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Whitby Chronicle, 27 Aug 1859, p. 3

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ici of a taenaosas«« u m iaolgasring Tise geU 41«igle way suretoerasae étisr<« ézvsisleai'e tise si« elu"lo jigWlt, ba oia(ormouy n, wellhim * t làboiug to be undstoviýthat be 6é but vsem greélem. folsh ro oz,_ dapss"h W dw or iseau .of baouvmis oddmuly sisis <lld &seonslisois s't fOr tismualesobut for tis o t4 #i- as rge wbieh venté stitie tisms te pridis if tismy eMsbk astud <bam utie lsustlat gore die deopuseisl ud valuofMgvhit m v st -to e etul"tty th* digaeé f v<Âsae hupèllkd rowuoleét th~soee »sW ho vsa ir ddltblbiugu asottrp to I Picrk uer sgK leYvasé Ustbisiuia oop#2T *ilu sc7 Ymsk to tbe purpoif" "0M ob i tiss th taysaIhlie'e, tl tise go te wvrk on tiseivra Msts or ln thselove sisvps rdosaytugtisal 10heiet bne(a>ivs tssriag bulr faeia toe> ' lYsai Oratwlr tt4iontesbouse, If ire issit0155ay, gciteklng sonll oly buiorced upon mesa, spmaIslim0sasit wsas mas bould engap la taf i fhuown fee. Arrivai .ofkth#lUnepgasm pà*mnot ýPowv, baués 20, 01lo* à.x. on lslth#s104Pauathre s l nssem M lifse Cou(eo hit ris- ebeal Zurich, Tise Coiaermm (ully con- ilieéM ollvvai s'Aualrita, cMCesa lérao do uit-aon Merpesbrg; Franc Dam onBourpn a'ud aruis lbonaerIU# Sarinias, basir $sssi si aa Tb*e Sadlulaa isaJeer'le at Bénie Tis# QosersatmmdZurlelsvitit aMsi viloié tihe Aulssadore, sisal vaseus gisies" a publie &<lianes o lise litis1u Tise but forma i ettittg of tie pesa coufereisaeook P"taeeo ie0&s.ls Oaraislsa tsraruaswtsié te Tise "ikd inguwu bol *tis n NoUai tnMapin.é id tise pofnsclig, Osn tise OSatise aubiéof ltalyvase@ de &lseifa both Noumée -Nomsmaaby eaquiseIf 1<tbe isrvs. ay ob of vhgMa ise asu e n vse me t is M sg no d"Imsete aulais om oto4'Auto m#W erequitofiasse, budatIIheu séds es preulug s bd m. 1«é Il vomit lne :=mtletsvauemof théueededudmse 0morsnvllie a i t4 gdtise itoM tomi loban Biméetla tise musatte bohnv bien tise mmit ual et tise g iaod. asademte tise Qumindeda tI vol"é ba IiMU"ltstittitise hb"«r Ad mtbmilfé ly, te tais part laa"yea<s es.e o (eetlisgdesttof e bmabe o mlsuld étM vsasbasa ien alrdi P y it AwMê Lenu Baia slitji ilhfellgs th iouéirm u WIUt t ïU M ot me n Simau sasado cf pod be toasoreUmm or ctise O MatsAss pa*dowinaglowluteme tdu i.aW* be moeu vilaç#ouplf.b Isuasaitise LgIneei, "sa BcotL 4e, tws bislldiWvasetovae 4but 'ose Ofor vs. uOnat (rom llhuiLt Tb# ci, pmae*d is bma~tMid *dofr Tb# Ctty Ar",l .dts*6Lu4= n "aui ney, la ea totle na loi01oftie #0411y siIe. s a o «< awu m ga bt Yltween Udilte e Muéad lassez, a4 usetý tse trialu f. rst M rtusly u siador Aan.rlcasa I. "*sy# tise a-it vi»lie itvanMtsgouato adno.adsudts avi of thé'vwod bat tie sé ottt>visel pisas. i5btu ffvIii . sepeteor spsl 1usd ios ussxersqueiin., Tise ela GOvarPOeat léouged AI esery stop to pro, toiée UsélnerM # ffrMgn bossd'Ioides.. Lonamlurebavé ismed fornilismnot tion, Tbse*uiatee0< eunum m ptoyed sauge (roms 20,000 b 40,0. Muter buularibave sugil (or Wen malses' tiones but tise om oseertq 414 ot ne boy lié49 in*it sm , haitsnsily abtatWolvu.agonssliea ,lse rusa2 bad b b rai/ud cousols .llghIyd, aed MAI"s tPeuseLransu osse,> reék Mot- ecisite, vofLvssion, d.slé ïa, oinletis gain trait, saipeiidbd; lIM itiicon- nie Basaiof Ungsid vuiaivae raté" ontisé lti. Aàdmirâse frXiIoul mynios, lame, vas eloctet mmber d Devjpe>rI a, L Colae £stLui"iamérchant of tendon, mupea to-da y tise Iabilti ,sp Iisoagine moo «osas11M#00 Tisoe afIg Nae ive tise provison d Sydtney Uerbeno v 13111 provdiu% 1v for s uslitsr smsse(fOce.Il utheis tise enlitad assit maisa ofase aMse #Mose fre. of 20,0Moeucoaseltins of oulinviso bave praslosdy ieni, Tise orgea ta h caltitout 12 finy eael es, Sial parn n acmseof<laams, Terrible CoStat Wifb A Cafsmemt. (Vrom tUsé Losilléasa'm nel Tlisé itvalling of Ma', Tbis&. SPUf- land, of<th§# pisis, wum ttey d»e sm»s ds a 0t #SAnPessitdesparate enaonte vits a etaaneaslla vi&as usaal ie gave. vasa aeréioy bIttaas, assitotil atstas« asaat aonit tise vesp" of, tis howe Tise plaststo laf.os@of tUsonstise bayos.tsd wedllug as-noble vuet#la Ivisata uifdit sis tasof lire AssitvaSe- valsa, Wi *1v -caansd vISéetrou dv tise l«ouet. epts é#esreau tisat alurt Use bsyos, tUso asfiastng ta tise ofsl l pIles ud#mmsi lase m ii sp osned"er d& culiteit bride. Bo ousli velslie, s age vv wmma iéritsa ofl r Uthcaba lt sbo etise itvehlsg, ilaesiessant or livolsetandi ":;a reparlas; te s pt @useva isés by, a ui0suianmal, vsers. pon .de basI* si&ta, pumoe e uely tie msssteL fié otéîv aime ou4 e orim, suiad igodstbeisesuualretiraifor~ hig msistéa'.pu, sitd tebs e &à iasflets elg Oisns, TW Out 0 Mus " ( i.s ;rzz m- totmbtritlWwdoas ni iosn v 4dl but ai bisattyls«us it acifaetéasiiupoq là~ -ab aw"si mitualoe vu" sih issioit etua aam #ut Ofer lm fsil it.relntise btes psst ,iWale iWai Iupq e laivs lmona tii é« d ti pasadiepasMdot. o Ue Sut tisa Oium boum ba#is sutaibimdtaf on Lise iae teug lmue ofjo atn if 1lotW 111d0ot d Oro" liai Tor **Wf 0 bre*ymiOU lei&o (,n c li ? rolàm 0 t , u ar OU 1 Eespi ,ag i f i f tv-ismiersbrun bu11dr«.; r o'- 1siaatrytis £mo sasse ~ ~ t 1' àèa;'srsl ols u IasTilosé Tui weoff iulii»7S.W 1 Wliitby, Àugual, 54 4kutls <uldby 0 .&no« UresWbltbi, Poa.ea.on M e W on advor alLas se iv, at e l S u . 1 , i«e ' s . Wbitby, Musg. lui, 18519, 44 11-oR sE RF A iR rwNoble Animalthe loin. leur m OIM.éorn ,W(V~ Imdl.,sletiite.4 * iCl WbipworUi041 ,dix. $4, thoie aU 4 rnaedo' CpwueU4Is 'J>,#'ltSlO( é, W Ises édsIP $.5PndoV£4 BaUsSyusiIo or se o tsIllu.s.bfotl.oI b t U s ownrî à t..-oemils#hisSé, $l lie ogeduses' Jabaisais cau t--A r of" 4#14Vii ti O'ssd led o t# &4 Um, *W.$$toUs. lad, If Mr# etitan 0 start la lb6 Jas-o.smi#, béét 8$ l6, gq 00swytIs<44sé,« Tbf. 10 mai*5i iré m. *us f# lasseaiwes io osi#0, M d lil hoit n«« etro~e utildi or tlw mieutéein Public, 1 Prensisssof *50 forTrowtsgtalos OWs M Ie, bout 0iii b, gosoptheessse; 1Us. séoud Lv miéhlisiagm feif o.Is y,ro for &a lmiss3 lid do$ i,b.Yv Trgiig StIIoa6405, éeand lsorme1 ééli 0$9r*nce. If wmOrethé o taiu Tisrwéwm liet "Sa ol'utée"of--(Wo ssnladranainuslg liorse-dssb of oamita-' st lien tel., bribre 10 o'elokmetiédey îo1 UssYir, mm lélotoUaiGro1>0W sto tg .Aabé J, 'M Vls,Y O Wsdss;IL Y" NeoriUé; JubsaiIoîttIhvt A= um of1, IS ino IZvu tb d on fr omsls e erWr iundtâ&ol Ya b ln e& la<ai - ~ BOMM AI(oM# *TMII R iLE me wt7 ve aa3ie ¶f.twi sintieodo reo nol eett., si vi'n for steUSISmxflééýx XSUé lU ~(Jos u îZoRq*rp CrowntUnsd get, Saill Wt, M , v m ollowiu eu"p lsrsnP; me dmt b trâlasi owaa>audtla res in %Mrl faci qual auai ss lnsnié, vitla lterét., un s pssynms f risé viXAOsor tisepuresee mwmy leStr Pis" twil losw .furteI'sfiolmulii tihe psrty spyu.sa<P«»oimUon uud*sns ls oi mlié ôl ,.,,esim o sai landi gluai irons lssaI<m costiîmauély ebeén i for aI léas #«ijumssrs s airse oléaedsnd reui- donrd t for e" tisslo" a srup, sud 1usdnu- &ie «:î vdithis "rfous'Jeén t fmrliae4 froin fi émie cf tbi*Woi 4, quaaitiy tlaola- ,,t ~~OfAi5t k4tlu" Ico seoé 10évsroMW hus00#,04baieeu1tsre s W"a lvolus. lihM sd Oc fIwtisé uu"siu a sté 01 ;xteen by t*wsy f(w, xü siîwm tse o t*eut wiîlsmml L40»0a, ae 11« y tlfbj¶asYo à(. ýWsaéw. 13,uo Agatl, .4 NOTICE Comty of TEs mby gs btué tseCcot of ilnlsriu Lx seéril (ul'on 8I = o f tise To Wsvr Fueai" (ony (Court wviiibu lsIolsln aÀs"dtestIsecosa"sy cf (htsr,, t the Covis4lOimis.wTowù cfWV#hltby, on st! l0.sl véo eO D, oosn, 01whwbl su "nim Auxsls, i.lias lm, A DaIliobIg sud Evenlng £ENDENT -il FoL1fliCS. 15 s ftsss s dos secrsp lestssiaicf is GREAT IT6LIAN WÀE, TiseIW-o mwmwYu ns laitjjitis tisaoisssdy *1.1.1,iiitilimpe ie , Cor r.sîseasd.sat this l4atof War, I 1 mnii oiqime iiably raeten l'rieW ly il, six Dolars a lesr. lé mdes on tise m«norns o esY Tsus'lay andl irsassleomnla l, i dAWiio deotsbalk d inali ofngséSnmea iyFspasr ALITERL£wDe PADTEN Ais $gfsiaaapo fo isd'iléiad tWill b.w odsakastlmtne mse. TAgkl4mltural D-1», bent i.&,TWV eapi riava'oyo.ori,7e tisas a.usmblm o s irloa 1 j0risTisa & lWs, Ta; £e,,,jotea e .éédsie, VivPelaM uotuies, De ~, Stata. BITIMG P~ mus P"~ t4 W1LA~PIN(l PAPEU, borné suaufac- tireit MsnuJJu, DfO!U, P'~lplumJsi, Zis' plsasst, assit <boy îrajpiasg pipera-sU îiza9 alsd Iraiglut.. EKVBLOPR-z.ai4, 0luw, BtsD Colos. éd i* att alfas, assit ~srfous quai tue, fr~sas1Jc.2toNv.1ê - »oCorCorme?, magiralesNOW Cl.kts d i. PMUace Of o<Cua. diesrownsilalgessdTowuibip.9 Pude Mortgag<a, snd slfrin rm Y: wig LvLdu convoyasse. M E£«L- .U*e. siiERfw, g1%ilW, sMd <lonstalla Dilanks bythe huadred,,or tisou- Costalisng 1% a l fss alew Lttes tgs Envelopu, 12,sUuans %vte lasse- hope., 6 iýii VrislaIIha les, ad B0vde vonaet # JloS otissg papes, sud,-ose13 deé 01 lnk-O Art/e» 4 Qarw rDOllar T 0 P'JFTEJI5. Ml indi eof Psrmo oPAss-Naiw, Job and cdlvre-sdd- a ma"sholprmq. for C/aoiu A %tuli. <attier Eedndion ln .SU klpd Tise flM wggEKLy CuiR0X1CLz aI $250 a Yeu, EOP'The WEEKLY CMRONWCL%,tise ebeapeat îswapapesins Czacsls , 0,Oas IIIGOINS kà;- BOPEI Prnters'sand £tatirnars Wbitby, Jaaly 4, 188*. Abram Logan; BMCB VYEET, WBIITTO, Tin-fflikad- Bi-Bauer o., &e. EBAV Trcabd t oni " issS.4AneSi- !rua I»id.mtka. oUulsasshéduighiitig ré Ccaty ord.iw mot lsy "trois s ciof N4EW STÂTORARI! MOLIINS * ÀJUYWIOY>e, ottk a Ife* StatAemry, w*le imaldessoailk bpise78 sélA AY WsriUug papesmf reissnVO Wtayplug pape fttSiseei eeklatom, Faai, UnasY e<tar esy essipta snlkImaff glot ea go zép 14s ionesgage., A" îlgnmsntoo1!IJ'up Eslsiee»i# r Warrntef, s li.AWYERS ]BLA.NKB. vivsléeCeS"siske a4 Flr cent ais f« Onk et pillesfaiNaITo1 Nt.Pa s o<ry dailoipfsb» nei l, qe At tiséWiitby Enéug BMm ril le 18usd oiltfis. 1a"ir Tapera, dis Isteés pub allons sj~-e aéForein, areu«M liiad altsemom puw .ugpArsof fis 01awn%,byi..- -ý iJ*MEs WJA Wiltby, ise . ,; - - 18 ifs. Y, RAi-, on Mary Streti bei ou llasvtofomn, t te a n iorissi G yuk u, ya..1) Nvémalerlis,540 W ILJiehipp iohi# C id an I4 .NEWD-UG ATIOEE f pw1ie.1a!mnroy.4Lorem TJTIL <aIer sic»o".,Mai; sf11b. Slos andidus oae W&lissiyaI t a cilles afol- DOuaMils golog PuaSviiz-OulAvsBei- ai. ai aeff orda. SlaeMyali. uss, sdlp.si ê LetaisOf foiatreel sis pse JétfLs "tiAre May eesole Iytbé.ssghtniamg i- 5sq'routo sud' alilu.. e isviro- roma uto iebxG.t s M, MdllsiMt P M 'ls- MiTh sr'e xu w îei-a Q ubirtossart ODsY nssild by thesant sisto.n ilWtoiS. onrtials lasse dslly afSt !i aisai 01 th rosi mdToronto, fW rkMiu, t astslse- sud Uibilgqi i ibrXeu1t »il sly id on' Taaad6y, '2lsnmdby sud Sistussay far Alils, Clarsan sd SIcoi- fille, Naïfs are due for dliserY <rosaoi seC««fe 210tL$85Ji the fa.lot 01 APiL. -lm1 auS Jelleé or Or.a$BMr"lai-msua bd Pr#- psfa 'qypoisao stanap. 1- LltarélfDMeedfor Zuropoamadbe pS- i4 befoe1, cek, M. on Mcsadayo; 2fcs afor Esqiélraloms, ifadi Io a u Lis- To ay place in tise Uilkd fitstai, osas msuéieLpepou4 alsopS Tosy pseiasrealiislandsea« b pS- tzJ2 pgbi. du ma eua tothepose, opisao, -as ve Zî,l'1,g(estgsnope 1PAiICEU I.io 3lbo, vewgftmibeiiMsby 11, Be.h5 sa rlnwtad I rtheé nilés tit e UéCassdiésai postage natb. e~ i "r.OdI'loi Iboaw 24véo su fr the Bltiah i*'..Jin"ii1orr Nt7sni. SinuasbuonrMrI; , - l lpas MdHBO~iT WisltP,yMOmâ&Y## ftm 1.toi105A, . A'TownkaIwo& "Io, ssdtue heel eéotaél Wlllûfhésseivfirfolfuto Ah**#t gane kifut ssongvelailiéoinon ÀTsé v »hai utaonsue .Irl bisr fia de A espntesudtis> tisaIwum Waelapoké, A aiSe beng j isertiai bo* s3Use. v CAPITAL-T iro bn&o eo, lsm$e - 50175 >~ d- ~ f aionentié liéeS1«aatel s ét *, vyo Ue- - tessalt, pris u 5 a nda Ohmsalsa. os emai ALL W(WORIAltZU.yf) L ÉBR àn P1UO UOË !UJ*T IN XOMXaJUXG, à .M P. VJSD' bai elog uev ItS'ynsaSis .i (ARR'ET 'WINEs, BRANDIES, &ci 'PUMUMM? JUEcol,$ NES Pl . uÇuwwlî uîlzlSu kcOiviDxIrW&g JULES BRINk (OM ONAC IIADE BREANMBJR« k pFiu BOLU1OY1IAUX WiNES. OffLM I 2MI k cuV!.-glioullr wixe. W> YU(I1Lk~O$EL)ysLurKB (TAO-,( INA1D PAiLE INDIAÂLJ,1w U, . J, 1ke, P&e' sale v MZiLe4vw12nom f00 PLAces ort Oith& S liirfpin-S Supplie§, and fà aue, o weryadvoltitgoua irin GI-o lladaoW, uli, 14fbea anoandavi 4 m teott1e , ofrME-cm. 14Lodo CDoc ams nDi n arya ï% CHÀIWAGIMý-ftt & tràYonWi, in wuidia arinoottUIc, nU CLAL"r-o vaiu ag in n »eI,i odn o Wui$KiFs-$d'mopWI i e n d ' ap, c itho i ônou aoue uLii BHERTE-Crmp$tc k &a ouleq',ENaRY OUA KÀ&kc CUmPANSMctkCano', n uv?,ajdvroS tt bal .BR ". liOIISP CSS EEY C TPMA k CU amonrnl lt Jn, îtg.Dh nté dy Otro BBOÀD LOTIFI, CASSLNJE«RysBe§,k E Phoen i lreAssuranSC o, GILLESPiBe, OFFAT kMe. A$Wsuto fur Cano&,#. I NSlmYBANCYS wgaiat LOSSEil b y Ili KEiaald e&dl ru'sstheé 0é»f»e sietern»,sud L4>Sy» 1PAUd itisost r&etisrsue b tise &ad lu mL W. WOODWA,ý,ro 4oéqsontypof(Ias'ioi -NOTICE., AuLstoh Sode. HO0 USE AND 1 %J owlu lis4ore pRitkcentre M 'Duso lou& a ad LUt are atste ficsl !y w-eos c ais Masyr'* fridaes., 1 im;ee c thLvlotié» *-0, bwlseii bs a', lbc j-aad t(,, UtJ fl erry Vq, sasi ryotns-iats tie bstwfCihkto dut, taiai oe-ssoittisil f»; TEU>l$ 0;fMY KLGllT'-il mvnq altuaaS tisse o cf > A ý sifflthoséfs'oaas aofMsale. P gisais oas tisslait ut octobr cezt. P, ur lerllscasrtlss rqar ss'b t'is a ithfèislse. -- A L ÂC£4UNwrs DUE 5tisasé Am M d"Ofc lat' r-'eut PmJyu- 1100IO r MPIsstA"se -up4tadem, oir bas -éém#44lel thejCa- Dissolution 0 od mu as4ail AMDasasto ais tsasii ba nde Ast once for psaeset ia sris'és BERTRAX YOWL d., u1nder tisé assij Jnly 20,159. Wfmnnr. ' isi XweimaN te g». ask sWbtbyulytiWb #yg&yj ;is SÀreéW, Wl i s A

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