,,*t,>~ paralyssd, mdlse esn-bs~atbé hué I~/ ~ajl9he njo~y 0< tise ipîssal corétbee.s aIiffl..)J~b. ~'rj JutMHi* ha ieiIeiu4lste~. Tise ~a4~kbI'b.s1sv#t foa~~' , , ~Ç~ura bi'viétinz efaseries ~faale~ous~sÇem ,1fe tif mdwauinpeuessiouefà'i'ueL '," ~e bers tlle<*uthI5ou'bP'hiasg eue et seuL sta*aUereienslI. tOuaadiaas vatea~ Jr.. rayto ft~sOttIeatupe a e ~ '~ te ail liii f pttin~of tise ait tbeiiî.g~ 'UP~hkO#Ai fewMth.ma 'sas4 large roue Orl.a.,aa, ai teaudsdmire4 lropehtsaaud I.> tise midi .5U~O8al&tdnm - 'siTrOdittIel * beealntbeba favorofonryc lêtiosi fus' bis a ef-.kl bIs~yonng dan <7% tb.t~go tise usuels joug - dlaatandgayy. eeuld net aak 'isasba~t ingV' Cnriosity toc -; L5~~ 4~msJdng knewn ' betelh.urouid - tls. peint irbiels lai.. 9ob.sc quietiy asitedif Ma. T.. case of Laie yoasssg mass 'visse tissa ssy~ I.. usa.! bImse "b.dy. Labo. * fisc Lime basai fer~~s for$î .Sasaleualy lnqui "Oas bisetrsa I ~juuiormember." usé auxioassly i .~mia.-'tLeL us ~ #'<' useuoraoduas b. bOueof- 'lire' OntescaP Wbeuwesay tiesi orna et vis',. Lise head, and la 4adeffieiatedusu - weueeduotadd te~ oead hlbltedina cent ,~fisa.. "'~IbraMe. AreL plasuaolaoffaabim - p~gjJ~.. '~' ~ VWMIl '0< tisa indulgence 'Oaa- Mark fouud lai. hahhlleg e! fat I.. * 'agr.auisleaspeeti petltrq,"orsis.. oftlaeusulinurns -- '--f * -f- - -"' --"--t'-'--- ,'J~tg, -- t-, "--'f "t(. '~.It -' i

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