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Whitby Chronicle, 6 Sep 1859, p. 3

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'4 Ina. producit 4*S ml il0d suaes 10t fieu.. Tbeae, iiovover, duiins«tlailig for shortly After Boud ad"aecied tii '<Ourt or fifhkgay papeo ou bad. mâcaoia to LJae po>ei feouaikg t*1- pin. umea low i&a "ei> àaaýda biai TntÃŽ# am satood on bbl.d « tiibep" ..d aiiok ie 6laistl ti.air, sd a m.dlasl tbo otMer lighi <,ll lng Wli la le d«14 lie u.I4l of tle Tops stne isd. ýA éiiuddoîm thmsogiitbeOowd; &Mdsire, ey eye vu otind te liau omo&4t t ty ta PsroeVe wbeth.rle bd lwpt lia foot, rhéieb. e lad itappod laaffrî$bt, or vIeLler I. vaspumisg bie -nerrav Pat Thev.d, fo.f u ,m»is ut« aeometig vblt. bacante dliy vlebl% aMd Blondi e 04rgi ramilgl O ..1 lu viu dreid lW u adtM aua eoSwm is, Illarge aMd vide 'vite »Wa. us~aporpie jacket mibmld$edvithail. 4,aisao imaitbLonluima lu v 7s « Tsor a GOmk cap. »'Se. iMos juta <raileta<-ore-riqa te lis pole, -vii.,ti" W;vers Ughe4, smm srockes ve lui aditin <otii.Briaco n el, t to puuisaubuipesded os ibe ropo, 2 8e hofÇ tbsir uay colredl is. Tiib ga e »Uy bmW4 &W J aidtbii.ad. - eewdlaeammmciiexcZ" 'The &noi f tbérops4valhsr itoodmou4 bwk 1"any ilMMluas, "f rmaa"ibckground asrmvhlwtegsMs AM t Jl.Jln-.or ligii& Boom, lovae, the. d&play cessd, *1. ligIes bsom" sztlgshbsuad tii. latter 1.1< f eis oIn ours .> âyvia pur. foruued la duis.k WlMat $1. mbr of spectton May lbois cu usot go@&&. Probaà,Iy tbere faqmoes à is àmi.lmn taason th Ca diiors, for tiboi fot asltni beauuio torsi> the sîit bofor. mai te"tl bar osnibarupwsrd tnp. Àget mmbor of peopl mm by tle Bu"afaod LaIs Haroslins, on Vhfl uvaaus eu. os Thuuday, ept *14 , vis, as>tib llo, lu ho i «Olp»a&U hà Ifomer efforwt, s ii Iope. Hoeviiiormse ro bAm ii cuco L tii Caaadisonaae itk bleest la buikebl andin rMtrslg viiipeor "$Ïiii avos derful &anti aitonug bits. vIl a clair."1 Septamba 0 fllft. Wléaýt 7 de Cd.0 ye 8a O10 . à WBloali Ohd Wlb. lmbkinsad fat Bef$005 ct giay' 02O0$16 W ton. .,BonTy,-Àt moBis ati m1a tb Is of. 0<. rol , Eq. of a duogît McGREGOsw-À-t &Statfrdou Sith itf,utW16vif <C. MdGrogor, FÀ ILA,~lr0 fsGaau e 1DUCKNEE-Is Lades, on tl# cb f f l... Puebsr1, 4q< atobu - Dol 'J WitbyeLlot, 159. 47 in: l the.Coityf Ontato. ANN1YAL EXAMIN<ATION O .bridgeanid, tii.Town < Witbyot, W4ediy il. 21*IderT<U#PwI.1, At êlad"g6.m, SO*lnt oalterations of tbe *p m of Ezsailnîtion» by< th#-CounclPublie Imtr uatob, It la .igiîpertlv. IJWagML TRAÇIERS, iiolding osrtmlfe rama ie ebtm#y Bord, OF WIIA LEVJ~ - ela waIl ',nev applicanta, APPW;:a( Ex4toiptios etat otbo f Lb. aeP't,1* ÃŽIW Alft pro,.u mlasmytei aimerai cbaucter. ln ordsi' tbat tIi. .zaoilmtloii mia> b UM ti.Bord viii devote two e. daya;bot n imnwts vol W e rd ltaLer " =ia l ~kou Wodmedaj mors- lng.Tb li i n lg cftb. aY v:71 bedé- votedl t. aat.bi. araes itaia attend. L IL TRIOUNTON D D> Board of Publie lItret0o Otaàrl. Wiby. sept. th, 1859. 47.21n. SAVE Y011R MoNEY, 'I AND T IE AUbbr l1g, taurtera hI, los tw ales <e Lo nibtns !Wlb u ail k"nofe BOOTS; AND SHOESl, pfttlug for 1..'Getue.mmii O4 lldue'» vair, vhiob ha vin aion At a"Ily E.Su. Ai mou id te arder on the prei, b> aaCrhr u l.i»a vm usen. No aléoa, Belleilg youmr onatoin, anSuarla yon ta smillr4=4 ÃŽ=llomn ho ndr ,Wl ryeavin ninuitlh ail kluds of affn- tlon, j sdgroda is(von' sept. 1, 1889. joSEfI ADEL1 'GREAT CHANCE 1O010ME KEEPERLS. HUIRON HOUSE "lADf Aiso the. wbol "Of thé. houaisbu Wug,sswgt # in, a -St. aillenAptooni>, eo 2.U onATMEKTS MLle u sstualoaveha ' tsdfa*u.lsese Il- etmaiah.g i M* 1,lg a.rso- .îOw'IIgNriO UE1BIS bMLo o., 5*., gone t f&iiweie-- -1.8 1 e t, v yssaS 1 Trn ir a. 2Pir Bub slow»i. HAT-8le fcla llat Ha>, viil cavei, eeSoing iboutt 'y <eue. 020OWING MOpB... ara amu n0a u SA=EAT 10 O'cLOCK,'.IL TEas-vlemni.oei sapoi JointEU DOWa Whisby, Anunat, i, 5. -dw flrpHE veIl kIwnovuDrug.sop anud dwelllng et prent oc- l4Ited ationoD sdndByros 0L155aWhltby. PeamWmo casbuho adonor aitor tii. l8Iwfiptsmb. For paIrtll appil, If by luer pro. P " toB. ROUSE. Wbltby, Aue. ISth, 1959. 4 Ontarjo Turf Club. COLT STAKE., <b. u o ai tn Upr --Can, t thiff daté, over the Whitby Couras. T wt nt MsS«W#on .« bdogrstbh Lof Bejpn- IrýDxý fle te cotain forfait and eai dlose psdlgrss0e bote.sun nin o2*wne,. W. H IGMINS,ý Whltby, Auguat 17. 18»9. ONTARIO DANIEL DVO IVIDa EreygnD Ne. 4. " ferii e.nt hai bear ba i u4Ybeen doclarod an tihe pald up Capital Stocke!d tuis Bail, payable here et its Atm"le onl Nid miter 'Tluriay the lit BD"etSesptembor, Tii. limier booeksiiib. cloeud frouatheo 101h te Lb. Sletday of Mietbath daya Dy ord.r of tii.Board, Ont" oBanik style « DoavaW4l 9 04 9.,for Lbe "-pe en~0 itti ang ui F*i on .ëf m5 5VdWinDl ,Va5ede$8 mots nb" ol Mlelietabit EOTTII'G p .......... Witio s felS At*#e cf ioaci0,4M»frfait., op to ail hers; - UeIeetj ~ ?~IEpDAY. oflib"e0"feJimnuded w «,7 S1Y*UDMTk E OAD PcuESE $100. 1tIoSaeî 8$U forft O)psnto ailooa.MȈsMile hauts, dis5. Cato NIA(FARA PUBSE......-5 With an inldeî9u%0 of50$Watub, 59 <ot. OPmnte iii bora«.,Tiite.mle. s u rst. TROTTMG PtTsoZ. , ........$"0 With s Imid. i«l4%ai Il a, lb fslg, Opnto Al trotting "uàp "MW io..One mt s tuab; goast>pa. BEATEPLATE 10oa i, l$ Added. Mile buet à iu b, Turftlab velghte. MJULES à; REGtTLATION8. sy die.. Sud. IItorus'en cteraed villaheie B. ««mlar, at lutcltlu.on'a lIotel, Lias day pre. riens te runlug, at S9o'clok, aP., IL Srsl. Ail boris t.start saab day et hait pMa omodeloolaP. s. -tii. Permette rectiug Tenta sud Bootbg Cor t se u > SYdaatrptleng vili W "A $p pyabl tothe Beorery or bofore srocting th1m. ~an eWp 1 Lti. No pcraonalmed teentorà IoeuI Usfls lheboaiuhacribar ofab eto $0 614. 4ny Subacriher fouud euteriug an ethoersou'a hersa, Who la not a oubui ber, the brM ie viii tîreownt, m ed ceuntcd distanced. 7tb. TIres bora.. to mak. a fielS, tire te stavt. Su. Ait l diPutea toe adocided by Lhe Steward&an ad er dscisiono b. final., Bib. Tii.Stewards vili have ilu heu pover ta poslpon tue Raesinluof a foui *lsther. lotI. Afy rlderdiasaonntiug hceferecoaa- Ing tothe Sodla to e b vl viii b. thravu ont end conutéd dlacd lth, The sae ofBoraes, and il diaputea te ho setLled by tle Jadge appantud fer that purposa. 12t1. 10» distane pOets vinib. Setab. lashea stthe fallovlug ditum, viz -I aile hait, 100 yards. 2 ala hast., 120 yards. B8 Milo hosto, 140 yards. 18t1. Wlnulng borses.fa ay ose pnu, te pay $1 te the Clerk Ofthe Couie, for itaaveud valghiug. 14*1. Ailtlvrseaite taks Lbefr ags <romn kAn> llora or Rider te Jockey, la te ho coualdered diitauced. loL Entisuice 10 purc.Mtforall ejaacs l7Ytu. Ali parties cm n utblr àaras for milthe.iabovo pnrs, withoat golugIlu te tue luaidsstakea.À WIL. UTCHINSON, OZrk Of b. couge Niagara, 291h Aur, 1889, 45<1. iTORSE PIRi Fos usBEmraovzxrx or TH&? 9WNo0ble Animal, the. Hom.El rr EOTROTURF CqLUI31Willou Fr1- JL46,Spiember 16 185o9, oi gronda nr the Wlilby Rac. ('Ourfto, offur the. foliov- j3l"k..F PBoo Lp brod lit per 2"S de., $. étmlllon,d0 it colt b beraleP; 2nd dâ M. B. 2 or 8 yair olS Colt or 11Wi 0;i 2 82 of nuathcd C li> oea, aplnddDrivlig Whlp vartîs14, d o *8. nleDivn Horae, 84; 2n5 M, 82. n u itSfr n. die asui carnage, Soiver Cup, value i818; 2a4 do., $5. Best Brood Marep v"Ld, colt îb lier 1 sf;,5ý ,2nd do,88ta. kt gorSa year aid Colt or Fyi, 04; lai do., I& BoaemI urliatColt or Et y, 88; 2nd do., $1 80. Zutio. fur stilloibm, 2asci; for thd Othe? stok, $1 oach, vhicis vpri utiti e u aincr admtnctothse iigroousaensataud, vitt turtherebarge. TROITING ItO CLAOSL-A lenim of SU vil! haavaiS- os te <is <atatDo=leTwanie utilo hancs, -ý 2'A remim îo b . eavaiS 1 vue ho lim, M 86t t , If moretisu 2 stan la tii. chia-em na@i, bt< 3 inu0, ea.as-y p~,..Th9 oisl aWa or or 00tathv neb 'ye roa aer $l#Y , iwh haâ ve trotmd bIaiSe o1tara. mùMine. 1u public. one mile, fbut S in 0, go a oi yPlais;th sueondte o igsv a utriicaIf stoe ti"tantv Trin8alo.,si, hos h re is ;!trai4 J ea "OI &U 1-dahb aiofem i. ,anlul tOs »aaa Fu r. MMÙ O Ss 9mi"M Bof=u"# C.o. Whltb7, Amg. 111h M,11 STATIONAR»" IG0JNS ,IYFBZOpFI; P#«pu o ool Boom, Sltee, cn., PS, Je, Papsrke. A»'ee, ais Diuar oleyry dBenesý t Ua ii si DIapeee aasMrgas aUI fer salea eni es PR1NTI -NOq 0<evsry demrtieam atl «VOS. dOiteotiyo, mi, ~apy esue At tle Wktbv EdaagItemen heiesmd ailtl" DaIiy Pape,, mi tb latest Pubications à~ e aA Femmlgm nuos5.TO LNT. Twn of Wlsb lUiM . GE9 18 W IL o t e "obLis #Id (viad irzw Due E1!ORE, cerner Dandu Msd Brock BLiesta néar hfi ad pla7of bueinese Walydiatroyed Li Dre. Whlîby, Ang. 26, 1868, 28 PUIITHER ARRWVAL or NEW 8TATIAJNERY 1 Just raesAya by the IJadoregaed. MIOINS à; MAYEIHOmR. Publie vota"e. #3 UBLIO NOMIE la bereby g1ven tLit an XM ti dTradîor othe, Towso<Whi* thiiy iii denter.d Intoeni sgesmS.tt. reir.ma dS .lu future theBdia iilin olam t tii rat. of tvanty fo"r muta. ÀAToWa <aireS aelgsad 'twio heM escusta ion, Wbiehva. the m.thod for foriiLatlon A grave skilful miaou gave ir bis opinion, Tii., "4 ingbut atone coud moire tha do A carpeltor e Id,ýtIio't wuvi Wiall ka 'Tva. betr by for o de(and ltvlth oail; À ourrier bWlug by, *faur tone boUt thgete. Lidliei' and .taa' PelnbBoot sud BROORLIN, C. W. The. above, bie for the lust savon ycarg alek. beth lira$ prie for Booti 0uS hoos et th. COUn- Nonobatlias buat inaterlaanS boat vorli- nanat$p mode sposm tiheprenile. fIlse.1< Monde anS nev-omt;omers -viii bs ruadil a- tended, sMd lurnlied vlth good anSdo sip workà ad.ai Bankrupt Btook of Kardwaro, Whou"al.andi Reail cape tisa avsr Iasfmoaieoiri as OR= Mir KAVY 00MD 0ottT olmat Vllg tét. eo4' ur C tkofHBordwa e rCai saiho AW OmsUtsIphaA.r 26 Front i arne astt 50e, vait 0< , NwogÉai mNoeli t. Cb oaito r"uad uu , A COMMODIOU AXD LIjK BEO oe nnomto iia numaerogfin. u stomte l.t mvery os bis xtnilve uila. of ()ÂRIRIAGE MAK1NG, IN À&LL ISBRANCHES, on awi mrmise eea<ore"ocnpledIMrN. RAYu Mary Srt' ot, eeen l3Yron sud Bho* gSrast, vers e le aprcpared, aa bmrtoforete oexceutc ail vidora intrucd- CARIAGSBIJOGI ESSLEIGILCJTR,&. W"Ksmacard i8.1 igeaI ic lovt rcnueranisgPcs. ZUXBER SaýntiPROD UCZ TÀKES y 1v XCoj,,,aGJI e A XET PRIEX D. FOEWS long expeao cftbf4ry aai b rnia anktorim of te BIIsoat Cà"aa hî gvniretsezpoirfoaacc uin-ovory l>rancb 0<tiae buinca.mm hci few bave-bo e h.t. arvat,anid (or boitai> afdesign, clog4uOfet niéb,ýdarWabiy, sad oiduîy o 0< ormauup, bis verk cannet hae xcelleS. whlby, Augmstif, m. rCaii mi me spechuan. IMPORTERS OF WFINES, BRANDIE,&c Sfl BI»8la <AUADA vos P. A. MUMM'S JIHENJSH WINES, i. HOWARD MARS11 & CO.'8 MADEIRA WTNES. JULES RODIN i&tcolle 0Q(NAC BRANDIES, BRANDENBUB<G k FRERES BORDEAUX WINEM.- OFFLET, CitAMP & cas PORT Wi-NES. ChAMP BUTER k C0,'S SHERRY IVINES, 'WIL. YÃ"UGER à 00,09 EDENBtTRG SVTRONGi AND PALE INDIÃŽ ALES, (c.,&C', d&CIdo Rlave nov reSilad, DYsm inox rsetir PLAcrs or aowomr, thslr Spring Supplies, sud of fer for sale, os ver> mdvauuagcoua hoirms BRANDIEB-MmKrtell's, Heuucaîcy's, Rohin'îi, Piltet, Castiliou'a, &c. GINS-RolUnansd Eugliah, o(beat brendo,,lu wood a-id boulen RUMB-Finee ld Londen Dock Jamaîcas and Demarars ALES-Basa', Allaopp's and Youangwo', luWoan sd bottia. PRTERS-Bridge'. Hlibherta and Guuuas', iu vood sud boule. WHISKIPES-SLJOTàH aud IRISH, of ithe Most fayodaseS qualiticia. PORT WINES--Ofley k 'o. Ssndcma', andS esr favorite marks. SHE1RRiES-Cram,SMuber &L'o.. Domfcq'a, Po.marytin'g, &c. CHAMPAGNES -Moet k Chandon'a, unS Mum.u'san sd vms-toua other brunda. CLARETS-OfvTarions ages, lu vood sud bottle. BUEOUNDÃŽRS, JIOCES, MOSELLE, LIQUEURS, &c., &o., (e Price Listeansd samples may ba Lad on application. MentasilOtIlune 185. HENRY CUIAPMAN & L'o.2 '59. SIPRING 1IMPORTATIONS '9 DE TUANNtTNCE THE AIRIVAL OF? JUS8 EW Gooîjg, cM'1 xaTub Parieoia, k.. lu the Gentlemnua'Deprtmenv;il hoc<anuSthe large..t and 1betorit nessî or BROAD 1CLOTiIS, CASSIMERES, TWEEDS iGomberoeiLinnDrM in uthe Gouu$y Of Ontario, RIEADY MADE -CLOTH1I1NG, In Mne' anS Boya'iComte, Vausuad Pauuloui, oftcry qualîty maide ur on tihe promiaca. WGemU.aoeua e ihlngmade np to order 'on, ihe In" tee tyce !fFsai1o.f A freali Stock of Grocerieîo ju'st Received. Cou be/or. prurdaaslnprel.ewkere asgrea ind=cmeia wfl be. g<vcn for auzî, ay M £~Remember, Perry's Brick Buildings. Whllby, Ma>, 1859. Phoenr ix 7fr.Assurance Co., O.ASD Umm' mm cux eo, asno EETBLSHD Ni7=l againaNUe t Lu]SSb> MIEmad ageilaSCa,,<h" nsoatfave'o?ttam, an4 LUmm pw U itot roforcuo teLt Board lu LOU"a -OM amt Wo WOODWARD CtmwaiadM .ae.frhnIl>, CuntoT On. 1 li !W1,1 ~D. n is o lu tio n, o f _ a n r h p 'J1EPartueri;lp iserolorore,uigbtiet Lthie umdt.rigued aei»Lrrfli, ALias-nia &C s ider the mime aiS lirm in a,Wilon SZ BI" înga bas becu thua daY dieovcdb>aimaii RlOBERT J. MIS8ON. W.,1IL BILLINGS. Wilutby, Jul> 9Lh, 1]su, AL pedes r bY forbidpuricim. favor Of Wa. MUCWillioma, or himr o tbe1 u o onet ouaha diod an t ' olas p ay ab le l o t O c t o b i l 5 , a î a y o irled valua othé L "me. flS iiiand' bI[ùger, »& e. f omo i; rd easont bl p co ' U « e te 110i 9W%"P*em6mbOrp; Perry's Brick Bun'ding&'

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