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Whitby Chronicle, 19 Aug 1859, p. 2

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à oem. *lu < i a ibd&, usi A IM tih@-u th votMie. TUb*"'ti. » lttey Tic ane is vrpfu" S lapfl ri. A jour wle esteS lilby ilng os a com <1,.,ý A muse roua lie fsof Ma tye. Th@ "oivie vo u publshd by i>uig log lds. AM i . f.wblrm delnq" n abecri bp,vblcb"vebopevfll be psld maso -A son f«r Lire* W. i-'member hoii-nthe follewlug aticdote ihes a bey, and hsvlug narer ceeu Il lu pit lue viisiy oarbaud at writ- Iug It eut. John Omîit via svorl néîsotios, bard io-klngyeungman eflveutyyear. Seing the eidestchbllda'sdlonly »n,,is.tM always remsiued et borne, asslatlug bis ftbher upon the irn, Jebn u s uch rnpoeiedb>' g»eary On. lu the nelghlsrheod-. siid-mqny à brigit eyod gil- le u ly t heglt lîsI ehé voatd 1ke. la ange ber- nàsuie h Pire.John Smith,. Out John vas ne 'itady'aF Mn,." TheéIbeivas, fiatJohn Smavaw ver>'bhil. ge vould ralhov le. pots toc s ldy, than andergo ta. csemoq~ ef an Introducneto hàayouug lsd>. Net Ihat Jehu dislîked tic duri-ciesturns-(ai- froua it; ve belilee lut lie, ln comtien vilh iii bbila but veWimesning men, On. tartalned fie higliest respect and admira. tion for tlem. Auid tIis, ne doubt, vis the principal cauM f bs bfulncca. ne feoi baI lb.>eie rn suprlor Mup, sud and thathbe wuisocty t.i«sseeatwvul Ibaus upon toims e quilit>'. Jutven. net Msto imoralise., Nancy Clark vas the dsnghtercof a ver>' respectable (armer, wlecc landes djeined île Smith tarn. Nanc>' vas s prett>', esacy 11111. vîlcI, sud Ohé 1MM.4John Smih. WVi., Ia'vsrechildu-en,* tbey attended thesanmescliooi, and as b u b va <iv yeaseber cenle, 'vu ucusil1Y ber champion linbe dhfbidiel fflcpuleeir bsI &rose, snd ber couspanien lu goiug sud re. turulug. At lait John bocm. so e ucf a young manuas hile k.pl fi-ou echoel ânrlng the summer, sud vben vluter caei spin, befouud t, Nancy bed beoffea youug voniand dd lnotsithlm hi hule Wberoad as lhsy valked hom trou sqhool, arche b.d lu leamaput. John diucovereil tee, tiret k. ladi beau groviug lu statre, snd it emedaa tbouglabbr lad bee ovtsluwg cut ofslapeNis botl sua lepe appeired ver>' ivkwardç le diIn' bnci ihat do yul hbis land-hbie ace peinai hlm, sud taklng It aiilnUluie hwus inclineS to t 11mbhe vu fnot moi-g thoubal! put tegether. Nov tbe trutla vas, John Smith vws reai[yasfine ookingyouug mànn, sud nob- Ing but hicsadmiration of Nancy youdS ev«rbave eaggaetd sur snoblioloilsia thieuglta sbout bhmleit Fies Ibis dosa Ihe>' contInuel hi le more sud more ye- scrved hivirdî escb ellier, unlîl the oç-- currencs of the loot-îsce vhichî ve are aboult e na-iste. Tet sil th. tie Jolni *As cecieh>lulnlove îlIh N"e>. Min>' a Bud.>'hoI. lsd 4ballind lselanansdi peepeci b>' thecorner hi catch igliaupsei of ber sache waikedthi-ougla 1h.bldo, 1As lthéoieise"y$, Il vwu a ior.lly. day-lun August. The Icaveus ven-cleart aud seroeeasd IceutifiTla e ues vert bWeu villa golden 4i4t sd lihe isautigl1 blrdiitted tMW lrao i Mlova lu tle4 John 1Smntl,sisterads qnilsiug thatg a(ternoou ; bis î ler bad gps.te "Keiîh's1 Milîr' hi gel came whost grounuiansd John vas leit th repaît comae bols,. ta b. reid> on the ooroW t'Ocommience.movling thé' neadow graus. Saddeuy ty hoç«urrd "'hi John tbat if bo reinaiued abJout tbe lieuse du-lng the sfternoon, lie voald b.e «hel, lu al. t*4.tlie sud requi-ed te do houes ste *1th "M 'Io, avoid ibi, he qaletil sheai durad bis, scytlw »sd shile -svay ici the îueaduv, haitisam.le distant, f<ssIi>' iofrail Iliat hé vouil ,*,t Ilie e onil It , vas OP da h îat ho ceuki net ecete moi; Ân î th lIe muadi)w was ouurourSdoa iies by uati" atoMat, whicb 06clew$bcut1 outi ahat ltI. bronze ihers miglat ha sûr- ilicagis the i, uh*e sdov vas*îte tfons SoiW tbhibolraedru" " u'te end.loi- otinetlv11 etybaléf fcfýe, fl*direction Of hoe, enSse h. amgea fqmnm Usefoi-est and liegan té" caedli lmpab6<Ut hun deM>' ~ hl IslIs-c .minI tie tra.staî o<s#uy!elrs is(atie ee-ieqnl: and;# 041 *oI t1of i i; < i Ma' ihlsnuvhe rWi eul l»b b0edbsik, crdituga*boutbls' hie ~ ~ è &4ei. ~sdd ait r~h. nog nMtmoe t b he body !«îlacemg da.'muter lucontact vlhebr 414e hie tai reeplnt *-ound tlem lu a Sort Of 6eaeniug«Ai, aa Ibcaglablsunke. #blé Ouined tated a uttle fan, bl ild 0 timinfg John «POn hie kuseI- This wss hi ebchfor huan @ ndur. suCe. Wlth s yeli acd as Min nover uttfrs îles lu Mor-taiterrer, PMerJohn spisa setfivra r s k.n.e pee d u onceMM " mor e df.piure et ceeing the askei-eium s eorizontal pesitlon, eme. %bat aftss'the f"" of M 51. (ail ora 0u, on tiey 8ev I John fergt tii. qnilting-forgot the girls -loi-gel everylhlug but île anakè. Fer tho rî limue lu hit if., but vuia "aolay thilk- 1nt of hie latter e" Nie f rat ilil ehirek lad stai-tieS lhe qailitearsnd foi-lb lIey ribed, vonde- ing If some mau" Indien an nt prowilng about. B>'thi. lime John vis vitin a (ev roa l rte barn, O mlii ulg et the laop of bit spéedbie bail lrnel se Ilat 'buemlgltkeepon# @y@eon the nake, sud snd wltb th.e ther observe lhe courue lie mail tae, .The friendi>' bai-n nov con- cni#4 bllm (rom ight of!te ia.gIlu. Ho huaw i@ ers ireluthe yard, lavlug cigiat a gllmpse of tlIeu e le rucheS fi- en1h bouse. A <iv m ohonnsd h.abeul leluintaIr mldt.Forasmoment modes- t>' ovei-e4ms fesi-, sud once moi-cl"ed Tise euakeevldeuty il> loae ' vth his- pId iransportton,uanifesle4 hi. gratitude b>' attemptlug hi efid 1h. l ar o lore vîthîn Ils embraca The nezl moment b.ovwu In futl vlew of thé gIrls, SudSisha tarnel b>' the coir of<thebarn, the uuske cama round vitlas zlo, somwat sfterthe. <selon M of i wbh. Haviug reaoed th. baroyard, te hie dlums'l onud the buup. But hlm. vau nov hie pni-ecle bul' lwveteS Iu tattligdovu bars. OstbMufg &aisI oit-eh .bonadaSIwote eair, suakei ditto, anIsh. atiglils on the th.i- tse upper bar, sqppng like en ludîs Api n li et foi-yard nov atl >, e Pr" rdls !tle Presence «Mîhe gi-l The'. boas. gov bieama lais contreoM abt- traction, sud seond 14 h. revolied villa tle speed oft (Ictght. -Foui- Urnes lu .sc i-coltfnise turned s cernerbhsie nabe. shlp am'i-ouad vitla s uMa lit vas nit@ re6-nhln& Whi dscibng a third cii-cie, as le came nas lha gi-oap of vouder.slrack gils-l, vilhoul iomovlng lis gize <i-emathu smue-be mased hi an>out,"l 11a Thée nul moment hebad vlsked eut of slglit,sud quilck se thoaglal ro-appeai-el onr thé otler otdwofibeam BekrScireether1 lbi l-l lad scliu-d'froua îfrefr iot&, b. had peformed anoler révoluio-" CQatt! £iýay loie' "Onèoe"lore, bat this utrengthwvas4iidlslne Nana>'Ciarka vu lb. fiat hi ecovdr "er préece.of mind, sud alezlog s boep 'polo, eh. loch ber station near the corner of the loua., und &As John re.apposaed, aIe brougiat 1h Soin epon the snate vltb a force,liaI latote bihiectt nbsu îl liSpon' John's u.tle aei imentet the sanie lime. Jobn i-ased Int tlia buan d hi hie rmi-crn tu I table appeared lu bis lestt *and a>'sit, lookiug but litle thIe vrse cf li. rac, sud htoi suappesrace, enllreiy1 cureS of his. bfalneau.TIsI iigIt le valttél home iîl Nancy' Clrk. Tbe nazI Mev* Toes tboy>' iremarried,s»d noiv, vhaever John <ela InclineS hi Ikugla- aI bi I vlf's ccpch on!lasbute ga>"."li a inu,"vlenhl ratatly "<(ies op"- î;.kw. Jurai $liés fie f6iOU lig pkionCe, "Femon.> I love,ý trainlsreg.lmrneosp" ,tge Uis6" iaMon"," tilesk; nd*es ueuves, to, nçlebu>' wI4s> toriat4* tea,,m& Oes u em AOPsuld iy his b«a.,wio Immedlseey ofiered hi vap $$ t i P»aiiil iouldvia. Byrsewpémireo forwaed vith a big, oMelveranmuepw àui.t Cesow 0"1«&odewvn lli »s. i"jlwm e~quio. aMd Zsosey. 7h.mes voret on"e.tripw M& aatveork la fiering Sf yrue îvcuikwdoevis fi re"ord riy ekMifullymi w.cdbis Chiam vsriy. 'The 'ibrd vu 'vesefor ecb, c4«1»Wdeby a bevy alioffConoon o Byorue rl..Tb@-<ceuserkqpi hmlf un, setbedwvitle is.adrermary vistics suce- muufl. Theremsudog rudeverecou, IndeS ii Iniies pirt o' ascit si". Durlng the feurlsmtlàSlhanghai vos brougît be ie bueeo , d vila lu inttposition vuast tsc.Tno rose aI monceth.e y Mf "'pooiplay Il 9 sud tii. referree4m-s- e5 tisîdecion. The victo-y vu isc avsrd.dteiConnes. Whmen h.delios ,vuas ancd, Bir" erceiy remonslti-at ed. Be re veor iMx hundm'd estider tien ban Inlte the ring, Mud a gon"ra roi. emsad. Eyrno slezed the refeie Xmreau, by fie flrest, cylngy,"Do you mem to "y y e leut i morelm iff tis attwW adby llyrne'sprlnclpsao, vu #"ransd ilckod, sud hidà portiof0 bie lae.gosgildoutwitisa stick. Connore, wui lie amofelhieParty', lmmedlastliy droff oto ibehiboity vIlle the baaiS reneud gbting viti fie Byru.mmn, lb Most of! ibm grudly !olloved hi tie Hen-ieUa, - trlpp.d, bioody aud enrae, ]Byme ddureSCoserete cme out sud lOn. ieb tle figît, ihoh.deellMedunder th. circumtot-do. TIenman>' of Con- nW onsms ruhe on core and joined lbiar cemrsdee, sud asnoue of viol sud marier. out atmosef flowed V"felbaffesdesrp. tden.Km vtive onfini>'ued, bettles, sticks, and rocks ve rJe itod utalut a olot vus fred.Tis wu the signal for à, Sensrs dravlng ofplstola, and soiso os bund-ed shots -vetorapW id> red. Thm 1 ihe b. ne ptoi rusbed for' thefr bosts, ifc st tfia iehm. begau br«Ung off1 bmonsfi tl om, Tberevwafiesa a vy1 rush hi get on board, sud om forty pop. sous vire lutsuty lu the river. Certain skçiffm«es lled sainlutervorf lesing the-" vltim i cim or drown, se lwe> migît. One or -tve Igîts actuii>'oecured ia lb., vater. Th. cvimmers at lengtl uenmbled os board, net kuovlng île lad ouk or-boeu drevuedl. Probaby tiares r four peo4e t , le&se. TIi nea ,ie eonu folleving the Eeiray both bosts iesvlug nambers leklid th.uin e.lélaul. t vis about 4j o'clock p.usm. Mont- gomes->' biS narmoihp caped duovuing, Iavlng leaped orerlard tu myai-amn vlo appeared baIplese, sud himnif drain ouI -by laisson, the sounaie sucmebd lu as, vlng theusa..'-O. iretalbe vis shocllugl>'eu4 toeben yulgrea Fm 5 culI>'medby getting hlm on s pliais. Th. mool et the Henrfdta part>' mi>' le inféraI fi-eus tIa <set tlat ouse tient>' iglals ver. wagal on board before ch. ruseheAlton 1 Wliik.y reignil' TIare Men zobb.ries sud complainte o! rolber. ues of- vatches, pechet-booke, kc.,iIich lad hi le rectied by attacldng the. robber or robled. One victus, acusesdof baving stolon s purse o! $20, vosassiaitel b>' "eVOMeral Mron vtI ues no fi at h. souglat hierevolver. Bis lnteut heing porw celved, there &rscaor>' of"Jkilt lina, kilt hlm 1 " sud a frel onuet vu mal. upon hlm. Isn espons. h. ste, kickod, gouged, tore sud oiclcdl is oppomomis lu a style vhlcl clould estitle hlm t he 6.tourets snd claIes o! 6.e giorieue day. iBy nt> teaag offhbu Ponts, th. Piot vw"' taken rom hlm-aid a15, os h. allegec4 $40oM hie lard eaelang. Fil>'h. vu kicei seles, t 1dnsgpdtée 6.1burrleue -Ido sud it hirevive or dit, Bld'«cm oSàght for lie oosesson Ofslea I,0 belveesJobsXMonglman sd John Eyaa, iwbicd ruiteS fi t eusld dilarge 'bf thé isipas ls eoslta pawed ft. the abdomen 0 of sluloinpSg eokg m&a prcbably fatal ioud. amaglan unt dois ItiM'dpt ver fie vouadedMai, deolaeluth"flot ysa van ose etbis,-lest (redod, lista pistevuacg' fre 'by ]y - a. tonsase Ma.ý éý lupgaj"m pd ovlaer, sud' ewaýt4> vmk*eIllssuscbcre, tien nemi>" trie Mail do, do ............ P3,a Vit do. -i-,.,,. lOa Wa do d o.2'1' 009 P.n Wst do, -1 .s,....OSa. sn West 'do, o ,0 . Broolin ,1rWnéé Al.rt, PortPr- sa 6 xrl%~ 009 p. m Gýresooti, rghamo ...... 00,00 Divison (P14 fftM bortes,, o . DvisiOu L'uit, UbiJ,.. Divi, 18M9 iisI1~<ulBauw,. Ang. 4, 1869, Divi sksnoot*roM.- " 8 18 At the Town 11*4, evry Uondsy DWTiD<n, ïa 10 o'I«o.k, a. nM. mM. ondsy .vening,s ýt, --à@Tow .n 1Bll, Fi-e.sonsm&11811, Victoria BEnlirIa,Brc Street moet frtTnsdsy belors fluf7ma k evew y nth. Onngo Lodge, No. 130f oeond T"usd hi svery iuontbCildweis i oo, krook Strot,. 10640' No. , Mscoond Frisy Itu @von mnmsti, ut aprowie's lILOWe, For't Wltbv. Soma of Tomporanu,Wlaltby Divis"u, No.81 gons ffall, Wednaadayevuiiga. oosi ,Tomplaas, i#sm ati, Moud>' femengs Epicepa Churoh, St. John's, King Stt 15o'ciock, a.6nm., üsand oelok, p,.lis, (Altor- nat.nndas). EV. J. PENTLAND. Trou m.otob Churcl, mochsniw ' Isigtre doeni of Byron sud Mary stroi-st, ilo'olock; P, EV. T. LO)WRY, Cirhcornr fByron ansi REV. J.iI. hYRNE. Wusloyau Mehoit Chnurch, .o~ .of Cntre and Mary Streonu, 10830 o'cIot, a. m,., andi P. o'ejomit, p. ni, United Freabytorian Clinrob, mchanlu-1 BEV. R.B. ,TIIOINTON. New AdVertalseeto tlù sDay. south Ontario Agrleuituvai society-jehn Shier. List of Prizus-John obier, sales sud Repgtationashoier, 0, T. 0. Colt Stak-W. I iS.llgins Apprentie. Wantsd-J. 19. Phlp' Can'iage-mnisg-D. Ford. (7ard -D. Ford. Rîu»oval-D. Ford. a5rti 8esBoun- N; .REcynoldo. Wlittby, Fiday, Augus 19, 1859. TO SUBSORI BERS. CThe terna for the SemiWeely Win b. $2 50 in avane, or ta350 At the ensd of. the yoar, The Weekly Chronielewill ho pubished in future In akaonoe " W il b, charged when payale gterwioo. The BJapl. aud lb. Oak# W. hold h It b o bm.Md a disgrao te Our- Commollcbristafsty, that ýils Pro. <essrs shou ni h fai, the ninateenth coutory, approvo thonaselves so litho tonched vfith tb. gi-est eopI trutha, as hi e@ma île Patte or commos eumt-throats, With as litti. referenS .hi u-high caliing, am If oid heathondomnwuas gl triumphant- Xare a reai god-and Bellone, vith ler blood.tained chariot, Do fctkI of-1h. Po.ts train i He, whos. sdvent wu an- nonneedby tfiamt gioriouc choru of "lposce.on earth, sud 5004 viii tovard me," sms te b. ignoredtj sud to baie prpshedlu vl, Norila it toc devin5 to assrth"tatosemain Camseof lIaI Most bitter agony la G emane mugIt have arises rom thl. glae..Rit proiciSeMet uspéï thé 2recitsd0<hlaiioat graciek,s *mou# vbleb ensbled HMm to-4isernf1909o1 .mdarlng, segiect, samgmiserabi. sahy o M hl. self.etyled ,<ollowers. Are ve thon Masily, der snotoon- hundred , year Do better, nobier,g.stla ",sathe vorsbiper du Mthé pmelmdaY, sine'Prltlng lent 'ilsniutlforniidreàdèred usenoboâëthuî th. Pain, vitiahlicir besu«lul Wbu a *01007 ? is ilethr.en4u p l ,tela rd*y ip1sgm moue aedtevu U«ibet, ti.bis bogb3t Of avaly poooit vu cviiclNsd ii glu auowmuk Pm ust fuc -1,eÇad e -࣫ n. abatS Uthei.logéadbaidt& cf oroper VM st viii ,.bffle / ls frqoonme rhsp 0-dépesd "Pou Mie g Sof o» e Mo m. This om w bridze 14 tuo no L fur'Js.r-à vis do lt bu.v.a« ~trust, nay, *sl asued; si latthie Natiom nechli best t.lc*ci le M y mlopg.re, i.W. fnUy amit, lata liime@aïivle, u notati b. arfril of, 6.4 hippy erl vosalEaglsuddon veil le bnmp;'le 00 powder dry-berideu sd-n e seUplu preared. Prodnce vIl e m t spos l. dois rodaln ustot ui uer PrinceseusnswAS «wcruel ifr mubject Viles le hstvet abatS b. ripe, the sickI viliib. patin. T)webcur ofinaturlty i nne vey dietase, îles f iImporlal-,» yrula clati fade- i smlet bdefeti u sud their placesknewlliem no mme Theue !ibrylnvrgoas but tlrogh tiïe leira,à susfeigelam bloo ffIts lrue clsidren. TIns lt cprn «duint lon9 odde ln hipp EliniVwu Ob mlrsuiue growth, f"eSbdlmm.d wf f eue emao"S ud usbsppclona it-puehi Ishi mstnritf ln the United Ilts; -1sud lourfshed l ac, wtbouîtien ssdrawbscka 1amonse oureelvee. -Long mmy It endture; eaety m"y w. tend, rfull Pprune, sud fiti<flUygurd-it frem segleet, deesý 3or lsny--md if 1h. lonr aheldeverecome, or aefflbu at Aand, vh.u liee id parntî -Oak 'nuder vIorne cbadow v. have gene tlireagl Ilbe t'aad bord»esof the. &y, shah~~ ~~ Iedlr mp.ss, hewguly sud loyaYly haOe iol4 it. Th.@cr7 ofour, motber Eu091M94 (ahould thé. oid tyrannis Of Eur"pethren te vermmtc ber) woud rona.ncmveuid tii. bIMetof!a tumpet-eur a msd hurts wouldi like reupoud. Our wvarcvold le, "14tth., ras-otohfe rma." genglsd&4 est boru fi îl ttue, w. lleoagbly, b. lieetve ol"d eordfaly taie sp 1h. note; aMd *«Moceab. Mad»t1h. bout vocud eu reverberte, "Euglsup d, mete, couse;j w.come-hi u. eus»-to lie recue f 8Geerge for mftq îEflad 1 WkiLby Towfahlp c.m.îL Thé 0020011 MeM puraal hiadjoaum MentAlil members pemnsl inutes Oflsstmnting md . ap. preved.1 Th. Beeve Pree.ut. nfeaoc or Messrs, Wilson à Blilinge. Th. fOllowluç By-laws werethon lut-o. dned, sud peed vis:t A Biav h anie, iey, sud celleet nine miles, sud foty.bÀndweth ofa&mille lu 1h. poMnd, POs fi. tazabi,, ruaiud persnal ýproporty Of the. TevwnshipOf Whitlay, for County puapese.,' A By-lai h aine, ievy, sud eollec four Milles lu the peuud, ao e 1. lsibe, real sud penosal, property of ti. Mumici palfty, 0<11e Township er whitby, fer, th. gouem, purpeses thereef. Tov à-hlpClcr , >d L -I-au as f. Jideuty glutal Iiieame ,wofutre ,O -z id mwnvsîoa. a e "«t to ??0"elei deratadtiit MAI*&l ar e Tu ùw lr0<heOsbavî Findfeabr heirofte..ousplu.luu tish n u élu ndsîftvogu ble, ends Ils hé »IdasLas Scion udme ,<a ame th Wb lia 6 la to bel'ut in thoe , -mIgua os Xilaty tisiat le Jamce4 fie lppit ry 11Imiol! a a aptfeî iluer oie else Thu fi eemnft>' sloly t dAlo the aie Wm i idto,bgren mdsnsMY ffie ebrosdiarYm*.1A vblctt fie notor reesl s,-(tie gabe om.9in fwu if. gf rou d u epr iuee10iaie vwiii 1ibidy "plied moe &iagedai orupvtle ourle Vi e f ogI latis e Zaperr ouis NSPQOleen ing board O e ies fmt si Mf Oui- clebratel barberir. Robinson, bau i éviteS l Ia le paris, tiere te'Omttielo Mr. Flore.,, rveamUdend lm sdeclinel a ver>' fmptimg ofier d0<6.'mpeor, ýte dellver s Ued rl !leitusrestirogint la Mdi Frana on Une desd laagnsg., ,a ma ucr B tg.ioi, "Chai-mas k Comualtele os Flrud"Witer," ieuretired. hiflbeiooleëf)M; a quiet retint b. 'Dg suintel>'Butmusy L'orhnlma oner te, prupire -lisestiI rPort lIa elaboit docnmetsud Sa eil "euite" vil b. suli ml#ted ath.e im eeiug 0<6. encli. At tb@ lut Meeting of<6. Toma-Coma- cil smmra 106.Gth e r G eera l ala Conseil vis sdopledpPraling for t6. et- tebhielmeunt, f Micis Luuastic Asum, and reoumesadlng Whllbyase .Most de- sdrille location. 0 onnre one, 0<6. gruatolaSIUMa lufavor o!f htbyl, met forth in fie me=ria , O 6 Conucil, vas lIa large number cdlmats te .Tois iould b. able te appia le Blound in * 1f,ýh. e flwlib lb. I&aI fiaI ef IL BIondin luioelg the Tala 0<NiagmrsounopeJ viii s Ms, on bis b«14 surpasses, we belfeve, every- thing o 0<6 uinIon record. Ilsedesug gyusnaet -pir<ormèd 6.he baadostest ouâ Wedaesdsy st, ll -heproes. e t its15 D' baokvwuhie uvu agent Ma. Caoar«d, ilm en .gîtfi143 Ils. The thlm. occw' M. Biondla sueuudo<bu Uozites«t te b. 6 pa,çrlngofaeookug18shve osnls beci, s»d to:"*=le"hb~sleo 6.alddlcffleroe. Thi ieto'b no thé 2hlut pSr erry. Bi tue"preset ilm.sî 41 r sle IPort Ferr, or Pic AIhor. lil Iot'bhé> daivasW s"Pjs..s. I aomoispipp. muei umiom~el5cus, scer-ocle A frieudi>' mstcbvu -PIaYedon fie gi-oud, At Prince Mbert, beme tu~ mmimno<fie aboeve dlt»osTueia' y luet. Millier ofiee lbwc hid f fou ai iomplamt os fie po"ud , Tle Reai dub e ody mutere eoue orflem Mr. BoyBon' littie m Barleft,- vIle ithe Oitànle club brouglt orwsd bit an- sud foiurof lo..ere boys viIugu te lie Tog Oaturlo club, v lwplay 'e.ou menced betveen oleve suad trelve oldoca Bmu vnug the1to sud tekug fie bat At fie co0nusof the frat lumlgeResih ber 27 v-we s crid by Mr-. Ym Jeton, îleMâ madim ezcehlent biti,11 iere bye& sud eelig bye, glvlug' ouly 23 betiees the. etier aime. Osuilo soseLStle, faut àlnmr-of vhlcîsô îerebycu, sud ose iob14. loise ans> asiof lb. Young Onfaso lolb, ieoredclzxteesofMtielmambor, aid bhi $m sem batting vu uueladmlred The second, fnninga, Rebosch sorod Pre.- duel> fie MWan me mre e fi fe ingsm eouutiug osly ose bye. Doynto m mde28 of the score, mudgakfg *e-ziter of one 'oung ls rn e maSe six' oue o mwnepuanlwlicl hé uceedeaodfun Ontsario tookllii'bà ar4ba 1g 2 to malre le vin, sud some o hm fleat upneU>' cou. fent fiat If ie>'youi>' lad "good lck fi cou d ssll b .1V Tic of the maei ibom he> reiicd s good dm1 supcn for NÉl its suïOodW oue, asm soW iAU ern lousaaeaugbSt eut, tli etch einlg au ez. touenteioueneiséh lime, sd enduriy >. umn place, of&asplendbali diives teisrdi lb.ý fone. The score oiy> smberud 31 fieasecou nmnfnga Wltaincilude S8b7e4 sud 1te- bye, glvlug Bosch the victoq y> 40-iroua. Panues omousecnt hitbat mal IlS veil. Tbe f»ldlsg of th plairssJe bothsldes atgocd tbat of sowof tbe Beach playe remarably se. TIe boni. Lau-«, So nEsa, 114 the.bowling. Lunsd absndoaaof '#refresImens' viwre ailndt>'spplied os fie gi-eà thmaghSt the dan the eacis club "bIng" t.Jaocpltable, ai vel lecsme lieus. At the coelucsin or tmatch, dia 9 players sud ibelr friemdsadjýoured to BCýo- ten's lete4 ,hibm su excellent rPut vu previded ibd ic I eiatiypsrtok 6f. Toasts. vire drank, sauge van susgsa opeecles ersMiM di ng feùv» ig aud il enjoyed liem lie k "uI. i moSn aroeegfvlug vurnng.tbal ltvau time for those vie iived on'tàe margin of Lake Outaafe te mako for 41. nIe retorsmatch w" cisl e leplayed aiWhitI>', viill rng ouithe Mm&* ofk< beth clubs, sd bien pla>', sud gocdusay' The Turr. It wM b.e mn on reermce te anUt vertieoniinlfa tiesecolmian sat the OntarloiTor< " âSes$100, t e .aSd hisaCoil-stb ofM25, mile IeasÂ,fo be rma over île -Wbitiyourse at -lie TFl meigin -oetoe. Mif lIo lor honesli ud dovn nsd he6 UmPproI. vinesaI f. &t~ef6.dvoeinme t[ me @ver., f et Àeilic thelSW" oub ie moernil vans miel tblcl v, fater smalien il have mfil ametriý anl e miu Iaveprefs4hav etorinIf e dThe fiai thedbvitmv The lest v rieS ovrnt fachiy, il in Falls Fi gmt clan Ivo lumni IY oventic fie remiu 'madredau TWissà pend a rep Blondin va end,lheatri surge-belai tohinfk ol nope supei hasardI have f qries, h wIhed. 3n tm, I bej a>' Ins..J îoerft] bertoo in nbeog u uulappy, about ber. y' I v k I MW" la dom âme am yoi

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