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Whitby Chronicle, 3 Sep 1859, p. 1

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UIJWbli.Work Iosdomu edr du.spti. S KUTJIWKFONp &* SMNDEES, (L.410is . ns'r") X [No 4 (1<0STREET WX0T T0.- tors, mror tYeoug s&Wdlrent SOMMt Toronto, (CI W,1 JOUI V.##YOM, fNLEEKOF IrlYit(OUNTY COURT, AIDJFMAI AI STB"ON iot1r rwutIeo$frrof te Cvurt. 0Umm. aet (>iidâr Ùa lM YaI1 fmK0 1.fteoehmente et *elI Imeniffs kARMOFFICX AT 1THE COURET _______ sean b o msTewashlip lBroek, Ad- »OLICITURt,6t CLiO(K UV 111E COUTY JOU IEI a15 n eCou tI o m . c W 11#1Js, 1, Bro57. 1iityIî - Four iauglilmq asati>. onpsuad &Il kinà ofutJob. lingmetA n -'iolg et lmirttUre Meumdad to. Yrleuîr t'ni "ely rat oved. _______ SAILEO.êI> OTEL, W. JE. 1TEKAYNJI,9)- LMJL J'Pu KTOB Tit flAfI 11111AI)> OIJÉTY O*"f51li~seogoo eeunio e Poo .floinAîelaNm Bikwalmw ndthlgsud attentive UW> Io loi. C4J<UUNk NADUNLLAs.PEINGLE, l>JSQlîîlui t heupty cuNioYh AT LAW, ErKCHANT TAWIORBROCrSTEEET .Llolottrîo to ou at. Omcl(naio.- .TWlaltby. Iw»Offle st timo oustuA-i lo ilaWlg; 0BOUGEtil. DAIITNieLL TILR, uS tc. Ë, 0111 toE AMRIsIATTORiY, '>N)VEyxAN Wh1L DE , ý&,*. c4oOine vorJ, . 3 B dty, C. W. ____ AWO>HTL je VoHAMPAKWOOD>, W. SANiCM, PIpEumiEtO. J. V. JE-AT-A, l0Good eaumdamiom tor tr.vo.lleras B 91100tWhIl QÏ el cre-BiWCIN SI AIRB3ANKS, rar W,1.1,00c.9v., * OItCTTOi 1 NOTAUY PUBLICe . &oL. r L1 EIETbl.- W2 o Aemmedalic. i Né 6. IAS, ONTA9OHOJL 15ARMIIBTER AiD Airri)UlqLY-,ATLAW. lm IMOPUIEW~ 14 sum DQticeam-ppooaite milcgltry ficBroo tu. .îid oVYVW bV5 sud iAgen- SotthePIIEN SoEOuarlE, XNTN' <ai Wls'. TE. Wlilty. 7 lordt.ebut saoodstion toime poule. SiCOTT'S JIOTEL, JAMS 011W Djtet f W La's it']iYYlUDOOg UCTIONIEIII *4090. GIEEWOOI) Je W, CALDSWELL »R»WNAEN PI fiOIVEVANCER, CMISIXgFOR CWEEk. e PbL ON teklng MIIdnaalAcconno ,4Lnd, Dlvi j lmlpOtEUdoaoIgjç . - nié ors, No-ter>.1ulilcasd Uamrsl Agent, NUbg. (>fIlboeKn aisr.o e bni m Opsie E LA DE . LA b@. oE.-y 41Ib.neaamgsttoi iéar vii1T0CONTABLY, COUNTY ONTARIO, N prumî'iv stendai t. .82 aL.d lna.oflemus.sa gwbe unWcpal; - jolN i» LNIs t rtils 1fokaofWhitbit, L A 1bort. A. MAIES, B. A., ATTUKEJY AT LAW, siJJICITQren <l 21 hu.y, Colvyamer, &4. Man tr.et n.iL DAJ'NELLP D lUTY IIEGJSTJIft KMATER EXTEÂ- the Oowuty 7 ut îmtsrlrook-stL Wblby. 47 JOUX MONAII ~ARISUTATOY, &0. 000- OPteObOI) fontoé !,IATT3RNgy8 A OUNEL00t ê LAW a 9 T Z, 2 T o7 O&SAWÀ, CANADA E.W.sL - 17 WZILLIAM FOWS001o, &O&u Amos W. dCo*# IMTECTA civ1 W, CUTBBEBT, 15 C. J.M. motsE, Pîepi4.tor. MER OIIF C(eUNTY AND SIMFZI PLEI TWZ.LYIJIDJVIuIN OUBToy - wbt 99.à M UNZ T LAW EOAluQITDTLON -r-- - a rm --I.ma 04dovsrylatmblnmlM4udidlrul pulnstplptsss ou# no Rnn'IUGEAI i TO FIEC 1 imAI' <FBtait& , enîho adrronk Bslitmmd, tmg wlth wim JAMU IUBBAU, Tr 1011<812) CTIotren ipou CANADA .L4 <We offolens hi. o fices t.-4m, timbbi. tais et Onteilo soid Dmmrmamýcuntlcte, t t tendi Sale, by Aucden lenimold FEurnltur,, Mriadm tuaietisi ff«cts, nt Î%mwonsble * TUE TRULSFIN. 'T' - n"D "nW lneeeuç.liiea.os ds flttod g',Iu LU 3King i u, sudt ri bén ewyY rtio tbou>'tfiecMdbl del vlnsu0«"U. A begardivan iligeu p s- Pe2#0r, lut. vliteh nem ebut tbu bluMnd are peiustted to enter 1 4013111 0731001 mAND D UIDAS Bts. cimer begi so 40nce tue la uiatut.s et Wlslsby, aai dtua, traveIin oamsnty, limaI b. bus taiulima ae boe dIru 0=0lieuse, vîmicla lo ha ltted nu lun Ovsud renvenlont maer. ners, Luuehsous., pou ho edti ia momants noe.Ail lAquer, on u e inilos gréi THOMAS DOWNINà. 'T"IE uadersftoodteklcs ut#teInforat ie ho SA now amu aicg in r ofa oiparlor maJe g rcantssnai eoisatgreuîly r<lnce re..Tisa Trade llb.aliy dakvii Kl i, I edrb. mu jutul> ttnra e ~fo 1A IL T«-7 'a the1 IUi sr4 conomolon of wbiuqy Aitb ibo JStJrSYÂM) adJoinliug theaTown of Wilit1 y. AppJy to thé' lis, E.(C, WILKINS, CarryingFloes,«,UW.hmfMqBsiiii , VHJAM-# LoIME FOR SALE. (IoNSTÂNIfY ON BAND DIJEIN 'yJj 1Jnouln mpIiad soai uYra~h Bnnmt %soldforCa.houwi yLg. M(ATHEW OMUJ T Por t ay. Whnt sud WOOL wbuantl Of dâ ndOl, fwhl4A &W Wo POTATOE1991 .p.d Cs TBOMAS MOODY, Wbltby, X M sq, 1Omiu' pt TROMM f ifflh, CHILOARIODY FO AE A sý 10, luRt, ~, NIE aetf(la lsimgtl on, hesime ae Mr. William de Beelr audterio filce WhoÉIccomp c"Sbth a Yong min by lim Ing, "l'y. gel yent,' spolie up;- Thorefae M mse. I di111ut,"Poicenmi te Bisuehe'siuds.4im sud, I Cemeedut oethO m2 she ezclimeidf, "Oh , ds danglit., t f " MorwV daugiter -was. Ob.@,a" Mh'. Io roupe, sud beiug vas <erdthothe l.Niai housesh.@ took off aSpi tipped vlth g9g 1 iesed l, b. sent le lilr dangliter M Upen examinimg Ihm bouse, Il vas feund Ihlo lime lef breet jusI Aboyéeý that h.ovs. shelauth. rugi lcomun 100k fromt h im pecket pt.tolux ef Allema'sp sald h.cb.d pimrcbae y sud ioadad 'fer tht. expresi As lie vaslying lunltme sl Cam.y wornma di lfm etlm i. ieeOvei. n. sald4 d' yeulto bsgmuef« limis 41 for shooing lb. vit. I ioi .They wvoie r.moved 101hu h. Wd that>p<or e iy 'a w, theW-arànwso g ll&vldsd loto Ivo portIons, vaterf, sud dramk il. Maoche ls &y1nn< Wou sud bu aswecnuea OUho i.Fremmch, De Nrbot. a àyjoesgj bure, sud wvomlea .or1 negro mlnstr.li ybusines. The fellvlg papM ersv pocket by Dir. Carey. W nover meen ny letteiu beia tersaur <uld" sud dent sud remkable lima limee MYde&r Wifè . -Sbhld, t. lntended as youî deali b] vwiii foîgive me for net lW.i Tos~I bave loyed yoà Wv veOU, That I nov love erer, tht.ei ul stop i Dcath in preorence to hae Causedyen to live lime lifej We ver. happy until lt 1 itrdding venid-b. fr, lmlePhiasSud tht. cityi doenot wà t.t 10b. n latter . l iny"manne, te a th. dieadul tregedy 1 aton to enligla«thenb.fev lthu mnady te ceudeum unheard Ubutne eUsof tht. col ntmecary ber. for Mte particniars e oy v W# Metj rlod, as lb. certificat. A10 viii certlfy tle.1 l iii sl sundisloe lbimpiortai voie About. Wh.n 1I1Con] Ivorked, sud "m smy <p give yen My ealings, Utie Tmue, lime wea.ly deyOf *ou vfe re binl me, sud 111e nover de.rt.dme,- hrougli toue sud vaut. Nov lime nid ba eered ati f e i Immtle," wltlià à" mail < thelu, £9pJ 1Ny dosi',dem loigivie me., But d sl rerabla e lant 1f..l Sà couid sud weuld avelived là 1 do loveyenoupmy Adoe.a en nov, oue, lvo, lime, foi PrevhM ous t templgis bartil sa of My fi My N 1a lvii able lebaise y« fi 1re would do I ou ci one aue olding â% premln Meaof a*~un) poultl Who to tmyfmil"md. Aoni<* bin iltbit.wt v rDas t u d by twe p<tolIl Du PRBAI, hm "d; EISith CuOMorA,ýOblo Aut4 1859, 1 bo et d Dme&W s d faeflot ofrbonM an&s MyOUcise et he. -Em, ht"rs m!ÇbuytwO wm lbave Blincho CM to edi xiot. Dm e s w eiwlluMMy 'gl have LeBomem tir 1 e, c, p 41155 1w . &Pfln ed ithtbeworM. W. tlmme c,o ploi tbmmeau ofiddiug out*les 0<o of the. wt out' eue"4eansd ourI r".,of 0& bortimeim mo te îoicý e r.Edvad Sci imy w sud 58'soif sté OTiudt vhih ormelbisl.., motobi epl me. luathe vain hope ou. ýday beiug sebo be â bumtm un uM e4 t; Intaaf _f CrW ent whchIând mytmobl elsîîre"làg9"d nseto die Thon no Prospectsdefer ietin up.pj, .W. vgato My , c ooly, deliberstoly, sud wilionî any lquor b.d~ ~ ~ ~-w vieele *- resolvo te tek. lb. erf.1 aime wuswith ipiIcdBo Il ditlhmcly undeestood4 remowed s e b'0 l beum «0 Sau«ol ie, on Ihrou gl tbtet t" (st Of "Y moital emmy-ulm$py boumus S w, prdtordeafýh th a dl.ouirbl. tirf..Ail l ndd e r îî Im noat ym a y a e b e udeprl od m e of gal. Iullug a ivins~ ie Ith e rs1.stlzwcou et, the ta nos a ad jeaousyo<..., clorkwith 8nim,, tpl, su 'ee. -Our sincer. tbanks are aiodu limcar nipi, udM r-f.v' Bulding, sud 1Mr-. lIolh to'ThoePo- of tbee j;ntemen haro proveii leuslvos Ivo tlee.nch- m-n u VOry sense 0ofliseword I leave *a onî, ht ho bind me a <ow frieu4,tint. Muy e»e a porou. m e#-eneries vito tint cau. ie oma a. roabiit ofIlunies. il vs.bocbg foreed 10 become a 'p'ob1bliîy 1ventdebtor. My few croditors are lime oly amabe - nes WhovMusl peaIIIof me,ÂneLimer e 50 vi.",wo est menuet possible, M-,- formem' am but of t eok keeper for Mr. George L. 1, lHe came te -ýimw 4uttance on. séveraiou&s insovd . usien, niiled a4 ns oilctod.Re. t. nov EssI among frinds sd elà" os mu of, bmsty, nI w d advlec him b o,>tmain ll#ie. M. it o tboght eaîfthib, caus. ilt. sPrefoble te -bo- c.. Its tim nght ug ubjct tt .orum sud contcumpt that mo-Ofe t t.fslon greatnus.geueraiilat.. I do net bas beeu iu lbe vtim te appear vain vhoen1Iapply lime word i gresl 10 myseif. I wt.h Ilt t b. ulmply ere found lu bi. unâeutood lu regard te tb. commercial Slhink ve have venld, iunviicl' I stoed ÀNO. 1, Again, onging to be i.dealij Lt tht. moment viil e et, c Lhi 9, bouruehl f rom vimence ne Irayeler returngý wh v v.<v.iy my mosl sffctleuate aud good vif., Blanches Oh 1 Blanche., m=y ed for. tugI5, 1859. i. a asMve tergive" homeviohave offen. ,yenurWvive vhsî <d us. )1ov, trunt yen THO&. BUGENE DÉMARBAIS AYD ng a botere, s,<,.,BLANCHE unais r, roid lie eiy te IV "ev me,icnov ifu i gArair, Agmusî13. yon better than My BI.ICuBz -My omm dear wife, <ire as prw oo d bye, Adieu ; Qed esynudpo 9boing said 1 ICct Mole. I love yen ot b otertha ren are ieading.lilfe. Eznpleymt liasbeen trfsed nie, wue maried by even fer the pitiful bm 'officient to sus- fend4 bth intain llfe fiemday teday. particuisly. îJ I1ihsve nô friandu, 1<00el1 alve lived tee rsteod tima twht. lt; Mnay Qed cuise tlime Engl.imhonnmi ozonerato me in -Dow viâ mBokilen. Tiinli ofme in pl. Il t.s smpiy yurlipp MOMets-fsree, Qed blae sands vime are yen ; yen are botter orf vithout me, eud unltima --V .1 Id vorld. Ilt.oh,4 Manche 11 loeyou, snd you sione. entrino lt 1h.I ave boen in. ; tuc, te yeuancn, sud vonrma: I die huugry, but loiing yen lruiy sud sin- mgjû -u e.y By.bY. Mmmmadear. Thinli of ly yw. mevme oeeasenaiy.I 1left Yeu hqppysud cce of vhal ve contented. id gel ir1rhIP.-8.-AI halt-PslIvo eWclock tht. ,estpismi.1 k r@ mornfugthe physielasIhenghit Ilpossible 80atimy were. BIsuhsumightoeovmt but ha dne hope manag, yen -gret umlsf. publIaioeftimi 9, empioyment, Matute, tase Ihieugli r Bisuehe, Qed lov mon rei- dl meausire bppynteg.ter.ý d vorahip yen, nier Ire houm er 0e:! 1 vould ut <poer aei Bl 4 IqùWNalara. ou - l. Spetetor. X. Blodin lascaridout hfipro- gramelleetr utrtsolm pele 1<11eairv him do IL. lb. coai esen#ed vaslnt s ense w Husaliftn osa»lirt. iun4.-Tveisty veut do"u ly lime reoniar cemmodsllen Irand suet uoen, by tlie zenrae, fier. ver &bout a do=emore S ad not tl» veatier bem hreing mame veld Ihave gent. luaddmilimo l lise, tr. *em a 1-0du poopu o 0r 00 rom'ftem»sglorwme *11 sit ooresemersnît-stodo bit. h.ud, hbu$ by an arum, ale-wu round thme reppccept under sud eronu- il fer a dezen: yards sud more-etmned, nuted his poie, sud pnoceededon lt.jour. uey. Thon h. iepeeted 1h... mauoevne- '*Y ou fi op, sudiitatlig a frost swhnulug-toodon 9ue footm, .., sud al tht vhue <tteredi1 lu about a, qurter, of a, heur atter maechins lime Cauadiashoe.h.omotont sgai This time ho lied agood slzed ceeklug steve liedle lit. humsd b. vs diesdia a whito- limes eaàp,apren sud jacket, iik.aàliorougli.bied French metre TheI e. Titov.dwelshed, Ishonld thImk wuls.;Ofvas -i. seet lion, alffed vith shaviagi sud pin. veod, sud b.d buging 14 lb, apair of bollowi, à fiy. ing.pan, sudastonliorîvwo. lidil vere eggs, roeos, trbgi, k ÀAltht. h. car. rled, very care<uliy und ilovly tevards lie mlddl e t1h. e, iMero b. sut dovu, tooli lim stoyr, ffmi iech, -1it fiuiy te lb. cOrd, sud, lmving alise ied hi. polo dovu, ho procew dbdlilghist.Ore, iy lit. oggs iugithlb.shell noe .river, sud cook lit. onseiosoï. Then lho ad dope litbi overed thm mto t l *14e tu Nl4iat, wuic assteeing lime cusvnt b.- 1ev, Wudber pseqpp4oumoed thon eecelentamtiey ongltt e bheu de hy a Frechnsu, Ilieugà " mider diffi. enîties. After tlisi.Siedia teck njf lit. steen suwent ashoré viti IL. Neit Wedwosdy bh. t..to va ia erope at ni. o?.cleck at niglil, lekig vitli hm s whe-bsirow, vîi alght.d terchlil,% snd a number o E o!lr nkewivich hb. viii A D'roto 'oi Irish Boîtàs. Thme !elleviug mmay 11»"imache' a" eia anyithimg everpreduced. Il as inltteu hait à oentury age by Sii IByle Rddlef, e member et lb. Irish Pallium.îThe tienbled limeso! Nlns'y.etgh wh.n A ashandful ofmenufrom lthd cosstyOf W«x. ford slrna Icoi lto tih.arts o! mansy gaulant os o uMi, msvoWealine hvortbY viler hiumlfThlb.ltter vas addressed 10a "d stinlu Lseensd ilt. soldeongli tob.e Dw to nue-a titofton of oui rs dm.s "Mr Dz*anSix :-Hang vautl peece sd qUietuose I oit dov and iufom yous o e bdreadfol hustle suad conusion vo are aIl -lu fromt limes.bioed-tbir,#ty rebeis, mesl O et tien e, lanE Qed, Iille-ond dispersed Wo are in a prcty nase;ccln gel utiug toe est, ur suy vwin. 10 drink, excopt vht.key; sud vb.u vosit dovu te dimere ore ohligdltokeephl b .uhadis arased& Whue v;itlt.iI hoid a vord Iu each baud sudsa plol i eoosh., 1 cencided frealime begùuuug limaI ht. venId b. the end of0<14 sou .tiat Ivu Athl;for ilt. fnotieu lforel-AI pies- eut thero aresuch geinga on ibldotevery-, limug fis1 a, stand stilI. ,I1slidud have su r.vered your leltersa<oitulmlgo, but 14114 cet receive il un:tb timmrlg. 7Iudeed; seareo a miL rrives vithmt beiug robbed. Xeo louxer flan yesterday~-lim,- ebud iti lie Publia mail vas rolbeçd near liais tovm, Tho image1 1ad been left beiind (<ofr f0 iseeidaultsud.imy good, Inel fshore vos ne- bodylo batt io osde paeng hu, v lied uotiiag for Ihieves ltaise.LentTues- day notice viS giron lie .ggof r.. bel. vu s sdvsning boriedr lb.te ýnd stauda btWmy, bad noc olora nonrauy cluding mtwronseut sud>ehildren, rau ont te meet thon., W, sOc uDud Our force mnm o litlie; wu ver.boo mar le'thiuk of r.etingi , uhvwu i ur lace; but &ilvo vent, aid begsm to b ail aliro ga.-pommeely'lie r.bls mad amegnus but piot., sud plOW, and siva biS piely of mm" t smd simumuddontwe o pt.tien 49 telthe ovSiL -votas..! of tiemas, are#tea -On i suploibut ihesiWm -. umdiat.ly set atiliberty,as tier. vas uoth. tug 10 Wsrrsut thelrdetionBrueue n ist.ln onjcturîe sto liv tlwlouder of eleven peososMsd limeremfiivaleofa quautlly, ef<nmimtor., see01 Illarg, sud hesvyasd oterclisudie, otuidlhave talion plm obsemredia locellly rallier demiely popnlak-d, sud vbere durlglht.fine leeson people wer. moevi:g about at ail heurs. SoetAwys Orneor Toronto, 2711 4 ÙUge, 1859. ait gkcclencythe (lqvernor. goente. rai bas ben pliee 10male Lthe <llewing appolntmieutatit ia John, Beatty, the yoncEsqutre, AssecifeoCoroner, éUnitenca ounties et Norîimcunb&.land uand Durham,. Jeumes Fitzgeratd, E4uire, Ascat Coroner* CountyfetVictory. Jouieh 114er, flime LeWn ef Ltmdoay, Emqumre, KL Dt, Coroner for the, tevu Edmund JeohnSenkim, lthe yeungcv, ef Brockluet FAquire, Atorney AtILaw# te be Netary Public lnu UppWer Canada. Josephm K.Llartwii, of! Lt.Clathrines, Gentleen, George Glaubr.ocli and4 lim. mme UcAUgblin, eto hippoiva, 0nUotmen, t'liéb Prprentlvu Offtlcsun lier Ma>... H. . MErusPaires or W.aLgs-The princeofwe!oaieft.uconidentiy ateed, t. abount 10 m&Mr Prines. Alexandrins of Prmsiu7 daughteo r <nSclbrecht, broth- er of lime king,.- Th nuptials are te tae piace l im e autumu o! n.xt year1 sud ail the preiinarles oftheeonlneet so it t.àas- endaealready selledi gui? Admis: lfr NLMÂJO L- Thme Hailton Time. leuruson geod U- îhieiy liat N,it.Nsdensîd sbe u eb d liy tb. Southoru EBailvsy Besndj for lb. blance,' £15OO0, for depouit on stoek1 for vhich h.olcam heni!, ithNfrtxcleth -ime Springfil d Rqiublicn smysien vas once a M n lublet tev Who vas se polit. mas lesssy,-aho Pa"s edahn on lien Arrivao! rhe aEtna. lb. stemslip Mams,rom Liverool on b. 13th inst, àarived ler. t 1,3f- tht. Mer datesoare imemea as Iose per lie Atnricst alliifa. Tb.hetna aaulad on lime niglal of the 1IStl, tvelve -bourg 5(er lb. Amerca. lie Zurick confércce lad esolfiRIte pieleng lie Arnufstiauntil.lime ratification9 oftposce. l b . s e a ns i mip Q î c il l e ste r a i w v a s fo r- maly dvertt.ed te leve for Portland eary inthme mnti 0<$eptniwimei Il vai reportaed l i b . (reig u n m es sdm nsat P e a u vo ld r af to e lt eud t ho FPa fa" if -the cmonasaken fromt h. euemyvreslloved tobe cariedi ni tIe precsiot 00 trmes in lie mentiofJlyf 1 TUJ pe ftaoun lime P"rt.bourse lied "B o69. 2»C' liThe.va ague raflmer limaIprince Napoleen vas wleb. mmdeseverign of lb.e collision b 60enîl Afitrnsud Paý4m'slnsoldieri et Franlifoit vus serions;, bult, t. h eliered ne lires vere let. Thb. Kmng eof russia la net exp«ed aite Hireau=à, longer. Spii lus rmalred to increiselier <ertifi- Paiiment vas proiogued on time ia9à, TUe Daffi NM, ssais lmai ime etaikeà creuse x.z'nousiuce- leut vo.RIy The meuey manlil asuvitioni A Great Eie.slug ttufe AId Dg- NtnIlme heinventr of bîatod Liver Fi11., prepsred by B r S , Iitisbnrgim, F a q, u d lü me févera'Ey ffla nî bli. prclice, ceuld b. inuced te offecilb.hm 1te nin lu scb a manuer es te-M kuovu Ibreugmont the çP:mtlr learncd physicianfeit themsne r limaI ail lmigim.minded imon of ocien ientern#g lb.i.ts agaluet tlim. OUs empiries Who eltinde ther w truma npon lthe public, sud rly systemlàetofpnfflug t. sain t h.j vinced, he evor, cf lime r il val, Liver Pilla, aud iufiucnced by dictates ef dty, lie Doctor îfla ized Fleming Broi, of Pitshi vime are now ltme sole propu'toi 'facture sud place lim befone tl This great, medicin.esunot dlâ lb. expecations ef lis frend, ical faculty, ut vimose instance 1 dnced te placeime.befor. lime their preseul popuiar form. F qnuantadwa do li eu b.mesîgr cenots ofthoir veuderful curalIi lime Bestsud 1h. Wcal, tb. Nort Sothm, are gluk laden vith ( greai joy" fromm lb. afflicted. 1 doiful, Pilla have complet.ly, limaI gneatscourge o! Americs, IComplit. WPurchmsri wlill be carefi for DUM'LM* ES CELEBRAT:i MIIUGE-monufcmmnd y FL BRUS ef Prnsuus. x- imhere pi li pürportinig te be lver l-il», i time publice Dr lI'Lancii gentil Pillitaloi aise eVeCiifiagef cao Wma ut ail respectable ding stoe genuime ,.itlieut the signature q 1 FLEMML in n western paper vo Iately lice ert lie rmnaway narrage of<1 iue -gavlcy mad a baanlifui, reit girl, jutl "finishied" (rnma "Te. immaay." lime girl-lover vas h8g with tima ideal oet llein frcedm= vas lb. vendent masculin, partj peotetb. ytejuing erealuio's trasfigznned ban lover's course av maWeai angWesof htbisioarcter va bu se. many projecalous 1r erfnda hoarttv in.aîeund ; aud ise l bier affection-clup themn, lIat thé to lhon diatortcd vtin'me-cowu beref. Hev longvili à ,eho reng i p ojctions 40 iritate nud delicate fibres cild about limi dmm aéunder 7 ThInils beanty vin. viii Irail lu the duesT.h..l ilt. in id, was at lb. <lai'. sugges tbt. 8 <ir re-ulî of the tisi "Young Ladies' Semiaz7 1" wd t.. InttimI"ladies' Seminaq" an meen a ieek er ionsi'-,itai elem vas àt7 Th. enug imearlt, mu 1 iae, have yearned *r seio.db).. vime im natura el iuneul i, moral sud intllaetual culture ite dt.negard filumand flial duly, - pitae ise!! i m t e poesbw uile bure. o t f. f rrnentanc is a il, - *, i *- - -'i - * ~ Yi~# * *~**-~**~. ~~'-r ~ ~jj~- j~ ~ , -~ lbi 10 0f noue vme 4 lde c,s a mptor o.t à" lui tlin auboear0 SLY!ulflyEU TUE COUX1TY *SUUfflÂTE 085. oc athe (Court Ituoos..1 LU G IETOLS gQYIU .51 TII COUUT -ON lIM»Xl'E , M, J. MR ACOE.

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