1 .lm Ant If YD nithil l notion e t t , s m -o l u sMr r k ke tha eet ODOIR X,«--Uy ý@!sq1qe nt- ais, Town tg f«Sire me ýPfî ýllrîés ilit" lot < y tbiiching à jW14jý4né&j 0( te 'e alloir, '14 Ion, MI »* p rwz m oi 14 ýr*Y, 9t,,Trptb sud Vinaî vwotmsoi brown bw Or th8.,ýiw7 t 1 éliii tbii on fut« ,à =, AM Min. wfflâ tw «&nt gÈ1ý hï, qt(w-l9é il , ', bol" ti < 0911, to tin ý= pq«j 4w, ve _4401,yo, 130 owmdTuabyon 194 "d à bihumb ilke Wý, like * aboçk brow 'Olk fiooded ber pare foiwbeid le, fa, tw W. aw I. 1,04P xi,, *,*» ý - 9 ýýMlY ý - ' lit wu th«, me _ý 1 '. >. Ille pà wf Mkiffl stars Oran oct6wr'. trèn II îw Pym Y l , a,ý "'#'tb t" 4t" d im wwrely P.Udeso# Md Mary 1 t6t W)IIWU, is",I. M I,-ý wrof!ýe Verel ' W - 4, VRO'M 40 for 6,9" yd 01901111MAbe nom ne ýx«w III&M lrw the son. ori, n', *> , bal" and g1fuizatioh, - and y nie> ïn les, eau ikhly a mm«&,ý danghter of a diotiognioW jféy vas tbe, but the femo -tob ë botb p MfeýII em« sud station v«O 04 eyr ou Ià " &,", MOPPM ýxmjd %4 ".f, ls ý4 o! , reins: blik. 41 1- 1 M ýý j saï! m 'y respectable; e ý ýrp,ý07-r PE cd it%,tmd, 1,;îsbftn;4 Ir ýj, NTLti[Di 1,rrýad0,! ou, w*Mà M-trilli, y il bit 1111l" Is jlfflý 11111116081icg Cherisbed project I»twe" es *W bà lzw xïe for, sl £Nuire Wilde 4 MM7 'Pot tû, iwi rlëw had Ille tbpjà letter à viyr, ýà 0j Pdé^,P" M -le wl Stv";r"- 1" ;fjý IJt 1 ,fi Idf84 woedd,,ý bel be unimdtW Ir 1114ior, < - 1 "111111:P. wenyory. j;,t ont eor OuOee et 108#4 fores thif 41w Ici io' 'à 1éd à éW*# 'dl ïi maii, to Min- jal bi«,&Ir Oum; ^,tbjýstmet8l Of Miron a4d artbec, , ý. - long. #de fof hm &Jus 1ý St dith ma ( AMÃý 1 lit ledm; AI Moi Md OP, MI 1 AMs ý,4 lit Sv. J, rwy _; invo' "'q"'"t"m 0 44 thon* trees Md ýt 1 - n«Ody which, fi, thoW«,» monté fiitted by iMg aty qý éýoeorkyy,7!eet 1y1ý Ou irwîw japp w*ý Dg de - - . . téle body it4 nets te theI wors, Nfter fere A»&,»Mýà é 1010qum'oflldït f: or c<M or skies 00 Cletr' and ie,%M r sté, t tbe ww« ý,V-* It edam ýp, Wdw ,do bound by Godlg et jbý, AýF0A4 lit, y sit« ý I , ý ou 4401 à , élé, -0 Vere Itogether bAir Sittin eft, two 14: tme' grimnit, Ont of ou tbeee- _0ýi;-, lý,,# They *«Wb iromfé bo, tu léqilig bright plans fur aile future propdigèclu w-w r4pl., ly, à wd lut iroïid h, 'te tl»'«rdý bu bà d;ibown. TIIORKTON., '7, te be'M# did nôt jus. lze go lutte, y but rosi, amfully Mary Wlde stllfflled r tor tbd ýlià pià iffl "ftoOd y&irs, «ct.,in tfi»ýéé.M, hersoir wrf I(M»"Oilil 41ii in tbe > jw Ylr*t ý ý« 7, *01" At the end or thio time, thoir quom, but et lut the mi" rsiro._ À jetter VJR llll--Pfmbvt,ý tht be quiet 'wu diaturbod, The poor Of t W Od seld er be uMghborbood ho fi william rrom an unele ruiding ruelied hftvhm-ior "Mr. Meredith,, beto of"twj*b#oli«wîrïi)îëo bond jourth » York, containin, à opos. lu Noir ing en, twr;minýtog. dm" e re 1 mako ony-iige ogo j sa âOi . ghkrepmer ribse adrantages of willice S Dot the or hft toi, Yon the Iiýtî6'histO muet pmwngt. - Mn the ambiti ry or My lire-ft md bozà d ýjdïijcWx tU 14g -à , tlà d' ywie, Afid*ithoûïý ý lut ait on Young, 'êteeedýïmii - ý 9 . t»*mïrr. ting ThO Twrre-truty au 0*11 m1ght 4. Býo4 ofl, , ià ,ý se vu not proor, thé lorficis à di,' ' old, no ran. the ittere and ter'vu gee or SIl oposk to a brot ty ftor Veaw to tbé "M"I' bô ber--the heféft the' lits tbe, péW énii J. , i, U«f Obé týéld bijit ýho. and the, or having tome Young SMIles, bc. *bel@' rnw m -at I& "ruifig person, whom Ë. rfsh ý.mu &* eiý do not appm, 18elwliiil ted te 1 bowelâl, and enowd,- four , dy etýicüï@ , forl pqw. AIU«10»,Oiý&W to Of 0#* i hüà îà r bý J4 wuî I, , ' ArW. m4nage's Portion of hi% jî Â. On bit d«â Mýfèn te WUIO, relwwd, Md ed the m«Wi#md" hâd Often heard bis hesvý,buolneâ..Iw 0 thà t : ëli would A va VO" î jélestines, Thj y otýoo'$h in Go4 in -nèitr tW >i aborigi nl b deà eýV bis, dwd,*bflé ý lire oxrrme«»Mu M4*lfôr «»r ceuloy The am" w1w, of the isal - oé 'wu loft Ser_ t(e 'Iliýmil Oum ephev opok« of af, MOI *Sfi*ë"!èieý r_ýe and thio Vovi alonee vu sud, &kj, IMP hm Of the, fige 611 tbst Ille would reluire in thils conneodo y 'l Md ho no* ýt" ;" m ýtw Mage, Mi* mie& W and a 1011 under wi*h be grovo fl f. 1 for her wïï OfIbred him an inioMt la j e,%r4 ma" Biton Smpc She aïf1w et Irer w« monq. emSrne wwe& VOUM m pfoÉow sale him f Mort thm n. or 1144401117 MI or the wryim he would be. Mil. charitips of MatyWil&, U, - '10 videlà ,iwstitid tiïï #6nînfüg-ý e>p4wimpr~ bw t4eirbw#.d« .»Oi ýbýUdoà #t s eufflt ed UPOn te render, vole ýTb. dg obseevatip IPS h« law while 06 #POk,,',,d *bre,&,&, t)à (4 Offl« VR have au&' ici W' $he ýve« 0ont &",'t4t beAid hW onbb4,ilw - 'B under mýproper mmun.-sa 80 itb& ""*m gave much considération mw îýùnd éliky, -e "Il 11, tu, " S sood, Mid W », a M, Wy, , ý "Y tâîr" Id nuny jengthly Convers«Ions sud qot hamom j#MM ýena te il, tiý laild, 11, ho to tbo éï 9 Or., tny; Yoir bes# M'aff Fe * iii vIth bis Il learned tfist it Mt ý ee ho ldid âther, And decided finelly te ne deli râni ÎÂY teli, ÃŽ ";Iuq n tu 10 y1eld te pierapart?,, yeu '" we eau be j&pý &mi- la tg -éà ïié, 1 cep, the prcp(MI. Rit unel, ý^s& Of grest wo & m" la "sa erer prmnt h@lpfii if 0( ÃM ght the POO& to 'en, ther,- dre, it My low, l»Ing child lyo vif' but ed; but bis quick Mr m m obe en em VU il probability, if ho WM «MO Jofth frons the m e jet Ln cem te aitbrully sery, trw *hi#PM lices ýqMefv abli ed by bis noPh'-'wl thst 110 11ould not r stll«#« am purere sa in her 40,0't ýÉr d, ty je, P00400IL-1miir trions *0 rmombtr And Ultnowledge tut à ct ln. beM Amréd thM lit hâd bun good a "It io enolligh le, Tppjùo pià gýWy, Mon, à 0à -liîýes a vido, and JâO wili, for bir ýtà '#« kgéd ber hedrew bel te là br f »IÉby on Lot no, i Original sOPOM iMO à new edition, of big abildreg to William -hâd a deeided _Mff foreillend. i ' UOn&Tp Sept 19tb.--J, CI SnéA& w'th 4 eO, Wra0kafom re, timely end, $11ÃŽ0141130111101y "nt fOr bu»"neu, and whmWMM be 1 t Arnold shail be Rer«fterý M.1t, Sterling, Az,.UonmI 1 jà %M lm the puttlé «OwBesutital UCMP"Slie4 Md God belpini 04, to me st mY Own ebild 1 long COjnýe y lot'tbè be« bé- lieillienble being - ter opporianity Pr tIý,, Mary Wilde W Lot No. 21 and 1 & fflm"180111111114 petom , Gibun bis jaa by pracgS, than the prissent, n"y *dm'mrs; np A)r Suren lifve vif, tosether train b, on y Sth coný or pompay "gia tel canada. beec bouDd or lwlýcang swa'P=Boy tbÃm vers vlo #q111001011 lored CI Mer tiae to orer tO gire eridenS Ho veigt ta Mary Wilde wiâ thses or, ars. AM 90 a soeond time Sterling, Acewneer, fuments, sud thongh it vAtrery bard ;, 5L e sbe ha girec ber Othed., sonable a '4 900d Md lu fft0on, calied apoul, Il OiR 'r «04te" vote Of littI4 betr vas Mary W" T«o»', L"i" 11« tu yiold him"up to tbo (Or sa tb&ý too $&Cao», Go to W 0010 Id Sortes, Englsludes to the 'si* or Wkbt, Véry few Pemm beddes the temptations, sa y not ligbtly .9 ber bese b«twold, &W theywal tell you S" , Implements, Iloumbold F IMY ilot yet lake op a new joul &ele on t1w 20M of "nm Omr Mmt"W W cMM am deft vOuum vere prejeust f"nst!Ono to wbi'4,h the ke. bc would orso"4rociý, tbey.wiff"" . og gwir T.&W, Un Affleit , ciould tbat, tic a, large bite bon, à amost hidden pr of 3 C '00 be expowd il, N,, AM 00 the by the W st Lut NO. 20, wuw Yeu'ded on, mA Ait twenty ty eflerg2t,0110, dor" tbe minigter l40nýJAqc "rd~, condua of tbe-, ,w yorke the pot Wth in #till anmsrriedý -seyen obe wu &Ad là vit m or Pt' hip tmth, »d oMedng no hindering wordIl et hclored oftbe peoplet And whi(by j. CI ie'. "0y Por4 Md look te tbe of au- praw, au , icquW fi duoil Ad one#f"'«dyf h" Wâlýbwârwld sait big là výerM of God, Aud w4Wn th@ housse sa Pot!« ne vould vrite to ber «t'ei# tha aile f*irboired' b" ,vioiw Whe««Old W, B. Lannes At- nad skoN, vould scaroely misi bim, be mi4 sa thon thé, t,. equali witb tbuir Own Thompsoulis but et à i«m ýright-b&îred Wiffia., Pkkaier, on Sept. 12&-J. CI Gme wffl bip-, vben ho vas e#tablia" In tu XM7 bâd been in BSton Arnold iiop the lirefong &ybe, Sterling, Auctio.., buoinm j y MtbW# rels'tiffle énd the with Wr Oà 'y clond On life's sky the ine" of the flic m nim- Mille boum M n« Don«i« ýIir '411ML, quondam loyen nO" who bore berý #j08pingý in& gje mdà Uà m&D«Oow'e' 0z'onsirt " of weUlbreil The Qua bO whOle Vorid, of ibaw,, Upon & foroig. hor. 1 Pair Of Guenwood to omp fimang Iùrmo Mella Wà ûby, on jjth7ý m' &c' beld et the 'fr. 'W, Me Câbe Pý»dRà l or the w'k the *Ides et diff vilwe of ont B"w on weî by cou»tY.Gtmmà t negdk molorIPÂ by bis Piauret et h., mllies betwesn W,,,,= wu 10 bot «ntained by the tbos;;ht of the Pm deep love be bore lier, aille bade bim là w4b, , se F» oucgw 1 j* New y WL , Tmicg it aitogetber, iré- eo'n- deit.of tbe ludtt«41ý bas tm&ý& " Omo, gayt sa 040,UO sider it on to tbe ifedutdw Ineutute , ý 1 1 pSrs ýdMIf4 igl »ci« New Theile Of , the, AM L4t him go, tg:be, iýpeeJ bar@ Tur(Clab m > 1111F90 Tb# arrivais or bu ýy.0 &, ý , ityp a prao, -OfflUmi abow or OMUOP mmtimà &i in tboialowlog thât il shoild ibine jiÂ' WA& content '6ýD bielle il pond 0 X«üNr"ý-w. EL Siggj.ý, Osay 1. Mmt of 'uk Sho karne lette" vere «M la bM beoomeý fret bonze. Disequi tical, conveniente ftmible NétiSt jkxnlon, SI ber lir te voit awwamb goim out lirom -T. SbOd Condition, th thum f Pface, bad dSk. ()IeSonigltio e, good,,bow or mlob eOwý ben" tbéir wy . - -, 1 ýr *ç w»by mmmww, for tWr eomifà gf A" if a day, over the-m, roof-tree, & in say lewy . b te find, or 61,4P, fair oprink,, ir- të «knmlo WM tbe recoip-t "Pl" time Passa v'" t bMuging the but " P" 9099llernew wà o"tà uwood, am léok- jast and 4k4urý 'Ung mumge, the wga mlisemble SljW OP m talc eith en batuo 1myon appeand tlw AffiÙrý end tbe voige or Mg 19 de Fat îýà îcM4y, Név yo*; tla Ivas' not'slov la bbakmiU tbe fi lm d J"11001li je 0" ý,à tj0eIý, -,,sirom William 111Sd in9rt. ase, t wbieb bis un& (mu of tbo imprudMt ri lisveirs "4ý c"qinç NZ ha oewtw" 00M vers T'quo twi 'little plma for ghis on sheff te l'ix , , , et am denouenwint U6111064 »dj»t leigà tbe: «uw# a ý." g Obe MI to his ta", mot rot baringe«» be WM YI, Fdà 'd «'OL BOYigg irm brU ad bâti fi$ ait, w4ikeil Md bu 'Z rîý i ý , % 000c8b t6 léït- natim tO Ow Ubiwy tbe sequainuinu, or x»Y PW,,m m à Métier ý * ', and vas in' 64M viià mm SL' il the ùw à éeýé ý , et t0'i . i4ihi *PM U 9', m». Xe so- by h»gkUt0ý , af',Uw Whi and tbe hamd TO OUBSOR Mdf future "MM in b"est wretébed pair hsld béen Opons vb1le yon vyile & oum-O&ý,Utk îý Mt: -ovit 1 ment Md boads' FA"POU O«m«, The i on ont of your cýnnùjne #jtjýe jnjtjýWnký 113 E Rs "e one ose 0, The terrue q)m, to or the AadMoN A# tme lama un hio lett= vem lm guilty roman J, * Il m6rdtuili fiwborce, from j n wp ý 1, ý, the celles lnd&nt opeiditg 'M'n'g htrl affile by MWOJÇ it ,witb but on gâomt«bo, or YOUr 01 à nsers fi trade verg P6»1'blo jonn" Or abuse, for -Tillacs be adranS, « not scuner., Mfe it, 0« exac-dy the th'48 lo'vrite a book the negk4t, jk jorsd h« tbe 444eP, in its bgby, ils.00enft, -upon 9, die, md of tU y«rý Omo ý8à xhelter or 1 be»Sà --- -1 - b., la Xu'm,, tw lit la liot vritt= down effer, but dîne vould the liq to mmb« thà ilatmW bouse, For thig te #t&w esy ýèt'dmwp)nd, Uttrûnidd Iwill be pubruhed fuM» Operwk«; but toijéw- dulg'ÃŽg tOO (Mil in 010(l Iittkiý9MaMt or 4ppier doyo, in Williffl vu qf vMins on"@ tkqM XJ» did à u«d.,wm. be *"Ud wit&. fingitireil paPér in th an 'nkot "7u"à rop Bc $4- a iregri «fjýq thme to-',do buk lu Wlbkfby oftesb did notl lmrs» tbe -d 11POIS -Mab y a not »t4 Q , bokkmore then 4 thimble ( Lanýe ; ne" aie brier opi» knowing tbst bel beart oç et be to jwý 82 viii be ehirgà goed e*. Wé tow -b»eamna se dm" tonow, eh lm to ber 1 'his bopeg 0, sbaff' tO dmir ont whieil ivill ýu- wheu Pa.ýabIe Otherww 7 boîie il", ÙÉ n the bupà g of aéii vu Il to tbý elbove ma et pportmy 1 Il . x«Y ha macy doubts, b«t - «4n Ir 1w _Mid Win ber bwlr, jký et la 4eaîý il to Iean site wgw ti)ogladttist hamidotý,r any Mmlo, enubed !â, pri&PMA broken in for hi# for the gwk'4 tg"wmýlire igý 4;md Ni 4. This baiow, aw"«m" T'* APWtmd'âftà ey@ Dmp«, ad whf) loves id y WOW" ýbeId tb@ 4ili wbieb ha ternatire wgw & grest nom, p m for, fié lever ready to pardon aud bis ditgries be hssl c bu" Fù y ke te lo",Up Yor dagag a îf 4"; Il n"n'a, grlent mm,$, naty Dr. zéstwood, Coroner, b u aw«ded au fog«,b 1 =X look dýr1den4i-0 ic the ý obie Orse bIs JNlsýffl'4W% *4 »MIM te »Wa. busi ýtii no, On Yat«doy, (Tbmwdq)t M-t;fmml poulioge" I:owardo tim close Ut #ýmmqrp Will" mort, fiwh was the molmeWy fflfflt a mmls grMty &vne kmw fur.& but ho 91 b4 whkb bOre,*qý jaWrmI or tnulsp And y M*ingý KrI p on. tbe body wwç Daiià duk j à , _ Il ý aaiil wi.. emr à lerrA or &Otit, who, MU7 wilde là tenâ 0 ng, ungrawu met ble, ......... WbUé'dovnton 1 lier )f4ry bw3 liwe oppuytuaitieýt« ye % cumbrOUS là iiberi 1, déath uu&r ti. follovi. 00 And «W #60faj!=uto4% iiii sille !l?1Mýwt il £Fmg# Bd agi, thr9ý dkncà mtffl£Mr, -Vità lare h«e jà ý ÃM m TLA 'toup, refe tzd e "r. viiands escape fron lat he wassà Bosa gî After ber si rmer m foss ofsoindu to rQoý, à twevemnng tered she lbo tber old ain s art t id4 odhr, howere fearing her fr ýprensdadre for Some tÃa tbnuenng 1 reiig no 5 tu whom thej they nree Winmd,enten tbei re toi this e4t, s&d i *disat the Eo §Omof her~eel 1tà k-out for Sb er, but she 1 City but nd it hmsbe that she should If Mr. shear Ing4, aprehem sthe abotet, mean--is noit fl sud bi se oî à 'Ag" and,.p The TOnne's Mst sistesthat the oy betWeenoriGM tain, so fer a ai Oregonis ess Ismd of Sma Jan SIlisauy at the 8 interosd wiVU a t