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Whitby Chronicle, 20 Aug 1859, p. 1

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Fr"-'- !o-*&M.eéU# neS, Wiatby, orym ' - -- *. ' aà CIUA1U1,0I»UOI5lNMON 1 mil y. W'YYIOPÉAT Tu E (UALT - ln., U IO i CfLitUK UV TUJI PEACE. OFFILOYF.-AT nCIBlc 0F TJltF (>IJNTY COURT, AND à RItr ~thé Sairogat. Court. Offic nt &VI« 118 "»ry Oftkc2 ,k Lrulct. IÏ W.PAXTÃ"N,Jr., T lizuURE11.OFFloz AT '111ECOU1< SOLLCITOU Clo£144I4tK Qi'TI1kE UOUNTY JOH UlBEa f0uxi'y Y2«IINEER. OFFICE AT TUEF Court loùm.1 -10àFAIRIIANIffi, cja1t dis(CourLî Abu04. À /il IR1Ir Y iAN1) CO>LTTY <(>1WN 13 ok 0 Your. 10H Z:<$1 11À.4 T(RNY T LAW, .L~o1ltor luChitY.ry> WA.itby <Os W.- W11onwî1iby1W6 IL iIliluio Qflswwk 82 G4UIEXIWN & K AVJ>OIE£Lbp g) AEILISTglt$ & ATTUNERSAT LAW, .L>olitoura tn th4County coupa.» Otrlo,- cBordEc. A*Tc, fa col*, 11àir4wsv. Stiro, ilionit Bt $Whitby. N. Q. RAM,. W 1DAUBD50UKU ANDA IOLYY'TLW IRI, mW Aiitb7. m xs Ilc Fà;tjtor Lb, (O.,.nty ofut >trio. ifflo- d.ou IMadwioumto, volré jo.uV ALIe, LL IJEgloWN £ À&OcE..OLIIÃ"E 0 (jbrg.U$IKIg8$.a$,t'lofpo1t lis P4lImIflo* bM.t d.ns I /UU11TE1 ATTORNEY,&o im Corff~.,nuo ihrhsdCufitret op A. MAIES, D AL7P1WIAgi 1t.yéu10r k.. <1 , M '!S.à WILIAM. EpAtTL. jiv St' I, k la Cd HANCOCKO W*eBOT AND SI101 MA'%E,.0 $,Whtby. ,Work s(om d oord.t'oT d. p tligab. lutS) ealé »" dom 41nwod or ll o T. go"d ,tylel «mnik anr EUTMDENOED SUNDE& (Lils i. sToTEL,) -AN MRICN Sl ESTT W ALMEU dk PA1TrERSON FMopEI Tooto, C. W. - 15 PEEIJ BALOON1. Cie anaa,"noa tà Roal IqossaOm ùlfemotaaai b , 15 1011K N ETCALF, CILERKOI'TIIEYYTiIDIVIBION C'OURIT, %J cossprigilgtise Towssahip Brocki Ad- dil Caingtoss'ni14 1"NtAtiKili;n OiUEb LISD»SAY, C. W. 1 Whty. Jau. 1, 1887. Ie)XFj A. IK.ImIe# (AII!NRT MAKEU, U IIOiSTJITLEUi cq cGrrie' ld » 0 mn UlntjoYl. ffcr 116081g iguesst4oiunsnl k" Va-b ing fl aprin o Yatnusre sttatided to, EAUEBOAD MOTEL, F TAIllE FOPIETO lé 1 MIEEIANT-TAILOEt, 310(3STEM JYWbliy. ____ TROUS DEpvEEHBLL, IB V1L DZ B,ào *e8k., GRIEN STltgET, 0 ÀKOI R UIPTmL os .1 od e tousmodatio ipdtlt. MNTfAvJO MOTEL, dIrect, WL tir, (ofd Stblgsu alen A fâe nez&,,. etdi, f ist' ,à ffltfUI$CIRVI NG IMtN CSPANAONTEZ, FIOTSJEiXmrTOJLoItsa 'Coup -MICHAEL M*CAULEY, N VIF, LEADING '8T4 , EEV4D IALY' c.llt style for lt c.rnoatonf rac-ý lMe be*t ucormêbdao"prtvlded fr mon s hor.. W'AÀusady omblrslvsyou in"Utt-f TUE OSNBUE A. ,boleI la thé lâméatln itbd4rovgh.ee;an louodatiosa tu the, travclllng pubJlc, équal te the bout uru 1olelà, or t. anyotbeseslabillî moent on-the Âmcrlcmu ntnt. 28 lie, 0, iAUhf-AI-XAtU.0mSaeu, W. oIft'Oars noamt -Lsa éa n TJ-RAVItLLEIIS AND VISITOES tu Lb, Au- 1 ient1Clty of Lldoeo wlll 1ffnI s.up<rior se- commods.Iios At moderate charges nIt isleaboie isoela. 'The Ilol la vbry convenicntiy iltalc Oucr tige l.km,8téusnboat whsrvo*, sud pris.. ci biltiog Pl"ofthoc Cly. gho tatble sui1 bas gré anpi i. wtkvr ocrurableetable ansd drInk. le. Vllorsrwi ruovery attaiosipai1 théir contlbr ansd onvenilevas.d every Iinnsutiosnssd direction au tethe aurroissdirsriocalili,prinssipal places of resort, éceucry,, &. ULOBB MOTEL# BEOOKL,11iN 112, udripu.dbavlug tk-i O b. conductcd as foaeriy vltls tise strisesit pyo prlety sud regard for tise eomfost sud eônvauli aoe *Publie. ToroK ues.il ..sssy blrie that *crytin mde ren1 < ' orrieite enger- tain khean at tiseGlobe iotel, sad set ievil bu p.rsouéliy prissent go giv'. hem, ssdh s se- aptlon a un wl ievoutï Thelsouae lma beau tisoltlghly pp.d,ý painted and raswoated, aud'l t» tel apisy evmr respect lit such a manns ute .Inur. adista. tien. Tise bar sud tabeufn#ilc, aa forsucry vigis tihe lit fbest hnabWi e. Cblilad &lys C. DWzs, Fromeltor. DALO iim SxTAGE X BoyyMtloa, on the Grand Trnnk I<alîrond, conccIIug vils tise W' mornitng and! veel.ag Tfit..-04 SJAMES IIUBBAIU). i'.Oi'elw E td, 1067. acoe.1 lrfis vau t ie a P ost é slC.e l'ont Perry, 1)ec l. 13.47 L 'eut, Oltena bli urvim ,to tise inisaii tasus of Ontarlo ud »Durhasm Coonutei to at- te"i Sales by Anctlon Iioaebold Vartture, Merclissdb udi ' Ober eletAt a, re..Onoblo TUE TENAPIâN.f, Wkmd hnv uo'aen v i enj,ý~we bàfmcl CIULM Jflugbwlet eMdo dlie sr lndqi#>stylefz, Zry1 u, are prntlcd tcet Wi 0 eomnthtia14 bu tb abov jW 10ml"h l». buastted n po Mda.! obvulum nne notice Md i qs usMké i on thprénsieissare 1sisanibtst dWh by, sud thé publc, thàt ho s nov suuskoturlug fin a rs e s W=W se!je ly bolé- ds.ThégTtudé lbdli 4"ii, AI' =r.s ',1by ré nsiisuelsu loo4tfoei- ý nafi fnsi ourevabis 059 wfia hécwà; yet Irilise ovigor 'o1<isémanbooe Xe ut' asobadew vtis Io whieis iaw neer Io bî édiId, MW bOlhé Ul buae lu n 'nthé betts eantr wiesopwsêlgg iare -ns. Prew Our binbsup te fur ilabisbyear, vs# llyfd le usbvoken,é»4"pos, novergo, lng iseyon tbqilimite <tise parlas, sud or wnsosas-tedeach sd ops'ion. l vsso ulbc ,&lo led us ou nt btlie voode and meadwi snd gtsoe ale spring 1bi00. ýgnss lest!blf"opéedbnd-lt wuaSb@s ise bcesil snd kicluel t i nl las we kuelt a Ast fu elté elisp tisé prayers ber ýpionsS psa uglaI usa$ toiber y, vent villa eser>' bîllldibgrief ant rial, sud alvays fouud eomfort snd quiet- lu ber gontle Tisé aivii gravé flics sud passionleas <cusenne 'of tout fatlier vas loo taresuoved (fous -eus chiidlisbnesste vin e confidence 11ko thst *0 rsdil>' gae- Mint Zicanor -Dis mosnihgs vers lnvarisbly passeil Inlais atndy among bis booksand psper-tbith- or, Lilisu sud 1 neyer ventured lo go-snd thé afteroons wère passedla vislting thé members of lb. elaurciasd cngtZgation This wus neosussl tas on lais lime, for tise paitb vaslargo nsumtse!, ,sud cous- pond élsely of mslesio, fasmers sud day-4asescse la su>' ciidbod I often vond.red boy h. ou=Id loue the couston of hie cheorful fiseide, and. books ho love.!, tu go tbrough lis.eleél and mn an d suo ofe avintsioteslevieil th. poors an d. rlet of bis hock, vbo se«Wded iscousfort of bis ptyoror theidolhis couucll. It 'aesd ver>'striaige tisIà an s»OMISi se. dnat ud dulivateolsholasisip conld sesstalsbimuefamoslgsuch e peoplevhen ht sigiU emnulti vd IinfluenSa lu moue leatowms et dly. But s las-gar ex- perlee .of bilé bal baught usé tha Irise servants oft tie"Mat«r Sud no vork ton 'humble, neolIita ito nai'v, vleré dull asre tWýo iWse savel. t»Our 'L11<0of #cîuslon, tali»sd! g,Érw up lus alsaost enlise lg- UiOSstéeof l ééi vend tit la>' boyond lise hlla of ydales Outides et Il vers vaàgue salI ,ttnined.> W. fsaciel îlea sort of M f aIs' dopéoplel vltb noble use» sud bautsfal voue», quit. Unlike tise in-babltaita o oasquietviillg,'sud cite» longed it*nool>' to icave oas home sud f«. fol' ttcc ise ès ange countl'y b.. yoniL Th ise itucnI linacé of oustlife isseugis te tbqar.onopgena addition tosinfsssil>r, In th.ep#uum tdfAlliai fléau, lt.eoui>'sou es collage ftiessIof m>' atses lie vas a 11111e vlid, thls lttes' heb lié brouglst vltslslsn but a gonuione, noble- béastel bol, the-dusing ef bis parents, ie ire in çÉ«Sebrgete Mr, lioU, hep- les a rar orr lWeo<qulit ceiltry ie.nd] ayubesall sln>' vuld discipliné bis 'vleà4A- onéeu te âïl'bIS dfo masl Auk ns' aU m, aléba v otis '(Or adl> bavé .uamted isisusf ors, but thé lettes oa-s Ai. ilsad,aItise <sis, legennous A». ofAi£u Déauslwon hié mssent. fluva éani'tvmIy, ael li aeostoéd le sasisalst daly ind, IbsI Weréslost jnpoalbl.bov*In im to ien , AlIads âme vswu Istf. oo«u dioes os la 4ya allés lsiaarrvai ho emplit' tiai but o llsreIn uualilng abot trîtsua' ftiseli 'Vy.thOovevmer, b. began t. s94ywlItb AuM, l Elesao, 1-Ulm suI, inonst pgloat anmer sltlng-1neoM sodas bévues ùway s cIelsand nesdy te' , 1k te us, vise seeuéd e b <dson lu vsy dcar touos *L, nchaI wonsMY lu." tliséosi W habit$ « stric lsion, go thst nov bho ttoS passel su kening with 1» ln, tise parlor.AussI Elcas eeheerfu issigis wasmach Dotcer lscam 4tian of old, white Lllian-and t- It *es oneafter n ulu>,justes Ai. Ian bal dona l'cfndig a p6hoeh bard. celrd £day rtWo prof ioui, thtac niage 'sttpped belote tihe paseonsge te, snd a souad. o!fo4lelepu on lise gravelied' valk wae followed\by s-kock et tise dons. Alla» ensweredlt, ,and ln aàumoment ve bocard laisvolco e 1 lancied tIhe toue va iot uitogetber, one of disla.ususc, aud as 1 gsaced aI.- Lilisu, 1 sav hcr cheekwvs dradi> ',Poio aud alit haîd bls 1111baud tigbt nier ber hesst 1 badjust dime to vblupcr 10 becs- "Run say, LAiY, yon Aou't look vwon; I vill corne p stairs Iu s moments"l'vheu 'Ails» ueb.rod in snd iutroduced b wMY *ont Elonnor sud sme, bis (ather iil dmo- liser M. Deane w*a nnoble.ioking.msn- bis son u svir,' such lake vha stho snusýt bave beon lunlais youtindced, I bal ofe 1ten hoard us>' aIsr ell 11 im so-be baW thé diguificd manne of s truc gentlemen, snd ail lb. polis!. vlicb contact vith the wos!.! guées. 1 hought I abould i k. hlm ve' mucsan&sud vamilng snd blnabiug ns holseld ns>'band vbcn lbe volce of Mrs esone attracteil ns>'attenion, Tiss once of tihe ehiîdren you vrote to os about, Allanr' ah.cnid!, wiîh mark. cd esuphnia ounLthe word chldren, snd 1holding out l b aud»>suu». i looked lu ber fice It vws proud, cold, and pasoonleas, au Llsosgh carved ont of inerble, aasude conaI ber heal lake a quecn. 1 shbrnk rous thse exproemion of ber gre>'oez, uad glanced st Alla», viso villi lseidlstencd colos, madIe eusven s IlBests and Lisss ere indeel eblldren visn I came le Rydale, snd I bnv*4slvay» tbought ofthon s&Ince, s i iI thon," lHe spéoie ntbsrrnsnscnt, 4ssite nlica bté unuaiseIt.possed mannes', sud se 1 ,made uml' s>' suuottced -<soustise noom and! rau op stafrn, I <.11 £a trauge uinking Liliau set, croucbcdl on tbhefions close b>' lhe vludow, as 1 enteted, ber long, curie quit. covernug hotl' an sd hcr vhole at.- titude go dresry and hepoeu, that lIbre, nayscîf dovu bosido ber, sud dnép.d us> arme about lierileside-valot, 'vhuleI sts-ove te domfost ber. À lillie moreco cmase le'open on lier isp, ehabadfosgotcs It, lu ber grief.[t vusa smniuissre o! AI- lin. 1 put my linger upon il, snd théenM& tion re=alcI her te hmers 0 , boy thse blood ruohel ovcr ber &ice, dying lunerlus son-sund boy ber délicate linger. treus- bled, as Ohé caugistlt up and bld ià bo- netlathse olda of ber usstai robe. "bld Allas gin, Ilt to>'ota, Lily ?" 1 asi dquIeti' 3cta ys e> "No-Do ,'lndftd,Doa;1w « focilh, but Ir, lbmyssîfi J liked to bae .it AndInov lhcy viillinldé hlm go Sae>' <ois Rydaîe, Berthe, sund 'ire shah iserer, neyer aee hlmnaiu J" -And wltb a sois LiianlMid ber bail upon su>'tshesl. Jet,' Tisebell sang fosoujpek, sud I vent Wdv tiss.ti"asvasouiffmnig,*rOus iesc aund sataluél In ber ovu voe0M Nybtbther vs ae>'front b home, but Mr, DéesseasndIAsst Ricner voss I n ##ufo lbe Co , eseation te Il&p As Jer is no lmaI ncvrSer ïMisiiso# abspntsud 1 I euand i. lVine ast Iu a dignIfiedlnce, htisoglaos>'ime ii iokcduplassbtb benr>' cyyés flZed on "j, fuI. la vr>' comib'rtablie'vnlegs on thse vboo. 'Mr". Denu blae in teding to Icare osa lbéfoBOIOlnde>'i$Asd lu% -da*lug, sud vit!. liu q4els be, s, l isnt okié the-béél eucisés lie eitp; vétlbtht aI errarel taý F- " ea 'uend ên. 1bilk thusissais ~eh.»On b. -e~ublodtb gIr bnot al n4pendentI support JIne Ibis CAMe, asu-» in a»>' obishs, iMau pro-, pose bu t 004 disposes. Constantl appl- cation, oen to a lte ourof the nigt, 1M7 'Up her pffpIls, sud at4lri'og'veéks lea ýddrkonéI dm, ",Andmàiii tgimi ain un disineis continuel. Ba-OMnedcl vus he ahstt benself lu a liltle bcdr0om,dn>ls admîttane. O-ve» te moi andI-liserés se uslned son'unighlfislistuisel nOtés ft*getbé ofvdét nslgnatlcfl of ber cou».- btentue, su he boIe sofîi>' t6e ' chais, sud kneilng besile as, viispenl "t tilk' t1bre found pesoiBertisa; I trust o yil l ftigrspigan, beai Md urt Taeutaeolli b>' otOlýy tisnu Ws b *- or, Aunt Eleanor sud I 1 r. eooSuppl>' oleso ani sd bring back ber old ehbcor- fssýl.'und soc» liés piritssile,4ail Ibouglhon pbye!tcal stresigtli aemed te <faIL 'Aunt BIMusorvaàslhé -rt to pre poa.-retusnlng toRydule.- We lad n>'_ý simple tiiasla thesa, vho*yen!.! soceivo us kindi>' for, lb. uake o! thels ,beloyel .pgîtor' snd wvo vould iii. mono :comfont. abîy -itb. viliIag ibahn J» se céil'o Our vas>' aleuder Incousc. Liilas'a isîful fac decided us, lu a few wveaice ofound ourselvea sinn urusnative vîlliage. rNot far <sous Our old homo ve <oibnil amail cottage vhieh suivoel dýal eus neede. This ve bise.! sud furisbéd slm. pi>', snd #gaiu veut hopetli>' te vork Prous fln vo bal neyer lboard but euce, sud sisal vas Irougis a noe t Myo an> <er, in vlielihb.saIdb.o vs about b si for Europe, Lifiuansd I avoldal eniolsisg bis nause as uul as posibie, vbich vas bes., for ittvas Our Placeto forget thsîsre 'eve ,knev ii ýta. taftesun, ýAbout a tor& nlgbl after sai'reé ttE>'lals, linclè Liissand mysalt10 to sg3ssmaible lu tise voodi, for vu longd le sMthe rom &pinl en ber visitéebsheku. Rend 1» beau! v vneredsIon&g, lite 11eclilldse, Lii>' ec.MIng quit. bappy, ssIan topping oves-y (civ nlouscts te 'bruealsthe doliclous Juné ais> A!ter oee 0f'thosé pinsms1'fi Ilnesletme, Bentha, tisaI I saneî lise svee-bsier bave aud 1 eau Tee!l, ov the dissa",re ping sap isenctls MY feet 0, you lou'tkn.s ow oy glatius'bat le tia sausomr lu lae, und v. aeeonce , ft 0' h oui ou eletll illage, W. viii nover icave Il sgaii-vill vo Ber- sut dovu *oet*set ona at rock, sistor ise sadeofota gi'.up ettrocs,0 t. rst I 'ma : Lîllis Iihé iseal tarpon ni>*' 'bsiuid&r, visile t tlircv u>' risiir d Sber valut, lies brov, snd siséenteu nto spi*ko<ous pWu litu, sud. a st isebu .ntlned Allait iMet ighlîOU sel 11v, ter b. P*nI faoe fyus s.> te l i 'Yo Id 1aloI tbln tisaI tfer oan h dalaer I a AIn, yeu viiibel bi o y gréf à, ul sctI t#sa no wisaI'at #ii7orii'b im leyȈ besribfae alIt d ovsos v"ts bsck,S suat>sueb speedl Tise riderstoe ped sefetlb. gae-be tisse, blmiel! froua th.esd1.,sud rusis l up tise patis 'AÂun Ebosuon metbîim At the. dom. Is rote ïru loi', but every #ord 1tell11k. ai blev upen tsi>' est-. "éThese iasben a ftalI' risoald déit. Mn14r Ale» Deane sent sus te bld you couse quickli>, if you veul nehlm eues more r Hýsren ý&ve c srnls vttts. bdoved--esld, Ibsnk Obd, bo lied ln su>' urus, biusetng me-not le vorde, for the. povur otsp"ewu vsogne, but ln the W"a p'ressure ofisis baud, sud thé tender glaneesOf biu .yés. paarss hv u since 'thon, and I-aevilIi s calmi>' Aul E Ieanon ,Wu8 upsidtîilier >'cas, numbéred fous- Sébrt u o taàmWIing and lioisg kub* tisaI "tisaedi'bipainoll a a se fou ci,è~u re long Isiali meet agai» hie h~tvcd eusvhm I ave missel go 1 g"Tise>'ciii usée "an bld mail" but lise>' aIlloré me, 'trous tisé grandmoblaon viso kmev uasiu n girllsio!, to tise lit- die liSplug ebld-s, Who pause ou their- wuy le sud, <sosbol, t. bld use igool Somo kind baud le plant a sosc-tna over w>' pre,, sud perbapu drop a tout to my méusory vhs 8J0astgont. In te LuisindbrilliMney of carl>' suas> rieit love, tis. Orst faintImpsessiossfe tise future hiusass sud vife donarene.As lover, tisnapato dispositions Ivfelu astate ofpleauanlsutagonius ;do a <.1- d.1 paiti they ire-présuimel te p-. al- gumut.ds i <s- tis-el'*hich se. ceglus mUt ita edt; advutages, sud concssseonsi snd tbisMU i osbetsmutual hupplues. !s hubnuI, lisan, ve» lu gin toetelein bis vif.'. mnd tise .fak- lourable snsatio1n wbiclaare th. précIs. dors or main-b>' tisalalroug lntercommu- mn of souliesi soniy bath cunIsnltes- s-upt4 TUiSobligation in eqal>'impers- tive on lb, vite, t» lb. bey-daye ofber lsusisud'u'ove, isSé lais rtbats ne #Pontivfete ibereory visiasd bis minI luats irtulgtl est vhi*ltnon.but-suna- sues Ilisuglta are lOgrave.!, mie vouià be- ýgin the uî oflaibissewtoîbthâ vben the aSity usmsah. sua>'Se abl e te uecefnuseabéblot utpasiWDe otI vitiseul effort et luceuvenlence. tudeel, villa botsof o t Iis aisould Oeil>' h. an objeclM uaiel',asgrall> ,-tisere isouml grew pevstioscnlats issusSin aw!,qi<0bjoltos'.ytbing tisst ooks, lic conplelsstho>' )hb Is sae> Ing geestju rousthie IL vitt W up- Péret hovnecssasyi letht4tsaOWi of- tiwlstempcnsaiipemulimtl ansd mos- daSIe beeovn oui>' vîclthosé e..!., vicis iu &Wet yés i >lb ie set i elling fWiii tbat eli u& '& Idicinu efW m osés isalvel atond g.tsl.d vebled love> Tofnnt, 11As g., 159Iwo Il. is ellcncy tisé G q«orcr Gne bu boe pleasal tossociete tise following *Giésslm.uln the COmmission oflb. Pecue l Ini'etSé Dlabt 'l Metïé1, Xienis hlm fond iJohnson, or st Tisomasde Foucaultl insmilmay8: a ItAna*rlgt4s HUrI moqseSloisir'. asaluge of laie lingIonsi is"v>'expéndihuare of imeniand in glving Ys-u'co, as vo hep Pom froua théeisnpro&&tui W. have saI upoa formses oc for ver t. ho popsar Iu Fs-, asort ad ilmsut b. sueeoti -vibtebulsjust cloed lmuffll codihlous. Wé-eognl5o ins ing the tempes cf bit people, sud for cut ove part, vo rejoice tht ve may naov s- tnuc t. seenrlt> sud pence. W. shal1 et cous-e, ln due liane follov lhe exasapie ef ens aoglabor. 1We use, lieveves, ueli iseiidlim lu ln. omipletenca 0!of W pence estaplthmesit. *Tbore am-e faiiy apecira of sutl yet ho be ruihed svay, uai rnan>'nlderIug vorkts >'ell be qre- but thon arc mies-el>'lie orlina->' aUMt6s of deesseo Hvingano ieus ef aggres sien, sud beiug leo carclmaof reasste poct uibili"i>sè v e aetcI uais>'his nusinhd i4ropoir. Thea casetul honuelaeldés- palasté -alppers petioicay sud e av. 1 mtimnilahell b>'neent évents te surve>' oui prenalussuad maké goob delapilatiena> Happil', liseré la ne fusIlier Dnid tlai t hi abhonl be doue tas-baste. iWchave bsaadâd lb. eonaiberatiou of! hsee atters ovés telà comieion, icis uabout to decide visat ta lise permnt défensive establishnwest visich tises. snds- rqaise is timsé c poau, as lie boutawb.e pot. an emérgA eau.>a fe fn! asestablishents iigat lbd qniekiy bnllisp. By -theo report ofthtisa Comssiueons védbifU b. guidél, sud vi congra tulste onreives sud osouorathsh *é ans>' areoftes dés! vit!. theequetiond diapaualonateîy sapointa séso cu gineor; ing on atssetc ieence, and witlsout<cas- tisaI Ãœie fortifications vbieli Ezglalsd, 1h.4 ollies P owés-a, masaInoccaarily IcOOJS up, ore ins dangersof beig nt an>' cas-ler day- testel b>' sa enni>. Âsr insas Warnas.-The NolJsAmse41 oIu tuléof au Isisismei vise ock thé sand in tus Polic.s-ofilce, unIbotlsosed oiid Ofe b mwedwslo isuinl Pladelphias, Tiie case-'uau asmnulund batles-y. "Mr; O'Diley, visero do >'otive 7?" iltenClinA-, lons .1104 yen ho=,s" '(.And wlsieh ay be c lttoasitseot un VI il egtisvyo; air,'s-i "Wlstcl a>' as lhst2 Nortish ad Soitk" t!V4f you stan.d ntthe upper ends ili rs-ie o*dstirsa-;i<f onstand t5t6elovés ssdý il rne North," "Then you usemu 16 ï&y il s-uneos-Ilsasd Bout!.?"le yes sir- pr"fvledyo stand anidvay belveta lb. >nd6,19"And viat lOthe tint!of aeto-e, *bauuea" "'e;vst distancefirs fthe silevalk to 14 o0es bu vadnot taire mas"' c t.i <t- Wftl who do>'oss réside Ms-ODaIqle iik" tise Mine1thoard vlla." diAaW136iiiî' '4,pp you k1m e on -M1h. Dennls7 th buluher?'71 éIhava't tisaIbon«,",' "Thc lsevecmsyeti wvjao Ibos-1 44 Do you me» 1. se>' yod boud uaith en band hlà vite l'o dollarsosi' waght--bftrrîn' thé lest On.v?' .n àitelo ld Ms; ODIq ual k 16;mi4 ; leave bies.tand;s A lasso, los 'BwMog.,..îs usaia vau eaisg in the dons- of maeet, tho

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