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Whitby Chronicle, 20 Aug 1859, p. 4

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rnt.d a WIP 1581 1150e 1 lise Ara ix sud Boston, but m e Ils n ot' partloular importasse.. liXait Steamshlp As<a tro a 'Wadnesdaythe. 2m1hIyp Âiverpeol on SUdaY tihe 81.4 2Srd, arrlved, at. Llv#ipoùl Itusslp Mel4<4 (rom iy 21%4, ela K l ohu's,_New- iv.4 Atalwàyou«tiseSud la.. Tise Cua screw metessEina trous 4ov Yorkc *rrived at Liverpool ou the Srd- I lismc Con4orouc Tise Fmnsub arMI etOborvattlon ou the luhnblail beau dilsed. Thse nuw Inu tetise BrilligCGomentn im Aatof io!Ldla bsd4 Wen aunacd It là fur fifvai ulinssterling. "TIEST sIuvL TQ imsv(rom &0 i.ctinint t"dYfis lwolca France if Propârng for ber an>y acsd naval dlisarmast cies' l'ho Iounso yotrday s tihet'ontese 39 S jà, 45, - - > ý Tise Muerloan Miistur at RouhO b.h dulnd 400 %cu41 as coemuatien for Mr. l'usktu. et' oston, vwhmoproporty vasdes. t'ýOW d d is. tamil> put lu danger oft hsir lIf vooln thes far at Pornglst - Lîsyrool, Augista rd. fln'1tufs-arietdull, aud qssotatlenst wO barel> maluts1ned, ElebpdWouý Sponco à Ce. isuet îa(he hi4rvest prloset are favorable, sud quote l'laut'very4duI sud offeredf riilat 1loia Wleset-déli Md queuations baroly mni. td164; Vet.m rd làOd a Io Md1W#sI 5ei wlit. on a qs 64. Cor-quiet; mlued sud yellow Sa 94 à do 4; vwhite Io s 7à 4. Arrivai et' timr.otis Anoroas. TI.e asssslsp NortT&Aurk*icn loftt - Ivnrpoot st Il eol k ou thse nsrning et' s i r4 'insLi and pund-sed i.-Polit at 4 r/cleol is morns1Tise Yanderbl vtovshoave Sontb&MaMp Inostise asatenen TiM ia"r.acbed lvrpool (rom sNew Yorkat 980 A, us', on lb. Maet t x umoow disat«r, te mnecbat sbipa f4ig are roportsd. >ý--1 Commercial uevs bas beeu recéivect lu MI t1tro, the City ot Baltimsore, 1%4 pOU4toal sevs by the. North 4mrt1 ea* luunimportant, ?MM BYTHE NORTU. BT 511 'fImZ-n helb.ltis- ckna uif v5 s-l lx tlidaY beyoud wvielt s el kat essd I, o l A rel e nequir re.dupeu tise obins e tsgottg tlistreay ssportanee 0orauetonlng Pf Britiulg saitbat taid, d a dIflisrest ressat mlgbl' téils. Chne. asthrties =ed "ia thoirrvsa tros tise oissag.. <fCemns »tiiscrease w.m ordersdtee>eMd a utted mi aota ndbe t o no lm dmua t'o#ly hheumsd pmm4, on hu ~s st 41 of meetinug, bs sboms Sta*s, wvil ha Sprovlissly von tise oood«ood stakes, eu. rie4 offtiseCsawck mmods l pateospsnt t ktIeod of Io borom -, Prwonsomains ln third, sud bIsléwto.yaold 1Colt,, Uupve, vron tii. mrnisv ge t #14un, mnatimon, D*0Slot eP#atimmeit, ;Ad T*OIII *oloctions, vas bulnglng ho 1lIgit a sWusb#rs varobbang Unaeaedmotl lu 111,051 ra t nis 05the.grouu, o detBrbes'> AMupngtt ise iW id Lerd Dur> m#cv Wer for Norwichi. liYi . IL.IlWood of ÀsOsrnef ToFn, Vêt exbibiting Nis uWv ignala for oblppingl, day'sud ulght ai WWOoolvic'idock yard,: by oidorsof the Âdpslrlty. Tii. Mus bas ver> ltti. hop#e ual assy arrangoment m'bWsdo" wth the. Amodnn Ouvernmont for reprmsing cruel. lies on beard Apsorican mach ss0, as proposod by Ur. milnons. Tho saniejournal says tise Oovernneut couteuplatod s achange lu thisue of ncd withS ia. Tii. projecte4 roductionftset fis encls amiy sud uaytes a oce (Moing, continu. @é4 te ocoupy the.attention eof thi es et'O botii coantnlos, sud tho vus grmi divorui- ty ef opinion s loùvst a peace. fo(otins was. TUi. az.tacde Franc a" jt muaI bco und.stood te comprise the abilty f0 bave 86,000 mnu nde r"ma aî a moutWs notice, sMd vifshéIii.vlvte s e«tension ef colalponculenta, cou- gtat dovlepus.ut et' tse Ouet. à Paris correspondan-ftet.lm"d Heraldssys col udmumunlflon are bolus stored et Chcrbourg sud Breat ho an extut tisaI desotés an Intentions te Wc'411j pie. pared agua mn'el.rency, sud Cher- bone.. forts werc teinqA, .-,,A ... 460A4I Cou" Ee"f veu msolm,-6rf&r a- mua sMd VIOMMe si isMjnq M ld aipe d co.by whlis 8mrdlois& 1 rwpe.tiug tii. Pre is exfl edte obsr A iaO ir oy. f.s' mnn.issg -ti prlnoe hoFrauear»umtouhd a#s"D'Ops Tho. Ioderâai ambly adoptel as 1ev aphiusl urolmens 0ot b. Sîlisu a . foi CouistEelohberg, Atrisa YoMOI& For lmoberaiDlel lt Fats.su A t d' chose. Zurich te open tui. ouence of treaty ot' Peace Th# Rsan w rnade st. Pt rsbur 10 antierized ln- regard te O tor>, th"a ltb. en lÏv Oers offer.les.favorablei ternis teAutrla tisas thon agreeld sposSt< Villlafraca, te stato It f hei.bss of!ine. dlatleuof et ii pr*jct lately publiabed, la çontposed,li! net been agmeed pou by Neutral Pèers i ovesndlsuued by lb., prolimlnawlqs of peo. betweeu th#s e lg.- renta1 ver. slreadY q4ned Wqthoeb.pria- clial otm.dlat i iso rmed tii. objolt vas, deflhltely Magr po». Tb$.CaSutta Mail of'lusse lOtis eabe -rbis.Bombay, mail of July Stis wus tl. grsplsed rous A&dsn Tii. di»ffcin houg the. lae iat India Cempmasy's *Europeau troos.vas lu. coeasng st Bonbamporeo.',Tisey ers la epen mutin>. The. Madras .Fusiiers md t'oliovod thse exmple ot the Bengal troeps. À gen. raleder isad beau ubÇisb.dt e s efool tisaI evOr> umi.-conmuasoned osce- and aeldierý who eniisted lu tise Compauy,»s focs blif ho eoio .lloved te tabu bis dl«shrgc. I>. Stis Enrepea Regimuenty I etrbfaciporo, la for tis pro seu& exoluded rou Ibs-2der set xnaedfrn hi5L4LU. Thé MlnlsterofetWar addreascd au eirr Th* Anatrlmai"ls of! June l7ti trous to ail the.ceoles, to e sodsome ail meldiors eiboumoe, lune l4tb, frou S ydney tae whos absence Wha n recallée t 1thede. grapbed tfrous Aden. No political uev- 9 olaration oet' .u, lkwise 411 tises. Who fr4üs&induii.Thse Prince et Wales sn- wae ostitied by serviet lesve of' absence rIv.d luEsglassd vit IM 2,000. Tii.r for six montia. CGênerais commassdinsg M "u mailva rathertiglif lbthe pi miliary divisions sud snb-divisions are ho havlssg Uejnibly disnlisb.d urlng tise hmI place auy asoldi.r, wbo visis, 81 the. di. fev days ah 2j per cent. Moned estab- t -O Of tAmm Wa ho MAY requlre tious. llslnseal take but bils <'erogular oua- Tii. ramors of theEnperoer'. viil hté-tmers ouy, la muet instances, 5j pur Engiasd b.d cae'ceu t, IoaéknshedudMore If bilbhavor' Thbo crep accossits we"rs.v blol snd a 60 days tg MIus. Thse demwaitisew bank susspns f«erittiou vas expectod& ody 0osqusyrfermtv. Thé. Bourvm s falit ud varible, but oTheari"masmy tudqeOpo ou the Sud very fBrusand 1 p#rý cmnc. adà& d ,- ms ý,ceo! a udrticlessij Vat.Routes 0cl" et iQ690. 1~tt, upoesn TheIS Wedday. market wvwagainau»pisrtedbyboftteràe TieMntuasthe tollevuo-w4 smt tosts lai ouesdby lhe censquce et tise Empero'a ded"sio'of!f ýtact iiasosAustralis gold vas taire. t tise 21tis li,tiesriusy ounb.E luw tiséa k. ur Asseoytkspe et beaun dsaaoived1 ovortiselstise ý04 aeeu.ogsnw bchue as ads (awrble divisions ot iu0atry and savWry Tass.mbifredmytodu attieCamp of challonoeissit- tho co toe b.Cmp azEdiutiii remafs, etabilsd -sud cousttédý' &M ndes' lLLixeor B&a Au.ax Mel<u-en gernerai Schi Msd tisé etter inder pet ' tbehm tha ir5Allis McNabis -IO d General alsrlotI.Notbl>sg ii .W chant. ODOsly"mI avlng bees mltaed vifsbiles .4 tpesntasreard tseotse' iviio tve' udtihe gout l smtanensly, 1Ta layl anlltsd vwsieofl ime W .ueqeo-etSi ufs'matoouruo "rY eOf observation. 1nwulva> Meeting vs. 'adieniarssd ter. Tise P4rlscormepessdest ofthtie, os a,l as 8fr Allia lad xplmtorns of 1w Foot strougly sap" t st aiau Ofthlb.pormto ekase ogIefessrhles metng oft tisePence. Centreuce ii gwmu~~nt' Y7 îup sa ud htise amd ffaie o IaIillsne lied botveoesFrise, Autrisansd BsrDmluuTh newv York POWI sy$s -!éNilt" - ÂUfftEU.the.gsem mâtchl, 4wé"eéslAm""lsa ne Tha lit&ry Cestral ClamilIsrbuaeCsndila tsdeidee, sp@ tq# b.es dimioled, mg lthiserbduke MUOOU diitecwe* ~~~~~~ hm beea plaeeMi the ismd of tbe Wàr 1tsslgeae 1mr motn il la merte it theb.Antrsa a is la ito egi lesmaés eof, Uanpa eesa^ldsabi vé&usDMby tise rrest cou' rs t1 tise "tse C>O wsM" j r MW àia$ il, m 2«1»& .. .1...~ At &gnVOI pit et WAttord, ýon -ithe S*mlu kmuch of th1i>ia:wa" tIsl1wsy, on »myousyvulp ilm, T. lo.perficlr. a foIJwu-À mabamen a>,.w&io fng at f11 pit, t.og.<berwitb decemsd sud -&IW ti opr*tod trous tii.rast, Il Io sp. poied that àquml Sotup botweou tb. uausu4 d eru> #t#mok lbe ccnùd, autcl. Ma--DUUamelcno*i-owr ho oye, sud on otber paru tsei. y, -wIth a*pIck. Tb@e Dntcbmgmu klif;odurna t onIe, wltb repeâed bloon b hebed wM a ho el. -.oue wotd poetradthe tei iul to tho brai%, tg a dcpth et' lwo.aD"lîst'Inci by his tMIow-wenkmeu, maxitake o Oe mrial viior. an Inqucal la nov holding. The. mnudred siWs remain vero broughît t London mcd' latod yotcerday aftornoon la the. 1anglsh Ccuotevy-Fre Pros, witoLus.uiz AWD siràAU AND, BOOICBELLitR AN(D BROOK' STREET, WHITBY, O.-W. aud ail Who eailu tise-abovs lino viii fini on badalrg u ei AmortedStock mt tise Ehtabillsnene:ofto'i dcrigucd, wblls iiy a, elling at uuprecodstcdly ACCOUNT BOOKO ý, dgmetra, onu, Dayh, anisd Bill Book, rssled fer thse nov docisul emey ; Blauk Booka ef svery descrption ma&i te ordoi, muled to mu> pattern, pageS mid bosuàd lu a supo rnon ussuen. Sciseel hooka, Wiliuni a. teriais, SlaloeI Pencils, Sealing Wax, WRITING a PmRS-PosI Noe# 1Lt- ion, Cepylu; FVolacp, lisaisPeuPolu andi Bisi vritissg papes', ailsilos sud WUAPPIG PAPEJI, homo mufmc. tune4,i aulila, Brovn, Commeria, El. phasrt, mcnd Ur.y vrapping papes-al ed, ho il svtz94 c vsio qaii Bercb' sud Cdnsm Plias, -,ceuuty sun4' 1e'C1erk o et ise u, Olerka ed Cou-. Morty nd -81 t rmail ýnte t1se Biais bYrtlsédèzes, Ltindred, or tison. u*ud, St orent> puces,a OContitlulug 1% ab esta- fne rssled Lotter -Papes. 12 siietaMote12 selt'-"alng Le tes' Eneips % .illZlsg:Note Xnvoe- :op raer ballos-Pen& sud flld.r eeseto! fBlotlIg PaOp', sud -eunto- fi.et Isk-4U1/ar a Quart« 'Doular, "I TO PRIXTIRS.;> NOYZ£E$E IN MA MITL& .SXAWUI, KOVELTZEIN STEÂAW 000DB TE41 &'COFFEE WJIRElio VY'E, IIAMYITON - tOBERTOI ONTARLIO AýGRICUJLTIIiÂL, SEED STORE, IIAILT~N&_"ROBEIRTS. 1rck Street, Aprl, 1l5eD. 5 89 * B e N rVRYSibacneibers bcg te Inforus liefr elatomuorg sud tise pblic neraily, liaI lisels pâ.F ilStock !a$Dowr cmeite, vhhiobiy are ddtenmlnud o s&IYah gromîl> Les. t4su Toronto Prie«s for C"11,. PRtE.EP NAILS! BLISTER -,TBEL TACJ làZdiasi Ila'*bbcr and (sitts Percha IUE F IN1n <nm t 4 ue,. -TABLE PO0vJI oUM ~ - ros..-c;st, Cinelar uand MISS À t lMasnutsnrIs rius.. Cpa gwim ad,(am. lbag, m'adi, u iulÉ ANTI JBAVY RI>WAEBM cpuAIDa? , zooSOÇ& e E D G E' T O >OL Scivalaioî,re.t IN 1X<Eta!nU Wiatby, Kev, 24, 1858. ---i. - IW oOýLà à--- Pei~' &houlBooks!f[ PIJ13LISIIER'S P1IIG ES AT TEE a. YAI(KEE NOTIQN ST4YRZ BROC~ 5TR~ET, 'J. H. w Di VE LII ILI Forcux htaman Fort 1.1

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