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Whitby Chronicle, 27 Aug 1859, p. 1

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; &tUN t 4uEE(GATZ 15li thse Coumt lites... i *gi (.)Y KOTUIE PEAU,. UFYIVY.-ATý thet W. oATe Y# 11' IV TUE COE AT THE CO,&Nb 1 M l>U MUU.' Ie C LO'IM&(Ll1lUB V UTUE CUUNY Coo tpux alsCiIVtlin.. C(ourt IIous, Oc14(1K Yi UT DIVISION COUST. i)YYWE .W., JLTIIMAYNPI, ,us1Ir 9 à ANID; eu 5TY OboWT I3 ne Uff.e-L Aria»'.Nov Be1 gr&~Toum B AT LAW, &.,01wws o d4 ontyCoù dlboi ituno.- WUUs. ost îho Court, lOISOvusinh Wlng.ý AM1ISEU, ATTOMNtY i. »wsEYNw.o I.> <St M; * M'CIRar ,0 otnds .t o'. LardwmWO Sre,Erook& Streot Wilslby, B B. 11. AD B1 I t.be: , t!. ew. gnL=, Dv Oç i,'ou Iland 00bord i Jsi.iI'ot1, () oéity fOuts*. Ofice th@' mou alIl o' lrwa! to, bigorsklu. il, budltu dtrt7 longAIS, a. À. IrTTOl1NeY>AT 'LAwII'SQLiOTOBE RN 1~~UAT'oNET &0. ffce COL*ILJ, ~5 AUOS.W.CR011 gels. ,,, , - , ; , 'l 15555 sivan> 5~ "--j; SÂtIN~EIL8, j (LA?~ J. ST1k8L,~ TA<I LOZI B, ~ b e AN» D~ U1I~MZNT WZ8T~T~>- I ronto. 41o 4$ Jtln~8uwo& W*al, i L g ÂNERICX* MOTZL. aJ *«A Csnaa,' th.e oyitl kIQftmau, £l1 SîtreatW*At, Torolitq oh CioiSuppn a saftoihmuo ut lui l oumi -compgnlg 111sTIDighiOIp v~ en. K. !C C Garrie'. I11#11, Byron Stroot Wlitbl Vi ulorui:nngn ly n uuJ Mlssv v tr v mur, sif lIIt uTJ i;»m F5851?. Wlutby. QAWOW. BANXS, PUUI'BIETUR. 0 waoiiitlfor tavoilmI.80 PF2>1 *8117Iy, (Jk vit ýJCLLlOTT SPRO)Wle IWNI4UEtTOR..- Good Aeeuonnodtloni il ONTARIOIIOTEL, DIU *'Str, Wlsltby 000d $Uibllug sud ailIon- RIARTIN'U (Tub WaI.h's) ROTEL. TVI 11BUP»SMIBEEIAVINO TÀkZlN THE al»v. reI!oi rotsm. Ooob,Ioable 10 if. ford tiie. b.i uoumdtion (o thé publie. d 13Ù4ONOTAIrCOUNTY 0XTAj9LU, ý,CANTON N( OTERa9 B!'ILEiOAD HOTEL, 16 C. J. M, PEME8R, Prop*loior. XXENY IANNAM, I= 07 oiCUPNTY, AND hUPZ4W JOSEPH NOURUE0 Oti J: swJp. DV$U COURT or -~~~n n ot uaà Dtwheun, Inenrano oiesitoà -- ST ~ a A~OI~W '10 #OT Lp»JO~IN UINN. 'W) E ý 1 , t~Ol LIYf.- ' fUi wsr4lnod *viug, e ,sd eto4 for so rnf il, t MW cyloilvpro woi -hwi teUos o tg u ialh b. parm.uilly gpru. osîîb cve tlsem -snb aàsW. kilo v4r.o*, t' 14t4 p 1o 1 rospoI lài 11h a ltiner m nuTO 5itýIgfiI ftoeàj!'sTJ buriimdtib àia n~lle4', 1 ruo, 'Iftl <o boscat uwo#u4d lksbios.CsIu taist*osnd Tvwsk Lllrod, eonu.t1dvkio h tto ld .îoue, oýhol»D. 10 16 Mgtend ; Sole b P'uo4on1IUuaiol Ftnt, &W,ÃŽ.) nduz o t' hr 1ot!uctet sroqitrsblu, p 1't'slo. L10 * ~ ~ ~ ~ T Oufwsbue >80 bègàaiïlurm ogt>o istattt 2$ke'Al CAlqdm k J MCONIIXY.d jWhtby, (oxlto WlmokoYs> ie Psrl nergçs o ssnsoufle e o .hisliouu, 0o Xa ei ti a btove itty S u .,, wl "' ut bis 1Usd nIn hnov m 0asvnieu menor qAitWSo listr aiMs po rao4Utt baeI i e-)l sio t, )susc.ont» , Loor .s, aretosueast isTimo'II Jide l oty eltwnli.sAI' wrsuod th pnaul er c Ir. WU iu l. ec181. 80.. FnR0S0J à IIWP. ) WlsI1<,y À p1 tIsat àn x1C. WILS.:o ssÀs.Witt dEs.5elvll, J1 1, lui, etM LINZ FOR BALE. (ONSTANTLXiN IIAND DURINO TuIE Lalwolng ,pnltnu ud Stimmor ?rosh lumut LImo whlcs wil sold for Cash only, At 2* o i o nole.of 5rbssu t oiti 's ln toIro- <ho& subcnb.v oo. fe-or o «y1w orCb. THOMiAS' mooDY, 1'WO-H0181 'OW5, IN COXMM~T 4vork~ ordsr, As re wnbeteýus ÃŽ, gsxm nt pu h iàw 707.; idet ouaane Ouwiâitiémobuit- 'ojss H#s sikr-yon al rensembsied eTom ElRiwir,ý or At estsomof yudo-"bo vwuthebo droft 1 evor knwa; bmstpoon*mslowl licu b b.n foe4 for vqnumstoe tsyars 1 WeIl, ns!vassil WCve rt4 ptie>ia'l 'Towaud 2,bt*yiug u>r p4etot, audopkuigutessis, s~P"ksguslo,. F)or, tour or gya deys vo onm 'ejed on, keeping %bat'inoit ktoiugof'6hblst the boaret. Te'isUgenuity oS'mass dbeh o xelts bIOATOT i, tle, oretion, ofi4auue md ousses, qud.ceck 1 ias&hyorlc, Whsg you tait. It lois tU'do be 'vii,*ci aouot!ign 'indu tb'iu dbe' tiereebnr.>ssias ,d jusat lfoa' Ilnisisig turcn Wtbê spi4 mud .isad edseusnty eaughtfhuoloig smark, ral~*.4 Mi' is4basa .i',qrtbing,ç. 1 cuudrq 7--u-Apd tro.tis1,4Ms sure oS' il1,' I ovr'"'nd,'thse *old ,CougtryMkh youo doasd'viSIu thàt long aeu,' aeid Tàm gIopes'. 1"I's tise fiw ountis' y oWiou uespousd Mkwithsout yez_ !vur spakiag a Word.' "Wel i4by,,ityw",dm&iuo itisyour t r;io«eý itebecaqw ii.npiaausas. Well,, as Ivosssy arter four or ilve day. v tien l proW od be .bût a Ornali steim us pins: ltulf luto th isa lis'bnt daasned- -nouy . erd ee be natursuy effocted is cU" uene itis tise uais cor- 'ouf , Moato0g1re it stâediance tise a p- #iw. asbed sso botteu Idications, so vo jnst tiurw down Oui ras., eut a stout uap- 1inug for à anteilpolo, aid vento vont. For bwop tisro days vo voue Vary bussy usais lagpreurabonab> isiis we mlghist sue ceslslY invede tise terrtoryof oir >izzy "Oihbwu. n# brinu$g vile Wvowrn ocd~àlo"g tise aboie ou, a tesnporssy ràft vo bad conss t e oereLssddeuly surpnlgd ae O tse Mima eof Our j4bossrs by tise appearene o! a' ver pa!tï.'Ofi Indisaus. Tiscy vre j about tlwcasty fia s uuine, ai 1 l.arné dsubsèquésSly tisaStisy sduât ba au attaeku nbeof tiePlouder'iotle- mlaut,'hlcsprvisg-toe otsousgifdr.-thèm, 4bieyi verorie bock witls oops4exsble les.. Une Ieeciîcnmstauocaiýcotic! ntbe expected tisoy riOU1d - cienish sassy as claimed relatiouusii to tise Pile fe. "Néio'sooer vere vo Doticed"sby <hem t1sas oes.ofsoeir- aumber, whp somed 10., be a-sort- o! chieS' ameasg .thomasidvatMod froîtu tise' ain b~,àtiltdit i was 0'witii about tweusby ro& ula ' tsi,' iscu 1passcd form an sat u d'tiobegas -to iSsak motiois'or tus ta ée ùsosisre. We~Is -no, vaepmous4ot us, zOoptiiug o unt- lygksvs,ew Del. thp ldiane on 'tise cop- tasrij werq I isdvl luktadf dombt volt skilfrd'in tieuse o! isel titrnod tu Hîlnir aMd iuked vit vwu ta 49:Gfr lsslis e ; 'isat is theouOde lu cmteudisg W. aidfaf botter go coni pisoeais suroasdr ou a u sprýoeusu- ting aWay frein élt. emptonhtisas ststsd isere liSe ainh., muid aufe'Utasse 'e b rfie' tô iatomeý by budiots.' , o1o% but&booi, u.-ertuiulytthe, nM rsIiosa1 71ev vsCouldJapttu senel 4 ',, ",raz :a.ld ls l timtse4ron d *0 itsbors m deA lwinaI, t& di t l usu> ye 'vitbout ùMl » wWd0,, 7 - ti j;i a! varrs of flue tvio oldoolemunu oU délibeiato in visat , nsr vo should isoput to e4& i Â. Asvo 4y ils wfsspilglet,81 moment to b. d 'fo«tiuto toiture, vo usà'tbo foïWas I'of iaradJgyoin'-g Nu4w t umov!ng steatbüyiaids ué. Wbena h. cam nor nonis,~nso.inde a sIgnal ,for no tobPos losi4 am t1lses issp -f er soft1iyB 'o* fai4 . 11 1w white minua -m-Mo saro you Y àAu- W1ls'ut Uttoriug t anotiser Word oe id anI ouot of M ,thw wigwam ' e 'nght (thie longeps fturkusw). ve la gr#osasiug lus an id but for tise ciser. Jug wos'4sof, lb. e """ &% Isugi keary pain of ou ieff , ';'up, ex. crutiatiug torture ;tet é;ý1ihcofr flsod our vristo, aid peuetrated tiroce he demis likce uomuysea~ls kp.u~ til1 ths ie 8lu= afus9 u Able oqt014 prison, convlnccdgua htisaMbnoer dey 1usd 'MI longlis daed.l P.FA 4ounple 6f heure1 Iongewcsii t1l u soyi lonce, iteulig f0the lasovieuiuuta.aPr torture vas'àppro,.cliass very neaàr, àtlsand. féli cee4 la7poor S'llovt, 't'a'bis 1 414M woil4<e" tunoîfor is'el4ois vSWW oue3é,d iiy have sceùted ý-blôood, aie hic se meus>'famish.d volvo., reoady tio do *Ouor evrytlig beforo m tiseni., à aMc., *mept- myecye took la ÃŽtis cene, by visi1es 1 ccnld so't avoid tnil>' nudenstsudisg th.ir~ inteubions, lus fnonS cf tieigwauis,viieis voie busilS ina st oieiÏUiircular open- Ing, skitinthe'bcfonetin th.enei, Wva vIde, epfeu-cinug, la th. centre cf *viic vore iscaped np saveald corda o! drld 1limbaý suid fagots. 'P3rom theo'centre 0o! Ib» islie rose a %tout sapiug, p<elod quite bare (nom tise lover limbs dovnvmîd. - 'Tise pnrpose forie ic i In tuded voûlA bae been .Obvions esopgh ta a perd"n les.expersene. cd tisap sijic in ustise enneties sud nmoun strosities oS' sas'age lifc. 15, vus too cvi- deuIl>'thl ntention o! tise ficasds 1 ortr uns? by ever>' procosi o!crdélty iknnovas -10 totissliisucS liMm o voc Oild ano longer endure liseir bommeuits, vison (ho>' would don btlcss, for wanb of botter amissemeuf, viasd np ise 1bor of Sthéo ur b>'bliuiasg usaS tho utalce. -,-"Àfter Seing mcmovcd l'noautise wigffQam, Rc v a ragged fortsamid abouts essd visoops of! exutlouiy 10 the place cf týii ture. On reseing tisaground four cf 1h. Ssvago>, - bideossl>'>paipted, 'ý- came forthI frosi tiserasit, sud, eiaissg 'mse by tise bcd>' bone to i6etop'ofS'th. pyrewbere. 1h.>' at leagtis '0 ceded il ii n!l sising me te th. sotakeý. Hec! Il net bens for tise Strong cunfidene -bicS I1 bâd - preionsi>' plaeed ou lhe encoumsgiug pronsme e yenng equsiri,1I heuld have, bo= aI (bis -pno"n t uttomly vleiot isopo. R knevîbhal vison ~~ ewIs s a oarace, 1ud once givos tiseirvôrd bse' sad'rarely'boca kuowui te break ;t but lu wit mènae 'n> doliýoi-ý mucevaes-t10 b.o çfoctl diA et aud.eonld -801 c0sjoet. To#slsy oens taI nter -taued more tisas tise faipteit gi6usmriuig Of Isop j a l Wdu 'cld-be aflrTmiiigso,é. uyeligs. 'ïo *ere popmrig té force mb-us>' fivei, 'Myu, &Suv thewal>'handscspegasquaw elbowiug '- Soi tirossgb>Sip ' crtvwd tovardsme. oh 1Sov iscautifoil .1w looke6d- lithof short ocf uanb*I'otdvn fromisea. vot1 resgue Irmusm, Aruy ofidon&. To judPe#ous lise mno Iýe painted osyrs fluli m rYOte48 w8 -au >aly Mi rti"ot froà ' t inà , Psg80 îte vlt 1 1 un edS 1Devlcared; O$ a ois . l o f 517aasg 4ispptfistuueoed -and seversi o! Lhse4sftmokue oa 4it tise woods il, vSriOus I'ae, uA siujuiiedla lowtoue., audible uusl7 10 npm'self-"x&o lteyou; Me save llig visita,= a it -1 1K1 .1s "ti suibseoti>' jericd41ba5 viile tise attentioof ise ýVsavassdirected tb. ,wsrds me, ,Namsa W arept imb lise vig. Obttingt Hinsusker -st1 bin . For soveral dirctions, but -tie wt>' tajipo vostoo oIc! là vcod.craS't 10bo caugist uapplusg, asi toyvoie obliged ltt'liehto give op thse ideý s o i Ïeeery lis deospair. But 11w> uisnru~peId 5 o- Qo btsiuià4' 1i0 'liber. quste: a fmorte aoui i se ndesad ! 0-srveMY mvset.itapg ht ISons a ,grasS -mas>' su tiaingsfor viici tise> cortaissyapàpearo&voYMgrateol. -' ilivesy day %aet p e 10giov more devôtediy attiýtbbt uttIn2u5rutb, tiws a s 1oblsýth1iâçu-minde<f1' vo. 1mngUu &uoai, sthe vonld have becu Out omeisev'i tisiated and pauted tw lo backagalus nug th. viltes. I a spce tfcptiviy -üt-br vasussdrgoiiag and 1 1cng41d £ lipito. tif z'iaeeaig fà0cIlesfor ùMsus'Io'su0break <io>stise bsnnier visicis re 1strained me, aïd,, Mat y fiuai esespotbolicuettlomont, Dunag tilse six -monoass1Rremmined maioug tissus R taugisl -ISon mauy vainable- senrets as vo- garAingg - isntingsuad trepplssg, of! viio tise>' weme entimoll Ignorant,'With aliMy, isunllng sud fishing. excunsioiss , yIdian vriSe'. 'M v yconistantciumiu;ss couc! ot, bear 10 b. separated f7em Me for amoment, mlthouigi le as sot fnor an>' suspicion o! un>'deser"Iug 'Soasbb sejssel will show. - 6 Naasomia vos not only noble and effeét *ii to > ature, but Osi sea oaau f usss utellectanpstmio.-Sds' ccredfrounthe (siI tthat etas ouI csc sud, bappil>' vith Sor er rdisceramontase lalbnibubed-z>' nnesiuseas tb its-reàr-eauso. Mise sari me groving biiasr 1déilyýýý mie sari nie oit sometimes for Sonne gszing to- varda l is t., - Iausd (boas ihs vcld- erccp * to m1y lide vfh IL, thebcyeAruiiasg ,tesdeir. m ou OfMMe sisùi, sud eittwiuse Sonarma "fflusd UV seck. , 8h.eVqý *ept-ýiIvas Yi, btsq ould put lier , i p mne 8and tises gaz. docp:iniozy,Oyea viti s sno a pitifal, eudearing bloi-o-sougis so vossld -fàla-taktef heIf mportoi-Ã"f. 44c mlsrWtisat vswaolg*ising me' dowa1. .$h. lomsd te spcak Engliols, veMymcadilyI, aid n osbcame muc Is lterested lin overy. thingi fdesenlbcd 'oa eppuang'to civilit ed 11(4. R oxplaluaito ber ùïattiserc 4o vsics Ib.iogedsadme"ho'ofS' eousý misiealsgt v-_oghts1ymetsofcr tain char"e ber iàîc h is>' eIlealphabet. A uev ides secmed td mIrtk' Nenhoin,ansd apringingle Soi rfeetý- wits a sM"easay of' iutliÈsd idllng lus bu, oye, ,O#darS- Jdfnem un>' 'plesuid cnt 01, tho -wigwam.; las a fov iul's tah. mtursed, bstaing à iad, vits the siicast, tl f o! QUilI Tsratsil,"'Ptrduie leaf..,4 Y-. .. *Ïôst sd&mtage Uf bbc-abbrevWaiou' usaddresinasgberi) 'tisose aie lise chariot givens into usy Jansci y a yosaug-liuzu'vis disatsàre4 from M~y sigt vltbont a anl eoý 0ukî'ôr Word. Tisii a 1- - '10 aseC olter id Obio :-Mjt viite love, vlseu yeuse. lai,Nas&nosa iI! uot bce nosemore ; butse wli go to t apfrto.haid, leaing ber whsite love- all thse Wo look&i aInthbI eter, for bise lnapper'a stony 1usd iuvested I ilS su ussi iuinterest. T1IsW cbirograplsy vosplailnand eeslly de- dplrid, bélug afair m itiation o! tis pritatd lotter. -ï Isglued tis e happer as I hauided back th. precions, meonto, msdl Ifieed I'doeOW a toir: Iurkhg if tue coriler oid big eye b ut, c'kl u ipabiest Movçmesst1 lie blud it bsatit>' away, aasd1 gobauàÎwS'tr relpsed - laté bis iabitual in. Tise .1:. vlvif.,- Ourlâutisoiity forthoitteueuif put forth a fowWoeets ago,. iun relation bq 1h. lIris Bovivalsr, voie bise ,Northern WIs!, tise Bclfisi Viucator, mand the Dublin Fr«,- mina,,, all papers belonigte1 protestants. W. hâl ni) intentiopn, or desire 10 iseult plIy te cenure wbas, froni Our poit cf vsew, ve regaréeà au a sorIal vii. Like 'al or. ring sud imperS'eeqtbeinguyo, omu>' have isesn ýmitakeu. lVo deaire, boveven, 1 o s#peAk and seS justi>', and fer bisat reso'n, vo nov prescut what le mid, nStihe other #ide oS' the question. B.4aox 'PjioT-.-Tho folloviuug curions stsstoxaest ta mado by th. 9agser cf [T!- ater, th. orges cf the. NortlscujaPresbyte-, riame --Th. Rigtis ons. ChieS' Baron Pig- got (a Catisole Jusdge), i seisteascing fie priffoners lssqt eek aI tho Dovn Assizos for rioS snd assault, las coasuectiaas wsibis toot icca te1 reïer (o. tie ichigions ,moveuseul u'isehéNortshaM iaving extias' )pîelaodal pars>' animosities, sud prodasced tise Mos wholéome moral resnifs upon the communityodt. largo. Mii -Lordsisip spoke in tihe asict !avours'ble tonna of (ho usovoMet, and-, exprossd a isojsis (at lb would cxtésd oe-'ver tise viole >ousn>, and' influence soodeS> to ifs lQvesS depthis - As tisis importantS etatemont of tbie jadge vas deliveied ahordti>efore, oni reporte;rendis.h est Dowaspatriek, os th. moiuisg, o!fs4dss- lt,ý vo are tisse snablo te -prese 1nti il o, oui'"Yi ied nu a fulier tonus. Rt ta alto gathor a etrildng siud siguifiomst btltmnuy 40 lise gesinuess 01 tise work, sud beaus jappropriato lessoas oS' proof -0 those. VnUituloqasuid Epimcopsl divinses vso ibave *isooss sucS aiu unseesingi>' houtilit>' 10 bise In a diseoursooas tisetfeaf, Wonusip *0 ouiSusida> al'ternuicý oMts ss e Chapel, aI tise. clo m buait seme.remartm5ou.th. white grating tise cyiuguecessity of revivaî lusf tue' CbusrC1ý ho tbosugististis te more 4Uiet1i lb. vomit irasproseCuWtheemore I&tely' il vas 10 bcpermanent.,Il. Aid anot approe of ilsessant appeals 10 th. base Jieuti1ueat of fcrianic!' Iougist tiat ise tisiýil o!f aeià1i re àu4 -briusotouo iss guais hel-tetS a. of aicsd become. tisaI snoreival could lest, isba il voie fouudod upon the basis 6f a bromd' Chistjàs4ty, ais'cI pon tise doc 'u'O cf tRio ;ovqo4 in Chris, ri'eterwÀe hewXIlopiSsUproWitgeldI tihe -zest .Ioqut oS' meomade'a profound lus- urosim sat tsetissebutl levas notlasflg. Ssosuld tlirepert of yonr 'sp ievery' deed~ect, Ic hh I-oi scarce.yet belicel. of Mr"o lis h sileusti>'to j'eruit inchs a dfunl of tblswork to go abroad over 1 cortifle4 aud signed by Gepyge ail avalcenl t ise m tatinof c aud point thse-jests a jfcw'e uslerued. You youroclves 1b4V Uponus sa lsefore-tle distressing di feuiasg thse cisarater of (lIs wou iseavy expenso of yousr cv; ini; eoio3eco lat mayfÃ"flov,.y. lOY oui usase ishitues Tii. proofs ou viicisoua foui dletuansa e fanful. must, of e ovcrviselusiug i for suirel>' n6ti vould construis a mluistei of! C 1IOnng te ba Clsiis" 0 xcelicu couhtry' go cautions, We speak il straine deopite tise cbarily thiah this. And in- oLder 'to'(e sol of courset, bsve scen thue--ork own eyes> and examine la nMost-.tI for. youese1f. -Foi', murely, t liI 'lisat any Cbristian"ûsau -at aile liv is a fev homor, of thse vholesiem venture 10 p.onounc uch w fea ( ~dies -Upoisa- irork visich ho eY thinuit vrtis visite firat to inveb -himself, audîtltt, too, Osthfi ail but 'usimutnossa testimonye o whu - haveemu if, s viseandttpi id. Wo would PUYe>' bcmias vis penuoual iaspeetiu wuld dame1 bbc' dovil visaS Shousisndss vo lUa moSt uniseuitabingl>': ascribo.1 10 ablout. Wào osk youi, tisn, Sir, sesn it yourselS'?1 And if' go, 161 yous luvare au 10jusatif>'aois a fen Thon you hae. not secs 4- bieous guilby of asoiscosductsas thc decvii, os more report, visaS c- pconal exemisuebionscribe lo t 5$pirit,-lct us, aItoasut have bisas 'blint vo (sua>'sec vIsasdow tise> givc, youi. Il is case'of tii fuil proota of tsiswork bcLsg maui vise, tisaI 1 ksow isot-au Uletorilm excepî auck b.aiare Popis or I thisa doomnoS admit il-to be-c, a daul>' flhoille i cases pioviasg t giossa reforunstiosu, moral ansd tisîcis that movement lias wrqpg wbich you deciare is ½.ý IO vork oS',,bise devi." 'Of cour have not visitcd tise seeno ypui havo been ailtii. more careM b-t impression cf-il from'tiso- Mest and kutisenstiésources.- Tel t visore you have fomsd 'aseS ais oves cf .ccosd-haud proo* tisal aubhisclwork of theo deui1,as vieo&ün flnto ororbalse4e,,pJl vhelmiusg evideuce tisat let if thc Divine Spimit. Ii id, 1 rqpeat-vitlstieldeop Te R put tisose questions.' But yens pollod me. I am sjoalmu for tlu your country, lu wiclh 1bave so aud laisoured, aud of!lironiste massy of w vmIsenhave tskoss svm but, farmmoal of all, for tJÏegle Divine. Spiritl vis anov doing, dors la my ovu belov84 Clnurbi h>'; and eamuesbiy isoppg-- tb. yet b. sous. mWeistthé 16bqi' roui emariss. Siat voua =yvbe s 1,.>eBe,, i stevartstovus, Col 25 th lune, 18f 'A Valu vs que t $5 0NNSTB q 8iLs * i J" Wbitiyis, -1-ffl- affle LY IWIUM' ý,iý 1 , ý 1 - ez, - 1 j".

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