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Whitby Chronicle, 20 Aug 1859, p. 2

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Wb r b.uring tbf- folowlng t boy, aud bun oer' nul try ont baud stwdkt. ySmlth Via a very lditlnbr fYourigsaa.n o wuyar.N uit cild and ouly.son, ho hmdalwayo eda nthome, uaioltingfiu (allier upon no, John vus mUC achrepted luy use ln th. oeii;bborhvod; and mmn'y ýeyed girl had ecroly thougbt 0 vould llke hi change hero aie t ,noih Biîliul John vus no ludyls Thé. lct vs, tf>tJohn Smlth vas shtai. 1*.voldrallir o . pots day, thon sti4ergo tii. Corsmouy troduction o a young lady. Mot 'mu dlalked the. dear coetuées-fat ve belleve tluaIS mon buuhusl utwe -uenlg tson- d the. bighost resupect sud admra. Ilium. And tht , no JoUit, vasà elipal cause M(bis. &bulneu, fge tliey were imperior beiug#, sud ha MUs uuvortlry thimi slat lh >on tornuMequallly, alvcn Naucy Clark vus th. daugstar ofa svery spaclabie tanner, whouno auddjoined bu Saii tara.. Naucy vasai bpretty, mcy 1111e vltcb, and stie'tlksd John nîlli. Wbjeu tfey more ebildreai, tii.>' teaudcd the aime ucîsool, snd as lie vansà w y.utraa butr n.ena*', ue usuallyber eOMPlOn ta thelb. lidisb disputes#bal ou., and ber compautozi lu -oigym d ta. rniaug, At lust John becamue go mach Mo youg man as te be kopt frein s ciioo ýrIng the su miner, aud wissus intor came rn, ho I'outid liaI Ntns aucb econtea uns moman, aud 414 not asabhlm lv 60 bot 11ad8a 0tliey vuîkad home (from ool, a*sll abd luyearo psisl. John eovercd bto, liI hoebail been grovin; oataire, sud Il ucmad ns tholugla lastbai en ga'owtug ont oM-shape. fIla ttui x ap posrod vsmy svkvas'd;-,lisdidolt ouvvlitt do vibi, lits banals-lais facel n4bt hm, sud -taktng It ailu ait lhe vas lund o t bl buh. ms not mors hlisoa -NMwe ias b envu, John Sttl vas roaly a iaisImoima; vaiu mia, noli. lu; but Ib[$ adamrtion or Maie>'voatd dervo ur aiiggoated apv guets oolleli bhoms;hbs aboltit lmsoILf 2rom Ibhis lime lif>' contlnuod te oho more sud mor e r owryod bowards eao liot, antil the. Ob- currénce of thb. Ioot.rchola vs as'.A aboutl fo nsms'ut. e, ê l l tIbilmu John na ocs'ely ba, l«Ove ihMaie' . mlfay a *Sundty hoh. d hbl4 bobltad the huanand pooped b,' Il>.corner te catch glispses e s e§ë alto mlihrb th11<aids A s enorlltssaysilvus a &oWely- dalunAugut 'The. baveniore éoes -anad serons snd t-e4aittsll.Tii <trous vore los itb goldon furit, aud he beatllha oft*ruoons; 61 tter bail gain. 10 lKoltbw - 111V' to gotsouua mit ground, sud John v Wielt ta,èpalr s=me bous, ho b. rod>' eni thé maorrov b commence movîn; tU. Jobh hstlehbessaited about 't1seis. durluq the aftemoon,f>ho iould ha called lai stte$ime o sd roqulmsd tg do bon oh tb, Toavold tht,, b.o quielyphquf. dom Mu scythe and stol#. ava>' thle' m 1eadow halla aille distant, <mi>' raolvot rba hoa fsWOUId sot iaes natilf il v.u 0- 'dvstubcouId inot A s e.mmow sis aili mosinti;hie girls., *1I iosdow vu susrroundi on aÉdas *Ià bék tor'li h o slaly ubuit bu~ut nsltte bresse tes nlglal be stlir. Wl~i1t sn pourà -lni ls.raya us S»bmthée beat ~ores &l onaotrMte gb,uovo4and sest-iIs t a" o. r %ii. van e bllod t. ait cdoma sud cool Tlwsm Il qçeorrsd lu John liaI It f he to19 s W utilho mightl»b.muai more »m¶$sbIe.Tisér. eeid b. no' Iie-o fié- lIta iont w114 stwlek b"d earae the, qaîkter, and forthbhey rsuh.d, wouder. lD«og f# smomld OiSE vus Pmprovllng, about., Ny thiot. tuneJohn wu vkhln a te, rodofîhe bar, sUit isaning nit th@ top ofhbisuaped, hus.ba!toed, go thut hoemiîht kiep oneu, th . skeabsd audrwlth tii otf>er bçehe oMor"sho muse tske. Thi e Odl O ra uqw4M ne p- ceAls d hl " (rom#ulht of, the girls. Ho à glýmp&of tIcm uas tbey rumhod (roui the houss.A few More bounds mmd ho sbould b.ol tnheimidut or a moment modmeu ty ovruamoaukr, sud Once more halted& Tf>. o~ho, evldntf* plemModwïtb bis'ia pid traniportation,miàiiated bis grattud byattomptlnÏ t.e nfold thi e p Îof our haro vithin bis embrace. Tf>. neat moment ho vui ll ilvwor th ioi tand m'bu turned brtii. corqe1 0f the hum, the #sak# Camne round wlth a4 ukf, souwhut fter tiw fuion of<a coach livbg. roached thé bsrnyard, t. fbls Idismie-tle foundt lii bars up. Euît liai wsa nov too pmecl , obo oeutd lu lettls>r4omu bars. (lsthomlng &attbis I utrengt&ae bounded mb o he air', suai. ditto, suddus ho ialigliteton tuaother sit, 45 uaearlstait cacked msa thie r baro.sapplfIk au ide *pinu John sel forvard nov uttearai te., gardiof <thse prenne. of tb. girls. -Tf>. bouse nov t>ecame iscontreof at.- IrWiho», and As'ound It -ho r ralvd wlîh tboise ofa et Iouglir. Four dînes lunacl royola,îion,us ho turned a cerner ligissaIt.- shi1, casseround viti a VU LstuaI vus quit. re(rslalng ,Wh",# de.etblsg&a llslmcrele, slie came noir -the groap cof monder.utrucb girls, wltlaout reuloing lois gare (rom the snuai,,ho manaaged tiemy O oil,0"1eil The; nent montent lhsd vtkot dont oM ail,utnd qaiek s hhoug'it re.sppeurid on> th. other aide of the houa., Raf .elthée the. girla lui atirrat (rom tliirtcks, 'ho b.d per(vrmed another reolaion-" O0#11 AAY ,bi. 1ev once Morslbait bis vas the first h rvar lier preseuce Mf mind, sud oilozin;a1%hoop pote, soetooL lier station mu at ti. orner of lie uoa., aidas John ro-appearedl, se brou;f>t it dom»o upon thef . aoWU ha forCieh>i broks hls bacli and l#Is old upon John'#' nts., igamet sthe o aine lime, lobirtmahed lo lb. honse and *toblo room; sMd attaatable APPOirMiln bis boul sonday soit, fooing baut ll -h#* m orsf bis ace, sud to ilùappeaa'aa, Oiliy vafbéd fom wft lIas>.>'Clark Tf>.aintL Mev Tsar'* tIse,'ve.mWmdi1cd, iot, wmîcuersJ ohninfitsIcines! I. Isogli il bi u s m op.,ab. onty bute >, ICuti a bn inu, hýn 1nt~y dula p" Tii follovin; do@iMpttoqu spie ii bêtWmen Nru cCor. , S.Louis, ona isiuad lu hie river, 'about Alton, v ont ù<roi1, ig Rnurl DUiOC,-*. Tii Mk'tpoplae onthe Ml. ïmd bras, toS urney lie admis-lai boîlt te#i baIllegrouui. Some qit. boa" à uoprobenalvms v irempesIt the Poies,- uouli prfeeuthlb.xcurion, Mud nuuabrs acr IA *0 dl ieclyfw tis #pût, uon MeaidY, Tb@ sled poMu megabnedabout Ivo oloek& Bom Ha «beau edt ter- Mi40» Ut...haie "A4,wistpust biro. susaI*"ubbis'eawl" imtw ng 'wMeaAtthé siso tinte bga. bmWWuofi Irons ti h om, Tiers vus tb"onabory rus to get on boarcd,mmsne(ty -Par 10115 w-arlnatautly lu the river.,(Cortain àbiffines pided - - lII tortor leavlng the iwtité bswlm or drovun bsa th uigb. Ose or Ivo dghts sotusly oocured in bue valer. Tii. svimmers AtI tegt sorable-on bourd, pot Jinouins vb.d »M., or hub ou«. d» robblWy lb? or four perlshe4 At feue. -The Iamrimta wu maonfollowing là# Suriraboth boUs lavfng unm b bhnd thest on tWil~d 1$ wu about 41 o'cleckpr.Jo gomey b.d uarofly esadiid bownlug, havins leaed oorboard lo uave a' muuho appard bipos-Msd Muit ydraina ont by h4ssoný, Iii amnl o uordeâ lu e- vini th. oni . Orne 'rett l, who vu uhooungly cul,4Wdbeu villa g8a" d& eultyresmeby getng bis mou apbLsn Tii. mo0 of lb. Hori *ta parti may b. lnferred frons thei-act tint s0m" bwety I swoeo vajed' on board bero ade vire rýorle and <complaints of robbieu' to be rootillby etcking the robiior or robbed. 'Oua. lcümn maeof M ating etdla a purs. of -$Wj vus u.aulted by »Iei parm ion e h snffusvy thatho mght bis revole. HMo latent bel ng par. Wvled, ther*e a acry of lkill hum, kliI bin 1 ", Md4 a toil uttvu MuA& pon bmi* li nponsI»ho st ,klcked, goug.d, tore Mud scrtobd bIsoppomeusin» style nhlch hoiald outille hia to lb. laurel. sud alukste IM.glrmo.day. Bynsearly tearia; off -bis pts, hopitol vus talion (rom hls-anud alou sa ho alleged, 40 M il. lbard sarninga. ?laady ho vu kieled osculessdragçed to hie hwuomdock,. ndlM to revor die, 'Sboriy ce ai aIlghtfor >tdiseasstun0(a plv,6 lbwoloba mnaglisa sud JohbaRymu, Wbla resld l 10thogenai diseur;ofM hbo veapon..Ins coulente puuuedloto, tIe abdmof Ny.,,IafieUng a ohockng Md probably fatwon,a MonugUin ruas st once suf>due by tbui Oidenî. ne ost downsud wopt ovor tho vonean, leclaru;tIsaI Rym wuiaone MOfbis bust r"Nbe. Au impreulon t. wm etent praalodthat a pistol us A &caly dred rBa.' ID ton Minutas sfterwuodMO. ugis umped overboard, sud mmusto- rirds tii Illinois shor, ben nealy tvro miles ditant - Whon lut useafr"uatl» boit ho v1uws svlmmlagm About baf.a. mils (rom tii bonok. Theohootlag otRy. m eaio m poa àr uilyonboard, uýt'lWtalf.n.outh. de=oof figb wu gaamglag, Muay veo l aand 'Ob"o. rl ýàse We, wnt mrplstols vm ôte d nor, do, vele4mlltsn* y ffl.vus duagsr Pubil 1 sabbsd. TI ,oiôd collision villa he» party oMZMra tho Jkarluftpudnty "ad fit ueav Ànderson's 1illu Moth pér idb Wo teaé u;in soo; uw go hio s nstod, oof du camsI Ibor. rhith #vur brongf>s dUbononr upa m Ï9arÂ* , P&4cohboa . eare 9 ave lobroduedhydropathy, lto.thoirhos.i 4wai presVlth the a.oi benefiew!r&- 1 Pari tbel'A r; icm .drag-*suakusuti AttbeToqvn Hiidleury «a 'm P oeWek, à,1.. Kss ~1,o drdatIlg, et the 1ouv* sud Tgi ,rookI ml 01,0loek .wn sd M*yO'cle«, p>Iluo(ÂIts.r l tSs;suf déos) PWP.Âm, Vrai acto £~lwcb, M Tm.ls' lntitut, a~mel f>J3jonhs4mnqt mr. o'locMd b4jnoflycrou sudW g*JMIL EINIE. *lttuý 2O#'elowk, p. M...i' C e . » o ire. i C#w, oiss urt eains, Nesw Adverlsus tflla Day. Southi Ontar1ý AgrleùlLisral Soclty-Joiîn Muer. L Mf PrIse-Jhn Sber. RaIuensd egsaftms Oieor. 0, T. C. Colt Sbaku-W IL.I ecsotary., 'ApprentIcs Wantd-J. a. Phllp. Csrlage-mning-l>. Ford Card-D, Ford, Bemoval-. ,Ford. lggins Whltby, ktrday, Augw ot 2 MI5 TO -susBse0R I B E Re8. The terresfor the Iemi-WookIy *;Il bS00 laadvoeioor 8 0at the, end of tii, yca, Tii. Weely Ckronik w"l bc publiabod i fatfre DU sÂTURflAfl, Lt $1 a V Strict4t in advanee1 *$2 wilI b.c hsirwe whon pa~yable otherii, The Ifapla Md the Ost1. W. f>old te o bano aund a disgmac to Our, Cmmon cbdlllnltyf lthat s Pro. rmosi, ould, ln tht ,tho. nlnetmetb metuiy, approve thomse1vca 00lit1e touhed witb tbe great Gospel tmuthil Mus b u tblPà. ptsOf commoU 'cutthroata, wlth a lieti rofornce to their higl i clling, M If >14 heatbundon, vu S Util rUmphut,-: mm*r al .904--»4, »eoo, with Wb# ;loodstalned chaiot, %0- lotion of tii Powts train 1seo,!wodront wIsa- mou. by tbat soit givrious obor o f, ~'~O O oatbandgood vili to*wan! presched in vais. 1ti tboo dù ntoi bit94i Inruit g1ost gracio baris l, iwlc#enabled HSi dsuntolu *Mdulg sgsot, um arable spath7 of maieolf rw d<Lie.. Aewu thon ,f lnylPter 1 Have mal tu a udante.o profU51ly .pread là.-m t alb, ply ln Onr of th. prosut y$Iunce Piotin5 lent > ts~wom Sd, rend rin Do boetrb *9 tIw iao, wibli t" frbeutdfu but fis. uythology? A1i l t theueee a nl theo tiiwo Md £Drap$ tbrealen tb oYrrlnSbOh lie) vouldromseus mwoud the blu#tof a respod. Ouur.r 8448ld b, oub. tSM ut bora lnutIsa Sts, v'torn be. lIera,~~ voldeod ll p1talh botem Saom seai le dtl tii about vold soon reverberule. "Jluglaadl motier, m conue; e come-tO 1h iroscue-bo the rouri i-t.Oevgeor r,'nga4, Ths folivmiurg description of our be (mil Town wu roa8(t nst!ong inoSa' Seuiunry iu the Utitei tatesbysa Whitby Yourng lay. Ivus, it.appeau lie cu.om mi examiuntion dsyo for thopupls t. roche tacrptons v(ti thet1colir touaigolal viich they ueddedtland tiie(otovlug 15 tbatficbb omit ltyglrl prodnced. Wbat maitos Iltii omore iaitcreting le Ibet lu tii parllosalarfloaiy o!the Somsluar, sut the olwir pap la *Atnin Î"î odaou estabtishucut , CanadasudCanudius voe spobeof Mslgingly aid invariably rmr. 4d4 villa overy marik oflnctrtye bytbs cidrenoM thei (ras, sudagoIéi EneW public. Atbe Scmluss-ynobilg vus goodit g orlezgrad laIstoIA# le and mîi tii ëpon o mez istion daYtie gr ddo, ffOoý*r tiais any other Place bidsla19ailes 'tipm.Osietrois biougit tlicm dovn a Po; Ila iih ,follomlngdes Wctdolight(bùrfi stuatadontii. pploasant vaberu of lieOtsoàddsatao titrty silo.troms tii-City ofToroubo, bis Çlapta cf tlpr Cnaa ucommoulyý oallcd "lb. Qseear &Y of tii Weaî." Wbilby le 4f>.Capital Mflie Counîy M o baps ti bout vi*grolg cnu in l an Province, 'Tii PMceonpopulatiof the Tovn-suud vâIo l apldy enreis .4à about S8, .Tii Munipal av ffar ,tbe Toma are uudsr l contre! MoMto1, RNeuv eDpstyRev, cIOuneIO-rs, a9l plect è,d ct!, yliie&,o tlçoplrkI. la 914W,; beTownivy adait ltbds Mr(amierpr«Imyef« *blch largo cftl.-T11%0x'Oz auouaMvlmâsatau o i l v e ' T h é d i s t r c od u c e s t b s l q a - tisof lb. formr for alaippin; Pm~oss sua cul « omusgod 10 tiriug -bis§vw>mato tie Witby uusuel. -,ladee s a viut m«kérhlebtbY WWidUdtoýbbe2No. 1 lu -6 pMinisoduue su7y', s idtkoWit The, ýIlgi if or wllIu' ill adioptrioe ueIf sud IsonSmiersM ofMthbeat on tb Labko.' It àtovirds Ibis luùboi ,tti ëMsf on, tie taite rim for ibolter ln, the th.y eau safely sud seenrely ride AI suciez. ýTii.vbarpresnt. a busy uidpctursque icone during the SBMer seua, wita louât.Md anInldins oM vesst. AU sorts of cargoas arc kIosdd and unlouded (roms numerous uteimersand snMo u t, vwIs (Arum tenâs. eztendiag sa mile ln> lengîh iicavily loadodinita vieuarem Jstling vne anober tb get u caly -tomut t te vare bonums b disharge Iboir vatlualle buideus. At tbeNWihby station M she Grand Tiruck tfi, hâsndamet and t bat U tto Hous.betveeu Toronto and Hingoto% ,and Oaes equsl l ti tnMtionsasat et~r tii.. ponte i ie -bu sSe is pre. laite tb. Place or lb.eu-,mor n'wmlI I sbould not omit to mention tiaI Whltby bu a hmudivuep-market bouse, asTo-wn HalKebale'-Intitut, Mcd pule Ub brail. la ue 1 Icun otetor cSuclude lbis notiMmf atv o tiau by quuoatlu ttsti ffl n or Mliiedit 'or OM tho Wbîtby Ctiwufd lu vhiciibeo myas d'Pym liu".e % tes b lans Llvfatisera a ui ttJa *vestaw- 01«Wsp&vA*Wortbotrosw, c (onte i4 Ill, Ocr ovu Wuuir y -Wliara t, thé Plie.tIitasn c ote 1« 0#01Y -mon a4Mi Mns lii, cui eh , bwuy a" mi tise viol 1V. areglid té be'aubt stu t nt IarYong Tomnu-vomu. book bs. Britj ýWEiIlr Townsip Ceumeil, dve-oth is uurrw' predjudioo; and k o r e t i i g e b a ul c o r u " 9 l l , v ) a c b l e o 1 9 'lfrst in the uarke ,j ca n b s notla is e . bi n e cat d 1 bb ag cisly 1 cmatis TW sexn otuboMiet ogrtsuatfu TUi "ocorrmpt goveraiment"1 siloin hie r. turcs offines,btebe mut&only o n]» cvery ilva e urs. AÀ pec IscMisa o b. latrotadm n htw-uaratarwitha the haaing. "Mot yt p*id* over, by mWl Mm. Xaru>old, it la rumored liasquioti, sppflsd bob.appointitClerk ofti Court. W. are bld, laho em ApotrLo Napoleon, lm-ring hfurd t liigmot fume Mf our ceobmuted barber, Mir. Robiuson, bu iavited hlm 1<> Pris, diere lv establth hin ubusinessi.-, > 11 Mfr. Pierevu, vi undsraland bu d"tuae k "er lettatla offer oM lb. Nuporor, tb deliveo a aies o!fecýtu brogiomit la SdlFre 09outbe demd lsngugas We bae beon glv«'oubinurtad tha Mr. Coun lov geovw, d"CeiuM f *. ClomMlleounFMm sd Watobu s retircd. lng~ ~ ~ ~ ~11i aboaoy eeâr frh lordar to propar is îleoIt report Tii olaborte 4d0ouesMadÉail the "resat." vwill, b. ub- mltted ietlie nnt meeting oftIso Connail.'# At tIse lut caw iOflng o tiToma ý;Corp cl a m thea 0 i OOvYruOF penentaln,» Connbi'musadopaimprasngfriWte 8s- ed rowmuminug WJltby us hi. mosî de., sinbie locutimOn 0f c ,o ù$ oraM le nra llu lu (av or '0f Whbitiy, ut forth lis tii measorlulof tlie Cocif vusbe 5rg a"ushr of! humaI.. he Tomai vold, b.le tb aupplye. The odi, Asigut , 1 ajou m et. A il muboreproent. mIiuts ofust meeting ea sd Th-re lait t provsdhe Talla Ofli Tii Eseve preueteal tbàacoa Naumllau Nýilllngs, lnutl Tiei lonBy-lavrs, wartb d", ~ . ~~soe4, ~ ~ ~ in P«,i~4'vs snety lA rmt ylm ms. ew, sid c4a leot sàJifoa ,*lm mllap and, fo«»,'iiudr*of a miile Tiipoio piosimMproparty 0f lieToimmubp af wbooilg Wilbure Mr £onnty pupm- pise.d--inu masl rial! antjaeemal propgrjy Moliathea, u hO ýplt;y' oflis TomnsiWlitbyrlie wý to stédile of. go;pup hollOOL hi 201h Instd À Éy-li 10toihmil h l. ases- thie romssip orla, id IAzsruMAMIis ., rovnk»p w' o filpi. th. m f040difflbis"Oi A Bylamb apasbias l. ss M~S0suaarrages wuong lh ie ral $edbionfM«44union actions otbe Tovnluhi ;aceordino t d -ia e ýi CIO" eostEe R7pe itE Eau ou bisI Usela beesui kind out reord Tii. dati ' brina the hasardns (ut o<a Colntsl Tu là taheiprnSe ofe, là mutovCfi4UN itlOOlo2,O0spâMtam. nn eerin, avio Yautursd os 1Mr, Blon. . làbt oins ,pa go i Colcard, iSs b L d a ng n.. nu...A. rlkdn. - bi snotbsr boi n ho;o e~eeee laad. tOr asie bOOMi. s' iaii t 1 e to < id u ndsm uo tl oîu fit p moty O . ent liaiIf lie>'onlj' b.d "good lu&lait c0=14leUsY b. dia." fTmoorM itm,. r in b= 7 Vrelied a good deal upon f«lbig bits sitgood rnnus un' sad lawle, mai howseyer cauglat on4the lietgch baing Sunes calteraionee asi Udms, sad n.dy lu. duo Maineplince,%,iaplentedbil duiven torsrl tie fonce. The scm ore oui'nmbersd 31 tie aecond innugsu, wviela lcludet a bys 40 mau.,Dvùdm .cari-e out Iiba ue u dit veIL Tho Bielding of lb. ployen se bo th 9 ie good, the of *s* f l Bescla players tm="Iaby 0w. Titobokl- lug nt the Beh isludomusby lSsu Iionton aI04ltheoctui. " aid ada lavier, Snov 4adHum, did lie bovting 'lunchbmiduaceSof "rofresimonts mers abunadty uppledoatbue grount' hibosopitabi., n viii becsaù tii. At tboco-Md,"oof themtcl, twe pfaeaid tber filen& adjourn.toaya- tou's bolet vbr n eelent reput mn prftvldd vwelaaiu boutalypurloolaoM, Tonte voie draink, longs vers sungamd spoocios moreMia d ring dia evenlu& Weun i enole t hiesslvcs liii subilthli 500n marosi~viisg vus-na; ma It vu, lime-for thavie ve lson bis maqln ofj.eeOnwtaro bnmke for bis Tiea1«=rumtch viu le Is bb. pIuarsd nt Wlaltby, vili brina ont trongtla of "ol club, iMd keeaaptaye Mdi gea, mu> Te.Terre. une on rd«iemc ln lie. al= m m thmezt cm57aO t 1Ahtrom tle. fthuntnt.  Aonumitte. or cinons latores in the- nusuor yasu4 ubscriptions su&li the Ontlayfbr a rope. It 1 thee-viresof the1ute -ana mhich mure lalkedof m s eut viere dumaged, sud the tiag tbont in order- and vwould besl[most, or quit à Pf askew rope;nd beuide, bemomnusly oblalned. I"as evening the main smuler vues for the gurya 1 Pa%- Fileld, andt tiis morsul putbing tem un place cor main rope is about rine hur Mid ouly muinch uni tira * siistri It is, hiarofOrý tiiosQ 15541 by hflodin, ll5ànitf. )L bave praferred a tope sift 0i eter,l--f v. one uàlib. l ý,luenglla bu traie it safe. &Den ilu bi blity te vnîk a boalsoal Ulne ht itvsup aMd vieiuafad, tint thoso beat,,have us mucia ovufie bu laninseif. Thealle seled< for tids bhs boit vo thinla out rivei viier in tbe ic iity of the Tiie vest end of the suai»n ried oyer thi mawmll- esst (sctorL vwile lhe Otier viii lu als ld 8oppoite bhe p grit cbum ofdtheriver id i tvo iisandrod tact of the tope y Oie, theator (aIlamid t the remaador viii Pausover bun=dswd and (ory (et dep. This is s sore bazardons Pod s opoa-i( thi continj ,dent isa bb.hbouglat o"-b Blondn vaiko. Ir(DeIuve Il enoid,bOi trikes int thesh"t surge blov-if clgewiere m ta tl.ùnL of. -Ie bu desired topesspeudeduin thre place w bsuûd la inzurred, tu' îbovdt douce l in bs allupon the ri The. star Cam s0 ?r lic.f Toledo, ita q ra% forifwudd b. Torimuo, 0., Au

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